
apacheloggerkubotu: 8ball will ScottK's vote increase or decrease within the next 24 hours?00:00
* kubotu shakes the magic 8-ball for apachelogger ... no00:00
apacheloggerkubotu: hello00:00
kubotu'sup owner?00:00
apacheloggeru slow mate00:00
* shadeslayer pets kubotu00:00
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1198509] kscreenlocker_greet does not focus w/ 2 monitors @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1198509 (by Brad Huntting)00:26
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1198509] kscreenlocker_greet does not focus w/ 2 monitors @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1198509 (by Brad Huntting)01:26
jussiI also am still pondering05:40
jussiand ponder no more :D06:00
jussiyay, batter indicator playing up again06:08
jalcineI noticed that P-K-O has the ufw-kde project06:32
jalcineI was just planning on packaging/hacking on this as a maintainer06:32
jalcineis there someone already doing so?06:32
jussioooh, updates to 3 things that sucked on saucy, muon, plasma nm and upower. lerts see if it helps :D06:48
lordievaderGood morning.07:53
soeegood morning08:10
lordievaderHey soee, how are you?08:18
soeelordievader, hi im good, waiting to eat something :) thank you, and you?08:19
lordievadersoee: Doing good, just had breakfast.08:21
soeelordievader, , lucky you :)08:21
lordievadersoee: :)08:22
lordievaderGood morning shadeslayer 09:03
shadeslayerScottK: haha http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2013/10/msg00492.html09:34
cortexA9hello Riddell09:36
cortexA9where can i find09:37
cortexA9the daily of 14.0409:38
shadeslayerthere is none right now09:39
cortexA9and if i download09:40
cortexA9the ubuntu 14.04 and put kde09:40
shadeslayerthere are ubuntu 14.04 ISO's?09:41
shadeslayershould work I suppose09:42
shadeslayerpointless to run 14.04 at the moment though?09:42
cortexA9system update09:42
shadeslayerI mean I want to land ktp 0.7.0 and kpeople in trusty by the end of this week09:43
shadeslayerScottK: Riddell review plz https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/nightly/+files/libkpeople_0.1.0-0ubuntu1%7Eppa2.dsc09:43
cortexA9shadeslayer just for testing09:44
cortexA9now i try the ubuntu daily iso on usb09:44
shadeslayerseriously? there's not much to test, and it's kind of pointless to test right now since things *will* change over the next week09:44
shadeslayer*next couple of weeks09:44
cortexA9oh ok09:45
shadeslayerbut go ahead if you have alot of spare time :)09:45
cortexA9i see09:45
cortexA9on iso.qa09:45
cortexA9there is a testing section09:45
cortexA9but no iso09:45
lordievadercortexA9: Or you can install 13.10 and change the repo's to trusty. That's what I did.09:47
cortexA9could be a solution eheh09:47
cortexA9reboot bye09:48
cortexA9all good10:07
cortexA9with the repository 14.0410:07
lordievadercortexA9: Welcome back ;)10:07
lordievadercortexA9: Congratulations :)10:07
lordievaderLots of change, eh?10:07
cortexA9420 updates10:07
cortexA9from 13.10 :P10:07
ahoneybunhey lordievader 10:18
lordievaderHey ahoneybun, the standing is now 3x+1 and 2x+0! How are you?10:19
cortexA9hey ahoneybun10:21
ahoneybunlordievader, pretty goo10:34
ahoneybunI think that means I'm a member no?10:34
lordievaderahoneybun: You should ask a KC member, I have no knowledge of this ;)10:34
* jussi hides10:34
ahoneybunjussi still has not voted lol10:35
jussiahoneybun: have too!10:35
ahoneybunoh sorry10:35
lordievaderahoneybun: See mailing list ;)10:35
lordievaderahoneybun: He is the third +1 :)10:35
jussiScottK: still needs to end his pondering10:35
ahoneybunI thought he did10:35
ahoneybunoh that was jussi10:36
ahoneybunso valorie Riddell jussi shadeslayer voted10:36
shadeslayerahoneybun: looks like you're in10:37
jussiand yofel10:37
ahoneybunyea just not ScottK 10:37
