
hispeed67awful quiet in here...00:27
jkitchen220 OK00:27
hispeed67after i get system installed, what is easiest way to image to a flash drive? dd if=/dev/sda3 of=sda3.bak00:37
hispeed67or, does of have to go to a device?00:37
sarnoldboth if= and of= can be regular files, devices, pipes, etc.00:38
hispeed67so, i could mount the flash drive and dd to a file on the flash drive?00:38
sarnoldyeah, you've got a few options. you could dd to a file on the drive, or you could dd on top of a partition or you could dd on top of the whole device. each can be right depending upon your goals..00:39
hispeed67woohoo, install complete, rebooting.. :)00:41
hispeed67looking at clonezilla, maybe amanda, definitely zmanda as i need sql database00:41
hispeed67it worked!!! it worked!!!! i gotz X and wlan0 !! ibd00:45
hispeed67upgrade to 13.04 will d/l 558M and take about 6 minutes. :)01:28
sarnoldsmoser: hey, I'm trying to use http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~smoser/maas/maas-pkg-test/view/head:/maas-precise-1.2.txt to test maas on canonistack02:11
sarnoldsmoser: I start up the nested vm with xkvm on line 167 .. and can't figure out what username / password to use to to log into the new node02:12
sarnoldsmoser: where have I neglected looking? :) thanks02:12
MavKenwhat packages do people typically install to secure their server?04:15
badunkadunkjoin #vmware04:19
hispeed67MavKen: selinux04:22
andolhispeed67: No fan apparmor? Running both at the same time seem a bit over the top? :)04:24
andolMavKen: Also, security really isn't a separate black bax you can just attach to your system, it's all about having a good complete understanding of the services and the code you run.04:26
MavKenmy next project is getting php mail to work so that drupal can send out e-mail04:27
xtrizwhich vnc server is recommended to be used by ubuntu ?05:33
hispeed764is it ok to discuss security in this channel?05:47
hispeed764what software is used to create raid arrays?05:52
melmothhispeed764, mdadm ?06:04
reffcap09hello all09:52
reffcap09i was wondering does anyone know much about wineasio09:52
reffcap09anyone here09:53
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Patero-nghow do I specify a specific dhcpcd server to assign my ip11:38
tjaaltonjamespage: hey, are you planning to merge samba from sid? it's now based on 4.0.x11:53
jamespagetjaalton, I spotted but I've not had time yet to look at it11:54
jamespagebut yes that would be the plan11:54
tjaaltoncool, that would make it much easier to get sssd in main11:54
tjaaltonsince some of the build-deps are now from samba411:55
tjaaltonwhich will then get removed from universe11:55
tjaaltononce samba is merged11:55
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tjaaltonjamespage: mind if I assign the samba task of this sssd MIR bug to you?12:16
tjaaltonno rush getting it in trusty12:16
tjaaltonjust so that it's tracked somewhere12:16
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smosersarnold, well, you probably can't log in with a password. it'd be ssh auth only.12:39
smoseri'd recommend the virtual maas charm though12:40
smoser  ext-int: eth012:40
smoser  dns-server: $nameserver12:40
mbnoimiHow can I get the used port of OpenLDAP server?12:46
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pmatulis_mbnoimi: what do you mean by "used port".  slapd can listen on more than one (389, 636)12:54
mbnoimipmatulis_: during installing OpenLDAP it used by default the port 389 but I'm not sure what if my server use it or not13:12
pmatulis_mbnoimi: try to connect to (or scan) the daemon's port with netcat or nmap.  can also use lsof or netstat to see what your host is listening on13:22
pmatulis_mbnoimi: 'ps ax | grep slapd' will show you the port it is supposed to be listening on, maybe that's enough for you (ldap:/// ldapi:/// ldaps:/// means, respectively, 389, local socket, 636)13:24
pmatulis_mbnoimi: note that 636 is deprecated13:24
mbnoimipmatulis_: Oops I got13:25
mbnoimi968 ?        Ssl    0:00 /usr/sbin/slapd -h ldap:/// ldapi:/// -g openldap -u openldap -F /etc/ldap/slapd.d13:25
mbnoimi2484 pts/2    S+     0:00 grep --colour=auto slapd13:25
pmatulis_mbnoimi: looks good, 38913:25
mbnoimipmatulis_: where you saw 389?13:26
pmatulis_mbnoimi: i told you already.  'ldap:///' == 38913:26
