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wh0_d4Trunning 13.04 raring. compile sublime text 2 and runs well06:05
wh0_d4Tlaunched in terminal by simply typing: sublime06:05
wh0_d4THowever, I would like to create some sort of launcher for it.06:05
wh0_d4Tall of the examples online are geared toward Unity.06:05
Unit193Copy /usr/share/applications/somefile.desktop to ~/.local/share/applications/sublime.desktop and edit accordingly.06:06
wh0_d4TUnit193: when I ls in /usr/share/applications there is no sublime.desktop file present06:10
ianorlindo you have it installed?06:10
wh0_d4Tianorlin: yes, in terminal, i type: sublime and it starts. but this is rather kludgy06:11
wh0_d4Tas I have to leave the terminal window open.06:11
Unit193wh0_d4T: I figured, I meant for you to copy another one and use it as an example, changing the name, exec, and icon.06:15
wh0_d4TUnit193: so essentially I'm using one as a template and configuring06:16
wh0_d4Tit to the new sublime.desktop06:16
wh0_d4Tok i see06:16
wh0_d4TUnit193: is it odd that I don't have any .desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications?06:18
Unit193Not really.06:18
wh0_d4Tjust wondering all of the .desktop files are in /usr/share/applications...06:19
Unit193That's where system installed ones go, user or modified ones go in .local, which also override global.06:19
wh0_d4TUnit193: opened .desktop file in gedit. just pathed to /opt/06:23
wh0_d4Tand noticed sublime text folder is named with spaces06:23
wh0_d4Tso in Exec=/path/to/folder/ do I need to use double quotes?06:24
wh0_d4TUnit193: in /opt the folder for sublime text is "Sublime Text 2"06:26
Unit193I don't remember, strangely enough I think not, but may be wrong.06:27
Unit193http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s06.html ah, there we go then.06:28
wh0_d4TUnit193: quoted it is06:29
wh0_d4TUnit193: thanks a ton! can launch sublime text 2 perfectly06:55
wh0_d4Tonly having issues with the icon.06:55
Unit193Sure thing!06:55
wh0_d4TUnit193: so in Icon= for sublime.desktop, am I pathing to were the Icon is --> full path?06:57
Unit193If it's outside of the normal locations, yep.\06:58
wh0_d4TUnit193: well Exec="/opt/Sublime Text 2/sublime_text" %U06:59
wh0_d4Tit doesn't inherit from Exec=?07:00
wh0_d4TI'll try full path.07:01
wh0_d4TUnit193: hmmm. still no icon. can I paste bin my sublime.desktop?07:05
Unit193wh0_d4T: Sure, what format are you using?07:06
wh0_d4TUnit193: what do you mean what format?07:07
Unit193Image format, png, svg, etc.07:08
wh0_d4Toh. png07:08
wh0_d4TI also noticed that sublime has their png files in an Icon folder07:08
wh0_d4Twould this matter since in vim it lit up green like Icon=07:09
wh0_d4TUnit193: i think my pathing to the png is wrong.07:13
Unit193try  file "/opt/Sublime Text 2/Icon/16x16/sublime_text.png"  might want to put it under "Games" too.07:16
wh0_d4TUnit193: do I need to reboot to see changes?07:17
Unit193Shouldn't need to, no.  And the category is "Game", not "Games", my bad.07:18
wh0_d4TUnit193: what do you mean by try file?07:21
Unit193`file` is a command.07:22
wh0_d4TUnit193: just gives info on png07:23
wh0_d4TUnit193: thanks for your help. I'll give it a rest for now07:27
wh0_d4TUnit193: the main thing is that it launches. I can pretty it later. :)07:27
Unit193wh0_d4T: Sure, done that before.07:27
xet7lubuntu 13.10 install from usb asks for lubuntu username and password. what is that?08:21
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AbhinavHi , What could be something intresting in lubuuntu12:07
blokkiewhere can i find lubuntu restricted-extras for version 10.04 (running on amd geode nx 1750)12:28
abradleyI just set it up and login but get blackandwhitedot screen - kde/gnome/display manager issue?12:39
