
=== racedo` is now known as racedo
rogpeppei'm taking another swap day today, BTW09:59
mattywrogpeppe, I don't remember allowing that10:00
rogpeppemattyw: oh10:00
rogpeppemattyw: in which case i guess i'll just have to kill you10:00
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=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
smoserhey. whats the state of the null /none/manual provider ?12:58
smoseris that in 1.16 ?12:58
natefinchsmoser: the manual provider is in 1.16 but it's not really ready for primetime. There's still some bugs around it.13:37
smosernatefinch, thats ok.13:38
smoserthat seems to imply that "Due to needing newer versions of LXC the local provider does require a newer kernel than the released version of 12.04. Therefore we install Linux 3.8 from the LTS Hardware Enablement Stack"14:52
smoserwhich is declared as fact at https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-local.html14:53
smoseris incorrect14:53
smosercan we have that doc fixed please ?14:53
smoseror someone point me to why that statement exists  (hazmat?)14:53
natefinchsmoser: I don't know the exact details, but we've definitely seen problems with 12.04.  Not only the old LXC but also the old MongoDB.  Are you sure you're not already running the newer kernel on that machine?14:56
smosernatefinch, i'm using the cloud archive14:57
smoserwhich is the solution designed by CTS for some supportable solution of juju on 12.0414:57
smoserie, that is probably what doc should suggest.14:59
natefinchsmoser: yeah, it sounds like the doc is just out of date.  I haven't really kept up on the exact nuances of the local provider, which is my only hesitation.  definitely we should make sure the documentation is accurate and suggests the least painful way to get it running on 12.0415:00
hazmatsmoser, not sure why that verbiage appeared.15:12
hazmatsmoser, specifically around manual provider it works, but you need to manually remove the $JUJU_HOME/environments/$manual_env_name.jenv to destroy/reset it15:13
hazmatand it leaves juju stuff on the machines in question..15:14
hazmatsmoser lp:juju-core/docs15:14
hazmatsmoser, there are performance issues with older kernels (including 3.8) and container networking that have been documented, not sure its relevant in this context though15:38
smoserhazmat, hallyn was unaware of such issues15:40
smoserso links to such documentation might be useful.15:40
hazmatsmoser, i saw it referenced by the docker  community last month re this thread https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/docker-user/txAd5BiVapU/AfXvssMqkr4J15:41
smoseri think performance of veth is probably not a good enough reason to sugges tsomeone use a HWE kernel that is not necessary otherwise.15:42
smoserat least without citing that as the reason15:42
smoserHWE kernels have real drawbacks, forcing you to upgrade or lose security updates earlier than 12.04 LTS kernel.15:42
sinzuinatefinch, do you have time to review two small branches that backport fixes to 1.16.1? https://codereview.appspot.com/18610043/ and https://codereview.appspot.com/18640043/16:04
natefinchsinzui: sure16:06
natefinchsinzui: the first one already got a LGTM from jam, so that's fine. I can lgtm the other one.16:09
* sinzui thinks his review emails are being eaten again16:15
hatchany word on a fix for the lxc/apt issue coming down the pipe? I'd really like to demo the GUI next week on lxc :)16:20
sinzuihatch is this the node problem?16:25
hatchsinzui: when I try and deploy the gui it fails with some apt-get stuff16:26
hatchI was told it was an lxc bug16:27
hatchhappens on 12.04 and 12:10 with the most recent juju-core16:27
sinzuihatch, these are the bugs that I want to close today/tomorrow with a release https://launchpad.net/juju-core/+milestone/1.16.116:28
sinzuihatch, there aren't any bugs about lxc reported that also speak of apt16:29
hatchahh ok so that doesn't help unfortuately....I don't know what the true cause of it is, it could be lxc related and not juju related16:29
sinzuiall apt bugs relate to firewalls in fact.16:29
hatchhmm ok I'll try and get some more information and file a formal bug so that someone can tell me one way or another if it's juju related or not16:30
sinzuiI am sure it is a bug and maybe even reported. We want to tag it juju-gui so that I can drive a fix for it16:31
