
=== `Fibz is now known as `Fibz`
xubuntu773anyone have issues with missing icons on  13.1001:17
xubuntu773is posting links here aloud01:18
Poisoned_Dragonmissing icons?01:19
xubuntu773i have a screen shot of it if anyone wants01:19
Poisoned_Dragonshow, please01:19
Poisoned_Dragona remote desktop connection from a win8 pc?01:21
Poisoned_DragonYou know, someone one else complained about missing elements in xfce, during a remote session.01:21
Poisoned_Dragonlemme see if my google-fu can find it01:21
xubuntu773i looked01:22
Poisoned_Dragonit ended having to do with xsession files, iirc. The ones that govern the remote session01:24
xubuntu773so its the xrdp01:26
Poisoned_Dragonhere's a small tip of the ice burg01:28
Poisoned_DragonI don't know if the problem gets bigger than that. But, alot of XRDP display issues seem to stem from needing to make an .xsession to dictate what DE you're using.01:30
xubuntu773ok reading now01:34
xubuntu773well i tried this and it seems like the company that installed the os did something wrong01:42
xubuntu773all process will not restart they way they are intendid01:42
xubuntu773gonna go rage thanks for your help01:43
Poisoned_Dragonno prob. :)01:44
HunterZAnyone know why my audio indicator would be greyed out after an upgrade from Xubuntu x64 13.04 to 13.10? Audio itself seems to be working fine, but the indicator in the indicator panel is greyed out, and clicking it shows a very small empty popup.01:56
silverlionhey there!03:36
hempfesthello, are there any guides to getting xubuntu 13.10 properly installed on a usb stick, i tried but grub goes into some sort of panik mode and leaves me at a command line05:20
hempfestwhen i try and boot the stick05:21
hempfest i am an on laptop that i have enabled legacy booting (non-efi) first. '05:22
hempfestcan boot dvd's iso just fine, want a proper lnstall though, r/w filesystem and all that.05:22
hempfeston my 16gb usb stick. any suggestions thanks?'05:23
hempfestoh well05:24
hempfesti figure it ou myself, have fun!05:24
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Psil0Cybinhey guys how do u change the transparency of a right click07:37
Psil0Cybinmenu in xubuntu07:37
Psil0Cybinhey guys how do u change the transparency of a right click07:47
Psil0Cybinmenu in xubuntu07:47
ataridoes anyone know whether there is a thinkpad ubuntu/linux irc channel?07:48
elfyPsil0Cybin: try settings manager > window manager tweaks > compositor tab - then opacity of popup windows07:50
elfyatari: if you mean a specific channel for thinkpads I don't know - but I doubt it07:51
atarielfy: mhm... i have a power issue...07:54
Psil0Cybinhey anyone know how to change the right click menu transparency07:57
Psil0Cybinin xfce07:57
elfyPsil0Cybin: try settings manager > window manager tweaks > compositor tab - then opacity of popup windows07:58
Psil0Cybini didd07:58
Psil0Cybini changed it and nothing :(07:58
elfyoh - not sure about in xfce07:58
Psil0Cybinno no im using xubuntu07:58
Psil0Cybinso its the same, i did that tho07:58
elfyis the compositor actually turned on?07:58
Psil0Cybini googled for hrs elfy all google yeilds is panel transparency07:59
Psil0Cybinof course my inactive windows are transparent07:59
Psil0Cybinsame thing as my window decorations :)07:59
Psil0Cybini love looking sleeek07:59
elfyPsil0Cybin: is that not what you mean then ^^08:02
elfynot sure why inactive windows would be transparent but not right click windows08:02
Psil0Cybinyup i changed that08:02
Psil0Cybinbut when i right click08:03
Psil0Cybinits only a little transparent08:03
Psil0Cybinit doesnt change if i turn it all the way to transparent08:03
Psil0Cybini can still see a dark gray transparentish menu08:03
elfyif I turn it all the way to completely transparent I can't see it at all08:04
Psil0Cybinyour right click menu??08:04
Psil0Cybinlike u right click and dont see it?08:05
elfyyep - right click on desktop menu and any popup menus08:05
Psil0Cybinmaybe i need to log off?08:05
Psil0Cybinand log back in?08:05
elfychanges are instantaneous here08:05
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:06
Psil0Cybinhey guys i cannot get my right click menu to be transparent in xubuntu any thing else i can try08:15
Psil0Cybinwhen i change the opicility of pop up window it only changes to a little bit of transparency08:18
Psil0Cybinbut i cannot make it go any more08:18
Arpad2no sound after upgrade to 13.10, solutions from Google not working08:52
Psil0Cybinhey guys i cannot get my right click menu to be transparent in xubuntu any thing else i can try08:56
