
=== Hurtz_ is now known as Hurtz
dhanyarajI am really new to contribution. Can anyone tell me what is the next step after you commit the file (file in which you found the bug and you made the necessary changes) ????10:37
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Atluxitydhanyaraj: what bug number would that be?11:05
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
littlegirlHey there, is there a way to flag a comment by someone in a bug report as spam, or is there someone I should notify if I think there is a spam comment?16:59
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
penguin42littlegirl: You can ask on #launchpad or put a question against launchpad to get them to clean it up17:08
littlegirlpenguin42: Thanks! I'll try asking on #launchpad first. (:17:09
penguin42littlegirl: You might want to search for the same spam string on google against site:launchpad.net  it's often on a few bugs17:10
littlegirlpenguin42: Oh, good idea. Will do. It's really lame because it asks you to click a link, and that could be dangerous if anyone does it. It has to be gotten rid of.17:11
penguin42littlegirl: the problem is the bug addresses end up in peoples address books and then get hoovered up by spam bots, you even get nutty things like linkedin subscriptions17:11
littlegirlpenguin42: This is a linkedin thing, and it also ends up in people's email (which is how I found out about it) if you're subscribed to bugs.17:12
littlegirlpenguin42: Do you know the syntax for searching Launchpad for that bug? Google seems to have changed and doesn't have an Advanced Search button at the bottom like it used to, so I don't know how to get to it.17:13
TheLordOfTimelittlegirl, google this: site:launchpad.net THE SPAM STRING17:13
TheLordOfTimereplace "THE SPAM STRING" with the actual string17:13
littlegirlTheLordOfTime: Thanks!17:13
TheLordOfTime(this is the same thing that penguin42 said to do though17:13
TheLordOfTimeso... :P)17:13
TheLordOfTime(he deserves the credit)17:14
TheLordOfTime... and once again sbuild fails to build nginx... i'm starting to get annoyed at sbuild today... >.>17:14
littlegirlThat's just horrible! There are 426 results for site:launchpad.net in touch with me on linkedin17:17
penguin42littlegirl: Yeh I do wonder about asking linkedin to get a bit of sense17:21
littlegirlpenguin42: Is LinkedIn malicious, or are those people that put those comments in just thoughtless?17:22
penguin42littlegirl: Thoughtless on both parts17:23
penguin42littlegirl: Linkedin has a facility to 'import your address book' and invite everyone you know17:23
littlegirlpenguin42: Ah, so if someone has a bug report in their address book, it will send an invitation to it?17:24
TheLordOfTimethis is exactly why I prune my google address book every day xD17:24
penguin42littlegirl: I mean there is the linked in stuff on lp but you also actually get actual spammers sending stuff to everyone in someones gathered address books17:24
TheLordOfTimeand why i don't use linkedin's autoinvite stuff17:25
TheLordOfTimebut yes it can happen17:25
littlegirlWell, nobody in the #launchpad channel has responded, and this seems like it's been going on for a while. How do I do the second part that penguin42 recommended and "put a question against launchpad"?17:26
* littlegirl wants to stop worrying about bugs and go play with Mallard.17:26
TheLordOfTimepatience :P17:27
penguin42littlegirl: #launchpad is rarely busy17:27
littlegirlpenguin42: Then my one message must have caused a traffic jam. (: (: (:17:28
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
littlegirlQuestion asked: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/23823617:35
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
penguin42littlegirl: Thanks for doing that17:52
littlegirlpenguin42: Any time. Thanks for the help in doing it. (:17:52

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