
roasteddarkxst: looks like someone already reported it - https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70985300:01
ubot5Gnome bug 709853 in message-tray "Text input does not receive focus when clicking on chat notifications" [Normal,Unconfirmed]00:01
bjsniderroasted, told you it would be faster00:18
roastedbjsnider: indeed. I was just in denial and wanted to be a hip open source user and stick to nouveau :/00:20
roastedsomeday maybe00:22
bjsniderall you have to do to be a hip open source user is run all-intel00:25
roastedI was going to do that on this rig00:27
roastedbut there was some sort of 24.384923923 fps bug I kept reading about with this gen hardware00:27
roastedso I threw in a GT440 I had on the shelf cause lol why not00:27
roastedI quite like nvidia tho, so it's k. It's ATI/AMD that I want to burn ever so badly./00:27
bjsniderroasted, what bug is this now?01:22
roastedbjsnider: you know when you get a new message, it pops up in the center?01:23
roastedthen if you ignore it, it disappears?01:23
roastedafter that, bring up the message tray and click on the icon for that user that sent you a message01:24
roastedthe text box does not grab focus01:24
roastedso you must manually click via mouse to give that text box focus to type01:24
bjsniderwhat does that have to do with frame rates?01:24
roastedframe rate?01:24
roastedwhere did I mention frame rate?01:24
bjsniderbut there was some sort of 24.384923923 fps bug I kept reading about with this gen hardware01:25
roastedin the original generation of sandy bridge or ivy bridge or something like that01:25
roastedthere was some sort of fps issue with intel IGP's01:25
roasted23.976 Hz that is01:26
roastednot fps01:26
roastedsorry my mind is in FPS alley tonight. Two people broke into my vehicles last night and I caught them on video surveillance, so I'm kind of mixed up right now as I talk to police.01:26
bjsniderwhat's there to talk about. the video should do the talking01:27
bjsniderbtw, never keep anything of value in your car01:27
roastedI'm sending the cop 4 feeds, because I have some from different cameras in different angles01:27
roastedand my cams are dual stream. 1 fps 247 feed and 10 fps motion detect feed.01:27
roastedI was just trying to explain it to him in email so it wasn't confusing01:27
roastedand nothing of ours was stolen. It's just the fact that someone was in my stuff that enrages me.01:28
roastedshould have had it locked but, whatever.01:29
roastedjust bummed I didn't happen to be letting my dog out for a leak when I stumbled across those two upstanding gentlemen rummaging through my cars01:29
bjsnidermaybe you could install a feature where if anyone but you touches the car it explodes01:33
bjsniderand not a trivial explosion, but something that would destroy 10 sqaure blocks01:33
roasted...which would include my sleeping quarters01:34
bjsniderand make the area uninhabitable for 10 million years01:34
bjsniderthere's a small chance that could be overkill01:34
roastedso basically, touch my crappycarthatshardlyworth500bucks and BAM chernobyl in Lancaster PA.01:35
roastedI like it01:35
bjsniderwell, like r'as al ghul says in batman begins, crime cannot be tolerated01:36
darkxstricotz, wip/js24 is rebased on master today, just js24 patches remaining07:35
FeefSo hey07:38
FeefAnyone able to help me with openvpn07:39
darkxstFeef, thats not really gnome related07:49
darkxstyou might get more help in #ubuntu or similar07:49
ricotzdarkxst, nice08:04
ricotzdarkxst, i guess you should push wip/js24 branch for gnome-shell too08:05
ricotzdarkxst, i think there was a conversion of a xml snippet missing, in the screenshield code irc08:06
darkxstricotz, shell patches are here https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71105208:06
ubot5Gnome bug 711052 in general "changes required to run against a js24 gjs." [Normal,Unconfirmed]08:06
=== yinyang is now known as yinyang999
darkxstricotz, in the e4x removal patches on master?08:08
ricotzdarkxst, it is fine, that is the one i meant https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-shell/diff/js/gdm/oVirt.js?id=b908a3d70af279caad71a7ad87a301621b08271f08:09
ricotzdarkxst, will try to do some snapshots in the evening08:22
ricotzdarkxst, great! looks like mozjs24-enabled 3.11-packages built and work as expected :)11:50
TwistedMindsHeya everyone. It,s been a while since I touched linux in any way.  Do you guys think it will go well if I add gnome-next/staging to try gnome 3.10 on ubuntu-gnome 13.10? ;)13:45