hatchsinzui: looks like after doing some updates after the sprint it's working again, so something must have landed to fix it :)16:45
sinzuiokay hatch. If you do have bugs you care about, tag then with juju-gui so that I can arrange for fixes right away16:46
hatchwill do thanks!16:46
hazmatsmoser, re hwe sounds reasonable to me, i don't have any insight into why we doc'd hwe kernels for precise, we're not using any lxc functionality that's only later kernel rels afaics. the delta might be related to  lxc userspace tooling and how  a newer version of that interacts with older kernel versions, dunno.18:38
sodrehello. I am facing some issues with juju on an Openstack private cloud. Could someone explain point to some documentation on that ?19:54
sodreI am running Havana deployed on top of MAAS19:55
sodrehi Thumper, can you help me ?19:57
thumpermaybe, what's your problem?19:57
sodreI am trying to run Juju on top of a Havana19:58
sodreon a private cloud.19:58
* thumper thinks 19:58
thumperis your problem django?19:58
sodreI've deployed Havana using Juju/MAAS. But now I am having issues deploying VMs on top of Havana using juju.19:58
thumperISTR that there is an issue with dependencies19:58
thumperMAAS needing one version and havana needing another19:59
sodrea version of Juju ?19:59
thumperbut when juju deploys a machine19:59
thumperit adds the cloud-tools archive19:59
thumperwhich then installs a version of django that havana can't use20:00
thumperthis is a known bug and something we are going to try to work around20:00
thumperbut not sure of the fix just yet20:00
thumperdoes this sound like your problem may be related to that?20:00
sodreokay. What is the side effect of that django bug? My issue right now is that Juju cannot bootstrap _on top of_ Havana.20:01
sodreHavana, seems to behave just fine by itself.20:01
thumperI'm not entirely sure what the side effect it, just that it doesn't work20:01
thumperthis could be it20:01
thumperIF it is the same issue20:01
thumperwhat stage does it fail?20:02
sodreafter I setup my environments.yaml file to point to my Havana install20:02
sodreI call juju bootstrap.20:02
sodreit uploads all the tools to Swift/RadosGW20:02
sodrethen the following error comes up:20:02
thumpercan you see that the machine has started? can you ssh to it?20:02
sodre2013-10-29 19:47:26 ERROR juju supercommand.go:282 cannot start bootstrap instance: index file has no data for cloud {RegionOne http://m1basic-05.vm.draco.metal.as:5000/v2.0} not found20:03
thumperok... that sounds like something else20:03
sodreI think so.20:03
thumperso... perhaps this is simple stream related20:03
sodrehow do people usually load up their images into a Private OpenStack install for using with Juju?20:04
thumperwe now use simple streams to find the instances20:04
thumperI don't know20:04
thumperwallyworld may be able to help when he starts in a few hours20:04
thumperas he did a lot of the simplestream stuff20:04
thumpersodre: which TZ are you in?20:04
sodreI'm on EST20:04
thumperso already 5pm?20:05
* thumper looks at the date applet20:05
thumperoh, no falling back just yet20:05
* thumper thinks20:06
thumpergah, TZ confused again20:06
thumperwallyworld is in brisbane, AU20:06
thumperand not likely to start for a few hours20:06
thumperor stry smoser20:06
sodreLet me pm him.20:06
thumpersodre: he is in this channel20:07
thumpersmoser: <sodre> how do people usually load up their images into a Private OpenStack install for using with Juju?20:07
thumpersmoser: any idea?20:07
sodreahh.. got it20:08
sodreI haven't used IRC in such a long time.20:08
thumperI understand, before working at canonical I hadn't used irc at all20:09
thumperok, not quite at all, but very briefly20:10
sodreDo most people at canonical work from home ?20:11
smoserah. sodre yes most people work from home.20:12
smoserthe suggested way to load images into glance is at https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/simplestreams/example-sync20:12
sodrethat is nice. I guess there is always development going ton.20:13
sodreAlright, let me clone that branch.20:13
thumpersmoser: thanks20:22
sodrethanks thumper and smoser... I am still trying to get it to work... I'll be back soon.20:26
thumpersodre: good luck20:26
sodresmoser: are you still available ?21:09
smosernot really21:10
sodrefor some reason the PUT requests are going itno /swift/simplestreams instead of swift/v1/simplestreams21:10
