
=== _salem is now known as salem_
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pittiGood morning05:27
dkesselgood morning06:06
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jibelGood morning08:19
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jibelpitti, I found another case where britney fails. This is when binaries are available for 1 arch only and FTBFS on another arch e.g mongodb08:21
jibelpitti, in this case adt installs the right version of the source package but the wrong version of the binaries08:22
jibelpitti, do you think it's something we should enforce in autopkgtest or at the interface level?08:23
DanChapmangood morning08:23
pittijibel: I believe britney should either not call adt until all arches have built, or at least not call tests on an arch if binaries on that arch are uninstallable08:24
jibelpitti, agreed, but it would introduce lot a delays if it waits for slow architectures and it request a test for a source package not per architecture. But it could at least wait until intel archs are built since that's what we are testing.08:27
pittijibel: right, that sounds like a good enough compromise (and s/built/published/)08:35
jibelpitti, there is an ADT_ARCHES in britney.conf but it doesn't seem to be used anywhere08:36
jibelpitti, so britney wait until ADT_ARCHES are published08:36
jibelin any case if I introduce a wait, it must have a notion of timeout otherwise it'll wait forever08:37
pittijibel: doesn't britney run on every publisher cycle anyway?08:38
jibelpitti, it does08:38
pittijibel: couldn't that trigger the tests based on binary availability, not source availability?08:38
pittior is that too complicated?08:39
jibelpitti, if we trigger per arch it will introduce other cases, like running a test on amd64 when common packages built with i386 are not yet published.08:41
jibelit would very likely fail but that makes a test cycle for nothing08:41
pittiin our initial discussion we actually agreed to run the tests after the installability checks, and don't trigger tests on uninstallable packages (as they are guaranteed to fail)08:42
pittiand right now we don't seem to re-trigger the tests once they become installable08:42
pittiat least I always do that manually08:42
pittijibel: we certainly shouldn't introduce any fixed "waits" into this08:44
pittiit seems to me, running something like this in every  britney run should work:08:44
pittifor every source in -proposed:08:44
pitti  - not built on i386 or amd64 -> stop08:44
pitti  - any binary uninstallable on any arch -> stop08:45
pitti  - adt tests already requested -> stop08:45
pitti  - request adt tests on i386/amd6408:45
pittiand points 2, 3, 4 for all rdedpens08:45
pittijibel: so where would we need another wait?08:46
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jibelpitti, we shouldn't need another wait. But I've seen a recent case where reconciliation of the results for ubiquity fails because the version of cdebconf tested was less than the version requested by britney.08:49
jibelwhich shouldn't happen because we use ftpmaster in the lab.08:49
jibelfor the moment, this case remains a mystery08:49
jibelthis is the only case where a wait would help08:49
pittijibel: ah, so that's only for mirror delays, not build times08:50
jibelpitti, yes, for mirror delays08:50
jibelpitti, but this 'wait' would have the side effect to wait forever if a test is requested and an arch is never published, so let fix that first08:51
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slickymastergood morning all09:59
dkesselhello slickymaster10:33
slickymasterdkessel: hi there, good morning10:34
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DanChapmanmorning dkessel and slickymaster :-)10:57
slickymasterDanChapman: and a very good morning to you10:58
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davmor2Morning all11:09
dkesselmorning davmor211:10
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DanChapmanxnox, hey. What would be the best way to test the ubiquity U1 page? Is there dummy accounts that can be used or is there someone else i should speak to about it? Atm its just selecting login later14:20
DanChapmanbut would like to be able to test this page as well14:20
elopiogood morning qa team.14:31
DanChapmanmorning elopio14:31
xnoxDanChapman: i think it's best to leave it at that for now. You can e.g. navigate to new user page, fill out fields and check that "sign up" button gets activates once everything is filled out and check that Terms and conditions & learn more pages open.14:41
xnoxDanChapman: there are no dummy / test accounts at all.14:42
xnoxDanChapman: one can run that page against staging servers, but I didn't implement a way to do that yet.14:42
DanChapmanxnox ok cool, will do that then. Thanks14:44
senanballoons : I've setup my keys..what should I do now16:00
balloonssenan, :-) Excellent. is bzr setup too?16:00
balloonsif so you should be able to commit your work locally to a bzr branch16:00
balloonsbzr commit should work16:00
DanChapmanhey there senan16:00
balloonsif that all works, then the last step is to push it to launchpad16:00
DanChapmanballoons, thanks for your comments on my wiki page :-)16:01
senanballoons, I am not sure how to do that16:01
balloonsyou can do that with bzr push lp:~yourlpid/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/whatever-you-want-to-call-your-branch16:01
senan_from where I should do that16:04
senan_balloons, from which dir i should run that16:04
balloonssenan, do that from the directory where your bzr repo is16:04
balloonswhere your source is16:04
balloonsdid you setup a repo and commit it?16:04
DanChapmansenan first off have you branched ubuntu-autopilot-tests?16:05
balloonshmm indeed.. DanChapman is on the right track ;-)16:05
senan_DanChapman, that I did.. I've all the other tests in my directory16:05
balloonsgo for it16:05
senan_DanChapman, like firefox,terminal,eog etc16:06
senan_DanChapman, in ubuntu-autopilot-tests16:06
DanChapmansenan perfect, so in the /ubuntu-autopilot-tests/* directory run 'bzr add'16:07
DanChapmanwhich should add your test to the branch16:07
senan_DanChapman, Done16:07
DanChapmansenan then 'bzr commit' which nano should open16:08
senan_DanChapman, done.. nano opened16:09
