
AlanBellyay, download completed, 44.4 GiB of source pulled (main is 7.3 GiB) in about 3 hours00:29
penguin42AlanBell: So how many Pi's are you going to use00:41
penguin4210, 100?00:43
AlanBellone for the wanna-build machine and repository, another couple as buildd machines until I prove it works as a concept, then I will add a bunch more00:43
AlanBelland I can keep adding them until it goes fast :)00:44
predator8bithello, I have a little bit of a problem connecting to some hotspots, I have a wireless router which is secured by password and I can connect to that, but at a local place I cant connect to an unsecure one00:45
predator8bitmeaning my wireless card is fine, but somethings up with it at the same time00:45
AlanBellI am contemplating doing a kickstarter/indiegogo thing for the build farm, and making it a permanent thing00:45
AlanBellpredator8bit: maybe try going to edit connections and delete the saved details for that connection00:46
predator8bitbeen there, didnt work00:47
knightwisehey everyone08:02
MartijnVdSis it Nexus 5-day yet?08:10
knightwisehey MartijnVdS shauno08:10
knightwisehow are you guys08:10
knightwiseI have played with the new nexus 7 in the store this week08:10
knightwisealso looks pretty spiffy08:10
MartijnVdSbut it's not a phone ;)08:10
MartijnVdSmy Galaxy Nexus is starting to fall apart08:10
knightwiseI have a note2 at the moment08:14
knightwisepretty pleased with it so far08:14
MartijnVdSI prefer the Nexuses, because of the lack of crapware08:16
knightwisealthough I must say the samsung was pretty ok08:16
knightwisethey didnt add a lot of crap08:16
knightwisehmm .. i just installed snownews on my system08:17
knightwisenice clean rss newsreader08:17
knightwisebut no way to import my google reader opml files :(08:17
MartijnVdSknightwise: I use feedly.com for that08:18
knightwiseSo do I08:18
knightwisebut I wanted a command line reader too08:18
knightwiseits very un-distracting to just read on a ablack background08:18
MartijnVdSFeedly's "night" theme? ;)08:18
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knightwisealso something I could try08:21
knightwiseBut I like to work in the command line from time to time08:21
knightwisethat way I can just my thing on my little home server while tunneling away via an SSH tunnel08:21
knightwiseso work technies cant snif my traffic08:21
MartijnVdSknightwise: look into ssh -D ;)08:22
MartijnVdSknightwise: it sets up a Socks proxy you can point your browser at, so all your browser traffic seems to come from the ssh connection's other end08:23
knightwiseI also played with SSHuttle08:23
knightwisealso very cool beans :)08:23
knightwisebut i work on a windows machine at work :(08:24
knightwiseso I don't have a lot of fancy linux dingdongs08:24
knightwiseonly putty08:24
knightwiseand an ssh tunnel :)08:24
knightwisehey AlanBell08:40
diploMorning all08:40
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brobostigongood morning everyone.09:20
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diddledanmorning brobostigon09:32
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Internet Day! :-D09:49
MartijnVdSJamesTait: do we all get a free Internet?09:49
MartijnVdS\o/ free internets09:50
JamesTait* See MartijnVdS for details09:50
directhexfree internets! only $3.99 each!09:51
knightwiseanyone want some salt on his free internet today ?09:53
diddledandirecthex: plus applicable taxes and shipping09:55
MartijnVdSalso, void where prohibited.10:10
arseni wana build a shared linux host for say 2-3 users, with large cpu/memory for some intensive software, and have them all use say... vnc or something to connect to it and use simultaneously. All of this as opposed to say.. buying 3x high powered desktops that spend 50% of their time doing nothing. i was looking at like .. vmware or something as some sort of logical seperation, but i'm now thinking i can probably just do this natively in linux - but my difficult10:34
arsenthinking aloud, but could be a fun system to build.10:35
MartijnVdSarsen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX ?10:36
arsenooh, thanks :D10:37
arsenso i guess i'd like to do it over the network (then i can use a rackmount server with significantly higher spec) - is that feasible? i think the limitation comes from vnc being able to handle multiple displays.10:42
MartijnVdSarsen: you can use "remote desktop"10:47
MartijnVdSarsen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThinClients10:50
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davmor2Morning all11:09
BigRedSGoood Morning!11:11
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arsenhoe hum, this could get pretty complex. can't help but think ESXi with some flexible hardware limits would tick the box11:29
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arsendaftykins  o/11:39
daftykinshi sir11:39
daftykinsjust reconfigured my router... after my ISP remotely reset it...11:39
daftykinsday after i'd left the island =|11:39
arsenwhere you at these days?11:39
MartijnVdShow rude!11:39
daftykinsjust returned to Guernsey after a little over 10 days galavanting around England11:40
directhexwait, an arsen and a daftykins and a directhex?11:40
daftykinsthis can mean only one thing...11:40