elfyPsil0Cybin: I've not been able to find anything anywhere that comes even close to compositing working for everything but popup windows09:01
Psil0Cybinelfy: i know its super wierd man09:04
Psil0Cybini cannot figure it out09:04
Psil0Cybin but i found a bug report09:04
Psil0Cybinhrs after googling09:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 325662 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "Transparency problems with xfdesktop" [Medium,Confirmed]09:04
elfyPsil0Cybin: what theme/icon sets are you using? and what release of xubuntu is it09:08
Psil0Cybinim looking through the theme files09:09
Psil0Cybinto see if its changing settings cuz its wied all other transparency works09:09
Psil0Cybinit cannot be a driver issue...its something in the settings09:09
elfydo you get the same issue if you change to default icons/themes?09:09
Psil0Cybinim using Shiki-Brave09:10
Psil0Cybinim going to try right now09:10
Psil0Cybinwhata default xubuntu theme09:10
elfygreybird afaik09:10
Psil0Cybinsame problem09:11
Psil0Cybinthe menus are semi transparent in the applications but on desktop barley09:12
Psil0Cybinand i cannot change it no matter what theme09:12
elfyweird - have you tried to rename the .config/xfce4 and restart09:13
Psil0Cybinwhich config09:13
elfyor move it to desktop or something09:13
Psil0Cybinwhat do u mean sorry09:13
elfythe xfce4 folder in .config09:14
elfydon't delete it - just move it somewhere - then logout/in09:14
elfyPsil0Cybin: good luck - gtg now09:15
Psil0Cybinthanks man09:16
Psil0Cybinhave a good night09:16
Psil0Cybinhey anyone here that can help me with opacity for popup messages?09:39
Psil0Cybinit doesnt seem to work for me09:39
bazhangfor gnome?09:41
Psil0Cybinim in the settings i went to Window Manager Tweaks09:49
Psil0Cybineverything works perfectly except when i change opacity of pop up windows09:49
Psil0Cybinjust those pop up windows do not change09:49
Psil0Cybineverything else does09:49
thinairHello, does someone know can I add buttons to title bar?10:07
thinairI can move the Roll Up button from hidden window section to active section, but can I have it on bath?10:08
thinairDoes someone know can I add buttons to the title bar?10:19
thinairI can move the RollUp button from hidden section to active section in window manager settings, but can I have it on both?10:20
thinairSomthing's wrong with xchat.. Does these messages show up? They are transparent here....10:21
brainwashthinair: that wouldn't make much sense, the button is either visible or not10:21
thinairOh, sorry.. My misunderstanding.10:22
thinairI thought that "hidden" was some kind of mode of the window.10:24
Psil0Cybinhey anyone here that can help me with opacity for popup messages?10:25
Psil0Cybinit doesnt seem to work for me10:25
Psil0Cybinim in the settings i went to Window Manager Tweaks10:25
Psil0Cybineverything works perfectly except when i change opacity of pop up windows10:26
well_laid_lawnwhat pop up window are you testing with ?10:29
Psil0Cybinright click10:31
Psil0Cybinon desktop10:31
Psil0Cybinand the xubutu icon10:32
Psil0Cybinon top panel10:32
well_laid_lawnthey are both menus...10:37
Psil0Cybinand they dont change10:38
Psil0Cybinwhen i change the transparency10:38
Psil0Cybinof them10:38
Psil0Cybini want them to be transparent10:39
Psil0Cybinhere is a image well_laid_lawn10:39
thinairChanging popup window opacity worked perfectly for me.10:41
Psil0Cybini know10:42
Psil0Cybineveryone keeps saying that :(10:43
Psil0Cybineverything else works perfectly10:43
Psil0Cybinbut not that one setting how can i do it manually??10:43
Psil0Cybinhow wierd10:43
Psil0Cybini posted this thinair http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2183951&p=12829860#post1282986010:44
Psil0Cybini really want to get this working its pissing me off >.<10:44
brainwashcan you reproduce this issue with a new user account?10:44
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Psil0Cybini dont think a new user account would make a difference because all other setting swithin the window manager work10:46
Psil0Cybinit makes no sense that one of the settings would not work10:46
Psil0Cybinis there a file10:46
Psil0Cybinthat handles popup windows10:46
well_laid_lawnyou could have a look through xfconf10:47
brainwashit does not hurt to test10:47
brainwashbetter than flooding this channel with your strange question :P10:48
well_laid_lawna genuine concern is not a strange question brainwash10:48
