
mattywIf I've just uploaded a new proposal and I want to leave a comment other than "please take a look" shall I just do it on Rietveld or is there an lbox way of doing it that puts it in launchpad as well?13:35
rick_h_mattyw: I'm not following 100%. lbox will sync the description/comment to the LP MP. LP supports the description and commit message.13:39
mattywrick_h_, I've already pushed the change, and I want to make a comment about it, there doesn't seem to be an option for that in lbox?13:42
rick_h_mattyw: sure thing, you have to either reply at the bottom or do a "Publish ... comments"13:46
rick_h_mattyw: and it'll give you an input to comment.13:46
rick_h_mattyw: we do 'code reviewer comments' by going through as if we were a reviewer putting in-line comments and then publishing them before asking for a review that way.13:47
rick_h_mattyw: you do have to be signed in to comment? Look in the upper right and check for the login link perhaps?13:47
mattywrick_h_, I can see the reply button, just wonderd if it sync with lp automatically or if I should be using lbox13:51
rick_h_mattyw: yes, comments in lbox (reitveld) will be sync'd over to LP. see https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/charmworld/proof-config2/+merge/192243 for an example where the comments were all made in reitveld, but got copied over ok.13:52
rick_h_mattyw: we just use lbox to sync the code. So if you edit the MP code, you need to re-lbox it to update the diff on reitveld13:53
rick_h_and final submit is lbox submit13:53
mattywrick_h_, ok thanks - I'm going to blame my cognitive speed on my jet lag :)13:55
mattywrick_h_, while I have your attention, I was told you might be able to answer the following (or point me to someone who can)13:57
mattywrick_h_, ^^ it doesn't look like the jujucharms pages for charms not in the store get updated, is this on purpose?13:57
rick_h_mattyw: no, not on purpose. You're talking about jujucharms.com or manage.jujucharms.com?14:12
rick_h_mattyw: if there's an error on a charm that a revision introduces it'd not get updated. See http://manage.jujucharms.com/tools/proof-errors if the charm in question is in there.14:13
mattywrick_h_, it's on jujucharms.com. I mean pages like this: https://jujucharms.com/fullscreen/search/~mattyw/precise/docker-3/?text=docker. Even though I've updated the readme the latest version doesn't appear, just wondered if this was intentional14:14
rick_h_mattyw: it's failing lint http://manage.jujucharms.com/~mattyw/precise/docker I'm not sure if that's causnig it to not update.14:17
mattywrick_h_, I'll check it out, thanks :)14:18
rick_h_mattyw: sure thing. if that doesn't help it out we can follow up on it tomorrow. /me is actual away today14:18
rick_h_mattyw: it should re-check things after a new commit around 15-30min14:19
rick_h_mattyw: I'd also suggest you redo the readme like http://paste.mitechie.com/show/1055/ as the `` is markdown syntax and it renders it funny and might cause issues (thuogh shouldn't be breaking updating it)14:27
mattywrick_h_, thanks for the suggestions, didn't realise you were away otherwise I'd have left you in peace14:34
rick_h_mattyw: np, quiet day around here so can irc between loads of cleaning/laundry :)14:35
abentleyWhy does juju chown the environments/*.jenv?  I'm getting a failure because of it: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6320043/19:20
hazmatabentley, cause it has secrets19:24
abentleyhazmat: I can understand chmodding, but why does it chown?19:24
hazmatabentley, its a fallout from local provider needing sudo to bootstrap19:25
hazmatthat stills sounds fishy.. but ie. prior to the chown (on environments dir) if you bootstrapped local, you wouldn't be able to use other providers because of perm errors on creating jenv in that dir19:26
abentleyhazmat: If it must chown, it would be nice to chown to gid/uid of environments.yaml.  That way, secrets are not disclosed to other users.19:26
abentleyhazmat: If it succeeded at chowning to 1000, then user "ubuntu" would know the contents of user "jenkins" (107) environments.yaml.19:28
hazmatabentley, sounds reasonable re gid/uid of env.yaml19:29
hazmatwathces seem to be interacting badly with container units23:08
hazmathmm.. upgrader gone amuck trying to downgrade and stopping agents23:14
sidneiuhm, no thumper around23:39

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