
=== adamxx is now known as adamx
ValenessIs there a way to remove an application listing from the menu with a CLI command?00:04
MrPPSUbnoobtu: *usually* (and it doesn't have to be this way, it just often is) you're running the commands from the destination machine00:06
neriumI've a server that's currently having a load average of over 900:06
neriumCan anyone see anything wrong in top output?00:06
FloodBot1nerium: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:06
MrPPSi.e., you're setting on machine "A", and pulling from "machine "B"00:06
DANtheBEASTmanI'm transitioning from debian stable to ubuntu precise. somebody please explain to me how I'm supposed to get newer packages? on debian backporting was simple. on ubuntu it's proving to be a nightmare. I'd prefer not to use ppas that aren't maintained by upstream.00:06
YowlI made a partition, but it seems to have been made with high restriction permission setting, How do i open up its permissions?00:06
Dr_WillisYowl:  what filesystem did you put on it?00:07
YowlDr_Willis: ext400:07
Dr_WillisYowl:  then you need to use chown/chmod to have it owned by whatever users/groups you want to have access to it.00:07
Dr_Willisits not 'high restriction permissions' ;) its owned by root by default.00:07
Dr_Williswhats the mountpoint of the filesystem at this time?00:08
UbnoobtuMrPPS I've ran the command on the pc I want receiving it, and it didn't ask for the PW or anything, its just thinking00:08
MrPPSUbnoobtu: what is your exact command?00:08
omixamHow can install mtpfs?00:08
YowlDr_Willis: How So how do I chown it? Mount point? not sure, base level I guess00:09
UbnoobtuMrPPS, sudo ssh connell@
Demwho likes ubuntu 13.1000:09
k1lUbnoobtu: dont sudo ssh00:09
MrPPSUbnoobtu: you don't need to run that as sudo00:09
Ubnoobtuits stopped00:09
Dr_WillisYowl:  you mount a filesystem to some directory (which Must exist befor you mount it) then you chown/chmod that directory as needed00:09
MrPPSUbnoobtu: second, just ssh'ing into it won't get you any files00:09
MrPPSUbnoobtu: which computer are the files you want located?00:09
MrPPSand in which folder are they?00:09
Ubnoobtuit says connect to host ip.here.0.1. port 22: connection timed out00:09
k1lUbnoobtu: dont use sudo with every command. think before using sudo00:09
YowlDr_Willis: Media\ and a really long number00:09
omixamwhich is the repossitory fo mtpfs?00:10
heywoodexperimenting with freeNX, just installed it on my 12.04 LTS box. i already have passwordless (key-based) ssh access set up to that machine. can i re-use the same keypair for freeNX?00:10
MrPPSUbnoobtu: alright, let me give you a scenario00:10
MrPPSlets say you're using computer with ip address
MrPPSand you want files on computer
MrPPSthe file that you want is located in the folder: /home/robert/IwantTHIS.jpg00:11
MrPPSso, you'd go to the terminal on your computer (the computer that is
MrPPSand you would type:00:11
MrPPSscp robert@ ./IwantTHIS.jpg00:12
MrPPSUbnoobtu: and what that does, is the following00:12
MrPPSscp - says to use "SCP", which is a program to copy files over SSH00:12
GarzakHello everyone. I have a problem with... Minecraft! I can access the launcher, but when I clic "Play", the Minecraft windows doesn't appear (I just get a "?" icon on the unity left pane). I tryed with openjdk 6/7, oracle-java 6/7, but still the same issue. Does anyone here have an idea please ? :p00:12
MrPPSsecond field tells it the location of the remote file, in the format user@host:/file/location00:12
MrPPSthird field tells it where you want it to go locally00:12
MrPPSin this case, "./" just says current folder00:12
MrPPSand you can specify a name after that, or if you don't, it'll keep its original name00:13
MrPPSI hope that helps Ubnoobtu00:13
Ubnoobtuthat clears up a lot,00:13
Ubnoobtubut how do i get past00:13
Ubnoobtuit says connect to host ip.here.0.1. port 22: connection timed out00:13
MrPPSthat means your trying to connect to a machine which does not have SSH running00:13
Dr_WillisYowl:  ie:     sudo mount /dev/sdd1   /media/sdd100:13
Dr_WillisYowl:  sudo chown bubba:bubba /media/sdd100:13
Dr_WillisYowl:  the long number is the uuid. You can mount it whever you want00:13
Dr_WillisYowl:  the auto mounting system uses the UUID if the filesystem has no LABEL00:13
Dr_WillisYowl:  so you can chown/chmod that /media/thenumber00:13
MrPPSif you copied and pasted that00:13
MrPPSis not an ip address00:14
UbnoobtuI was trying to connect to this one00:14
MrPPSUbnoobtu: and if you redacted that, there's not really a need to00:14
MrPPSif it's on your LAN00:14
MrPPSbecause LAN addresses are not unique - they're used all over the world00:14
UbnoobtuI'm worried, I read a lot about SSH services being a big help for hackers00:14
MrPPSso I could tell you mine is
MrPPSbut that means nothing, because it's a "private" address00:14
Ubnoobtuto get into your system if its unprotected00:15
Ubnoobtui see00:15
MrPPSUbnoobtu: additionally, even if you gave me your public IP address, I still don't know your password00:15
MrPPSso it's going to be much more effort than it's worth to break in :P00:15
YowlDr_Willis: But I did give the partition a label00:15
MrPPSbut, LAN IP addresses are always safe to give away00:15
=== g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
themhzubuntu 13.10 is LTS?00:16
=== gbyers[Away] is now known as g_byers
Picithemhz: no.00:16
MrPPSthemhz: no, every 2 years00:17
MrPPSso 14.04 will be next00:17
Ubnoobtuokay, so the computer I am using is, I want the folders on, so I type spc -r connell@ to get the folder?00:17
hitsujiTMOthemhz: no ... lts is every 2 years ... i.e, 12.04, 14.04, 16.04 etc00:17
Picithemhz: 10.04, 12.04 etc00:17
MrPPSthemhz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS00:17
themhzok thank you00:17
themhzeach year grows one V?00:17
MrPPSthemhz: each .5 year00:17
themhzthank you00:17
Picithemhz: The release numbers are the YEAR.MONTH of release00:17
hitsujiTMOthemhz: the versioning is Year.Month00:17
MrPPSUbnoobtu: almost - you'd have to put the destination at the end of that00:17
MrPPSUbnoobtu: also, I think you installed SSH in before, but not on
MrPPSso make sure it's installed on, or else you won't be able to connect to it00:18
UbnoobtuI have ssh installed on both, is that bad?00:18
MrPPSUbnoobtu: it's not00:18
MrPPSUbnoobtu: was just making sure you had it installed is all00:18
MrPPSI have it installed on all my computers + servers00:18
vcs./set theme pandemonium00:18
MrPPSso no need to worry :P00:18
Guest2376i have caffine running , and disable screensaver checked and my screensaver keeps activating, can someone assist00:19
Ubnoobtuokay, thanks, and should I reset the ssh services before I try to connect? or how can I make sure they are running coorectly?00:19
vachoI am setting up a linode for a LAMP server, should I go with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or 13.10??00:19
MrPPSUbnoobtu: you can type: sudo service status ssh00:19
MrPPSthat will tell you if it's running00:19
MrPPSvacho: I'd suggest 12.04 LTS00:19
MrPPSthen upgrade to 14.04 LTS when it comes up00:19
MrPPSiirc, there's an upgrade path from each LTS to the next00:20
vachoaight, got it00:20
=== g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
vacho12.04 is still being updated and supported right?00:20
MrPPSvacho: correct, I use it for my web and mail serveres00:20
MrPPSand am still regularly getting updates00:20
YowlDr_Willis: Is the Bubba:bubba if its named that? or is that part of the command?00:20
=== gbyers[Away] is now known as g_byers
Ubnoobtuconnell@connell-laptop:~$ sudo service status ssh [sudo] password for connell:  status: unrecognized service00:20
MrPPSand will do so until october 201700:20
Ubnoobtuwtf, I know I installed it00:20
vachoMrPPS: aight, going to attend to install virtualmin/webmin00:20
MrPPSvacho: which you can see from that website I linked :)00:20
MrPPSUbnoobtu: are you sure? try installing it again, and see what happens00:21
Pici!webmin | :(00:21
ubottu:(: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.00:21
vachoMrPPS: didn't see any websit?00:21
MrPPSvacho: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS00:21
Ubnoobtuconnell@connell-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install openssh [sudo] password for connell:  Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package openssh00:21
vachoPici: it says on webmin's site that it's supported?00:21
MrPPSUbnoobtu: sudo apt-get install ssh00:22
Picivacho: If you have any issues with it you'll need to take it up with them then. We don't support it here.00:22
vachoPici: ok thanks for letting me know!00:22
SmallR2002also, openssh-server and openssh-client are the actual packages as I remember00:22
vachomaybe I should install it on debian then?00:22
MrPPSyou're right SmallR2002, just ssh is quicker to type :P00:22
UbnoobtuSetting up ssh (1:5.9p1-5ubuntu1.1) ... connell@connell-laptop:~$ sudo service status ssh status: unrecognized service connell@connell-laptop:~$00:23
MrPPSvacho: what do you want to "get out" of webmin?00:23
MrPPSi.e., reasononing bhind installing it?00:23
SmallR2002MrPPS: to be fair you might want client and not server00:23
MrPPSSmallR2002: issue is the remote server isn't accepting the connection00:23
vachoMrPPS: all the admin tools. so I don't have to deal with setting up virtualhsots etc.00:23
MrPPSwhich, to me, would indicate a lack of ssh server, rather than client?00:23
SmallR2002MrPPS: odd, does telnet work to the same port (firewall check)?00:23
Ubnoobtuokay, so how do I make sure ssh is running aggain, and how do I get it running if its not00:24
MrPPSSmallR2002: ask Ubnoobtu :P its his issue :)00:24
SmallR2002MrPPS: I'm so not paying attention00:24
MrPPSUbnoobtu: you did it the wrong way around :P00:24
Guest2376Ubnoobtu: service sshd status00:24
MrPPSUbnoobtu: sudo service ssh status00:24
* Ubnoobtu shoots himself in the foot00:24
MrPPSGuest2376: sshd isn't the service name :)00:25
MrPPSSmallR2002: all good :)00:25
Guest2376MrPPS: thx00:25
Ubnoobtuokay here is the end result00:25
Guest2376MrPPS: shouldn't caffine disable xscreensaver00:25
Ubnoobtunnell@connell-laptop:~$ sudo service ssh status ssh stop/waiting00:26
vacho"Fully update your system with the native package manager before beginning installation."00:26
MrPPSGuest2376: has nothing to do with me00:26
vachohow do I do that from terminal in ubuntu?00:26
MrPPSvacho: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:26
Ubnoobtushould I try to connect now?00:26
MrPPSvacho: also, I've always done my virtual hosts by hand00:26
Guest2376MrPPS: ya it does, i asked you +-)00:26
MrPPSGuest2376: oh sorry, thought you were trying to answer a question00:26
MrPPSGuest2376: no idea, in that case, don't use caffeine00:27
MrPPSaside from in my coffee's00:27
MrPPSUbnoobtu: so it's stopped, in that case00:27
MrPPSsudo service ssh start00:27
MrPPSUbnoobtu: do that ^00:27
SmallR2002I'm having fun installing Ubuntu on an old T20 with 128MB of RAM00:27
SmallR2002this is fun00:27
SmallR2002or something like that00:27
Guest2376hi all i have caffine on ubuntu 13.04 with xscreen saver, and i have caffine running with disable screen saver checked , but the screen saver is still activated , can someone assist00:27
MrPPSSmallR2002: I can't imagine the modern versions would run spectacularly on that by default00:28
SmallR2002MrPPS: net install, going for icewm and some stuff00:28
MrPPSah that'll run alright then :)00:28
wilee-nileeSmallR2002: netinstall  server?00:28
SmallR2002MrPPS: I plan on upgrading it to a whole 512MB00:28
MrPPSpersonal laptop, SmallR2002 ?00:28
SmallR2002personal and just straight netinstall00:29
SmallR2002from there ^^00:29
SmallR2002it has been going for a little while now00:29
SmallR2002at the 'select and install software' process00:30
SmallR2002I'm running LVM and dm-crypt on there too00:30
Dr_WillisYowl:  bubba is the users name for example00:30
MrPPSSmallR2002: you know, I've never actually done a net install00:31
MrPPSnever had to00:31
SmallR2002MrPPS: that's the only way I install debian00:31
SmallR2002hardcore minimalist :p00:31
Dr_Willisextreme minimalism!00:32
omixammake: Nothing to be done for `all '. when I try to compile mtpfs....00:32
SmallR2002whenever someone says 'spin up a VM for that and we'll host it' at work it's the debian netinstall I go straight for00:32
UbnoobtuSo , made sure that ssh is running on both computers00:33
cvtsxHow do i get winbuntu? (its like windows but slower)00:33
Dr_Williscvtsx:  never heard of it. check its homepage for details i guess. since its not suppored here if its some ubuntu-spinoff00:33
Ubnoobtuand I ran the command ssh connell@ and I got the same error, port 22:connection timed out00:33
cvtsxOk thanks00:33
DANtheBEASTmanI'm transitioning from debian stable to ubuntu precise. somebody please explain to me how I'm supposed to get newer packages? on debian backporting was simple. on ubuntu it's proving to be a nightmare. I'd prefer not to use ppas that aren't maintained by upstream developers00:34
madMan_Xanadauif i install ccsm, make changes, then uninstall ccsm... do i keep the changes?00:34
MrPPSUbnoobtu: when you ran the "sudo service ssh status" command, did it return to say that it was "start/running"?00:34
Ubnoobtuon both machines, yes00:34
Dr_WillisDANtheBEASTman:  the backports repo might have some things. but in general theres not many official 'new versions' of packages for a given ubuntu relase00:34
MrPPSUbnoobtu: alright, and just to confirm00:35
Dr_WillisDANtheBEASTman:  thats sort of the point of ppa's to let users get newer stuff of things they may want00:35
UbnoobtuI just re ran it on the machine  im trying to get the files from, and its now says stopped waiting00:35
Dr_Willis!latest | DANtheBEASTman00:35
ubottuDANtheBEASTman: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.00:35
MrPPSUbnoobtu: ah, well, try starting it again00:35
MrPPSubottu: and immediately after starting it, check the status00:35
ubottuMrPPS: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:35
MrPPSsorry ubottu!00:35
MrPPSUbnoobtu: ^^00:35
cvtsxi like bots00:35
wilee-nileemadMan_Xanadau: uninstalling it would be a bad idea it's barely stable if you mess with it anyway.00:36
UbnoobtuIts stopped00:36
madMan_Xanadauwilee-nilee, i shal not use it, don't really need to lol ;\00:36
MrPPSUbnoobtu: and you did run the commands sudo?00:36
Ubnoobtuconnell@connell-laptop:~$ sudo service ssh status [sudo] password for connell:  ssh stop/waiting connell@connell-laptop:~$ sudo service ssh start ssh start/running, process 19048 connell@connell-laptop:~$ sudo service ssh status ssh stop/waiting connell@connell-laptop:~$00:37
madMan_Xanadauhey when I try to "sudo nautilus" i get a "IBUS-WARNING **: The owner of /home/username/.config/ibus/bus is not root!"  but i am root.00:37
wilee-nileemadMan_Xanadau: gksudo that are you an admin in this account?00:38
=== adamxx is now known as adamx
MrPPSUbnoobtu: perhaps try a reinstall on that system00:39
MrPPSsudo apt-get remove --purge ssh; sudo apt-get install ssh00:39
madMan_Xanadauwilee-nilee, one ssec00:39
MrPPSUbnoobtu: and if it still doesn't work, we'll take a look at why it's not00:39
wilee-nileemadMan_Xanadau: what do you mean you are in root?00:39
MrPPSback in 5 Ubnoobtu00:40
Ubnoobtuthank you again00:40
madMan_Xanadauwilee-nilee, i am the admin, the only user.00:40
madMan_Xanadauwilee-nilee, this used to work with just "sudo" ... also messes with00:40
madMan_Xanadauwilee-nilee, this used to work with just "sudo" ... also messes with 'gedit'00:41
madMan_Xanadausorry *--00:41
vachowhen updating ubuntu, does it automatically update the package management URL"S?00:41
wilee-nileemadMan_Xanadau: you seem to have lost it, it would be gksudo as well.00:41
cvtsxis a 32gb ssd big enough for ubuntu 64bit and a few apps (code blocks)00:41
madMan_Xanadauwilee-nilee, how do I make myself root again?00:41
heywoodhi all. anyone reasonably well familiar with freeNX?00:42
wilee-nileemadMan_Xanadau: Not sure exactly to be honest.00:42
k1lcvtsx: yes. the / takes something from 5GB to 10GB.00:42
cvtsxthanks k1l ;)00:43
DANtheBEASTmanDr_Willis: I'm sorry I just don't trust random ubuntu users binaries, I'd rather build from upstream source like I do on Debian, but none of the backports that I've tried are successful. I'm about to give up and go back to Debian00:43
wilee-nileemadMan_Xanadau: calling yourself root is also confusing contextually, you can have super user access, but the term root is incorrect.00:44
madMan_Xanadauwilee-nilee, hm probably has to do with some gparted stuff i did recently, think i mounted outside of root on install...00:44
madMan_Xanadauwilee-nilee, oh00:44
wilee-nileemadMan_Xanadau: might just be quickest to reinstall correctly.00:45
MrPPSalright, back Ubnoobtu00:46
madMan_Xanadauwilee-nilee, i've been doin that a lot lately... with my 13.10 usb...  many problems... any bad things that can some of this? seems to be doing fine so far... been like 7 times in the last 5 days00:46
=== GuestSher is now known as LAMBODIE
UbnoobtuWelcome back, A reinstall didnt correct it, and I googled some and found this. http://askubuntu.com/questions/201995/bizarre-ssh-problem-it-wont-even-start00:46
UbnoobtuI did that and that didnt help, so I am uninstalling it completely00:47
wilee-nileemadMan_Xanadau: these full installs or loading iso's, and a flash or hd?00:47
MrPPSLAMBODIE: don't PM with crap I don't need00:47
UbnoobtuWelcome back, A reinstall didnt correct it, and I googled some and found this. http://askubuntu.com/questions/201995/bizarre-ssh-problem-it-wont-even-start MrPPS00:48
UbnoobtuI did that and that didnt help, so I am uninstalling it completely MrPPs00:48
madMan_Xanadauwilee-nilee,  uhm, made a usb with a 13.10 ISO using Linux Live... and I format and re-install each time.00:48
madMan_Xanadauwilee-nilee, the ..."erase all current 13.10 files" option00:48
MrPPSUbnoobtu: alright, let me know how you get on00:49
UbnoobtuMrPPS, I see the etc/ssh folder still exsists after uninstall,00:49
Ubnoobtuhow can I clean that out to be fresh00:49
MrPPSremove it :)00:50
MrPPSrm -rf /etc/ssh/00:50
Dr_WillisUbnoobtu:  you did 'purge' the ssh packages so you removed all teh config files?00:51
wilee-nileemadMan_Xanadau: I can't really follow your descriptions, it is apparent this is fairly new to you, I'm not sure I can really help beyond this00:51
UbnoobtuI put in sudo apt-get remove --purge ssh00:51
madMan_Xanadauwilee-nilee,  i hear ya, thanks a bunch man.  later, just going to re-install.00:51
Dr_WillisUbnoobtu:  and does /etc/ssh/ still exist?00:51
Dr_Williswith files in  /etc/ssh/?00:52
UbnoobtuYes Dr_Willis00:52
Dr_Willismove those files to some backup dir..00:52
auzziehey gents anyone know where i can get a list of australian professional support partners for ubuntu? looking at buying support00:52
SmallR2002might be worth running updatedb and then locate ssh00:52
trismUbnoobtu: ssh is just a metapackage, it doesn't have any config00:52
auzziefor the company i work for00:52
wilee-nileemadMan_Xanadau: good luck we all start somewhere. ;)00:52
SmallR2002auzzie: this is IRC, there are no gents here :p00:52
trismUbnoobtu: it doesn'00:52
trismUbnoobtu: it depends on openssh-client and openssh-server00:53
SmallR2002madMan_Xanadau: might be worth imaging a fresh install so you can just revert to that when you break it00:53
MrPPSauzzie: wipro is global00:53
MrPPSbut not sure that's precisely what you're after00:53
=== Nothing_Much_ is now known as Nothing_Much
cvtsxAnyone have a ssd boot drive for ubuntu?00:54
auzziemrpps: thanks. its a starting point... any other ideas?00:54
cvtsxI am wondering if i should get a 32gb ssd and put it in my laptop00:54
Dr_Willissudo apt-get remove --purge openssh-server          Ubnoobtu00:54
UbnoobtuIt wont let me move, or delete the files, I'll need to sudo it, what the command for that?00:54
madMan_XanadauSmallR2002, yeah i will once i have a good one up and running00:54
[Gentoo]cvtsx: yeah00:54
fishduckhow do you keep vlc up to date in ubuntu? Download it manually?00:54
MrPPSauzzie: honestly, I'd contact the sales team directly00:54
MrPPSsee where they put you :)00:54
UbnoobtuDr_Willis, you must be psychic00:55
Dr_Williscvtsx:  check the cost/size - a 100gb is  most likely not much more $$ but  will be much bigger00:55
