
wilee-nileetinti, cool, volunteering is a good thing, I have found self employment just more empowering and a release from others control a nice change. Gotta find an area that satisfies income and needs is all.00:03
tintiI hope in get a job at llvm/clang, android or linuxkernel some day :)00:03
wilee-nileeI never have had a family to support so that heps, so my experience is a little out of the norm.00:04
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tintiwilee-nilee: family may hold you back but I love mine :)00:09
wilee-nileetinti, I like the idea of family, just never had a functional one to mirror, lol.00:18
tintitry simpsons lol00:19
tintiit is pretty much my family lol00:19
tintiwe are very fun and dump sometimes00:19
wilee-nileeyeah, did you see that the woman who does the Miss Krabappel passed away, a hilarious character, and the woman who did the voice a great actress. http://laist.com/2013/10/26/simpsons_best_krabappel_episodes.php00:21
tintiHave you seen the one that does Moe's00:24
tintiit is exactly opposite of the character00:24
wilee-nileelink? I'm not sure what you mean00:24
tintiso said :(00:25
tintiIt is pretty fun she and skinner00:25
wilee-nileevery funny show I don;t watch much anymore but have see all them mostly00:25
wilee-nileeI k like futurama even more00:26
tintimy gf told wow moes voicer is handsome00:27
tintiI would love to work some they as voicer00:29
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tintifuturama is good but is a bit more difficult to get the jokes00:29
tintiBut I loved the one which Bender was recursively splitting into two and they said that the math series does not converge and they are %$%#00:31
wilee-nileeyeah, that is a funny link of the actors doing the characters00:31
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GuenterHello all! I was hoping to get some support on installing UTouch. I have a Nexus 4 from T-Mobile, that came with 4.3. I followed the guide fully. It gets to the point where it actually flashes UTocuh, and then it reports, along the lines of, it took too long or there was errors. I tried flashing everything manually, and when I did that, it said it worked, but it just won't boot01:31
Guenterany ideas?01:31
Guenteri feel i did everything right, and tried doing it manually too01:33
ElleoGuenter: can't offer much insight, however did you try booting after the first attempt with the timeout? I received the same error when flashing, but after restarting it booted successfully01:34
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Guenter@ellio I tried. Let it boot for a while01:59
Guenterthank you though01:59
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thatguyI have kind of a odd ball question for someone who might know more than me. is this a "full port" of ubuntu, as in a i have access to all the packages, or only packages that have been compiled for the mobile processor ?02:22
crowellthatguy: X stuff isn't ported02:23
thatguythats pretty much EXACTLY where i was going. i've been fooling around with X11 forwarding, and thought it would be a pretty neat project to have something i could remote into and launch apps from. but that pretty much nips it right in the butt.02:24
thatguyand the new display server ... the name escapes me right now, but it doesnt support any of the legacy features like X forwarding im assuming.02:25
crowellI don't know anything about it02:25
crowell13.10 still uses X though02:25
thatguyyea me ether lol, i know its what is driving the display server on the phone (or at least thats what my understanding is)02:26
thatguymy hope was to use it as a some what secure server.02:27
thatguyi would keep any super secret squirrel stuff in a random encrypted file, and i could ssh into the phone and open it remotely. but if it wont let me forward X that limits me quite a bit.02:29
mhall119thatguy: yes you need to have code compiled for the CPU on the phone in order to run it on the phone03:39
mhall119thatguy: you can, in theory, run X11 apps on the phone with them being forwarded over SSH to your desktop's X server03:40
mhall119I've never tried it though03:40
mhall119though if you just want the files...you can do that over adb or ssh, you don't need to run something on the phone03:41
geniiI would think most people would want to work it the opposite direction, run X apps from a laptop or desktop on the phone03:41
