
darkxstLaney, does debian have spidermonkey 17?01:50
Laneydarkxst: in NEW05:06
darkxstLaney, right, well gjs had two seperate branches for 1.38, I could r05:19
darkxstprepare a package with the other non js17 branch05:19
darkxstbut the real improvements come from spidermonk05:19
darkxstLaney, also gnome-shell and cinnamon need to be patched due to an api change05:35
pittiGood morning06:11
jibelGood morning07:01
mlankhorstoh btw, good morning07:59
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mlankhorstoh great, storm incoming. :o09:58
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seb128good morning desktopers!15:53
qenghodesrt: http://thecodelesscode.com/case/615:55
Mirvjetlag morning15:57
sil2100seb128: hello! How was the flight?15:58
seb128sil2100, hey, good, I was in Canada before so short flight for me15:59
sil2100Ah, hacky but nice ;)15:59
Mirvhey sil2100 :)15:59
sil2100seb128: quick question - could you add me to the ~lightdm-team? I need to redeploy something in cu2d-config but I can't since I don't have access there15:59
sil2100Mirv: morning! Didn't see you log in as well! How was your flight? ;)16:00
Mirvsil2100: log in? I'm always online except for vacations16:00
Mirvsil2100: flight was "the usual", but it went alright. first night also "the usual", but not the worst.16:01
Mirvfeeling relatively good16:01
sil2100Mirv: I meant like, log in like, log into our world ;)16:01
seb128sil2100, I'm not a lightdm admin, needs robert_ancell there16:01
seb128Laney, where are you?16:02
seb128desktop room is kind of not full16:02
sil2100seb128: well, LP says you are ;)16:02
sil2100seb128: Sebastien Bacher 2011-08-09 – Administrator16:02
seb128sil2100, oh, I don't feel like I'm active enough in that team to add peoples16:02
seb128it's a bit suboptimal that the integration team needs to be given full access to all the upstream projects that way16:03
sil2100Ah, ok, well, it's still a requirement for us from the unity integration team to have access to all branches that we release, so I'll have to poke Robert later on16:03
sil2100Since otherwise we can't get stuff done16:03
sil2100Like for instance, now :|16:03
Mirvsil2100: can't you use -S?16:04
seb128sil2100, can you mp it so I can approve it/get it in?16:04
sil2100Mirv: didn't help strangely, I redeployed with -S and the project was still disabled16:04
Mirvsil2100: hmm, okay16:05
Mirvsil2100: -US?16:05
seb128Mirv, where are you guys? aren't you supposed to be in the desktop room?16:05
Mirvseb128: ah we're seeing the plenary session even though technically we wouldn't need to16:05
sil2100Mirv: -US didn't try ;) Maybe this is the secret technique here16:05
seb128Mirv, oh ok, weird that most desktop people are not in the desktop room16:06
seb128Mirv, is the plenary any good?16:06
Mirvseb128: we're coming soon. plenary mostly reiterating what we know, but it's always useful to refresh one's mind.16:07
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mterryattente, is there a mailing list for indicator developers?16:13
mterrytedg, ^?16:13
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Laneyseb128: here now!16:24
seb128mterry, not really, why?16:28
seb128Laney, hey ;-)16:28
mterryseb128, I wanted to give a warning/request-for-work about the new indicator mode phone_greeter (an analog for desktop_greeter)16:29
Laneydid you see the autopilot MP?16:29
mterrytedg, ^ is that enough warning?  :)16:29
seb128mterry, just pinging larsu / charles / ted is enough I guess ;-)16:30
seb128Laney, yeah, it's next on todolist16:30
charlesmterry, yes ted was talking about that this morning16:30
LaneyLooks like all of those could be run as autopkgtest also16:31
Laneyif we want to do that16:31
seb128Laney, that would be good16:38
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didrockskenvandine: robru: Mirv: sil2100: cyphermox: hey guys!16:59
kenvandinehey didrocks16:59
robrudidrocks, where are you? we are in 20816:59
didrocksrobru: I'm in the client sprint, 3rd floor16:59
didrockshey sil2100, how are you?16:59
didrockslet's try to fit and finish the Mir shipping together :)17:00
sil2100Not bad, feeling a bit alone! It feels as if almost all teams are gone ;p17:00
didrockssil2100: heh, indeed, quiet time ;)17:00
robrusil2100, are you not in oakland?17:00
sil2100At least in the mornings17:00
