
KyleHmm, is the manual provisioning supposed to be as buggy as it is?00:10
sarnoldKyle: you mean the ssh "null" provider? (have they come up with a better name for it yet?)00:22
Kylesarnold: Yeah00:22
KyleI just can't get it to bootstrap period00:22
sarnoldKyle: .. if so, probably -- the ssh support is very new, and because the machine doesn't start with a blank slate (as the other providers do), the risk for existing configuration on the systems conflicting with charms is a lot higher..00:23
sarnoldhrm. I'd expect bootstrapping to work. :)00:23
Kyle2013-10-29 00:23:15 ERROR juju supercommand.go:282 Get sftp://kyle@ unsupported protocol scheme "sftp" -- mmm00:23
Kyleand based on that, it was "fixed" 15 or so days back00:24
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AskUbuntunot able to upgrade maas to 1.4? | http://askubuntu.com/q/36773408:32
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AskUbuntuJuju bootstrap fails for Windows Azure | http://askubuntu.com/q/36777810:14
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ahasenackhi guys, where can I find some documentation about peer relations?12:24
ahasenacka search on juju.ubuntu.com isn't helping much12:25
ahasenackah, this has something: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-charm-metadata.html12:26
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rick_h_ahasenack: and mysql I know has one if that helps with an example http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charmers/charms/precise/mysql/trunk/view/head:/metadata.yaml12:29
ahasenackrick_h_: ah, thanks12:30
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marcoceppiahasenack: I saw your email, I don't think a peer relation is what you want.13:52
marcoceppiahasenack: Are you trying to share db relations between units?13:52
ahasenackmarcoceppi: no, I need a way for the /1 unit to get the db password that the /0 unit set13:54
ahasenackmarcoceppi: it would be like wordpress, except we used the db admin credentials to create another user, unprivileged, that the app will use13:54
ahasenackmarcoceppi: and we don't relate via just db, because we need the admin user for certain tasks13:55
marcoceppiahasenack: Okay, so /0 gets db-admin creds, then creates an unpriviledged user that it and other units will use?13:55
ahasenackmarcoceppi: right13:55
marcoceppiahasenack: cool, then peer is def what you'll want13:56
ahasenackmarcoceppi: thanks :)13:56
marcoceppiahasenack: just don't make any unit number assumptions. If you deploy with --num-units 3 and unit/1 comes up first it should do the creation/sharing. In other words becareful with idempotency and leader election13:57
ahasenackmarcoceppi: sure13:57
ahasenackmarcoceppi: I'm wrapping my head around that now, considering those scenarios13:57
marcoceppiahasenack: cool13:57
ahasenackmarcoceppi: maybe I'll decide it will be easier to get an extension on the db-admin relation to create additional users, but I want to explore this peer relation first14:00
marcoceppiahasenack: please don't change the definition of the db-admin relation14:00
ahasenackwhat I meant with "get an extension" is to start a discussion14:01
marcoceppiI'm still recovering from our sprint conversations about the http releation14:01
marcoceppiahasenack: whew, okay14:01
ahasenacknot just put up innocent-looking MPs that change it :)14:01
marcoceppiahasenack: I'm working on a charm helper to assist with sane peer election, as a few of my charms require it14:02
ahasenackmarcoceppi: cool14:04
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ahasenackmarcoceppi: are peer relations established automatically, or do I need to explicitly add-relation them?16:25
ahasenackI think the latter16:25
marcoceppiahasenack: automatically16:25
ahasenackoh, really16:25
ahasenackmarcoceppi: thanks16:25
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olafuraI'm wondering what UserData does in the control instance, I see a lot of commands, are they run right away?22:51
thumperolafura: I'm not sure what you mean22:52
thumperalso though22:52
thumperheading to the gym now22:52
thumperfeel free to leave questions22:52
thumperand if no one has answered, I'll look when I get back22:53
olafuracool, it's in the command RunInstance and UserData is the parameter it's when you bootstrap22:53
olafuraI think I got my answer it runs a script on the instance and the tool is cloud-config23:08
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marcoceppiolafura: I believe that passes data to cloud-init23:19
marcoceppiolafura: so that juju can get the machine provisioned at boot23:19
olafuramarcoceppi: Thank you I'm very close to making GreenQloud working with the old python version of juju ( it's easier test things out in it ). I'm just talking with them now about providing the Ubuntu Cloud images which have the cloud-config23:21
marcoceppiolafura: I don't mean to be a downer, but the python version is no longer used and has been deprecated. All efforts, updates, and merges should be going in to the new juju-core23:23