* mhall119 wouldn't want to run a desktop app on a 4" touch screen03:43
geniiI find the idea intriguing now.03:47
* belkinsa is one who wants to run desktop apps on a phone or a tablet03:48
belkinsaWell, some of them.03:49
VyomThat frustrating moment, when adb fails to push a 400 MB file (trusty-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip) and also PC fails to detect the device as MTP device ._.03:56
VyomIts then when I wonder, why there is no a simple USB Mass storage mode in N703:58
VyomSo my attempt to start Ubuntu after dual booting was a failure. Anybody know the reason? http://i.minus.com/iYRohteQC3FTQ.jpg04:21
neo__can anyone tell me how long this step is suppose to take? "INFO:phablet-flash:Waiting for install to finish on device. Please do not unplug device until phablet-flash finishes."04:33
OjzcrocIf I have a .qml file for an app, how do I put it on my phone and run it?04:36
Vyomdang forgot to flash kernal... doh04:41
geniineo__: On my Nexus 4, I thought it was stuck for a long time, had to hit the power button on the phone for it to continue, the usb port went into suspend on me. Shouldn't take more than maybe half-hour though.04:42
neo__genii:  Thank You! thought the file was just to big for a few minutes. Got it going now. :)04:46
geniineo__: Cool.04:47
Vyomso succeded in dual booting Ubuntu on N7..04:51
VyomBut, crashed after 5 min of using it :P04:51
VyomBut Ubuntu Touch is going in right direction!04:52
VyomAnybody else for whom, screen starts to flicker mostly after I swipe Unity bar from left?04:55
AskUbuntuUbuntu Phone support for my device | http://askubuntu.com/q/36653005:06
belkinsaCheck XDA Developers for the port you want05:07
thatguymhall119: thank you for the info, i just got back home, haven't really had the free time to play with the new ubuntu-touch very much. so its all questions and little keyboard time to test.05:14
Vyomthansen: I am encountering freeze after 5 min of usage of while swiping unity bar from left. :P05:15
thatguyVyom: my understanding is the system isn't very good at managing memory. did you have many apps opened in the background?05:16
VyomNopes. But I do have it installed as dual OS with Android.05:16
thatguyi'm new to embedded systems. i dont even want to grasp how you managed that. i've just started feeling confident on flashing my phone lol05:20
VyomIt happened again. Screen flashed and then freeze, just as I swipe unity bar from left :(05:20
Vyomthansen: dual booting is easy, if you know how to do it. ;)05:20
VyomThanks to TWRP MultiROM recovery05:20
thatguywell sadly im using my old nexus (toro) as a toy to test this stuff out, so my radio isnt there. and its slow anyways.05:21
thatguyso from what i read ubuntu-touch was a legit full on desktop os, with a slimed down UI for the phone. the more i learn, the more it seems like this is just a android port/skin. truth?05:22
VyomDunno. I am trying it on Tablet. N7.05:23
thatguywell sir, happy hacking. i shall be going to bed,05:24
* thatguy falls asleep on the keyboard 05:24
* Vyom wish thatguy doesn't roll side to side on kb, as if he were on bed.05:29
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matheonexus s crespo can i install ubuntu touch09:07
user82has anything changed about whatsapp? or still no good news10:20
popeyuser82: nope10:59
user82ok. thanks for the info popey. too bad, whatsapp is a big deal for mobile devices11:00
popeyuser82: well, someone could certainly make a whatsapp app and stick it in the store11:15
Elleoporting openwhatsapp from meego would probably be a good start11:22
Elleonot that I'm volunteering11:24
panandehi. Im stuck with downloading boot.img while trying to install ubuntu touch11:55
panandeyesterday I waited over an hour twice but nothing happened11:55
fk_lxTake part in anonymous survey about past and current cooperation between companies and communities in open source mobile Linux projects (all questions are optional):12:09
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AskUbuntuInstallation on HTC EVO 4G LTE | http://askubuntu.com/q/36672313:56
AskUbuntuWhat is the todays best tablet vs laptop to run ubuntu 13.10? | http://askubuntu.com/q/36672613:58
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AskUbuntuGetting Ubuntu on my Phone | http://askubuntu.com/q/36681717:28
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VyomPhew. Done posting my experience of installing Ubuntu Touch on N7 :D17:35