madMan_Xanadauhere's my gparted screen, http://i.imgur.com/v7j37DQ.png i have ubuntu installed on sda5... retardedly i beleive.. wilee-nilee , SmallR2002   it's like within another partition00:55
Dr_Willismy main ubuntu box is on a 120gb SSD.   32gb would be to tiny00:55
cvtsxdr_willis whats the speed like?00:55
k1lcvtsx: a ssd speeds up the desktop alot00:56
cvtsxgentoo whats the speed like?00:56
[Gentoo]cvtsx: good00:56
cvtsxk1l ya thats why i want one00:56
Dr_Williscvtsx:   fast00:56
[Gentoo]another benefit is you dont get the noise00:56
Dr_Willisthats sort of the main reason for a ssd. ;)00:56
auzzieMrPPS: thanks. ill look into it00:56
Dr_Willisno noise - is a little weird at times. ;P00:56
cvtsxi am currently using a 500gb 5400rpm hdd ;(00:56
[Gentoo]cvtsx: and itll draw less power than a hdd00:56
cvtsxi listen to music constantly so00:56
UbnoobtuDr_Willis, MrPPS, Its now gotten rid of most the of the files except a few, ssh_config00:57
Dr_WillisUbnoobtu:  rename them/remove them. it wont want to remove configs you have customized00:57
wilee-nileemadMan_Xanadau: having ubuntu in a extended is common not a problem00:58
cvtsxya i am thinking of getting a ssd for my desktop (128gb boot with win 7 and visual studio on it) and a 32gb for my laptop (ubuntu and code blocks). But i would also like to be able to swap out the laptop ssd for the old hdd that has win8 ect. on it00:58
UbnoobtuDr_Willis, It wont, so how do I do it00:58
wooferhi everyone00:58
UbnoobtuIt wont let me**00:58
SmallR2002madMan_Xanadau: when you install fresh consider taking a backup of that whole partition and keeping it on a flashdrive somewhere00:58
Dr_WillisUbnoobtu:  use sudo rights.. since you MUST use sudo/sudo rights to mess with system files.. rember that.00:58
Dr_Willissudo mv file  /some/other/place00:58
Ubnoobtuawesome auce00:58
Dr_Willissudo to mess with system files - a fundamental idea. :)00:59
fishduckSo correct me if I'm wrong. I can create a PPA, and get people to use it, and then rootkit their systems basically?00:59
Dr_Willisfishduck:  ppa's are personal. and not in any way controlled. thats why they are  not official00:59
JokesOnYou77Hi all.00:59
UbnoobtuIs there a easy way to copy a files location?00:59
Dr_Willis!tab | Ubnoobtu01:00
ubottuUbnoobtu: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:00
Ubnoobtuand paste it as text for this type of situation01:00
fishduckDr_Willis: in other words, yes. What bothers me is that they're kind of integrated into ubuntu01:00
JokesOnYou77How do I figure out what version of SQL I have installed? Not just MySQL but the actual SQL implementation?01:00
Dr_Willisselect  copy/paste/ middle click01:00
Dr_Willisfishduck:  they are not integerated.. they are just extra repositories.. that feature has been around in apt for decades.01:00
Dr_Willisthey are in their own /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ files. instead of the old 'toss everything in /etc/apt/sources.list'01:01
Dr_Willisfishduck:  if you dont want them.. dont use them01:01
wooferThis is the busiest linux IRC ive ever seen :!!01:01
Ubnoobtu sudo mv file /etc/ssh/moduli /etc/ssh/ssh_config  /etc/ssh/sshd_config.old  /etc/ssh/ssh_import_id    ????01:01
cvtsxDamn just found a 60gb ssd for 55 usd. would it be adequate for ubuntu and some applications?01:01
JokesOnYou77woofer, hello and welcome! :)01:02
Dr_WillisUbnoobtu: cd /etc/ssh/01:02
Dr_Willissudo mkdir OLD01:02
Dr_Willissudo mv * OLD01:02
fishduckDr_Willis: just saying that they aren't safe, but seems to be well supported by the community and the OS itself. Whether I want them or not doesn't matter. Oh well, enough of that discussion.01:02
MrPPSUbnoobtu: sudo mv /etc/ssh /etc/ssh_backup01:02
wooferhello and i cant understand most of what everyone says :D01:02
MrPPSsup woofer01:02
fishduckwhat's the difference between deb http://duck.com and deb-src http://duck.com ?01:02
UbnoobtuI don't feel so nubish now01:02
Dr_Willisfishduck:  nothing is safe. :)  its all degrees of safeness01:02
hispeed67cvtsx: yea01:02
madMan_XanadauSmallR2002 thanks01:03
wooferI got wattOS a distro based on ubuntu so thought id get back to my roots01:03
fishduckDr_Willis: :)01:03
cvtsxdamn a 120gb for 80 usd!!!!!01:03
SmallR2002I have an inlaw I want to build an auto-restored image for01:03
JokesOnYou77fishduck, I think that one is a repository of packages and the other is a repo of source files01:03
SmallR2002only people I know who can destroy a computer in under a week, and repeat it01:04
JokesOnYou77How do I figure out what version of SQL I have installed? Not just MySQL but the actual SQL implementation?01:04
UbnoobtuMrPPS: Dr_Willis. You both have been a lot of help today and I'm feeling overwhelmed by the lack of knowledge and I feel sorry for the amount of help you've both given me, I just want to say thanks again01:04
n008JokesOnYou77: sql --version01:04
Dr_WillisSmallR2002:  you can set up grub2 to be able to boot ISO files :)01:04
SmallR2002or mount everything but /home ro01:04
MrPPSno worries Ubnoobtu - we all start somewhere :)01:04
pizook, im a linux noob. how do I accept a EULA in terminal?01:05
SmallR2002tempting :p01:05
Dr_WillisUbnoobtu:  might be a good idea to spend an hr or so learning some bash basics. :) theres tons of guides on that.01:05
Dr_Willispizo:  tab key to get to the  <ok> button, then enter01:05
MrPPSpizo: hit "tab" until you get to the "agree" button01:05
pizooh nice, totally not obvious :/01:05
SmallR2002my T20 is stuck on 10% of select and install software01:05
SmallR2002ooooh, might be moving!01:05
JokesOnYou77n008, That doesn't work.01:06
pizoI'm installing Pipelight, someone told me it would get Netflix running natively in firefox01:06
JokesOnYou77And I don't think that SQL is a package even remotely related to the relational database01:06
pizoDo you expect there will be an uptick of Linux users when SteamOS comes out?01:06
n008JokesOnYou77 :)01:07
pizoI do a lot of webdev in osx and would like to switch my home machine over to Linux entirely.01:07
JokesOnYou77How do I figure out what version of SQL I have installed? Not just MySQL but the actual SQL implementation?01:07
pizoSmallR2002, Linux OS built by Gabe Newall & team01:07
wooferI have a netbook with a 256mb shared ATI graphics chip HD6250, what graphics drivers would be best? can i install them with smxi or is there and easier way?01:07
Voicant connect to the internet on 12.04 LTS, will detect my wireless network and ask for WAP password, but then it will just try to connect and fail; strangely it works for eg on the newest linux mint with the exact same connection settings as on my 12.0401:07
n008JokesOnYou77: you need to figure out the version of Mysql to figure out the SQL implementation01:08
n008mysql --version01:08
n008and then google mysql <versio> implementation01:08
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SmallR2002MrPPS: I have worries this may not be bootable, the crypt part of this could be bogging the system down badly01:09
MrPPSeek, yeah, fair point SmallR200201:09
MrPPSmight have to bump the RAM first01:09
JokesOnYou77n008, no, I really don't think you do. And after you had no idea what you were talking about the first time I'm not sure im interested in getting the run around.01:09
SmallR2002it's been running for at least two hours :/01:10
n008JokesOnYou77: I was joking the first time01:10
pizoSmallR2002, http://store.steampowered.com/livingroom/SteamOS/01:10
n008cos of you handle sorry :)01:10
n008I had to, couldn't resist it01:10
SmallR2002OK, just going to reinstall using LVM and no crypt01:11
russ5811Anyone know if Xubuntu mounts discs differently than Ubuntu? More spcecifically in Xubuntu the path is /user/media/discname any idea?01:11
Ubnoobtuconnell@connell-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install ssh Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:   thunderbird-globalmenu language-pack-kde-en linux-headers-3.2.0-51   language-pack-kde-en-base kde-l10n-engb firefox-globalmenu   linux-headers-3.2.0-51-generic linux-headers-3.2.0-51-generic-pae Use 'apt-ge01:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:12
JokesOnYou77n008, very well then.  I know my MySQL version and it still doesn't answer my question.01:12
n008JokesOnYou77: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/compatibility.html01:12
n008I googled for you01:13
n008thats what In got01:13
Ubnoobtuthis new error I get after renaming the etc/ssh01:13
n008JokesOnYou77: basically, dbs have varying compliance with SQL standard01:13
SmallR2002n008: varying? that's an understatement :p01:13
n008that page says mysql 5.5 is compatible swith SQL:199901:13
n008SmallR2002: relatively so :)01:14
JokesOnYou77n008, right...I'm still looking for the implementation of SQL running under MySQL on my machine01:14
n008JokesOnYou77: now how do you mean implementation ?01:14
n008SQL has standards, and dbs try to comply that's as far as I know.01:15
n008JokesOnYou77: what are you trying to do really ?01:16
SmallR2002MrPPS: started again with no crypt01:19
SmallR2002lets see...01:19
SmallR2002seems to be going a little faster01:21
SmallR2002shame, now I have to worry about my data01:21
SmallR2002I do wonder if I could encrypt /home and /tmp01:23
vkrhello all01:26
LAMBODIEsharp beak raises power of flying type attacks for more tips like this just ask me LAMBODIE da pokemaster and join #LAMBODIE_CLAN server for da hangout of da best pokemon XY clan on da net.01:26
Dr_WillisLAMBODIE:  most of us in here are at an age we have outgrown pokemon.01:28
SmallR2002and 'da net'01:28
Dr_WillisSmallR2002:  if you are going to do encryption.. be sure you understand how it works.. so you can reopair it when it breaks. ;)01:29
MrPPSLAMBODIE: use english01:29
MrPPSdon't spam01:29
MrPPScheck your audience01:29
SmallR2002Dr_Willis: I make a fair number of encrypted bootable flashdrives, I'm just used to far more powerful platforms01:29
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hitsujiTMOSmallR2002: why do you want to encrypt /tmp? that could potentially break a lot of stuff01:30
SmallR2002hitsujiTMO: don't have enough RAM to mount it as a ramdisk01:31
SmallR2002if you want to be really hard core you need to encrypt swap too01:31
SmallR2002hitsujiTMO: given that this will sit on my desk at work I have the choice of never signing in to anything I'd rather not have others get access to or encrypt01:35
Dr_Willishideibng stuff eh.... ;P01:35
SmallR2002not really, just paranoid :p01:36
Dr_Willisbut they really are out to get you...01:36
SmallR2002not me, I'm not important enough01:36
alainusI recently got a sony vaio pro 11, and installing ubuntu isn't trivial yet --lot's of hacking to make things work. I also saw that Linux 3.12 will have the necessary patches. Is there a website I can keep track of to see when the notebook is fully supported ?01:36
hitsujiTMOI still don't understand why you want to encrypt /tmp ... i can understand $HOME ... but /tmp?01:37
wilee-nileealainus, hacking?01:37
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SmallR2002hitsujiTMO: lots of stuff sits in /tmp01:37
SmallR2002sometimes full copies of documents you're using01:38
alainuswilee-nilee, manually patching the kernel, etc. see https://spicious.com/sony-vaio-pro-11-with-ubuntu.html01:38
wilee-nileealainus, There is a certified webpage but does not cover every possible computer nor is it up to date, check hardware in general.01:38
hitsujiTMOLAMBODIE: please refrain from spamming users01:39
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wilee-nileealainus, that link comes up as not trusted in FF, not really important for me.01:39
Dr_WillisLAMBODIE:  spamming users in ubuntu support can lead to USER BANNED STATUS. For more tips like these please join #UBUNTU-OPS01:41
forgotmynickMy uploads with webdav (davfs2) are really slow and I think it's because they're not 'threaded' as the speeds are nominal using commercial software on Windows. Is there anything I can do about this?01:42
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SmallR2002Dr_Willis: I hear they're working on m_death.so for the IRCd here ;)01:43
SmallR2002to resolve spam issues01:44
Dr_Willisi tend to just ignore all pm's ;)01:44
Dr_Willisbut then you get beginner users that cant comprehend the idea of channels01:44
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ubnoobtuport 22: No route to host. fml, lol, jk, immakillmyself01:45
ezoeSometimes, after waked up from suspend, network menu does not shows available connections, Even if I added it later. Is there a way to fix this?01:47
ezoeinterestingly, if that happened, shutdown/reboot from menu doesn't work too. So I have to use shutdown -h.01:48
MrPPSlol Dr_Willis01:51
MrPPSI missed your comment above :P01:51
leonidSmallR2002, you may want to encrypt /var/tmp, too.01:53
Hilikusevery time i log into my computer, i get asked for my key ring password. is this necessary? after i enter that password i get asked my calendar password "Calenda authentication request", then another calendar. i can't find where i configured these calendars, can someone tell me?01:53
SmallR2002leonid: I am considering just waiting till I have more RAM in this thing01:54
SmallR2002then encrypt everything01:54
heywoodhow do i check if freenx server is running and listening on a given port?01:56
leonidoh, yeah01:57
b-rad_how do I install Cinnamon-2.0.6.tar.gz? I've followed instructions in the Ask community but I always get an error with the "make/install/./configure" commands :/01:57
leonidHilikus, did you enable log in automatically into your desktop without password?01:57
leonidI had similar issues when I did it, but since I disabled it, all issues are gone.01:58
Dr_Willisif you set the keyring password to be empty - it wont ask.   i only see it ask for the keyring password wheni have auto login enabled01:59
Dr_Willisb-rad_:  what ubuntu reelase are you using02:00
b-rad_Dr_Willis: I'm currently on 12.04 (can't get Cinnamon to install from Terminal/USC)02:00
Dr_Willisb-rad_:  newest releases of ubuntu have cinnamon in the repos i recall.02:00
Dr_WillisIve also seen/heard where installing it in older releases can cause bad breakage02:01
Dr_Willis!info cinnamon02:01
b-rad_Dr_Willis: the repo is there, but I can't get it to install at all D:02:01
ubottucinnamon (source: cinnamon): Innovative and comfortable desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.4-2ubuntu4 (saucy), package size 604 kB, installed size 2464 kB02:01
k4t434sisinstall mint if you want cinnamon, too many issues in ubuntu02:01
k1lcinnamon is in since 113.0402:01
b-rad_Nope, not going to LM, k4t434sis02:01
Dr_Williseasy way to get it would be upgrade to 13.10  b-rad_02:01
b-rad_No can do. That broke my system last night02:02
Dr_Willisb-rad_:  13.10 gnome-shell also has its own gnome 2 look mode.02:02
k4t434sishave fun02:02
Dr_Willisclean install perhaps.02:02
b-rad_and every version of linux that JUST came out has something wrong when I install it02:02
b-rad_So no one can try to walk me through the .tar.gz installation process to see if it'll work out?02:03
k1lb-rad_: i would suggest to look out for a PPA for 12.0402:04
Dr_Williswe would have to basically be doing the exact same thing on our machine b-rad_02:04
Dr_Willisnow ifyou want to give the errors the ppa is giveing in a pastebin. or what errors the source is giving.. we might be able to help02:04
b-rad_I'll give you the last line: "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages."02:04
Dr_Willisbut step-by-step - most likely is not going to happenm. ;)02:04
Dr_Willisso figure whats being held. and unhold/them force them to update02:05
b-rad_how would I go about this?02:05
Dr_Willis'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' commonly fixes that message02:05
b-rad_soooooo forcing an upgrade to 13.xx?02:05
Dr_Willisyou are upgradeing the HELD PACKAGE02:05
Dr_Willisdist-upgrade does NOT do a 'release upgrade'02:06
b-rad_"0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."02:06
k1lsudo apt-get install -f02:06
b-rad_same response :/02:07
b-rad_0's across the board02:07
b-rad_if it helps, it says that Cinnamon has "umet" dependencies...whatever that is02:07
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ravigehlotkdm is purge yet I still get a login manager...what else could be running?02:12
b-rad_Soooooooooooooo....no hope to get any version of Cinnamon on 12.04?02:17
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k1lb-rad_: what about that ppa? https://launchpad.net/~gwendal-lebihan-dev/+archive/cinnamon-stable?field.series_filter=precise02:19
b-rad_k1l: I have this PPA added, but Terminal says I "hold broken packages"02:20
b-rad_and I have a .tar.gz file of Cinnamon...I just don't know how to install it02:20
mheinkeb-rad_ it should be as simple as compiling it.02:21
mheinkehit the terminal into the directory02:21
mheinkemake install02:21
FloodBot1mheinke: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:21
b-rad_I ran the xvzf (whatever the proper command is) and I have a Cinnamon folder with a lock icon on top.02:22
b-rad_./configure yields "no such file/directory"02:22
rostamOn my system I have two distinct disk, is it possible I install the grub on one disk and ubuntu on other disk?02:22
ampwim getting a pxe error and im trying to install a intel linux driver02:22
ampwhow do i do this in ubuntu02:23
mheinkeso tar -xzf cinnamon.tar.gz ---> cd cinnamon ---> ./configure ----> make ------> make install02:23
mheinkeb-rad you may have to use sudo as well02:23
mheinkeampw,  whats the error/02:24
ampwintel pxe error i cant boot a live usb02:24
Hilikusleonid: yes, i did. sorry for the late reply. i won't disable it. i just want to know how to disable the calendar integration02:24
Dr_Willistime to read the readme docs for the app.. it might not use the ./configure make method.02:24
mheinkeb-rad_, try this as well....http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-cinnamon-1-8-on-ubuntu-13-04.html02:24
b-rad_$ sudo make02:25
b-rad_make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.02:25
FloodBot1b-rad_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:25
b-rad_D:< sorry02:25
Dr_Willisthe ./configure script makes all the needed config files for make to work.02:26
Dr_WillisLook for a readme.txt or other docs in the dirs as to how to compile it.02:26
b-rad_Dr_Willis: the ReadMe file doesn't have any instructions on what to do. It just talks about the release...it's useless02:26
mheinkeis there a install.txt?02:27
mheinkeand read the URL i provided above02:27
b-rad_mheinke: no there isn't02:27
b-rad_Dr_Willis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6321788/02:27
Dr_Willismheinke:  hes on 12.04 :)02:29
b-rad_mheinke: says I still have broken packages02:29
mheinkeshould be at least similar enough to follow02:29
mheinkeb-rad have you installed any bad ppas?02:29
Dr_Willisfixing the pacakge issue may be the better way to go.02:29
b-rad_I don't know how to fix anything in Linux -_____-02:29
b-rad_I'm assuming the PPA is bad...that or the packages in the PPA are bad02:30
mheinkeb-rad_, do you get errors when you run sudo apt-get update02:30
mheinkeif you get an error running that...then the ppa is bad and you need to remove it (software sources)02:30
b-rad_mheinke: yes02:30
mheinkeopen software & updates from the unity launcher02:31
wilee-nileeb-rad_, You might consider the nest install once working and updated before you tweak it cloning it, so you can just reload that to save time when you break it.02:31
mheinkeand remove the third party PPA that you added02:31
mheinkethen run sudo apt-get update again02:31
mheinkemake sure you get no errors02:31
wilee-nilee!ppa-purge | b-rad_02:32
ubottub-rad_: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html02:32
Dr_Willisor perhaps just use the classic mode of ubuntu and forget about cinnimna02:32
mheinkeid just do it from the UI wilee-nilee02:32
mheinkehe doesnt seem to be CLI savvy yet02:32
b-rad_ubottu: I manually removed the Cinnamon repos. Gonna re-add02:33
ubottub-rad_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:33
mheinkeb-rad_, before you re-add02:33
b-rad_Dr_Willis: I HATE HATE H A T E the default DE...runs so slowly02:33
wilee-nileemheinke, removing a ppa does not remove what it installed if that is the problem.02:33
mheinkewilee-nilee, right but he didnt get that far02:33
b-rad_wilee-nilee: the problem IS installing...02:33
mheinkeerrors on apt-get update02:33