ahoneybunshadeslayer, yea?10:37
* ahoneybun parties10:38
shadeslayeryou have 3 +1's10:39
shadeslayerand 2 +0's10:39
shadeslayerkubotu: order party for ahoneybun10:39
* kubotu gives everyone a party hat and a hand full of conffeti.10:39
* kubotu turns on tha most funky party music as well as the all shiny disco ball.10:39
kubotuahoneybun: wanna dance with me? :-)10:39
* kubotu starts shaking her tight ass10:39
lordievaderahoneybun: Congratulations!10:40
ahoneybunshadeslayer, I would think I would have needed 4 out of 610:40
shadeslayerquorum is 3 out of 5 I think?10:41
ahoneybunlordievader, thanks :)10:41
ahoneybunjussi, thanks 10:41
shadeslayerjussi: ^ can you confirm if quorum has been reached?10:41
jussishadeslayer: I think so, but please wait for ScottK's vote just to round it out. 10:42
shadeslayerahoneybun: ^^ though I think you're in10:42
* ahoneybun will keep the partying in till ScottK has voted10:43
shadeslayerQuintasan: https://github.com/shadeslayer/kubuntu-extra-tools12:05
lordievaderWhoo nice: 4-2. Hmm ahoneybun left...12:05
ScottKActually it's 4-0-0.  -1 has a different effect than +0.  If I'd done -1 he wouldn't have got it.12:06
lordievaderI see. Haven't said a thing ;)12:08
apacheloggeryofel: will regular neon continue building for raring?12:20
apacheloggerI am looking into moving kf5 to saucy+trusty and drop raring12:20
cerhi there .... I think I found a bug in the kubuntu / ubuntu kernel but I need to have a chat to confirm before logging.12:24
yofelapachelogger: can you upload qt5 for trusty? It's repeatedly failing for me.12:24
yofelas for raring, I usually keep that running for a month after release and then disable it. ~a week later I purge the packages12:25
ceranyway, there seems to be some problem with setting the frequency of some Core 2 Xtreme CPUs .... 12:29
cerso I recompiled the kernel without intel_pstate support and everything else as module using the classic debian system12:30
cerand modprobing each module one by one and then debugging .... it turns out that p4_clockmod is loading, but return wrong frequency reading (as it should) and recommends acpi-cpufreq12:31
cerbut acpi-cpufreq does nto actaully load, because one of the checks says that the CPU is not supported (which is incorrect). I think the bug may be in the acpi-cpufreq module.12:32
shadeslayercer: #ubuntu-kernel might be a better place?12:34
cershadeslayer: thanks!12:34
QuintasanSo ahoneybun made it?12:50
Riddellwho wants an account on the new Kubuntu Gossip blog?13:21
Riddellwould be cool to have lots of kubuntu members with access to just post any interesting stuff they find from the internet13:21
jussigossip.... :/13:21
Riddellyou didn't come up with any better name :)13:21
jussiI mustve missed the discussion :/13:22
jussiat least we should have come up with something "hip" like "The Wrap" thewrap.kubuntu.org13:22
Riddellthere's still time to change it if you want13:23
jussiI would much prefer something like that, give me 15 mins to think about it13:23
jussiWe are aiming for an OMGubuntu type site? 13:23
jussiKubuntu Wire wire.kubuntu.org13:24
Riddelljussi: yeah I think that's the idea13:24
jussi(just throwing what comes into my head here, see if something resonates)13:24
Riddellactually it's starbuck1 you'd need to persuade, he set it up with theme and all13:25
jussiKubuntu Fire fire.kubuntu.org13:25
yofelRiddell: what needs to be done to actually add aaron to the members? Add him to the LP team and send welcome mail to ML?13:25
jussistarbuck1: ping13:25
jussiyofel: pretty much, remember to CC mark and the CC13:25
jussiKubuntu Tingles tingles.kubuntu.irg :D :D13:27
jussiThe Wrap and  Kubuntu wire are my favourites so far13:28
jussistarbuck1: ping me if you think any of this is remotely sane :D13:28
Riddelljussi: anyway are you interested in having an account?13:30
