
=== soul is now known as Guest13126
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:28
excognachi all07:45
excognachow do i start to understand why i have no desktop effects?07:48
lordievaderGood morning.07:53
lordievaderexcognac: That is usually related to a gfx driver.07:53
excognacok, so if i cp .kde/share/config/plasma-*, will i have the same desktop sttings?07:53
lordievaderexcognac: I'm not sure if the desktop effects are also in there, read the files to know what settings you copy.07:56
excognaclordievader: thanks bro. Maybe it's better just to fit kubuntu on this machine How do i start to understand what's the matter?07:58
excognaclordievader: or anybody who'd be kind to help: http://pastebin.kde.org/poxlmbg4108:04
MangaKaDenzahow do I restart my audio drivers and such08:06
lordievaderexcognac: Hmm those Intel gfx chips usually work out of the box. Under Desktop Effects -> Advanced -> Compositing Type what have you selected?08:18
excognaclordievader: i tried both xrender (by default) and set it later on to open GL 3.1, nothing has changed however I haven't rebooted inbeetween08:21
lordievaderexcognac: Ok and what effect don't work?08:22
excognaclordievader: cube animation. i turned off Blure and Fade08:23
lordievaderexcognac: Is Slide still on?08:23
excognaclordievader: in all effects it's turned off08:24
lordievaderexcognac: Interesting and the shortcut is working?08:26
excognaclordievader: sorry which shortcut? changeing between virtual desktops works fine with default Ctrl+F1 or so. Alt+Tab works differntly as set.08:28
lordievaderexcognac: I usually set ctrl+alt + arrow-key for switching. Not sure if it is default though. Anyhow using ctrl+f1 does what effect does it use?08:29
excognaclordievader: switches to destktop 108:30
lordievaderexcognac: Without an effect?08:30
excognaclordievader: yes.08:30
lordievaderexcognac: On the General Tab of Desktop Effects, is Various Animation checked and Effects for desktop switching set to Desktop Cube Animation?08:32
excognaclordievader: yes they always have been checked. shall i try to reboot?08:32
AddleIs compositing on? Maybe hit ALT+SHIFT+F12 to toggle it.08:33
lordievaderexcognac: Don't see how that will improve things, but go ahead ;)08:33
excognaclordievader: ok cya soon08:33
lordievaderOhh that's a good one, Addle08:33
AddleThanks :)08:33
AddleOne of my favorite settings: Suspect desktop effects for fullscreen windows.08:35
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excognaclordievader: nothing has changed. however upon booting at kde splash screen when it comes to desktop icon display goes dark for 2 secs or so08:36
Addleexcognac: Did you miss this message?   Is compositing on? Maybe hit ALT+SHIFT+F12 to toggle it.08:37
Addleexcognac: Worth a shot.08:37
excognacAddle: lordievader: altshiftf12 didn't help. wtf, after i change Desktop Effects->Advanced->Compositing type and click apply twice, and close Sys Setting it simply changes back08:41
lordievaderChange from what to what?08:41
excognaclordievader: from xrender to OpenGL2.0 or 3.108:42
lordievaderexcognac: Does OpenGL1.2 work?08:43
excognaclordievader: nope, same08:44
excognaclordievader: set, say both cases apply and close settings. then open again and it's again set on xrender08:45
excognaclordievader: is there anywayx to do it from konsole?08:46
Addleexcognac: Mine is set to OpenGL 2.0, and works. (Qt graphics system set to Raster) and it all works. NVidia GTX560.08:46
excognacAddle: yeah i set it to raster too. on mylaptop it works fine, i tried to use the same setting buit this is a desktop machine quite stronger) and it's all messed up however I have intel graphics in both08:47
lordievaderexcognac: I'm starting to think you are suffering from the same bug I had once, let me see if I can find the details.08:48
Addleexcognac: It works on this very old laptop with a terrible Intel 855GM card, so should be able to work for you. :)08:49
lordievaderexcognac: Hmm maybe not, that was about color correction. Does that happen to be on?08:51
excognaclordievader: nope, it's off08:52
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excognaclordievader: lololol now totally messed up: it's on openGl 1.2 i try to set to 3.1 and it jumps to xrender insted08:53