abradleyanyone use xrdp to rdp into lubuntu?12:40
rtcg72aHi, does anyone know which sound driver should be loaded for the Creative AWE 64 ISA soundcard?13:29
pablokrunning lubuntu 10.04 on amd geode (non-PAE) and am looking for lubuntu-restricted-extras. Are they around somewhere?13:49
abradleyIs it possilbe to use windows rdp into lubuntu?13:56
abradleyI'm getting the b/w mesh screen. I think this is a display manager issue13:56
DanS_Currently in the process of erasing Windows to replace with Lubuntu14:25
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abradleyIs there a way to use windows rdp client to remote into lubuntu?16:56
abradleyI can't get xrdp to work16:56
abradleywith xrdp, after login I get b/w mesh (display manager issue)?16:56
DanS_abradley: dont know if this will help http://askubuntu.com/questions/91657/blank-desktop-when-logging-in-via-xrdp16:57
wxlabradley: did that help?17:22
abradleynah. I was hoping someone here would have some personal experience17:22
abradleyI guess everyone uses vnc17:22
wxlfor a local network it makes sense17:23
wxland xrdp has its quirks, e.g. that it's really only meant to start a session, nto continue an old one17:23
wxl(there's ways around this but ultimately they require vnc)17:24
DanS_sorry abradley17:24
abradleynp, thanks for both of your input17:26
DanS_could you use a different rdp client?17:27
wxlrdesktop and remina both work fine in my experience17:32
DanS_rdesktop works for me as well to get onto the remote network i use17:32
DanS_Ok Windows is gone and Lubuntu successfully installed!17:50
zleapcongrats from me too17:55
abradleyis there a right or wrong place to mount nfs shares?17:56
abradleyshould it always be done under home/user?17:56
zleapnot sure, sorry17:56
DanS_wxl zleap thanks17:58
wxlabradley: there's no right or wrong place, no, but i'd stay away from places like /media and /cdrom for example :)18:00
wxlabradley: i assume this is a single user system. if not, you might want to put it in a more readily accessible place than someone's home18:00
abradleylike /mnt?18:01
abradleyis /mnt meant for mounts?18:01
abradleyok, thanks18:01
abradleythanks a lot18:01
wxlabradley: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2006/12/20/explanation-of-the-ubuntu-linux-file-structure-ubuntu-all-versions/18:02
wxloh even better:18:03
wxl!files | abradley18:03
ubottuabradley: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier18:03
abradleyI've been trying to use autofs to mount an nfs share for two hours18:44
abradleyto no avail18:45
wxli use autofs but not for nfs19:00
wxlsshfs in fact19:00
wxlit's quite lovely :)19:00
wxlabradley: you saw this, i'm assuming? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs#EXAMPLE:_Auto-mounting_an_NFS_share19:02
wxljust use /media instead of /nfs in /etc/auto.master19:03
wxlotherwise you need to create /nfs19:03
wxlwell i guess you wouldn't need to19:04
wxlthat's right; i forget that autofs will create it19:04
abradleywxl, yes, that's what I'm using19:08
abradley....to no avail19:08
wxlwhat results are you having?19:08
abradleyI'm having some sort of permissions issue19:08
abradleypaste coming19:09
abradleyI've manually created /mnt/nfs/vol119:11
abradleywhen running autofs hides /mnt/nfs/vol119:12
wxlyeah don't create it19:12
wxlit will do it for you19:12
wxlor should19:12
ianorlinmaybe it mounted it somewhere else?19:12
abradleyI'll check19:12
abradleycannot find mounted anywhere19:14
wxlso mount doesn't return anything?19:14
wxlcuz you SHOULD see something like freenas2.rxbenefits.local:/mnt/vol1 on /mnt/nfs/vol1 type nfs or something of the sort19:16
wxldo you see the same effects if you actually ls the directory?19:16
wxlbtw you can do cool things like /exec -o cat /etc/autofs.master | pastebinit to reduce copying and pasting :)19:17
