
xnoxlamont: my connection to archive.ubuntu.com has turned from ~20-40 MBs to a 198 kBs cripple ware =/ unless virgin media UK is having issues.00:03
lamontxnox: interesting00:04
lamontxnox: I'll have to dig more - the big change is s/146GB/300GB/ drives, *800:06
xnoxlamont: well, i see a little packet loss with mtr (on ae1-core0.gsld2.uk.as6908.net & canonical-gw.datahop.net) but that might be just usual filtering / dropping ping packets.00:07
infinitylamont: Hrm?  You fiddled with archive frontends?  I thought you just replaced syncproxy.00:08
lamontinfinity: new box, larger drives00:08
lamonton account of trusty won't fit00:08
infinitylamont: Err, yes, but that was syncproxy, right?00:09
lamontoh. right00:09
lamontxnox: I did nothing to archive.u.c00:09
xnoxlamont: must be ISP hick-ups.00:09
lamontI suspect so00:09
xnoxdownloading to /dev/null a large package is back to at least 9MBs now.00:10
* xnox ponders if I should start having a full unsplit local mirror for all arches.00:10
infinityIt's a bit of a pain to unsplit them, sadly.00:11
xnoxinfinity: i'm already running unsplitter =)00:11
lamontinfinity: it's not horriic00:11
lamontit's just "non-trivial"00:11
infinitylamont: I'd rather just have a proper mirror to rsync from. :P00:11
infinity(Well, I have one, but you'd hunt me down if I was rsyncing from pepo)00:11
xnoxinfinity: rsync one & another, verify the archive Release.gpg, if doesn't match don't commit, if it does Horay!00:12
stgraberinfinity: was just about to say, rsync over ssh works fine ;)00:12
xnoxinfinity: so boils down to completing the second rsync before a push =)00:12
lamontxnox: my approach is more evil - I just rsync dists/ and use a 404 handler to fetch as needed.  then morguify as needed00:13
infinityxnox: The smarter way to go would be to grab all the dists trees first (repeat until you get a match), then mirror both pools.00:13
lamontI really don't recommend that approach - it kinda grew from some strange intermediate states00:13
* xnox is meant to spin up the instance of https://github.com/xnox/apt-mirror on canonistack, but last time around had some troubles with https launchpad librarian.00:13
xnoxlamont: https://github.com/xnox/apt-mirror/blob/master/nginx.snapshot =) the apt-mirror above also only syncs dists ;-)00:13
lamontxnox: you do have the advantage that files don't disappear from pool/ until 24 (or was that 48) hours after they disappear from all packages files00:13
infinitylamont: Right, hence my approach above.  Mirror archive/ports dists (until Release match found), then mirror pool, then copy dists.new to dists, win.00:14
xnoxlamont: i'm just sad that apt-get goes all berserk upon http -> https redirects and fails to verify them. Which imho it shouldn't care about as long as .gpg is correct.00:14
infinityBut that first bit is stupid fiddly.00:14
infinityI guess the easier way to go, actually, is just to symlink ubuntu-ports/pool to ubuntu/pool, and let ubuntu-ports/dists and ubuntu/dists live as separate entities.00:16
infinityThat also has the advantage of being the layout the installer wants.00:16
lamontactually, that's what I ahve, now that I think about it00:17
lamontubuntu-ports and ubuntu are separate trees, and arch-all and source are, uh, rewrites.00:17
lamontor at least look in the main tree before fetching00:18
* lamont doesn't care enough to go look00:18
infinitylamont: Well, you'd rsync pool twice with --delete but --exlude ports arches on the non-ports run and --exclude main arches on the ports run.00:21
infinitylamont: That way, you'd only get all.deb and source once.00:21
lamontexcept I don't sync pool at all00:21
infinity(Except for the source dists tree, but that's not a big deal)00:21
infinityOh, you squid pool?00:22
lamontsometimes, it sucks to live with impoverished bandwidth00:22
lamontI 404-handler it00:22
lamontso it's all right there where it belongs, but only if someone fetches it00:22
lamontand then there's the part where I hijack dns00:22
lamontmy way is not very sportsmanslike00:23
infinityYeah, I hijack DNS too, so I don't have to tell d-i about my mirror.00:23
infinityPerfectly reasonable solution, IMO.00:23
lamont                allow from all00:23
lamont                # Go fetch the file00:23
lamont                ErrorDocument 404 /cgi-bin/missing-file00:23
lamont 140  369 4448 /srv/mmj.archive.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/missing-file00:24
stgraberI used to do that, but now moved to having my transparent squid hijack the traffic to any of the archive servers and send it to my mirror, unless the traffic comes from the mirror, has the advantage of supporting regexps to catch all the .archive.u.c and .ports.u.c at once00:24
=== Trevinho_ is now known as Trevinho
jibelcjwatson, does britney submits test requests as soon as an architecture is built or does it wait for all the binaries to be built?08:29
jibelcjwatson, for example with mongodb, 1:2.4.6-0ubuntu6 FTBFS on i386 but is available on amd64, a test request has been submitted but reconciliation is not possible on i386 because autopkgtest installed 1:2.4.6-0ubuntu508:32
jibelif I wait on the interface side, it will wait until a new binary is available and state will remain 'running' during that time08:33
jamespageplease could SRU bug 1236462  be pushed through to -updates; I just finished testing the standard OpenStack topologies in the lab10:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 1236462 in swift (Ubuntu Saucy) "[SRU] update openstack packages to 2013.2 release tarballs" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123646210:42
jamespagemaybe Daviey if he's around?10:42
Davieyjamespage: looks good, released. Thanks :)12:25
jamespageDaviey, ta12:59
cjwatsonjibel: It's *supposed* to wait until the package has been built on all ADT_ARCHES (i.e. amd64 i386)13:15
cjwatsonOr rather, is not out of date on all such architectures13:16
