
=== alpacaherder is now known as skellat
=== Maple__ is now known as Guest8737
brainwashdid anyone notice the behavior described in bug 1243837 ?11:27
ubottubug 1243837 in xfce4 (Ubuntu) "Restart in the main menu does a logout instead" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124383711:27
elfynot seen it 11:42
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
jjfrv8bluesabre, the playlist remove duplicates setting works well in latest build :)13:16
=== Guest8737 is now known as Mapley
bluesabrejjfrv8, great to hear; I'll make sure to do another dev release soon13:59
bluesabretoday I'm working on rearranging the home, so I'll be off and on13:59
jjfrv8bluesabre, good luck with that ^ :D14:28
MapleyQuestion for the devs -14:38
MapleyHow did you set a mouse cursor theme for LightDM?14:38
MapleyThat is, with the GTK greeter.14:39
MapleyOh, I see. /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme inherits DMZ-Black. Disregard that!14:40
ochosijjfrv8, bluesabre: that's great progress on the parole-docs!17:42
ochosiabout the screenshot stuff, i'm not sure, but i'd want *at least* the screeners in the parole-docs to be consistent17:42
bluesabrexfce docs have to use a certain theme, right?17:43
ochosiso if they're not the same as the rest (because e.g. the xfce-engine doesn't support a nice styling of the overlay-playback-controls, then we should at least have one gtk/icon-theme that *we* stick to)17:43
ochosiyes, also faenza as icon-theme17:43
ochosithat part should work fine (faenza should have most icons that we need – apart from face-sick)17:44
ochosithe xfce docs uise the xfce gtk-theme and the faenza icon-theme17:45
ochosibut i think as parole isn't part of -core, it's not a huge problem if we do things a little differently17:45
jjfrv8ochosi, ok, I'll make sure I use the gtk-theme and the faenza icons. Is there an official version of faenza? I don't see them in the repository. 19:19
jjfrv8I went to xfce.org to get some, but they don't seem to be complete. Lot of missing icons. Not on Parole,though.19:20
jjfrv8They just look slightly different on Parole's menu items.19:20
jjfrv8slickymaster, let's make sure we use them on the screenshots we do when we get to the menu items.19:21
Noskcajjjfrv8, No one's bothered to sponsor faenza in debian, i think there are two versions packaged19:23
jjfrv8Noskcaj, where are those versions? Do you happen to know which one Xfce prefers?19:25
Noskcajnot really, i'll try and find some info19:25
jjfrv8thanks. bbl.19:26
Noskcajxfce probably prefers faenza-xfce, custom made by ochosi 19:33
Noskcajoops, i pinged him19:33
NoskcajThe git for the packaging is at https://github.com/rbrito/pkg-faenza-icon-theme19:34
NoskcajI wonder if micah or lionel could try and get it uploaded straight to ubuntu19:34
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ochosijjfrv8: just use the latest version of faenza you can find, e.g. in the launchpad repo19:51
ochosino need for faenza-xfce, it was just an addon but most of it was merged into faenza itself by now19:51
knomegood evening19:53
Noskcajmorning knome 19:54
knomehey Noskcaj 19:58
elfyhi knome 19:59
Unit193Howdy elfy.19:59
knomehey elfy, Unit193 19:59
elfyhi Unit193 20:00
knomeand hai ochosi20:01
ochosiknome: i've thought a bit about our roadmap for 14.0421:19
ochositodo-items etc.21:19
Unit193And you'd like to take most?21:19
ochosimost of what i can think of at the moment concerns xfce upstream21:19
ochosiand helping them to get 4.12 ready and out21:20
ochosiso i might focus on that21:20
knomeochosi, feel free to update the wikipage21:20
ochosiright, but i'm not sure it's something very "trackable"21:21
knomethe roadmap itself doesn't need to be all-trackable work items21:21
Noskcaj10ochosi, One way you could help is convince corsac to upload the 4.11 stuff to experimental21:21
ochosiNoskcaj10: nah, i'm not really into packaging21:21
Noskcaj10It's all packaged, it's just a case of corsac doesn't have enough people helping with bugs to upload it21:22
ochosiwell then what can i do?21:23
Noskcaj10i've got to go to school now, bye21:23
brainwashany plans to get rid of gnome-system-tools (users-admin)?21:24
micahgNoskcaj10: we won't take all of 4.11 in Ubuntu anyways, only the pieces we need for the gtk3 indicator enablement and that other feature we wanted21:24
ochosibrainwash: well there's a mostly-finished part of a replacement for that in git.xfce21:25
ochosibrainwash: but someone would have to pick it up and finish it21:25
ochosihey micahg 21:25