jussiRiddell: yeah, if it isnt called gossip13:31
jussioh come on peoples, still 4 shirts left... one more and I dont have to ask Riddell for any money!13:32
apacheloggerRiddell: gossip vs. planet?13:39
geniijussi: How much are the hoodies?13:39
apacheloggeras usual I am confused :P13:39
jussigenii: I dunno, havent done the research yet. (and we need to sell all the polo's first)13:40
jussigenii: I cant imagine them being crazy expensive, but they will be more than the polo's13:41
Riddelljussi: with all these demands must be careful not to get too many options, last thing we want is stock which doesn't sell13:44
Riddellapachelogger: what are you confused by?13:45
Riddellgood welcome message yofel 13:45
yofelI took some inspiration from the past :P13:45
jussiRiddell: yes, hence one thing at a time, when it is sold out, then we get somethign different13:46
jussithen, by the time we get back to polo's, the people that bought them last time will need new ones13:47
apacheloggerRiddell: what is the mission of gossip?13:47
jussiapachelogger: to gossip... duh!!! :P13:49
apacheloggerbut gossip happens on the socialweb....13:50
Riddellapachelogger: to post any news about kubuntu, I'm thinking just repost most stuff that comes in from google news alerts on kubuntu13:52
apacheloggersounds like a hassle, but ok13:53
apacheloggerRiddell: that should be written down somewhere13:53
geniijussi: Don't know if you got my pm ... but I could take a polo then if I can pay by Visa or else wire by Western Union. But needs to include the shipping to Toronto13:53
Riddellapachelogger: it's an experiment13:53
apacheloggerultimately on gossip.k :P13:53
apacheloggercuz you go there and ubuntu foo comes up, kinda confusing I must say :P13:53
jussigenii: visa works, link is in the topic, go order! :D13:54
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu | https://trello.com/kubuntu | 4.11.2 notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | bugs http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | Shirts! https://holvi.com/shop/Kubuntu/ | Mumble Call http://doodle.com/hapst5krwg6pp6gd
geniiOoooh. /topic here rarely changes so I don't always bother looking at it!13:55
geniijussi: I will place the order Thursday ( payday! )13:56
shadeslayerjussi: so the warning regarding the old protocol version is just a warning13:57
shadeslayerit'll still work13:57
jussigenii: no probs. I worry though that your size wont be there anymore... 13:57
geniiThere are still 3 Small :)13:57
jussigenii: only s and m left13:57
jussiok, so you are a small. great!13:58
jussi(and yes, I meant the pun,..=)13:58
apacheloggerIMO topics should only ever have one thing btw13:58
shadeslayernot everyone needs to know how much wine you drink ....13:58
apacheloggerof course all of freenode disagrees with me on that, but disagreeing with apachelogger tends to proof that apachelogger is right13:59
apacheloggerbecause no one ever reads channel topics13:59
apacheloggerwhy is that... because they are abused as peristent codification13:59
apacheloggerlike in this fine channel here we have the trello url, while probably useful that is not changing or moving around, so I saw it once I don't need to see it again14:00
apacheloggerand since most of the topic is seen most of the topic becomes irrelevant which is why people don't read topics14:00
apacheloggerupate notification14:15
apacheloggerwants to do do-release-upgrade14:15
Riddellooh KDE Telepathy 0.7.0 Released14:53
RiddellQuintasan: fancy getting onto that?14:53
shadeslayerRiddell: already done14:55
shadeslayerwaiting for ktp-text-ui to finish14:56
shadeslayerthen I'll upload to trusty14:56
shadeslayerRiddell: OTOH if you could review libkpeople packaging, that'd be awesome14:56
Riddellshadeslayer: you rock14:56
Riddellshadeslayer: does telepathy use kpeople now?14:57
