
jkitchenwagonboi: I think that goes into your main nginx config though. there's no concept of AllowOverride in nginx, iirc00:01
jkitchendunno, I'm sure it's not difficult at any rate :)00:01
ersiTurning off password as well as root login, and only allowing public-key login with SSH is a good idea.00:01
jkitchenworst comes to worse you can always get in via your provider's serial/vnc/whatever console00:02
jkitchenif your provider doesn't have that you should find a better provider :)00:03
wagonboiThey offer it. It is Ramnode, and strangely they haven't been metering my bandwith. I'm supposed to have 1000gb and it's stuck at 18k00:03
wagonboiNot that I'm complaining :)00:04
jkitchenthey may only query X amount of times per month.00:04
wagonboiah, that makes sense. I use to use WeLoveServers and they refreshed the meter as soon as I refreshed the page00:05
jkitchenthings like that can start to get really expensive in terms of page load00:06
rostamHI does anyone know what type of interface ax0 is, i.e. ifconfig ax0 ? thx00:09
jkitchenrostam: dmesg | grep -C 5 ax000:09
jkitchenrostam: quick google search though looks like it's a packet radio interface?00:10
rostamjkitchen, thanks, It is funny that interface exist on my system and have no idea why...00:14
jkitchendmesg will tell you why00:15
jkitchenwhere are you seeing this interface anyways? in "ip a" output? or /etc/network/interfaces, or?00:17
Lowninis nfs robust over an internet connection?00:18
jkitchennfs is sensitive to latency00:19
jkitchenvery sensitive to latency.00:19
jkitchenso, while it may function, I wouldn't expect any sort of performance out of it.00:21
LowninI need a remote filesystem with local caching that culls when it grows to a certain number that is happy to live on an internet connection.00:21
jkitchenculls when it grows to a certain number?00:22
jkitchencould you elaborate a bit on that requirement?00:22
jkitchenyou could use something like s3 or webdav with a local varnish server for caching, perhaps. but that's not going to give you posix semantics, of course.00:23
Lowninjkitchen: VPS has limited storage.  I have a server at my house with a lot of storage.  I'd like the VPS to have a directory mounted on the home server, but with local caching of common and recent files so performance is usually good and my internet connection is hit less hard. It's just a personal web app so it doesn't need to be amazing performance all the time.00:24
jkitchenthere is unlikely anything which will meet your requirements00:25
jkitchenbut presumably the files you're talking about are being served up via http?00:25
jkitchenyou could run varnish on your vps and have it talking back to your server at home00:25
jkitchenit'll keep a local cache00:25
Lowninnfs has cachefilesd00:25
Lownindavfs2 has a problematic caching component.00:26
LowninI'm unfamiliar with varnish.  That sounds like the files would all still need to exist on the VPS.  The //main// problem is that the VPS has limited storage.00:27
jkitchenvarnish is exactly an http cache00:27
jkitchenso if these files only need to be cached and accessible to http clients, it's pretty much exactly what you're looking for.00:27
jkitchenbut if they also need to be accessible to local vfs clients, it's not00:27
Lowninits a drupal install, and I'm looking to remote store *with local cache* its "files" directory.  Wouldn't such an implementation confuse drupal?00:28
jkitchenbut there may be plugins for drupal for storing files in, say, ec200:28
jkitchenI know there are for other web frameworks00:29
Lowninthere are.  I already have the home server though and don't want to pay for ec2.00:29
jkitchenI know we use one for our rails app00:29
jkitchenyou miss my point00:29
jkitchenmy point is that if there's a plugin for s3, it can probably be adapted to use, say, a webdav backend00:29
jkitchenand you have a webdav server at home that drupal can write to00:29
jkitchenvia the plugin00:29
jkitchenvarnish serves it up to clients00:30
jkitchenand locally caches00:30
jkitchenyou might be able to get away with it with nfs, but I wouldn't bank on it00:30
jkitchenvarnish will also handle the situation of the backend being inaccessible in a predictable fashion00:30
jkitchenfiles it has cached which are still valid will be served, no problem00:31
jkitchenfiles which aren't cached will simply error00:31
jkitchenprobably with a 503 until it can confirm that the file does or does not exist on the backend00:31
jkitchenwhereas nfs may just hang00:33
Lowninyou know, I was looking at implementing nginx anyway. Maybe I could use Varnish instead and see if I can't do what you're suggesting.   It sounds elegant.00:33
jkitchenwell, varnish is just a cache00:33
jkitchenit's not a webserver itself00:33
jkitchenyou can use it in front of a webserver, but you still need a webserver00:34
jkitchenyou would more than likely in this case want to use it *behind* your nginx00:38
