
xubuntu508hi i from ukraine :)00:06
xubuntu508help me install xubuntu00:08
xubuntu508I recorded the image on the usb stick. after loading a black screen where the cursor is blinking, nothing else happens00:14
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:15
xubuntu613hello ¡¡¡ i,m help00:16
xubuntu508<ubottu> thank you00:17
xubuntu508then somebody speaks Russian?00:19
knome!ru | xubuntu50800:20
ubottuxubuntu508: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.00:20
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as LoAndBehold
xubuntu508<knome> thank you for responding00:23
=== LoAndBehold is now known as SonikkuAmerica
xubuntu613alguien da soporte en español?00:24
knome!es | xubuntu61300:24
ubottuxubuntu613: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:24
xubuntu508ISOBoot grub.cfg00:26
xubuntu508menuentry 'xubuntu, LiveISO' --class xubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {  linux /boot/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/xubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso quiet splash noprompt -- locale=ru_RU.UTF-8 console-setup/layoutcode?=ru initrd /boot/initrd.lz }00:26
knomexubuntu508, please, don't paste in the channel00:27
xubuntu508sorry :(00:28
knomexubuntu508, did you ask for help in #ubuntu-ru?00:28
xubuntu508<knome> I do not trust them :D00:29
knomexubuntu508, they are just as knowledgeable as we are00:30
xubuntu508my example with menuentry will work?  grub.cfg  <knome>00:31
knomexubuntu508, that's not my area expertise; i don't know00:31
`Fibz`okay, i added nomodeset to /etc/default/grub and ran sudo update-grub and restarted, but i still have no bootsplash or the XFCE splash. its just a blank screen untill the system is fully booted and logged in (auto-login enabled)00:34
xubuntu508<knome> but still thanks for the link to the Russian channel00:34
xubuntu508I love ubuntu, enjoyed two years with no problems, the version of Ubuntu 11.10, but I decided to put everything collapsed and 13.10 <xubuntu508> <knome>00:37
xubuntu508I am very upset. 5 days have passed, but the problem is not solved00:40
knome!patience | xubuntu50800:41
ubottuxubuntu508: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/00:41
`Fibz`i missed the issue, but if it's really that bad, you can go back to 13.04 or 12.0400:41
xubuntu508I'm sorry for your persistence. 'm going to bang your head on the keyboard. I hope my problem will be solved (Russian humor)    <knome>00:43
knomexubuntu508, good luck00:44
xubuntu508 <knome> u too00:45
kingbeowolf /exit01:07
dmitryshmHi people!02:44
dmitryshmHave a question if you don't mind.02:44
dmitryshmHow can I enable llvmpipe in my XUbuntu 12.04? I have read lots of articles with environment vars settings but it doesn't enable llvmpipe. Only simple software rendering.02:46
zsocalsamixer is showing my audio is fine, i can f6 and poke around and change volume etc. xubuntu 13.10 - but I have no audio, and on the taskbar, the audio thing is blank: ie no soundcard. I'm assuming pulseaudio is not working properly? How to troubleshoot04:20
indeegoHello to everybody! Does anyone know how to start common desktop environment on xubuntu 13.10 with latest kernel (ending with *.11) ? The problem is I have clean Xubuntu installation with no old kernel so I can not choose kernel 3.8 in GRUB, I have to boot with new kernel and I get black blank screen after logging on. Consoles work OK, so I managed to get here to ask some help. Thanks in advance.04:35
well_laid_lawnindeego:  is your graphics card from amd ?05:00
indeegoSorry for long reply, no Intel integrated in Core i3 GFX, and consoles work ok05:12
indeegoDoes anybody know what is the root cause of black screen on kernel 3.1105:15
Unit193You try nomodeset?05:16
cfhowlettindeego, I don't know, but if the earlier kernel worked, use that ...05:16
indeegoHow do I install old kernel from console?05:17
zsocYou can wget/dpkg the deb of whatever kernel version from kernel.ubuntu.com05:18
cfhowlettindeego, reboot.  when grub comes back, use "older version of ubuntu"05:19
zsocOr follow that extremely simple advice ^^05:19
cfhowlettindeego, assuming you've upgraded your kernel, the older kernels are still there.05:19
indeegoThanks, guys, but it was CLEAN installation an everything worked OK till today, there are no kernels except 3.1105:23
