
skreech_I have ubuntu-normal as part of my updates along with gnome-cc Is that supposed to happen?02:35
jussi!info ubuntu-normal06:52
ubottuPackage ubuntu-normal does not exist in raring06:52
jussiahh you silly bot06:53
jussi!info ubuntu-normal06:53
ubottuPackage ubuntu-normal does not exist in saucy06:53
jussiskreech_: sounds weird, if ubottu doesnt lie06:54
soeegood morning07:32
jussimorning soee07:42
lordievaderGood morning.07:55
shadeslayerQuintasan: want to update ktp?10:18
apacheloggerafiestas: do you have a thought on bug 1244232 ... basically actually disks listed in /etc/fstab with noauto are apparently being mounted by the plasmoid when 'enable automounting of removal devices' is active.... i.e. why would the plasmoid think they are removable devices?10:28
ubottubug 1244232 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "13-10 mounts all drives specified in /etc/fstab even with noauto specified" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124423210:28
Riddellgood morning10:38
shadeslayermorning Riddell10:39
shadeslayerScottK: Riddell oxygen-gtk3 1.2.0-0ubuntu1.1 (Waiting for approval)10:39
shadeslayerfix for 124494110:39
afiestasapachelogger: please report in bugs.kde.org, plus ask the reporter to add 10:40
afiestassolid-hardware list10:40
afiestasidentify which device is and then do10:41
afiestassolid-hardware details /org/kde/fstab/...10:41
apacheloggerafiestas: ok thanks10:42
Riddelldid ahoney's membership meeting happen?10:51
jussiRiddell: doesnt look like it...10:52
yofel_Riddell, jussi: it happened, but with only me and valorie present, see ML10:53
apacheloggerweb browser were invented by the devil10:54
apacheloggerso was launchpad, but that we know already10:54
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* shadeslayer yawns11:24
* jussi puts a cherry in shadeslayer's open mouth11:39
shadeslayermmmmm cherries11:39
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1244232] 13-10 mounts all drives specified in /etc/fstab even with noauto specified @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1244232 (by Erike Magegere)11:50
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=== greyback|break is now known as greyback
Riddellsigh, muon is pretty broken13:58
RiddellMamarok: yeah there's issues in muon, see bug 124380714:12
ubottubug 1243807 in muon (Ubuntu Saucy) "[SRU] Update Muon to 2.1.0" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124380714:12
=== cmagina_ is now known as cmagina
Riddellshadeslayer: bug 1244941 looking good but needs ScottK to approve it14:37
ubottubug 1244941 in oxygen-gtk3 (Ubuntu Trusty) "Mousewheel scrolling does not work" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124494114:37
Riddellor another sru14:37
Riddellhmm, ktp update in raring needs testing14:44
Riddelltrying an ec2 test14:56
shadeslayerRiddell: want to upload kde4libs with https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/113242/ so that user-manager can show processor?14:56
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah I'll do that next14:57
Riddelldo we need a kickoff meeting for 14.04?14:57
Riddella mumble call14:57
shadeslayerJust not on a friday :P15:00
apacheloggeryou can get drunk every day of the week15:02
apacheloggerkubotu: order beer15:02
* kubotu gives apachelogger a nice frosty mug of beer.15:02
Riddellgosh tanglu's qa site is more shiny than ours http://qa.tanglu.org/15:06
apacheloggershiny doesn't give better quality :P15:07
shadeslayerRiddell: http://i.imgur.com/MSsotER.png15:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^15:09
Riddellshadeslayer: what's that?15:09
shadeslayerRiddell: notification dialog from qapt-update showing progress in plasma15:09
shadeslayerinstead of shitty dialogboxes15:09
Riddellshadeslayer: interesting, but where does it use a dialogue box? isn't it all progress bars inside muon-* ?15:10
shadeslayerRiddell: qapt-batch15:10
Riddellshadeslayer: ah hah15:12
Riddellshadeslayer: your work?15:12
Riddellbling bling15:13
shadeslayerRiddell: so now when you install your drivers via the new manager, you get a neat plasma notification showing you the progress15:15
Riddellaah, nice15:16
Riddellif only I had some non-free hardware to test it with :)15:16
shadeslayerRiddell: can be used to install packages as well15:16
