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MavKenAre any of you using 13.04 03 13.10 on a production server?  If so, have you had any issues?03:08
parallel21I updated dev environment03:11
parallel21It uses php 5.5 which we were unable to use with drupal because of the drop of json_encode03:12
parallel21Still working on a way to downgrade, so I rebuilt php from source03:12
MavKenah ok03:13
MavKenis there a way to create a script file to run after a clean ubuntu server install to get everything else i want installed and configured?03:16
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parallel21There are several ways going about that03:20
MavKenfor example, id like to install apache, mysql (using a prefined root pass), php..etc03:20
MavKenjust want to put a script together, as much as i repeat the same commands on fresh os installs03:21
parallel21You could... https://help.ubuntu.com/13.10/installation-guide/i386/ch04s06.html#kickstart03:22
parallel21Or create a puppet manifest to deploy post-install03:22
parallel21I haven't used kickstart, and I use puppet to bootstrap servers with a lamp or lemp stack etc03:23
MavKenok thanks, will check those out03:24
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ethana3I'm trying to direct all traffic to one IP through another... to transparently bypass remote servers without changing nameservice configuration06:20
ethana3but the instructions I'm coming across online aren't working, so I think that's because they're old, for different distributions, or both06:20
ethana3basically, the *kind* of thing i'm trying to do is just say, 70.xx.yy.zz =, so I can just send traffic through 70.x and get google on the other end, that kind of thing06:21
leif_morning is this the irc for running severs07:23
andolleif_: Well, might not be the only irc channel for that, but yeah, the topic is definetly server related.07:25
leif_is a bit new to ubuntu so07:26
hispeed68is 12.10 preferred over 12.04?07:45
henkjan_hispeed68: 12.04 is LTS (Long Term Support) release. that one is preferred07:49
henkjan_hispeed68: else you could try 13.1007:50
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hispeed6813.10 wouldn't work (video). 12.04 is working.07:54
riz0nhello, I have Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server and want to take advantage of new features available in Dovecot 2.2.6-1 ... what would be the bewst way to go about upgrading Dovecot to support the new features?07:54
melmothriz0n, if you are lucky, somebody already packaged it for 12.0407:56
melmothif you are less lucky, you may try to rebuild a package from debian, and cross finger07:56
Griz0n: check if the Dovecot team have a PPA07:56
melmothif you are out of luck, compile it in a --prefix dark /usr/local corner of your box ?07:57
Gbased on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dovecot it appears there are no builds of 2.2.x in any PPA or any release atm07:59
Gactually, I lie, missed the link to  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=dovecot08:00
Gbut remember, PPAs are use at own risk :)08:00
hispeed67i thoughts on striping (no parity) 4 flash drives?08:02
riz0ni thought about 2.108:02
riz0ni just want the latest stable version that supports RFC-6154 to fix some issues in Outlook 201308:03
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RVFCore__Can anybody helps with 12.04.02 and a Samba configuration?10:08
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jamespageadam_g, roaksoax: if either of you have time I have a number of MP's stacked up against charm-helpers for various11:24
jamespagecharm features I'm working on:11:24
gsoHow do I unload a kernel module with dots in it's name ?11:43
Patero-n1hello I'm on ubuntu server 13.10 and when I change my ip via ifconfig it loses access to dns resolution how to respecifiy or restablish the route11:48
Patero-n1I checked ifconfig man page but it says nothing about specifying dns info11:49
eagles0513875hey guys is the mod spamhaus package has it been backported to 12.0411:53
eagles0513875and apache 2.211:53
ihrePatero-n1: echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf11:53
ihreor w/e DNS you'd like to use11:53
Patero-n1ihre: what about the dns specified on that file why aren't they valid anymore11:54