indeegoI'll go try nomodeset first, thanks to Unit193 and all of you05:28
zsocI clean installation where everything works except all of a sudden, and he instablames the kernel...05:35
xubuntu116i have a question if you dont mind me asking05:42
zsocIs there an !asktoask trigger in this channel? heh05:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:56
xubuntu196is may someone help me ? what is root pass in xubuntu 13.0406:30
ubottuxubuntu196,: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:30
Poisoned_DragonLOL... A unique spin of a movie quote.06:33
cfhowlettI think most readers fail to make the link ... or am I just an old fart?06:36
=== jackfinn is now known as Guest66801
Guest66801I downloaded barry, opensync..etc, now, when I connect my Blackberry device via USB into my computer, I get no option? My phone starts charging, I want to enter Mass-USB storage mode, but Xubuntu doesn't show any option when I connect my BB device.09:40
=== Guest66801 is now known as Jake
=== Jake is now known as Jake21
Jake21I downloaded barry, opensync..etc, now, when I connect my Blackberry device via USB into my computer, I get no option? My phone starts charging, I want to enter Mass-USB storage mode, but Xubuntu doesn't show any option when I connect my BB device.09:41
VydaSalut/ hello11:11
phooanyone else having a problem where xscreensaver crashes and returns the desktop to the unlocked state?  I can't re-lock the screen unless I restart the daemon.12:55
tannie_can anyone help me?13:03
tannie_I'm using xubuntu 13.04 with xfce13:04
knome!anyone | tannie_13:04
ubottutannie_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:04
tannie_I'm using xubuntu 13.04 and my mouse cursor is hidden while typing13:04
tannie_I'd like to find a way to disable this13:04
tannie_if I open mousepad and start typing the cursor is gone13:05
tannie_however on gvim, the cursor blinks, as if it gets disappeared for a very short time13:05
GuestGuestwhat is the command to directly access the display (resolution) settings rather than opening up the 'control panel' all of the time?13:15
GridCubeGuestGuest, press the <super> key and the p13:19
GridCubein any case its xfce4-display-settings13:19
GuestGuestthanks GridCube: i need to lower the resolution of my login screen; before i used 'gksudo xfce4-display-settings' and it worked (just couldn't remember the command name) :)13:20
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as paulW2U
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neongasWhy is the default interface language not English in Xubuntu 13.10?16:06
knomeneongas, it is not.16:06
Poisoned_Dragonit's not?16:07
knomeit is not non-english16:07
Poisoned_Dragonoh lol16:07
neongasmenu options and labels are in some weird language that I don't understand.16:08
Poisoned_DragonTechnically, it's whatever you configure it to be at install16:08
neongasPoisoned_Dragon, I am talking about default of xubuntu Saucy liveCD.16:08
knomeneongas, where did you download that livecd from?16:09
Poisoned_Dragonneongas, you pick the language at boot16:09
Poisoned_Dragonmaybe you picked the wrong language.16:09
neongasPoisoned_Dragon, It never asked me to pick a language. I directly landed in the desktop.16:10
Poisoned_DragonCan you copy and paste a sample, or screen cap and paste?16:10
neongasThe language looks like some Indian language16:11
neongasI am in India, but still default should be English.16:12
neongasThe language changed when I connected to internet.16:14
neongasSome program in the backgrounded might have tried to find my location based on my IP address?16:14
neongasIP address-to-location is still not at all accurate here in India. So do not rely on it to guess what language I might be speaking.16:15
Poisoned_DragonIt actually looks closer to Bengali16:15
Poisoned_DragonYou mean to tell me that your language changed when you connected to the internet?16:16
Poisoned_DragonThat's not even a listed feature.16:17
neongasPoisoned_Dragon, yes16:17
GridCubeneongas, log off, and in the login screen change the language option for the interface16:17
neongasok brb16:17
GridCubeoh, wait, this is the livecd16:17
Poisoned_Dragonhe was in a live session16:17
GridCubethats peculiar16:18
Poisoned_DragonI'm literally laughing.16:18
Poisoned_DragonWell, accidents happen16:18
GridCubei though it was a live install16:18