mbnoimipmatulis_: Thanks a lot :)13:27
pmatulis_mbnoimi: yw13:27
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raubIs it possible to upgrade a 11.10 server to 12.04 using the 12.04 server iso?13:42
hispeed76gmorning all13:47
hispeed76what is better channel for questions about setting up apache13:47
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xgeek-cubhello guys14:35
xgeek-cubI am installing ubuntu server on my vps (ESXI); and it asks me if i want to encrypt my home directory14:36
xgeek-cubShould I do that?14:36
jrwrenultimately it is your choice. IMO it has no place on a server. There are some gotchas to encrypted homedir.14:37
jemurrayNot if you use ssh / sshkeys... Then it gets trickey.14:38
xgeek-cubwhat about setting up partitions14:39
jemurrayin what regards?14:40
xgeek-cubguided ---set up encrypted LVM14:40
esdeOn a fresh install of server 12.04 64-bit, i ran update, upgrade, then dist-upgrade. Then i installed php5 and it's dependencies, and added the percona source to my sources and installed percona-server-client-5.5 percona-server-server-5.5 and libmysqlclient-dev. Then I see this error http://pastebin.com/PKaKkkr2 when trying to run a script dealing with php and mysql, what can I do to resolve this? I found this stackoverflow post but I'm not sure how14:40
esdeto do the steps indicated.14:40
jemurrayxgeek-cub: encryption is up to you.   What is the chance of hardware theft on a server?   That is when you want to use encryption.14:40
esdehttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/10759334/headers-and-client-library-minor-version-mismatch forgot link to stackoverflow post14:41
xgeek-cubjemurray: oh; that what is for; ok so tell me this for vps on esxi do i go with normal partition type or LVM?14:42
smoserhallyn, https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-local.html14:42
smoserwhy does that say "Due to needing newer versions of LXC the local provider does require a newer kernel than the released version of 12.04"14:42
smosermy experience indicates that is "hog wash"14:43
jemurrayxgeek-cub: Again, this depends on what you want for a server.   If you may need to grow partitions in the future LVM is the way to go.   For me, I do not want to extra complexity on my production servers so I don't use LVM.14:43
hallynsmoser: yeah, I don't know.  My main test box has 12.04 (3.2, not hwe) kernel and does fine14:50
hallynonly thing i can think is they want lxc-attach14:51
MavKenI just installed 13.10 on my vps... are there any issues with sendmail?14:51
jemurrayMavKen: Such as?14:57
MavKenI have drupal and I need it to send out e-mail confirms and password reset e-mails... is sendmail the best approach?14:58
MavKenor easiest14:58
smoserhallyn, no obvious answers in juju-dev either.14:59
MavKenjemurray, would you recommend using sendmail for this purpose or something else?14:59
jemurrayI personally have used postfix and sendmail both...   Ubuntu recommends postfix as the default MTA.15:00
jemurrayMavKen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix15:00
MavKenI tried postfix but the e-mails sent out my drupal were going directly to spam folder with gmail, yahoo and outlook.com15:01
jemurrayOn my production servers that do basic outbound mail like you stated, I use postfix very simple to setup.15:01
jemurrayCan you tell why?   Make sure you DNS is setup properly.   Make sure the From: line is a valid return address.15:01
hallyntjaalton: hi.  could you take a look at http://people.canonical.com/~serge/xserver-qxl-spice.debdiff (generated from https://launchpad.net/~9v-shaun-42/+archive/xspice/+files/xserver-xorg-video-qxl_0.1.0-0ubuntu3ppa%7Eraring.dsc) ?15:01
hallyntjaalton: with that, we get a Xspice executable thtat we can use like a vncserver, but using spice15:02
jemurrayMavKen: The choice of mail server should have nothing to do with people flagging your email as spam.15:02
hallynwould be terribly useful for containers, and heck just for remote desktops15:02
MavKenI have 5 different, unrelated domains on my vps... Can postfix work with more than one domain on the same server?15:03
jemurrayMavKen: Yes, I have dozens of domains on my servers.   It will default to the server name as the default From: address if you don't specify.   In theory this should work for you.15:04