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ihrePatero-n1: what do you mean? you can check what your current dns server is with something like nslookup google.com11:55
mardraumihre: if  you read the contents of that file, it tells you about why you should not do that.11:56
ihremardraum: that is when youre using /etc/network/interfaces, right ?11:56
mardraumwhen using resolvconf, which is the default in ubuntu.11:57
mardraumPatero-n1: man resolvconf11:57
ihremardraum: ifconfig doesnt attach to resolvconf12:00
mardraumno. but I think he is missing information about how to permanently change details12:00
Patero-n1when I change my ip on ifconfig it loses name resolution when I put my ip back still can't access dns names I have to dhcpcd again to fix it12:01
mardraumPatero-n1: do you want to permanently change your IP?12:01
mardraumeg to survive a reboot?12:01
Patero-n1mardraum: yes12:01
Patero-n1mardraum: after I find out how to specify dns12:02
mardraumPatero-n1: you need to edit /etc/network/interfaces12:02
mardraumPatero-n1: DNS is specified in that file.12:02
ihrethen edit /etc/network/interfaces and set something like dns-nameservers
mardraumman resolvconf for details12:02
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Patero-n1mardraum: it only talks about dns when it refers to auto mode in ipv612:27
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jamespagezul, ovs 2.0.0 uploaded... smoked OK for me locally13:19
zuljamespage:  sweet dont forget to upload it to the CA oh wait...habbit13:20
jamespagezul, lol13:20
* jamespage enjoys a release off13:20
jamespagezul, doh - uploaded ovs to saucy13:23
zuljamespage:  im just waiting for the new libvirt before putting it in trusty13:37
jamespagezul, OK - I think I figured out how to trigger test runs as well13:37
jamespagedoing those now13:37
jamespagezul, btw we need to get sessions raised this week for vUDS as well I think13:38
zuljamespage:  really?13:39
jibelzul, hi, I fixed the dep8 part of cherrypy3, now autopkgtest fails for a good reason. cherryd is installed in the wrong location and python3 packaging looks incomplete.13:41
jibelzul, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-cherrypy3 if you want to have a look13:41
zuljibel:  cool ill have a look13:41
zuljamespage:  i did the same for saucy what you did ;)14:05
jamespagezul, lol14:05
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Patero-n1I need help14:27
Patero-n1I read the man of interfaces at network/ and on the static method it doesn't mention anything about setting a dns server I just founnd how to set the default gateway and stuff14:28
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mardraumPatero-n1: man resolvconf shows you how to do this.14:30
mardraumPatero-n1: I've only mentioned it at least three times now. What exact issue are you having?14:32
jrwrenit is a little strange that dns-nameservers isn't mentioned in the interfaces man page.14:36
ihrePatero-n1: http://dpaste.com/1432527/14:38
ndeeis it possible to use hosts.deny with a dyndns hostname?14:43
zuljamespage:  we need to figure out what we are gonig to do about samba, merges.ubuntu.com wants to merge 4.014:47
jrwrenndee: no, because those hostnames just do a reverse dns based on the incoming IP address to find hostname.14:48
Patero-n1apparently I have run the updater script after editing the record of the iface.prog14:53
Patero-n1mardraum: my issue is that when I change my ip I lost access to name resolution14:54
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jrwrenanyone see a reboot after saucy upgrade replace their ssh host keys?14:56
jamespagezul, I think we just follow Debian and try to remove as much delta as possible14:58
jamespagehow much MIR is it going to create?14:58
zuljamespage:  i havent really looked at it yet but i can do so today14:59
jamespagezul, no rush this week15:00
hispeed67i activated proprietary nvidia driver xx.73 and now X wont start. i got into text mode, but how do i switch out of the nvidia proprietary driver?15:21
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hispeed67last try before re-installing.. i installed the proprietary nvidia driver and now cant get into X. how do i return to other framebuffer.15:34
BrianHhispeed67: kill lightdm, purge the driver, create a new /etc/X11/xorg.conf, file and restart lightdm15:38