shadeslayerRiddell: can the cron job that runs for KDE SC also parse other package build logs?14:58
shadeslayerRiddell: yep14:58
Riddellshadeslayer: this one? http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kubuntu-buildstatus/kubuntu-buildstatus.html14:59
shadeslayerwell, the SC one, but can that one tell you if there are missing files?15:00
* shadeslayer uploads tp-logger-qt15:01
Riddellthis one? http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.11.2_saucy.html15:02
shadeslayercan we run that for other packages?15:02
Riddellthat one uses lp:~kubuntu-packagers/%2Bjunk/kubuntu-automation15:03
Riddelland it takes packages from kubuntu-ppa15:03
Riddellso yeah it could be adapted for other packages but probably best as a separate setup15:03
Riddellkubuntu-ppa or kubuntu-ninjas15:03
shadeslayeror we add list-missing functionality to the script from debfx15:04
yofelshadeslayer: the list missing functionality of the script depends on the list-missing output in dhmk15:05
Riddellthat's probably doable, it would need to download the build logs and parse it, and it only works with builds that use pkg-kde-tools but that should be most of what we care about15:05
yofelother than that, there's not really a hard requirement on the parsed packages. I think it filters by version15:06
shadeslayeryofel: well I want to parse output of dh_install --list-missing15:06
shadeslayerso that we can pick up not installed files for packages not using pkg-kde-tools15:07
Riddellwell how would you make them run dh_install --list-missing then?15:07
shadeslayerlike I don't think the ktp packages use pkg-kde-tools15:07
shadeslayerRiddell: it's run by the buildd and the output is in the logs?15:07
debfxs/--list-missing/--fail-missing/ and you're done ;)15:07
kubotudebfx: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"15:07
shadeslayerdebfx: nah, sometimes it uselessly fails, or like in the case of digikam where we actually don't want to install files with dubious copyrights15:08
Riddellshadeslayer: if it's already there then that's half the problem solved15:08
shadeslayerit is for some packages15:09
shadeslayerothers, dunno15:09
shadeslayerand you get to see messages like : dh_install: usr/lib/libktpcommoninternalsprivate.so.0.6.3 exists in debian/tmp but is not installed to anywhere : in the log which seem parsable15:09
debfxiirc the script already supports --list-missing15:10
shadeslayeris that for http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kubuntu-buildstatus/kubuntu-buildstatus.html15:13
Riddellshadeslayer: no kubuntu-buildstatus doesn't parse logs at all I think15:14
shadeslayeraha, so lets add the functionality there?15:14
Riddellgo for it :)15:14
soeecan someone remind me why PSD files preview is gone ?15:14
apacheloggerit appears incoming bugs are slowing down \o/15:15
apacheloggermore time for stuff, weeh15:15
shadeslayerclerarly people getting pissed off and not using our product :(15:16
Riddelleh? or people not finding bugs15:16
apacheloggerplenty of bugs in muon, most of them land upstream though15:17
lordievadershadeslayer: Perhaps Saucy just works ;)15:19
shadeslayerif only15:19
shadeslayerlike apachelogger said, plenty of bugs in muon15:20
shadeslayerRiddell: what generates http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kubuntu-buildstatus/kubuntu-buildstatus.html15:21
apacheloggeractually discover and muon work just fine, only -installer and -updater have problems15:21
apacheloggerand as I said some weeks ago IMO it shouldn't be using -updater anyway as it seems more sensible to have an integrated experience from discover15:22
apacheloggerplus discover can update, so...15:22
debfxshadeslayer: why do you want list-missing functionality in the archive buildstatus? that's something that can be checked before uploading ...15:26