Psil0Cybini found this well_laid_lawn brainwash thinair : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfwm4/+bug/32566210:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 325662 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "Transparency problems with xfdesktop" [Medium,Confirmed]10:49
Psil0Cybinit seems one person had the same problem10:49
brainwashon top of that, check ~/.xsession-errors and run "xfwm4 --replace" inside a terminal window for some debugging info10:49
brainwashjust to make sure, this problem affects other themes as well and you did not make custom theme changes, right?10:51
Psil0Cybini found this perhaps10:52
Psil0Cybin(xfwm4-tweaks-settings:3556): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_window_group_remove_window: assertion `window->group == window_group' failed10:52
Psil0Cybinyea i did10:52
Psil0Cybinit affects all themes10:52
Psil0Cybinugh i am so confused >.< always me10:53
Psil0Cybini also got this10:54
Psil0Cybin(xfwm4-tweaks-settings:3551): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_window_group_remove_window: assertion `window->group == window_group' failed10:54
Psil0Cybinxfwm4-Message: xfwm4: Cannot parse color ##8c8e8d10:54
well_laid_lawnthere's two # in that colour10:55
Psil0Cybinyea but it effects all themes anyway so i know thats not causing it10:56
Psil0Cybinwhat else could it be wow this is such a noodle scratcher10:56
Psil0Cybinif wuld make more sense if no transparency worked10:56
elfyand a whole lot easier to fix :)10:58
Psil0Cybinwhy did u say that >.<10:59
well_laid_lawnthe error says the colour can't be parsed - it's not ok10:59
Psil0Cybinso would it be in the ~./themes folder?11:01
Psil0Cybini cant find that color code with the theme11:02
Psil0Cybinim using11:02
Psil0Cybinill be back in a few hrs im going to get 2 hrs of sleep before i take the gf to work11:03
Psil0Cybinthanks for trying to help me for now11:03
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silv3r_m00nhi there11:19
silv3r_m00ni remember using xubuntu 12.04, since which version did that dock at the bottom came in ?11:20
`Fibz`before 12.0411:20
silv3r_m00noh, its only a panel11:22
xubuntu627When I browse flash videos and read some pdf document on evince at the same time, every scroll causes the video to lag11:33
bingohello. in session and startup, what does display chooser on login do?11:48
TheSheepbingo: displays a session chooser on login11:54
bingowhat is a good font for Albatross ?11:56
bingoit is set to Sans currently11:56
bekksWhats "Albatross"?11:57
bingoin Appearance11:57
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xubuntu862i have a question16:06
xubuntu862is there any expert?16:06
thinairYou don't need ask to ask.16:07
thinairWhat kind of a problem?16:08
xubuntu862i need to install the 'brcmsmac' driver. to do this i need to install a "linux-backports-modules". i have problems to do this (even to download this)16:09
bazhang!find linux-backports-modules16:10
ubottuPackage/file linux-backports-modules does not exist in saucy16:10
thinairIsn't brcmsmac installed in ubuntu out of the box?16:11
xubuntu862if it is. how can i load it to my "wirelass land card"?  lspci -k says that no kernel driver is loaded.16:12
Sysiwhat xubuntu version, what macbook?16:13
thinairIt's sometimes called brcm80211.16:13
xubuntu862my notebook is an: thinkpad e130 (wlan card is Broadcom BCM4313).  i am using xubuntu 13.1016:13
thinairI have BCM431216:14
thinairbut I use wifi usb dongle.16:16
xubuntu862but it is possible to run this card on xubuntu16:17
xubuntu862its in german unfortunately16:17
xubuntu862so how can i load a module to run this card?16:18
thinairBefore I used regular ubuntu, and I had compatible driver in Additional Drivers.16:21
thinairBut not anymore when using xubuntu.16:21
xubuntu862no possibility?16:26
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:26
bazhangread that?16:26
xubuntu862ok ill check that and try it16:28
xubuntu862thank u16:28
xfceany idea why after restart xubuntu 12.04  auto start up skype and 5 times cairo-dock ?18:03
Unit193Because you saved your session, uncheck that option and remove ~/.cache/sessions18:04
xfceboth of them has been removed from autostart up18:04
xfcei didnt save it18:04
xfceto erase everything in /sessions ?18:06
dumnuthi, i have ubuntu on my old 2g computer and it is running slow, would xubuntu run faster?19:20
bekksdumnut: Install xfce and see for yourself. :)19:22
bekksdumnut: No need to reinstall things or something.19:22
dumnuthi bekks, so xfce runs on ubuntu os?19:23
dumnutbekks: yup , that is what you said, sorry for me being dumb, t-y for your tip19:25