sodreany idea why that would be ?21:10
sodreAlso, running swift from the command-line places things in the correct place.21:11
smoseri'm not sure.21:13
smoserthat code there *is* used in production21:14
smoserso it is known working21:14
sodreokay. I am using radosgw, maybe it should default to v121:14
sodreI'll give the code a quick read. Maybe I can figure out why it is not giving placing the v1 in PUT.21:16
bigjoolswallyworld_: just for you: http://www.git-tower.com/blog/git-cheat-sheet/21:37
bigjoolslike a boss21:39
bigjoolsI was using git yesterday as one of my home projects uses it21:39
bigjoolshadn't been in for a while and needed to pull a particular branch to compile21:40
bigjoolstook me 45 minutes to work out how21:40
bigjoolswho knew you had to pull *everything* and then "checkout"21:40
bigjoolswallyworld_: I am low on coffee.  If you could stop by the local bean on the way over that'd be awesome21:41
wallyworld_it will cost you21:41
* bigjools bends over21:41
wallyworld_it's on the wrong side of the road so it will cost you a lot21:42
* thumper covers his eyes21:42
thumperthere are children in this channel21:42
* wallyworld_ unips21:42
* bigjools goatses21:42
thumperWORK CHANNEL!!21:42
bigjoolsthumper: there sure are!21:42
* thumper cracks a whip21:42
sodrewallyworld_: do you work on simplestreams as well ?21:49
wallyworld_the juju side of things, yes21:50
sodreI have a question :)21:50
sodreI am trying to use sstream-mirror-glance, but the URLs it gives to the swift client lacks the /v1  part.21:51
sodree.g. when I run it, I get the following error21:52
sodreContainer PUT failed: http://m1basic-04.vm.draco.metal.as:80/swift/simplestreams 405 Method Not Allowed21:52
sodreHowever, if I  run ' swift post simplestreams '21:53
sodreeverything goes fine.21:53
sodreI have logs from the Swift back-end as well, if you would like to see them.. +3lines.21:54
wallyworld_sodre: i have no knowledge of the lp:simplestreams project and associated tools. i just do the juju-core lib21:54
wallyworld_which is a separate codebase written in Go21:54
sodregot it21:54
wallyworld_sorry :-(21:55
wallyworld_but it does seems perhaps there is a bug there21:55
sodreyeah, in the Swift log, it shows that the sstream-mirror-glance code did a PUT /swift/simplestreams21:56
sodrewhile the swift CLI, did a POST followed by a PUT /swift/v121:56
sodreat least I found out why... the code in simplestreams/openstack.py strips the version out :)22:06
sodreno I wonder why they are doing that.22:07
wallyworld_good question :-)22:08
sodrewallyworld_ : The simplestreams images are getting loaded into glance after I commented out the "strip_versions" call.22:28
sodrenow I have another question which you might be able to help.22:28
sodreI am trying to deploy juju on top of Havana.22:29
sodreHavana itself seems to be working okay, i.e. I can launch CirrOS22:29
sodrecreate Networks, assign floating ips, etc...22:29
sodrelet me clean up my bootstrap version22:31
sodreso I have sourced my admin-openrc.sh22:34
sodreI ran juju bootstrap22:34
sodreand then at the end I get the following error.22:34
sodreERROR juju supercommand.go:282 cannot start bootstrap instance: index file has no data for cloud {RegionOne http://m1basic-05.vm.draco.metal.as:5000/v2.0}22:34
sodreI imagine that happens because it did a get for /swift/v1/admin-juju/streams/v1/index.json22:35
sodreand it failed.22:35
sodrehow do I tell Juju to find /streams/v1/index.json in a different container ?22:37
wallyworld_sodre: you set the tools-url config option if you want to get simplestreams metadata from a non-default container22:49
sodreokay...  let me try taht.22:50
wallyworld_or, ensure the index file you are using has metadata for RegionOne and your endpoint22:50
wallyworld_sodre: actually22:50
wallyworld_not tools-url22:50
wallyworld_you want image-metadata-url for images22:51
wallyworld_i think that's what it can't find22:51
wallyworld_if it complains about tools, you need tools-url22:51
thumperTime to go and hit something, more emails after lunch22:52
* thumper -> gym22:52
sodrehumm... not yet...22:56
sodreI'll play with it once I get home.22:57
sinzuiwallyworld_, do you understand what went wrong in this azure bootstrap. I see evidence that abentley's CI testing has placed current tools in juju-dist/testing/tools, but I don't see how out environments could collide and break: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6326844/22:59