GridCubei mean a real install16:18
GridCubehe might have choosen a different lang at the first stage of the livecd session16:18
GridCubein this step http://i1.wp.com/desktoplinuxreviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Xubuntu-13.10-Try-or-Install.jpg16:19
neongasthe language selected in the drop down language menu on login screen was "Bangla - Bangladesh"16:20
Poisoned_DragonHeh! I was right16:20
neongasI'll try to restart my machine and boot back into livecd16:20
Poisoned_DragonWell, at least it worked out16:21
neongasback into liveCD.   I did't get any screen asking me whether I want to begin the installation right away or try out the LiveCD.16:26
neongaswaiting for the language to change spontaneously again....16:27
neongasGot it. The problem is if you log in from the display manger login screen you get the "Bangla - Bangladesh" language by default.16:31
Poisoned_Dragonhuh, interesting16:31
Poisoned_DragonBut, you can change it on the fly16:31
GridCubeneongas, can you repeat the issue? tell me and ill try here16:31
neongasnothing to do with internet.16:31
neongasGridCube, start the machine, select LiveCD from BIOS boot option. You'll directly land into the Xfce desktop. (You won't be prompted whether you want to install or try the Live experience). Now log out. Type xubuntu as username, leave password field blank and log in. You'll get "Bangla" language.16:34
GridCubeneongas, i386 or amd64?16:35
GridCubeoh well, i dont have that iso at the moment16:35
GridCubeill test it later then16:35
GridCubeplease fill a bug report against ubiquity neongas16:36
neongasGridCube, or should file against lightdm? the login/display manager selects the wrong language by default for users logging in.16:37
GridCubeprobably thats better16:37
GridCubebut you should be able to select the language even before the lightdm takes session16:38
GridCubein this step http://i1.wp.com/desktoplinuxreviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Xubuntu-13.10-Try-or-Install.jpg16:38
GridCubeits before lightdm16:38
neongasGridCube, I don't even get prompted with that window.16:39
knomenot sure there is anything to report against ubiquity; it's not used16:39
GridCubethen thats a bug in ubiquity16:39
RazkinI am travelling to Malaysia soon, and I'll probably get a broadband there, but it seems that I won't be able to use internet there on Linux because there is no provider-list in the network-manager's wireless network list, how can I update the service-providers list in network-manager?17:06
neongasGridCube, filed bugs #1245581, and #1245585.17:10
ubottubug 1245581 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "LiveCD does not ask whether I want to "Try Xubuntu" or "Install Xubuntu"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124558117:10
RazkinI am travelling to Malaysia soon, and I'll probably get a broadband there, but it seems that I won't be able to use internet there on Linux because there is no provider-list in the network-manager's wireless network list, how can I update the service-providers list in network-manager?17:10
neongasbug #124558517:10
ubottubug 1245585 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "LiveCD: wrong language selected by default on login screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124558517:10
GridCubeneongas, thanks :)17:16
neongasGridCube, no problem. Actually I should be thanking you FOSS developers. <3   I like Xubuntu's default graphics and theme.17:19
=== niel is now known as niel123
phooRazkin, are you going to Malaysia soon?17:37
phoo(yeah, I realize he already left.)17:37
cousteauI just got a multimedia keyboard.  It comes with a volume wheel thingy.  However, when I open the sound preferences, I see that there are 2 output options: HDMI and analog internal stereo audio.  The one I use (and is marked with a green checkmark) is the analog internal audio.  Scrolling on the volume icon on the panel affects this control.  However, turning the volume wheel affects the HDMI one.  Why?18:00
Poisoned_DragonI'm surprised the volume wheel works at all18:02
cousteaushouldn't it affect whatever audio output is set as default?18:02
cousteauwell, I don't see why not, it's just a regular XF86 key18:03
phooleads you to http://askubuntu.com/questions/199742/volume-control-via-media-keys-in-xubuntu18:04
