
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
* gary_poster back in a few12:55
bacjujugui: i'm currently unable to get my canonical email.  use fn.ln@gmail.com if you need to send me something before it is resolved.13:16
rick_h_bac: rgr13:17
benjibac: hi, I am assigned to the change log in GUI card, but since I'm not sitting next to you at the moment, I don't know how to contribute ;)13:17
bacbenji: yeah, i should take your face off and continue with it.  just a matter of resolving the data differences between charms and bundles.  shouldn't take long.13:18
benjisounds good13:18
benjiI've never filed mileage to the airport, but it is over 100 miles round-trip; do we do milage?13:19
bacwhat's the alternative?  just eating it?13:19
gary_posteryes benji, pretty sure.  check company handbook, or ask your manager to do so ;-)13:19
rick_h_hatch: morning13:28
hatchI also couldn't access my email :/13:28
MakyoCan you get to it through the gmail interface?13:29
hatchit appears to be back up now13:29
hatchit wouldn't accept the pw for a bit there13:29
bacgary_poster: expenses filed. can you confirm receipt of email?13:29
bachatch: that's what i'm seeing.  mine i think is self-inflicted due to my inability not to fiddle with shiny new bits, i.e. icloud keychain.13:30
gary_posterbac I got receipts, yes. 509KB and 435 KB.  Need me to actually look at them? :-)13:30
bacgary_poster: nope13:30
bacgary_poster: just confirms canonical smtp is working for me just not imap13:31
gary_posterah, gotcha13:31
bacwe made the mistake of trying san juan's best chinese restaurant last night.  big mistake so soon after SFO.13:32
MakyoI had so much Szechuan food out there.  It was heaven.13:34
rick_h_bah, just chased down a 'bug' in my branch that fails on comingsoon. Doh!13:52
gary_posterbac why no Friday Burlingame dinner in expenses?13:58
bacgary_poster: i was invited to be jc for the day for the orange team dinner.  curtis paid.13:59
gary_posterbac oh cool13:59
MakyoAn honor!13:59
bacwe went to a cool beer cellar13:59
gary_posterok, I've approved everyone's canonicaladmin things (except a couple of 2014 things from hatch because I want to make sure we get those handled correctly with HR)14:01
gary_posterrick_h_, are you already reviewing huw's bundle o' branches?14:01
hatchif not I can14:01
gary_posterand antdillon's?14:01
bacgreat.  gary_poster i've still got a few days of vacation that aren't set.  i'll try to figure that out soonish.14:01
gary_posterI am on call now14:01
gary_posterso if anyone can take them that would be great14:02
hatchI'll take them all14:02
hatchgimme gimme gimmee14:02
rick_h_gary_poster: no, I've been tryingto wrap up my 'quick' make deploy work from quicksearch atm14:02
hatchmy ubuntu vm being broken is really irritating :/14:02
rick_h_hatch: you cheating punk...14:05
hatchwhat did I do now?14:05
rick_h_I've spent the last 2 hours trying to figure out how your bundle details view event freaking works14:05
rick_h_because it seems like it shouldn't based on everything in bundle.js, quicksearch, etc. 14:06
rick_h_which is why you can't click a bundle in quicksearch and get it to open the details view14:06
rick_h_finally figure out how you got it to work from the results page 14:06
hatchoh yeah? how was that?14:07
rick_h_hard coding a 'charmid' in the bundle handlebars to be '/bundle/{{id}}'14:08
rick_h_so as long as you're dealing with something handling the token click event it 'works' by pretending to be a charm14:08
hatchso...You're saying I did it properly but that's not the way it's designed to work? :P14:09
rick_h_I'm saying you cheated14:09
hatchantdillon: you will have to run the tests on yoru branch14:09
hatchthere are quite a number of failures14:10
rick_h_rather than make things support the idea of a 'bundle' you pretended to be a charm in one case you needed to work :P14:10
hatchohh right right - I actually have a note here that says 'change browser charmid to entityid'14:10
rick_h_heh, I just added a very similiar note14:11
hatchsee this is really your fault....you should have KNOWN we were going to introduce bundles 6mo into the future and designed it to support that14:12
* hatch runs14:12
rick_h_hatch: come back here, I still can't get a bundle deploy to work 14:13
rick_h_hatch: let me know if you have a sec to chat 14:13
antdillonhatch, Huh, fails? OK will check it out14:13
