
=== mrmist is now known as mist
ubottuDear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette, and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines, and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language, or leisurely op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so.12:53
IdleOneWonder what zipper wanted14:17
DJonesMaybe you've helped them in the past & its a typical ping the last person that helped14:19
IdleOnenot a chance14:19
IdleOneI was rather sarcastic and dismissive to them last time we spoke14:20
PiciIdleOne: always be yourself14:21
DJonesIf its important, I'm sure they'll return and ask14:21
IdleOnelol Pici, you sure you want that from me?14:21
IdleOnemneptok: it is all YOUR fault.14:42
jussipoor mneptok14:44
jussimneptok: dont worry though, we love you still :D14:45
IdleOnewell, yeah of course.14:45
LanserHello, why am I muted on #ubuntu?15:14
Lanserplease unmute.15:14
k1l_lanser aka syko you know exactly why you are muted15:15
Lanserit's been a month, k1l_.15:15
LanserI've learned my lessons.15:16
Lansernow, you may unmute me without no fear of me breaking the rules :-)15:16
LanserI just want to contribute, k1l_.15:16
k1l_you have been trouble for a long time. you ban evaded with different nicks, accounts and ips. you blackmailed the operators. ....15:16
k1l_i see this behaviour everytime you got a support issue. but after that issue is solved you become the problem user you used to be. im not willing to release that ban15:17
k1l_i told you you should make a clear start on ubuntuforums or askubuntu. maybe that way of communication suits you better.15:18
Lanserk1l_: I will not do this again.15:20
Lansereverybody deserves chances, kl1_.15:20
Lansereven Flannel agrees somehow.15:20
k1l_Lanser: what about the times you came in here pretending someone else to get the bans lifted? that didnt happen only ones.15:21
LanserThat was a MONTH ago, k1l_.15:22
LanserI have learned my lessons.15:22
Lanserjust one last chance, k1l_?15:22
k1l_to be honest: a user who acted  that much against several freenode policies schould not be allowed to wear a cloak.15:22
Lanserk1l_: you're not an freenode-operator, so yes.15:22
Lanseranyways, unmute me.15:23
LanserI will not break the #ubuntu's rules.15:23
LanserI'll behave.15:23
IdleOneLanser: Why do you need access to #ubuntu?15:28
LanserSo I can contribute, and help people.15:30
Lanser2did I get unbanned?15:32
Lanser2I just got unbanned for a minute.15:32
Lanser2than I got banned again.15:32
Lanser2k1l_: why.15:32
k1l_because you broke ubuntu guidelines and freenode rules, again15:32
Lanser2I am not breaking freenode rules, k1l_>15:32
Lanser2anyways, k1l_.15:32
Lanser2unmute me.15:32
IdleOneyou did not get unbanned15:32
Lanser2I did get unbanned.15:32
k1l_the staff should really take a look at you since you were ban evading on purpose again15:32
Lanser2IdleOne: can I just fucking use a proxy.15:33
IdleOneyou rejoined without your cloak to evade the ban.15:33
IdleOneNow you have no chances left.15:33
Lanser2is using a proxy to ban-evade allowed?15:33
Lanser2and changing a nick.15:33
Lanser2oh wait15:33
Lanser2im sorry15:33
IdleOneno, also please don't swear15:33
=== Lanser2 is now known as Lanser
Lanserwhy is swearing not allowed?15:33
Lansereverybody knows the word "fuck"15:34
Lansernobody under 12 doesn't hang out at #ubuntu.15:34
Lanserplus, its not that offensive.15:34
Lanserfuck fuck fuck fuck.15:34
LanserI don't understand why "fuck" is considered a bad word.15:34
IdleOneWell as far as I am concerned this discussion is over. I was willing to talk with you, but you were not patient enough and decided to revert back to your childish behaviour.15:34
IdleOnePlease don't come back and please stay out of our channels. Have a nice day.15:35
Lanseralright IdleOne.15:36
Lanseryour bans are fucking useless anyway.15:36
LanserI can just use a proxy, and an another nick.15:36
Lanseran un-registered nick.15:36
Lanserlike a random nick.15:36
Lanseryou can't stop me.15:36
Lanserfuck you.15:36
LanserI'll enter #ubuntu when I want.15:37
Lanserand talk shit WHEN I WANT.15:37
Myrttiif you manage to behave there, then there's no problem15:37
Lanseri'll be making little kids do rape, IdleOne15:37
IdleOnestaff Lanser using his cloak to try and evade bans aka syko15:37
Lansercan you stop me15:37
Myrttiif you act like an idiot, you'll be banned15:37
Myrttiit's really simple as that15:37
Lanserah Myrtti.15:37
Lanserthat sounds good to me.15:37
k1l_Myrtti: actually not15:37
MyrttiI will not hold my breath though.15:37
k1l_a ban evade is not the solution15:37
LanserIdleOne: are you aware of the fact that all your bans are like a sack of shit?15:38
LanserMyrtti: hold your breath and fucking die.15:38
* Myrtti sighs at her stupid script not working as planned15:38
PiciMyrtti: btw, you're not in ops-team15:39
IdleOneyeah, we could use you in there. Also we miss you :)15:40
Myrttigood for you15:40
Myrttiseriously though, if he manages to behave on the channel and be a productive member of the community, you won't be none the wiser. If he messes up, he messes up and gets banned.15:43
Myrttibans are meant to stop disruption to the channel, not to punish people. If they manage to not disrupt things, then more power to them and us15:44