directhexjust like old times!11:40
directhexmandatory http://bash.org/?search=directhex&sort=0&show=2511:40
daftykinsshould we wear black hats and crowd around a fire?11:40
arsenshowed my boss that again the other day.11:40
daftykinsi remember that day.11:40
arsen"look at me - i'm internet famous for being a 'tard"11:40
arsenive not even clicked the link, i know what it is :<11:41
daftykinsbest part was i thought the same but instinctively poked a key :(11:41
MartijnVdSarsen: aww :)11:41
daftykinsarsen: how be thee?11:41
daftykinsin fact how are we all?11:41
directhexNAKED! erm, i mean, meetings all day and definitely not naked11:42
arseni think that was ~10 years ago :p11:42
daftykinswe're THAT old.11:42
arsendepressing eh.11:42
MartijnVdSdirecthex: only the bit that's visible on the webcam is clothed, right?11:42
directhexmaybe a bit less11:42
directhexcloser to 9 years11:42
directhexMartijnVdS, my majestic torso cannot be contained!11:43
daftykinsdirecthex: it doesn't soften the blow11:43
directhexMartijnVdS, nah, i'm wearing a t-shirt with offensive text on it11:43
daftykinsFliss begs to differ11:43
arseni wish i could wear offensive tshirts :(11:43
MartijnVdSarsen: you can!11:44
arseni could put it under my shirt i guess.11:44
* MartijnVdS gives arsen permission to do so11:44
arsenhey here's somethign i thought of the other day - is anyone aware of an infrastructure/hardware style channel on freenode?11:45
arsengeared towards.. enterprise/business kit, rather than gaming PCs.11:45
mungbeana bit like the server room forum on ars techinca?11:45
arsenkinda yeah. i just find myself dealing with hardware a lot recently and i have nobody to talk about it with :D11:46
MartijnVdSarsen: your $hardware_company representative! ;)11:46
mungbeani have same problem11:46
mungbeanwith ibm kit11:46
MartijnVdSmungbean, arsen: Start a channel :)11:47
arsenyeah, sales guys just want sales though :)11:47
arsenyeah i did - didn't know what to call it, made #infrastructure and was surprised nobody was in there already.11:48
mungbeanCannot join to channel #sysadmin (You must be invited)11:48
arsenthat's probably why nobody is in there. xD11:48
mgdmtry ##sysadmin11:48
mgdm(wild guess)11:48
mungbeanCannot join to channel ##sysadmin (Bad channel key)11:48
mgdmah well11:49
arseni'll stick with #infrastructure - covers more than just servers i guess.11:49
directhex* Now talking on ###sysadmin11:49
mungbeantry #reddit-sysadmin11:50
arsennow to remember how to ircadmin.11:50
daftykinsarsen: :o you gonna make that server we spoke of?11:50
arsenwhich what where? :o11:54
andrewebdevanyone with nodejs experience able to help me with this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/367846/how-can-i-install-older-version-of-node-less14:20
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AzelphurDoes anyone know when you hit the criteria for fibre being too slow and requiring repairs?16:41
AzelphurI'm only getting 31.15mbit on my up to 72mbit line16:42
mungbeani wonder what the cost difference between dyson hand dryer and the mistubishi almost identical ripoffs16:47
mgdmMessiest urinals ever, those16:48
AzelphurThis is pretty bizarre actually, if I test on bbmax I get 60mbitish16:51
Azelphurbut everywhere else, consistently poor results.16:51
AlanBellAzelphur: you are plugged directly into it? no wifi or anything else in the way?16:52
Azelphurethernet to router running dd-wrt to fiber modem16:52
AlanBellyou can plug direct into the ADSL2 box if you install pppoe16:52
AlanBellbut yeah, that should be fine, if the router is fine16:53
Azelphuryea, routers fairly beefy16:54
AzelphurWRT610N running DD-WRT, it's always been high performance16:54
daftykinswhat are you getting on real world transfers?16:56
Azelphur2MB/sec from my server in NYC (dedicated 1gbit)16:57
AlanBellAzelphur: we are getting a fairly solid 69.73Mbps down our line as measured by speedtest.net17:02
AzelphurIt's speeding up a tad now, managed to get 45. Seems to have /huge/ jumps in speed o.O17:03
Azelphurbut yea, http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3065455675 and http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/306548910017:04
Azelphurthose two tests are only 20 minutes apart17:04
AlanBellbit of local contention maybe17:05
Azelphurmaybe, that's a huge amount of contention17:05
Azelphurdon't mind us, just overselling your 70mbit connection down to 20. xD17:06
Seeker`Azelphur: Originally, BT Infinity required at least 16 mbit I think17:10
AzelphurI see, not hitting the threshold...just17:11
AlanBellhow can I locally test the speed of my wireless network card?19:14
AlanBellI have something that is on the wired lan I guess I could netcat stuff to it, I just wonder if there is a tool that just does it19:15
ali1234i used wget for it19:16
ali1234fetching the same file over and over on a loop19:17
ali1234then running md5sums on it19:17
ali1234got loads of errors, i think it was a bad card19:17
popeyAlanBell: iperf -s on one box, iperf -c <ip of other box> on the other19:19
DJonespopey: Are you ok for a pm19:20
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AlanBellthanks popey, exactly what I wanted19:29
MartijnVdShey, twitter now expands photos by default19:34
MartijnVdSfrom supported services19:34