hatchrick_h_: I meant I was running away from you swinging at me for that comment :)14:13
rick_h_antdillon: it's ok, hatch's machine just probably timed out and had to take a breather from all the work14:13
antdillonrick_h_, He's getting a new one soon14:14
rick_h_hatch: yea, I know. now come back and tell me how the ##$@# bundle deploy is supposed to work14:14
hatchrick_h_: so bundle deploy doesn't work?14:14
hatchunos momentos capitanos14:14
rick_h_hatch: I'm trying to call it from a different place and it's failing on me in a confusing way14:14
hatchrick_h_: the subapps/browser/views/bundle.js listens for a click on .bundle .add and then calls _deployBundle14:15
rick_h_hatch: yea, ignore me. Stupid mistake I think. /me reloads14:15
rick_h_hatch: yea, got it called, now it's a real bundle failed error. All good14:16
* rick_h_ has a lot of freaknig tests to write around this 14:17
hatchis this the deploy from the autocomplete?14:18
rick_h_hatch: yea14:18
hatchyou sure there is a lot? A bunch of it is tested already14:19
rick_h_hatch: but yea, this is why the quicksearch results didn't close for you, there was an error14:19
hatchdoes this also fix the timeout issue?14:19
hatchwhere the ac pops open after a search if it's slow to return results?14:19
rick_h_hatch: yea, I've got to do a bunch of conditional checks in there for bundle vs charm, firing the right deploy event, the views listening for that and handling a deploy correctly14:19
rick_h_hatch: no, where when you hit enter or something it fails to close. It's trying to process the selection as a 'charm' but fails14:20
hatchodd there was no console error14:20
rick_h_#1237457 I think14:21
_mup_Bug #1237457: Hitting enter quickly in autocomplete causing result list to appear over real results <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1237457>14:21
hatchyeah that's the one14:21
rick_h_bah, or not. It's the results coming back too long afterwards, nvm14:21
rick_h_ok, well anyway, carry on. Thanks14:22
hatchantdillon: fyi - now that I'm back on my big monitor the white space has returned on the footer of the fullscreen view - is there anyone there with a big high res monitor you can test this out on?14:26
hatchif not one of us can I'm sure14:26
MakyoSwitching computers, back in a sec.14:28
benjihere's an article on the rebase/merge decision when using git: http://blogs.atlassian.com/2013/10/git-team-workflows-merge-or-rebase/14:29
benjiI can't say I fully appreciate all of the points, but if we are going to start using git we'll need to figure this stuff out.14:29
antdillonhatch, Yep, I'll find the biggest I can find ... will have a fix in soon14:29
Makyobenji: hatch, rick_h_ and I started this discussion last week.  We're leaning toward rebase.14:30
hatchhaha thanks :)14:30
hatch+1 for rebase (hoping there is some type of 'auto-rebase') we can use14:30
MakyoThey're leaning toward rebase.  I hate rebase, but given that it's basically just a personal preference, meh, will go with whatever :)14:30
rick_h_benji: +1 it's a long debated topic. 14:31
hatchyeah - it needs the collapse functionality of bzr :)14:31
benjinot knowing much about it, rebase sounds like a reasonable default14:31
rick_h_benji: imo the rebase is good, but that's part of the win for the master vs develop branch. master is very clean, develop has more noise. 14:31
rick_h_benji: the real goal is to keep git biset a useful and meaningful tool14:32
hatchright - bisect friggen rocks14:33
hatchalthough as long as someone rebases 'checkpoint' commits and only commits logical ones I'd be happy with that too14:34
hatchjust don't want broken commits in the shared branch14:34
rick_h_hatch: yea, won't have that. You rebase in the branch merged to usually. Though what that means for landing branches is still tbd14:35
MakyoWell, no one does :P14:35
hatchrick_h_: sorry I have no idea what you were trying to say there :D14:35
rick_h_hatch: so typically the process is "do work in my feature branch...get things working, qa'd, etc"14:36
rick_h_hatch: then you git co develop, git merge feature, git rebase -i all that feature crap14:36
rick_h_hatch: then git push origin develop14:36
rick_h_so your feature branch is still a non-rebased mess, but develop is cleaned before pushing14:36
rick_h_so no broken commits anywhere14:36
hatchgit co ?14:37
rick_h_hatch: but if the lander is doing the merge into develop, will have to figure that out14:37
rick_h_git checkout14:37