jkitchenand have nginx proxy requests to /files to it00:38
LowninI could do that too00:38
jkitchenso it would be like nginx -> varnish -> http-at-home00:39
jkitchenplugin for drupal takes uploads and shoves them to home server00:39
jkitchenmaybe even is smart and preloads varnish00:39
Lowninhmm... okay, trying to wrap my head around how this is organized00:40
jkitchenalso, varnish is by no means tho only thing that does this00:40
jkitchenit's just the one I've seen used the most lately00:40
Lowninso the means to get files from drupal to the home server is completely separate from varnish, correct?00:41
jkitchenyou can use the same endpoint on the home server (assuming webdav)00:41
Lowninwell, neat!  I am already doing that with sshfs.00:41
jkitchenI would not use sshfs though00:42
LowninSo I could then expose the same directory in webdav00:42
Lowninwhy not?00:42
jkitchenbecause sshfs is a posix layer00:42
jkitchenmeaning transient connectivity issues can cause weird problems00:42
jkitchenwhereas webdav is just an http request00:42
jkitchenso you'd use webdav to write the file from drupal00:43
Lowninyou're right.00:43
Lowninhopefully I can figure out how to do that. I'm not savey enough to modify an s3 module I think.00:43
Lowninor is s3 just webdav?00:43
jkitchens3 is not webdav00:43
jkitchenone sec00:43
jkitchenI'm seeing if there's already some stuff available00:44
LowninThanks. I'm looking too.00:44
jkitchenwebdav may also not be the way to go00:44
jkitchenit's just what I would probably use if I had to do it right this second00:44
jkitchenwebdav is easy to set up and there are plenty of clients for it00:44
jkitchenI take it this is what you're using for s3? https://drupal.org/project/amazons3_cors00:45
LowninI'm not using s3.00:45
jkitchen(note, I have nearly 0 experience with drupal, so I'm just flailing)00:45
jkitchenahh ok00:45
jkitchenyou might *start* by using your already-in-place sshfs thing00:45
jkitchento get you going, proof of concept the varnish setup and such00:46
jkitchenbaby steps sort of thing y'know :)00:46
LowninI might end up doing that but I suspect drupal using a remote file store instead of a local one is not an uncommon config.00:46
jkitchenthat actually looks more like the thing to look at00:47
jkitchenfor an example00:47
jkitchenjust replace http calls to s3 with wedbav calls to your home server00:47
Lowninyes was looking at that00:47
LowninI'm not comfortable editing the module.00:47
jkitchenalso: you'llwant to make sure you properly secure the webdav server at home00:47
jkitchenuse authentication and probably ssl00:48
Lowninyes.  I've set up webdav with certs and authentication before.00:48
jkitcheneven if it's just self-signed ssl00:48
jkitchenahh ok00:48
jkitchenI don't mean to patronize :)00:48
LowninNah, you're fine.  You don't know what I know already.  Better to be safe.00:48
jkitchenyou might pop into a drupal channel or mailing list and see if someone has done a webdav version of that s3 plugin00:49
jkitchenhell, maybe there's even an ftp version00:49
jkitchenwebdav just felt like the right choice :D00:50
LowninI hate ftp.  cleartext passwords?00:50
jkitchencan use ssl on control connection!00:50
Lowninif the module supports it00:51
jkitchenanywho, hopefully that will get you going00:51
LowninI think it will.  thanks!00:51
jkitchenlike I said, you might ust start by layering in the varnish part00:51
LowninI need to read up on varnish. I don't know anything about it really.00:51
jkitchensince you already have a transport mechanism for writes00:51
jkitchenvia sshfs00:51
jkitchenand that may end up being an acceptable solution for you, in which case boom.00:52
jkitchenyou're golden00:52
Lowninwhat if I upload the file manually and post a link? https://drupal.org/project/remote_file_source00:52
jkitchenI'm a fan of keeping file uploads in-app00:52
* Lownin nods00:53
jkitchenand letting the app deal with putting the file in the right place and generating the proper url to reference it00:53
jkitchenotherwise yea, you could do that and not even need a plugin00:53
jkitchenand have varnish cache it00:53
jkitchenyou'll also probably want to monitor the cache00:54
jkitchenmake sure your miss rate isn't too high, you're not expiring things too quick, you're not evicting to oearly, etc00:54
jkitchenlike ify ou get a surge in traffic to some large files and it starts kicking out commonly-accessed assets, that's not good :)00:54
jkitchenmaybe at that point you need to invest in a bit larger disk for the cache00:55
jkitchenbecause you're trading the expense of disk on your vps for the limited bandwidth of your home internet connection00:55
jkitchenso you want to minimize what has to be pulled out of that home connection00:56
jkitchenthere's a break even point, and that may move00:56
jkitchenand monitoring things will let you know when you need to change ti00:56