shadeslayeri.e. install package via qapt-batch -> progress barr in plasma15:17
ScottKshadeslayer: Accepted.  Thanks.15:35
ScottKRiddell: Accepted oxygen-gtk315:36
ScottKI also release muon and plasma-nm early, so the deck is clear for another SRU.15:36
RiddellScottK: I'm about to give the ok on ktp in raring15:37
RiddellScottK: bug 1208837 good for me15:39
ubottubug 1208837 in meta-kde-telepathy (Ubuntu Raring) "Please update meta-kde-telepathy to 0.6.3" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120883715:39
shadeslayerRiddell: can you report bugs for your muon issues15:42
shadeslayerand then I'll hand them to Aleix when he comes over15:42
Riddellshadeslayer: actually I think they're all in the other trello card I just noticed15:42
ScottKshadeslayer: We've reported a large stack already.15:42
geniilightdm-kde-greeter is the dm installed by default now, yes?15:50
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=== paulW2U is now known as PaulW2U
shadeslayergenii: yeah15:59
geniishadeslayer: Thought so but wanted to confirm, thanks. Was kdm still default in Precise? I have a user with messed login screen in #k but apparently no /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf ( I am recommending install kde-greeter )16:00
shadeslayerI don't remember :S16:01
shadeslayerit's not on the manifest, so probably not16:02
RiddellScottK: bug 1245542 for your sru eyes16:04
ubottubug 1245542 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Trusty) "Solid can not read processor information" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124554216:04
yofelgenii: default for precise is kdm16:08
ScottKRiddell: Done.16:08
geniiyofel: OK, thanks.16:09
Riddellpick times for trusty kickoff meeting! http://doodle.com/hapst5krwg6pp6gd16:27
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu | https://trello.com/kubuntu | 4.11.2 notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | bugs http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | Shirts! https://holvi.com/shop/Kubuntu/ | http://doodle.com/hapst5krwg6pp6gd
shadeslayerRiddell: so I'm releasing some stuff from Debian experimental git16:36
shadeslayer( package has not been released to Debian )16:36
shadeslayerany ideas if I should use 1ubuntu1 or 0ubuntu1 ( I prefer the latter because then we can sync when debian release it )16:37
ScottKshadeslayer: 0ubuntu1 if it's not in Debian proper yet.  You could also use 1~ubuntu1 if you want to make it clear it's a pre-upload of -1.16:38
* shadeslayer prefers 0ubuntu116:39
shadeslayerRiddell: what happened to medibuntu btw?16:41
Riddellshadeslayer: I replaced it with videolan archive https://launchpad.net/medibuntu/+announcement/1195116:41
shadeslayerso we lost the domain name16:42
Riddellwho's we?16:42
Riddellme and videolan guys decided there wasn't much point in keeping it16:43
shadeslayerI see16:43
shadeslayerit's just that mint seems to have apt errors with medibuntu16:43
Riddellso Gauvain just turned it off16:43
shadeslayernot that I care ....16:43
Riddellah we did SRUs of all the libdvdread4 packages16:43
shadeslayerRiddell: they hardcode the repo 16:43
Riddelloh in sources.list ?16:44
Riddellwell they'll need to SRU something to update that16:44
shadeslayer*shrug* not our problem16:44
Riddelljust tell their uses to use Kubuntu :)16:45
Riddellno no, very anti social16:45
shadeslayerwell, I don't see how it's anti social, I just don't care about them :P16:46
shadeslayeranti social would be if I publically humiliated them for the shitty workarounds they do16:46
shadeslayerand how hacked together their software is16:46
Riddellpst, this channel is logged :)16:47
shadeslayerI don't think they care enough to read channel logs ^_^16:47
shadeslayertoo busy writing workarounds they are16:47
Riddell"I’d love some comments on whether Polo shirts are the way to go, or are T-shirts or Hoodies more preferred?"16:53
Riddelljussi: actually I'd like a shirt, the only one I own has a very old canonical logo on it16:54
* shadeslayer would like a hoodie16:54
jjessei like the polo i has17:06
jjessei like the polo i have jussi 17:06
shadeslayerI keep reading polo as pollo and then thinking why jjesse would like a chicken17:07
Riddellooh tricky, everyone wants something different :)17:07
jjesselol shadeslayer 17:07