rick_h_don't you use aliases for things or do you just love typing?14:37
hatchlove typing14:37
MakyoMe too :)14:37
hatchI only alias long statements, not commands14:37
rick_h_alias the $#$@ out of everything. makes it nice to sync aliases between bzr/git as well14:38
hatchrick_h_: I like that - my only concern with that is that the dev could accidentilly rebase away others commits14:38
MakyoWe could sync with master if that happens, right?14:39
hatchas long as you don't use -f14:39
Makyo-f: not even once14:39
rick_h_we'll see. if merging to develop is automated it shouldn't be an issue14:39
hatchohh ok I see what you're doing14:39
rick_h_just repeat after me, nothing is ever lost, the reflog is my friend :)14:40
hatcherror: Pre-requisite lp:~huwshimi/juju-gui/remove-old-inspector-styles not yet merged.14:40
hatchhehe oh lbox u so smrt14:40
hatchnot sure how it knows that14:41
rick_h_https://code.launchpad.net/~huwshimi/juju-gui/more-css-removal/+merge/193002 "14:42
rick_h_hatch: see the prerequisite field14:42
hatchoh cool!!14:43
hatchI like the new loading dialog14:43
hatch(on the gui)14:43
hatchshadowrun is 33% off today http://store.steampowered.com/app/23465014:45
Makyojujugui call in 1014:50
hatch2013/10/29 08:51:09 RIETVELD Failed to process response: server returned "403 Forbidden"14:51
hatchbest message to see after spending 5minutes submitting14:52
MakyoYou can still merge on Launchpad, though, right?14:52
hatchI could I suppose - it did pass lint and both tests14:52
Makyojujugui call in 214:58
bacjujugui: i can not read my canonical email again.  fire away.15:14
hazmatbac, you mean s/not// ?15:14
bacyes, s/not//15:15
antdillonhatch, I have a fix for the white bar in browse: lp:~ya-bo-ng/juju-gui/white-bar-fix15:28
antdillonhatch, Your screen must be huge!15:28
hatchantdillon: 31" 2560x160015:29
hatchso yes15:29
hatchand thank you very much :D15:29
bacdarn, i was thinking my internet was working so much better15:30
gary_posterhatch, I think "bundle charm token click through works when it shouldn't until the events are updated" might be fixed, from me trying to dupe.  Do you know anything about it?15:32
hatchgary_poster: it always did work15:33
hatchit shouldn't work15:33
hatchthat's the bug :D15:33
hatchunless someone fixed it15:33
hatchwhich is entirely possible I guess15:33
gary_posterhatch, oh ok.  could you come by https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/Z2FyeS5wb3N0ZXJAY2Fub25pY2FsLmNvbQ.j0rk5d371ph8331ijtf48t2uj0 really quickly for higher bandwidth?15:33
rick_h_hatch: there was some cleanup during the sprint with ant's and huw's branches I helped work ok that might have fixed it15:33
hatchoh awesome15:34
rick_h_hatch: but didn't think to test it...so no promises15:34
antdillonhatch, Did you manage to sort out your comp yesterday?15:38
hatchantdillon: nope just using my VM as if it's a server atm15:38
antdillonhatch, Ouch15:39
antdillonhatch, need that new comp sooner then you thought15:39
antdillonhatch, Give me a shout if you find anything wrong with the linkify branch15:40
hatchsure thing - it looks good, will just need to QA15:40
hatchantdillon: one pedantic thing I -could- say is to use more descriptive function names15:41
hatchbut linkify is close enough :D15:42
antdillonhatch, I spent more time on trying to pick a name for the function then I did in the function :/15:42
hatchrofl - it happens15:42
gary_posterbenji, first priority for you is helping rick_h_ on charmworld proof code.  If rick_h_ has something you can tackle, great.  If not, please tackle the charmworld metrics story.  We can launch without that, but if we have it, it would be fantastic.15:43
benjigary_poster: sounds good (I'll clarify the details of charmworld metrics once I get there)15:44
rick_h_gary_poster: benji if benji wants to get at the relation proof bits it's open. Otherwise the metrics is greenfield fun15:45
gary_posterbenji, rick_h_ I'll leave it to you two to discuss and decide if benji can take over productively.  That's our highest priority remaining.  If you want me to participate in a call I'm happy to.15:46
gary_poster(But more than happy to leave you two to decide)15:46
gary_posterbenji, for metrics, ack on details.  cards exist at least, thanks to sprint discussions15:47
benjigary_poster: this charmworld bug will be quick and then Rick and I (and maybe you) will get on proof stuff15:47
