
MajorWedgieNight everyone07:03
ikthi _nrdb 15:41
_nrdbikt, so whats up 15:48
iktyou guys respond quickly16:40
ikti didn't actually expect anyone to respond _nrdb :P16:40
ikti'm in irssi which i'm sshed into through my server, need to find a way to notify me of comments16:40
_nrdbwhat comments? I don't understand18:05
iktor people talking18:12
iktin xchat you're notified when someone says your name18:12
ikti get no notification atm18:12
_nrdbikt, all I get is the icon wiggles a little... :-( .... I would prefer it be more visible.19:53
iktyup same20:35
iktalmost intergrated into the chat mail icon20:35
ikti got to go to sleep now, ttyl :)20:35
Noskcajhey MajorWedgie 21:26
MajorWedgieI have to set up a new laptop here with Microshaft Winblows 821:27
NoskcajMajorWedgie, I have to go to school now. If you want support, #ubuntu normally has more people to help21:28

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