BrianHhispeed67: Out of curiosity, which driver are you using and which card?  I just installed the nvidia drivers on my server yesterday for my GT240.15:40
hispeed67brianh: awesome, just booting from cd to do reinstall.. already killed lightdm and renamed bunch of lightdm files to lightdm.old. 50/50 on the reinstall. it is *currently* installed on a slow 40g drive, i have a 200G drive i was going to install to..15:52
BrianHhispeed67: If you do a fresh install on the 200GB drive, it should set it up with the nouveau drivers.15:53
hispeed67i think that is what ima gonna do.. it's an old ms-8917 video card.15:54
BrianHYeah, the nouveau drivers should be plenty sufficient for that card.  Why did you install the proprietary drivers?15:55
hispeed67see if any performance improvement..15:55
BrianHAh, gotcha.  I would recommend imaging your HDD once you have the base system setup, that way you have a fall back in case you mess it up again. :P15:56
geniiIt begs the question of why you are even using X on a server install ;)15:57
BrianHI use X myself because I run a bunch of KVM machines.15:57
hispeed67cause im more familiar with xtools.. prefer to *boot* into text mode and use startx if i need X.15:57
hitsujiTMOdoes virt-manager not work for remote kvm management?15:59
BrianHhitsujiTMO: Yep, but it's my home server so I don't care much to run it remotely.16:01
Patero-ngI got a message saying unable to load system information due to load higher then 1.0 what is this means?16:02
hispeed67means you system load is high16:03
Patero-ngthe cpu load?16:03
hitsujiTMOPatero-ng: openssh-server wont run the motd scripts when your load is higher than 1.0%16:03
Patero-ngwhy is 1% cpu load dangerous?16:04
Patero-ngdo I need a faster cpu16:04
hitsujiTMOPatero-ng: no16:04
Pici1.0 load is not 1% cpu.16:05
BrianHYeah, 1.0 means your CPU is doing the most it possibly can.  You can have a higher load number, which means things start getting queued.16:07
hispeed67i was going to stripe 4 * 16g flash drives... thoughts??16:07
Patero-ngBrianH: k16:08
BrianHhispeed67: lol, really?16:08
BrianHhispeed67: Just to learn how raid works?16:09
hispeed67just to fuk with it.. yea...think it would suck???16:09
baggar11anyone use deluge-web in here? wondering if you've noticed that title bar preferences don't save on exit.16:09
hispeed67no, i know how raid works, just have an excess of flash drives16:09
BrianHIt might destroy the drives after a while, depending on how much you use them.16:09
hispeed67have 7*16G, 3*32G and 2*64G...16:10
hitsujiTMOPatero-ng: Pici: my apologies. yes, load 1.0 is a cpu is on full. but doesn't necessarily mean you need to upgrade.16:10
hispeed67usually on startup...16:10
PicihitsujiTMO: technically its just 1 core of the CPU16:10
hispeed67give time to start before loggingg and and that 1.0 will prolly go away16:10
BrianHhispeed67: On USB3?16:11
hispeed67one of the 32's is usb3, rest are usb2, but ports are only usb2 anyway16:11
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BrianHhispeed67: on-board ports or through a hub?  I never really thought about using flash drives for raids, but now I'm thinking it might be a cool way to show students, lol.16:12
hispeed67BrianH: it's cheap...16:12
Patero-ngI have a problem my wireless card is not detected anymore it's a netgear wag511 pcmcia16:13
BrianHhispeed67: Looks like someone already did this: http://bigbruin.com/reviews05/thumbraid_116:13
Patero-ngoh it just detected it I think the connectors were dirty16:15
zuljamespage:  ok i just merged/synced a bunch of openstack dependencies16:15
Patero-ngit's a 10 year old pcmcia16:15
BrianHhispeed67: I like the concept though.  4 x 4GB drives + a hub and you got a simple setup for a RAID experiment under $25.16:16
hispeed67im using 4x16 for my home dir16:17
ogra_USB2 maxes out at 25M/s per hub though16:17
BrianHhispeed67: wow, his Raid 0 benchmarks were pretty impressive, haha.16:17
BrianHfor 4 drives ^^16:18
hispeed67wonder why 2 drive was so much better than the rest..16:18
hispeed67wrong chart16:18
hispeed674 drive doesn't look *that* bad...16:19
hispeed67considering i generally get 8-10mb/sec on single drive.16:19