esdeCan someone please help me with the version mismatch issue?15:05
MavKenso does drupal set the from address? (maybe a question for drupal channel)15:05
jemurrayMavKen: I can't answer that, I don't know for sure.15:06
jemurrayMavKen: http://www.postfix.org/BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README.html - There is a section on default domain.15:08
tjaaltonhallyn: so the diff is backwards?15:08
hallyntjaalton: oh yeah, probably15:09
MavKenjemurray, thanks, setting up postfix now15:10
tjaaltonhallyn: so, yeah I'll merge something like that and release15:11
tjaaltonto trusty15:11
hallyntjaalton: awesome!  thanks!15:13
tjaaltonto debian git first and then merge15:13
tjaaltonoh it was enabled there already15:14
hallynoh??  I thought during breakfast i should check that but figured "no way"15:15
hallyneven more awesome15:15
esdeOn a fresh install of server 12.04 64-bit, i ran update, upgrade, then dist-upgrade. Then i installed php5 and it's dependencies, and added the percona source to my sources and installed percona-server-client-5.5 percona-server-server-5.5 and libmysqlclient-dev. Then I see this error http://pastebin.com/PKaKkkr2 when trying to run a script dealing with php and mysql, what can I do to resolve this? I found this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1075915:16
esde334/headers-and-client-library-minor-version-mismatch but I'm not sure how to do the steps indicated.15:16
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tjaaltonhallyn: libspice-server-dev used to be in universe, so xserver-spice support was removed in ubuntu15:22
hallyntjaalton: right, i think raring is when that changed15:23
hallyni would've said something sooner if i knew the xspice executable existed :)15:24
tjaaltonheh, sure. and we didn't even rebuild it for 1.14, boo15:24
MavKenjemurray, I have setup in postfix config that my server is mail.domain.com.... Do I need to add anything to my DNS?15:34
tjaaltonhallyn: uploaded15:35
jemurrayMavKen: Most important is to make sure a forward and reverse DNS entry exist and that they are consistant.15:36
hallyntjaalton: thanks!15:36
MavKenwhat does that mean?15:36
jemurrayMavKen: For example: mail.domain.com = and = mail.domain.com15:37
MavKenwhat is
jemurrayMavKen: That was just an example... Here is my test config: http://pastebin.com/PsystLGr15:41
MavKenhmm... im currently using google mx for e-mail forwarding...am i going to have to change those mx records to my server?15:44
jemurrayMavKen: No.   You can ignore that part.15:47
jemurrayIn my case the server is also the MX for inbound.  Yours is only outbound.15:47
jemurrayJust make sure the forward and reverse are in sync like in my example.15:47
MavKenok, so I don't need to change anything on my dns?15:47
smoserhallyn, wrt "old kernel sucks for lxc"15:58
smoserthats what hazmat pointed me at15:58
smoser(which, imo doesn't seem to justify someone upgrading their kernel)15:59
hallynsmoser: huh?  aufs is in precise...16:01
smoseryeah, bad link. its above that.16:01
hallynyup it's there16:01
smoserthe overal thread is wrt network performance of veth16:01
smoser"containers network performance"16:02
arosaleszul, are you on deck today for the server meeting?16:06
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zularosales: yes we are having the meeting right now16:06
arosaleszul, cool thanks.16:07
* arosales will join there16:07
xgeek-cubthe partition /boot should have the bootable flag; right?16:17
jemurrayxgeek-cub: Does not matter on modern hardware.16:18
xgeek-cubjemurray: it is off ; and i am on ESXI16:18
jemurrayxgeek-cub: GRUB should be installed in the MBR and it will just work no matter how that is setup.16:21
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MavKenany of you familiar with sendmail?  I just installed it, sent out mail from php script and it goes directly to spam folder on receiving end16:44
patdk-wkjust installing software != properly configured server16:48
patdk-wkand none of it really has to do anything with sendmail16:49
MavKenmy php script has header from kenny@domain.com but header in gmail shows the from address as www-data@localhost16:55