leonidHilikus, sorry, I don't know.02:33
b-rad_mheinke: no errors this time without the Cinnamon repos02:33
mheinkeok so dont readd them02:34
mheinkethey are obviously broken02:34
n008is it a good idea to install cinnamon ?02:34
wilee-nileemheinke, I have not seen any info that confirms much of what has been done overall, is all I would say.02:34
mheinkei would just get used to Unity. or run Mint if you want Cinnamon02:34
b-rad_wilee-nilee: I can pastbin you every error in my terminal...lol02:34
b-rad_mheinke: I ran two versions of mint last night and both broke themselves02:35
wilee-nileeb-rad_, My advice in reinstall and clone it, then breal away.02:35
mheinkeb-rad_, really? Mint is typically VERY stable02:35
n008mheinke: b-rad_ you had problems with Cinnamon ?02:35
Mindyhi everyone, I am from China.02:35
b-rad_wilee-nilee: don't have that kind of time :/02:35
cfhowlettMindy, nihao02:35
mheinkehi Mindy!02:35
cfhowlettI'm IN China!02:35
n008Mindy welcome to China02:35
mheinkeb-rad_, then just get used to unity?02:36
Mindycfhowlett: can we speak chinese?02:36
b-rad_mheinke: I promise. LM15 was broken on install...certain things did not work with Cinnamon (settings wouldn't save). THEN LMDE worked but then it installed a bunch of updates and Cinnamon freaked out and stopped working02:36
cfhowlettMindy, nope.  sorry. but...02:36
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw02:36
wilee-nileeb-rad_, Heh, poor excuse really, you have no idea how long this picking at it will take, but carry on. ;)02:36
cfhowlettMindy, english channel is here.  #ubuntu-cn for Chinese.02:36
b-rad_wilee-nilee: cool. I don't care. I'm just trying to get help. Maybe I'll install KDE >__>02:36
b-rad_ANYTHING but unity is fine by me02:37
mheinkeb-rad_, KDE is not a bad choice.02:37
mheinkebut then just install kubuntu02:37
Mindycfhowlett: I just have a asking and i like talking in english02:37
b-rad_mheinke: it's the only other route I can take :/02:37
cfhowlettMindy, also se   http://www.ubuntukylin.com/#02:37
mheinkeb-rad_, kubuntu or xubuntu might be right up your alley02:37
mheinkeXFCE or KDE02:37
b-rad_mheinke: I'd be all for downloading the ISO files but I have shoddy internet :/02:38
Pwnnahey guys. this bug (https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70151) affects ubuntu 13.10. Any plan to fix this ASAP? It's pretty bad02:38
mheinkeim a big fan of using flavors that have already been built. why reinvent the wheel02:38
ubottuFreedesktop bug 70151 in Drivers/DRI/i965 "[snb blorp] GPU hang" [Normal,Assigned]02:38
Dr_WillisLubuntu and xubuntu are rather old-skool gnome2-sh in look also02:39
Mindycfhowlett:  I don't want to ask questions about how to opeart ubuntu, i just get here have a look02:39
mheinkeive gotten used to unity. ive built a couple of custom scopes for the launcher..im not sure i could live without it at this point02:39
b-rad_mheinke  Dr_Willis: how does Mate differ from Unity?02:40
Dr_Willisid still rather have more 'focused' searching.. 90% of the time i want to seearch askubuntu.com  - but im always like enableing/disabling the other search 'scopes' to either get Just askubuntu, or switching to normal seearching02:40
mheinkeb-rad Mate is more like the old Gnome 202:40
Dr_Willisb-rad_: i dont use mate. I find the idea behind it pointless.02:40
Dr_WillisGnome-shell guys have their own official gnome-2ish look now. so i imagine these other gnome2-spinoffs will die out in the next year or so02:41
Dr_Willisif i want old skool look. - i use Lubuntu or xubuntu02:41
mheinkei use gnome 2 all day at work..(rhel webservers that i manage) i hated gnome 2 when it was out, i hate it now..and mate just reminds me of that02:41
b-rad_Dr_Willis: I don't even know what it looks like, lol02:41
b-rad_Dr_Willis: I would be all for Unity if it didn't lag lack fawk on my system02:42
Dr_Willisb-rad_:  no idea. its a gnome2 spinoff-  with little supprt/active development i imagine.02:42
Dr_Willisb-rad_:  i use xubuntu and lubuntu on my low end machines02:42
Dr_Willisboth are actively supported and developed.02:42
Dr_WillisHmm.. Chromecast dongle working now in ubuntu.. now if only i could find more  chromecast enabled apps/ :)02:43
b-rad_Dr_Willis: again I would love to download another ISO but my internet sucks. Christmas will arrive before it finishes downloading...02:43
mheinkeb-rad_, you can download xfce from the terminal02:43
mheinkesudo apt-get install xfce02:44
b-rad_awesome. appreciate it :P brb02:44
mheinkethen reboot and choose it02:44
mheinkeits going to take awhile to download02:44
mheinkedownloading desktop environments is a pain02:45
crazybotsmokerif I'm upgrading the ram from 4GB to 8GB on my 64 bit ubuntu server minimal install, do I need to do anything special?02:45
crazybotsmokeror will it be regonized automatically02:45
Dr_Williscrazybotsmoker:  should all be automagicly done02:45
mheinkecrazybotsmoker, assuming that the RAM is all the same speed etc...should be find02:45
mheinkebounce the box and itll be there02:45
crazybotsmokerits all 1333mhz02:45
mheinkeMAN im so happy i work with virtual servers...02:45
mheinkei dont have to deal with that anymore02:46
crazybotsmokermheinke I'd like to install vsphere02:46
crazybotsmokerbut i think i need a better machine for it02:46
mheinkei have 2 head units and 2 SANS that i manage i love it02:46
mheinkewhen i need more ram..i just click the button02:46
b-rad_back. going to run the terminal command for xfce...wish me luck02:47
b-rad_AWESOME...unable to locate...02:47
crazybotsmokerI'd love that, this paticular machine just runs a personal percona database with a ngix server02:47
mheinkeb-rad_, http://askubuntu.com/questions/223536/how-can-i-install-xfce-along-side-unity02:47
kostkonb-rad_: apt-get install xubuntu-desktop maybe?02:48
cfhowlettb-rad_, sudo apt-get install xfce4   for desktop environment only - no programs02:48
b-rad_mheinke: beat you to it, lol02:49
b-rad_cfhowlett: had to add the repo first xD thanks02:49
b-rad_Alright...downloading it now, peeps >___<02:49
shroomdukehow do i restart networking on 13.1002:50
mheinkeshroomduke,  /etc/init.d/networking restart02:50
LAMBODIEgenesect is a strong legend pokemon for more tips like this just ask me LAMBODIE da pokemaster and join #LAMBODIE-CLAN server for da hangout of da best pokemon XY clan on da net.02:51
LAMBODIEmoon stone evolves skitty into delcatty for more tips like this just ask me LAMBODIE da pokemaster and join #LAMBODIE-CLAN server for da hangout of da best pokemon XY clan on da net.02:51
LAMBODIEfighting type attacks beat normal type pokemon for more tips like this just ask me LAMBODIE da pokemaster and join #LAMBODIE-CLAN server for da hangout of da best pokemon XY clan on da net.02:51
FloodBot1LAMBODIE: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:51
LAMBODIEyano wont help me advertise02:52
b-rad_mheinke: what's it mean "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place"? it stops after that02:52
shroomduke/etc/init.d/networking restart  didn't seem to work02:52
LAMBODIELAMBODIE IS DA BEST! All bow down to LAMBODIE! LAMBODIE rulez da land!02:52
LAMBODIEEverybody look at LAMBODIE and tell him how great he is! LAMBODIE RULES! Nobody has the power, might and wisdom of the LAMBODIE.02:53
LAMBODIECan I get a hell yeah for LAMBODIE? LAMBODIE is just simply awesome and completely amazing!02:53
FloodBot1LAMBODIE: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:53
LAMBODIELAMBODIE IS DA BEST! All bow down to LAMBODIE! LAMBODIE rulez da land!02:53
shroomdukeI had some big problems after trying to install video driver now I have sundry issues poping up02:53
b-rad_screw it! time to reboot. ttyl if I have any troubles02:53
LAMBODIEfighting type attacks beat normal type pokemon for more tips like this just ask me LAMBODIE da pokemaster and join #LAMBODIE-CLAN server for da hangout of da best pokemon XY clan on da net.02:53
kostkon!ops | LAMBODIE spammer with an attitude02:53
ubottuLAMBODIE spammer with an attitude: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!02:53
mheinkeshroomduke, sudo service network-manager restart02:55
mheinkeshroomduke,  sorry, i work in RHEL more often then not, still getting used to upstart "service" command instead of /etc/rc.d/init.d....02:56
shroomdukeI thought I sudo'ed it but I don't see it in the buffer, humm...02:56
mheinkei couldnt find it in the buffer either02:56
mheinkebut its there02:56
mheinkei just tested it02:56
FloodBot1mheinke: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:57
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shroomdukeoh yea, it came back with "Please use the 'service' command instead"02:57
mheinkesudo service network-manager restart02:57
mheinkethat should work02:58
shroomdukeI'll note that02:58
SPEEDWAVEanyone please help me my dota 2 hero and trees are invisible using steam anyone knows how to fix it?02:59
shroomdukelooks like it might, I'll test it, bbl02:59
baron_zemohow do i install GTK Soruce 3.0 on 13.10??02:59
mheinkebaron_zemo ^^^03:00
cfhowlettSPEEDWAVE, steam issue, ask steam support03:00
SPEEDWAVEcfhowlett, ok03:01
baron_zemomheinke, thanks, which of the 3 do i download?  or does it not matter?03:02
b-rad_mheinke: omfg....XFCE...is so old school xD the only issue this DE has is that Terminal won't run03:03
shroomdukeam i here03:03
mheinkebaron_zemo, not sure lol03:03
cfhowlettb-rad_, perhaps an install of xubuntu is in order03:03
shroomduke sudo service network-manager restart worked, thanks!03:03
mheinkeb-rad_, yea thats what you are going to get...either it looks like that...or it looks like unity/Gnome 3...03:03
shroomdukei knew the answer was simple03:04
mheinkeor you go with E18 and get something that looks like a mac03:04
Dr_Willisb-rad_:  terminal works fine in xfce.. unless you got some weird issues going on03:04
b-rad_mheinke: and Terminal doesn't run D:< what the elf?03:04
mheinkeshroomduke, no sweat any time03:04
mheinkeb-rad_, im sure it does...you have something goin on with your system03:04
b-rad_Dr_Willis: It opens with a blank black screen. no text, and nothing happens when I type03:04
Dr_Willisb-rad_:  you installed 'xfce' or the 'xubuntu-desktop' package?03:04
b-rad_Dr_Willis xfce O___0 there a difference?03:05
Dr_Willisb-rad_:  run gnome-terminal perhaps03:05
Dr_Willisb-rad_:  yes theres a differance.. otehr wise why have 2 pacakges. :)03:05
Dr_Willisxubuntu-desktop = the FULL set of xfce+ubuntu addons for xfce03:05
b-rad_WELL it doesn't matter...if I need terminal I guess I'll switch over xD03:06
b-rad_thanks for all the help, everyone.03:06
Dr_Willisb-rad_:  any X terminal app can run in xfce03:06
Dr_Willisor on any desktop03:06
Dr_Willisterminator. gnome-terminal, xfterm.  rxvt, xterm...03:06
Dr_Willisany can work on xfce03:06
b-rad_Dr_Willis: yes, but in this DE terminal runs but I cannot see anything in the box. it's just black03:06
jimmy51_hello.  i have a webcam that provides video and audio streams like through http://user:password@ipaddress/video.cgi and http://user:password@ipaddress/audio.cgi.  currently if i open two windows of VLC and open those both as network stream locations I can get video and audio.  is there a way to combine them in one instance of VLC?  i'd also like to launch it from the command line rather than clicking through the UI each time03:07
jimmy51_ (baby monitor)03:07
Dr_Willischeck its theme/settings  and its about menu. to see what terminal is really is03:07
mheinkeb-rad_, install xubuntu-desktop03:08
b-rad_mheinke: hold on. looking for the info Dr_Willis asked for03:08
mheinkejimmy51_, there might be for the first question....the second question is a definite yes...but it would take some work03:09
b-rad_Dr_Willis: it's called Xterm and UXTerm03:09
jimmy51_mheinke:  i've tried the box that says to check it to synchronously play another file.  i put the audio.cgi path in there but i never get audio.03:10
jimmy51_(although if i intentionally give it a typo like http://user:password/ipaddress/audioWRONG.cgi it errors and says it can't find it03:10
mheinkethats odd03:10
b-rad_okay, now that's all working, I'll ttyl. Thanks again for the help!03:11
Dr_Willisb-rad_:  theres literally dozens of terminal apps.  xterm and uxterm are rather old skool.  xfce has its own terminal i think called...xfce4-terminal03:11
Dr_Willisthats its name here. ;)03:11
jimmy51_mheinke: ah... i'm incorrect.  if i put just audio.cgi (no path) it errors thinking it's a local file it can't find.  if i just mistype the url it fails silently03:12
mheinkethat makes more sense03:12
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SPEEDWAVEhow to update my openGL03:20
LuminNaughtyhello. can anyone help me with a problem with Quetzal?03:20
mheinkeLuminNaughty, maybe03:21
LuminNaughtyokay mheinke03:21
ubottu12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120403:21
Guest31593how do you delete past terminal lines03:22
LuminNaughtyi just set up a dual boot with Quetzal and I set up a password to get into the system. but the setup didn't ask me to confirm the password. now when I enter the password it says its incorrect03:22
mheinkeGuest31593, the command clear03:22
mheinke$clear <enter>03:22
Guest31593so it will delete is forever right03:23
mheinkeoh you are looking to delete history?03:23
mheinkenot just the lines above?03:23
mheinkego to your home directory in the terminal03:24
mheinkecd /home/username03:24
mheinkethen ls -la03:24
mheinkeyou should see a file called .bash-history03:24
mheinkedelete that file03:24
mheinkerm -rf .bash-history03:25
Guest31593okay thank you03:25
mheinkeor .bash_history (depending)03:25
mheinkewhats curious is...what are you hiding from who? ;-) :-P03:26
somsipGuest31593: and history -c03:27
Guest31593my password changes and other things03:27
mheinkeoh yea. i always forget about the -c flag03:27
somsipmheinke: and <picky> rm .bash_history will do it because it's not a dir and it's owned by the user03:28
mheinkesomsip, thats true, but i just always rm -rf03:28
somsipmheinke: IKWYM, until once when I killed something I didn't mean to.03:29
mheinkeBen64, not really, you just have to not be root03:29
Ben64could still kill your whole home03:29
Dr_WillisLuminNaughty:  boot to recovery mode. set a new password.   'sudo passwd username'03:29
mheinkeBen64, true..but i always double check anything im typing into a terminal03:29
mheinkeBen64, and, anything im nervous about...i write a script for rather then free hand it03:30
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Guest31593another question how would I do the same for metasploit03:31
mheinkei dont have too much experience with the metasploit framework03:32
Guest31593neither do I03:32
mheinkepentesting is something i try not to get into. except at work..which we arnt allowed to use tools03:33
mheinkeits a write your own kind of environment03:33
mheinkeGuest31593, im sure that google, or the metasploit framework book has the answer :)03:34
msdwmheinke: i got some books that can help you03:35
mheinkemsdw, ?03:36
msdwsorry Guest31593:i got some books that can help you03:36
Guest31593I have the metasploit pentesters guide03:37
msdw Guest31593:check this out03:38
Guest31593Okay, how did you do that I am still rather new to IRC03:39
msdwdo what03:39
loahello, i have such configuration on server. I have ssh with disabled login for root. How i can connect to sftp for root access?03:39
shroomdukei didn't see nuthen03:39
loais it possible?03:39
Guest31593the file transfer03:39
loai have filezilla now03:39
mheinkeloa, why would you want ftp access for root?03:40
loafor example edit configuration files using geany :)03:40
shroomdukeyou want to log in as root loa?03:41
mheinkethat is..a terrible idea :P03:41
Ben64why not just edit the files using ssh?03:41
loai have user there which can do sudo03:41
loabecause it is bad practice too =/03:41
loai changed that config files last week03:41
loaand change root password.03:41
loachanged *03:41
Ben64you shouldn't set a root password03:42
shroomdukedo it with sudo03:42
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
Ben64sudo vim /path/to/foo.conf03:42
mheinkenever, ever ever ever run as root for any period of time03:42
shroomdukewhat do you want to edit03:42
loaok i understand you opinion.03:43
loayour *03:43
=== AndresSM_away is now known as AndresSM
loafor example last what i done i need to create folder in etc and copy there bunch of files.03:44
loait was hard03:44
loafirst i copy files to user home folder03:44
Ben64its not opinion. enabling root ftp, enabling a root password makes your system less secure03:44
mheinkecreate a directory in etc?03:44
shroomdukepratice pratice pratice loa03:44
loaafter that i copy folder from user home folder to etc.03:44
mheinkethe sys admin in me is crying in a corner03:44
shroomdukesudo md /etc/<name>03:45
Ben64this isn't dos :)03:45
shroomdukeI keep forgetting03:45
loayes all stuff which must use root rights, was done using sudo command.03:45
loamheinke, it was crappy python script which must rely in /etc03:46
Ben64except when you set a root password and are apparently logging in as root to do random stuff03:46
loaand it was not run under root :)03:46
shroomdukeif I were a mental patient, I'd be in a much better place!03:50
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
ses1984hey, i was trying to play around with samba4, so i installed samba4-clients ... and it includes smbclient version 3.6.18, not 4. is that correct?03:51
shroomdukeis it possible to go back to 12.xx  from 13.10?03:52
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mheinkeshroomduke, its risky..but you might be able to03:52
mheinkeback up your home directory03:53
shroomdukeit was risky upgrading to 13.10, I don't think I have the courage to take the risk going back03:53
mheinkei have yet to have an issue with 13.1003:53
mheinkeinfact its better then 13.04 was for my system03:54
shroomdukeI tried to install the crystal driver and it hosed everything03:54
Ari-Yang13.04 is EOL in like 3 months right?03:54
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu, Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.0403:54
mheinkeAri-Yang, yes03:54
shroomdukebut I dont know what i'm doing so it's no suprise03:54
Gabboz12.04 server(64 bit).  Hi. I have aliases in my ~/.bash__aliases and they are correct.  However, they don't work unless I type . ~/.bash_aliases first.  Is this a bug?  I only see it in some servers I run.  Anyone know why or how I can fix?  Thanks.03:55
Ari-Yangmheinke: is it possible to go from 12.10 to 12.04 LTS?03:55
mheinkethats easier...but still going back is difficult03:55
mheinkeback up your home directory03:55
mheinkeGabboz, sounds like a bug03:56
shroomdukei'm learning... the hard way03:56
Ari-Yangmheinke: how would I go about downgrading from 12.10 to 12.04? just curious03:56
Gabbozmheinke, I suppose I could add . ~/.bash_aliases to ~/.bashrc   You think that would be a good workaround?03:56
Ben64.bash_aliases is supposed to already be in .bashrc03:57
Ben64Ari-Yang: you can't really, aside from reinstalling03:57
GabbozBen64, i wonder.... im gona check to see if it is missing.  FYI Ive never had to edit the .bashrc on that specific server before.03:57
Ari-YangBen64: yeah, if I were to install 12.04, I rather re-install. Would be easier03:57
mheinkeAri-Yang, back up your home directory, install 12.04, bring back your home03:57
Ben64or just wait for 14.04 to be ready03:58
Ben64will be in beta soonish03:58
Dr_Willisoops - wrong paste.03:58
GabbozBen64, weird!  It was #'d out.  Thanks for the clue. :)03:58
Dr_Willis.bashrc:# ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.03:58
Ben64Gabboz: np03:58
Dr_Willis.bashrc:if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then03:58
Ari-YangBen64: not really interested in using alpha :|03:58
Dr_Willis.bashrc parses bash_alias's if the fil;e exists03:58
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.03:59
Ari-Yangthat does look risky :|03:59
Ben64yeah, i'd reinstall if i needed to go back a version03:59
cfhowlettBen64, likewise04:00
Ben64just seems a bit weird to install 12.04 fresh now when 14.04 is coming so soon04:00
mheinkei lik 13.1004:01
GabbozBen64, im still on 12.04 and no plans to move until then :P04:01
cfhowlettLTS = Less Tears & Screams04:01
mheinkemy Nagios server (the only ubuntu server i have) is still on the LTS..and will be...forever :P04:01
Ben64seems they're really trying to push LTS, reducing non-lts support to 9 months only04:02