lordievaderexcognac: You can set it through the terminal ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc08:54
excognaclordievader: how?08:54
lordievaderexcognac: Editing the config file ;)08:54
lordievaderexcognac: This is what I got in there, I'm also running an Intel chip (older than yours though): http://paste.ubuntu.com/6322947/08:56
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excognaclordievader: ok, where do i paste this?08:58
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lordievaderexcognac: It is only ment as an example. You shouldn't copy this somewhere.08:58
=== soul is now known as Guest67827
excognaclordievader: shall i edit it with sudo nano ...?09:06
Addleexcognac: It's in your home, so shouldn't need sudo. Just nano should be fine.09:06
Addleexcognac: I do suspect the XRender that keeps popping up is the issue.09:06
lordievaderAs Addle says. However it is odd that OpenGL woudn't work on an Intel chip..09:07
Addleexcognac: I think you should be able to force it if you have in [Compositing]: Backend=OpenGL09:09
Addleexcognac: Possibly make sure GraphicsSystem=raster as well.09:11
excognacAddle: ok, one sec i'm on the job soon.09:13
Addleexcognac: If not, this might do it, and give you some potentially useful output: KWIN_COMPOSE=O2 kwin --graphicssystem raster --replace &09:19
Addleexcognac: Which is from here: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=111&t=10996309:19
AddleWell, I'm off to sleep. Good luck with that, excognac. See you later, lordievader and all.09:32
excognacAddle: wow, since i runned: KWIN_COMPOSE=O2 kwin --graphicssystem raster --replace & cube animation but all desktop is blinking balck09:33
lordievaderAddle: Thank you, sleep well.09:33
excognacAddle: thanks a lot, have a good rest09:34
excognaclordievader: http://pastebin.kde.org/pt4posdqt after the command Addle adviced, now my screen blinks in blacks, looks super messy. however, cube animation works XDD09:37
lordievaderexcognac: Ah you are running Kubuntu inside a vm?09:38
excognaclordievader: no i don't. i've got a new computer in my office, installed kubuntu12.04 on it with kde backports.09:41
excognaclordievader: no other OS on it.09:41
silv3r_m00nhi there, what happened , i just updated to 13.10 and i am no more able to drag windows in the taskbar to another desktop09:45
lordievaderexcognac: Then why would it say VMware for OpenGL vendor?09:45
lordievaderexcognac: Could you pastebin the output of "glxinfo|grep OpenGL", you may need the package mesa-utils.09:46
excognaclordievader: ok soon. sorry for the delays09:50
lordievaderexcognac: No problem, that is IRC. For some conversations there is a delay of a day ;)09:51
excognaclordievader:  yeah i need mesa utils10:06
excognaclordievader: http://pastebin.kde.org/p2mlkaqwt the output10:11
lordievaderexcognac: Very strange that he detects it as VMware.10:14
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excognaclordievader:yeah, pretty funny. now what can i do?10:17
lordievaderexcognac: I get the feeling that finding the cause of this is finding the cause of the opengl problem.10:18
excognaclordievader: so it's directly refers to a major issue which has not been solved yet?10:20
lordievaderexcognac: No I think it is loading the wrong driver because of that info. It is probably specific to your case.10:22
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excognaclordievader: is there any possible solutin? now i try to set back everything to default 'cos it's pretty annoying to use the computer like this10:28
lordievaderexcognac: Have you installed some vmware stuff?10:28
fatihhi guys, how can i visit #winehq channel?10:29
ikonia /join #winehq ?10:29
excognaclordievader: nope. i only installed lightdm login screen. nothing else serious10:32
lordievaderexcognac: Could you pastebin the ouput of: lspci -k|grep -A 3 VGA10:34
excognaclordievader: http://pastebin.kde.org/pwwk8nvtf10:36
lordievaderexcognac: Hmm, that should show a driver... So it is probably using the wrong driver.10:39
lordievaderexcognac: Does "lspci -k |grep vmware" return anything?10:40
excognaclordievader: nope, nothing10:46
lordievaderexcognac: Does this return something: lspci -k|grep vmwgfx10:48
excognaclordievader: nope, nothing10:49
lordievaderexcognac: Hmm oke. Well lets load the correct driver anyway. sudo modprobe i91510:50