rick_h_gary_poster: benji one other thing that might come up is there's a charm someone ping'd about in irc yesterday not getting updated. It had a proof error, but had another partial update looking case. 15:48
gary_posterperfect thanks15:48
hatchjcsackett: jcastro I'd like to get the Ghost charm in the store today/tomorrow - what's the git > lp story?15:51
hatchantdillon: did you say you updated your linkify branch to fix the test failures?15:52
hatchI don't see any new revisions15:52
antdillonhatch, Running tests now, is it not due to the bundle stuff?15:55
hatchno idea, I just saw the failures and moved on, sorry :)15:55
antdillonhatch, No prob, on it15:56
hatchfrom now on because you can't lbox you can just run this command `make lint && make test-debug && make test-prod`15:56
hatchbefore you push15:56
hatchit'll take a long time but avoid this in the future15:56
antdillonhatch, Cool, I've been testing and lint before pushing but must have missed something sorry15:57
hatchno problem15:57
hatchI'm still baffled by your lbox issues15:58
hatchgary_poster: I haven't read it yet but here is the review for the new mbp from engadget http://www.engadget.com/2013/10/29/macbook-pro-with-retina-display-review-13-inch-201316:03
gary_posterhatch, cool.  I want anandtech to do it :-)16:09
hatchoh yeah I always forget about them16:09
hatchthe interesting bit about this review from just glancing at it is that it's not that much more performant considering it has almost double the clock speed16:10
hatchthan the air16:11
rick_h_haswell != perf increase. When they released it haswell asctually tested 3-5% slower in most benchmarks. You just get a really nice battery usage/temp decrease16:11
gary_postersure but he was comparing to air16:12
gary_posterapples to apples, as har as haswell is concerned16:12
rick_h_oh, doh16:13
hatchyeah - I mean, there is an improvement, just not the jump I was expecting from such a dramatic clock speed difference16:16
rick_h_yea, I wonder if the pro got the pcie upgrade? I mean that number is based off a mix of IO/etc I'm sure. Curious if something else held back the new pro vs the air16:17
hatchyeah - it'll be interesting to see the 15" because I remember some mumbling about the io pipeline being awesome on the 15s16:18
gary_posterbenji, fwiw +1 to curtis suggestion that this returm the newest, not puke16:22
benjigary_poster: k16:22
gary_posterhatch, rick_h_ are one of you already handling https://code.launchpad.net/~ya-bo-ng/juju-gui/linkify-charm-descriptions/+merge/192852 ?16:25
hatchgary_poster: I am16:25
hatchtests fail so he is working on that16:25
gary_postercool thanks16:25
gary_posteroh k16:25
hatchjujugui does anyone know if a bug has been filed with core about being unable to deploy the gui in lxc?16:31
hazmathatch, what's the issue with that?16:32
hatchapt-get throws an error16:32
rick_h_hatch: does it not work? /me did some core stuff this weekend ok in lxc16:32
hazmathatch, pastebin?16:32
hatchI'll have to spin up a new instance16:32
hatchI'll get that going in the bg and report back16:32
hazmathatch, cool, i'm doing the same to compare notes with16:33
hatchmy core testing box is 12.04 so I'll make sure to do an update first16:33
rick_h_hatch: working here in my lxc16:35
hatchrick_h_: what versions?16:35
rick_h_http://paste.mitechie.com/show/1057/ hatch 16:36
rick_h_hatch: so this is on my desktop still on raring16:37
hatchcool thanks, just running deploy gui now16:37
rick_h_hatch: I had that issue pre-sprints but after updates all was fine this weekend. Figured it was updated16:38
hatchahh ok cool maybe the updates fixed it16:38
hatchI hope so, I need to demo this at a conf next week haha16:38
hatchrick_h_: looks like it works16:44
hatchhazmat: ^16:44
rick_h_ hatch cool16:44
jcastrohey abentley16:55
jcastrohow about tarmac as a config option in our jenkins charms?16:55
jcastroor is that dumb?16:55
* Makyo steps out16:59
hatchit would be awesome if there was a `juju ssh-tunnel <machine>` command :)17:01
hazmathatch, cool17:02
hatchhazmat: what do you think of that command idea?17:02
hazmathatch, well.. we can already do juju ssh unit|machine command17:03
hazmathatch, ideally the tunnel is just done automatically for you where client doesn't have direct access17:03
hazmathatch, worth filing a bug that juju ssh should tunnel automatically to reach destination17:03