mheinkebut my laptop here..bleeding edge04:02
GabbozBen64, i can understand their reasons.04:02
mheinkeBen64, if you want to sell to the server markets you have to04:02
cfhowlettI consider the interim releases to be bleeding edge beta versions ... but that's just me04:02
Gabbozcfhowlett, thats why i don't take them too seriously.  for VMs, sure.. for production workstations, noper.04:03
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ArielXmen, stressed out. Got a Huawei D25HW WiFi but my neighbour got the password and always connect when I/m sleeping which I dont like though cos he doesnt pay for my conection. The USER GUIDE is in japanese. Is there a way to change he WEP/WPA key04:04
Ari-Yangmheinke: this laptop is running 12.10 bleeding edge. kernel 3.11 with mesa 10 :b04:05
mheinkei havnt rerolled the kernal yet in ubuntu04:05
cfhowlettArielX, look it up online on the huawei site and change the default password.  not an ubuntu issue04:05
mheinkeim worried about all of the ubuntu specific stuff04:05
guanyu_ArielX: you cannot turn it off while you sleep?04:05
ArielXdid the site iis in japense including E-mobile and Huawei04:06
mheinkemy Arch box, hell yea. latest RC of the kernal04:06
Gabbozjust leave router connected but pull the ethernet to modem..that should keep the thief busy :P04:06
ArielXI might leave it on cos my phone uses it as well as my wifes'04:06
mheinkebut ubuntu..i know that they do some hacks to it..and i havnt played enough with ubuntu internals to understand what it is04:06
msdwArielX: why dont you use mac address filtering04:07
cfhowlettArielX, try admin username admin password04:07
ArielXwhich link and how to change it04:07
ArielXwhere do I log in the admin admin04:07
mheinkeMac filtering is one of the really good ways to secure home routers04:07
cfhowlettArielX,  should get you the adminstrative menu04:08
cfhowlettmheinke, or turn the damn thing off04:08
ArielXha!.... good...04:08
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Ari-Yangmheinke: just use the kernel ppa04:09
Ari-Yangmheinke: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ that's what I use04:09
ArielX This screen is a screen for exclusive use of the setting.04:10
cfhowlettArielX, seems the password might be the imei number.  look on your device04:10
ArielXyes seen the log in page now wrong password04:10
mheinkeAri-Yang, thanks! i didnt know that existed !04:10
hellangelmorning :)04:10
FloodBot1ArielX: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:10
ArielXall wrong04:10
hellangelfor questions regarding avconv, can someone recommend me a channel?04:10
cfhowlettArielX, again, not an ubuntu issue.   seek huwei help04:10
mr-rich-76Every time I close my laptop, sound stops working. 13.10 - system76 laptop - any ideas?04:11
hellangelsince sharp avconv is pretty much empty :)04:11
cfhowletthellangel, #ubuntustudio04:11
Ari-Yangmheinke: you're welcome, easy to install a kernel from there. grab the image, headers, and the headers-all; throw it into a folder and run dpkg -i *.deb done04:11
hellangelcfhowlett, sweet, thank you04:11
Alloyedhellangel: try #libav or #ffmpeg or something04:11
hellangelAlloyed, #ffmpeg might actually be also a great idea, thanks for the suggestion04:12
Ari-Yangmheinke: this is the ppa I use for mesa 10 and updated optimized drivers https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/graphics-drivers/ mainly for hardware video decode on open source radeon driver via vdpau (UVD)04:12
LostyJaianyone know any real time replication software besides DRBD?04:13
LostyJaione is primary, secondary can be read only04:14
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Dr_Willisreal time replication of what?04:20
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xlogikHey all, is there a way to reset my hdmi port via the cmdline?04:21
Dr_Willisxlogik:  i almost hate to ask why you want to do that. ;)04:21
Dr_Willisor need to.04:22
xlogikwell I have my laptop hooked up to the HDtv but for some reason the tv is not connecting to the laptop04:23
hitsujiTMODr_Willis: i think he lost his hands in the war. P.S. Don't mention the war.04:23
Dr_Willisxlogik:  most laptops have that fn-SOMEKEY that toggles the monitors/displays used.04:23
Dr_Willisive seen some older laptops that dont like it if the external monitor is not plugged in when you power on the laptop. (but thats old ones) :)  non hdmi04:24
mheinketypically its f(f4)04:24
cfhowlettArielX, yes?04:24
Dr_Willispeople have laptops for ages.. and never notice that (normally light blueish) printing on some of the keys. ;)04:24
Dr_Willisand how it matches up to the fn keys blue printing also. ;)04:24
xlogikTy yeah F4 worked but now i cant see my laptop screen04:25
Dr_Willishit it again04:25
xlogiki did.. lol04:25
Dr_Willismonotor 1, 2, both on, are normally how mine ork04:25
Dr_Willisyou might need to then use the monitors/settings tool perhaps04:25
msdwxlogik: theres an app that admins the monitors even hdmi04:26
cfhowlettFeef, greetings04:26
FeefI'm lookign for some help, getting a VPN onto ubuntu04:26
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN04:26
ArielXI log in this with04:26
xlogikyeah I've switched it a couple times but I guess i have to reset the th itself.... Dr_Willis Thanks :-)04:26
FeefI loked at that04:26
hitsujiTMOxlogik: if thats the screen off button, then there's usually a seperate screen on button next to it04:26
FeefDid not help04:26
ArielXnope.. D25HW Huawei wifi04:27
xtrizwhat does this means ? i got bit confused. -> Tell the SSH client to use local port-forwarding to connect port 5,900 on your desktop to port 5,900 on localhost.04:27
cfhowlettArielX, sorry.  officially OOVS (out of valid suggestions)04:27
FeefAnyone mind private chagting me to help out?04:28
rootaif i fixed mbr would it erase or make grub malfunctional? bcoz grub2 didnt find Windows so i googled and were asked to fix mbr..ubuntu 12.0404:28
msdwFeef: try this04:28
cfhowlettroota, fix mbr.  reinstall04:28
cfhowlettroota, fix mbr, reinstall grub04:28
ArielXI question only.. you said but I couldnt log in there. So I tried and it logged in using this tuturial..   http://service.sympatico.ca/index.cfm?method=content.view&category_id=674&content_id=1280404:29
Feefmsdw try what?04:29
rootacfhowlett Windows in /dev/sda1 .. ubuntu in /dev/sda3 ...fix mbr and reinstall grub?04:29
msdwthe manual i sent u can help04:29
FeefThe vpn im using,04:29
cfhowlettArielX, and that got you to Huawie control?  Great!  now you just need to guess the login/password04:29
k1lArielX: setting up the software on a router is not really the focus of this ubuntu support04:29
FeefIs riseup's vpn04:29
Feefusing openvpn04:30
cfhowlettroota, most times grub goes to /dev/sda04:30
rootaok i try04:30
cfhowlettroota, but it depends on how you installed.  did you use the windows installation method?04:30
ArielXyes I know.. I tried alot my friend but must toturial I see online is in Jappenese PDF format04:30
FeefNow i get an error code saying invalid vpn secrets04:30
cfhowlettArielX, :)04:30
rootacfhowlett what window installation method? i installed 12.04 from usb04:31
cfhowlettroota, OK.  so one hard drive and windows /// 7? 8?04:31
rootacfhowlett yes one hd only win 704:32
cfhowlett!dualboot|roota, so easy a caveman could do it.04:32
ubotturoota, so easy a caveman could do it.: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot04:32
Feef'/chat msdw04:32
Feefhow do i private chat on freenode? lol04:32
k1l!pm | Feef04:32
ubottuFeef: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:32
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Feef^ i did04:33
Feefhes the only guy who helped04:34
ArielXcfhowlett and this  are they thesame04:35
cfhowlettArielX, search the net for Huwai + model number + default + password04:36
ArielXaha.. tghanks04:38
xtrizwhat does this means ? i got bit confused. -> Tell the SSH client to use local port-forwarding to connect port 5,900 on your desktop to port 5,900 on localhost.04:39
mr-rich-76Hello. Every time I close my laptop, sound stops working. 13.10 - system76 laptop - any ideas?04:39
ArielXcfhowlett do I need to connect the wifi on usb to my PC before I login04:39
cfhowlettArielX, that SHOULD connect over the net , but plug away and see04:40
xll11's the alternative to 'polymorphism' in c? say I want to make an array that will store different shape structs?04:41
Gabbozxll11, wrong channel for that info. :/04:41
k1l!alis | xll1104:42
ubottuxll11: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*04:42
xll11oh, mny bad, I totally thought I was in C04:42
mheinkexll11,  even though this is the wrong channel i will say there is no real poly morphism replacement in C...traditional C predates polymorphism04:43
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
=== siva is now known as Guest46471
SPEEDWAVEhow to update my mesa to 9.1.5?04:46
hitsujiTMOxtrix: it means you're using an interim machine as a proxy04:46
hitsujiTMOxtrix: should be something like this: ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 <host>04:49
eossJust wanted to congratulate you all on your award04:50
BAMbandatrying to install haskell:http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/haskell-platform04:51
BAMbandahaving trouble...04:51
BAMbandasudo apt-get install haskell-platform04:51
BAMbandasudo apt-get install haskell04:51
hitsujiTMOBAMbanda: can you pastebin the output of: sudo apt-get install haskell-platform04:52
ola2plz help me04:53
ola2i want to add reposirtory in apt-list04:53
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.04:54
BAMbandahitsujiTMO ^^04:54
hitsujiTMOBAMbanda: as cfhowlett has pointed out, you need to enable the universe repo and run: sudo apt-get update    before you can install it04:55
ola2i have a friend04:57
ola2i want to give him deb from repository04:57
ola2and he doesnot have them in apt list04:57
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:58
ola2dpkg says openvas-scanner and others not in apt-list04:58
mheinkesudo add-apt-repository url04:58
ola2ok so u mean i will add this04:58
ola2to my friend machine04:58
ola2and then give him deb04:58
hitsujiTMOola2: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openvas-scanner&searchon=names   there's no such package04:59
ola2i know there is no such standard package04:59
ola2but what i want to do is04:59
ola2to give my friend downloade deb05:00
ola2but his machine will not recognize them as standard05:00
ola2so will not install them05:00
ola2how can i add repository offline05:00
lotuspsychje!ppa | ola205:00
ubottuola2: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge05:00
cfhowlettola2, friends don't give friends PPA05:01
ola2i will give debs from ppa package i downloaded05:01
ola2i will give those debs to firend05:01
ola2just i  want his machine to recognize them as standard and install them05:01
mheinkecfhowlett, lol05:02
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: is it always a risk to add one?05:02
ola2i want his machine to dpkg -i *.deb05:03
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, yes.  but : you choose your own level of risk since YOU are your own sysadmin.05:03
mheinkelotus, is it always a risk to download software from a random website?05:03
ola2but it shows openvas-scanner not found05:03
ola2in apt-lost05:03
ola2so how to add it in apt-list05:03
lotuspsychjemheinke: see above, thats what i was asking cfhowlett05:03
mheinkei was answering your question with a question05:03
hitsujiTMOola2: what version of ubuntu is he using?05:04
mheinkea PPA is nothing more then a random website that hosts applications05:04
ola2same we both have 12.0405:04
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, I'm thinking that gifting a friends with a  ppa and you can't even figure out your repos is ... suspicious05:04
mheinkeso you take the same risk is if you were to go to joeswebsite.org and download software from it05:04
hitsujiTMOola2 does he have internet access?05:04
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: yes that sounds very logic05:04
xtrizwhen i am doing vnc to my desktop i am only getting basic X server running. no unity is displayed05:04
ola2there is no risk05:04
cfhowlettmheinke, exactomundo05:04
ola2just i want to install deb on friends machine05:04
ola2but debs are not in apt list05:05
cfhowlettola2, maybe your friend should install it on his machine for himself ...05:05
ola2so it dpkg fails05:05
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: but even if the package itself is 'poisoned' could it override root?05:05
hitsujiTMOola2: add the ppa: https://launchpad.net/~openvas/+archive/stable05:05
ola2thank you05:05
ola2i m trying it ok05:05
mheinkejust upgraded my php to 5.5.5 and everything is working! woot!05:05
ola2i will come in minutes after trying05:05
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, over my clearance level ... I've never heard of that attack method though05:06
cfhowlettmheinke, congrats05:06
xtrizhow to start unity from cli ?05:06
xtrizlike for xfce4 we do startxfce405:06
mheinkelotuspsychje, cfhowlett  depends, what permissions did you install the package with?05:07
mheinkeif you installed it with sudo then yea..it could definitely privex and go wild05:07
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: what is the worst senario that could happen, when adding an untrusted ppa?05:08
xtrizlotuspsychje, you machine can get compromise ?05:08
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: im having a few nice packages added with ppa myself05:08
hitsujiTMOxtrix: startx if you have xinit installed (should bring you to default DE)05:08
mheinkelotuspsychje, worst case scenario. privilage escalation with remote exicution.05:08
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, cascade failure, rift in the temporal membrane, alien invasion?  *or just a fritzed machine*05:08
lotuspsychjealien ppa makes me think... :p05:09
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, you're an elite user ... my suggestion was that if you don't understand the basics of repo management, you might not want to mess with PPA05:09
lotuspsychjemheinke: you think remote escalation could override root?05:09
xtrizhitsujiTMO, still i am getting no DE or GUI interface in my vnc connection05:10
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: yes im not argueing mate, just wanna learn05:10
hitsujiTMOxtriz: how did you install unity?05:10
mheinkelotuspsychje, definitely i mean...thats what a remote pentester does right. comprimise your machine with an insecure package...bounce around the box, get privilage escalation..then you can do whatever you want05:11
xtrizhitsujiTMO, i have not installed unity, using ubuntu 13.0405:11
mheinkethey dont override root...they get root05:11
lotuspsychjemheinke: so the point is, we actually never can trust a malicious ppa...like everyone said05:12
hitsujiTMOxtriz: hmm, not sure tbh, maybe unity just gets called from login manager05:12
mheinkelotuspsychje, technically...you should never trust a PPA period05:12
mheinkethere is such a thing as "acceptable risk"05:12
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mheinkesort of like...if you never go outside you wont get run over...but at some point you need to go to the store05:13
lotuspsychjemheinke: maybe its wise like the trigger says, to search alternative packages05:13
hitsujiTMOmheinke: hmmm, maybe we should escalate that to never trust the repos05:13
lotuspsychjehitsujiTMO: even own official repos?05:13
xtrizhitsujiTMO, ok np mate :)05:13
mheinkehitsujiTMO, exactly...you can take it as far as you want...but there is acceptable risk..like me, on this laptop i have every 3rd party PPA installed and dev packages..etc..etc...05:14
mheinkebut at work, i have to compile everything from source, disable ALL PPAs..etc05:14
lotuspsychjehitsujiTMO: an official repo could hold a vunrable package inside when the users has not updated right?05:14
* mheinke feels like he needs his tin foil hat on05:15
lotuspsychjemheinke: interesting technique, but how do you keep things updated?05:15
mheinkelotuspsychje, manually05:15
mheinkeyou manually patch. everything is from source05:16
lotuspsychjemheinke: but you can never know all security holes out there...05:16
lotuspsychjemheinke: you should inform yourself much05:16
mheinkewe patch the same files that Cannonical patches, we just run ours from source instead of using apt-get upgrade05:17
lotuspsychjemheinke: i see05:17
mheinkebut like i said, this laptop that im on now...i have EVERYTHING enabled05:17
mheinkeauto patch, every PPA, dev and proposed packages/updates05:18
mheinkebecause this laptop doesnt really matter05:18
lotuspsychjemheinke: me too05:18
mheinkeif i did that at work id be fired almost immediately.05:18
lotuspsychjemheinke: so depending on what network you want secure, its wise to think further05:18
hitsujiTMOonly thing you can do if you're overly scared of anything is grab the source and go thru everyline of code til you're satisfied there's no malicious content.   ... now back to my scanning of the kernel code so i can update the bloody thing...05:18
mheinkelotuspsychje, exactly05:19
mheinkeits threat landscape and security protocol. how far do you want to take it...and what is the risk if you dont05:19
lotuspsychjewell its an interesting thread tnx to all05:19
mheinkehitsujiTMO, we have 2 guys who QA / Review mainline patches05:19
SomeDamnBodyhey, I'm trying to set up a Virtual Machine linux and I need to get a linux that I can install on there that everyone knows how to use. It's for a group of students, we want to provide them exploitation trials (trivial heap overflows and stuff) because it's for a computer security class05:19
mheinkeits awful05:19
Guest16530hi my Ubuntu login screen has a new user called Light Display Manager which i have not created. How it got there?05:20
SomeDamnBodythe problem is, the recent downloads of ubuntu have heap protection built in05:20
SomeDamnBodyis there an old version of ubuntu that I can specifically target, perhaps that will have an old kernel05:20
SomeDamnBodybut that I can nonetheless still install in a VM?05:20
mheinkeSomeDamnBody, interesting question05:20
hitsujiTMOmheinke: that can't be fun at all ... why would some take up such a job05:20
SomeDamnBodyor can anybody tell me the name of the protections?05:21
mheinkehitsujiTMO, its pretty dull, but they are also DBAs05:21
mheinkeSomeDamnBody, depends on how relivent you want it05:21
SomeDamnBodyrelivent? I only want the easiest set of configs that allow them to see how heap exploitation works with double frees05:22
mheinkeyou could try older ubuntu but you will be going back aways...maybe 8.10?05:23
SomeDamnBodythere's some check that the standard library is doing on free that's stopping it. I need to disable the checks on this one Virtual Machine to let the heap exploit work05:23
mheinkeor earlier05:23
SomeDamnBodymheinke, yeah, see I just don't want to guess about it05:23
=== matt_ is now known as Guest23094
SomeDamnBodyI want solid info, because unless I know that version works, then what I think is that I'll just be bouncing around trying everything and not really knowing05:24
mheinkeSomeDamnBody, wish i could help further with that..but your asking for something that simply doesnt work in the modern kernel. and when it was patched...im not sure that your going to find that info other then looking at kernel.org and going through release notes05:25
SomeDamnBodyah ok05:26
mheinkeyou could use Gentoo and compile a kernel yourself that has the vulns unpatched05:26
GabbozSomeDamnBody, you could try a netsec board or arstechnica forum.. just a guess05:26
SomeDamnBodyah ok05:26
saxonjfPlease help. When I try to open this website: http://www.yahoosportsradio.com/shows/travis-rodgers/the-friday-facts-with-brian-beckner-101113-54893/ the streaming is only a black box. Any ideas for help?05:26
mheinkesaxonjf, do you have the java plugin installed?05:27
mheinkebrowser plugin..not just java jdk05:27
mheinkeor the adobe flash plugin?05:27
saxonjfso I need to install the java plugin for my browser?05:27
saxonjfadobe flash works.05:27
ubottusaxonjf,: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.05:28
mheinkeeither java or flash05:28
Gabbozsaxonjf, google "java test" and run sun.s test05:28