didrockssil2100: is everything built now for Mir?17:00
sil2100robru: sadly not17:00
robrusil2100, nooo! we miss you!17:00
Mirvheya didrocks17:01
sil2100didrocks: the platform stack is still not ready, didn't notice that platform-api got actually yellow17:01
sil2100didrocks: because there was a direct push to distro17:01
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sil2100didrocks: it's fixed and rebuilding17:01
sil2100didrocks: cyphermox now takes care of that17:01
sil2100didrocks: in the meantime, I confirmed on my desktop that XMir is working17:01
Mirvsil2100: didrocks: do you have / should you have the mir status tracking in the landing pipeline doc?17:01
sil2100(from the PPA)17:01
didrockscyphermox: so, once that's done, you are going to test that and ship it!17:01
didrockssil2100: \o/17:01
didrockssil2100: do you know if xserver is just a rebuild or has a patch?17:02
cyphermoxdidrocks: yeah17:02
didrocksMirv: please update it :)17:02
didrocksMirv: but yeah, agreed17:02
cyphermoxdidrocks: I'll rebuild xserver-xorg-xmir in the PPA as well soon17:02
Mirvdidrocks: I'd need sil2100 since I don't what he has tested :)17:02
cyphermoxso heads up w.r.t PPA usage...17:02
didrockssil2100: updating the spreadsheet?17:02
didrockscyphermox: do you know if it's just a rebuild? no patch needed?17:03
sil2100didrocks: from what I know it's just a rebuild17:03
Mirvsil2100: I think there are already a lot of columns in the landing 268 but just add more..17:03
didrockssil2100: did you check in the PPA?17:03
* didrocks looks17:03
sil2100didrocks: yes17:03
cyphermoxdidrocks: supposed to be just a no-change rebuild... that's what you said on friday17:03
sil2100Mirv: ok, although I only did desktop testing ;)17:03
didrockscyphermox: sil2100: dont' trust, check! :)17:03
sil2100didrocks: * Rebuild for mir-team staging PPA17:03
didrocksyeah, it is ^17:03
didrockssil2100: don't trust the changelog! :)17:03
didrocksok, cyphermox: you are handling that one then? if you publish to distro, just wait for Mir to be published in proposed and do that upload as well?17:04
cyphermoxso sil2100, you can follow on the premise that I'm doing the ABI stuff, yeah17:04
Mirvsil2100: ok, so are you testing the touch now too? it smoke tested fine for me already last week, but of course there are now new changes as well17:04
didrocksonce Mir will be unblocked, we'll be able to resume activies as normal17:04
Mirv(the mirserver9/mirclient4)17:04
didrockscyphermox: thanks a lot, good luck :)17:04
cyphermoxdidrocks: gonna need more than luck17:05
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cyphermoxdidrocks: it's more like "good code"17:05
didrocksmaybe divide the testing/dogfooding17:05
didrocksso that we even have more luck17:05
didrocksMirv: you can pair with robru to show him (as he doesn't have the device) how you are testing things ^17:05
robrudidrocks, can you get me a device? :-P17:05
sil2100Mirv: once the platform-api bits are rebuilt I can try testing, but it's already late around here ;)17:05
didrocksI think that would be a good tutoring :)17:05
cyphermoxrobru: msm. I think17:06
didrocksrobru: working with people to get you one :)17:06
robrudidrocks, great, thx17:06
cyphermoxdidrocks: ok so you are handling it?17:06
sil2100robru: I'll be missing you guys too! I already do miss the desktop team actually, all alone in my EU mornings ;)17:06
didrockscyphermox: oh no, it's all on you now :)17:06
didrocksI think, handle the mechanical piece17:06
cyphermoxdidrocks: what?17:06
Mirvdidrocks: I just plugged my nexus4 into robru's machine :)17:06
didrocksand Mirv/robru pair on the testing side17:06
cyphermoxdidrocks: you mean getting robru a device?17:06
didrockscyphermox: ah that, yeah, I'll try, don't worry17:06
didrocks(I thought you talked about Mir)17:07
cyphermoxdidrocks: in the meantime I have a maguro robru can use17:07
didrockscyphermox: for Mir, do you think it's a good idea?17:07
cyphermoxdidrocks: should work.17:08
cyphermoxdidrocks: there is no alternative, unless there is a free mako somewhere17:08
didrockscyphermox: ok, mind letting him meanwhile? at least for this week?17:08
cyphermoxdidrocks: yes, that's what I meant17:08
didrocksoh right, that would be sweet!17:08
cyphermoxI brought it specifically for that reason17:08
didrocksthanks cyphermox :)17:08
