
=== Tm_T_ is now known as Guest28208
lotuspsychjeIdleOne: can i report a spam query02:22
IdleOneplease do02:22
lotuspsychje<natti> show gratis (solo hooy) --> http://s422803032.mialojamiento.es/02:22
=== DGJones is now known as DJones
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
ikonia@mark #ubuntu rly again with a bad atittude15:53
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:53
rlyikonia was trolling like no man or woman has trolled before and they he/she bans me. See the log.15:54
rlyNo interest in discussing it further, you can send me a pm, once you unbanned me.15:55
ikoniarly: grow up, you are always a problem in the channel with your attitude, you've had enough warnings15:55
IAmNotThatGuyHope we dont have to PM him ;D15:59
ikoniaI don't think so, he has enough history to know how to use the channel15:59
ubottusha1sum called the ops in #ubuntu ()16:08
k1l_<sha1sum> ennaa is spamming channel members, btw16:09
bazhanggot him in PM16:09
* genii makes fresh coffee16:10
DJonesIts not on-join spam16:11
k1l_i can confirm16:12
k1l_ban 5795116:14
bazhang<jack> robdog, to and too are two different words17:18
bazhanget tu brute?17:18
k1l<bleach> What the heck is going on? I just went to the Ubuntu site to download the 13.10 ISO and it trys to give me the 12.04 ISO?18:11
k1lthere were some reports earlier. is this a known issue?18:11
IdleOnetell him to scroll down a bit18:12
IdleOneit offer 12.04 LTS and just beneath it 13.1018:12
k1lno, they reported they clicked for 13.10 and the doenload started with 12.0418:13
IdleOneI just tried and it gave me 13.1018:14
DJonesI've just tested & it offered me the 13.10 iso18:14
IdleOneit helps to actually read the info on the site and click the correct button18:14
k1li didnt get the failure, too. but there were some reports18:14
DJones13.10 whether I pick 64/32 bit18:14
DJonesSazpaimon_: Made a suggestion that it could be a noscript issue & that they had to whitelist ubuntu18:15
Guest1099Hello, i am using webchat freenode.net and i cant sent messages to the ubuntu channel18:39
Guest1099#ubuntu Cannot change nickname while banned on channel18:39
Guest1099I am authenticated with freenode18:40
=== Guest1099 is now known as Eagleman7
Myrttiyeah, if you changed your nickname after joining the channel, it will be blocked18:50
Myrttiso leave the channel, rejoin and then you should be able to speak18:51
=== knome_ is now known as knome
dahkmattah231hi. I don't remember what I was banned for. Was it trivial (came in, posted the word 'poo' and left or something) and can get excused with a "I'm sorry, won't do it again" or was it liek, really serious stuff that can't be forgiven and should be punished by death?20:24
IdleOnedahkmattah231: I see you were banned in #ubuntu for using racist language20:24
dahkmattah231(don't take my rhetoric as something manipulative, just doing it for my own amusement)20:24
dahkmattah231IdleOne: what did I say?20:25
IdleOnethen you joined here and conituned with the horrible language20:25
dahkmattah231I'm not really racist20:25
dahkmattah231but I probably said racist things and swore in here20:25
dahkmattah231which would be typically me20:25
IdleOnewell, you either are or you aren't. It is like saying you're just a bit pregnant, not possible.20:25
dahkmattah231it was more like a case of trolling. Do you have the things I said at hand? (if not, don't bother)20:26
dahkmattah231(the racist thing specifically)20:26
IdleOneI do, but I wont be pasting them in here.20:26
dahkmattah231ah... did I write the N word in caps in a similar manner like this: CAR CAR CAR ... ?20:27
IdleOnethat among a few other choice words20:27
dahkmattah231can I be forgiven? Boredom struck me, but that's certainly not an excuse (just an explanation).20:28
dahkmattah231Won't do it again20:28
dahkmattah231(I hope not.. to be honest.. most probably won't)20:28
IdleOneI'm going to make this short. You seem to know what you did was not acceptable. Can you be trusted to not do it again and be a productive user of the channel?20:28
dahkmattah231I have a bit of behavior problem online20:28
dahkmattah231absolutely. Most of the time, I'm a helping caring person20:29
IdleOnewell, if you aren't certain in your ability to behave accordingly in ubuntu channels. I don't feel comfortable removing the ban20:29
dahkmattah231though, I "snap" sometimes (not often at all though), to be completely honest. However, I can be certain that I won't do it again, if I just tell myself not to do that20:29
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:30
dahkmattah231I didn't really "took responsibility" to not do it before20:30
IdleOnePlease read the guidelines and make sure you understand them20:30
dahkmattah231but I can take responsibility20:30
IdleOneI'm going to give you a chance here and I expect you will follow the guidelines. make sure that something like this doesn't happen again or the next time the ban will be for a lot longer.20:31
dahkmattah231deal :) won't happen, promise. This time is different since I'm in for being sensible now (opposed to before)20:32
dahkmattah231thanks 6(^_^)620:32
IdleOneyou should be able to join #ubuntu now. Please part this channel if there is nothing else.20:33
dahkmattah231can't send to channel it seems20:34
IdleOnetry now20:35
dahkmattah231didn't seem to work.. will try to part/join20:36
dahkmattah231can't send anything :/20:36
IdleOnegimme a moment20:36
IdleOnealright, good to go.20:39
dahkmattah231aah, thank you very much sire indeed.20:39
dahkmattah231I will now leave this channel as requested. Au revoir!20:39
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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