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hispeed67that raid looks like fun. have sdb1 for /home, it's a 40G drive. ima raid the 4 16G's and use for backup of /home :)16:25
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hispeed67when i use apt-get install is there any way to specify where apt-get d/l's the files to?16:31
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BrianHAnyone know if there's a fix yet for system-config-kickstart on 13.10?16:44
BrianHOr any alternatives?16:45
BrianHThe only alternative I have is to use an older release in a VM to generate the cfg files and run a lamp stack.16:50
sarnoldhispeed67: what problem are you trying to solve? (I ask because normally people are quite content to let apt-get do whatever it does and magically have working packages ten seconds later...)16:53
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adam_gzul, did heat + ceilometer ever get acked for MRE?17:02
zuladam_g:  yep17:03
raubIf I want to allow rsylog rhelp traffic, how do I specify the protocol in iptables? I know it is not upd, but what is it?17:14
hispeed67sarnold: not a problem per-se, but i wind up installing multiple time before i get everything just right and would like to point apt-get to the pkgs i already d/l'ed instead of keep d/l'ing 100's of megs17:14
hispeed67so far, 12.04 server install 4 times, on the 5th time.. only found my wlan0 on install #2... :(17:15
hispeed67hoping it finds it on the 5th time...17:15
hispeed67during install, it finds eth0 and wlan0 but doesn't locate/find my ssid/router17:16
sarnoldhispeed67: apt keeps downloaded .deb files in /var/cache/apt/archives/  -- which is handy to know if you ever need to manually rollback a bad package update, you can often find a handful of previous versions in that directory17:16
hispeed67that works, long as it keeps the .deb file, i can cp the .deb file to a flash drive so i dont have to redownload.. :)17:17
sarnoldhispeed67: if you're re-installing machines all the time, you may wish to use something like apt-cacher-ng or squid-deb-proxy17:17
hispeed67just trying to get 1 machine *as i like it*.. :)17:19
hispeed67from home, 40Mbit connection..17:19
sarnoldah hehe :)17:19
med_jamespage, et al: Do you do any testing (over and above the built-in testing during packaging) for openvswitch source package (prior to releasing/pushing OVS)?17:19
zuljamespage/adam_g: new pbr uploaded for trusty17:21
jamespagemed_, well it gets tested as part of the neutron topology testing we do17:23
jamespagemed_, and the package has dep-8 tests that exercise the dkms module and the userspace daemons for switch17:23
med_before it gets pushed17:23
med_nod, I saw the userspace tests17:24
hispeed67the 1 time the wlan0 worked, i did the apt-get install ubuntu-desktop (or whatever) and d/l'ed 500M's, gonna have to do it again..17:24
jamespagemed_, nothing pre-upload other than the unit testing that run as part of package build17:24
med_thanks jamespage17:25
hispeed67what do you guys think is faster, cd-rom install or flash drive install?17:26
justizinhispeed67: flash drive install should be faster not only on raw io, but it will save you the walk to a museum17:27
sarnolddepends heavily on the flash drive, I think; usb1.1 will probably be slower than cd-rom but a usb 2.0 stick can probably out-pace a CD17:28
justizinsarnold: if it were raw sequential, which it's not, i think a usb stick will always beat a CD17:28
justizinit basically installs a bunch of .deb files in a certain order based on dependencies and all sorts of other stuff, it's almost guaranteed to be mostly random seeks followed by brief sequential reads, and that's about as worst-case as you can get for a medium that spins17:29
justizinanyway that's my $0.02, i haven't actually used anything but a net installer in like ten years. ;d17:29
sarnoldjustizin: heh, good point, I don't know if any effort has been made to put the debs into an "install order" on the disc images.17:30
justizinit wouldn't be much worth it, if you have to install more than once or twice per distro release, it makes far more sense to mirror locally (or at least throw up a squid cache)17:31
justizinyou can net install against a squid cache in like 5 min17:31
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hispeed67is there a net installer for ubuntu 12.04 lts?17:32