specialOffer11Hi. For some reason, I can't log in when I "reconfigure" to gdm, but I can when I select lightdm.05:28
specialOffer11If it makes a difference, I'm using XFCE as well.05:28
Guest16530hi my Ubuntu login screen has a new user called Light Display Manager which i have not created. How it got there?05:28
lonehow to diagnose and fix network problem in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?05:30
mheinkelone, that is a LONG discussion in networking...05:30
anudasnetwork problem?05:30
mheinkecan you narrow down your issue?05:30
Gabbozlone, care to elaborate05:31
* Gabboz laughs.05:31
AntAnonymousMorning all05:31
cfhowlettAntAnonymous, sez you.  afternoon in Beijing.  Greetings05:32
loneI'm using mobile broadband.I'm connected but FireFox says ;server not found'05:32
xtrizwhich vnc server is best supported by ubuntu ?05:32
ubottuxtriz,: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:32
lonefor all websites.05:32
xtrizcfhowlett, :D ok05:32
xtrizcfhowlett, recommended ?05:32
cfhowlettxtriz, I'd ask the #ubuntu-server folk05:32
xtrizwhich vnc server is recommended  to be used by ubuntu ?05:32
xtrizcfhowlett, ok05:33
anudassystem monitor05:33
BAMbandaI have the universe package enabled, and I can't sudo apt-get install haskell-platform05:33
hitsujiTMOBAMbanda: did you apt-get update?05:33
mheinkeBAMbanda, did you apt-get update?05:34
BAMbandasame output: can't locate package05:34
hitsujiTMOBAMbanda: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list05:34
anudasnetwork tools05:34
Guest21609i have a ubuntu 13.10 router05:36
Dr_Willisxtriz:  depends on how you are going to be using the vnc server05:36
Guest21609how can i overclock it05:36
Gabbozvnc server in ubuntu server??05:36
AntAnonymousthanks @cfhowlett05:36
Guest21609i Already overclocked my dvd drive05:36
Guest21609i need 100% overclock packet acceleration pls05:36
Dr_Willisgo oveclock your alarm clock.05:36
Guest21609already done05:36
xtrizDr_Willis, i am trying to connect vnc using ssh.05:38
Guest21609wow i rly have 2 poop but i dont want 205:38
intraderAnyone, earlier I was helped with a problem I have with eclipse's menu. Unfortunately, the changes that were prescribed in the pastebin no longer work as I had to reinstall the latests version of eclipse (as ubuntu does not offer the latest one). My version is in /usr/lib/eclipse.eclipse (executable). When I execute this eclipse comes up but its menu does not work05:39
BAMbandahitsujiTMO, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6322360/05:39
intraderAnyone, earlier I was helped with a problem I have with eclipse's menu. Unfortunately, the changes that were prescribed in the pastebin no longer work as I had to reinstall the latests version of eclipse (as ubuntu does not offer the latest one). My version is in /usr/lib/eclipse.eclipse (executable). When I execute this eclipse comes up but its menu does not work --- sorry that is /usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse05:40
hitsujiTMOBAMbanda: looking into it now05:40
intraderAnyone, earlier I was helped with a problem I have with eclipse's menu. Unfortunately, the changes that were prescribed in the pastebin no longer work as I had to reinstall the latests version of eclipse (as ubuntu does not offer the latest one). My version is in /usr/lib/eclipse.eclipse (executable). When I execute this eclipse comes up but its menu does not work --- sorry that is /usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse. The /usr/share/applicatio05:46
intraderns/eclipse.desktop file contains as http://paste.ubuntu.com/6322378/05:46
hitsujiTMOBAMbanda: ok, i've checked from a few precise installs and all seems ok. can you try changing repos incase its an issue with that repo05:46
mheinkeyou may need to talk to eclipse people intrader05:46
Guest21609why did nobody answer me05:47
Guest21609i really want overclocked packets05:47
inahdi am thinking that netflix-desktop will not work on a 64bit install05:47
mheinkeGuest21609, do you know how WAN acceleration works?05:48
intradermheinke, sorry it is a known bug in 13.1005:48
BAMbandahitsujiTMO, its the only link that the website offers :(, i'll try #haskell and see what they say05:48
KnownSyntaxNo one knows how to help you out, that's why Guest. We're all people here, not like Ubuntu pays someone to answer everyone's question in here05:48
Guest21609ok :[05:48
mheinkeGuest21609, WAN acceleration is complex05:48
Guest21609man that sounds so cool05:48
Jordan_UGuest21609: Please stick to legitimate support discussion only.05:48
mheinkedo you have experience with it?05:48
Guest21609Yes Sir!05:48
Guest21609no mam05:49
intradermheinke, sorry it is a known bug in 13.10 - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/122184805:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208019 in unity-gtk-module (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1221848 Eclipse menus doesn't show up in Saucy" [Critical,Triaged]05:49
BAMbandahitsujiTMO, thanks for the help though05:49
mheinkei wouldnt attempt to write a WAN accelerator...go talk to riverbed or a company who does WAN acceleration (juniper networks)05:49
Dr_Willishmm. no menus in eclipse.. perhaps disabel the global menu just for eclipse05:50
mheinkeGuest21609, that was for you ^^^05:50
hispeed764what should i use (software-wise) to create a raid array?05:50
hispeed764will gpart do it?05:50
hispeed764or is that an lvm thing?05:50
hitsujiTMOBAMbanda: ahh, its raring you're on ... i'll check that too05:50
intraderAnyone, earlier I was helped with a problem I have with eclipse's menu. Unfortunately, the changes that were prescribed in the pastebin no longer work as I had to reinstall the latests version of eclipse (as ubuntu does not offer the latest one). My version is in /usr/lib/eclipse.eclipse (executable). When I execute this eclipse comes up but its menu does not work --- sorry that is /usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse. The /usr/share/applicatio05:51
anudasfor eclipse, perhaps update in eclipse and check05:51
intraderns/eclipse.desktop file contains as http://paste.ubuntu.com/6322378/ -- the bug in ubuntu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/122184805:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208019 in unity-gtk-module (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1221848 Eclipse menus doesn't show up in Saucy" [Critical,Triaged]05:51
hitsujiTMOBAMbanda: its not in raring ... thats your problem05:51
BAMbandahitsujiTMO, yeah #haskell says its not out for newer Ubuntus yet05:52
mheinkeis there a karma system in this channel?05:52
hispeed764anybody familiar with software raid?05:52
hitsujiTMOBAMbanda: its in saucy05:52
hitsujiTMOBAMbanda: just not raring05:53
mheinkehispeed764, i am, but not creating one with ubuntu05:53
BAMbandahitsujiTMO, can I get it from saucy?05:53
hispeed764trying to figure out what software to use to create it..05:54
hitsujiTMOBAMbanda: you'd have to upgrade the os, or find a ppa05:54
anudasclassic gnome05:54
Guest21609should i take vitamin c vitamins05:54
Guest216092 grow muh dik hair?05:54
BAMbandahitsujiTMO, so if I get 13.04, it should work fine?05:55
mheinkethank you Jordan_U05:55
hitsujiTMOBAMbanda: 13.10 :P05:55
BAMbandaah, ok05:55
=== LoganG is now known as LoganG|off
BAMbandahitsujiTMO, how do I upgrade from the terminal?05:56
hitsujiTMOBAMbanda: it seems 13.04's GHC is incompattable with haskell platform05:56
hitsujiTMOBAMbanda: do-release-upgrade05:56
=== rob is now known as Guest72589
BAMbandahitsujiTMO, thanks a lot man05:57
mheinkealright time to upgrade mysql...wish me luck!06:02
Skaagwhich package contains do-release-upgrade?06:06
Skaagit seems to be missing in some of my 'precise' openvz images06:06
ola2best way to set apt-get offline with dependencies????06:08
ola2which is best way to set apt-get install a package offline06:09
mheinkeola2, you cant apt-get offline...you need to have the packages with dependancies on your machine06:09
ola2i want to give a package to client06:10
ola2package name is openvas06:10
ola2it is not standard apt package06:10
ola2so i want to give it with my software06:10
ola2what to do06:10
intradermheinke, please address my problem with 13.10 - it is a reported and accepted ubuntu 13.10 bug with a solution that I am unable to apply06:11
Jordan_U!offline | ola206:11
ubottuola2: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD06:11
mheinkei dont use eclipse06:11
mheinkeintrader i use another IDE...i dont use eclipse06:11
mheinkeits too heavy06:11
intradermheinke, Ok - hopefully I will get help with this ubuntu (not eclipse) bug06:12
sammyso why would apt suddenly not be able to hit a mirror? I can use apt-get install <package> to download packages from it, I can browse the mirror using a browser, but doing apt-get update just says the mirror isn't there.06:16
Ben64sammy: it would help if you pastebinned the relevant information06:16
sammyIll wait until it finishes and pastebin the output, sure. its an ipv4 address its trying to reach, the same that it resolves to when I ping it (which it responds to)06:17
anudasubuntu software center06:17
sammywell look at that, even though it lists its IPv4 address in brackets when attempting connection, all the error messages mention an ipv6 address :(06:18
sammythat's quite misleading06:19
anudassammy,  try ubuntu software center06:19
Skaagok found it, update-manager-core06:21
sammyanudas: thanks for the suggestion. I think instead Ill look into filing a bug for apt-get displaying an IPv4 address its appearing to connect to when its really attempting to connect to an IPv6 address.06:23
sammyanudas: I'm assuming the ipv6 setup is just incorrect through the dsl modem/router, regardless of what apt interface I use.06:24
anudassammy, ok, i have no problem >/]06:24
saxonjfStill having problems. When I try to open this website: http://www.yahoosportsradio.com/shows/travis-rodgers/the-friday-facts-with-brian-beckner-101113-54893/ the streaming is only a black box. I tried installing JRT and then tried Ubuntu Rested Extras, nothing works Any ideas for help?06:25
saxonjfI tried installing the JRT formats06:25
Dr_Willisthats weird.. google chrome crashed me back to the login screen..06:26
saxonjfI erased them,and made sure Ubuntu restricted extras was on. That didn't work.06:26
sammythough okay this is odd, why would apt-get update not work but apt-get install properly fetches a package...06:27
=== Devels_ is now known as Devels
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:28
=== vl`perre is now known as perre`vl
intraderAnyone, earlier I was helped with a problem I have with eclipse's menu. Unfortunately, the changes that were prescribed in the pastebin no longer work as I had to reinstall the latests version of eclipse (as ubuntu does not offer the latest one). My version is in /usr/lib/eclipse.eclipse (executable). When I execute this eclipse comes up but its menu does not work --- sorry that is /usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse. The /usr/share/applicatio06:29
intraderns/eclipse.desktop file contains as http://paste.ubuntu.com/6322378/ -- the bug in ubuntu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/122184806:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208019 in unity-gtk-module (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1221848 Eclipse menus doesn't show up in Saucy" [Critical,Triaged]06:29
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Dr_Willisintrader:  tried just disabling global menus for Eclipse?06:31
tomato16has anyone here tried a system76 laptop?06:31
Dr_Willisenv UBUNTU_MENUPROXY= eclipse                     intrader   as a test.06:32
aeon-ltdtomato16: ask your real question06:33
intraderDr_Willis, I am confused - how ? on the terminal?. There are no menus that work on eclipse06:34
Ben64intrader: you installed eclipse manually?06:35
intraderBen64, yes - I must use kepler06:36
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Ben64well, we can't support such installs in this channel, you should see if there is an eclipse specific support option06:37
intraderBen64, yes - I must use kepler06:38
Dr_Willisenv UBUNTU_MENUPROXY= eclipse                     intrader    this command runs eclipse with the global-menu feature disabled JUST for eclipse06:38
saxonjfI am having problems, I believe with Java.  I have Ubuntu Restricted Extras, but I cannot get the streaming to work on this website: http://www.yahoosportsradio.com/shows/travis-rodgers/the-friday-facts-with-brian-beckner-101113-54893/  Any assistance?06:39
intraderDr_Willis, when I issue env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY = eclipse       from the /usr/lib/eclipse directory it tells me env: eclipse: No such file or directory06:40
Dr_Willisintrader:  give the proper path to the command then. if its not in your default paths06:40
intraderDr_Willis, the executable path is /usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse06:42
Dr_Willisso... use that instead of just 'eclipse' ;)  or cd to where its at and use ./eclipse as the command06:43
saxonjfI am having problems, I believe with Java.  I have Ubuntu Restricted Extras, but I cannot get the streaming to work on this website: http://www.yahoosportsradio.com/shows/travis-rodgers/the-friday-facts-with-brian-beckner-101113-54893/  Any assistance?06:43
xtrizwhat framework does askubuntu.com uses ?06:44
intraderDr_Willis, it works when I use the fulls path in the env command. Thanks. How do Integrate it so that I don't need to issue the env command?06:44
Dr_Willisedit your .desktop file06:44
Dr_Williswould be one way06:44
Dr_Willisxtriz:  Hmm. its used by a lot of other sites. :) i forget the original site.. let me look06:45
xtrizDr_Willis, mostly the stack exchange  sites use it.06:46
Dr_Willisxtriz:  'stackexchange' is the parent  of it. :)06:46
Dr_Willisbut i forget what its called06:46
tomato16aeon-ltd: was just looking for people's opinions on them, thinking of picking one up06:46
xtrizDr_Willis, it is a framework ?06:46
tomato16aeon-ltd: read some reviews about bad keyboards and what not06:46
intraderDr_Willis, the .desktop file contains http://paste.ubuntu.com/6322378/06:48
Dr_Willisthat the one you edited? looks like you got some extra lines in it.06:49
sammywell I guess the issue isn't ipv6 afterall :( after using sysctl to disable ipv6, apt fails to connect to the mirror, even though I can ping it and browse it on port 8006:50
sammy*and* I can use apt-get install to install something from the mirror. 'could not connect to... connection timed out'06:52
crocketHow do I downgrade php 5.5 to 5.4 on ubuntu 13.10?06:52
Dr_Williscrocket:  if you are lucky and the older version is in the repos. you can pin it.. if not... well.. Not sure.06:52
somsip!info php506:52
intraderDr_Willis, I guess I don't know how launching eclipse works. I have a launcher that launches the troubled eclipse without executing the env command06:52
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.3+dfsg-1ubuntu2 (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 29 kB06:52
Dr_Willisintrader:  you could just launch it from a shell script and make a launcher that does that.06:53
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Dr_Willisintrader:  as far as i know you just need to make a copy of the original eclipse.desktop file and change the exec line06:53
Dr_Willisthat desttop file you pasted looks right on the exec line. but i dont know about the last few lines. those might be for the unity quick lists06:54
ola2i am not able to understand dpkg -s packagename06:54
ola2does it tells if package is installed06:54
ola2what does it tells06:54
Dr_Willisor you could just disable the global menu competely intrader06:54
intraderDr_Willis, but how does it connect to the launcher on the left - and how do I disable the global menus?06:55
Dr_Willisdid that edited .desktop launcher file work?06:55
mnathaniHow do I modify the colours used by bash when doing directory listings? It uses blue for directories which is not very visible06:55
Dr_Willismnathani:  'man ls' i think mentions the LSCOLORS variable06:56
ola2plz help me06:56
Dr_Willisor you edit the blue color it uses in your terminal setting/profiles06:56
ola2how to check if package is installed06:56
ola2and if not install it06:56
ola2i want to write a script06:56
Jordan_Uola2: What is your end goal?06:56
Dr_Willisecho $LS_COLORS06:57
ola2to make a script06:57
ola2install a package if it is not in system06:57
ola2but first check06:57
intraderDr_Willis, I am not sure. THe env command works. If I make a script with just that command it should start eclipse06:57
Dr_Willisintrader:  or make a shell script called 'run-my-eclipse' that does that one command. then make a launcher for it.06:57
Jordan_Uola2: That's not an end goal. Why are you trying to write said script?06:57
ola2i will give a client debs06:58
ola2if already instaLLED PACKAGE NOTHING TO BE DONE06:58
ola2if no package then that package will be installed06:58
intraderDr_Willis, when I saw that unity integration of menus, I knew it would be trouble with many apps06:58
Jordan_Uola2: So you're trying to help a single client install openvas?07:00
ola2yes now u r right07:00
ola2i will give openvas with my software07:00
Dr_Willisintrader:  really ive seen very few issues with it07:00
saxonjfOK, I was able to install iced-tea properly, and got java to run properly, but for some reason, the streaming on this website still won't work: http://www.yahoosportsradio.com/shows/travis-rodgers/the-friday-facts-with-brian-beckner-100413-54453/  Any ideas?07:00
ola2so i will give debs to him07:01
furoidoim having problem with setting group permissions07:01
ola2if he doesnot have openvas07:01
Dr_Willisintrader:  eclipse written in java seems to cause more troubles for itself then anything else i belive07:01
furoidohow can i make read/write to a certain group in the whole os07:01
mheinkesaxonjf, did you install the browser plugin?07:01
mIKEjONEShow do I run 32bit binaries on a 64bit system now that ia32-libs is no longer available?07:01
mheinkefuroido, why would you ever want to do that?07:02
Ben64furoido: what exactly are you trying to do07:02
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mheinkeother then root07:02
saxonjfmheinke, Yes, the iced-tea plugin is installed and works properly07:02
Jordan_Uola2: Why not let your client install the latest version of openvas normally via openvas' repositories?07:02
Ben64mIKEjONES: multiarch, packagename:i38607:02
mheinkesaxonjf, ok..what about the adobe flash plugin?07:02
ola2my company doesnot want that07:02
ola2i have told the same07:02
Jordan_Uola2: Why not?07:02
ola2but they have lost thier mind07:02
Dr_Willis!info zsnes07:02
ubottuzsnes (source: zsnes): Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.510+bz2-5ubuntu3 (saucy), package size 868 kB, installed size 4034 kB (Only available for any-i386)07:02
ola2what can i do07:02
furoidomheinke, because im using a VirtualBox and it couldnt write in the OS07:03
Jordan_Uola2: OK, good luck :)07:03
ola2i told them lets give them script to download openvas from internet07:03
ola2they said no07:03
mheinkefuroido, ok..well add the users to the root group07:03
saxonjfmheinke, yes, flash plugin is installed, and flash runs properly also07:03
Dr_WillisHmm . zsnes works here on my 64bit system. - i wonder if it pulled in whatever packages it needed to run 32bit stuff on 64bit07:03
Ben64furoido: what ~exactly~ are you trying to accomplish07:03
mheinkesaxonjf, hmm then i dont know07:04
saxonjfmheinke, Can you pull up the page, and look at the script?07:04
Jordan_Uola2: Ideally what you would want to do would be to create your own repository containing your software, properly packaged, as well as a mirror of any package your software depends on that aren't in Ubuntu's standard repositories.07:04
mIKEjONESBen64: I downloaded a binary from the internet, so I don't exactly know what libraries it has depencies for07:04
codesmithxubuntu 13.10, Touchpad keeps freezing, someone save me pls07:04
mIKEjONESis there a way to just apt-get install 32bit libraries?07:05
furoidooh yeah mheinke. right.07:05
mheinkesaxonjf, im not getting the video either, i have java and flash07:05
ola2Jordan_U , i am making now aptoncd07:05
ola2will it be good07:05
Ben64mIKEjONES: you'll need to know which you need, what binaries are you downloading? sounds sketchy07:05
saxonjfit's audio, but it's just a long black box...07:05