jkitchenalso, and this may not even be a consideration, but most VPS providers I've seen measure bandwidth usage by adding both inbound and outbound00:57
jkitchenso if you have a lot of cache misses you may be effectively doubling the bandwidth consumption for that file00:58
jkitchenso keep *that* in mind, too :)00:58
Lowninreading a bit about how varnish works...00:58
LowninI'd like some of these files to only be accessible to users who are authenticated in drupal and have had the files shared with them.00:59
Lowninmaking the file somewhat non-static.00:59
jkitchenyou might be able to get away with that via X-Sendfile01:00
Lowninit appears varnish only works in the context of anonymous page views01:00
jkitchenI don't know if the X-Sendfile header generally allows for an http source01:00
jkitchenI know apache's X-Sendfile is specifying a file on disk01:00
jkitchenlooks like lighty can do it: http://blog.lighttpd.net/articles/2006/07/22/mod_proxy_core-got-x-sendfile-support/01:01
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jkitchenahh, maybe not, bummer.01:06
jkitchenfeature request!01:08
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jkitchenallow X-Sendfile headers to provide a url which will be requested via the various proxy mechanisms01:08
LowninI found this- https://drupal.org/project/storage_api01:09
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LowninPrevents files being served to users who are not authorised.01:10
LowninDepending on the service, this can have significant performance implications.01:10
LowninEven without this enabled, URLs will only be generated for files that the user has permission to access.01:10
LowninI've just installed it and am playing with it. it appears to allow the generation of static links but with url generation only avalible to users who have permission to the view file. it can also do "access control" but states "01:10
Lowninsorry weird irc client01:10
jkitchenFTP - files are uploaded to a directory via FTP. A URL prefix can be defined for serving.01:11
LowninI assume they're talking about things like varnish ;)01:11
Lowninso I may persue this route01:11
Lowninsecurity through obscurity may be good enough for this application.01:11
jkitchenthat seems to be where you would want to shim in webdav support01:11
jkitchenreplace the ftp uploading bit with webdav upload01:11
jkitchengood luck :)01:12
Lowninthanks so much for taking time to help me.01:12
jkitchenI'm a bit jealous, actually, this sounds like it could be a fun project.01:12
* Lownin smiles01:13
LowninYeah I'm having a lot of fun with it so far.01:13
jkitchena little more complicated than I'd generally have done, I'd probably just throw it on S3 and call it good.01:13
jkitchenbut that's the lazy route :)01:14
LowninI'd love to use s301:14
LowninI'm broke01:14
jkitchenI hear you01:14
Lowninstill there jkitchen?01:21
LowninFTP, uploads to homeserver01:22
Lowninbut the url now has to be homeserver/stuff01:22
Lowninhow does varnish intercept that? It can't01:22
jkitchenit can't01:22
jkitchendoes it actually have to be homeserver?01:23
jkitchenor can it be yourserver/otherstuff?01:23
Lowninno but I don't understand how varnish knows to go to my homeserver for stuff.01:23
jkitchenyou tell varnish to use your homeserver for its origin01:23
jkitchenand then point clients at the varnish01:23
Lowninis the "origin" any of the config options referenced here? https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-install-and-configure-varnish-with-apache-on-ubuntu-12-04--301:26
Lowninoh perfect.  thank you!01:28
jkitchendisclaimer: I haven't personally ever actually even looked at a varnish config.01:28
jkitchenanother team at $OLDJOB used it extensively01:28
jkitchenbut it's a pretty simple program, really01:29
Lownincached pages ala the ones server by varnish will mess with piwik javascript, won't it?01:35
jkitchenLownin: I would put varnish in front of your home server for now and proxy back to it for certain urls via your primary webserver01:37
jkitchenso like, in apache you might to ProxyPass /uploads/ http://localhost:8002/01:37
jkitchenand varnish listening on port 8002 caching things from your home server01:37
jkitchenrather than putting it in front of the entire app01:37
jkitcheneventually maybe having varnish live in front of the entire app, but that's once you're more familiar with varnish and such.01:38
Lowninclients would then pull data on 8002 for things in /uploads?01:39
jkitchenthey could, and it would seem that ftp plugin would support that and that would be valid01:40
jkitchenor you could have it transparently done through nginx01:40
jkitchenwhich is what I would do, personally01:40
jkitchenthrough nginx/whatever web server you're using01:40
jkitchenthe ProxyPass example I mentioned above would be for apache, but nginx can do the same thing01:41
jkitchensyntax may be different but it's the same concept01:41