lordievaderNow there should be a driver mentioned under: lspci -k|grep -A 3 VGA10:51
excognaclordievader: ATAL: Error inserting i915 (/lib/modules/3.2.0-55-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915.ko): No such device10:57
excognacfor the modeprobe10:57
lordievaderexcognac: Would that be the problem that it is using the wrong driver?10:59
jack-excognac, "modprobe"...10:59
lordievaderexcognac: You have xserver-xorg-video-intel installed?11:00
jack-lordievader, i'm still stuck with Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding11:00
lordievaderjack-: Did you do a fresh install of 13.10?11:01
excognaclordievader: the output after is http://pastebin.kde.org/phvlka9os11:01
jack-even if quantal is old, there must be a way...11:01
jack-(not yet)11:01
lordievaderjack-: Not a way I know of.11:01
ahoneybunhey ikonia11:03
jack-i know the error is gone when this laptop is saucified11:03
excognaclordievader: yes, xserver-xorg-video-intel is installed11:04
jack-anyone else maybe? WISDOM is needed11:05
apachelogger_quantal? what? Oo11:05
jack-yup quantal11:05
jack-i'm getting Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding11:06
jack-on every attempt to use apt/dpkg11:07
apachelogger_your LANG/LANGUAGE/LOCALE envrionment variables seem to be borked11:07
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jack-apachelogger, http://pastebin.com/8M94UgyM11:10
jack-how to fix?11:10
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apacheloggerjack-: cat /etc/default/locale11:11
apacheloggerjack-: cat /etc/envrionment11:12
apacheloggeractually one of those should contain LC_CTYPE11:12
apacheloggerkdesudo kate the file and remove the additional \" for each value11:12
cerhi have installed the Unity package to try Unity, but lighdm does not offer me the option .... any clue?11:12
lordievaderexcognac: Ah on a Suse forum someone says that such an error usually means that the module tried to load, but found no recognisable hardware... Which brings us back to that VMware thing...11:12
lordievaderexcognac: Do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?11:15
jack-jack@jack-Satellite-2430:~/Downloads$ cat /etc/default/locale11:15
jack-jack@jack-Satellite-2430:~/Downloads$ cat /etc/environment11:15
FloodBotK1jack-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:15
jack-no LC_CTYPE anywhere11:17
apacheloggerjack-: sudo grep -r LC_CTYPE /etc11:17
jack-k, one sec11:17
apacheloggerjack-: if there is none in /etc, create a new user and check if they also have the bogus escaped quotes in LC_CTYPE11:17
apacheloggerif not then something in your home is setting the vars11:18
excognaclordievader: no i dont have that file11:18
jack-apachelogger, it's in /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/default and in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80im-switch11:19
lordievaderexcognac: What version of Kubuntu are you running?11:19
excognaclordievader: 12.0411:19
lordievaderexcognac: You could check if a live-cd/usb does load the correct driver.11:19
apacheloggerjack-: paste the output please11:20
jack-which output?11:20
jack-of the grep?11:20
excognaclordievader: live-cd session is all striped when i'm usiung a graphical interface if you remember from yesterday, i had to install lightdm11:21
lordievaderexcognac: Didn't really follow that conversation. That is with the Precise iso I presume? Have you tested with the Saucy iso?11:22
jack-apachelogger, http://pastebin.com/DGhVxktF11:24
apacheloggerjack-: most likley not it... try a new user11:25
jack-how do i quickly make a new user? i'm a linux noob...11:26
excognaclordievader:i'll check it now with the raring iso. be back soon.11:28
tsimpsonjack-: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto#Graphical_Kubuntu (or see the commandline version below it)11:33
jack-thx tsimpson11:35
apacheloggermhhh that page does not apply to 13.10 anymore, someone should fix that :P11:36
excognaclordievader: hi i!m on 13.`4 livecd now, all works fine.11:36
lordievaderexcognac: Correct vendor, correct driver?11:37
excognaclordievader: why i want 12.04 is that this will be mz machine in the office on which need nothing but sabillity, threfore I'd prefer LTS11:38
excognaclordievader: where do i check it? Kinfo center?11:38