esrI'm observing logout to hang forever on a fresh Xubuntu 13.10 install.  Are others?  Is there a known workaround?19:32
well_laid_lawnesr:  what happens if you try and logout through a terminal ?19:35
esrwell_laid_lawn: What command should I use to attempt this?19:36
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well_laid_lawnopen a terminal, type   logout   , press enter19:37
esr!!! I didn't think that'd work from X.  I'm in i3 at the moment; will probably lose my IRC connection tesing this.  Back soon.19:39
ubottuesr: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:39
dumnuthi esr, i admire you for learning to be expert in programming19:40
esrubottu: That's OK, lotta timea when I use IRC people think I'm an AI emulating ESR. :-)19:40
ubottuesr: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:40
esrAnd in fact it doesn't work under i3. I get "bash: logout: not login shell: use `exit'".  I think that's what's going to go down under Xfce, too.19:42
esrConfirned.  "logout" from an Xfce terminal window fails with a complaint abut not a login shell.19:45
esrwell_laid_lawn: You got any better idea how I can make a real logout work where it can be monitored?19:46
Unit193esr: You have systemd-shim installed?19:47
esrUnit193: If it's in the stock install.  Checking...19:47
esrUnit193: aptitude says I do.19:48
Unit193The only logout hang issue I know of was fixed in upstart.  You should have a ~/.cache/upstart/startxfce4.log, does it give any pointers?19:50
esrUnit193: Lots of junky GNOME and DBUS messages. No obvious clue.19:52
esrHad to reboot to get out of Xfce.  Haven't seen any taffic d=sunce I said "No obvious clue."20:03
Unit193Not seen that issue I'd say.20:04
elfyesr: and how long do you mean by forever?20:05
esrelfy: I mean "forever" forever.  The logout menu entry is a black hole, the only escape is hard-rebooting the machine.20:06
elfybug 122721220:06
ubottubug 1227212 in upstart "Session logout takes too long" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122721220:06
elfybut I thought that was fixed20:06
brainwashelfy: ~10sec is not "forever"20:07
brainwashand it has been fixed quite some time ago :)20:08
elfyindeed not brainwash - but then when we were discussing that issue - I didn't think 10 seconds was a long time ;)20:08
esrI don't even get to the logout/reboot/shutdown popup.20:08
brainwashesr: run "xfce4-session-logout"20:09
TheSheepesr: that's xfce4-session-logout not logout20:09
esrOK.  Hold on, going to have to change out of i3 again...20:10
esr(I prefer i3 to xfce, I'm just reporting this bug because somebody ought to.)20:11
brainwashare you even running the xfce session?20:11
esrAbout to run xfce4-session-logout20:13
esrIt returns with no errors.  But the popup does not appear, and my machine is no so laggy that my keystrokes have delayed echo.20:14
TheSheepesr: I know that it may sounds strange, but it may be a problem with graphics drivers + "display overaly windows directly" setting + the darkening of the screen of the logout dialog -- I think I had that at some point, disabling "display overlay windows directly" in window manager tweaks worked around it, you could try it20:15
esrEr, "now so laggy".20:15
TheSheepit's in the 'compositor' tab20:16
esrTheSheep: How do I access window manager teaks?20:16
esrWhat menu entrtry or application?20:16
TheSheepxfce4-settings-manager  then select "window manager tweaks"20:17
esrOK.  Shall reboot and attempt.20:17
TheSheepfailing that, maybe stracing the xfce4-session-logout would shed some light :/20:17
TheSheepI think it only sends a message through dbus20:18
esrTheSheep: Nope.  Fund that etry, it was under "Composite th ecreen" which was disabled.  Enabled compositing, disabled display overlay windows directyly, same result.20:24
TheSheepesr: no idea then, I assume that since you say "fresh xubuntu install", you are using the default setup and are running xfce4-session, not some other session manager?20:25
esrTheSheep: Howeverm the general theory that it's a driver problem seems plausible.  *Something* is sure as hell eating my CPU.20:25
esrTheSheep: Yes.  I use i3 for production, but logging out of that works OK.20:26
TheSheepas far as I know (I'm not very knowledgable about this), all xfce4-session-logout does is sending a dbus message20:26
TheSheepand the actual logout is handled by xfce4-session itself20:26
esrHm.  Could dbus be spinning?20:27
TheSheepmaybe running dbus-monitor while trying xfce4-session-logout would be enlightening20:27