phoo"In short: Settings -> Settings Editor Find the section xfce4-mixer. Set the value of property active-card to the same as the value of sound-card."  :)18:04
cousteauphoo, ok, thanks18:06
cousteauI don't have a "sound-card" entry...  I'll have to figure it out (or maybe keep reading)18:06
cousteauanyway, shouldn't it be the same as the volume icon?18:06
cousteauor have some generic way to configure it?18:06
cousteauand who translated "Line in" as "Online" in the Spanish locale?18:07
GridCubeche cousteau que modelo de teclado es?18:09
GridCubeups ah.. sorry 'bout that18:10
GridCubecousteau, no the model, see the label in its back18:10
cousteauso as Poisoned_Dragon suggested, it's surprising that the wheel works at all18:10
Poisoned_DragonWell, doesn't mean it shouldn't. I just didn't know it was a thing.18:10
cousteauPoisoned_Dragon, I said that because of my experience with Dell mice and scrollwheels18:11
Poisoned_DragonI'm use to the idea that not all custom kb buttons can work. Especially when manufacturers have been know to use non-standard key codes.18:11
cousteauPoisoned_Dragon, there's some standardization apparently18:11
GridCubecousteau, http://crunchbang.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2153918:12
GridCubein the keyboards i've used it always worked the media keys18:12
cousteauyeah, but I have 2 outputs:  headphones and HDMI18:14
cousteauthe speaker icon controls the default one (the headphones), but the kbd controls the first one instead (which happens to be the HDMI one)18:14
cousteaufollowed the instructions at http://crunchbang.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=21539 and resetted the property.  Instead of being reset it got deleted m(18:16
cousteauduh, it was auto-regenerated... but to the same value18:17
knomecousteau, just checking: are you running xubuntu and not crunchbang?18:19
cousteauknome, yeah, xubuntu18:20
cousteauI just followed a link GridCube gave me18:20
knomecousteau, ok, sure, continue. :)18:20
* cousteau reveals that he actually uses crunchbang and starts trolling about how it's better than xubuntu18:21
cousteaunot really18:21
* knome puts his finger on "the" button18:21
cousteauI've had this problem with Mint users claiming that it's "the same as Ubuntu" before; it can get really annoying18:21
knomeyep, i was just checking18:22
cousteauso I'm using Xubuntu (I've never used crunchbang)...  could someone tell me what the property says?18:22
cousteauxfce4-mixer /active-card18:22
cousteau...or how can I just disable the HDMI output?18:23
cousteau...wait, I didn't have xfce4-mixer installed  :|18:24
knomethat depends on the card, for me it's SBAudigy2UnknownAlsamixer, if you think that helps..18:25
knome(looking at xfce4-settings-editor)18:25
knomedon't know if changing that value helps with your problem, but you can always try...18:25
cousteauyeah, problem was that I didn't have xfce4-mixer installed18:26
knomedoes it work now?18:26
cousteauit's HDAIntelPCHAlsamixer for me18:26
cousteauaaand there we go!18:28
cousteau(I uninstalled xfce4-mixer once I didn't need it anymore)18:28
cousteau...only, when I mute it I cannot ummute it; it gets stuck in mute until I click the volume icon and change it manually18:29
cousteaubut that's a minor issue18:29
cousteauok, thanks for the help!  going home, bye!18:31
elfy!ask | xubuntu08418:53
ubottuxubuntu084: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:53
xubuntu084how i can install xubuntu without a cd?18:54
xubuntu084in my hdd that uses xp18:55
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:55
xubuntu084and what are the req :)18:56
pleia2there used to be a product called wubi that let you install xubuntu inside of windows, but it's unmaintained, you need to set up a dual boot system either with a DVD or USB stick18:56
xubuntu084ok thanks18:57
xubuntu084but the isntaller say that is for ubuntu it work for xubuntu too?19:00
pleia2you just use the xubuntu iso instead of ubuntu19:00
xubuntu084thanks you :)19:01
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
xubuntu533i got a little question20:08
xubuntu533i want to install this: http://www.sync-my-l2p.de/. when running "chmod +x l2p.run" "sudo ./l2p.run" the terminal is doing nothing20:09
xubuntu533it just jumps to the other line20:10
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
xubuntu453Ubuntu newbie22:04