TwistedMindsI'm just a bit afraid since I'm not used to Ubuntu at all, used gentoo and slackware years ago (before gnome 3, early gnome 1) so I'm quite lost heh13:48
TwistedMindsI guess we'll see. Anyway great job to anyone working on this. It's way more user friendly than before. Gnome seems to have lost lots of options but it probably just moved somewhere else, I'll find what I need. Still X is a pain to configure if it doesn't autodetect correctly13:57
roastedWhat package would I file the bug against for brightness keys working in 3.8 but not 3.10? fyi brightness adjustment works fine via slider in the drop down menu in upper right corner, and other Fn keys (multimedia etc) work fine as well.14:42
roastedricotz: question for you if you don't mind... Plank on eOS has a GUI to edit its settings. On other distros, such as Ubuntu GNOME, it does not. Are there any plans to add a GUI for non-eOS distros by chance?16:26
ricotzroasted, plank has no settings-gui at all, and is not suppose to get one, sorry16:32
roastedplank with no settings or a monofied docky...16:32
swissso does the trackpad-deactivation-while-typing actually work for anyone else?17:23
swissit makes my cursor immediately disappear but it can still move while i'm typinig17:23
gnoob1hey kindly ubuntu gnome people... looking for some installation help, anyone?18:58
gnoob1(having bootloader trouble)18:58
gnoob1hey noskcaj18:59
gnoob1any chance you can help with a quick bootloader issue?18:59
Noskcajgnoob1, I can try19:00
gnoob1thank you19:00
gnoob1so basically here is the deal:19:00
gnoob1I stepped through the 13.10 installer19:00
gnoob1my first time installing19:00
gnoob1resized the ntfs partition on my ssd, made a new one (ext4) mounted as /19:01
gnoob1mounted the other existing partitions as ntfs in different names19:01
gnoob1didn't allocate swap becasue I have 32gigs of ram19:01
gnoob1installer continued, all nice and fine19:01
gnoob1no errors, completed successfully19:01
gnoob1I reboot the computer... aaaaand nothing19:01
gnoob1Win8 comes up, just like that19:01
gnoob1no boot menu19:01
gnoob1and now I don't know what to do19:01
gnoob1I am not sure what I did wrong, and I want to fix it without having to reinstall again (because ubuntu is right there)19:02
gnoob1any idea?19:05
bjsnidertry holding shift before boot19:07
bjsnidermaybe grub selected windows as the default19:07
bjsniderbut it sounds like no grub install is the issue19:07
gnoob1yeah exactly19:07
gnoob1that's what I think19:07
gnoob1I don't know how to install just grub and make it use the stuff I already have (Win8 + Ubuntu)19:08
bjsnidera real grub expert might be able to do it, but otherwise i suspect you'd just install a bootloader with nothing to boot19:09
bjsniderso you'd also ruin windows19:09
gnoob1definitely not something I would like to do...19:10
gnoob1I don't mind running through the Ubuntu Gnome installer again if needed, I am just not sure what to choose19:10
bjsnidermaybe there's a grub channel. i doubt it has anything to do with gnome or this channel specifically19:10
gnoob1the question that's relevant to this channel:19:10
bjsniderwindows has the startup repair recovery process though19:10
gnoob1with the installer, is there a simple way to dualboot Win8 + Ubuntu Gnome:19:11
gnoob1or should I go Unity?19:11
bjsniderit's the same grub19:11
gnoob1right, but the Unity installer has a nice step for configuring dualboot19:11
bjsnider6 of one half dozen of the other19:11
gnoob1which the Gnome one doesn't19:11
bjsniderit's a kernel that's being booted19:12
bjsnideryou can install gnome afterwards19:12
bjsnideryou just use the metapackage19:12
bjsniderif you're more confident in the ubuntu installer19:12
bjsnideran empty package that pulls in a lot of other packages19:13
bjsniderlike ubuntu-desktop pulls in unity19:13
gnoob1ah, I see. Okay, thank you - that helps. Will go try my luck then!19:13
bjsniderand guess what ubuntu-gnome-desktop does?19:13
TwistedMindsI just ran the ubuntu gnome 13.10 installer and grub installed/configured itself correctly. Maybe it needs a separate /boot partition to install correctly? Just thinking I'm so outdated on linux19:13
njalkwhat would be minimum system requirements for ubuntu gnome?20:46
darkxstricotz, :) btw shell patches are in master now20:47
darkxstricotz, also there were a bunch of gjs rdepends affected by the E4X removal, gnome-docs, sushi, gnome-maps and a couple of others20:47
ricotzdarkxst, great :)21:30

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