
=== jono is now known as Guest23572
YoBoYHi, sorry to ask that but how to update a localisez image for the Desktop system documentation ? do I have to do a merge proposal or there is another process ?20:20
pleia2that's a better question for the translations folks, I don't know how all that works20:20
YoBoYI should have checked the wiki, it's there. a merge proposal :)20:32
eagles0513875hey all22:18
eagles0513875hey belkinsa pleia2 :D22:18
eagles0513875hey mhall119 you around?22:18
belkinsaHey there, life ate me and I'm going to get something done for the doc team this weekend.22:19
dsmythiesYoBoY: If you are asking about localaized screenshots for the DeskTop Ubuntu help docs for 13.10 I put out a request to the translators e-mail list on 2013.09.2622:24
dsmythiesRef: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2013-September/006267.html22:24
dsmythiesIt too late now, but maybe if and when we do an SRU (Stable Release Update), which is not for sure.22:25
dsmythiesAnd yes, the preferred method is via Merge Proposal.22:26
YoBoYdsmythies, thanks, I'm not subscribed to this ML, and no-one fwd it to the french ubuntu-l10n-fr ML :(22:28
YoBoYby the way, some of the actual images are deprecated ;)22:28
YoBoYunity-dash.png , unity-launcher.png and unity-launcher-apps.png22:31
dsmythiesI know, but without any feedback, I left the localized ones as they were.22:32
YoBoYI'm talking about images in the english ("C") folder22:32
dsmythiesNo, thise are up to date.22:33
dsmythiesNo, those are up to date.22:33
YoBoYso I missed the update somewhere ^^" need to go to bed :)22:33
dsmythiesTHe deafult background was changed extremely late in the cycle and I did not re-do the screenshots again.22:35
YoBoYI'll try to have the french screenshots fixed, and I will add a note to check these screenshots for the 14.04 release22:35
YoBoYby the way it's not a background issue, but more an icon problem (the dash icon and the folder icon)22:40
mhall119eagles0513875: I am now22:45
eagles0513875mhall119: do you still want me to provide you a charm to install alfresco on a testing machine?22:50
mhall119eagles0513875: it would certainly help, yes22:57
eagles0513875ok :)22:57
mhall119eventually you'll be working with Canonical's IS directly to get it deployed to a production instance, but I can help you get it ready for that22:58
eagles0513875:) ok kool22:58
eagles0513875mhall119: would i need to work with them for a test instance as well or could i work with you on that22:58
mhall119test it on LXC locally first, and then I can test deploy it to our internal testing cloud, and if things go smoothly we'll file a ticket to have it deployed to our production cloud22:59
eagles0513875mhall119: when you say lxc you mean test it on my laptop for instance?23:00
eagles0513875should install kvm or a vm on kvm hehe23:00
mhall119eagles0513875: LXC is a container, much lighter-weight than a VM, but lets you simulate a cloud on your laptop23:01
mhall119the folks in #juju can tell you more about it and how to set it up23:02
eagles0513875mhall119: ok23:02
eagles0513875i hope i wont have to reinstall my setup soon lol cuz im installing alot on this laptop23:02
mhall119but you can "juju deploy" to it locally just like you would "juju deploy" to an actual cloud, which makes it easier to test your charm as you write it23:02
eagles0513875ahh kool :)23:03
dsmythiesYoBoY: Background: I was just saying was all. Each screen shot you mentioned, and more, were replaced for 13.10. The new shots were taken on a Ubuntu 13.10 development computer.23:27

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