hispeed67cause, im definitely down with a net installer...17:32
justizinyeah there should always be17:32
justizini usually put it on a usb stick, it's just a far smaller image than the full installer17:33
justizin(it's also handy to netboot)17:33
sarnoldthis looks like a decent guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/install-tftp.html17:33
justizinyou can also just boot a usb stick to like a 16MB image that installs over the web17:33
sarnoldyeah, I quite like those "mini install images" that just get you to a point where you can run apt-get install for whatever else you need. :) hehe17:34
Patero-nghey i have a question how much does it take to mkfs.ntfs or format a 4gb pendrive is taking like 5min and is just on 10% is this normal hello17:34
hispeed67ewe, prefer justizin's choice.. i have a 12.04 on a 16G usb stick.. yea, a mini-install image would be cool, not wanting to setup a tftp/bootp17:34
* justizin is searching for an image17:34
justizinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD <- ignore everything that says 'CD' in this wiki page. ;)17:35
justizinand i think there's an app that creates a usb for you.. there are so many ways to create an installer it's become labyrinthine17:36
justizinwhich i almost definitely spelled wrong17:36
sarnoldI'd stay away from the gtk-image-creator or whatever it was, it seems beyond broken. the only advantage it had over 'dd' (gui aside) is that it could make a storage space on the stick for persistent storage. kinda neat, but the tool as a whole seems pretty broken for those who try it :(17:37
hispeed67i use the netboot thingy.17:37
hispeed67using windoze machine to make the iso for the linux boxen17:38
hispeed67im prolly not doing this the best way. system is installed, but not seeing my wlan0 adapter..  keep re-installing waiting for it to see it. 5th install, saw it on the 2nd install, but i screwed up my X driver, now im on 5th install trying to get wlan0 to work.17:40
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med_jamespage, another question: precise-proposed has OVS 1.4.6 (and it's been there for a while). Is there a bug somewhere that needs verified to get that into precise-updates?17:53
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hispeed67these installs are kicking my ass... none are finding my wlan0 card18:03
hispeed67it's a dlink18:03
hispeed671 install last night did, so i keep trying.. :(18:03
justizininstall over wired, then setup wlan?18:04
hispeed67im installing from cd now, ill try to fix wlan after install finishes... :( bumming18:04
sarnoldhispeed67: most of those kinds of issues are far easier to solve once the system is up and running and you've got access to all the archive and its utilities18:06
hispeed67been a *long* time since i used linux, lots has changed..18:08
hispeed67used to be able to use ifconfig and if-up, not even sure what tools are available nowadays.. <g>18:09
sarnoldhispeed67: ifconfig and ifup are still there; 'ip' provides more features, but the debian-based config files don't make it easy to get to them all..18:12
hispeed67quit doing heavy duty unix stuff in 9918:13
hispeed67played with it a lot, but nothing that i *had* to make work..18:14
hispeed67etc/init.d has changed too..18:14
hispeed67runlevels aren't the same either.18:14
hispeed67lotta relearning to do.. i should prolly be in a general-chat room..18:15
hispeed67sarnold: whats  ip? iptables???18:16
sarnoldhispeed67: 'ip' is the 'new' interface to manage everything that used to be done by route and ifconfig -- it's got more features (ability to set multiple IP addresses per device without needing silly "alias" devices)18:18
hispeed67ok, system installed, rebooted. only have lo interface...18:20
sarnoldhispeed67: what does lspci -k show for your NIC and your wlan card?18:23
hispeed67sis for eth0, atheros for wlan18:25
hispeed67sis900 and ath5k18:26
hispeed67i connected the sis900 (i.e. plugged in the net cable)18:27
hispeed67still only seeing lo though18:27
sarnoldhispeed67: and does 'ip link show' and 'ifconfig -a' show anything? how about 'iwconfig -a'?18:27
hispeed67ip link show lists lo, eth0 and wlan018:28
hispeed67so does ifconfig -a (but with no ip addy info)18:29
hispeed67iwconfig also shows all 3 if's18:29
hispeed67so, the kernel sees the if's then..18:29