sarnoldMavKen: antispam these days is pretty complicated. you need to ensure the MTA is configured properly (not open relay, etc.), ought to configure spf and/or dkim; look around for e.g. what google does to filter mail, and make sure you're on the good side of all that.16:56
MavKenbut if i set my header with a from address, why does the header on the receiving end show that it is from www-data@localhost?16:57
patdk-wkwhat does the headers have to do with the from address? nothing16:57
patdk-wkmore important is your ip address and dns16:57
patdk-wkafter that, helo name16:58
patdk-wkafter that spf/dkim16:58
xpistosHi all. When I try to look at one of my network shares it lets me drop into the dir, but does not show me my files. I can verify the server is up but when I try to mount -a I get an error that says mount.nfs: mount system call failed16:59
sarnoldxpistos: it's easy to get a directory that you can 'cd' into but not use 'ls' -- if you give the directory execute permission but not read permission17:13
xpistossarnold: I can see in the dir, but my files are there. it is like it is grabbing a "folder" from the drive not the mounted shared drive17:15
err-or_hi, short question. what would you recommend? drbd + corosync + pacemaker + lvm or just drbd + haproxy on my firewall?17:16
xpistosHere is an easier issue. why, when I am using vnc does my terminal window close when I press the letter "d"17:16
err-or_vnc on a server?17:17
sarnoldxpistos: you may have a 'stuck' control key, either physically or somewhere in the protocol. ^D is the usual way to ask the shell/terminal to terminate17:17
xgeek-cubI just installed my ubuntu server via Vsphere console; now i want to ssh to it ; it is easier that way; is it any Howto available to setup SSH on my VPS17:17
err-or_xgeek-cub: you only need to install openssh-server on the virtual host, anbd make sure you can route to it on port 2217:18
xpistossarnold: might be the protocal but not sure how to fix that17:19
sarnoldxgeek-cub: it'd also be a good idea to set up authorized_keys for it and then turn off password support. you don't need to let the world brute force passwords...17:19
xgeek-cuberr-or_: i had the same problem before; I am kinda new to ssh; i know I should edit a couple of lines but no clue to which17:19
sarnoldxpistos: no, me neither, but hopefully fiddling with the keyboard control keys will reset it, at least for one connection..?17:19
xpistosWell i have narrowed that down to the "d" key is toggleing to show desktop17:22
sarnoldthat'll teach me a lesson. not sure what..17:23
esdeOn a fresh install of server 12.04 64-bit, i ran update, upgrade, then dist-upgrade. Then i installed php5 and it's dependencies, and added the percona source to my sources and installed percona-server-client-5.5 percona-server-server-5.5 and libmysqlclient-dev. Then I see this error http://pastebin.com/PKaKkkr2 when trying to run a script dealing with php and mysql, what can I do to resolve this? I found this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1075917:25
esde334/headers-and-client-library-minor-version-mismatch but I'm not sure how to do the steps indicated.17:25
patdk-wkhehe, conflicting percona libmysqlclient and ubuntu libmysqlclient are always fun17:28
xpistosYEAH! I was able to change it to ctrl+d and now I can type d's small victory17:28
patdk-wkgenerally best, don't install from source, it causes issues17:28
esdeThe issue was how i installed percona?17:28
sarnoldpatdk-wk: I don't think esde installed from source..17:29
patdk-wkyour percona mysql libmysqlclient isn't the same as your php5 libmysqlclient17:29
patdk-wksarnold, he just said he did17:29
patdk-wkinstalled percona-mysql-server-5.5 source17:30
sarnoldpatdk-wk: I think ".. to my sources" meant /etc/apt/sources.list  ...17:30
esdeI did this to install eprcona17:30
esde*percona http://pastebin.com/mBwBsK9t17:31
patdk-wkthere isn't going be a fix for that17:32
patdk-wkunless you want to recompile php against percona-mysql17:32
patdk-wkI never have that issue, cause I use dedicated mysql servers, so php is on a different server without percona on it17:32
esdeI'm just puzzled because the first time I setup the project, I followed the same steps and didn't get this error.17:32
patdk-wkit depends17:33
patdk-wksometimes percona and ubuntu mysql match versions17:33
patdk-wksometimes they don't17:33
