
Kilosmorning all 05:58
Kiloshi Symmetria 06:31
SymmetriaI wonder how long it will be before we start seeing pcs coming out with 10G NIC's as standard06:31
Kiloswhat are NIC's06:32
Symmetriacause with the amount of data I move around occasionally between machines at my house, I know for one I'm very very glad I decided to stick 10G stuff in them06:32
SymmetriaNIC = Network Interface Card06:32
Symmetriaits a network card :)06:32
Kiloseth or wifi as well?06:33
Symmetriamodern 3 terabyte drive can read and write at way more than gigabit speeds so gig network cards are starting to become a bottleneck 06:33
Symmetriaheh, my house is fiber, gig wifi exists but you don't TRUELY get gig through it, get maybe 700mbit 06:33
Symmetriawas testing that stuff in Kenya the other day06:34
Symmetriatypically you can sustain writing to a 3 TB disk these days at between 170 - 190 MBytes/second 06:35
Symmetriaso between 1300 and 1600mbit/second06:35
Symmetriaand when moving around blocks of data half a terabyte at a time, thats useful06:36
Symmetrialol, scary to think, in a second I transfer 8 or 9 times the amount of data my original harddrive held total ;p06:37
Kilosyeah technology is moving in leaps and bounds06:57
Kilosi think it was about 6 or 7 years ago i thought a 6g hdd was massive06:58
Kilosok i started late06:58
Kiloshi tal0n 08:45
Kiloswhat happened to your nick?08:45
tal0nhi Kilos08:50
tal0ncloser to what i wanted in the first place - talon08:52
tal0nassumed it would be taken (always is)08:52
Kilosyeah finding unused nicks is hard work08:52
tal0nlol indeed it is08:53
Kilosare you afrikaans tal0n ?09:03
Kiloswe have a channel for afrikaans as well but normally even more quiet than here09:03
Kiloswb Vince-0 where you been09:04
Vince-0G'day Kilos09:04
Kiloswow what did you do there?09:04
Vince-0visit the family09:04
Kilosyou shoulda put me in your suitcase09:05
Vince-0then I come back to a broken motherboard in my PC09:05
Kilosi have a daughter there ive never met except on mxit09:05
Kilosaw that sucks09:05
Kiloswas someone else using it?09:06
Vince-0I tell you. Almost 3 year warranty to the day09:06
Vince-0it was off the whole time. had to make a plan for a new mobo09:07
Kilosthat sucks09:09
Kilosdo you know what packet up in the mobo?09:09
Vince-0_aand the ADSL isn't synching, aand this CellC 3g is buggy09:11
Kilosso i see09:11
Kiloswell you are back in time for mondays meeting09:11
SymmetriaI just spent wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to much money buying new toy for home ;p09:25
Kilosnever mind , just make more09:33
Kiloswhat did you buy Symmetria 09:34
Symmetriaheh an MD1200 external disk array09:35
Symmetriawith 12 x 4TB disks in it09:35
Symmetriaand an H800 high speed eSAS raid controller to drive it09:35
Kilosthats so much better than wasting on booze09:35
Symmetriahaha could buy a lot of booze for that thing ;p09:35
Kilosno too much with the prices you pay for whiskey09:36
Kilosat least the array dont get washed down the toilet later09:37
Symmetriahaha I coulda bought 20 bottles of 30 year old whisky for the price ;p09:37
Symmetriabut that was the last thing I needed to really finish my home setup :)09:37
Kilosno comparison09:37
Symmetriaheh, I now got 4 x dell 29" ultra sharp monitors on my main machine09:38
Symmetrialike, 6400 res wide 09:38
Kilosyou running a server from home?09:38
Symmetrialol, just my media servers 09:38
Symmetriaof which there are 4 ;p09:38
Kilosoh ya whats news with the new mirror09:39
Symmetriawith a total disk space between em with the new array of just under 200 terabytes09:39
Symmetriasorting htat out next week, waiting for signoff on the hardware09:39
Kiloswhat ever happened to frans and the deb-delta server09:42
Kilosfanie i mean09:42
Symmetriano idea, aint spoken to him in ages actually09:42
SymmetriaIm busy working out how to use gnuplot to make some awesomely fancy graphs09:43
Kilosyou musta upset him09:43
Symmetriahaha nah he just got busy and they got a new IT director09:44
Kilosohi superfly 13:25
Kilostal0n, do you tweet?13:44
Kiloswe get ubuntu-za related tweets on @ubuntuza13:46
tal0nKilos, ill follow. not on twitter too often these days though13:53
Kilosnot many are. i hate it, but the pro got me to do it to punish me13:59
Kilosi used to use pidgin for it but twitter stopped most of the clients working there14:01
Kilosi dont fancy going to the twit site all the time14:02
Kilosso use birdie-granite on unity and choqok on kubuntu14:03
tal0nlol. i just have it on my phone. usefull when i need to kill some time away from home14:06
KilosQA_:  fix your nick15:42
QA_Kilos: *blink*15:42
nuvolario/ hi oom Kilos 17:09
Kiloshi nuvolari 17:10
nuvolaridit gaan goed dankie oom! Hoe gaan dit met oom?17:11
nuvolarimeh, ek kom so min hier, dis 'n skande17:11
Kilosja jy moet skaam kry17:12
Kilosvergader more aand ne17:12
Kilosjy word nou soos queery kom net meetings toe17:13
Kilossies man17:13
Kilosnuvolari:  ^^17:37
nuvolariskies oom, was gou op die foon17:50
nuvolarija, sies vir my 17:51

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