wxlassuming you have pastbinit installed (which you should!)19:18
abradleydoesn't show in gui, shows in CLI19:18
abradleygood call19:18
wxlright so maybe pcmanfm doesn't refresh19:18
wxlwhich is new on me19:18
wxli thought it did19:18
abradleyshoot, ticket. bbiam19:18
abradleyok, pcmanfm is what I need to look into19:28
abradleyshould I just grab a different fm?19:28
wxlwell like i was saying, it might be a bug19:29
wxlperhaps specific to autofs19:29
wxlgo to your home directory in terminal and pcmanfm and make a new file (touch filename) and see if it pops up19:29
wxli believe it should19:29
wxli would myself but i'm not in front of the lubuntu machine at work19:30
abradleyshould I just create this mnt in my home folder? is that my problem?19:30
abradleyin the user's home folder19:30
wxlno, what i'm thinking is that pcmanfm wasn't build with autofs integration in mind and that may be the issue19:31
wxli would make a bug report and it'll get fixed in the future19:31
wxl!bugs | abradley19:31
ubottuabradley: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:31
abradleyforgive the dumb question, but F5 isn't the same "refresh" as your talking about is it?19:31
wxlwell yeah that will work19:31
abradleyI mean, with autofs running, F5 doesn't make vol1 pop up19:31
wxlyeah that's a bug for sure19:31
wxlanywho off to lunch19:32
abradleyso then this is def a pcmanfm issue?19:32
abradleythanks a lot for hte tup19:32
wxlyep, i'd say so19:32
abradleythe info19:32
wxlmaking a bug for something that's not a pcmanfm issue is not bad, it'll just get reassigned19:32
wxleither way, reporting the bug will make the fix happen one way or another19:32
ianorlinI thought control r was refresh for pcmanfm19:34
abradleyI'm not sure that this is a fm issue19:45
abradleycheck this out: http://i.imgur.com/iJw7GNs.png19:45
abradleyafter startup, /mnt/nfs/vol1 is gone19:46
abradleystarting autofs cannot create it19:46
abradleyit was there at reboot19:46
abradley /mnt and /mnt/nfs both owned by root19:48
abradleyfor some reason, this process must be repeated after every boot to get the mount to work. Somehow, autofs keeps deleteing the vol1 folder: http://i.imgur.com/y0gNBbk.png20:26
wxlautofs takes control of the folder specified in /etc/auto.master20:37
wxlso if you specify /mnt/nfs, while autofs is running you won't be able to do ANYTHING with nfs or anything inside it20:38
wxlno matter if you're root or not20:38
abradleythe problem is that autofs deletes /mnt/nfs/vol1 at reboot20:41
abradleybecause upon restart, /mnt/nfs/vol1 is gone20:42
abradleywell, I'm not sure autofs deletes it, but it something deletes it because it's gone upon reboot. I suspect autofs20:43
abradleyIs autofs supposed to delete a preexisting file?20:47
abradley /directory20:48
wxlit should delete it when it's not on20:51
wxlbut assuming autofs starts at boot, you shouldn't have an issue20:51
wxlabradley: do you have /etc/init/autofs.conf?20:55
wxlif you don't that's probably the issue20:55
wxlyou should check to see if autofs is running when you reboot20:55
abradleyits there20:58
abradleyautofs runs at startup, yes20:58
wxland yet it seems to be misbehaving20:58
abradleyI haven't poked through autofs.conf. I'll do that in the morning. THanks for all your help.20:59
wxlyou can also check your logs20:59
wxlsudo grep -ri autofs /var/log20:59
wxlsudo grep -ri autofs /var/log | less20:59
mellokinmay I ask a tech question?  how do i go about making all scroll bars universally wider?21:42
mellokini'm specifially annoyed with the one in firefox atm, but if I can add something to a config file somewhere to make them universally bigger, that would be fine21:43
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