esdeOk. Is there any way to tell if it's doing any damage?17:34
esdeRight now I just see an error, but everything seems to be working fine otherwise17:34
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sarnoldtough to say. if they didn't change anything in the ABI, it'll run fine without further issue. but if they did change some aspect of the ABI, it might fail in fairly subtle ways very infrequently.17:36
patdk-wkit shouldn't be an issue17:36
patdk-wkit's more of an issue going between mysql versions, like 5.0 or 5.1 to 5.517:36
patdk-wkbut both are 5.5, and almost the same subversion17:37
esdeGreat, thank you for your help :)17:37
sarnoldesde: I have faith that the percona guys wouldn't break ABI with a minor version update but I'm less certain about the mysql guys. :) hehe.17:37
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MavKencan you have more than one domain on spf record?18:15
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hispeed76how can i find out what disks are attached? i.e. i have /dev/sda-/dev/sdf, just attached an external drive, dmesg shows some stuff, but no /dev/sdg18:47
hispeed76sda and sdb are internal disks, sdc/sdd/sde/sdf are /dev/md0 just attached an external terabyte drive and it isn't showing up at /dev/sdg18:48
_root_hello again18:49
_root_i want to install freenx on 13.1018:50
_root_sudo apt-add-repository ppa:freenx-team18:50
_root_W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/freenx-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found18:50
_root_W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/freenx-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found18:50
_root_what is wrong?18:51
hispeed76was the hub, nevermind18:52
Phogdoes mdadm have any sort of caching capability with SSD's similar to zfs?18:53
xnoxPhog: yes.18:54
xnoxPhog: google for dm-cache18:54
Phogwas trying to decide between zfs or ext418:54
Phogfor a hybrid vm shared storage and general file storage18:54
Phogis it pretty slick18:56
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mgwWhat would cause kworker procs to accumulate?19:00
jrwren_root_: not a supported ubuntu version. see: https://launchpad.net/~freenx-team/+archive/ppa19:03
_root_jrwren, where is exactly source.list located? in my machine?19:06
Phoganother question, what about RAM19:07
Phogdoes ubuntu have something similar to the ARC19:07
jrwren_root_: yes, apt-add-repository adds a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d19:09
jrwrenPhog: if you mean auto reference counting that has nothing to do with an OS. That is a programming language feature of objective-C19:09
Phogi meant the ARC cache in ZFS19:10
Phoguses memory for caching19:10
jrwrenha! I obviously know nothing about ZFS :)19:10
Phoghaving trouble deciding on the best OS/file system for my home lab19:10
Phogtorn between ubuntu/ext4 and solaris/zfs19:11
jrwrenhave you considered ubuntu/btrfs19:12
jrwrenIMO solaris is always the wrong choice.19:12
jrwrenYou'd have to pay me huge $$$$ to even consider dealing with solaris.19:12
Phogi've read some19:12
Phogfrom what i've read btrfs still super new19:13
jrwreni don't care how good ZFS is. Its not worth the rest of solaris.19:13
jrwreni've no idea. sounds like you considered it and that is good.19:13
Phogi don't know a lot about it19:13
Phogand I *think* it benchmarks slower19:14
Phogyeah, im a solaris noob19:18
Phogit sure isn't easy19:18
gyre007what Disk encryption would you guys recommend...after doing a tad of research Imthinking LUKS looks like a good candidate19:20
_root_pphttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6325791/ any idea how to fix that line 2-619:21
jrwrenPhog: i've spent enough time in solaris in my life to never want to do it again. :)19:22
Phogi had being so indecisive19:24
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CreativeEmbassyHopefully a basic question: Is there a way to install ubuntu server 13.10 from netboot? I already have netboot running, but I can't tell which version of Ubuntu it's going to install.20:57
CreativeEmbassyAnd if it installs Ubuntu desktop, is there a way to convert it to ubuntu server? I mostly just want to get a small cloud going at the hackerspace here. Not used to sysadmining.20:58
_KaszpiR_just install server?20:58