esrCould be tried.20:28
esrTrying it.  dbus-monitor now running.20:29
esrAttempting logout...20:29
TheSheepI get a lot of  string "Property "/general/AutoSave" does not exist on channel "xfce4-session""  but the dialog appears20:31
esrTheSheep: Noting obviously enlightening in the dbus messages - and I couldn't save a copy, the machine as too hung.20:38
TheSheepesr: I think I'm out of ideas, if you'd report the bug on launchpad, then much more experienced people will have a look at it20:39
esrTheSheep: Will do.20:40
Arpad2after partial upgrade to 13.10 no sound comming out of xubuntu laptop20:52
TheSheepArpad2: alsamixer in terminal shows anything?20:55
Arpad2<TheSheep>, it sais this: arpad@arpad-P170EM:~$ alsamixer20:57
Arpad2cannot open mixer: No such file or directory20:57
TheSheepArpad2: ok, does "lsmod | grep snd" show anything?20:57
TheSheep(don't paste it here)20:57
Arpad2however, sudo alsamixer sais20:58
Arpad2TheSheep: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6314698/20:59
TheSheepok, that looks good21:00
TheSheepwhat about sudo alsamixer?21:00
Arpad2TheSheep: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6314714/21:00
TheSheeplooks like your volume on the master channel is down to 021:01
TheSheepuse arrow up to raise it21:01
Arpad2no effect21:03
Arpad2still dumb21:04
TheSheepI wonder why you had to use sudo21:05
knomei'd check pavucontrol, especially the selected output device and audio levels.21:05
TheSheepArpad2: can you go to the settings manager -> users and settings -> your user -> advanced settings -> user priviledges21:06
onrcan you upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10 using the ISO file?21:06
TheSheepArpad2: and make sure you have the right to use audio devices?21:06
knomeonr, yes21:06
onrknome: what i need to do?21:07
knomeonr, boot the image and select upgrade21:08
onrknome: oh thank you21:08
knomeno problem21:08
Arpad2TheSheep: 'Use audio devices' was unchecked21:10
Arpad2but checking it , doesn't solve the problem21:12
Arpad2perhaps with reboot?21:12
bekksArpad2: Reboot never solves problems, not even when using Windows.21:15
TheSheepin this case a logout might, though21:17
TheSheepchanges in group membership only have result after relogging21:17
Sazpaimon_so I'm trying to configure xubuntu with compiz and whisker-menu to work with the super key for shortcuts21:38
Sazpaimon_I have whisker-menu set to open with the Super_L key, and compiz set up to maximize and snap applications using Super+left/right/up, but they seem to conflict with eachother21:38
Sazpaimon_for example, simply pressing the Super key will cause whisker-menu to open, which seems to break the compiz shortcuts. is there a way to have xfce to wait until the super key is unpressed?21:39
TheSheepSazpaimon_: I don't think you will find many people experienced with compiz or whisker-menu here, I would try at #compiz21:40
TheSheepSazpaimon_: because compiz is not part of xfce21:40
Sazpaimon_yeah i wasnt sure if here or compiz would be the best place, because I'm using both xfce shortcuts and compiz ones21:41
Sazpaimon_but I'll try over there21:41
TheSheepI don't think you can use xfce shortcuts without running xfwm4, and I'm pretty sure you cannot run xfwm and compiz at the same time21:41
Sazpaimon_thats odd because it seems to be working fine21:42
Sazpaimon_i bound the super key to an application using the standard xubuntu keyboard shortcut settings and it worked21:42
Sazpaimon_its just that it doesnt want for the key to be unpressed before taking the action21:42
TheSheepmaybe it shares settings with compiz?21:43
Sazpaimon_could be, I'll try disabling compiz and see if that makes it work the way I expect21:43
Sazpaimon_also, since you mentioned that many people wont know about whisker-menu here, is there any alternative application menu for xfce that people tend to use?21:45
Sazpaimon_notably one with a search feature21:45
ochosinot that i know of21:46
ochosithere's only the eOS "menu" slingshot, which can be used by adding a launcher to the panel21:46
ochosibut in my experience it's not responsive enough21:46
Arpad2<TheSheep>: after reboot audio is available with alsamixer, thank you for help22:12
deamanxhey guys i have a q.My screen brightness can only be set via the terminal with "echo 100 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness" is there anyway i can make my hardware button work?22:26
bekksdeamanx: That is your hardware button replacement if it doesnt work otherwise.22:36
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