Riddellshadeslayer: lp:~kubuntu-members/%2Bjunk/qa.kubuntu.co.uk15:26
shadeslayerdebfx: just to make sure?15:27
shadeslayerhumans are unreliable15:27
Riddellshadeslayer: seems to be under ~jr/qa.kubuntu.co.uk on docs.kubuntu.org15:27
Riddelland output to /var/www/qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kubuntu-buildstatus/15:28
debfxthen you need an override mechanism that someone maintains15:28
debfxotherwise you'll end up with lots of orange on the page with packages that don't install files on purpose15:29
shadeslayerhm, true15:29
shadeslayeranyway, something to work on15:29
Riddellshadeslayer: should libkpeople1-dbg depend on kdelibs5-dbg ?15:30
Riddell(I'm honestly not sure)15:34
Riddellshadeslayer: otherwise good to upload15:34
shadeslayerRiddell: d_ed says doesn't need to, but you'll get better backtraces if you do that15:34
shadeslayerCould make it a suggests I suppose15:34
Riddellrecommends would be more useful15:34
RiddellScottK: yep, still working on bug 124559315:35
ubottubug 1245593 in owncloud (Ubuntu Saucy) "Backport updates to 5.0.12" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124559315:35
shadeslayerit's just that kdelibs5-dbg is so large and apt installs recommends by default ...15:35
shadeslayerRiddell: note that we will want to update libkpeople for post LTS updates15:35
Riddelllibkpeople1-dbg is not installed by default, I'd think if you installed libkpeople1-dbg you'd want kdelibs debug too15:35
shadeslayersince people are likely to hit bugs15:35
shadeslayerI suppose ...15:36
Riddellthis can't be a new question15:36
Riddellshadeslayer: dpkg-source: error: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address15:36
shadeslayer0.o I thought I fixed that15:36
shadeslayerRiddell: what version do you have?15:37
Riddellshadeslayer: 0.1.0-0ubuntu1~ppa215:37
shadeslayerRiddell: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/155298103/libkpeople_0.1.0-0ubuntu1~ppa2_0.1.0-0ubuntu1~ppa3.diff.gz15:37
shadeslayerRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/nightly/+files/libkpeople_0.1.0-0ubuntu1%7Eppa3.dsc15:37
shadeslayerRiddell: could you upload it if everything is good?15:39
RiddellE: libkpeople1: description-synopsis-is-duplicated15:40
Riddellclearly an error :)15:41
shadeslayeragain, should be fixed15:42
Riddellshadeslayer: uploaded!15:43
shadeslayer" Library providing metacontacts infrastructure based on Nepomuk15:43
shadeslayer .15:43
shadeslayer This library allows you to read meta data and initiate15:43
shadeslayer various actions for a contact.15:43
shadeslayerdifferent from the one line thing15:43
kubotushadeslayer meant: "different from the one line description"15:43
shadeslayerRiddell: thx15:43
shadeslayerRiddell: ktp uploaded, waiting on kpeople approval16:24
shadeslayerRiddell: otoh vHanda says that soprano-dbg and nepomuk-dbg should also be added to libkpeople-dbg recommends16:25
Riddellshadeslayer: well you can add them if you think appropriate :)16:25
shadeslayerI can't upload the source :)16:26
Riddellshadeslayer: sorry libkpeople rejected16:27
Riddellharsh these archive admins16:27
shadeslayerdid they say why ? :P16:27
shadeslayeror just grumbly16:28
Riddellcmake/ not included in copyright16:28
shadeslayerRiddell: are you fixing that?16:43
shadeslayeror should I?16:43
shadeslayerbut then I don't have your changes for debian/control16:44
Riddellshadeslayer: I didn't make any changes16:57
Riddellshadeslayer: go ahead16:57
Riddell(if I did it I couldn't do the New review)16:58
shadeslayerRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/p0f1a219a16:59
shadeslayerreview plz16:59
Riddellshadeslayer: lovely17:00
shadeslayerRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/kpeople/libkpeople_0.1.0-0ubuntu1.dsc17:02