cjwatson(So it's possible you'd get strange behaviour for new packages, but that shouldn't be the situation here)13:16
bdmurraycjwatson: could you merge https://code.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/ubuntu-archive-tools/phased-updates-disregard-package/+merge/192741 ?14:53
cjwatsonbdmurray: done14:55
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=== Laney is now known as KruSha666
=== KruSha666 is now known as Laney
stgraberso what do I need to do to get dch to default to trusty (on a trusty machine)?16:15
stgraberthe upload above is unfortunately not the first one where I push to saucy by accident as I'm trusting dch to DTRT16:16
cjwatsonThis is not a terribly graceful answer but I just edit the script :-)16:16
stgraberoh, it's acutally hardcoded in there... was vaguely hoping it'd use distro-info or something...16:17
stgraberI guess I'll do a devscripts upload then16:17
stgraberah, looks like it build-depends on distro-data, so it's not hardcoded anywhere in the source but needs a no change rebuild to pick it up16:19
infinitystgraber: I'd love it dch on any release defaulted to the devel release (which distro-info could do for you), but the last time I did that, I got shot down by people who told me that my filthy developer needs were less important than the billions of people who upload to PPAs. :P16:34
infinitys/love it/love if/16:34
stgraberinfinity: yeah, I remember that. I just wish it'd just default to whatever base-files says you're running16:35
ogra_infinity, just tell them to use click packages16:35
ogra_PPAs are so yesterday16:36
stgraberthat'd be making me mostly happy and wouldn't affect stable releases16:36
infinitystgraber: Yeah, that could be sort of doable.  Or, we could just remember to rev it when we open.16:36
stgraberyeah, I'd have to check whether devscripts is on the long list of stuff to upload at open time, but I vaguely remember it being on some of those wiki pages16:36
infinitystgraber: Just like I always open with a vim merge, you could always open with a devscripts merge, and we're good.  Right? :)16:36
stgraberyeah, I just need to remember it ;) I think I've been the one doing the no change rebuild the past 2-3 cycles but for some reason I always forget about it, get frustrated a few days later and then have to figure out what to do again :)16:37
infinity(This barely affects me, because I almost never run 'dch -r', but just manually s/UNRELEASED/trusty/ when I'm ready to go)16:37
infinityFor whatever muscle-memory reasons.16:38
cjwatsonThere's always dch -rD trusty16:38
cjwatsonBut yeah16:38
infinityTraining my fingers to use dch -r could take years, if not decades. :P16:39
infinityHeck, I still type dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us -S16:39
infinityEven though I know it's redundant.  And has a friendly wrapper.16:40
rbasakIt feels wrong to me if the timestamp in the changelog is wrong. So I use -r to bump that (and have to use -D)16:40
stgraberI mostly use it with bzr branches with my usual: bzr diff, dch -r, debcommit -r, bzr push :parent16:40
LaneyAny problem if I copy g-s-d from s-proposed to t-proposed?16:48
infinityNope, as long as it's to proposed.16:48
Laneysure is16:48
seb128we should just copy all the SRUs pending in there ;-)16:48
infinityPerhaps, but we also should stop that Very Soon.16:48
* seb128 likes those copies, it allows him to be lazy16:50
jibelcjwatson, does http://paste.ubuntu.com/6324974/ make sense? It removes packages from the request file that have been identified by britney as invalid for testing.16:55
jibela case is a package upload that triggers a test of an uninstallable package16:56
jibelor not all the binaries have been published16:57
cjwatsonjibel: thanks.  could you MP that for me and I'll look?  sitting in the CI meeting right now and it's hard to concentrate on this17:02
cjwatson(client sprint)17:02
jibelcjwatson, sure.17:03
seb128infinity, bdmurray: hey, is there any chance that one of you could accept "hud" to saucy? it has the top issues in e.u.c constantly for a week and the fixes are waiting in the queue since friday ... would be good to get that in17:42
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bdmurrayseb128: okay, I'll have a look17:48
seb128bdmurray, thanks!17:48
cjwatsonLaney: FYI I'm having a go at merging ben and creating a proper Ubuntu template - once that's done maybe we can get IS to create us a trusty-transitions chroot and then we can just use that17:58
cjwatsonNeed to switch to the new version ASAP for dose-debcheck support17:58
cjwatsonSince edos-debcheck can't handle Depends: foo:any17:59
Laneycjwatson: Oh, cool18:04
Laneycjwatson: I had at the back of my mind a note to try using fakechroot/fakeroot18:05
Laneyalso there's some old-ish-but-newer-than-deployed branches at lp:ubuntu-transition-tracker & friends18:07
LaneyMaybe you meant that already18:07
cjwatsonYeah, I'm working on that18:08
cjwatsonI'd like to get to where we just run with the packaged ben18:08
cjwatsonMaybe once the DC is on trusty we can work with backports instead and ditch the chroot18:09
LaneyYeah, that was the goal. I even did some backports of OCaml libraries and things but never got a newer environment to deploy into18:09
LaneyI think there's an ancient RT18:09
cjwatsonWell, if we use a trusty chroot we don't need backports18:10
cjwatsonI don't think it's worth backporting to lucid/precise18:10
Laneythat wasn't the case at the time :-)18:10
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kirklandinfinity: could you please reject an errant upload?  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=run-one21:48
stgraberkirkland: rejected21:49
kirklandstgraber: thanks!21:49
seb128bdmurray, could you review system-config-printer's saucy SRU as well? it's a one liner22:12
bdmurrayseb128: momentarily22:16
seb128bdmurray, thanks22:57

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