LowninI'm on apache at the moment.  was only looking at nginx01:41
LowninI don't want clients to connect on anything other than 80/443 anyway01:41
jkitchenthen yea, look at apache's mod_proxy and the ProxyPass directive01:42
jkitchenit's pretty straightforward01:42
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eagles0513875hey guys i am setting up apache2-mpm-event + php-fpm and mod fastcgi on kubuntu 13.10 for website development and testing on my localhost yet i am getting errors forbidden You don't have permission to access /php5-fcgi/index.php on this server.07:10
eagles0513875any help would be greatly appreciated07:10
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chz|baconevening all09:20
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cipherboyWould anyone be willing to help with a network adapter question? Running 13.10 Desktop, 3.11.0-12-generic on a new HP/AMD64 desktop. 13.04 used to work, but now ifconfig does not show any usage metrics on my eth0 device. Ifconfig: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6312474/    Adapters: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6312520/  Nothing in dmesg relating to the adapter14:25
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Unkn0wnI'm configuring apache, but the vhosts give me a headache14:28
Unkn0wnFor some reason, it just doesn't pick the right vhost. /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs is my document root, but if I go to domain.com, there is no index.html14:30
Unkn0wnBut it is there14:30
Unkn0wnI 3 double checked my vhost file for domain.com, so I think this is an DNS issue14:31
Unkn0wnAny ideas?14:31
pmatulis_Unkn0wn: check your logs14:43
Unkn0wnFigured out already... Wrong IP in the DNS14:44
Unkn0wn65 instead of 56...14:44
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BeatstreetIf I want to roll back to openjdk-6-jre do I have to uninstall openjdk-7-jre or just install 6 right over 7?16:52
eagles0513875Beatstreet: you can install 6 and 7 along side each other17:02
eagles0513875hey all i am unable to get apache 2.4 to work and display a site for me on localhost any help would be greatly appreciated to help me whats missing17:03
eagles0513875i am using an apache2-mpm-event + phpfpm and mod fastcgi17:03
Sazpaimon_does anyone know the performance difference between raid10 over mdadm versus lvm?18:13
Sazpaimon_and does grub2 support booting either without a seperate /boot partition?18:17
Gaming4JCHello all, I am trying to connect to a NFS server as a client on Ubuntu server 12.04, but I'm getting this error: mount -t nfs ~/mnt mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking. mount.nfs: Either use '-o nolock' to keep locks local, or start statd.18:40
Gaming4JCit seems to be related to rpcbind. The problem is rpcbind package is in conflict with nfs-common, so both cannot be installed together.18:41
Gaming4JCand -o nolock simply results in...18:41
Gaming4JCmount.nfs: No such device18:42
Beatstreetis there a way to update openssl on 10.10 ?18:42
pointHello, is there anyone I can talk to about an issue I'm having with ubuntu server?19:10
Gaming4JCthere's a few people here, but I think most are away from keyboard :/19:11
Gaming4JC!ask | point19:11
ubottupoint: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:11
pointOk i will just ask the question hold on19:13
singularity9Hey guys, i'm having some issues with setting up a cron job. This is the first time I do this, I want to run a script every 2 minutes. So I am typing: */2 * * * * myuser /opt/plexWatch/plexWatch.pl19:23
singularity9this however returns: -bash: */2: No such file or directory19:23
singularity9and I am within the /etc/ folder19:23
singularity9where crontab is19:23
pointSo I recently set up a server with an old computer in my home. I can control it through SSH on my laptop. I can put files on it and stuff so in that regard everything is working perfectly.  Only recently after a couple of days where everything worked as expected, the screen I have connected to the server gave me a continuous error message: "hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1" . This error message is only displayed on19:23
pointthe screen that is connected to the server. When using SSH it's not displayed. I would find this problem not so important if everything else worked fine, but that is not the case anymore. I have 3 problems with this. 1st I can't turn off the server remotely anymore (sudo shutdown -h now) 2nd I can't turn on the server remotely anymore by using WOL (I was able to do this). 3rd (smaller issue) when I want to input commands into the server19:23
pointon the server itself (not using SSH) my commands work, but aren't readable because the error message keeps popping up. The third issue could be fixed by turning of the error message itself, but I figured by solving it entirely by just fixing the issue. I have looked for a couple for two days now for a fix, but nothing really came up. I only have a keyboard connected by USB to the server, but even when unplugged and restarting the server,19:23