DanChapmanfirst check your test folder/files are in the list in nano then write a message to sya what the tests are16:09
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senan_DanChapman, Files are there16:12
DanChapmansenan, then once you have saved the message you need to push the branch back to launchpad which balloons showed you before 'bzr push lp:~yourlpid/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/whatever-you-want-to-call-your-branch'16:13
senan_DanChapan, I didnt understand the part .. write a message16:14
DanChapmansenan_, so in nano write a simple message, something like 'Autopilot test for baobab' just something descriptive to say what it is.16:15
DanChapmanThen hit Ctrl+o then Enter to save it then Ctrl+x to exit nano16:16
senan_DanChapman, Done :)16:18
senan_DanChapman,Balloons, how do I check whether new branch is created or not16:21
DanChapmansenan_, https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-autopilot-tests its there now16:22
senan_DanChapman, whats next ?16:23
DanChapmansenan_, so now you can propose it for merge so open your branch on launchpad and click 'propose for merge'16:25
senan_DanChapman, OK16:26
senan_DanChapman, Now you can review it right ?16:27
DanChapmansenan_, then just put a description of the test, what the test covers etc. then click propose16:27
senan_DanChapman, I didnt put anything :(16:27
senan_DanChapman, Since it was optional :(16:28
DanChapmansenan_ not to worry. :-)16:28
DanChapmanyes we can review it now :-)16:28
senan_DanChapman, Thanks :)16:29
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balloonssenan, all of your branches will exist here: https://code.launchpad.net/~senan16:35
senanballoons, ok.. if I change the file, then what should I do16:37
balloonswhen you make changes, commit them16:37
balloonsbzr commit16:37
balloonswhen you are ready, push all the commits to launchpad again using your push command16:37
senanballoons, using the same command ?16:38
balloonsbzr push lp:~senan/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/DiskUsageAnalyser16:38
balloonsyep that will put it into the same branch16:38
balloonsso say for instance DanChapman suggests a change, make the change, commit it and push it16:38
balloonsthe merge proposal https://code.launchpad.net/~senan/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/DiskUsageAnalyser/+merge/193087 will update and show the new version and he can review it again16:38
balloonsmake sense?16:39
senanballoons, yes16:39
balloonssenan, :-)16:43
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elopioballoons: do you know at what time is letozaf usually around?16:54
elopioI have a problem with the rss tests.16:54
balloonselopio, about 2 hours16:54
elopiook, thanks.16:55
DanChapmansenan_, I have left some comments :-)17:20
senan_DanChapman, OK, Let me check17:21
senan_DanChapman, where I can see those comments17:22
DanChapmansenan on  the merge proposal17:26
doug5balloons, when you have time https://code.launchpad.net/~acerisara/ubuntu-calendar-app/week-view-autopilot17:48
balloonsdoug5, got it18:03
doug5balloons, merci18:05
balloonsdoug5, ohh, je parle francais?18:06
balloonsha.. vous parlez francais.. je suis stupide18:06
doug5balloons, ehhhhh, I should learn it, since here they speak French, but I'm too lazy... :-)18:06
balloonsahh.. hehe,laziness indeed18:07
doug5balloons, yeah :-) and at work I speak English, so I'm not so motivated also...18:07
balloonsdoug5, is expected_day_start have to be at 00:00:0020:12
balloonsthat's my only question for your merge20:13
balloonsyou do this: expected_day_start = expected_day_start.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)20:13
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doug5it's because the date we get from the component only has year/month/day (which makes sense), so I strip those informations to compare directly the two dates20:14
balloonsNoskcaj, ping20:34
Noskcajhey balloons20:35
balloonsNoskcaj, I was hoping you can solve a packaging riddle20:35
knomeballoons, packaging Riddell?20:35
knomeoh my..20:36
balloonsNoskcaj, mind look looking at lp:~nskaggs/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/emulator-docs-try2 with me?20:36
Noskcajif my internet will work long enough, sure20:37
Noskcajknome, lol20:37
* balloons <3's knome's oneliners20:37
Noskcajballoons, I think that autopilot itself should be a native package too, but the way the integration bot works makes me unsure if that is actually worthwhile20:42
doug5balloons, thank you for the review20:44
Noskcajballoons, It's finally downloaded20:45
NoskcajWhat did you want me to look at?20:49
balloonsNoskcaj, we get some packaging errors it seems when it's built20:49
balloonsNoskcaj, I could remove the ubuntu-ui-toolkit-doc.install file I guess.. I'm just wondering what' up20:50
balloonsthere's a ubuntu-ui-toolkit-doc packages as part of it.. ideally the new docs I added would get packaged in there too.. I dunno20:50
Noskcajballoons, You really want doc files to be install by a PACKAGE.docs or a doc-base file20:51
balloonsNoskcaj,  there are 2 sets of docs.. the ubuntu-ui-toolkit docs build by dh_auto_build -- docs20:52
balloonsthe second is the docs I've added.. in theory I don't need them packaged at all.. I would just like the error to go away so I can land the branch. the docs will be pushed to the web instead20:53
balloonshowever, since there is a docs package I'm not opposed to including them as well20:53
Noskcaji have to go feed some sheep. I'll see if i have time to help when i get back20:53
balloonsNoskcaj, k20:54
NoskcajI assume i missed something by going offline21:19
balloonsNoskcaj, k, so yea21:19
balloonsdo I add to the dh_install rules for sphinx too?21:19
balloonsand how do I fix the errors from my paste?21:20
NoskcajI don't know what "sphinx" is, and by changing when the docs are generated, or having the generated versions in the branch21:22
NoskcajAnd please make the package native, it makes it easier for us all21:22
Noskcajballoons, I think override_dh_install is what you are looking for21:24
Noskcajor override_dh_auto_build, which seems more suitable21:24
NoskcajI have school now, bye21:27
balloonsbye Noskcaj ty21:29

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