cyphermoxdidrocks: can we leave you to harass the necessary people to fix Mir on nakasi?17:09
cyphermoxI mean, grouper17:09
cyphermoxdamn codenames :)17:09
didrockscyphermox: I'm a professional harasser :)17:09
cyphermoxdidrocks: where are you?17:10
didrockscyphermox: in the client room (3rd floor)17:10
cyphermoxah ok17:11
sil2100didrocks, cyphermox, Mirv, robru: be sure to send me an e-mail near your EOD on what has been done and what needs to be done in my EU timezone, this way we'll have things worked on during your sleep ;)17:20
robrusil2100, will do17:20
didrockssil2100: work done while we are sleeping (or waiting because of jetlagged?)? Loving it! :)17:21
Mirvsil2100: I guess we need to retest the desktop side as well from the daily-build PPA17:29
Mirvbut that's quick with the correctly build packages, the device side is more difficult17:29
Mirvespecially since I now haven't found a way to run Unity 8 AP:s - which are known to be broken but should be somehow (how?) fixed with the new Mir now17:30
sil2100Mirv: so when running them 'normally' they all still fail even with the latest mir and unity8? Or you didn't try the latest bits yet?17:30
Mirvsil2100: I tested them on Friday, and yes they fail when I do it the way I did have them running with Mir before17:31
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Mirvsil2100: but I haven't used the 'install utah locally' method, have you?17:31
MirvI've just used phablet-test-run -n17:32
sil2100Mirv: I used it in the past, yes - let me maybe try this now17:32
sil2100Mirv: you know if all platform-api bits are rebuilt already now?17:32
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sil2100Mirv: anyway, the instructions are on the wikipage (at least they should be)17:33
didrocksMirv: maybe disable the automated rebuild if there is one coming soon17:36
Mirvsil2100: the instructions are there but I'm worried they're not the perfect ones (yet). so if we find anything additional let's just update the page.17:36
Mirvdidrocks: where's the schedule right now?17:37
Mirvthere's a build ongoing atm, though17:37
didrocksMirv: don't trust me, look at the _all-build job17:37
didrockswith dailight saving and time shift, I have no idea :)17:37
Mirvthrice a day17:37
Mirvso you're right, in 20mins17:38
Mirvcyphermox disabled it now with toggle_stack_state17:40
cyphermoxsil2100: btw, that's in cupstream2distro-config; see --help17:40
cyphermoxfor the magic everything job, that's17:40
cyphermox./toggle_stack_state.py -r head build_all --disable17:41
sil2100Oh, nice17:41
cyphermoxwe'll hopefully re-enable before EOD17:41
Mirvsil2100: so, platform-api was built but now qtubuntu is building, and then unity-mir17:41
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seb128larsu, can you add a testcase to bug #1199877 ?17:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 1199877 in Unity 7.1 "unity-panel-service memory leak and 100% CPU usage" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119987717:47
sil2100Mirv: ok, thanks, let's wait for those to finish then17:47
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Laneydarkxst: 17> don't bother, we can upload it there when it's through18:14
Laneydarkxst: & do you have debdiffs for the patches handy?18:14
seb128dobey, is https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/94f7beb32c9a9172de3f9281691510762d655d47 on your todolist? it's one of the most reported saucy issue18:18
dobeyseb128: no, webkit bugs don't make my todo list18:20
seb128dobey, if it's a wekbit bug you might want to reassign it there so webkit maintainers see it on their list?18:22
seb128dobey, rather than keeping it on -s-c and ignoring it18:22
dobeyi thought i did18:22
seb128dobey, the tracker has https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/1211887 for it18:23
ubot2seb128: Error: launchpad bug 1211887 not found18:23
seb128which is on s-c18:23
dobeyseb128: it's 116388618:23
seb128dobey, that's not reassigned either18:23
dobeyyes i know. i said "i thought i already did"18:24
dobeywhat is the webkit source package?18:24
seb128it would still be nice if you could look at it/upstream the bug at least18:24
dobeyok, added webkit (Ubuntu) to the bug18:26
Laneyspeaking of that18:26
dobeyi don't have the time to go chasing upstream for it though18:26