hispeed67they just aren't configured???18:30
hispeed67ifup wlan0 and ifup eth0 give error unknown interface wlan0=wlan018:34
hispeed67sarnold: you still here?18:35
sarnoldhispeed67: does your /etc/network/interfaces look sane?18:35
hispeed67only shows lo18:36
hispeed67no eth0 or wlan0 in it.18:36
hispeed67should i add eth0 and wlan0 to it?18:41
sarnoldhispeed67: depends; if you're building a server, you'll probably want to assign static IPs, and /etc/network/interfaces is the place to do it. if you're doing a desktop, it'll be managed by networkmanager, and then your /etc/network/interfaces will have very little in it..18:42
hispeed67i can go either way with it. it's a home/development server18:44
hispeed67going to be a webserver/forum server18:45
sarnoldstatic is nice but you've got to poke out a hole for the IP range from your router's DHCP range18:47
hispeed67i only have like 12 ip's being handed out (printers, phones, tablets, laptops and desktops) so i could just use an upper ip (i.e. which is never dhcp'ed18:49
sarnoldfunny thing abou addresses which are "never" handed out ...18:50
sarnoldthey eventually do get handed out :) hehe18:50
sarnoldit's worth picking a part of your range to block out for static; either everything about 127 or above 200 or whatever is easy for you to remeber.18:50
hispeed67router only dhcp 0-100, so i could use 101+18:51
hispeed67just set to dhcp 125 ip's, so 128+ should be fine for me.18:52
hispeed67router also has static ip pool mapped to mac addy18:54
sarnoldoh nice, you're on the ball then :) hehe18:57
hispeed67i can figure out the ip specific stuff later, if i could just get wlan0 (or, even eth0 now) working.. :)18:57
sarnoldhispeed67: try using iwconfig to associate with an essid..18:58
hispeed67rebooting another linux i have on a flash drive and see if it findsd it18:58
sarnoldhispeed67: off for a bit, good luck, have fun :)18:58
hispeed67doh.. damn.18:59
jamespagemed_, yep - there is19:05
jamespageits on my todo list19:05
jamespagemed_, but if you could deploy and test with it +100019:05
hallynCHECK IT OUT!  4-line patch to xserver-xorg-video-qxl enables using spice xserver standalone like a vncserver - i.e. for contaienrs19:07
hallynstgraber: ^19:07
med_jamespage, cool.19:07
stgraberhallyn: nice!19:08
hallynstgraber: the two new debps are in main, so there's no reason we can't do this for trusty19:08
hallynnow, who babysits those packages these days :)19:08
vilahi guys, what can cause 'lxc_container: command get_cgroup failed to receive response'  ?19:27
vilathe context is qa-radeon-7750 in the ci lab using otto, has been re-installed from scratch, I probably missed some bit of the config19:28
viladid I mention trusty ? ;)19:29
vilaI have another host, also running trusty that is not experiencing the issue and ca be used as a reference but I don't know *where* to look19:29
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vilastgraber: ^ ?19:32
stgrabervila: can you give me the IP?19:33
vilastgraber: the container is named trusty-otto19:35
stgraberlxc-start: Error setting memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes to 4G for trusty-otto19:36
vilastgraber: hold on, that the last bit I try19:37
vilastgraber: try again19:38
stgraberlxc-start: Error setting memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes to 2560M for trusty-otto19:38
vilastgraber: yeah, not sure if otto doesn't do some tricks before calling lxc-start19:38
stgraber3530  open("/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/lxc/trusty-otto/memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_CLOEXEC, 0666) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)19:39
vilastgraber: sudo su - jenkins and then sudo bin/otto -d start trusty-otto19:39
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vilastgraber: ^ is what I use19:40
stgrabervila: is the memory limit something new in your setup?19:40
vilastgraber: it was 4G before the re-install, I just reverted it. So not really new19:41
stgraberok, the failure is because LXC is getting permission denied when trying to write the new memory limit, not sure why that's happening though19:42
vilastgraber: here is the doc I'm following http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~otto-dev/otto/trunk/view/head:/doc/README19:43