excognaclordievader: cos there it looks like11:39
lordievaderexcognac: lspci -k|grep -A 3 VGA11:40
jack-Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding11:42
jack-EOFError: EOF read where not expected11:42
jack-in newjack's first shell :(11:42
apacheloggeroutput of env11:43
excognaclordievader: http://pastebin.kde.org/phjtkzral i think this is correct now11:45
lordievaderexcognac: Now it loads the correct driver.11:45
excognaclordievader: so, how do i change the driver on the 12.`4 install then<11:46
lordievaderexcognac: Good question, the driver fails to load. And I think that is because of the wrong identified hardware (VMware).11:48
jack-apachelogger, http://pastebin.com/tGV0Gazk11:51
apacheloggerjack-: right, perhaps your python is broken after all11:54
apacheloggerjack-: what's `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade` say11:55
jack-hold on...still running apt-get upgrade11:59
excognaclordievader: well, i'm not super comfortable with installing 13.04 or 13.10. so how do i make my beloved kubuntu to identify the correct driver? trz something like xorg-edgers/ppa or ubuntu-x-swat-/z-updates?11:59
lordievaderexcognac: Unfortunately that is beyond my know-how :(12:03
excognaclordievader: np, man. thank you very much for your patient support and long-lasting attention.12:06
lordievaderexcognac: Your welcome, I hope you'll figure it out eventually.12:07
lordievaderjack-: Right, should've noticed that one...12:09
excognacBluesKaj: Hi, may i ask what to do when a fresh install of a kubuntu 12.04 fails to load the correct graphics driver (thinks i'm using VMware)? Adding xorg-edgers/ppa would help?12:09
* jack- = bad with linux, better with grammar12:10
jack-apachelogger, http://pastebin.com/7M7M14Wv12:15
apacheloggerjack-: that would somewhat explain why python is being weird ;)12:16
jack-and now...?12:16
excognacbye all cza soon thanks for all12:16
apacheloggerjack-: apt-get -f install... though I doubt it works12:16
apacheloggerjack-: more likely you'll have to look for the culprint ... sudo apt-get install python3-distupgrade  then add stuff that does not want to install to that until you either have no more options to add or the installation would succeed12:17
jack-just trying sudo apt-get-f dist-upgrade12:18
jack-does something :) let's see12:18
cerwhat the the officla kubuntu development irc channel?12:20
jack-#kubuntu+1 i guess12:20
lordievadercer: #kubuntu-devel12:20
lordievaderjack-: #kubuntu+1 doesn't exist the support channel for trusty is #ubuntu+1, for all flavours.12:20
certhanks lordievader .... by the way, do you remember when we were discussing the cpu frequency setting a few days ago?12:21
jack-oh, ok12:21
cerlordievader: I think ti is actually a bug.12:21
lordievadercer: We where? Can you give a bit more background? (I forget quickly)12:22
jack-are there trusty-alpha isos already?12:22
tsimpsonjack-: Alpha1 isn't until December12:23
cerlordievader: :D .... I am trying to find the IRC history, but I may have done some cleaning up already.12:23
jack-december? ok, cool12:24
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* jack- will be 42 on dec 112:25
tsimpsonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule if you're interested12:25
jack-the magic douglas adams number...12:26
jack-thx tsimpson12:26
jack-april 17th :(12:30
jack-quite a while until release12:30
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evilcHi all, am having major problems since I was updated to saucy and now my OS is in a semi-unusable state. Is there anyone about who could help me? See http://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?64014- for a thread outlining my woes...12:40
lordievaderjack-: Saucy has just been released, and (K)ubuntu uses a 6 month release schedule ;)12:41
evilcspecifically I now have a plasmoid task panel covering my entire main monitor (including the task panel) and I do not know how to remove it.12:42
jack-i know, lordievader12:43
evilcOr does anyone know somewhere I could get paid support on this? I cannot earn a living right now...12:46
lordievaderevilc: Is your question about the panel detailed in the forum link?12:50
evilcyes - fancy panel12:50
evilca good start I suppose would be to find out how to kill that plasmoid12:50