k1l_Myrtti: we are all through this several times now. the bantracker explodes of his entries with severeal nicks, several user accounts which still are cloaked.15:44
IdleOneMyrtti: I agree, but in the middle of trying to get his ban removed he intentionally evaded, this is why I banned him this time.15:44
MyrttiIdleOne: as I would have as well15:44
Myrttik1l_: if you want to have the cloaks removed, collect all the evidence into an email and send it to support@freenode.net - it's far more effective and allows staff members to discuss things with equal amount of information shared with each other than just mentioning things in passing here15:46
Myrttimind you, sending that email isn't any guarantee that the cloak will be yanked15:46
Myrttibut it leaves the staff with a paper trail in that end too.15:46
Myrttiit's far too complicated issue to be decided upon by some lonely newb freenode staffer like me :-P15:47
bazhang* [d4rkt1m3s] (40eb6b01@gateway/web/freenode/ip. nnfwrd2.nearnorthschools.ca/
bazhangis that lanser?17:35
bazhangasking for a cloak so he can ban evade in -ot17:36
d4rkt1m3syou guys have some sort of problem with me?:17:36
bazhanglet me check, just a moment please17:36
d4rkt1m3sI know exactly what the problem is. It's your IP-based ban.17:39
bazhangwere you asking about debain/suse/centos?17:40
d4rkt1m3si was17:40
bazhangok, thats you then17:40
bazhanglet me inquire a bit further, just a moment17:41
d4rkt1m3shonestly, I've been watched like a hawk because my IP is associated with a bunch of idiots.17:41
bazhangare you in a hurry? I am still checking17:42
d4rkt1m3sI'm a little annoyed17:42
d4rkt1m3sLjL: you.17:43
LjLyes, me17:43
d4rkt1m3syou've got a serious problem, man.17:44
LjLoh, i probably do, but this channel is not for discussing my problems17:44
LjLi'm sure i can find other venues to do that17:44
d4rkt1m3sit's affecting me greatly. stop watching me so tightly.17:45
LjLd4rkt1m3s, i'm afraid that's not possible. i unbanned you with a clear provision that i'd need to keep a watch on your address, as it had been used by - whether it was you or not - markedly abusive people17:45
LjLi additionally warned you a few minutes ago in #ubuntu-offtopic that you should tread very lightly in your current situation17:46
LjLinstead, you called someone a pedo. banning you again was the only sensible thing i could do.17:46
LjLthat ban is not going to be removed at the present time.,17:46
d4rkt1m3sthis guy was advocating tor. I've used the onion. it's not a good place.17:46
* d4rkt1m3s shudders.17:47
LjLoh, so you're a pedo too? (using your own logic)17:47
d4rkt1m3sI was merely trying to keep people from seeing things that are VERY uncomfortable.17:47
d4rkt1m3sI was there because of idiots like that guy.17:47
d4rkt1m3sand I was paranoid for months afterward.17:48
LjLwell, Tor is a tool that can be used for many purposes, and i'm pretty sure just connecting a Tor client to IRC has extremely little to do with pedophilia or much of anything17:48
d4rkt1m3swell, I'm sorry, but I've had bad experiences with tor. VERY BAD experiences.17:49
* d4rkt1m3s shudders again.17:49
LjLin any case, it should be any person's common sense, at least any person who we'd welcome in #ubuntu-offtopic, that you don't just go around accusing people of something like that for no reason. so, from my point of view, you're clearly not prepared to be in the channel.17:49
d4rkt1m3sI've been around, man. statistics don't lie.17:49
d4rkt1m3sI can admit that what I said was rash, but I really don't like pedophiles.17:50
LjLyou won't be here accusing someone to be a pedophile with no evidence just because they've been using Tor (which you have too)17:51
LjLso, this discussion is over unless you have something important to say *about the ban*17:51
d4rkt1m3swhich i HAD17:51
d4rkt1m3sI'm justifying my behaviour. which directly has something to do with the ban.17:51
d4rkt1m3sI feel that I should formally apologize to (zipper?) pretty sure that's what his nick was. but watch him, please. anyone who uses tor is bad news, in my opinion.17:53
LjLwell that particular justification seems too weak for me to entertain it as a valid reason to cancel the ban. if you want, you can come back and discuss this again in a month or so, when perhaps you're more acquainted with freenode's culture.17:53
d4rkt1m3stor is bad news.17:54
LjLgot you17:55
LjLwell, see you at a later point17:55
bazhangany idea what jboii needs? mouse support?18:50
geniibazhang: I figure a few scenarios: The cursor is still on the broken screen and it's not being moved off the edge onto the unbroken screen  or: Whatever broke the screen broke the usb port   or: They need to do the FN key combo on their laptop which makes it only be using the external monitor    ...but I don't currently have time to devote to assisting properly in the channel19:13
bazhanggenii, he finally said "my usb mouse doesn't work, after entering with "my monitor is broken"19:15
geniibazhang: As I understand his original issue, his LCD screen on laptop broke ( perhaps taking usb port with it), and now his usb mouse doesn't seem to either have a cursor or move the cursor on the external monitor he plugged in.19:17
bazhanggenii, his multiple line posting made that a bit hard to decipher19:17
=== jayne_ is now known as jayne

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