xubuntu453my friend installed it for me and now he's unavailable to help me22:04
xubuntu453I just moved to china and no one here knows how to fix my prob either22:04
knomeno need to shout; rather than circling around, tell us what's the problem22:04
xubuntu453when i try to login as usual, it accepts my password, then after 3 seconds, jumps right back to the login screen.  It's like I never entered anything.  right now Im logged in a Guest on my own computer and cant access my files22:06
xubuntu453i have not been able to update for about a month, and i think it's because Im in Shanghai and so many sites are blocked.22:06
xubuntu453it's not able to update automatically.  big red ! at the top of my screen (top right) for a while now22:06
xubuntu453it  does not say "incorrect password"....just goes right back to login screen22:07
xubuntu453same when I try the Xfce session mode (I am usually in Xubuntu mode22:08
bekksSounds like a disk filled up. You can check it using "df -h".22:08
xubuntu453that's the problem here as well....22:08
xubuntu453I dont know what that means....computer illiterate22:08
xubuntu453my friend usually solved all my ubuntu problems22:08
xubuntu453my disk space WAS low22:09
Poisoned_DragonYou know, you could always boot off a livecd and do some house keeping.22:09
Poisoned_DragonIn livecd, you are root22:09
bekksOpen a terminal and type "df -h". The column "Use%" tell you how much % of your disk(s) are used.22:09
bekksPoisoned_Dragon: You dont need to use live cd for housekeeping.22:10
xubuntu453is there any way to get a remote Teamviewer support person to check this out?22:10
Poisoned_DragonWell, if you mean he can login with tty, I suppose.22:10
Poisoned_Dragonbut the livecd would give him a graphical way to do it22:10
xubuntu453yes but he would be logging in as Guest as I have22:11
xubuntu453how am i supposed to retrieve my files?22:11
xubuntu453what is a livecd?22:12
xubuntu453im sorry I dont know anything22:12
xubuntu453i need to access some remote help22:12
xubuntu453Chinese people dont use Ubuntu, I tried taking it in today and they were baffled22:13
knomexubuntu453, ok, first, calm down22:13
knomexubuntu453, you have been given good advice; what about following that, and if you still do not understand, ask for more instructions?22:13
xubuntu453i have not yet been given good advice22:14
xubuntu453for this issue22:14
xubuntu453i am seeking advice22:14
knomexubuntu453, yes you have22:15
knomexubuntu453, 00:09  bekks: Open a terminal and type "df -h". The column "Use%" tell you how much % of your disk(s) are used.22:15
xubuntu453ok illl try that22:15
xubuntu453Accessories>Terminal Emulator..  I typed in df-h and it said 'command not found"  Here's a copy:22:17
xubuntu453guest-suSs0T@Janis-Notebook:~$ df-h df-h: command not found guest-suSs0T@Janis-Notebook:~$22:17
bekks"df-h" isnt "df -h"22:17
bekksNote the whitespace.22:17
dont-panicxubuntu453: try sudo df -h22:17
dont-panicbekks: good catch22:18
bekksdont-panic: No sudo needed, a whitespace is needed.22:18
xubuntu453Here's a copy with whitespace:22:18
xubuntu453guest-suSs0T@Janis-Notebook:~$ df-h df-h: command not found guest-suSs0T@Janis-Notebook:~$ df- h No command 'df-' found, did you mean:  Command 'df' from package 'coreutils' (main)  Command 'dfo' from package 'dfo' (universe)  Command 'dff' from package 'dff' (universe) df-: command not found guest-suSs0T@Janis-Notebook:~$22:18
bekks"df- h" isnt "df -h"22:18
dont-panicxubuntu453: df -h22:18
knomexubuntu453, please pay attention.22:19
dont-panicif that's too hard just stick to df22:19
xubuntu453i typed df- h...what am i doing wrong then22:19
knomexubuntu453, df -h22:19
xubuntu453yes that's what i entered22:20
bekksNo. You entered "df- h". We told you to enter "df -h".22:20
knomexubuntu453, please note the order of the letters and whitespace22:20
dont-panicxubuntu453: so 'df' is a command and '-h' is an argument to make it human readable, together you get 'df -h'22:20
knomexubuntu453, stop lying and start paying attention.22:20
xubuntu453Ok thank you .  this time it worked22:21
xubuntu453i am fairly worked up and tired22:21
xubuntu453guest-suSs0T@Janis-Notebook:~$ df -h Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda2        15G  6.2G  7.6G  45% / udev           1000M  4.0K 1000M   1% /dev tmpfs           403M  936K  402M   1% /run none            5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock none           1007M  272K 1006M   1% /run/shm /dev/sda4        78G   74G     0 100% /home none           1007M  630M  377M  63% /tmp/guest-suSs0T /dev/sdb1       7.6G  3.22:22