evilcthere are wider issues with the OS, but until I can get back the use of my main monitor, there is little point to try to continue12:51
evilcmy main screen just looks like this: http://snag.gy/8mzUo.jpg12:52
evilcthe super-large plasmoid is capturing all clicks on that monitor12:52
lordievaderevilc: You cannot right-click on that and click remove?12:52
evilcoh hang on12:53
cerevilc: lordievader: I think you have the wrong activty set up .... look in the activities ....12:53
lordievaderevilc: Are your widgets locked?12:53
evilcI just found a gap where I could right click12:53
cerevilc: are you on activity netboook?12:54
evilcI got rid of it!!12:54
evilcOK, so onto the next issue....12:54
evilcwhen I right click a panel > configure...12:55
evilcif I drag the "Screen Edge" handle, I get *very* weird behaviour12:55
evilcwhen I move mouse down, panel moves up!12:55
evilcit also flickers12:55
evilcif I release, result is pretty random. eg last time I did it I got stuck in that super-sized state12:56
evilcI have a sneaky feeling it may be related to multi-monitor12:56
evilcnow I have main monitor back, gonna try disabling other monitors...12:57
lordievaderevilc: What kind of graphics card do you have and what driver?12:57
evilcno idea what driver12:58
evilcI have an nvidia gtx 660ti and a rubbishy ATI radeon12:58
evilc660ti driving 2 monitors, radeon driving one12:58
lordievaderSuch a setup is bound to give problems.13:00
evilcdrag issue only seems to happen on the 2nd monitor attached to the nvidia13:00
evilcthe main monitor on the nv and the monitor on the ati do not seem to suffer from this issue13:00
evilcwhy would that be a problem?13:00
evilcmany people use different GPUs, eg on-board integrated plus an extra one13:01
lordievaderBecause you probably want to use the closed source drivers. And the nVidia one doesn't like the AMD one, and vice-versa.13:01
evilccan't run closed source with mixed GPU?13:02
lordievaderMy last experience with a similair setup was that the nvidia driver would disable the amd one, and amd would disable the nvidia one.13:02
evilcOK, gonna try nvidia drivers see what happens13:08
evilcI went to Additional drivers, and see a "NVIDIA binary Xorg driver...", is that the one?13:08
evilcsays I need to restart, BRB13:10
lordievaderThere is usually more than one.13:11
fatihhi guys, i have a sound problem in games, i installed latest wine version. i'm using kubuntu 13.10 but i cant get sound call of juarez gunslinger game on steam. what must i do?13:25
lucasirchow call the process that init with alt+f2? it crashed13:30
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hateballlucasirc: krunner13:36
lucasircthanks* =)13:36
evilCso that went horribly wrong...13:41
evilClinux will now not boot13:41
m3kkIs there anyone else think kde is pretty cluttered ?13:42
lordievaderevilC: Entirely, or X?13:42
m3kkor.. "ugly" at least?13:42
evilCjust x I think13:42
evilCI activated nv drivers...13:42
jussim3kk: thats probably more a question for #kubuntu-offtopic,13:43
lordievaderevilC: Your card is supported by the driver you installed?13:43
evilCand I saw a conflict with ati driver... the ati card was primary (despite not being main gfx card in BIOS)13:43
evilCso I removed the ati card...13:43
lordievaderevilC: That's what I ment ;)13:43
darktuxsCan someone assist me?13:43
m3kkjussi: thanks13:44
darktuxsevilC: ?13:44
evilCseemed fine, then to verify some stuff I thought I would deactivate nv driver13:44
evilCbut on reboot i get no x, just a flashing cursor13:44
darktuxsCan someone help me? I added a new user on my machine and I wanted to migrate my file to the new user.13:46
evilCI can enter recovery mode. but no idea what to do13:47
lordievaderevilC: Have you checked that your card is supported by the driver?13:47
evilCwas fine with driver activated13:47
darktuxslordievader: Can someone help me? I added a new user on my machine and I wanted to migrate my file to the new user.13:47
evilCproblem started when I DEactivated13:47
lordievader!patience | darktuxs13:48
ubottudarktuxs: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/13:48
darktuxslordievader: My apologies.13:48
lordievaderdarktuxs: Do you have read/write access to the other user's files?13:48
darktuxslordievader: I think so.13:49
lordievaderdarktuxs: Then it's a simple copy/move action, ain't it?13:49