shadeslayerFYI I'm onto merging packaging for KTP from Debian17:08
* Riddell onto owncloud17:10
ScottKjussi: t-shirt for me.17:12
Riddellhmm we missed out calligra 2.7.3 entirely, that's a shame17:12
shadeslayerRiddell: ever noticed how shit our getkubuntu page is17:36
shadeslayeron getkubuntu you have 2 buttons with the same label17:36
shadeslayerunless you read the text above, they look the same17:36
shadeslayerthen if you proceed to 13.10, you get a combobox with just one entry17:37
geniishadeslayer: I've noticed these... ah... discrepancies... also.17:39
Riddellshadeslayer: yep, fixes welcome, I think I left it in the hope it would be a junior job for some nice person wanting to get into kubuntu but nobody has picked it up17:39
Riddellgenii: ooh a volunteer? :)17:39
geniiRiddell: Let me get back to you on that, but probably.17:41
* shadeslayer tried adding more text, but the text overflows the button width17:41
shadeslayer-> not a HTML/CSS/Web guy17:42
littlegirlHey there, Riddell. You mentioned Mumble in the Doodle poll message on the mailing list. Is there an official Kubuntu Mumble channel?17:48
Riddellhi littlegirl, there is on yofel's server but we only use it occationally for meetings17:58
Riddellwibble https://launchpadlibrarian.net/155242623/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-arm64.kde4libs_4%3A4.11.2-0ubuntu2.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:12
Riddell"The bug is not reproducible, so it is likely a hardware or OS problem." meh18:13
Riddelloh arm64, that's ok then18:14
RiddellI already read arm64 as amd64 and get worried18:14
littlegirlAh, okay, thanks. Well, if you guys do the Mumble thing I'll join it. (:18:15
Riddelllittlegirl: have you put your entry on the doodle poll?18:15
littlegirlRiddell: Yep!18:15
ScottKRiddell: Just retry it.18:32
lordievaderIs kde 4.11.2 tested on Precise? There is someone in #kubuntu with a broken install, it refers to krandrsetup, but that is replaced by kscreen.19:24
ScottKRiddell: Could we have the SRU stuff in 1245593 for owncloud?19:29
jussiRiddell: I have 4 left....19:35
jussiScottK: You want to buy a polo, or you are indicating you prefer tshirts? 19:36
ScottKjussi: I'm expressing a preference for t-shirts.19:38
jussisuprising, but ok. (mind, I would love some comments on the blog.... then I dont loose them in a sea of backscroll :D)19:40
ScottKI already got a polo at UDS.19:45
jussiI guess the way to do this is to do a rotation then, every couple of months we do 25 polos, or 25 tshirts, or 25 hoodies etc20:00
jussiBTW, it looks like I wont need to withdraw any funds from the kubuntu council, as the shirts have sold so quickly and the invoice has taken so long. 20:01
soeemuon has been backported ?20:04
soeewhats the issue with latest version ?20:04
yofellordievader: precise uses krandr, not kscreen20:27
lordievaderyofel: He used the backports, would that be the reason it broke?20:29
lordievaderyofel: He had KDE 4.11.2 installed.20:29
lordievaderyofel: He's still around if you want to talk to him, jdoles is his nick20:30
yofelwell, it's not *supposed* to break, although the krandr stuff has some precise specific hacks in the backports to make it work20:32
yofellet's see if my connection here holds long enough to read the backlog..20:34
ahoneybun hey lordievader 20:35
lordievaderHey ahoneybun, how are you doing?20:35
ahoneybunlordievader, good hungry you?20:35
lordievaderahoneybun: Doing good, reading my news feeds while drinking tea :)20:36
yofellordievader: I think I see a possible set of installed packages where this could fail :/20:44
lordievaderyofel: Ok, could you enlight him?20:45
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1245662] Sticky Keys not released after mouse action. @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1245662 (by dotancohen)21:20
ahoneybunlordievader, so right now on the ML I'm +2 -2 on membership21:41
yofelto be correct, you're 2x+1, 2x+0. a -1 would immediately end the voting21:42
ahoneybun2 +0's21:44
ahoneybunyay I got my SD to boot raspbian23:05
apacheloggeryofel: so who's MIA?23:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: ScottK23:58
shadeslayerand jussi?23:58
* ScottK is still pondering.23:59
ScottK+0.5 right now.23:59

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