Riddellshadeslayer: you could also tell upstream to fix the location of cmake/modules/COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS17:06
shadeslayerwill do17:06
Riddellshadeslayer: accepted!17:09
Riddellshadeslayer: accepted!17:25
Riddellcor lots of people interested in the kickoff meeting http://doodle.com/hapst5krwg6pp6gd17:28
Riddellbut no ideal time17:28
Riddellwed 8pm and mon 8pm about the best ones17:28
Riddellbut no shadeslayer at either :(17:29
shadeslayerare you sure17:29
Riddelland we'd have to pick between ScottK and ahoney17:29
Riddelland no smartboy alas, past his bedtime I guess17:29
Riddellno apachelogger?17:30
Riddellyofel: is your mumble still running?17:31
Riddellor is that too faffy?17:31
yofelthe one I quickly set up last time should still be running, I didn't touch it17:33
Riddellyes it is17:33
RiddellI don't know who Radu Crisan is but he can't make any time!17:33
Riddelllet's say tomorrow at 8pm then and we can have another one if we need it on monday17:34
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu | https://trello.com/kubuntu | 4.11.2 notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | bugs http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | Shirts! https://holvi.com/shop/Kubuntu/ | Mumble Call Wed 20:00UTC on mumble yofel-vz.dyndns.org
shadeslayer20:00 UTC totally doesn't work for me if I want to keep a sane work schedule17:56
geniiMeh, the Ubuntu polo shirts   £15.99   and the Kubuntu polo shirts are   £25.00    .. but I'd rather the   £9.00 goes to you guys anyhow.18:28
shadeslayergenii: probably because the ubuntu ones are mass produced18:29
shadeslayerRiddell: libktpcommoninternalsprivate6 in bin new18:30
geniishadeslayer: Yes, good point. I notice they have all the Kubuntu stuff now in the "Sale Item" Section now too :-/18:34
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1200523] Some of the kubuntu patches break plasma @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1200523 (by karaluh)19:24
=== apol__ is now known as apol
apolhi, I just installed a kubuntu iso on a virtualbox and every time I install something I get that the sources are not authenticated19:45
apoleven for gcc and such basic stuff19:45
apolis that normal?19:45
debfxcertainly not19:47
=== jono is now known as Guest23572
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
ahoneybunanyone testing mumble right now>19:56
ahoneybunhey Riddell 20:08
jussigenii: do the ubuntu ones include postage?20:16
ahoneybunyofel, I wanted to see if mumble was working for me20:17
yofelahoneybun: give me a sec20:18
yofelI also want to see if the server is working right, last time that wasn't really the case20:18
yofelahoneybun: please connect to kyofel.dyndns.org20:22
yofelmeh, I'll send a mail to use that host 20:24
yofeland I'll kill the other murmurd instance20:24
yofelthat's just broken20:24
geniijussi: I can't tell. I get all the way to "Check Out" and it doesn't ask me yet where to ship and the price up until then is the same.20:28
Quintasanshadeslayer: 21:35
Quintasanthis will get overwritten by the sync I believe21:36
* Quintasan is sick21:36
shadeslayerQuintasan: ???21:43
shadeslayerQuintasan: we can sync once Debian is up-to-date21:44
shadeslayertill then I'd like Saucy and Trusty packages21:44
shadeslayerI am already collaborating with detrout21:44
shadeslayerso that we can eliminate delta21:44
* shadeslayer goes back to not IRC'ing21:45
m_tadeuhi...I want to use secrets (login info) so I need to use gnome keyring as well as kwallet....is there an integration of both libraries21:48
Riddellm_tadeu: secrets?22:25
Riddellshadeslayer: accepted!22:26
m_tadeuRiddell: login info, like passwords...I've been searching and now I found this ksecretservice....does anyone know the status of that?22:26

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