darktuxslordievader: I'm trying to remember the commands to do so.13:51
lordievaderdarktuxs: mv for move and cp for copy ;)13:51
darktuxslordievader: Eep .___. that was going to be my first attempt lol.13:52
darktuxsthanks ^__^13:52
lordievaderdarktuxs: Also see "man mv" and "man cp".13:52
evilCok I think I may have made progress...13:53
evilCI plugged the ATI card back in and I get a desktop on that13:53
evilCflashing cursor only on nvidia screen13:53
evilCnvidia screens no longer show in display config13:54
evilCmaybe I need to reinstall open src nv driver?13:54
evilCany ideas on how i would do that?13:56
lordievaderevilC: Remove the closed source driver: dpkg --get-selections|grep nvidia, those are the packges that need to be removed.13:57
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darktuxslordievader: Thanks! Hey? sorry to be a bother. I want to make this easier and I tried researching it13:59
darktuxslordievader: Instead that long process. How can I change the username of my account, not the host name?14:00
evilCsay libkwinnvidiahack4 as deinstall, nvidia-319-updates, nvidia-common, nvidia-settings-319-updates all listed as "install"14:00
evilCso remove the 3 listed as install?14:00
lordievaderevilC: Yes.14:00
lordievaderdarktuxs: Euhmm check the Usermanager in System Settings, honestly no idea. Never done such a thing.14:01
darktuxslordievader: Okay, sir.14:01
evilCok, done14:01
lordievaderevilC: Yes. And hopefully X starts.14:02
evilCsuccess!! thankyou14:03
=== Bryan is now known as Guest91769
evilCWell thanks lordievader - I finally have a working system again, and with the help of rog in that post have the old task manager back from raring14:22
evilCboth of you are total heroes!14:22
[Ethos]does Netflix app for Ubuntu work on Kubuntu as well? :>14:24
[Ethos]don't feel like doing a trial and error.14:24
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tsimpson[Ethos]: there's no reason it shouldn't, the only difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu is the default GUI14:27
[Ethos]tsimpson: ok, thanks.14:27
[Ethos]gonna give it a try now14:27
lordievaderevilC: No problem ;)14:31
lordievaderevilC: Have fun ;)14:31
evilCoh for that it were for fun... unfortunately all this dicking around was stopping me from earning a crust14:32
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evilCcan someone tell me if I need kde wallet manager? Does it store passwords for chrome? This popup every boot is annoying, I was wondering if I can disable the wallet manager14:36
[Ethos]evilC: you should remove the wallet, if you don't need extra security14:42
[Ethos]you shouldn't have set the password, when it asked14:42
[Ethos]it will ask you enter password twice now, but from homedirectory, erase the kwallet folder14:42
tsimpsonyou can just reset the password to blank14:46
tsimpsonless secure, but still keeps usefulness14:46
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[Ethos]how do I establish a channel14:55
[Ethos]I want to invite people to my channel14:55
genii[Ethos]: /join ##yourchannelname14:55
[Ethos]now I want to register it14:56
genii[Ethos]: http://blog.freenode.net/2008/04/registering-a-channel-on-freenode/14:56
jack-or just /msg chanserv help14:57
evilCthankyou, blank password worked14:58
[Ethos]genii: thanks.15:07
[Ethos]jack-: Thanks.15:07
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excognachi 12.04 failed on a new machine due to graphics drivers. now trying to install 13.04 which has better drivers. then it failed too, gub-dummz fatal. what to do now?15:07
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Moscherkoboldhello everyone, each time I want to start the muon update program it crashes17:16
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dougielmy bluetooth icon does not appear in my system setting anymore17:28
dougielon my 13.04 install17:28
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Bootvishi, if I login, my screen turns black and puts me on the login screen again17:44
BootvisI'm on 13.04, how to diagnose?17:44
BootvisAFAICT from /var/log/Xorg.0.log X doesn't crash17:44
Bootvisfrom /var/log/syslog I gather it might be a pulseaudio problem17:51
Bootvishmm, now I have the guest account working, so I'm thinking configuration and renamed ~/.config to ~/.config_old but still nothing17:59
