
cmaloneyW00t. Hung up my Cloudkicker poster, and hung a picture that was under the bed since we moved.00:43
cmaloneycurrent feeling: accomplished00:43
greg-gcmaloney: nice!04:20
rick_h_morning, getting back on eastern time. Wheeee...can I go back to bed?11:28
rick_h_my one ok pic from the trip http://www.flickr.com/photos/7508761@N03/10515827053/in/photostream/17:03
rick_h_of course I didn't realize until I got back that it was the bay bridge and not the golden gate17:03
wafhey look, google's secret data center. prepare to be liquidated.17:40
cmaloneyGood morning18:20
cmaloneyrick_h_: That's a really nice picture18:20
gamerchick02morning cmaloney... tho it's like 2:20. :-P18:21
cmaloneyrick_h_: Would you be mad if J tried to paint that photo?18:21
gamerchick02dang, i like that pic, rick_h_18:21
cmaloneygamerchick02: Shush... Let me be deluded.18:21
gamerchick02i'm making chicken soup so it's not morning.18:21
rick_h_cmaloney: no, no reaons I'd care19:28
brouschWhat if her painting earns her $100,000 and she gives you no credit and then she kills your dog because you threaten to expose her?19:38
rick_h_brousch: well in that case, I'll have to cry, run away and move to portland to escape the shame. Poor me.19:38
brouschHow can you think of portland on a day like today?19:39
rick_h_because I always think of portland :)19:40
brouschIt's basically perfect weather in GR today: Sunny, light breeze, 50F19:40
brouschcolorful leaves19:41
brouschno bugs19:41
gamerchick02Portland is awesome19:41
gamerchick02and brousch, it's about the same here. i think more clouds.19:41
gamerchick02why can't it be this way all year?19:42
rick_h_perma-fall. I'll take it19:43
gamerchick02me too!19:43
gamerchick02everything is apple cider and nothing hurts.19:43
brouschI can undertand thinking portland when it's 90F and humid, or there's 3ft of snow in my driveway, but not today19:46
gamerchick02:) today is perfect.19:47
rick_h_brousch: do you think about how sweet it'd be to have a tesla when you're at the pump? Or when you see one sitting in front of you?19:57
brouschNo. It would take about 200 years to pay for itself compared to my car20:02
derekvhardly anyone on ebay seems to understand ebay.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_bid23:43
derekvthis has annoyed me ever since the beginning23:44

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