mheinkei didnt even get a black box07:05
mheinkeit was white07:05
Dr_Willissaxonjf:  that site fails to play anything here.07:06
Dr_Willislong black box. ;)07:06
saxonjfDr_Willis maybe it's an issue of the website.07:06
furoidoBen64, i was running a VirtualOS.07:06
Jordan_Uola2: That and having your company's software packaged properly, with dependencies specified for those packages it needs, is the next best thing to a proper repository.07:06
mIKEjONESBen64: http://www.altera.com/ they're reputable07:06
furoidoand it cant write in the system07:06
intraderDr_Willis, I am surprised - obviously the eclipse folks are surprised also . I am having a problem make runMyEclipse executable from nautilus file viewer. I change permissions to executable and it still wants to chose gedit as application to run07:06
saxonjfIt's just my one of my favs, and I assumed that the 13.10 issues were the cause of the problem07:07
ola2Jordan_U : ya but how to make it plz give an idea07:07
ola2Jordan_U : I will give them debs all debs are working except openvas07:07
Dr_Willisintrader:  launch it from a terminal, or make a whatever.desktop to launch  the script. dont double click on the script07:07
sammywould someone- could someone try changing their mirror to mirror.uoregon.edu and trying an apt-get update for me, please? I'm wondering if something changed with the mirror and that's why I'm having these strange errors.07:07
Ben64furoido: thats still not really giving us enough information to solve whatever problem you're having07:07
Ben64sammy: why don't you change yours to a standard ubuntu one?07:08
ola2Jordan_U : any idea07:08
ola2i dont want client to use internet07:08
sammyBen64: by standard you mean the roundrobin us.archive.ubuntu.com? I tried that and the update worked, but that still doesn't explain why the uoregon mirror stopped working for me. and if its broken for other people, I'd like to report it to them.07:09
Johnson88232Hi, will it be better to install ubuntu than xfce or start freshw ith xubuntu07:09
mheinkeJohnson88232, xubuntu07:09
mheinkethey have it stable and tested07:09
Dr_WillisJohnson88232:  i always put the xubuntu desktop on my ubuntu installs. :)07:09
Dr_WillisJohnson88232:  but it depends on your end goal. I test out all the desktops ;P07:09
Dr_Williswife perfers lubuntu or xubuntu.07:09
cfhowlettJohnson88232, ubuntu + xfce is not quite xubuntu.  different packages.  depends what you want.07:09
Ben64sammy: well if ubuntu's worked and that other one doesn't, that sounds like good evidence that the mirror is the problem07:10
Johnson88232so unity sucks?07:10
mheinkei love unity!07:10
Dr_Willisi have no issues with unity.07:11
Dr_Williswife just needs a button for her browser.07:11
mheinkeDr_Willis, cant lock firefox to the launcher?07:11
Dr_Williscant seem to get that chromeos package working  in 13.10 - thats all she really needs07:11
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intraderDr_Willis, when I execute ./runEclipse from the terminal it works. If I attach the launcher that shows in the as a left icon it does not work07:12
Dr_Willisintrader:  use the full proper path to the script perhaps?  (common issue)  or have it run in a terminal.07:13
Dr_Willisintrader:  you miht need the script to use #!/bin/bash and cd to where the eclipse binary is also07:14
intraderDr_Willis, nautilus wants now to open emacs with it07:19
Dr_Willisopen what?  you still doubleclicking on the start-eclipse.sh ?07:21
FeefSo umm.07:21
Feefquestion to you guys07:21
FeefHow do i get autovpn.py to work07:22
FeefIim having major issues with vpn's on the latest ubuntu build07:22
FeefAnyone willing to help me out a bit?07:22
Feef*Criket Criket Criket*07:23
intraderDr_Willis, the runEclips file:: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6322662/07:24
FeefDo you know anything about settign vpn on the latest vpn build? I'm having nothing but trouble...07:25
FeefLatest Ubuntu Build i mean07:25
Feefagain *Criket Criket Criket*07:25
intraderFeef, no I don't know about that07:25
Feefthis is SOOO anying.07:26
dispassionhi all07:26
ubottuFeef,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/07:26
cfhowlettdispassion, greetings07:26
Feefjust like07:26
Dr_Willislatest ubuntu build = is vague also. ;)    what ubuntu release are you using exactly07:26
Dr_WillisI dont use vpns either. :0 so cant really help07:27
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Feefumm 1 sec07:27
intraderDr_Willis, wow - that was an experience with 'feef'07:28
Feefbut ya, very annoyed, took me like 2 days to get ubuntu passed a bunch of error codes07:29
Feeffinally got it working today and now vpn issues lol07:29
intraderDr_Willis, thanks for your help - for now I will use the terminal to execute runEclipse. I have no idea how to the the left  eclipse icon (once locked to launcher) to execute runEclipse07:34
intraderDr_Willis, sorry for nonsense in phrase. I amd going to bed. Thanks again!07:35
Dr_Willisintrader:  if its running a differnt .desktop file then what you are editing that would explain it.. make your own .desktop thats using its own icon and so rofth so you can tell them apart i guess..  but i  alwyas have a terminal open. :) so i dont  worry about laucchers to much07:36
ola2i want to give an offline installation of openvas package07:36
ola2it is from ppa repository07:37
ola2plz help me any idea except aptoncd07:37
intraderDr_Willis, my preference also as I have more than one eclipse07:37
pixiebitHey guys how to automatically disown a process in bash?07:37
pixiebitI literally googled that and nothing.07:37
Dr_Willispixiebit:  you mean like   'nohup  command &'07:37
Dr_Willisyou may need to pipe the stderr/out also to null.07:38
pixiebitOkay wait so I can't kill nohups?07:38
ikoniaola2: you've been told how to do this many times, you where asking about java the other day07:38
ola2ikonia java i have installed07:38
ola2with same way07:38
ola2but openvas is creating problem07:38
Dr_Willispixiebit:  i imagine you can kill them somehow.07:38
ikoniaola2: yes, and the process is the same for any other package07:39
ikoniaola2: follow the same process07:39
ola2i did as told and problem solved for java07:39
ola2no its not working thats why m asking07:39
pixiebitoh god how do i pipe to null07:39
ola2not working for openvas07:39
Dr_Willis > /dev/null07:39
ikoniapixiebit: control the language please.07:39
ikoniaola2: just repeating that doesn't change it07:39
ikoniaola2: you use the same process as you did for java.07:39
Dr_Willisbut  i forget the stderr/out thing.. &2> or somthing like that07:39
ola2why would i disturb u im telling u bcoz i have problem07:40
pixiebitpkill works on nohups07:40
SomefellowHow would I set my hostname to blank?07:40
ola2error : unable to process package openvas ...07:40
Dr_WillisSomefellow:  why would you think you need to?07:40
Somefellowit's currently "server.domain.tk"07:40
SomefellowI just want "domain.tk"07:40
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.07:40
pixiebitomg Dr07:41
ikoniaola2: look, you've been told how to do this MANY times before, you've also been told if you have a problem the information you need to provide for others to help you - please think about it07:41
SomefellowHm, maybe I'll just set the hostname to www07:41
ola2ok tell me i will do same as u say07:42
ola2and u can try it too for openvas07:42
ikoniatell you what ?07:42
ola2for java , python and nmap its working07:42
ola2tell me how to set offline download for openvas07:42
SomefellowWhile I'm here, can I just give a shoutout to Dr_Willis, you've always been helpful to me07:42
ikoniaola2: I suspect the problem you are having will be down to the dependencies being needed from the PPA you are using, rather than the core repo07:42
Dr_Willismoo Somefellow  :)07:42
ola2how to solve that07:43
ikoniaola2: download the dependencies from the PPA07:43
ola2ppa is problem07:43
ola2i did07:43
ikoniaola2: or contact the maintainer of the PPA and ask him why his packages don't work07:43
ola2but when i installed on other machine it didnot work07:43
SomefellowNow, back to breaking things07:43
ola2ikonia: i did this07:44
sgo11hi, when I do apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras, I want to ignore "flashplugin-installer" and "ttf-mscorefonts-installer". they are useless to me. how can I do that? thanks.07:44
ola2apt-get build-dep openvas packages07:44
ikoniaola2: no no no no no07:44
ola2and then downloaded all debs07:44
ola2tell me what to do now07:45
ikoniaola2: contact the PPA maintainer and ask him for support07:45
Dr_Willissgo11:  you install all the packages except those  individually - as far as i know.07:45
ola2ikonia: plz could u do that07:46
Dr_Willisthe point of ubuntu-restricted-extas - is its just a meta package. it just  has dependencies.. guess you could make your own  not-quiet-all-ubuntu-restricted-extras package07:46
sgo11Dr_Willis, ok. that works. but ugly. :) I am wondering if there is a flag like --ignore in apt-get.07:46
ola2means like doing what i want to07:46
ola2i m not able to understand problem07:46
ikoniaola2: no, I'm not contacting the PPA maintainer, you need to contact him07:46
ola2no u dont need to07:46
Dr_Willissgo11:  ive never seen one.  never really looked however. ;)07:46
ola2i m asking to just try openvas install offline07:46
ola2plz if u could experiment07:46
sgo11Dr_Willis, thanks. :)07:46
ikoniaI have no need to07:46
ikoniaI'm not ruining my system with untrusted PPA's07:46
cfhowlett^^^^ this!07:47
bazhangola2, PPA are not supported here, contact the PPA maker yourself and work out the issues. Stop asking for support here.07:47
ola2dont trust ppa trust me07:47
Dr_Willisola2:  you could explain whats 'not working'  to the channel and we might be able to figure out the core of the problem07:47
ola2unable to process openvas-scanner07:47
ola2no package found07:47
ikoniaola2: you have no technical awareness of what you are doing, I certainly will not trust you vouching for this PPA's status07:47
cfhowlettola2, "trust me" are probably the 2 most expensive words in the english language.  we don't know you.07:47
ola2im trying to set offline installation of openvas for client07:47
ikoniaola2: right - the package is MISSING, so contact the person who puts the package there, the PPA maintainer07:47
wesslyi have a problem - rhythmbox won't start! i tryed thousand methods, --purge, autoremove & etc. but still won't start.07:48
wesslyi'm listening with audacious2 but i want to use rhythmbox07:48
cfhowlettwessly, purge doesn't start rhythmbox ...07:48
cfhowlettit removes RB07:48
Dr_Williswessly:  run it from  a terminal.. and look for error messages? cleaned out your users settings?07:49
cfhowlettwessly, sudo apt-get install rhythmbox07:49
wesslyyes, i tryed to remove it with config and etc, all gnome reinstalled, dpkg-reconfigure but...07:49
Dr_Williswessly:  purgeing rythembox and reinstalling it will NOT touch/remove any problem settings in the users home.. test with a newly made user also.07:49
wesslyuno momento, i will paste07:49
Dr_Williswessly:  so - test with a newly made user. see if that user works or not. that would a good step #107:50
wesslysegfault error07:50
FeefSo like07:50
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FeefSo like07:51
ikoniaFeef: do you have a question ?07:51
FeefI'm attempting to put novpn onto my ubuntu07:52
ikoniaFeef: you're in #ubuntu, this channel is for ubuntu support questions,, you're best approach is to put a summary onto one line so people can help07:52
Feefok then07:52
cfhowlettDamienCassou, greetings07:52
sam113101is there a way to silence a job when it's running in the background?07:53
ikoniasam113101: not unless you redirectted it's output when you started it07:53
DamienCassouduplicity crashes with an exit code of '30' and a stack trace: http://pastebin.com/sKyVmmJ0. What can I do please?07:53
sam113101ikonia: aaaww, really?07:54
Dr_Willissam113101:  'exit' the terminal? ;)07:54
sam113101I guess I could redirect it to some file in /tmp and then tail -f to it later07:55
mIKEjONESthis multiarch thing is pretty broken07:55
mIKEjONESis there a way to install ia32-libs on 13.10?07:56
mIKEjONESyea ":i386" is nice... but I need something that works07:58
Dr_Willisseems it does work for packages in teh rpos.07:58
Dr_Willisif its not you can use the 'ldd' command to see what the binary needs from what i just read07:58
mIKEjONESit breaks on a few packages for me07:58
ikoniamIKEjONES: you need to be careful where packages are being pulled down from, not all sources will support it, eg: PPA's, 3rd party repos etc08:00
mIKEjONESikonia: this is straight from saucy08:00
ikoniamIKEjONES: is there a 32bit package of it in the repo ?08:01
Ben64but you have other stuff that is conflicting08:01
mIKEjONESikonia: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+build/427683808:01
ikoniadoes in conflict with a 64bit version you have08:01
mIKEjONESikonia: no, http://pastebin.com/Z3kss2kr08:01
ikoniamIKEjONES: daily build....not stable saucy repo08:01
Ben64and wait, why overlay scrollbar 386? thats already a x64 package...08:01
mIKEjONESBen64: well my 32bit binary application can't find it :/08:02
mIKEjONESso I think the issue is that there is no "overlay-scrollbar:i386"08:03
mIKEjONES overlay-scrollbar-gtk3:i386 : Depends: overlay-scrollbar:i386 but it is not installable08:03
Ben64because you already have overlay-scrollbar08:03
mIKEjONESso why is overlay-scrollbar-gtk3:i386 not installing?08:03
Ben64because you have overlay-scrollbar....08:03
mIKEjONESI don't08:03
Ben64well then, to be more specific, because you're running 64 bit08:04
mIKEjONESwell I want to have the 32bit version of overlay-scrollbar08:04
anuvratiptables doubt ... does this output indicate that everything is allowed right now? https://dpaste.de/jJg808:04
mIKEjONEShence the :i38608:04
Ben64install 32 bit ubuntu if you want that08:04
mIKEjONESI don't want to reinstall my entire OS just to get 32bit applications to work08:04
Ben64theres absolutely no reason to get that package in 32bit on a 64bit system08:04
mIKEjONESBen64: yes there is08:05
wonnacan osx 10.8 be emulated reasonably well on a phenom x608:05
Ben64you must be misunderstanding what it does08:05
ikoniamIKEjONES: just to clarify, do you have any 3rd party repos ?08:05
Dr_Williswonna:  not really a ubuntu support related question. ;)08:05
mIKEjONESikonia: I do not believe so, do you mean in sources.list?08:05
ikoniamIKEjONES: in any repo config08:05
wonnaDr_Willis, on ubuntu, oops08:05
mIKEjONESBen64: misunderstanding what?08:05
Ben64overlay-scrollbar is JUST a scroll bar, that thing on the right if the window's contents doesn't fit in the window size ----->08:05
wonnawhere would a better place to ask that question be08:06
Ben64there is absolutely no reason for having it in 32bit on a 64bit system08:06
Dr_Williswonna:  the virtualbox or vmware chananel perhaps? i dont know how you are planning on running it. 'on ubuntu'08:06
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histowonna: probably the vbox or vmware people if youa re going to use their products08:06
fishcookerhow to solve this08:07
cfhowlettwonna, there are rumours of running it on VBox, but I've never actually seen it08:07
mIKEjONESBen64: if you go to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+build/427683808:07
wonnaalright, thank y'all08:07
ikoniamIKEjONES: that is DAILY build08:07
ikoniamIKEjONES: stop referencing that - you are using the stable build08:07
ikoniamIKEjONES: you are using the core/base ubuntu repos08:08
ikoniamIKEjONES: overlay-scrollbar-gtk308:08
ikoniamIKEjONES: http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/overlay-scrollbar-gtk308:08
Voihow is that opaque thing called that shows up quickly on the middle of the screen for example when i change the volume using my multimedia keys?08:08
mIKEjONESsee there it is08:08
Ben64mIKEjONES: what does that prove08:08
mIKEjONESBen64: are you trolling me?08:08
Ben64no! i'm trying to figure out why you think you need that08:09
ikoniamIKEjONES: I think you need to look at what problems/conflict it may cause08:09
mIKEjONESBen64: 04:06 < mIKEjONES> Ben64: well my 32bit binary application can't find it :/08:09
ikoniamIKEjONES: eg: do you have the 64bit version already installed ?08:09
Ben64can you pastebin anything that relates to anything that you're saying?08:09
Ben64nothing needs overlay-scrollbar08:09
mIKEjONESBen64: go install quartus v13.0sp1 from altera.com08:10
mIKEjONESyou will see that eclipse needs it08:10
Ben64no thanks08:10
ikoniamIKEjONES: lets focus here, do you already have the 64bit version installed ?08:10
mIKEjONESikonia: I believe so08:10
ikoniamIKEjONES: ok, so that will probably be the conflict then as it will want to put binaries in the same place as the already existing 64bit08:11
mIKEjONESok 1 sec let me remove them again08:11
Ben64ikonia: it will likely conflict with everything else being 64 bit08:11
ikoniamIKEjONES: keep in mind the same will be true of it's dependencies, (apart from libraries that live in the i386 path)08:11
mIKEjONESikonia: http://pastebin.com/bUfwt2BH08:12
excognacanybody can help me with graphics issues? i'm using kubuntu 12.04, i have no desktop effect whatsoever. my graphics card. http://pastebin.kde.org/poxlmbg4108:12
excognacI have no desktop effects at all08:12
ikoniamIKEjONES: that's gtk208:12
mIKEjONESikonia: http://pastebin.com/ePe6gHxQ08:13
mIKEjONESsame thing happens for gtk308:13
ikoniamIKEjONES: yes, for the reasons I stated above08:13
mIKEjONESso... what do I do?08:14
Voihow is that opaque thing called that shows up quickly on the middle of the screen for example when i change the volume using my multimedia keys?08:15
ikoniamIKEjONES: you're basically requesting an impossible solution.08:15
mIKEjONESikonia: I don't understand...08:16
mIKEjONESikonia: if I apt-get download the package, and dpkg --force-all -i it08:16
mIKEjONESeverything works08:16
ola2  mike08:16
ola2i have ur solution08:16
ola2try this08:16
mIKEjONESexcepts apt-get will complain and tell me to run apt-get -f install08:16
ola2apt-get build-dep nameofpackage08:16
ikoniamIKEjONES: you have a product+dependencies that wants to install to locations X Y and Z, you want to install the same product to X Y and V, "V" is ok as it's it's own space, X and Y conflict with what's there08:16
ola2it will download all dependencies08:16
ikoniamIKEjONES: do not do what ola2 says08:17
ola2ikonia i have that experience08:17
ikoniaola2: how will that fix a conflict between 32bit and 64bit pakages ?08:17
mIKEjONESikonia: but I don't have the 64bit version installed, and the 32bit version does not conflict with any existing files08:17
Ben64i'm still wondering how overlay-scrollbar affects anything. it is literally just a scrollbar, not necessary in any way. it can be removed to restore the traditional scrollbar08:18
ola2did u try pae08:18
ola2try pae08:18
ikoniaola2: stop it08:18
ikoniayou are just saying random things08:18
ola2im helping him08:18
mIKEjONESBen64: there's a shared object file that ships with the -gtk package08:18
ola2no i have tried pae08:18
ikoniaBen64: it looks like it's the dependencies, rather than the package that's hitting the issue08:18
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ola2many pae have worked for 32 bit as well as 64 bit apps08:18
ikoniaola2: stop it now, PAE is not for "32/64bit apps" it's a kernal to allow large memory space addressing08:19
ola2ya that will help him08:19
ikoniano, it won't08:19
ikoniamIKEjONES: long shot suggestion, depending how confident you are, you could build the 32bit package to install into /opt for example and see if that resolve the conflict, then work through each dependency that is not a library and do the same if it doesn't08:21
ikonia http://pastebin.com/bUfwt2BH08:21
ikoniaoops, ignore pastebin08:21
mIKEjONESikonia: oy ok :(08:21
ikoniamIKEjONES: I appreciate it's not the one command solution you wanted, but just trying to give a realistic response08:21
DebolazIs it possible to get the networked lenses in Unity on another button than super? I really do like the feature, I just don't want it to be on the same button as I use to search my local machine for privacy reasons.08:24
derfetrrhi there08:26
derfetrri have an environment problem08:26
loahello, some times my ubuntu 13.10 totally hangs (08:26