VyomTo anyone instrested: http://www.thinkdigit.com/forum/mobiles-tablets/178938-nexus-7-thread-rooting-dual-booting-ubuntu-touch-10-steps.html17:35
VyomThanks to those who answered a few of my queries yesterday. Or just being with me ;)17:35
VyomTo hell.. thanks to those also who were silent spectators! XD17:36
RobbyFyour welcome17:36
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Kali-LinuxHello. I'm trying to install Ubuntu Touch on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus by following the steps on the Ubuntu site. When I run the command "sudo apt-get install phablet-tools android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot" I get a return message saying "Couldn't find package phablet-tools" Can anyone provide help? I'd greatly appreciate it.17:56
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geniiKali-Linux: Did you run the sudo apt-get update ..first, to grab the new list after adding the PPA?18:05
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demirbasone x için ubuntu touch kurulumu nasıldır18:27
Shashankjust started proting image in my nexus 419:17
Shashankwant to know how much time it take to flush image in it ?19:17
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John______Question, will Ubuntu Touch install on a samsung omnia HD gt-i8910?19:46
iBotPeachesJohn______: check the wiki, its not an officially supported device thats for sure19:47
John______=) no action then =)19:48
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hibyprimeI'm attempting figure out how to do this.  I've found some slightly unrelated guides online, but I think I can make it work.  I have an LG Optimus G which is capable of booting nexus 4 roms with some changes, as far as I can tell they essentially just patch the nexus 4 kernel and thats it.  If I attempt to apply the patches to ubuntu touch am I likely to break everything? or does this sound like it would work20:56
hibyprimesounds like it'll work in my head20:56
fabian___hi all, can i ask a question about tf101 root process (always device run android) and (pc with kubuntu remain "waiting for device"), dont understand what to do next21:15
Noskcaj10hibyprime, Try21:16
hibyprimeThat's what I am going to do, just wanted to see if anyone would say "NO DONT DO THAT!"21:17
fabian___i have transformer 101, android 4.03 on it and kubuntu 13.10 in the pc21:17
w-flofabian___, tf101 is not supported by ubuntu touch AFAIK. it's listed as "Work in progress" on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices21:19
fabian___w-flo, thanks i will read it, anyway, i saw in some youtube videos ubuntu runing in tf101 (tha means not touch os?)21:20
w-flofabian___, do you still have the link to those videos? maybe the guy who is working on tf101 support posted a youtube vid :)21:21
fabian___w-flo, could u check this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUkCScxGUm8 , to understand were im wrong (eng is not my mother tonge)21:23
w-flofabian___, that video is older than Ubuntu Touch actually :) it's just standard ubuntu like you suspected21:25
w-flo(not sure if it's really older, but it's definitely older than *public* Ubuntu Touch)21:25
successussalud, hasta otro rato o/21:26
w-flofabian___, back then canonical used the "Ubuntu Netbook Remix" as a small-screen desktop environment... that's why it looks a little strange and not like Ubuntu looks today21:27
fabian___w-flo, ok thanks for your advice, new question: can i boot ubuntu (or kubuntu) from usb in a Tf101, is that possible?21:27
w-flofabian___, tough question! :) I don't know. I don't even know what kind of hardware the tf101 has.. Maybe check a forum for that device, like XDA developers?21:28
fabian___w-flo, realy thanks for your advice, i will move to those forums21:29
w-flofabian___, good luck :) maybe guys on #ubuntu can help, too.. this IRC channel is more about Ubuntu Touch21:29
fabian___w-flo, thanks im reading xda forums now, may be lator i could be back21:33
iancormacHey all. So I'm trying to look into building Ubuntu Touch for my Nexus 7 flo. Is the hold-up right now that there is no cyanogenmod stable for Nexus 7 flo?22:11
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peratanhello any body help me to install ubuntu Touch  to mobile android" Lenovo A390"22:42

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