hatchright, so I have a extra box which I run my juju-core stuff but from my desktop I cannot access the ip of the machines directly so that I can view thing slike the gui without creating a tunnel17:03
hazmathatch, oh.. you mean construct a tunnel.. sorry17:04
hazmatthought you mean tunnel through a bastion to ssh run a command on unit17:04
hatchohh no17:04
hatchso now with that in mind....what do you think of the idea? :D17:05
hazmathatch, so that should already be possible. ala juju ssh juju-gui/0 -L8081:
hazmatadditional params on that line should be passed through17:05
hatchoh cool17:05
hatchI didn't know that17:05
hatchI'll try17:05
hatchoh I destroyed the env already17:06
hatchI'll try later I guess :D17:06
hazmathatch, that's not really what you want though.. although it works, really it sounds like you want a iptables port forward from host to container (ie. avoid ssh tunnel overhead)17:07
hazmathatch, incidentally that syntax worked for me 17:07
hatchyeah, I know that juju shoudln't be concerned about the firewall stuff17:08
hatchso thats why I was thinking some kind of convenience method17:08
hatchbut your approach there sounds reasonable17:09
abentleyjcastro: I don't know what that would mean.  What would such a config option do?17:23
jcastro"tarmacify this jenkins"?17:23
abentleyjcastro: There's not much integration between jenkins and Tarmac AIUI.  It's just a way you can configure a job.  So installing the tarmac package and configuring the job would be enough, without having a specific config.17:26
jcastroyeah I was thinking the config option would be the job configuration17:26
* jcastro shrugs17:26
hatchjcastro: did you see my msg earlier about the story of getting my ghost charm from github to lp?17:28
abentleyjcastro: It's possible, but that would only give you a single job, and potentially the config would be pretty long to specify all the other job options.17:28
jcastrohatch, no, tell me!17:28
abentleyjcastro: I've thought of providing jobs as subordinate charms.17:28
hatchjcastro: well what am I supposed to do? just check it out locally and push to lp? or do you have a tool/procedure for this?17:29
jcastrohatch, we don't have anything automated afaict17:29
abentleyjcastro: We're kind of hamstrung by the fact that juju doesn't support complex configuration options (i.e. dicts and lists), and subordinates is a way to work around that.17:29
jcastroI know orange squad is/was going to work on the github workflow?17:29
jcastroabentley, yeah, I was just tossing it out as an idea17:30
hatchjcastro: ok cool I'll just do it manually then tonight17:30
abentleyjcastro, hatch: jcsackett was working on that, but he's away this week.17:30
jcastrohatch, yeah!17:31
jcastrohatch, let's shoot for "working well enough to get noticed on the upstream forum" 17:31
hatchthe only thing it's missing is the http interface because I haven't had enough time to do it yet17:31
hatchbut thanks to your qa we know that the mysql interface works well :)17:32
hatchbac: benji do you know what the command is to deploy a bundle from the juju command line?17:33
bachatch: you need to get lp:juju-deployer or 'pip install juju-deployer'.  benji is the pip version up-to-date?17:34
hatchok maybe I'll leave that out of the GUI then17:34
hatchbasically I'm adding a 'deploy' tab to the bundles page17:35
hatchnah it should be there17:35
bachatch: you might find this useful:   models.loadRecentCommits = function(revisions) {17:35
bac    var commits = [];17:35
bac    if (revisions) {17:35
bac      Y.Array.each(revisions, function(commit) {17:35
bac        commits.push({17:35
bac          author: {17:35
bac            name: commit.authors[0].name,17:35
bac            email: commit.authors[0].email17:35
bac          },17:35
bac          date: new Date(commit.date),17:35
bac          message: commit.message,17:35
bac          revno: commit.revno17:35
bac        });17:35
bac      });17:35
hatchdeploy by gui, deploy by quickstart, deploy by deployer17:35
bachatch: this: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1paE70HEVgKA6LIjngzMa83OYr5jkZrOJ0hVNrYUuva0/edit#heading=h.rmx4dpm78c5i17:35
hatchahh cool thanks17:36
rick_h_woot! reading source code ftw. I'm a cheating cheater17:43
benjibac: sorry, I was at lunch; I don't know if the deployer is on pypi or if it is up to date18:23
hatchrick_h_: I'll take the review18:25
rick_h_hatch: k, doing review comments now18:26
hatchoh ok cool I'll wait then18:26