atomxAfter I upgraded to 13.10, I have a great problem. I cannot close any more the laptop lid, because it shuts down the network, and the internet is broken in the house (because I use the laptop to create a wireless )08:26
loasomeone have such thing too?08:26
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atomxHow can I make it work ?08:26
atomxloa: reinstall it from scratch if you cannot debug.08:27
loaatomx, maybe disable power saving mod, and event when laptop is closed.08:27
loaatomx, how i can debug it?08:27
atomxloa: it is difficult to say. Debugging a system is tricky. It takes long time, much longer than to reinstall from scratch08:28
atomxIf you are not motivated, reinstall it.08:28
atomxloa: for example, look at dmesg, and see if something suggestive is written there08:29
atomx... at the output of dmesg08:29
ubottuderfetrr,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:29
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jony_easyplease  help me someone to solve this issue : http://paste.ubuntu.com/6322904/08:39
ikoniajony_easy: install the package build-essential08:40
jony_easyikonia, ty, it worked08:42
atomxCan somebody tell me how to *disable* the callback that shuts down the wireless when I close the lid, please ?08:43
Voiwhats the kernel of 12.04.3 and whats the kernel of 12.04.2?08:58
Voiwhats the kernel of 12.04.3 and whats the kernel of 12.04.2?08:58
Voinvm found it08:59
Voihope i finally score with finding a working kernel supported distro09:00
Ben64Voi: what?09:00
littlebithi people I tried to compile and install wine from source, and now I need to know how to uninstall / undo of what I did. can someone help?09:01
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Voiben64: on kernel 3.8 (12.04.3) my internet isnt working, on later kernels its working but i get GLU freezes all the time so unusable, older kernel linux are usually EOL09:04
alexwHuhh? http://paste.laravel.com/12GU I thought if I'm in www-data I can read/write09:04
somsipalexw: I would recommend adding yourself to www-data group (then logout and back in) and making dirs in /var/www to be g+s09:05
alexwI am in the group though?09:05
alexwgroups says www-data09:05
somsipalexw: no g+w permission there then maybe?09:06
alexwwhat ls command do i need to show that09:07
somsipalexw: 770 on dirs and 660 might be better for you. But anything you do will be writeable by you unless you g+s on the dirs09:07
somsip*660 on files09:07
somsipalexw: though if you are about to install laravel, it only needs +w on a couple of directories so maybe g+s is a bit overkill for you09:08
myndzidoing a release upgrade, ran into this error: "supported_versions: WARNING: Unknown Ubuntu release: 12.10" ... any idea what that might be? i'm prompted for a password afterwards, which throws me into a loop (preconfiguring... unknown release.. etc.)09:10
alexwsomsip just trying to get write permission from a deploy user09:10
somsipalexw: g+w on the directory then09:10
alexwand also allow nginx (www-data) read/write09:10
alexwsomsip there we go :D09:12
somsipalexw: done? ok09:12
alexwyup g+w worked09:12
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farawayhi if on my headless server the server stops on grub waiting for a keyboard, cause of a previous bootfail in which log file do i need to search for that fail09:15
ikoniafaraway: you need to look on screen09:16
huayrais it just me or is 13.10 so buggy that it is in the edge of being totally unusable?09:17
huayrachrome, firefox, system monitor, guake09:17
huayraeverything crashes all the time09:17
ikoniahuayra: look for the common factors, research why they are crashing,09:18
huayraAnyone having similar issues?09:18
farawayikonia: the server did not start correctly yesterday when i was not there. and was shut down with power of (or what ever) later. Now i started and it for sure shows up the grub menu.09:18
ikoniahuayra: others have a totally mirror experience09:18
ikoniafaraway: right, so that doesn't change what I said09:18
huayraDOn't have time for this, I downgrade to 13.04 I think.09:18
huayraOr upgrade to Debian testing09:18
ikoniahuayra: ok09:18
sam113101is there a shortcut for "fg" in bash/zsh?09:21
ikoniahow short do you want the letter "fg" to be09:21
sam113101I mean, you press Ctrl+Z to suspend, is there a shortcut to do the opposite (fg)?09:22
ikoniasam113101: control z is paus09:24
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m3kk_Sorry but what is linuxmint-chat channel?09:31
m3kk_i was suppose to write where09:31
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:31
sam113101why can't I switch to another workspace using my keyboard?09:33
lxle120464Hi am running  lubuntu lxle livecd but am having random access denied permission prblems with various programs accessing my data stored on hard drive Either music movies or documents Any Ideas ?09:34
Ben64lxle120464: lxle is not supported here09:37
PawnerdIs it a bad thing to shut down an ubuntu server with the power button?09:42
ObrienDavenormal shut down or the 5 second delay kill all shutdown?09:43
DJonesPawnerd: Its never a good idea to hard reset a machine if there's any other way of shutting down, it can lead to disk corruption09:43
ola2how to run a command with default options09:43
ola2means without asking anything to user09:43
ola2automatically fill values09:43
somsipola2: what command?09:44
ola2openvas mk-cert09:44
ola2means any command09:44
ola2taking default value09:44
ola2silent run command without asking anything09:45
somsipola2: what does the manual say?09:46
MultiplyI'm writing a custom upstart script, starting instances, for each CPU core. Starting the instances by themselves works flawlessly, but starting the actual job, takes forever. No errors. Not output. It simply hangs. If I start it, ctrl+c and start it again, it claims it's started, yet it hasn't started anything at all?09:48
ikoniaMultiply: put some debug in09:49
MultiplyIn the script, or?09:50
ikoniaMultiply: sure, see what it does, and check the depends to see what would start/stop it launching09:50
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Multiplyikonia, seems like it never actually runs the script, for some reason.09:53
silv3r_m00nhi there09:53
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ikoniaMultiply: ok, so look at what it is set to depend on09:53
silv3r_m00nin ubuntu software center, if i search for apache it does not show apache2 http server09:53
silv3r_m00nwhy ?09:53
reffcap09hello guys just wondering does anyone know much about wineasio09:54
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reffcap09i have no idea where to start on getting the files or compiling it09:55
Multiplyikonia, I'm not sure I follow.09:55
MultiplyAll it does, is "start on startup" and "stop on shutdown"09:56
ikoniaMultiply: the upstart package should depend on things, what have you set it to depend on09:56
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: could install it using apt-get, bit easier09:56
silv3r_m00nActionParsnip: i mean, is that how software center works ?09:56
sam113101this is what happens when you have hundreds of windows opened: http://i.imgur.com/vUitMen.jpg09:56
reffcap09will anyone be willing to help me with wineasio09:59
reffcap09if so i would be very gratefull09:59
ola2how to run command in ubuntu with automatic input fill10:00
ola2yes sir10:01
reffcap09do you know how to install wineasio10:02
ola2no sir10:02
huayraikonia, it was the kernel10:02
reffcap09dang im trying to figure out how to install it for controller and sound output10:02
huayrastarted the computerwith 3.8.x and it works flawlessly10:02
huayrastill on 13.1010:02
huayraso I guess I will just uinstall 3.11 and roll with this10:03
santoshAnybody using Hindi layout please answer this: http://askubuntu.com/q/367761/4971510:03
fishorhello all, do any one use empathy call? And do any one has sound problems on 13.10?10:04
ola2_how to run terminal command without asking for permission10:05
ola2_means input10:06
ola2_plz help10:06
ubottuola2,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/10:06
ikoniaola2_: it will depend on the command, some take default by default, others require flags, others will not allow default and require user input10:07
ola2_the command is openvas-mkcert10:07
ola2_ikonia i solved that problem of openvas10:07
ikoniaola2_: I didn't ask the command, I explained it depends on the specific command10:07
ola2_ikonia dont get annoyed10:08
ikoniaI'm not annoyed10:08
ola2_ikonia : i found that too10:12
ola2_its openvas-mkcert -q10:12
ola2_i found this in many commands10:12
ola2_i found -f , -q ...10:12
ikoniaola2_: it will depend on each command as I said10:12
ola2_no sir10:12
ola2_i found for most10:13
ola2_-force type commands10:13
sgo11hi, I forgot the command/app to modify application category etc... can anyone tell me please? thanks.10:13
ikoniaola2_: most = "not every command so it will depend on the specific command"10:13
dksahow can I disable /etc/init.d/apache2?10:13
ola2_not every command but most of it10:13
geirhasgo11: Are you thinking of alacarte?10:13
ikoniaola2_: eg: look at "man ls" -f does something very different,10:13
ola2_no no sir im not talking about those commands10:14
sgo11geirha, yeah, that's right. thanks a lot.10:14
ikoniaola2_: what command, you said 1 command10:14
ikoniaola2_: eg: if you look at ssh-keygen, egain -f does something totally different10:14
ikoniaola2_: so it is not "most" commands,10:14
ola2_like --force-depends type10:15
ikoniaola2_: no, that is not command in commands10:15
ola2_so most commonly force10:15
ikoniano, it is not common in most commands10:15
ola2_no no thats parameter to force10:15
ikoniaola2_: no, it is not common to be used in most commands at all10:15
ola2_o my ghod10:16
ola2_im helping ppl here10:16
ikoniayou're giving VERY BAD advice to people10:16
ola2_may be someone asks for same10:16
ola2_it helps i know it10:16
ikoniano, it doesn't10:16
ikoniait's "wrong" hence why I'm correcting you10:16
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nightcrowhiya guys - I have an ubuntu machine that I am using somewhat as a proxy - i want to create a user which can ONLY ssh to a given IP from that machine.10:26
nightcrowcan someone help me with this please?10:27
ikonianightcrow: you'd normally do that at the server end, not the client end10:27
nightcrowikonia: i see10:28
nightcrowbasically, I want to give someone remote access to my 'proxy' and then allow them to log in to the 'proxy' with a limited user, where that limited user can only perform one 'function', with that 'function' being the ability to SSH to another machine.10:29
nightcrowikonia: i would have assumed this would be at the user level10:29
nightcrownot at the server10:29
nightcrowbecause the server cant differentiate which (remote) user is being used to log in to it.10:30
ikonianightcrow: not really, as you'd have to make ssh aware of which user was running it and have associated rules for that user10:30
nightcrowi see10:30
nightcrowso how would I go about doing this?10:30
ikonianightcrow: tools such as selinux for example, would be an obvious but tricky response, same for apparmor10:30
nightcrowhmmmm, ok10:31
ikonianightcrow: you could look at trying to limit it with a config file in ~/.ssh/config10:31
ikoniassh does support "per use" config10:31
ikoniaper user10:31
ola2_ikonia: u know kernel programming10:31
ola2_can u help me10:31
ikoniaola2_: why ?10:31
ola2_i want to work on it10:32
ola2_i studied file structure10:32
ikoniawhat's stopping you ?10:32
ola2_i have downloaded source10:32
ola2_i edited it10:32
ola2_but when i redirect to it10:32
ola2_os doesnot starts10:32
ola2_blank screen10:32
ikoniaola2_: I don't mean this harsh, but you don't have a clue what you are doing10:32
ikoniayou don't point at the kernel source10:32
ikoniayou build a kernel - you build it corectly, then you point the boot loader to use that kernel to boot10:33
nightcrow_ikonia: sorry, i got cut off10:33
ola2_ya pointing is i think problem10:33
nightcrow_please can you tell me what I missed10:33
ikonianightcrow_: what did you last see from me10:33
ola2_how to pint10:33
ola2_how to point10:33
ikoniaola2_: have you recompiled the kernel after you modified it ?10:33
ola2_i pointed in grub files10:33
ikoniaola2_: have you recompiled the kernel after you modified it ?10:33
nightcrow_just the selinux10:33
nightcrow_and apparmor10:33
ikonianightcrow_: ok, so ssh does allow "per user" config files in ~/.ssh/config you maybe able to limit him by putting a config file there and seeing if there is a way to use "knownhosts" to block him10:34
ikonianightcrow_: may take a little bit of research, but that seems a possible way ?10:34
nightcrow_ah, good idea10:34
nightcrow_i didnt think of that10:34
nightcrow_ill look into it10:34
ola2_ya ikonia10:34
nightcrow_and update you if i succeed!10:35
voltagexhey, why isn't ports.ubuntu.com mirrored like the ubuntu archive is?10:35
nightcrow_thank you!10:35
ola2_it compiled without problem10:35
ola2_i just want to check10:35
ola2_compilation no problem but pointing is i think10:35
ikoniaso if someone doesn't have ~/.ssh/config it will use /etc/ssh/ssh_config - so if you put a specific file in ~/.ssh/config it will override the default and you maybe able to block him10:35
nightcrow_ikonia: wouldnt he be able to modify the config and knownhosts file though?10:35
ikonianightcrow_: no, as known hosts is not restricted unless the server is only accepting known hosts, thats why I said it was server side10:35
ikonianightcrow_: you could try putting that servers key in known_hosts, then making it read only so it can't accept a key from any other host, and thus not log him in10:36
reisiovoltagex: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PackageArchive#Ports10:36
nightcrow_ah, this is server side, not client side?10:36
ikonianightcrow_: the tip I just gave you is client side, which is what you wanted, however if the server only accepts known hosts is server side.10:36
ikonianightcrow_: try the suggestion I've made, put the key in known_hosts for that user, then make it read only,10:36
ikoniabut scrappy but may work10:36
nightcrow_thank you very much ikonia !10:36
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nightcrow_ill do some research and ill update you if i succeed.10:37
ikoniaola2_: what is your kernel image called ?10:37
universalfrom where to get flash flash for new saucy and mozilla ?10:39
universaland where is dconf in saucy ?10:39
Ben64!info flashplugin-installer | universal10:39
ubottuuniversal: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 6 kB, installed size 136 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)10:39
universalBen64: so I should do - sudo apt-get install "flashplugin-installer"10:41
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Ben64that should do it10:41
universalwhat about dconf ?10:41
Ben64what do you mean exactly10:42
universalI want to open dconf in saucy !10:42
Ben64none of this stuff has changed, its always been flashplugin-installer, and dconf-tools still appears to be in saucy10:43
zetheroohow to install the ylib php extension in 12.04?10:43
universalbut dconf came with ubuntu and looks like its removed in saucy10:44
zetheroohow to install the *zlib php extension in 12.04?10:45
minimecuniversal: sudo apt-get install dconf dconf-editor10:46
universalminimec: why is it removed from saucy ?10:47
minimecuniversal: If you run unity, dconf should be installed, just the editor is not probaby...10:49
universalminimec: well editor came with all the previous versions of ubuntu!10:50
reisiouniversal: all the previous versions of ubuntu didn't even have dconf, 'cause it didn't even exist for them all :)10:50
reisioapt-file will tell you what package provides what executable10:50
minimecuniversal: I am not sure with that, but let's face it. It doesn't really matter know, that you have it installed, right?10:51
universalreisio it was present in raring 12.10 precise natty etc10:51
minimecuniversal: now not know ;)10:51
reisiouniversal: I'm going to go ahead and say that that doesn't comprise 'all the previous versions of ubuntu'10:51
universallol ok....10:52
universalanyways saucy looks good - 1st day though :)10:52
exalthow is the top bar of unity correctly named ?10:52
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reisioexalt: 'top bar'10:53
reisioor global menu, depending10:53
exaltreisio: okay, what do i do when my top bar is empty ?10:53
reisioexalt: I don't know, what do you want in it?10:53
exaltthere is no global menu or systemtray visable10:53
reisiomaybe those processes aren't running10:54
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exaltreisio: how to start them ?10:54
jboiican someone help me with an issue?10:56
ObrienDaveexalt... right click on the bar and ADD to your heart's content10:56
reisioexalt: does dpkg -L indicator-appmenu produce any output?10:56
ubottujboii,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:56
jboiii have just broken y monitor screen , and i got a monitor so i could still use my laptop , my issue is now that the usb mouse wont work , how can i fix this10:58
cfhowlettjboii, things to check: battery, LED ...10:59
lotuspsychjejboii: maybe the ##hardware guys might wanna help you aswell11:00
ObrienDavedon't break laptop displays... ;)11:00
reisiojboii: maybe your system thinks you're using two monitors, and the mouse cursor is on the one that's broken11:01
Zerantdid someone got ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server on an Rapsberry Pi running yet?11:01
jboiithe laptop mouse still works11:01
cfhowlettreisio, clever boy.  I didn't even think of that possibility11:01
jboiiis there and app i can see if i can fix this ?11:02
jboiii need it to function11:02
johnflux_Hey all11:02
reisioZerant: probably someone did, but officially Ubuntu doesn't support the arch for rpi11:02
reisioZerant: https://wiki.debian.org/RaspberryPi#Should_I_buy_a_Rasberry_Pi.3F11:02
johnflux_I have a package that relies on "ia32-libs"   but this package doesn't seem to exist any more11:02
lotuspsychjejohnflux_: hi mate, what can we do for you11:02
lotuspsychje!info ia32-libs11:03
ubottuPackage ia32-libs does not exist in saucy11:03
reisiojohnflux_: any particular package?11:03
johnflux_reisio: the package that I want to install?  Something android package that I can't change11:03
reisiojohnflux_: something android package that you can't change that you can specify by name?11:04
ahoneybunZerant, not sure if there is a ARM port of it11:04
Zerantreisio: damn got an pi to my birthday from my girlfriend :D want to use it as an nagios server ...11:04
johnflux_reisio: yes, it's called xy-build-essentials11:04
johnflux_reisio: some propreitary / self packaged package11:05
anand24novhi anyone knows about softdog kernel module11:05
HisaoNakaithanks for that link, reisio11:05
anand24novI am facing problem in softdog its configured with 5 minutes timeout but even puncinh it successfully it calls watchdog_fire11:06
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reisioZerant: and only ubuntu has nagios in your head?11:07
cfhowlettreisio, good god, man.  I read that line out of context and it sounds SO wrong!11:08
Ben64Zerant: join #raspberrypi11:08
exaltObrienDave: no reaction, reisio yes it shows paths to /usr/share/* /usr/lib/* and /etc/apport/*11:08
Zerantreisio: no, but i got ubuntu server 12.04 LTS on my Online Server and my HomeServer, so i wanted to keep the system everwhere else ;)11:08
ZerantBen64: sweet thanks11:08
reisiocfhowlett: :p11:09
reisioZerant: raspbian is going to be largely the same11:09
Zerantreisio: yeah just thought i could keep ubuntu ;) know that raspbian is nearly the same11:10
reisioZerant: you probably can, with a lot more work than it'd be worth :)11:11
reisiolike, more work than it would be to convert raspbian to the same thing11:11
marlo_any tricks to getting remote desktop sharing to go?11:11
lotuspsychjeZerant: http://askubuntu.com/questions/212346/can-a-raspberry-pi-run-ubuntu11:11
johnflux_with apt-get install, can I tell it to ignore dependencies?11:11
marlo_installed it, connected via vns, but i see no screen11:12
lotuspsychje!vnc | marlo_11:12
ubottumarlo_: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX11:12
reisiomarlo_: what do you see?11:12
Ben64johnflux_: sometimes, but they're called "dependencies" for a reason -- they are required for operation11:12