brainwashochosi: oh, I see21:25
micahgwell, we don't want a rushed 4.12, we want a stable LTS21:28
ochosiyeah, i'll just do whatever i can to support xfce (as i do almost always, but i'm not sure what i'll do for this xubuntu release specifically)21:28
ochosimicahg: any luck in getting the indicator-stuff or the panel into a ppa yet?21:31
micahgno, been busy unfortunately21:31
micahgI've got work still this weekend21:31
ochosiwow, for me the weekend is clearly over :)21:32
micahgI'm going to try again this week21:32
knomeochosi, timezones...21:32
micahgI think I'm 7 hours behind you21:33
knomehe's UTC+121:34
micahgah, 6 houts21:34
micahgoh, did he already roll back DST?21:35
knomethough DST ended last night, was +221:35
knomei'm +2 now.21:35
knomei think all of EU did.21:35
micahgso, he's now +121:35
brainwashochosi: greybird will remain the default theme, right?21:36
micahgso, 7 time zones, 6 hours :)21:36
micahgstill UTC-5 for another week21:36
knomethey should get rid of the DST madness.21:37
ochosibrainwash: yeah, i think it will21:37
knomewell unless there is another as tested, as well supported theme...21:37
brainwashall shimmer ones are :P21:37
knomeall of them kind of are, but not really21:37
ochosiwell, i don't personally use bluebird or albatross anymore21:37
ochosiso that means they got a lot less attention21:38
knomealbatross needs reworking21:38
ochosinumix is farely tested, but its focus is on gnome321:38
ochosiand i'm not driving that project really21:38
knomebluebird is mostly good, since it's getting stuff from greybird21:38
ochosii helped a bit here and there with the gtk2 part21:38
ochosiand with the xfwm part21:38
ochosibut really, numix is not very much in my hands21:38
ochosii'm happy we have it aboard though21:38
brainwashthere is nothing bad about greybird, just feel that it got a bit boring21:39
knomethat's not a problem really, but i agree the fact that its focus is not xfce is a con21:39
ochosiwell numix is mostly being tested on fedora with gnome321:39
brainwashyou can but it even in the software center21:40
ochosibrainwash: yeah, we can consider switching themes at some point. tbh i grew a bit weary of designing new themes...21:40
knomegenerally i think after LTS is a good spot to do that21:41
brainwashmaybe some new slight changes to greybird would do the job21:41
brainwashso it feels "new"21:41
knomeplease, no changes for the sake of changes21:41
ochosibrainwash: actually, i did change the menu color since the last LTS21:42
ochosithat enraged quite a few people21:42
micahg+1, I'd like to just get everything stable for the LTS21:42
ochosimany loved it though too21:42
brainwashyeah, and we got the theme config tool now21:42
ochosimicahg: yeah, no worries, i'm not planning anything crazy ;)21:42
ochosibrainwash: exactly. so you can even get that 12.04 greybird look back, if you really want21:43
knomeultimately, users can and will change themes, wallpaper, installed applications and what not, so the point is to ship a sensible default...21:43
knomewho knows what we end up doing after 14.04 with simon :)21:44
ochosimaybe i'll be "too old for this s***" (to quote a weary black man)21:45
brainwashright, the LTS should be stable and not cause any uproars like 13.10 did21:46
* micahg is checking the latest abiword now21:47
brainwash13.10 is like the worst release since I'm using ubuntu mainly (maybe because I did lots of bug tracking and debugging)21:47
micahgbrainwash: we can try to fix the indicators, anything else wronf?21:47
brainwashuhm, the terminal segfault comes to mind, a patch is available and ali1234 even build the package in his PPA21:49
brainwashbug 120673921:50
ubottubug 1206739 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "xfce4-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV in magazine_chain_pop_head()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120673921:50
ochosibrainwash: i think that yes, it's due to the debugging that you see this release as particularly bad21:50
ochosibut true, the sound-indicator-issue isn't nice21:50
ochosi14.04 will certainly be better21:51
brainwasheverything seems to go so slow after release, are people afraid of filing SRU reports? :)21:51
knomewas thinking the same, doing a lot of debugging doesn't inherently mean the release is bad21:51
knomeyou just were involved more...21:51
micahgI think part of the problem is that mr_pouit and I have really been lacking time21:51
knomethe fix for the problem is supporting bluesabre to get upload permissions ASAP21:52