hatchhuw goes and removes lines of code and you go adding them all back in :P18:26
rick_h_ying/yang  :P18:27
rick_h_hatch: ok, have fun with the review18:32
hatchwill do18:32
rick_h_jujugui need another review please. I'll bug hatch to QA it. https://codereview.appspot.com/18920045/18:32
gary_posteron it rick_h_ 18:33
rick_h_gary_poster: ty much18:33
hatchrick_h_: do you have a second to discuss a different approach to the monkeypatch?18:46
rick_h_hatch: sure thing18:46
rick_h_hatch: I'm an evil evil man bwuhahahaha18:54
hatchlol what now18:54
rick_h_hatch: no, just that you want to find a better way, but I'm so evil doing things you can't18:54
* hatch resists offering 'well I would do it this way' comments18:57
rick_h_hatch: they're legit. I'm open to new ideas as long as I get to ignore the ones I don't like :P18:57
hatchhaha - nah they are dumb18:58
gary_posterrick_h_, I made some suggestions but fundamentally LGTM.  Thank you!19:11
rick_h_gary_poster: cool thanks for the look through19:12
hatchrick_h_: code review done - doing qa now19:22
hatchoh man I love how fast the sprite generation is now :D19:23
hatchrick_h_: so is the little dinky + button from design?19:24
hatchno [Deploy] button? :D19:24
rick_h_hatch: yes19:27
rick_h_hatch: it's straight from them, asked for one during sprints and got this19:27
hatchok read my comments and lemme know if you want to discuss19:27
rick_h_hatch: yea, figure they'll update once they see it, but figured it'll do until it's on comingsoon19:27
rick_h_hatch: ok, you and gary_poster agree on the multiple so I'll back that out. Ugh for subclassing AC, but I can see the point since it's getting complex. It'll be nice because I can name it quicksearch or something as well, though it'll make the diff bigger19:29
rick_h_hatch: nothing shuts down pending AC requests. It's a pure 'hide the list of suggestions' move. The tracking/killing AC requests in-flight will have to be a feature of the new widget since I don't think AC does it on its own19:30
hatchahh gotcha19:30
hatchand I'm glad you agree on the subclassing :)19:30
hatchok I'll LGTM pending that change then...cool?19:30
rick_h_hatch: kinda :P 19:30
hatchhaha - well you agree it's the right thing to do....:P19:31
rick_h_hatch: I feel that the new widget is a follow up branch? It'll be it's own diff, splitting tests, creating new file, etc19:31
hatchok sounds good - just make a card so it doesn't get lost :)19:31
rick_h_hatch: yea, I thought about it, but seemed like a lot of work for the 'three lines' duped so avoided it19:31
rick_h_thanks, will garden up the small stuff. New card added. 19:33
hatchI'm so glad I can deploy the gui in a lxc again, I was worried I woudln't be able to demo it next week19:33
gary_posterbenji, did #1229179 turn out to be bigger than we had hoped?19:34
_mup_Bug #1229179: Revisionless bundle requests raise ValueError <oops> <charmworld:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1229179>19:34
benjigary_poster: not really, finishing writting a comment in the test now and it'll be submitted 19:35
hatchis there documentation for the quickstart? I can't seem to find any on the drive19:35
gary_posterawesome benji.19:35
gary_posterhatch, no, one sec.19:36
hatchgary_poster: thanks19:37
gary_posterhatch: note that quickstart is in beta when you write docs.  Steps are as follows.  1) install quickstart: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju-gui/quickstart-beta && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install juju-quickstart19:40
gary_poster2) juju quickstart [the same URL as used by deployer]19:41
gary_posterhatch, step 2 currently only works with files, not URLs, but frankban will be adding tomorrow, and should be trivial19:41
hatchok awesome - so any updates to the deployer/quickstart we'll have to make sure we update the bundle deploy docs page19:42
gary_posterhatch ack.  I guess you could say "there is no step 3": you simply wait for the GUI to launch, and after you type in the password, you will see that the GUI shows the bundle being deployed.  Also, fwiw:19:43
gary_posterhatch, I don't think you need this, but http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6325901/19:44
gary_posterrick_h_, does "Reject bundles with cs: urls and charm key in services section" need to be done before we are done with proof work?  I don't quite understand what it i means, so if we need to do it, we should make sure I'm following along. :-)20:03