dont-panicxubuntu453: don't panic lol22:22
xubuntu453lol thanks trying22:22
bekksxubuntu453: As I suspected your /home is entirely filled up so you cant log in anymore.22:22
xubuntu453wish i could smoke in my room22:22
xubuntu453ah  is this fixable?22:22
xubuntu453i assume it is22:22
dont-panicxubuntu453: yeah22:23
xubuntu453can you help me or should i access some other support22:23
knomexubuntu453, we can; stay calm and follow our instructions22:24
bekksYes, it is. Try logging in from a terminal, press ctrl+alt+f1, login, delete some unused files in your home directory. when finished, press ctrl+alt+f7 to come back here :)22:24
xubuntu453promise i will22:24
xubuntu453to the best of my ability that is22:24
* dont-panic thinks someone should ask for bash in a nutshell for christmas22:25
knome!chat | dont-panic22:25
ubottudont-panic: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, for all Xubuntu-related support questions. Please use #xubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:25
dont-panicmeh, these are really #bash questions22:26
xubuntu453hey they're just trying to calm the newbie down22:26
xubuntu453i will try the terminal login now22:26
knomedont-panic, it's completely on-topic for xubuntu support22:26
dont-panicxubuntu453: I queried you, ping me back if you want a walk through22:26
xubuntu453thanks, got you, sent msg22:28
knome!hello | xubuntu87122:44
knome!hi | xubuntu87122:44
ubottuxubuntu871: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!22:44
xubuntu871I cant boot from usb, any ideas?22:44
knomexubuntu871, what can't you boot from usb, does your bios support and has enabled booting from usb?22:45
xubuntu871I've done it before, its only with xubuntu22:45
xubuntu871it just boots straight into kubuntu (main partition)22:46
drohi everybody22:47
knome!hello | dro22:47
ubottudro: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!22:47
droi'm blocking on an issue right now... I have an ATI graphic card, HD6870. Everytimes that I try to install it with the official AMD drivers, after reboot + logon, my desktop shows only the wallpaper. I actually have two screens plugged on this card, DVI both. I also have the DVI out from the intel graphic  integrated into my i5 processor, maybe a conflict ?22:50
drosince 3 months, I reinstall again and again xubuntu. Every two weeks, I try.22:51
droI tried a lot of different solutions found over the web, but it never works :'(22:51
droif I try the proprietary drivers via the updates, then black screen...22:52
droThat's all, feel free to ask me for more precisions ;)22:52
knomewhat's wrong with the open source drivers? :)22:53
drohaha, nice question22:53
droI forgot to say that fan noise is TERRIBLE !22:53
drodon't have this problem with proprietary drivers on windows22:54
droactually, this is my only problem with XFCE, so frustrating22:54
droxubuntu, apologize22:54
xubuntu871omfg, this is stupid, why wont it boot22:55
knomexubuntu871, calm down and watch the language22:55
knomedro, what version are you on?22:55
knomexubuntu871, have you checked if the ISO checksum is OK?22:56
dro13.10, and I also tried 13.04 more than 20 times on clean install22:56
drostill the same problem on 13.1022:56
dromaybe a conflict with my other graphic processor :'(22:58
drobut I don't want to disable it, because I use it to watch movies on TV22:58
droI mean the third DVI port on my mother board22:59
droreally frustrating, I love xubuntu22:59
knomedro, unfortunately, tehre isn't much we can do about proprietary drivers..23:00
droof course, I more trying to find some people that experience the same issue23:01
drobut anyway, thank you for your time :)23:01
knomeno problem23:01
droi'll come back another time ! Good night/day everybody23:03
knomegood night and good luck23:03
drothanks man23:04
xubuntu871the mirror downloads, are thye 32 or 64 bit~?23:14
knomexubuntu871, the mirrors have both versions.23:17
xubuntu871Ok, so the pendrive works with just the standard ubuntu live disk23:20
dont-panicwell that was fun23:30
=== xubuntu361 is now known as Janis19725

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