pointit still shows the error message. Anyone know how I can fix this?19:23
singularity9In addition, if I put it to run every minute, so I type: * * * * * singularity9 /opt/plexWatch/plexWatch.pl19:25
singularity9it returns: No support for device type: power_supply19:25
singularity9first time i tried using cron it said it needed 'acpi' … so i installed that19:26
singularity9if I run "/opt/plexWatch/plexWatch.pl" it works as expected..19:26
Gaming4JCpoint: what version of ubuntu do you have? It seems newer linux kernel fixed that issue19:27
point12.04.03 LTS19:28
Gaming4JChmm definately shouldn't be happening then. :(19:28
Gaming4JCsingularity9: cron can be a pain sometimes, you might want to try watch inside of a screen (messy but eh) :/19:29
nazHey all, newb here I wanto host a website from home using php etc, I've tried winserv 03 and its a damn headache decided I should try out ubuntu server19:46
nazI'm wondering how hard it's going to be to setup an ubuntu-server, config a webserver that can host php, and mysql databases etc19:47
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nazHey all, wanting to setup a server from home to host a website with php scripts, maybe later on mysql databases and other website things. I have an old machine Pentium 4 2.80ghz 32bit, 3 GB Ram21:02
nazI'm wondering if I can use the latest ubuntu server or will i need to use a later version and if I do will it be safe and secure?21:03
bekksnaz: You should use 12.04 LTS.21:06
pointSo I recently set up a server with an old computer in my home. I can control it through SSH on my laptop. I can put files on it and stuff so in that regard everything is working perfectly.  Only recently after a couple of days where everything worked as expected, the screen I have connected to the server gave me a continuous error message: "hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1" . This error message is only displayed on21:12
pointthe screen that is connected to the server. When using SSH it's not displayed. I would find this problem not so important if everything else worked fine, but that is not the case anymore. I have 3 problems with this. 1st I can't turn off the server remotely anymore (sudo shutdown -h now) 2nd I can't turn on the server remotely anymore by using WOL (I was able to do this). 3rd (smaller issue) when I want to input commands into the server21:12
pointon the server itself (not using SSH) my commands work, but aren't readable because the error message keeps popping up. The third issue could be fixed by turning of the error message itself, but I figured by solving it entirely by just fixing the issue. I have looked for a couple for two days now for a fix, but nothing really came up. I only have a keyboard connected by USB to the server, but even when unplugged and restarting the server,21:12
pointit still shows the error message. Anyone know how I can fix this? (I asked this question a couple of hours ago but to no avail :( hoping anyone that logged in now will be able to help me)21:12
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nazthanks bekks, was worried since the machine is so old it might run slow but I will give it a try :)21:19
bekksWell, it will run slow, but you should use a LTS release for a server at least.21:20
rbasakjdstrand: please could you comment on bug 1245251? The reporter claims this is a regression.22:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1245251 in libvirt "Apparmor blocks usb devices in libvirt in Saucy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124525122:31
pointOk so I reported this problem 2 times before but I'm going to give you a small recap because something interesting just happened.23:15
pointSo my server gives me the error "hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1"23:15
pointBut it stopped now23:15
pointI typed in lsusb to give me an overview of all usb devices23:15
pointand now it shows a device it didn't show when I had the error23:16
pointSilicon 10 Technology Corp. Flash Card Reader23:16
pointSo I'm going to try to unplug this thing tomorrow23:17
pointbut does anyone have any idea what could have triggered the stop of this error?23:17
pointjust curious23:18
pointBut it will probably just work when I have unplugged the card reader so it doesn't really mather23:19
Beatstreetis there a way to update openssl on 10.10 ?23:22
Patrickdk10.10? that hasn't been supported for a long time23:34
qman__10.10 was end of life in april 201223:34
qman__the good news is that upgrading to a supported release is relatively easy23:40
qman__the bad news is you'd have to do three upgrades to reach a supported release23:40
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