
=== duflu_ is now known as duflu
=== dandrader_ is now known as dandrader|lunch
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
alan_gkgunn: what's the state of lp:mir? Can we safely MP the development branch today?15:29
kgunndidrocks: ^ sorry i was unable to follow up...were you guys able to pull into archive ?15:30
alan_gkdub: alf_ anyone for an easy review? https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/enable-unity-mir-to-avoid-SessionManager/+merge/19304615:31
alf_alan_g: looking15:32
kdublooks okay to me15:33
alan_gkdub: We do reviews on lp not on irc 8^)15:34
kdubwhat, we don't have an irc bot that helps with that yet? :P15:35
alan_gWould you trust a irc bot with your credentials?15:36
kdubeh, i guess not15:38
kgunnsil2100: do you happen to know if mir got updated in trusty yesterday15:38
kgunngreyback: btw, yes, my comment was your option4....but racarr 's comment confused me :) wrt whether or not the shell was "creating" surfaces15:40
greybackkgunn: ok15:41
sil2100kgunn: yes ;)15:53
kgunnsil2100: thanks....any notes or caveats ?15:53
sil2100kgunn: I saw it in trusty release today, even upgraded my device to it and did some testing15:53
kgunnracarr: mornin'15:57
racarrkgunn: Howdy! How goes Oakland?15:58
kgunnracarr: hey...if you want to come to the marriott at some point, i was pestering mterry (who's here) to try and get unityonmir running on the desktop15:58
kgunnhe was struggling a little...and likely just needs a little mir help15:58
kgunnracarr: then i could buy you a beer :)15:59
racarrkgunn:  When? Later today? Tomorrow?16:01
kgunnracarr: today would be great...he was kind of fresh on it (he was looking last night)16:02
racarrOk. I need to finish breakfast and stuff but should be able to head over around 1016:04
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racarrkgunn: Same hotel right?16:31
racarrOakland marriot city center16:31
kgunnright racarr16:31
racarrits literally 25 minutes away so ill leave in 20 and be there soon :)16:31
racarrkgunn: So my in person consulting services are $300 for the first hour16:37
racarrand $200 for each following hour16:37
racarram I billing you, or michael16:37
racarrjk I am excited to leave the house16:37
kgunnracarr: :)16:39
kgunnracarr: i may go m.i.a. this afternoon16:39
kgunnracarr: but would love you to come tomorrow as well16:39
racarrkgunn: I heard :p I google calendar stalk you so I know what's up16:40
racarryou have a whole collection of fun meetings looking forward to hearing about them16:40
racarrok brt16:52
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=== jono is now known as Guest23572
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Mirvrobert_ancell_: hi just in case, not sure if you were pinged on bug #1245958 but now you are :) kdub is at least looking at it but had some device problems.21:57
ubot5bug 1245958 in unity-mir "Apps crash with image 8" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124595821:58
Mirv(you're listed as the contact for mir stack at https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dHFtUmlPOUtCRk8zR2dtaEpIbUVhMmc#gid=3)21:58
robert_ancell_Mirv, I'll update that21:58
robert_ancell_Mirv, I can't edit that but I've shifted teams, so escalate to kgunn21:59
Mirvrobert_ancell_: oh of course you have, sorry :) but can you think of someone else to put in there besides kevin who is already in the other column?22:00
Mirvthe idea is that first there's the contact person and then if needed an escalator22:00
Mirvmaybe a list of people22:00
robert_ancell_Mirv, I don't know who Kevin has in mind, but just asking on #ubuntu-mir is probably the best step at the moment22:00
Mirvrobert_ancell_: ok changed that, it's at least better than having you there22:01
racarrkdub: Happen to know anything about...22:14
racarrok well the set up is, one host mir_demo_server_basic22:15
racarrthen run a nested mir_demo_server_shell with an eglclient22:15
racarrthen run a second nested mir demo server shell with a second egl client22:15
racarrand the first server dies with something about bad file descriptor22:15
racarrthe first nested22:16
racarrthe second server and the host server continue to function22:16
kdubit does?22:16
kdubseems something should die somewhere in that scenario22:17
kdubMirv, what's the magic incantation for phablet-flash to get trusty image #8? whatever i just did gave me image #522:18
Mirvkdub: --channel trusty-proposed22:18
kduball these channels :)22:19
Mirvyeah took a while for me too, since there's no list command. but I peeked it from here then https://system-image.ubuntu.com/22:19
kdubMirv, thanks then22:19
kdubracarr, is that causing problems? the second nested server continuing22:21
racarrkdub: ? Why should something die22:30
racarrI mean the first nested does die22:30
racarrbut that's the bug22:30
kdubracarr, i thought you meant the bug was that the 2nd one continues22:31
racarroh no I mean22:31
racarrthe secnod one continues which is correct right22:31
racarrbut why dont they both22:31
kduband the cause of the 1st server dying is which client connecting? (1st server egl client, the 2nd server, or the 2nd server's egl client)22:33
racarrI should figure that out22:34
racarrit's either22:34
racarrthe 2nd server or the 2nd server egl client22:34
racarryou can observe the first server and client working22:34
racarruntil you run the second one and then they die22:34
racarrand you can observe the second one working22:34
kdubracarr, also, any logs/messages?22:36
racarrkdub: It appears to be when the second nested client connects22:42
racarrthough it seems like there may be a few things that can happen,i.e. sometimes the second nested client works and the first dies, sometimes both die22:43
racarrjust a bad file descriptor exception with no location from22:43
racarrthe one that dies22:43
racarrif it doesnt ring any bells off the top of your head dont worry too much, still lots of basic debugging to do22:44
kdubracarr, yeah, none ring immediately22:44
racarrkdub: oh it may actually be when the second client exits the first client dies lol22:53
racarrI thought it was happening all at once because you immediately can't see the second client22:53
racarrbut also22:53
racarrmir server doesnt end up with22:53
racarra transparent background22:53
racarrso opacity doesnt work22:53

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