vilastgraber: the only bit I didn't do is the CONFIG_MEMCG_SWAP_ENABLED=Y19:44
vilastgraber: nor the apport one but we shouldn't care for now19:44
stgrabervila: the swap limit seems to be the problem19:49
vilastgraber: memsw.limit_in_bytes ?19:50
stgrabervila: machine will reboot twice19:52
vilastgraber: what did you do ? (I'm trying to document this re-install)19:52
stgrabervila: adding the missing swapaccount kernel parameter19:53
stgraberit's already in your doc19:53
vilastgraber: excuse my ignorance but I couldn't decipher that part, what should be changed and where ?19:53
stgrabervila: right, that did it, everything works fine now19:54
stgraberroot@qa-radeon-7750:~# grep swapac /etc/default/grub19:54
stgraberGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet swapaccount=1"19:54
stgrabersudo update-grub19:54
stgrabersudo reboot19:54
=== _Sieb is now known as Sieb
vilastgraber: so swapaccount is really only needed if/when lxc want enforce memory limits (did I get that right ? Never had to do that elsewhere)20:16
vila*to enforce20:16
stgrabervila: correct, you need that option if you want to use the swap memory restrictions20:16
vilastgraber: ok, makes sense, will need to discuss if we really want to do that given that the host is dedicated to otto...20:17
vilastgraber: anyway, thanks again, for the fish and the fishing ;)20:17
=== vila is now known as lt-columbo
lt-columbostgraber: one more question, sir ? Why isn't this parameter set to 1 by default ?20:32
=== lt-columbo is now known as vila
stgraberlt-columbo: probably because of some memory or performance impact, you'd have to ask a kernel developer20:32
hallynstgraber: d'oh.  I just realized I left /var/cache/lxc as is.20:32
hallyn<deep sigh>20:32
hallynstgraber: oh, you've not yet accepted that merge request?20:32
stgraberhallyn: no, I just commented in it20:33
vilastgraber: ok, not something you care more than that yourself ?20:33
stgrabervila: nope, most of my machines don't have swap ;)20:33
hallynstgraber: oh lemme go check.  then i can fix this as well.20:33
vilastgraber: right, can't think why we want swap for a container...20:33
vilastgraber: anyway, I won't bother you more with that ;)20:34
hallynstgraber: proposal updated20:45
hallynhappy i didn't just push to the archive20:45
hallyn"I had a feeling" it would pay off20:45
hallynhm, maybe i should run my nameserver to redirect plain decimal numbers to pad.lv/$n20:46
=== Sieb is now known as _Sieb
Patero-ngI just found out that formatting a pendrive with fat32 is a lot faster then formatting it with ntfs21:10
sarnoldPatero-ng: heh, yeah, FAT just writes a quick table at the front of the filesystem and ignores all the data blocks. very quick. :)21:21
Patero-ngsarnold: why can't ntfs do the same21:25
sarnoldPatero-ng: it has to do with the on-disk layout of filesystem datastructures; FAT is extremely simple, NTFS is not. :)21:27
Patero-ngsarnold: u rock21:29
=== Gurkenmaster is now known as zz_Gurkenmaster
gaughenquery roaksoax22:03
gyre007guys, is it wrong thinking that Ubuntu 12.04 doesn't implement ns ant net_cls subystems ? or is just lssubsys utility NOT returning them ?22:20
hispeed76ive installed pangolin precise (12.04.3) and my sis eth0 is working, but the wireless is not..22:21
hispeed76also, X doesnt work, crashes to cli22:21
hispeed76argh, i been trying to get this working since last night.22:23
hispeed76i dont even know what to do next..... please, somebody22:23
sarnoldhispeed76: do you get any error messages in dmesg that might indicate the problem with the wireless? do you get any error messages in /var/log/Xorg* that might indicate the error with the graphics?22:25
hispeed67i finally have 12.04.3 server reinstalled. still no wlan0, but eth0 is working. no X, crashes out to cli... using neauveau (sp?) have fx5200 card.22:26
hispeed67anybody, please help.. im  burning out on this.22:26
sarnoldhispeed67: do you get any error messages in dmesg that might indicate the problem with the wireless? do you get any error messages in /var/log/Xorg* that might indicate the error with the graphics?22:26
hispeed67dmesg shows hundreds of cache errors on nouveau22:27
hispeed67shows ath5k registered as phy022:30
hispeed67ill write off X, work on that later..22:30
