
jcastrohey mhall11914:22
jcastrodo we have the vUDS sprint in launchpad yet?14:23
jcastroI can get the server folks to start submitting14:23
cjohnstonjcastro: yes14:30
mhall119jcastro: yes https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-1311/14:30
mhall119has been there since UDS 13.11 was announced, actually14:30
mhall119summit is setup to import them now too, so bring on the BPs14:30
mhall119hmmm, no jono today?15:32
pleia2jcastro: I've been giving people http://uds.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/propose-a-session/15:34
pleia2muy helpful15:34
pleia2based on the initial email, they are due on friday15:35
jcastropleia2, ta!15:36
jcastromhall119, what's the deadline for submission?15:40
jcastroI'd like to lie to my folks outright and make it a week earlier than that.15:40
pleia2this friday15:43
pleia2nov 1st15:43
jcastrothat soon?15:44
mhall119jcastro: now you don't have to lie :)15:46
jcastroEND OF DAY OR WE ALL DIE15:48
mhall119worse, if you fail to get your BP's in on time you'll be re-assined to responding to comments on Reddit and OMG!Ubuntu!16:07
mhall119jono: shall I cancel the weekly update this week?16:30
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jonomhall119, yes please16:30
jonomhall119, btw http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-13.10/javascript/unity-webapps/16:31
jonoAPI docs for web apps16:31
jonocan you fix that?16:31
mhall119jono: there's an RT for it, I'll ask about it again today16:32
mhall119jose: are you around to change the ubuntuonair calendar?16:33
jonomhall119, can you see if they can fix it ASAP, this is a production service16:35
josemhall119: I am16:44
joseevent cancelled16:48
mhall119thanks jose, sorry for the late notice agian16:50
joseno worries16:51
jcastrohey jono/mhall16:51
jonohey jcastro16:51
jcastrodoes it make sense to have weekly updates this  month?16:51
jonojose, speaking of which, I can't do my Q+A this week16:52
jcastroI was thinking right after uds would make better sense?16:52
jonoI am at a sprint16:52
jonojcastro, I think so16:52
josejono: I'll cancel it now16:52
jonolots of work going on16:52
jonothanks jose16:52
popeyyay, google adding planning hangouts17:03
popeyso you can promote them ahead of time17:03
popey(on air that is)17:04
popeymight be useful for us at vuds, pre-booking all the hangouts ahead of time17:05
mhall119jono: link is fixed now17:35
jonothanks mhall11918:00
=== jono is now known as Guest23572
jono_hey mhall11920:40
mhall119hey jono20:51

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