* wallyworld_ looks23:00
wallyworld_sinzui: i've not seen that error before. it looks like it is failing to load image metadata from cloud-images.canonical.com23:04
* sinzui ponders setting image-metadata-url: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases23:04
wallyworld_that may work, let me check the code23:04
sinzuiwallyworld_, okay. I think so too. I am not testing changes yet :) This was a stable deploy for an upgrade test23:04
wallyworld_sinzui: btw, trunk has all the changes except for the --public option with sync tools (but you can create the json file for that by hand in the interim). i hope to land today in any case23:06
sinzuiwallyworld_, I was starting the blessing/cursing of 1.16 r1977. Once the stable is updated, I was going to return to automate releases23:07
sinzuidamn. image-metadata-url did change anything23:07
wallyworld_did not?23:08
sinzuihmm, maybe the sjson is the issue23:09
sinzui1.16 shouldn't be looking at it yet23:09
sinzuiwell there is evidence that the sjson is understood, but I don't think it is 100% vetted23:10
wallyworld_1.16 should use sjson if it is there23:11
adam_gdoes anyone know what the status of the juju side of https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1239488 ?23:11
_mup_Bug #1239488: [SRU] Juju api client cannot distinguish between environments <verification-done> <MAAS:Fix Released by julian-edwards> <maas (Ubuntu):Triaged> <maas (Ubuntu Saucy):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1239488>23:11
wallyworld_sinzui: the above bug will be fixed with the 1.16 release you are doing now, right?23:13
sinzuiI don't think so wallyworld_ The bug does not claim to affect juju, let alone have a bug targeted to the 1.16.1 release23:14
sinzuiThese are the bug fixes we want to close https://launchpad.net/juju-core/+milestone/1.16.123:14
wallyworld_there were juju changes to fix that maas env bug23:15
adam_gsinzui, i was told there was a corresponding juju change for the multi-tenant usage to actually work, have not been able to find what that buig is, tho23:15
wallyworld_bigjools: ^^^^^?23:15
wallyworld_you made changes to juju-core right?23:15
wallyworld_was the branch linked to a bug?23:16
* bigjools digs23:16
adam_gare those released ?23:16
wallyworld_not yet i don't think23:16
_mup_Bug #1081247: maas provider releases all nodes it did not allocate [does not play well with others] <maas-provider> <pyjuju:Triaged> <juju-core:Fix Committed by julian-edwards> <juju-core 1.16:Fix Committed by rogpeppe> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1081247>23:17
adam_gbigjools, thanks23:17
_mup_Bug #1229275: [maas] juju destroy-environment also destroys nodes that are not controlled by juju <maas-provider> <theme-oil> <pyjuju:Triaged> <juju-core:Fix Committed by thumper> <juju-core 1.16:Fix Committed by rogpeppe> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <maas (Ubuntu):Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu Saucy):Triaged> <maas (Ubuntu Saucy):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1229275>23:17
bigjoolsalso that, but it has the same branches linked23:17
adam_gsinzui, when is 1.16.1 due?23:20
wallyworld_bigjools: that bug is against the wrong projevt23:22
wallyworld_that may be why sinzui  didn't see it23:23
bigjoolswallyworld_: ha!23:23
wallyworld_to include it for the next 1.16 release23:23
bigjoolswallyworld_: it does have a juju-core task23:23
wallyworld_oh, so it does23:23
bigjoolsI invalidated pyjuju23:23
bigjoolsdoes this url make you feel better? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/108124723:24
_mup_Bug #1081247: maas provider releases all nodes it did not allocate [does not play well with others] <maas-provider> <pyjuju:Invalid> <juju-core:Fix Committed by julian-edwards> <juju-core 1.16:Fix Committed by rogpeppe> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1081247>23:24
wallyworld_yes :-)23:24
* wallyworld_ relocates, bbiab23:24
* bigjools prepares for his arrival23:24
* bigjools chuckles, evilly23:25
sinzuisorry bigjools wallyworld_ I had to jump into a hangout.23:27
bigjoolsno worries sinzui23:27
sinzuiI am not rushing the 1.16.1 release. I can wait for a critical bug fix. I just need to know what needs merging23:27

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