hatchI feel like this install guide is missing some steps at the start http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-deployers/juju-deployer/trunk/view/head:/README20:14
bacjujugui: any reason why we use this date format for charm/bundle change logs:  28/Aug/13 Brad Crittenden Added README and icon - REVNO220:14
bacas opposed to 2013-08-2820:14
benjibecause we hate everyone?20:14
bacgary_poster: bah means what?20:15
bacgary_poster: does that mean you'll complain when i fix it?20:15
gary_posterI don't know why we do it that way, but as person familiar with computers, I prefer 2013-08-28, but I wonder if 28/Aug/13 is more friendly to others.  "bah" means I don't think it is associated with hating everyone. :-P20:16
gary_posterbac, I'm ok with change if you are excited about it.  I don't think it is an obvious win, myself, is all, despite the usual discussions.20:18
hatch08-28-2013 ?20:18
Makyo2013-08-28 because then it sorts :oP20:18
bacgary_poster: i'm in there20:18
gary_posterno, the format bac gave is the ISO one IITC20:18
hatchright :) I was just being an ass20:18
gary_posterbac, yeah, I won't complain20:18
bacgary_poster: i'm not looking to cause trouble but i'm adding the format for bundles.20:18
gary_posterbac, understood.  do what you will. :-) I doubt the previous decision was deeply considered.20:19
benjijujugui, I need a review of a simple charmworld branch: https://codereview.appspot.com/1943004320:23
hatchI'll do it20:31
bachas the juju-gui test suite gotten faster or is it me?  i'm seeing test runs under 30 seconds now for test-debug20:31
baci did upgrade to mavericks and fusion 620:32
gary_posterbac, it's you. you are getting faster.20:32
hatchbenji: yeah I don't know enough of this stuff to say weather this is good or not :)20:34
hatchto me it looks like the routes are backwards :D20:34
* benji looks20:34
hatchsmaller routes should hit first....but maybe not in python land?20:34
benjihatch: I believe it is order-sensitive, not length-sensitive20:36
benjisince the tests pass (and the new test didn't before the code was changed) I'm pretty sure it is right now20:37
hatchintersting - I would have thought to switch the top two with the bottom two - must be a difference with the libs20:37
benjiI did notice I duplicated a test that I shouldn't have, so fixing that20:37
hatchjujugui could I get a quick review/qa on https://codereview.appspot.com/18630045/ plz20:42
gary_posterhatch I think I made all the kanban cards we talked about.  Please doublecheck20:42
gary_posterI will take the review if no one else steps up, but trying to finish an email otherwise20:42
hatchgary_poster:  re promises """hatch, so... I just merged a pull request that makes promises log errors when no handlers were added to it"""20:43
gary_posterhatch, !!20:43
gary_posterhatch, that's no handlers :-/20:44
gary_posternot enough20:44
hatchdone() is also in the pipeline20:44
gary_posteroh, cool20:44
hatchnone of this will be available until the next version of YUI anyways20:44
hatchbut I'm happy to know that it's actually in the pipeline20:44
gary_posterdone() would answer my most critical concerns.  I think it might be ok with done.20:45
gary_posteras long as done works as I expect :-P20:45
hatchit still requires people to add a done()20:46
hatchnot an implied done20:46
hatchbut maybe I could pressure that change20:46
gary_posteryeah, if done() means "after all handlers I have now are called I call done with the result" then we can work with it.  A default "done" that logs errors seems like what we'd require for ourselves, and reasonable for upstream.20:47
hatch"""hatch,  from what I read I thought the TC39 solution was to do some implementation magic that makes the final `then` in the chain mostly act like done """20:48
hatch^ that would be nice20:48
bacjujugui: i haz branch: https://codereview.appspot.com/1938004420:48
benjibac: I'll take a look20:49
hatchbac: I'll review your branch20:50
rick_h_gary_poster: I'm not sure on that reject urls with cs: in them card. It was there before I got over to bundles. I don't understand why we'd reject them, but don't know the history of it20:50
bachatch: thanks, i see i am a bit over the 400 LOC limit20:51
hatchyeah, now you owe me a beer20:51
hatchsorry, house rules20:51
rick_h_gary_poster: then again, I created the card....so I *should* know. :/20:51
gary_posterrick_h_, :-)20:51