olafuramarcoceppi: That's my intent but it's much easier finding out what they are doing differently with it then having to recompile the go version over and over23:24
marcoceppiolafura: well, it's fast to recompile ;) but just wanted to make sure you knew about it ahead of time23:25
marcoceppiolafura: do you work over at GreenQloud?23:25
marcoceppithumper: did you find out why that one guy was having issues with local provider and bootstrapping at the sprint? (ecryptfs/weird timeout issues)?23:25
olafuramarcoceppi: no I'm just going to be using their services, I needed a cloud provider in Iceland and they are the only game in town23:26
marcoceppiolafura: very cool, thanks for putting the work in to do so!23:26
marcoceppiolafura: there's a #juju-dev room where the juju-core go developers hang out, if you have questions about moving your changes to golang you're free to ask here of course, but you might get a more targeted response in ther23:27
marcoceppijcastro arosales ^^23:27
olafuramarcoceppi: Thanks, I will probably try hanging out there. I'm will probably have to iron out some things, in python before I move to go. I got somethings working in go before I moved, mostly s3 based stuff. Are you still on Soup or have you moved to rest?23:30
* marcoceppi is not a core developer, just a charmer23:30
marcoceppiolafura: I have no idea23:31
marcoceppiolafura: is greenqloud openstack?23:31
marcoceppiOr did they make their own "compute" stuff?23:32
olafuramarcoceppi: It's CloudStack but it's basically ec2 api, but with enough warts to cause a problem23:32
marcoceppiolafura: gotchya23:32
olafuraThere are some CloudStack providers now so many I need a general class for them23:33
marcoceppiolafura: writing a generic cloudstack provider would be great if you could generalize them enough23:34
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arosalesolafura, good to hear you are working on a provider23:35
olafuramarcoceppi: The only problem with all of this is that everything get's compiled into one binary so I can't just provide an plugin23:36
arosalesolafura, as marcoceppi said #juju-dev is a good resource23:36
olafuraarosales: yes I opened I new tab with it. I will probably ask more detailed questions there23:37
marcoceppiolafura: providers are "plugin"-ish, they're seperated in core by directories, but this is a provider we'd love to have merged in core.23:38
marcoceppiolafura: when I do compilations of core, it takes less than a second (after I've fetched the dependencies once) so it shouldn't be too much more tedious to rev23:39
olafuramarcoceppi I'm also new to Go so it's easier to get going, the old code also had a configurable option of the urls which helped23:40
marcoceppiolafura: I believe a lot of those options were  moved over, but I'd have to hunt through the code to confirm23:41
olafuramarcoceppi: and there was an other developer that already gave up on testing it out in Go23:41
olafuramarcoceppi: I will probably use a similar approach because I don't know all the url of the providers23:42
marcoceppiolafura: well, best of luck! Please feel free to ping me/the room if you get stuck of have questions. We're happy to help out23:43
olafuramaroceppi: thanks for the help, I'll probably get stuck on something else :)23:43
sarnoldroughly how much effort is it to create a new provider? the digitalocean api looks very easy, and i've heard good things about them.. https://www.digitalocean.com/api/23:47
marcoceppisarnold: from my understanding, it's not too complicated, but thumper could probably answer level of difficulty. You just need to code how to launch instances, where to store user data, firewall stuff, and maybe a few other odd bits and bobs23:51
sarnoldmarcoceppi: hrm. maybe digitalocean is too simplistic. :)23:53
olafurasarnold: I'm not a developer on Juju but what I've seen of the code it uses a storage like s3 to manage some of the things so you need something that replaces that. I'm working on some thing that is very close to e2 and s3 apis so I don't have to do as much work but it's probably a week or two of coding from scratch. I also don't see at first glance that they have a way to upload you own image which would probably be needed or talk23:53
olafura to them about storing the Ubuntu cloud images.23:53
olafurasarold: There are also no security groups, so I don't know about firewall configuration23:54
olafurasarold: ok they provide a way to do that with domains23:54
sarnoldolafura: oh I thought the domains were just DNS stuff..23:55
olafurasecurity groups23:55
olafurasarnold: yes I think your right23:55
marcoceppiolafura: sarnold so, right now we need an object store to place stuff, I think they're working on a way to get around this for providers that don't have it. Also, firewalling isn't required, it'd just mean that your isntances are exposed by default. Not something we would want but I'm nto sure if it's a deal breaker. Again, not a core dev can't speak to that23:57
sarnoldmarcoceppi,olafura, thanks :)23:59

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