
wafhi hackfu00:42
hackfuHow are you waf?00:42
wafpretty well, just hanging out and hacking on stuff. you?00:43
hackfuJust got back in michigan.00:45
hackfuMy wife's mother passed away and we inherited her gorgeous estate00:45
wafoh, i'm sorry. where in michigan are you?00:46
hackfuIn Holland, Michigan.00:46
wafah, ok. there's a lot of cool linuxy stuff going on in GR00:47
hackfuThe estate is right on the lake macatawa00:49
hackfuAnd its on 38 acres of land00:49
hackfuPictures of the estate and land we inherited.00:53
wafgrand rapids00:53
wafwow, beautiful00:53
hackfuIts gorgeous.00:55
hackfuits 12,000 square feet00:55
brouschhackfu: Grand Rapids is about 30 minutes East of Holland. Holland is kind of a suburb of it01:20
brouschWe have groups for whatever you're into http://conga-wm.org/group-list/01:21
brouschThat's an incredible estate01:26
hackfuIt is01:26
hackfuVery Gatsby-esque01:26
hackfutheres also a horse barn, pastures, paddocks, 10 acre pine wwoodded area01:27
hackfuits a real beauty of retreat.01:27
hackfuits beyond beautiful01:28
hackfuand the residence has both indoor and outdoor pools01:28
brouschWhat are you going to do with it?01:30
cmaloneyI'd love for once to not have my machine lock up when I put in a CD05:16
rick_h_ugh, mifi unable to find a network today :/12:03
brouschDid you pay your bill?12:04
rick_h_heh, yep sure did12:04
cmaloneyThat's no fun13:14
cmaloneybtw: rick_h_: Did you make it out to the Woodward Caribou / Peets?13:15
rick_h_cmaloney: no I did not. :/ Too much to catch up on had no hacking time13:16
cmaloneyNo worries.13:16
cmaloneyWonder if I can swing JoDee over there sometime for lunch13:16
cmaloneyThe one Downtown is completely gutted. No chairs, no signs, no nothing13:17
rick_h_cmaloney: ok, thanks. Let me know if not before you end of day. I've got to get erica from the airport tonight. Maybe the boy and I can leave early have swing down around there13:18
trevlarIs the woodward one already back open?13:26
rick_h_trevlar: doubtful, we're wondering if it exists at all13:28
rick_h_ah, well that's good to know then I guess13:30
rick_h_cmaloney: ^^13:30
cmaloneyrick_h_: Ah, from conjecture to reality.13:35
cmaloneySo that place will be busy.13:35
rick_h_cmaloney: yea, I might try to work there during the day to check onthe room policy and such then. Try to catch it at open?13:35
rick_h_but a bit away on the 11th13:36
cmaloneyShold we stick it out at the Starbucks on Woodward, or try something else in the interim?13:42
jrwrenstupid tip: run byobu-ctrl-a to get your ctrl-a back :)13:53
jrwrenonly took me a day to figure that out13:53
cmaloneyFunny that: I converted to ctrl-b without a problem. :)13:58
jrwrendid you restart tmux?14:04
=== mathomastech_ is now known as mathomastech
cmaloneyIt came by default15:18
cmaloneyjrwren: That said, I stopped using Byobu and just went with straight tmux.15:24
jrwrenbyobu-tmux does all this stupid things to be compat with screen :(15:28
cmaloneyYeah, and frankly I don't need the compatability any more.15:34
greg-gwhat kind of compat did you need before?15:35
* greg-g is still using screen15:35
greg-gcurious about these new fangled things15:35
cmaloneytmux is nicer than screen for me for a number of reasons:15:35
cmaloney1) Shared sessions. I don't have to disconnect another session if I don't want to15:35
cmaloney2) Decent compatability15:36
cmaloney3) Windowed terms if I want them (not that I usually do)15:36
cmaloney4) Doesn't re-map CTRL-A, which I use for getting to the beginning of the line at times.15:36
cmaloney5) Can have multiple named sessions, and can swap between them from the same client15:37
cmaloneyI have some modifications in my .tmux.conf file that I can post, but they're pretty bog-standard.15:40
rick_h_http://paste.mitechie.com/show/1056/ :)15:41
cmaloneyAnd there goes rick_h_, showing how customizing is really done.15:42
rick_h_cmaloney: yea, I figure we'll try to ride out until the peets opens15:42
rick_h_cmaloney: I don't have a better idea15:43
cmaloneyYeah, the best I can come up with is to try Barnes and Noble, but that's also a crap shoot.15:44
cmaloneyActually... let me try something different. :)15:45