rick_h_gary_poster: so no...I think the card can go away. It goes back to april?! 20:52
gary_posterrick_h_, ok I'm going to delete.  neither of us can make sense of it.  you and marco have thought a lot about proof, and this sounds like proofy things.  Deletingf20:52
rick_h_gary_poster: I didn't know wtf a bundle was in april and it seems really out of date now20:52
gary_posterrick_h_, :-) cool thank you20:52
gary_posterhatch did anyone ever take your branch?20:53
hatchdont' think so20:53
gary_posterbac, ^^^ ?20:53
gary_posterbac, I will tak if you can't20:54
bacgary_poster: oh, i thought you had20:54
gary_postertrying to write an email20:54
bachatch: your rietveld had chunky mismatches20:55
hatchif you view the inline diff it works20:57
hatchthat's clicking on the path20:57
hatchbac: review/qa done21:08
* gary_poster steps out. Night, all!21:11
hatchhave a good one!21:12
bachatch: done.21:13
bacQA was fine21:13
bacsuggested some text changes21:13
hatchbac: so you updated to mavericks? any issues?21:38
bachatch: no, just that my test runner is super speedy21:54
bachatch: beware of the icloud keychain stuff!21:54
hatchyeah I don't use any of Apple's cloud stuff21:54
hatchmorning huwshimi21:57
huwshimihatch: Morning!21:58
hatchhuwshimi: so I landed all your branches except one and then created and assigned two new tickets to you which were releated to those branches21:58
huwshimihatch: Oh great, thanks!21:59
antdillonWorked out quitting dropbox frees up alot of watchers :)22:01
hatchhaha yes it would22:02
huwshimihatch: For bug #1246109 were you at the default zoom level in your browser?22:02
_mup_Bug #1246109: 'Drop here' sprite on canvas has extra pixels bleeding in <juju-gui:New for huwshimi> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1246109>22:02
hatchI thought everything looked to clean22:03
hatchsorry :)22:03
huwshimihatch: It's all good :)22:05
huwshimihatch: I'll mark it as invalid then :)22:06
hatchplz do22:06
bachi huwshimi, make it home ok?22:13
hatcheither that or he is very determined to get his work done ;)22:17
huwshimibac: Yeah. Eventually!22:23
hatchdid you ride on the new fancy plane again?22:27
huwshimihatch: Yep.22:28
huwshimihatch: I really notice how much louder other planes are now.22:30
hatchright? :D see I told ya haha22:30
antdillonhatch, Hey, I've fixed the linkify tests when you get a min22:31
hatchantdillon: woah working late today? :)22:31
antdillonhatch, Got 12 mailers to make tomorrow .... Wanna tidy up as much as I can before I enter that world of pain22:32
hatchoh cool so you do design work too?22:34
hatchand I'll get to your branch when I can tonight, it's EOD in 30mins but I want to get my current branch up for review regardless first22:34
hatchthanks for working late on it :)22:37
antdillonNo prob, just working on improving the regex for links22:43
hatchgood luck22:45
hatchas I'm sure you've seen, a url is very complex :)22:45
hatchso usually less is more in that case22:45
antdillonhatch, Yeah trying to keep in simple but found a case the it doesnt work22:48
hatchahh so should I hold off on landing it then?22:48
antdillonhatch, Yeah can we, sorry just spotted it22:48
hatchno problem at all22:49
hatchrick_h__: FYI the filming for 22 Jump Street (sequel for 21 jump street) is in Regina Saskatchewan lol22:57
hatchjujugui looking for a review/qa whenever anyone gets a chance https://codereview.appspot.com/19570043/23:15
huwshimihatch: Do you remember why we needed to include yui3-skin-sam?23:46
hatchhuwshimi: it used to be the tabview23:46
hatchnot sure if that's still true23:46
hatchwould looooove to remove it though23:46
huwshimihatch: I was going to take a look at removing it...23:47
huwshimihatch: It looks like we use it in a few places actually. I'll see what I can do.23:48
huwshimihatch: Also, do we need to manually update the sprite.png on comingsoon?23:49
hatchit should be rebuilt automatically23:49
hatchmight need someone to kick it23:49
hatchI think gary and brad have access23:49
huwshimihatch: Ah well, was going to check how much that improved things. Not to worry.23:50
huwshimihatch: We've already gone from 210KB of CSS down to 105KB and 270KB of sprites down to 50KB23:54
hatchhaha awww yeah!23:54
huwshimihatch: I'd like to take a look at speeding up our CSS selectors at some stage too, to improve the speed the CSS renders.23:55

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