hispeed67but, this wireless is kinda important22:30
hispeed67sarnold that is pretty much all i see about ath22:32
hispeed67a registered and a chip found line..22:32
hispeed675 re-install, installing doesn't fix it...22:34
sarnoldhispeed67: so, the module is loaded, iwconfig sees it, ifconfig sees it, what happens when you try to associate it with an essid?22:34
hispeed67iwconfig sees it, ifconfig does *not*22:35
hispeed67ifconfig doesn't show it, ifconfig wlan0 does. i take that back22:37
hispeed67so does ifconfig -a22:39
hispeed67i giving up..22:39
hispeed67not worth it.. too hard.22:39
sarnoldhispeed67: what happened when you tried to associate the wlan device with a wireless network using iwconfig?22:40
hispeed67i dont know how to do that..22:40
sarnoldhispeed67: iwconfig wlan0 essid network-name-here22:41
hispeed67i did that..22:41
hispeed67then when i did, then did iwconfig it shows the essid in the info22:42
sarnoldhispeed67: .. and does it show an Access Point MAC?22:42
hispeed67rebooted into windows, shit just works...this sucks (not linux, my inability to get it to work)22:43
hispeed67rebooting again22:43
hispeed67now, when i type iwconfig wlan0 essid linda <enter>22:48
hispeed67i get error, operation not permitted22:48
sarnoldhispeed67: are you running that command as root or via sudo?22:48
sarnoldchanging network configuration requires administrative privileges22:48
sarnold(which is why desktop people use network-manager -- it runs with privileges and provides a handy drop-down box for people..)22:48
hispeed67doh, see, im just burning out, hadnt sudoed yet..22:49
hispeed67ok, shows essid linda, access-point not associated22:50
hispeed67now what?22:52
sarnoldhispeed67: do you need to enable WEP or WPA2?22:53
sarnold(I can't recall if these would prevent association with an AP or not..)22:53
hispeed67guess it is easier to just re-install until it works22:53
sarnoldhispeed67: do you have the wpasupplicant package installed? that may be necessary..22:54
sarnoldoof, not my first choice. the installer is such a stripped-down environment it's hard to do anything, and it takes for bloody ever compared to just changing settings...22:54
hispeed67it is installed22:54
hispeed67wpasupplicant that is22:55
hispeed67i can turn off wpa/psk on the router and make the router wide open..22:56
hispeed67but, that will break the other 12 devices that are using passwords22:56
sarnoldhispeed67: I've not set that up manually; check the wpa_supplicant manpage for more details about it.22:56
sarnoldheh, that's not fun :/22:56
hispeed67prolly faster than getting this to work22:57
hispeed67wanna hear some crazy ass shit.. did "ifconfig wlan0"<enter> and now its working22:59
hispeed67well, can ping router after that.. dns isn't working..22:59
hispeed67prolly dhclient23:00
hispeed67or something23:00
sarnolddns will require setting up /etc/resolv.conf correctly23:00
hispeed67it would work if i got the ip from the router, instead of just picking an ip23:01
hispeed67never asked password for the wireless network anywhere..23:01
hispeed67idk if it's working..23:01
hispeed67can ping router and get response, but when i ping the ip address for www.google.com i get destination host unreachable23:03
hispeed67im burned out..23:03
sarnoldyou can try pinging other IPs on the network; you don't need DNS for that, and it'll show if the routing is configured correctly23:03
sarnoldtroubleshooting when burned out is definitely no fun23:03
hispeed67i turned it off.. i *really* wanted to use 12.04.3 lts, but not anymore..23:03
hispeed67ima try openbsd or something...old hardware, shouldn't have the problems it did23:04
sarnolddoes openbsd still do the sh-based installer?23:04
sarnoldI always kinda liked that thing, horrible though it was.. :)23:04
hispeed67i think so.. im hoping to pull down all source and compile.. i think it still uses tarballs..23:05
hispeed67i might try slackware23:05
sarnoldslackware was how I learned how to do linux; _zero_ help from the thing. If you wanted something configured, you had to configure it by hand. it was great then, but got a bit tiring. :) hehe23:06
hispeed67i started with slack too..23:06
hispeed67kernel .99 for longest time23:07
hispeed67burning slack 14.0 now23:07

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