
=== alpacaherder is now known as skellat
=== daker_ is now known as daker
mhall119PabloRubianes: ping03:34
mhall119or anyone on the LC really03:35
mhall119just read http://lococouncil.ubuntu.com/2013/10/26/loco-logo-contest/ and noticed it didn't mention anything about copyright license requirements or copyright assignment03:36
mhall119I would *assume* CC-BY-SA, but we should let people know ahead of time03:36
skellatmhall119: Noted Michael.  03:52
skellatmhall119: Let me see if I can figure out where my login credentials disappeared to for the blog.03:52
skellatmhall119: ¡PING!03:59
mhall119skellat: pong04:10
skellatHow does the fix read?04:11
mhall119skellat: reads good to me04:11
skellatGood enough.04:12
skellatmhall119: Thanks for catching the oopsie04:12
* skellat wanders off to figure out where his blankets and other bedding disappeared to04:14
locodir-usersorry trying 2 get help with mi ufw firewall16:09
joseno worries16:09
joseneed any help?16:09
locodir-useryes please16:10
jose#ubuntu should be the right place for support16:10
locodir-useri been getting my information stolen in windows and wanted nothing more with windows16:11
locodir-userwhere do i start making my ubuntu secure16:13
locodir-userwill someone help16:17
toddylocodir-user: I think the channel #ubuntu is the right channel for that questions.16:25

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