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lordievaderBootvis: You where probably aiming for .kde <- is where the kde config files live.18:20
Bootviserm, good point18:23
Bootvisalso getting some updates to, amongst others, lightdm18:24
Bootvisthanks lordievader, that's it18:28
Bootvismuch better than setting up a new user18:28
lordievaderBootvis: Good to hear :)18:31
Bootvisshould I put a bug report somewhere? I don't really have an idea what went wrong18:34
lordievaderBootvis: Have you been playing with settings?18:35
lordievaderBootvis: I'm not really sure if this is a bug or an unsupported setting.18:35
[Ethos]Isn't there a channel on freenode to report bugs for Kubuntu?18:37
lordievader[Ethos]: IRC is not a good medium for bug reports.18:38
lordievader!bug| [Ethos]18:38
ubottu[Ethos]: If you find a bug in Kubuntu, please follow the instructions at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting to report the issue to the developers.18:38
[Ethos]how do I configure default gdm with startx18:41
[Ethos]I'm running Ubuntu Server,but I have gnome, kde,  xubuntu all18:42
[Ethos]desktops, including ubuntustudio18:42
lordievader[Ethos]: Gdm hasn't been used since, what, 11.04? Besides that is more a topic for #ubuntu.18:43
[Ethos]well right now it defaults to kde environment18:43
[Ethos]lightgdm is for setting kde?18:43
lordievader[Ethos]: Lightdm is currently the default display manager for both Kubuntu and Ubuntu, to start it simply time "sudo service lightdm start" if it doesn't start automatically.18:44
[Ethos]lordievader: thanks.18:45
[Ethos]I do not want to start it automatically, just wish to select default desktop enviornment18:45
lordievader[Ethos]: I rarely do anything with startx, I know it looks to xsession for the default. But that is about all I know of startx.18:46
geniiThe display manager usually shows whatever was selected last time as the default18:47
[Ethos]ok I see18:48
[Ethos]when I get the login screen, I select the default desktop18:48
[Ethos]on startx18:49
[Ethos]since its on a server I didn't want to start it by default18:49
lordievader[Ethos]: The way I do it, is comment the "start on" lines in /etc/init/lightdm.conf. That way it doesn't start automatically but I can start it with "sudo service lightdm start"18:50
[Ethos]lordievader: Thanks Again.  :>18:51
* genii ponders echo "ENABLED=0" | sudo tee -a /etc/default/lightdm18:53
MangaKaDenzagenii, can I loop apt-get update multiple times18:53
geniiMangaKaDenza: I'm not sure your question makes sense yet18:54
MangaKaDenzaI wanna run it for infinity18:54
lordievadergenii: That's probably easier, thanks for the tip.18:54
tsimpsonyou can "echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/lightdm.override"18:57
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tsimpsonthat way it'll only start explicitly with "sudo service lightdm start"18:57
Bootvislordievader: no never touch them18:57
lordievaderBootvis: What? Touch whom?18:58
geniitsimpson: Oh, nice! <makes a note in his little blue book>18:59
Bootvisthe settings18:59
lordievaderBootvis: As genii and tsimpson offer much simpler solutions I'd go with one of those.19:00
Bootvislordievader: that does not apply to me, does it?19:03
lordievaderBootvis: Oh sorry. It does not indeed.19:03
lordievaderBootvis: Did the blackscreen login happen after an update?19:04
geniiMangaKaDenza: Technically it's possible to make apt-get update run in some infinite loop. But there is no good reason to do this, the main one being that it will lock the /var/lib/dpkg/lock file permanently.19:06
geniiYou will never be able to run the GUI package installer, etc19:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 1246016 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "After login the login manager is shown again" [Undecided,New]19:08
Bootvislordievader: I remember again (I booted to Windows for a while) it happenend after a kernel update19:08
geniiBootvis: The seond time it appears is loggin in successful, or does it continually dump back to lightdm? Because this is symptomatic of improper permissions in home dir19:10
lordievaderBootvis: Make sure you mention that you are using Kubuntu, also add the latest entries from /var/log/apt/history19:10