_KaszpiR_minimum number of services20:58
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_KaszpiR_CreativeEmbassy try cat /etc/lsb-release21:01
CreativeEmbassyI just want to make sure the server stuff is covered. there's some extra diskspace if it downloads the desktop, I just don't need it.21:03
CreativeEmbassy_KaszpiR_ It's not running anything yet, I don't know how I can run that21:03
_KaszpiR_last time when I was booting netinstall it was asking for packages to install21:04
_KaszpiR_i selected none, and it didn;t even install desktop enviroment and so on21:05
_KaszpiR_I installed specific software later on21:05
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CreativeEmbassy_KaszpiR_ thanks. I'm going ahead with the install, and I'll see if it asks me about packages later. :)21:14
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sarnoldhallyn: thanks for the explanation re: /var/lib/lxc  :)22:19
hallynsarnold: np.  i actually hadn't realized theimplication about the release-to-release upgrades.  they *will* rechmod the dirs.  oh well.  c'est la vie.22:21
sarnoldhallyn: there's so many different ways people can upgrade and skip versions in the middle, it just seemed inevitable. but there's a nice convenient bug with good keywords and descriptions, hopefully the handful of people who might find themselves in this situation will find it and be content. :)22:23
eagles0513875hey guys anyone on 12.10 running apache 2.4 with php fpm and mod fast cgi?23:13
eagles0513875cuz im trying to follow the same method i used to get apache 2.2 running on 12.04 and it isnt working at all23:13
rbasakeagles0513875: post to the mailing list perhaps, if you don't get an answer here? It would be nice for people using that combination to sync up on this. I am sure there will be others in the future.23:38
eagles0513875rbasak: i already have a working setup on 12.04 i have no idea what has changed in 13.10 and what is going to be in 14.0423:39
eagles0513875rbasak: what mailing list are you talking about?23:39
rbasakeagles0513875: the ubuntu-server mailing list23:39
eagles0513875ill have to subscribe to it hehe23:39
rbasakeagles0513875: there were major changes involve in the 2.2->2.4 transition.23:39
rbasakeagles0513875: I expect far less change in 14.04. Probably just bugfixes, if anyone can pin any bugs down (as opposed to config changes, which we know are required)23:40
rbasakeagles0513875: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2013-September/006712.html23:40
eagles0513875basically alot of what i was seeing besides vhosts needing .conf which i think is really stupid imho23:41
eagles0513875is permissions and what not with php-fpm and fastcgi23:41
eagles0513875that was my biggest stumbling block23:41
rbasakIt makes packages that work with apache do the task much better23:41
BrianHAny Juju experts here?23:42
rbasakBrianH: yes, but also try #juju23:42
BrianHI'm having a problem bootstrapping my MAAS server.23:42
rbasakBrianH: #maas for MAAS :)23:42
rbasak(you're more likely to find experts active on IRC in their own channels)23:43
BrianHWell, I think it's Juju related, but I'm not sure.  My MAAS IP changed and when I try running juju bootstrap it keeps erroring out because it's looking for the old IP.23:44
eagles0513875im no juju expert but do you have the ip hard coded somewhere?23:44
rbasakBrianH: I recommend making sure your MAAS machine's IP doesn't change.23:45
rbasakBrianH: if you haven't bootstrapped yet, I think you can deal with that by just fixing your environment config.23:45
rbasakBrianH: but I'm not sure if MAAS needs any more help with that.23:45
eagles0513875i need to experiment with this cloud stuff that ubuntu has but i dont have the hardware to test with23:45
BrianHI changed my yaml file and it didn't seem to make a difference.23:46
rbasakBrianH: #maas will know better, but I don't think changing the MAAS server's IP is really supported.23:46
rbasakBrianH: #maas might tell you what you need to hack to make it go though23:46
BrianHrbasak: Thanks.23:46
rbasakeagles0513875: the latest juju-core will let you experiment with it on LXC containers quite nicely23:46
eagles0513875rbasak: so i was told by someone is LXC just apt-get install and thats it23:47
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