greg-g(sorry, Rowan cam to disturb the home office :) )15:45
cmaloneyWow, nice.15:47
rick_h_vim all the things!15:48
jrwreni like the current data use in the status bar, and Im too lazy to figure how to write that myself with tmux :)15:49
cmaloneyI think byobu writes out a tmux file.15:49
cmaloneythough it's been a while since I checked15:49
mathomastechHey everyone, remember that guy who was in the channel yesterday, hackfu, talking about his mothers estate he just inherited near grand rapids. Well, he just was telling the Minnesota channel about his mothers estate near Lake Minnetoka (Minnesota). Guess his mother was filthy rich.17:13
cmaloneyUh huh17:14
cmaloneyI knew those photos weren't in Michigan17:14
cmaloneythere was actual sunlight in them. ;)17:14
mathomastech  │09:12:22 mathomastech_ | Good morning hackfu!                                                                                                                                        │17:15
mathomastech               │09:12:39        hackfu | How are you mathomastech?                                                                                                                                   │17:15
mathomastech               │09:12:53            -- | You are now known as mathomastech                                                                                                                           │17:15
mathomastech               │09:13:14  mathomastech | I'm doing really well. Busy as always.                                                                                                                      │17:15
mathomastech               │09:13:23  mathomastech | How about yourself?                                                                                                                                         │17:15
mathomastech               │09:15:40        hackfu | I just got to Minnesota.                                                                                                                                    │17:15
mathomastech               │09:15:57        hackfu | My wife's mother passed away last month and we inherited her Lake Minnetonka estate                                                                         │17:15
mathomastech               │09:16:28        hackfu | We are staying here for few days and eventually we plan to lease it.                                                                                        │17:15
mathomastech               │09:54:23  mathomastech | hackfu: Sorry to hear that. Though I saw you saying the same thing for an estate in Michigan on their channel yesterday. She must have had a lot of         │17:15
mathomastech               │                       | estates.17:15
rick_h_pastebin *cough*17:15
brouschWhy would someone do that?17:17
cmaloneyThere's a user named hackfu- in the irc logs of other channels17:19
greg-gI'll take an estate if he has extra17:20
cmaloneyOK, this is weird17:20
cmaloneyHe's the guy that made the claim about Facebook17:20
cmaloneyAnd that ne needed to get to France because of some Chromium hack17:21
greg-ghe's almost a bot17:22
gamerchick02hi. is there going to be a new lococast sometime?22:36
cmaloneygamerchick02: Possibly, but no plans at the moment23:03
gamerchick02i'll leave it in my podcatcher then23:04
gamerchick02i've been doing an audit of stuff i listen to and stuff i don't.23:04
jrwrenwrote some fun stuff today. our cloud management system now supports jinja2 templates for its cloud-config so we can do things like {% if in_ec2 %} or {% if in_our_openstack %}23:28
jrwrenbasically we can have a single cloudconfig and start instances in ec2 or openstack adn they behave differently, but as you'd want and expect the differenes.23:29
cmaloneygamerchick02: Yeah, just keep it in there. There will be another episode sooner or later.23:39
gamerchick02sweet. i love listening to you guys talk about linux and books23:40
gamerchick02even though i don't always understand some of the programming stuff.23:40
cmaloneyI appreciate that23:53

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