Laneycan we take webkitgtk?18:26
* Laney adds it to todo18:28
seb128Laney, webkitgtk?18:28
seb128Laney, oh, webkit2, that's being discussed a bit on ubuntu-desktop]18:29
Laneyoh yeah I remember seeing that18:30
Laneyshould be alright, it provides the old api18:31
seb128Laney, the issue was the xerror bug, but it seems we already have that in the current version18:34
Laneyis that confirmed?18:35
seb128Laney, well, https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/94f7beb32c9a9172de3f9281691510762d655d4718:41
Laneyyes indeed, I clicked into an instance and found the old one18:43
Laneyxnox: do you remember this bug ^? Did your reproducer require the new webkit?18:43
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sil2100Mirv: need to EOD for now, but if I get some tests running later on I'll be updating the spreadsheet18:48
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GunnarHjattente: Hi Will, do you have a minute to talk about bug 1240058?19:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 1240058 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "UI uses chinese, french and english simultaneously" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124005819:20
Mirvrobru: apt-get install libunity-mir1 libplatform-api1-hybris libubuntu-application-api-mirclient1 libubuntu-application-api-mirserver1 libubuntu-application-api1 libubuntu-platform-hardware-api1 libmirclient4 libmirplatform libmirprotobuf0 libmirserver9 unity8 unity8-fake-env unity8-private19:25
robruMirv, thanks19:26
tedgxnox, Ubiquity is confusing.19:31
tedgxnox, I want to add "init --user --startup-event indicator-services-start" to the startup19:32
tedgxnox, Where do I do that?19:32
ogra_ubiquity ships its own dm19:32
tedgKinda, it seems to start a bunch of others...19:32
ogra_DMs ?19:33
tedgAnd that's what confusing19:33
tedgWell I guess multiple WMs19:33
TheMusotedg: You probably want the ubiquity panel code in src/panel I believe.19:33
ogra_iirc it uses start on starting "list of all DMs we know"19:33
TheMusoIIRC the panel code deals with the indocators.19:33
ogra_so that it blocks them19:34
tedgYeah, i was thinking it was bin/ubiquity-dm because that's starts nm-applet19:34
tedgBut I'm not sure how to parse all the 'ifs"19:34
ogra_ah, yeah, it tries to cover all cases for flavours19:34
ogra_(xubuntioo doesnt ship compiz, kde uses kdm etc etc)19:35
tedgSo I'm not sure how to handle all that.19:35
ogra_look for the compiz start code19:36
ogra_you most likely only want to change that one19:36
tedgI'm thinking it should be in the same cases that we run the ubiquity panel.19:37
ogra_yeah, most likely19:38
tedgIs there a way to test this?19:39
tedgAside from finding a machine that needs an install?19:39
ogra_a VM ?19:40
ogra_(btw, there is #ubuntu-installer)19:40
tedgHmm, okay.  I don't have the disk space for it in my laptop.19:41
tedgOkay, apparently it's lunch time.  thanks for the help ogra_!19:41
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darkxstLaney, nope, but its just this patch from git https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-shell/commit/?id=11d997c42bb265d29aec84b88ea9ecdd51a2dfe920:48
jasoncwarner_hey seb128 and ted, having an issue with my phone atm. I think I mistyped my password for a wifi connection and now I can't find a way to retype it! it just won't connect and no way to change/clear it or what not.21:02
jasoncwarner_just an FYI, really...bug and testing thingy21:03
darkxstLaney, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/146223575/gnome-shell_3.8.3-1ubuntu4_3.8.3-1ubuntu5.diff.gz21:09
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cyphermoxjasoncwarner_: can I help?21:18
cyphermoxjasoncwarner_: the password changelog and removing connections is something that is planned, right ted?21:18
mterryrobert_ancell, "Logging to /var/log/lightdm/(null)-greeter.log"21:48
robert_ancellmterry, ah21:48
robert_ancellmterry, you can probably set the ID to "mir" by default and then set it when you connect the session to the display server21:49
robert_ancellthat log should probably be based on the greeter name, not the display server name21:49
mterryrobert_ancell, agreed21:49
mterryrobert_ancell, another session vs server problem21:49
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