Bootvisit goes back19:10
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geniiBootvis: I would suggest then to check the permissions of files the user's home directory. Possibly they got changed accidentally ( for instance by running startx as root there or such)19:13
Bootvisfind . -name "*" -type d -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l | grep root19:16
Bootvisdoesn't give anything interesting19:16
geniiBootvis: If you: sudo adduser then try login to that account, does it work?19:18
lordievadergenii: For as far as I know is Bootvis's problem solved, he moved/removed his .kde folder.19:18
Bootvisyes, it works19:18
Bootvismade the bug report, unfortunately it is very vague :(19:19
geniiBootvis: Then the issue is not with lightdm, but someplace in the home directory ( if the .kde dir was moved/renamed and then it worked, was in there someplace)19:19
geniiThis can happen if there were settings which no longer apply, like an app was open in a saved session and the app got removed or such.19:20
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Bootvisah ok19:22
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anubisHello im desperate: I need to do some work due tomorrow, where i need some simple OpenGl Using freeglut. I have a simple program, but i get weird errors. See http://paste.debian.net/62844/. Can someone help me plz?19:26
geniianubis: Might want to try the #opengl channel ( may be ##opengl instead, but one of those)19:28
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jack-i so wish kubuntu-saucy.iso would contain an installer app for linux...19:49
jack-having to burn or usbstickify the image first kinda stops me atm19:50
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cris2Hi, someone there to help me to set up a dual screen in Kubuntu 13.10 (+ amd graphics card)?19:55
cris2when a write "xrandr" my seconde screen is not detected19:56
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EvilRoeyhey all20:36
* genii makes more coffee20:37
EvilRoeyHow can I unlock my KDE session from the command line?20:37
EvilRoeyI am not sure if it is locked..all I did was lock it, then saw the screen go completely black and unresponsive to clicks/keypresses20:37
EvilRoey(still see the mouse though)20:37
EvilRoeyall the apps are stilil running20:37
EvilRoeyI did  'export DISPLAY=:0' and all that so I can access qdbus20:38
geniiEvilRoey: I haven't tried any of these but they look promising: http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/2264/unlock-your-kde4-session-remotely-for-boxes-locked-by-kde-lock-utility20:40
lordievaderEvilRoey: For that I use xdotool, it fakes keyboard input ;)20:40
EvilRoeyyeah I saw that page20:46
EvilRoey1) the dbus bindings it lists are out of date20:46
EvilRoeyi.e. it is not org.kde.krunner20:46
EvilRoey2) I think it is not an issue of locking anymore.  I have no idea.  It's just a black screen (with a mouse cursor)20:46
EvilRoeywill be back in  abit20:47
EvilRoey*a bit20:47
elienhow can restore to the default settings my muon software center..... I have not a bar to search apps and install the update available...20:53
elienanyone can help me?20:53
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:07
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theenduserin 13.10 akkregator doesn't mark items read,  any thoughts?21:32
[Ethos]Amarok doesn't play mp3s, how do I get it to play mp3 on my Kubuntu - Desktop22:06
[Ethos]it says No Plugins found22:07
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jarnosWhen do we get this fixed in ubuntu? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27422122:19
ubottuKDE bug 274221 in general "Kaffeine crashed when resuming from suspend to RAM state" [Crash,Resolved: fixed]22:19
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laboyIf I want to join a channel I just write the channels name or I have ti put irc freenode and all of that?22:52
[Ethos]how do I enable kdewallet?23:00
[Ethos]can you assign programs to secure it?23:01
[Ethos]say before opening firefox23:01
[Ethos]can I assign a password prompt23:01
MrDublinhere nobody talks dont even bother23:03
goodtimesometimes people talk here lol23:09
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:58
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