arsennload is also handy if you want to view your inbound/outbound on an interface - means you can see the bandwidth ceiling pretty easily :P20:06
diddledantwo for tuesday sounds tempting20:23
Azelphuroh wow, I figured out why my internet is having issues21:01
Azelphurgreat, it's cleanfeed.21:01
Azelphurwelcome to chinafiltering folks, it only goes downhill from here.21:01
Azelphurcan't load pretty much any pages on imgur any more, since all the traffic is trying to be routed through talktalks crappy cleanfeed server that can't take the load, time to tunnel all traffic on port 80 I guess. -.-21:05
diddledanAzelphur: ouch21:06
diddledanthat's bad21:06
Azelphur$ ping -c 20 imgur.com 20 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 19142ms21:06
AzelphurI get 1 packet through every 200 or so.21:06
moreatiAzelphur: httpseverywhere might do https://imgur.com/ the can't filter want they can't decrypt21:06
Azelphurthis is actually a very good test of it21:07
diddledan99.5% packet loss, nice21:07
AzelphurI'm gonna try and load the exact same image, at the exact same time, https and http, see what happens.21:07
diddledanare any other sites affected or is it only imgur?21:07
Azelphuronly imgur.21:08
Azelphurand the packet loss is inside talktalk21:08
shaunoAzelphur: curiously, I've heard that on other ISPs recently; http://community.virginmedia.com/t5/Up-to-60Mb-Speed/imgur-com-very-slow/td-p/2007786  and http://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/1orqkp/imgur_blocked_for_virginmedia_customers/21:08
Azelphurshauno: yes, that's how I figured it out.21:08
Azelphurlooks like it's done at the IP level too, so I can't even get through on HTTPS.21:08
diddledanand this is why I sign every petition I come across related to censorship21:09
MartijnVdStime to come to .nl! no censorship like that *by law*21:09
diddledanMartijnVdS: damn you dutch!21:09
Azelphurnow I can't browse reddit since 99% of the content is on imgur21:09
MartijnVdSdiddledan: *bless21:09
ali1234i told you not to get talktalk21:10
shaunoI've said for years that it's much easier to be british when you don't have to live there.  it's not meant to sound as mean as it ends up though21:10
ali1234i told you....21:10
MartijnVdSAzelphur: can't you call your ISP and say you're over 18 and want the adult internet, or something21:10
AzelphurMartijnVdS: cleanfeed superceeds that.21:10
MartijnVdSwow, evil21:10
Azelphurali1234: yea, I wonder if I could use this as means to break contract21:10
AzelphurSSH tunneling to my server in USA for now, imgur works fine again :)21:11
penguin42shauno: I seem to be able to get imgur from vm21:19
Azelphurpenguin42: yea, but all the traffic is being cleaned through virgins cleanfeed server21:20
Azelphurand when that's slow, or unusable, you get imgur (and other sites) inaccessible21:20
Azelphurwhich is what I'm getting now, only talktalk.21:20
penguin42Azelphur: Interestingly I am seeing odd things with google maps/image searches with it having problems with lots of open connections - e.g. an image search where it displays hundreds of iamges I'm seeing a lot stalling21:22
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moreatipenguin42: long shot, does your router have a public IP? What your decribing sounds like a failure mode of carrier grade NAT21:28
penguin42moreati: Yes it does have public IP21:28
penguin42moreati: However, whether Google sees those IPs directly or whether it ends up going through some hideous combination of caches/'transparent' proxies/filters then who the heck knows21:29
shaunoodd, those are both almost entirely https here21:40
penguin42shauno: Do they do that for things like image search results?21:40
shaunothey go even stranger for image results, they use data: blobs instead of making another request21:41
shaunogoogle have a very bizarre idea of optimization, since everything comes out of the object storage anyway, it doesn't actually make any difference to them whether its served as a static asset or not21:45
diddledangoogle's in a pretty unique position in that everything needs to be dynamics21:59
shaunoit's not so much that it needs to be.  it's pretty much the default.  you prefer static or cache because the filesystem is faster than filesystem+exec or filesystem+preprocessor22:01
shaunotheir backend is their object storage either way.  so shoving the results of the query out in one huge chunk is faster than having you make 60 http requests, 60 requests off the object storage, etc.  they have no filesystem to prefer22:02
shaunocan't help thinkign ad heuristics are quite broken.  booked a room at a hotel, because I've stayed there a few times and like the location.22:17
shaunoit now pops up as a little text ad in every single youtube video22:17
Myrttidwatkins: guess what?22:39
Myrttiwow. So much doge!22:39
penguin42shauno: Sigh yes, I hate getting ads for things I've already bought - months before23:24
Azelphurwheee, this is fun. TF2 just released the halloween update, so we put up a server running the event, which filled in ~5 seconds23:29
Azelphurthen another...and another...and another, we're now running 10, 32 slot event servers (so 320 players)23:29
Azelphurshifting 55mbit/sec xD23:29

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