micahgI'd love too, as soon as he has enough experience :021:52
knomewith supporting i also meant making him have.21:52
brainwashbug 1222021 is bothering many people too21:53
ubottubug 1222021 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Laptop sleeps when lid is closed, regardless of Power Manager Settings." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122202121:53
ochosiyeah, xfce-powerman needs to support systemd at some point21:55
ochosibut there's no-one to work on that (upstream)21:55
ochosiso we might (at some point) have to think about alternatives21:55
knomeprobably a good idea to keep an eye on that for T21:56
brainwasha patch has been released months ago21:57
micahgneeds to support powerd at least21:57
knomeif we seeked for somebody who could work on that now, we might get it done for T... ;)21:57
knomelooks like i might be a bit more available... well, sometime next month .P21:59
ochosinot sure where to find someone who can do that though21:59
knomebut i'll try to squeeze in more FOSS-time21:59
knomesend mails to email lists, shout around the social media, stuff like that21:59
ochosithere was a guy on the xfceML who added an interesting xfce4-powerman patch (laptop-keyboard-backlight support), he could be contacted21:59
knomeyep, that kind of people.22:00
ochosibut then again, means being the go-between to get some xfce dev to review and push the code22:00
knomebut i guess we need to make sure we have time for that kind of stuff now and in the future22:00
ochosiand nerves...22:03
brainwashoh yeah22:03
brainwashstill got plenty of things to debug, and it's driving me mad22:04
micahgnew abiword will hopefully land in trusty soon22:04
* micahg just sync'd it22:05
brainwashisn't saucy already shipping 3.0?22:05
knomemicahg, a real release or a random snapshot?22:05
brainwashthat reminds me of the libreoffice discussion22:06
knomebrainwash, improving self-control is a thing that i encourage doing, but do not approve as an official work item :P22:06
micahgbrainwash: saucy has a 3.0 snapshot, I'll have to see what the diff is to see if we can SRU 3.0 itself22:07
micahgbackport is always an option22:07
knomesaucy is "just" saucy, it's a non-LTS version just before an LTS; we should encourage everybody to upgrade to 14.04 anyway22:07
micahgknome: not for another 9 months :)22:07
micahgmeh, at least 22:08
knomeheh. :)22:08
micahgI'd like to backport 3.0 all the way to precise22:08
knomei understand, but we should still consider if backporting something means that we will not have time to fix/do something else for 14.0422:08
micahgI'm just severely lacking time right now22:08
Unit193Heh, I'd like a backported cryptsetup once it hits trusty, but alas...22:09
knomebut yeah, i think backporting 3.0.0 is a good idea22:09
micahgwell, if people can do the testing, I can prepare uploads and push the buttons22:09
brainwashany benefit of doing it? it's just abiword :)22:09
micahgabiword in precise is atrocious22:09
knomemicahg, a song for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xu3FTEmN-eg22:10
knomemicahg, (wait for the refrain)22:10
knomeactually, the C-part @ 2:0022:12
ochosii think abiword is less important than the indicators22:13
ochosiSRUing or backporting those would be great22:13
micahgon my list for this week, if you don;t hear anything by Wed, poke me22:14
ochosican do22:14
knomeSRU would be awesome22:14
ochosiwe should have a thug-bot for those things :)22:14
knomewhat about the notes?22:15
ochosiwhat notes?22:15
micahgwell, let's get it working first, then we can figure out backport vs SRU22:15
knomenah, let's SRU a broken stack!22:15
ochosithe cool thing is, as soon as we have gtk3-indicators working, we can patch lotsa indicators to work nicer with xfe22:16
ochosi(e.g. power-indicator, which has the nice benefit of optionally showing the remaining battery-life/time with numbers in the panel)22:17
brainwashand it's once again "xmir or classic xorg", right?22:22
knomeyep, we should consider that again22:22
micahg+1, let's wait until Ubuntu defaults to it before considering22:59
ochosimicahg: and let's hope ubuntu doesn't do anything crazy with the indicator-stack this cycle ;)23:02
Unit193It's now Qt!23:05
knomethat wasn't a joke23:07
micahgoh, I thought ochosi was trying to be a straighman, obviously the indicator stack will undergo major changes for the LTS, it wouldn't be an LTS cycle otherwise :P23:08
knomeyeah, why not23:09

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