marlo_just a big black window11:12
marlo_no 'desktop'11:12
reisiomarlo_: and if you right click?11:12
jboiianyone know how i can get my usb mouse to function while on a monitor ?11:12
johnflux_Ben64: yes, but it depends on ia32-libs  which has been removed from ubuntu :-(11:13
otakuhello everyone11:13
reisio'lo otaku11:13
lotuspsychjeotaku: hello mate, what can we do for you?11:13
Ben64johnflux_: nothing depends on ia32-libs, maybe 32 bit libraries, but those are still in ubuntu11:13
cfhowlettotaku, greetings11:13
marlo_reisio, nothing, albeit, this 'destkop' is on ctrl-alt-F8... another active login11:13
Zerantlotuspsychje: thanks ;)11:13
lotuspsychjeZerant: np11:13
otakuhow can i find an dvd iso for 13.1011:14
marlo_unless perhaps i need to restart X or something11:14
reisiootaku: why do you want one?11:14
cfhowlettotaku, it's on the main download site11:14
johnflux_Ben64: It's a package from a non-standard repo11:14
Ben64johnflux_: what is it11:14
reisiootaku: http://ftp.cs.pu.edu.tw/Linux/Ubuntu/ubuntu-cd/13.10/11:15
johnflux_Ben64: an internal company package  that installs required software11:15
Ben64johnflux_: well then you'll need to find out what it needs and install it11:15
otakui've just find a 883m iso11:17
Ben64otaku: yep, now burn it to a dvd11:17
cfhowlettotaku,  or make a usb11:17
otakubut i want the 4gb+ one11:17
=== soul is now known as Guest64472
reisiootaku: why do you want such a thing?11:18
marlo_reisio, it has something to do with that i'm running that X session in a different... logon ? session ? not sure what to call it  the ctrl-alt-F7/F8 thing11:18
reisiomarlo_: tty11:19
reisiomarlo_: it's possible there is no DE configured to run, but unlikely11:19
lotuspsychjeotaku: you can burn a 883mb iso on a dvd aswell11:19
marlo_it runs11:19
reisiomarlo_: what does pgrep -l X | wc -l say?11:19
lotuspsychjeotaku: or you searching for a 4gb iso?11:19
marlo_in f8 tty or the f7 tty i'm in now?11:19
marlo_or does it matter11:19
marlo_reisio, 311:20
marlo_two Xorg and one Vbox11:21
otakui tried to google, but can't find it11:21
lotuspsychjeotaku: ubuntu uses 883mb iso, then downloads the updates from the web11:21
lotuspsychjeotaku: its not like those suse iso's from 4gig11:21
cfhowletthttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads     are your choices.11:21
xiaopi[z]well 883 doesn't fit on a cd and you need at least a dvd.. better put the whole 4gb worth of package :D11:22
xiaopi[z]if people want to get their package or update online, just go for a netinstall11:23
reisiomarlo_: did you want a new X to be started, or to connect to an existing one?11:23
lotuspsychjexiaopi[z]: you can always use usb11:24
xiaopi[z]4g usb is pretty standard nowadays11:24
marlo_reisio, well.. i don't really want another X, I already have one on ctrl-alt-F8... pretty much just want to connect to that one.   i remember years ago you could start a vnc/X session from a tty... that mustv been 6 years ago11:25
marlo_it was klunky, but it worked11:25
otakumay i ask a question? is 12.10 support the ubuntu phone OS install?11:25
ubottuotaku: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch11:26
marlo_i'll just do it in my primary tty, that will handle the problem11:26
Lynxxi have a q11:26
Lynxxhow to open another server window in irssi11:27
ubottuLynxx,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:27
reisioLynxx: /help server11:27
ubottuLynxx,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server11:27
cerhi everybody. I would like to try unity, but I am currently running a stable production kubuntu machine. I have installed the Unity meta package, but lightdm does not offer me the option of chosing unity.11:27
ActionParsnipLynxx: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/irssi11:28
cerAny clue about how to launch Unity instead of KDE?11:28
ActionParsnipLynxx: /connect /c These open a new connection to a server. This is what you want to use in order to connect to multiple servers simultaneously (Ctrl+X switches between multiple servers).11:28
MonkeyDustLynxx  irssi has a local help file in your folders, somewhere file:///usr/share/doc/irssi/startup-HOWTO.html11:28
Lynxxthanks ActionParsnip  :)11:28
reisioit has all its help info in /help11:28
ActionParsnipcer: log off, select the Ubuntu session from the login page11:28
ActionParsnipLynxx: couldnt find that online?11:28
ActionParsnipLynxx: all I did was search11:28
Lynxxwas being lazy ActionParsnip  :P11:29
cerActionParsnip: that is the point .... it does NOT offer me the Ubuntu session from the login page (the lighdm login page)11:29
reisioI was lazy ActionParsnip for halloween last year11:29
Lynxxlol reisio11:29
ActionParsnipcer: is there not a session changer at the bottom after you click your user name (I assume you use kdm)11:30
ActionParsnipcer: look for 'session type' maybe, just read the enire screen11:31
cerActionParsnip: nope, I use lightdm, it is the deafult on all *ubuntu releases. when you click the session changer, unity is not shown.11:31
cerActionParsnip: 'course I have done that. :)11:32
minimeccer: What was the 'unity meta package' you installed 'ubuntu-desktop'?11:35
cerminimec: nope, unity 7.1.2 64bit11:36
minimeccer: Ok. That is the source of the problem, I guess. So let's create a Desktop entry by hand.11:37
=== daftykin1 is now known as daftykins
OerHekscer unity is just the sidebar, install ubuntu-desktop to get the 'unity-session'11:38
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minimeccer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6323517/11:39
cerOerHeks: the whole lot? mmmm .... this is really not what I would like.11:39
minimeccer: This will create a lightdm Desktop Entry for Unity. Maybe it works like that.11:40
cerminimec: that is a splendid idea, I had not though about it! thanks a lot ....11:40
OerHekscer you could install the basic without all the apps, --without-recommends11:41
OerHekswrong > --no-install-recommends11:42
cerOerHeks: that wuld be good as well, but it is still filling my installation with a lot of stuff I would prefer not to have.11:44
OerHekscer, so then you won't  have unity desktop, installing unity is just not enough11:45
murgeroHey guys!11:45
cfhowlettmurgero, greetings11:46
murgeroHow is everyone today?11:46
cerOerHeks: thanks .... do you think minimec approach wold not work?11:47
cfhowlettNoSpoon42, greetings11:47
OerHekscer, i think not, but you can try it out.11:48
=== Stanley|00 is now known as Stanley00
pseubodotTrying to diagnose an X problem, post 13.04 -> 13.10 upgrade, all was working fine before. Nvidia card, nvidia-319 drivers installed during upgrade. Initial reboot after upgrade was fine, X came up, etc,  but in about a day or so X stopped displaying. X seems to be running (shelled in from another box). Whether I run X via lightdm or manually via startx (as my user or as root) the same thing happens. No obvious ERROR lines in Xorg.0.log or X.failsa11:49
pseubodotOne clue is that X seems to cycle through monitor ID three times, in that a line like this '[240011.129] (II) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Display (DELL 3007WFP (DFP-0)) does not support NVIDIA 3D11:50
pseubodot[240011.129] (II) NVIDIA(GPU-0):     Vision stereo.11:50
pseubodot' comes out 3 times with different time stamps/11:50
pseubodotI downgraded drivers to nvidia-304 but no change.11:51
OerHekscer, you can perform'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends'  and see what the size of the desktop will be, you can cancel it anyway11:51
n008anyone using irssi ?11:51
n008how do I close a tab?11:51
cerOerHeks: yes, of course .... I have already done it.11:51
pseubodotn008: /window close ?11:51
OerHeksman irssi11:51
n008pseubodot: sweet11:51
n008pseubodot: shorter?11:52
n008 /window close is verbose11:52
pseubodotn008: and in penance, please read the man page11:52
pseubodotn008: :)11:52
nabnhi. yesterday i tried to install a software named dikto. I remember adding a line in /etc/apt/sources.list. while 'apt-get update' -ing, i get a key error like this:    W: GPG error: http://download.opensuse.org  Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY E3757B8E0D988D6E11:52
nabn      how do i solve this?11:52
pseubodotn008: no, I'm short enough, thanks. :)11:52
n008pseubodot: will always read the man page11:52
cernabn: well, you need to add the key for the repopsitory11:52
cernabn: go back to the website and look for the key.11:53
pseubodotn008: excellent11:53
n008thank you Lord pseubodot11:53
nabncer, i don't remember the website..11:53
n008man irrsi11:53
pseubodotn008: o/~ and we'll never be roooyaaaaals .... o/~ :)11:53
pseubodotn008: Oh. Not 'Lorde'. nevermind. :)11:54
cernabn: ops .... that may be a problem .... you see apt is telling you that it does not have the key .... either you have it or not11:54
nabncer, since the software is not installed, i can do with not having to check for the key. do you know of any way to do that?11:54
cernabn: well, the best thing is to actually remove the repository from the list.11:54
nabncer. yes. how do i do that?11:54
* pseubodot does 'service coffeepot reload'11:54
cernabn: what package manager do you use? open the package manager, go in the section for managing software source, and remove the repository.11:55
n008pseubodot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFasFq4GJYM11:55
nabncer, apt-get. i removed the line from /etc/apt/sources.list . is there anything else i need to do?11:56
cernabn: nope .... did you remove the source as well?11:56
cernabn: the source code entry I mean/11:57
nabncer, i don't think so. how do i remove an installed deb file please? ( i used dpkg -i to install it)11:57
cernabn: I suggest apt-get purge package-name11:57
nabncer, i'll try that. thanks.11:57
cernabn: so you clean the system from the configuration files. Alternatively dpkg --purge package-name.11:58
nabncer, it says the software isn't installed. It wasnt installed. I tried to install it, but i dont know what happened11:59
nabncer, i did dpkg --purge11:59
cernabn: did it work?11:59
cernabn: is it half installed, or not installed at all?11:59
nabncer, not installed at all, i think. no luck 'til now.12:00
cernabn: well, try to run apt-get -f install .... it is half installed it will fix it.12:00
cernabn: (unless there is a serious problem, of course)12:00
=== karlo is now known as karlo|afk
nabncer, it says it's unable to find the package12:01
cernabn: no, I mean "apt-get -f install" without the package name12:01
nabncer, i am currently looking for the website i installed if from12:01
nabncer, sorry. my bad. will try that.12:01
nabncer, i did find out the website. http://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home:colomboem&package=dukto  i don't know what to do next12:03
cernabn: it is for ubuntu 12.0412:03
cernabn: but it gives you both the repository and the pgp key. I recommend you just download the appropriate package and then you try to install it using "sudo dpkg -i".12:05
nabncer, but will solve the key problem?12:05
nabncer, *will it12:05
cernabn: downloading it manually? of course.12:05
cernabn: (well, you do not solve it really .... you just do not create it in the first place)12:06
nabncer, just to make it clear, will it solve the *existing* key problem?12:06
cernabn: nope .... the only ways to resolve the existing key problem are 1) download and install the key OR 2) remove the repopsitories.12:07
nabncer, thanks for the help. :)12:07
cernabn: np12:07
Isualinhi guys, i want to use apt-get upgrade to12:08
Isualinupgrade my pacgakes12:08
Isualinbut i have to use an old version of mongodb12:09
Isualinso how can i exclude it from upgrade list12:09
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto12:09
IsualinOk, i will look into it thanks.12:10
cerIsualin: apt-mark hold package_name12:10
minimecIsualin: You can put the mongodb package on 'hold', or apt-pin it to a Ubuntu distro, if the package comes from a older Ubuntu release.12:10
cerIsualin: apt-mark is only a wrapper around dpkg --set-selections, but it is easier to use.12:11
ceroh by the way, re the stuff we discusse a couple fo days ago about cpufreq, I think there is actually a bug in the kernel!12:12
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neriumI'm trying to load this iptable file, but I'm getting an error on line 1912:19
neriumiptables-restore: line 19 failed12:20
neriumWhy is that?12:20
=== gabor is now known as excognac
tsniderI'm running precise and  have directly connected SAS disk storage to my server. If I mount a device after the node boots mount shows the device is mounted with the _netdev option. however the device mounted at boot time doesn't have that option. The option is not specified in /etc/fstab. Can any (every) one tell me what the difference is & why?12:26
ActionParsnipnerium: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue12:26
neriumActionParsnip: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS \n \l12:26
murgeroAnyone know of any good server software to run on ubtunu 12.04 VPS?12:26
ActionParsnipnerium: have you tried without the comment?12:26
daftykinsmurgero: define: "server software"12:27
nanovirushey folks, having trouble getting a python script to run on doubleclick.  I've got #!/usr/bin/python as the first line, and set the file to executable, but it still just opens with my text editor... any ideas?12:27
murgeroMedia, Gaming, IRC, etc pretty much just anything that is everyday useful12:27
daftykinsmurgero: google is your friend for new progs really12:28
murgeroI know, I just wanted ideas, like for Media, I am using PlexMediaServer12:29
neriumActionParsnip: That worked, thanks!12:32
excognachi all anybody knows how to install drivers for intel graphics when kubuntu fails to recognize graphics (thinks i'm on VM lol)12:32
cerexcognac: which intel graphics?12:33
murgeroYou need to access the terminal from start up, then install the graphics.12:33
murgeroI don't know the specifics though, sorry! :/12:34
Johnson88232is there any features lack between xubuntu, ubuntu etc? can steam games run on xubuntu if it works for ubuntu?12:34
excognaccer: core i5-4570 , intel hd graphics 4600 and kubuntu 12.04. works fine on 13.04 live session tho12:34
cerexcognac: can you at least access the recovery menu?12:35
gdoshow do i reinstall xorg display drivers ?12:35
minimecgdos: I would do it the 'ubuntu' way. First... 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg', then go to 'additional drivers' in the 'software sources' and choose a driver if available.12:37
cerexcognac: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=13815&lang=eng&OSVersion=Linux*&DownloadType=%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09Drivers%0A%09%09%09%09%09%0912:39
cerexcognac: this are the up to date original Intel drivers.12:39
cerexcognac: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_haswell_hd4400&num=6 Phoronix suggests they also work really well.12:40
ActionParsnipnerium: its the KISS mentality :)12:40
ActionParsnipJohnson88232: steam just needs 3D accelleration, so will run fine12:40
excognacty cer, looking these up12:42
cerexcognac: np12:44
excognaccer: so basically i download everthing from https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads/2013/2013q3-intel-graphics-stack-release and install them?12:45
ikoniawhy are you downloading things from intel ?12:47
excognacikonia: cos these drivers are not in for 12.0412:47
ikoniawhat drivers ?12:47
ikoniawhy are you not using the ones that ship with ubuntu ?12:47
cerikonia: he is experiencing SERIOUS problems with the ubuntu drivers, I suggested to try the native drivers12:49
theForcehi folks12:49
ikoniacer: the ubuntu ones are native12:49
cerikonia: mmmm .... they should but if they do not work, they do not work.12:49
excognacikonia:  because of this: http://pastebin.kde.org/pt4posdqt12:50
ikoniacer: investigating why they don't work seems more logical than putting software on the machine that is outside of the repositories12:50
theForcei have 12.04 installed. now i want to install mysql-server-5.5.33+dfsg-1 from the debian sid repository. but when i do "aptitude install mysql-server=5.5.33+dfsg-1" i get the message "mysql-server-5.5 : Breaks: mysql-server (< 5.5.34-0ubuntu0.12.04.1) but 5.5.33+dfsg-1 is to be installed." and mysql-server will not be installed. how can i fix that?12:50
ikoniaexcognac: why are you pasting me information from vmware machines ?12:50
ikoniatheForce: you shouldn't do that12:51
ikoniatheForce: debian packages are not ubuntu packages and should not be used12:51
excognacikonia:  this ios NOT a Vmware machine, a fresh install on a brand new computer12:51
ikoniaexcognac: 8.OpenGL vendor string:                   VMware, Inc.12:52
ikoniaexcognac: begs to differ12:52
theForceikonia: i need mysql-server 5.5.3312:52
theForceafaik there is no ubuntu package for that12:52
ikoniatheForce: that doesn't change what I said12:52
cerikonia: mmmm .... well, if the drivers are not packaged for 12.04, and if the machien is a production machine, the first thing is to have the machine up and running in my opinion.12:52
excognacikonia: cos it bloody fails to recognize the correct hardware12:52
ikoniaexcognac: that seems unlikley that it would randomly set the GL string to vmware12:52
theForceikonia: is there a way to run mysql-server 5.5.33 on ubuntu 12.04?12:53
ikoniatheForce: no idea, not looked, but if it's not in the repos I would not waste any more time on it12:53
excognacikonia: this is the case. regardless how likely it is.12:53
ikoniaexcognac: ok, so what video card is actually there12:53
theForceikonia: unfortunately that is not an option12:53
excognacikonia:  core i5-4570 , intel hd graphics 4600 and kubuntu 12.04. works fine on 13.04 live session tho12:54
certheForce: is it a production machine?12:54
ikoniasounds like someones desktop12:55
ikoniaexcognac: can you pastebin the output of "lspci" in a pastebi please.12:55
theForcecer: no. it's a vagrant box. but we have 5.5.33 running on production and want to have the same version in the dev instances12:55
ikoniatheForce: so use the same packages/OS as your production machine12:55
certheForce: you could recompile it.12:56
=== karlo|afk is now known as karlo
ikoniagood lord no12:56
josmalaI have a problem with wine/opensource radeon drivers, wine crashes on ALL applications no matter how old any help?12:56
ikoniajosmala: try #winehq for wine support12:56
gdosminimec: nothing happens.12:57
minimecgdos: And... What should happen?12:58
certheForce: first of all, have you looked at whether it has been backported, by any chance?12:58
gdosminimec: right now all of my fonts are monospace. can't change fonts in any applications or settings.12:58
=== patrick is now known as Guest31827
excognacikonia: http://pastebin.kde.org/py75c2zr813:00
minimecgdos: I had to dig the logs to see what we were talking about...13:00
ikoniaexcognac: xeon ?? I thought you said it was an i513:00
excognacikonia: yes, i also said it fails to recognize13:01
ikoniaexcognac: can you do cat /proc/cpuinfo please13:01
ikonia(pastebin again)13:01
theForcecer: well i only found it in debian sid13:01
minimecgdos: So we were talking about xserver-xorg. Did you check for available drivers in the 'software sources'? And what would that have to do with font size?13:02
ikoniatheForce: why don't you use the same OS for your dev box as your production box to keep them in sync13:02
minimecgdos: ... and fonts?13:02
gdosminimec: i can't even change to any nvidia drivers that 'software sources' are showing.13:02
cerexcognac: you lspci is quite weird .... can you please do lspci -vv -s 00:02.0 and pastebinit?13:02
excognacikonia: http://pastebin.kde.org/p7dbjusdx here you are13:02
gdosminimec: only fonts displayed are monospace.13:02
ikoniaexcognac: first thing to try is "sudo update-pciids" then re-check lspci13:03
jack-which saucy iso file allows me to try the most flavors?13:03
ikoniaexcognac: I'm guessing the video card is one of those onboard the cpu13:03
cerexcognac: can you please do lspci -vv -s 00:02.0 and pastebinit?13:03
minimecgdos: Ok. So you have a nvidia GPU. Can you give me the output of 'lspci | grep VGA' please. -->paste.ubuntu.com13:03
ikoniajack-: they are all the same13:03
theForceikonia: its more complicated then that. on production db and webserver are not on the same machine, of course13:04
excognaccer: http://pastebin.kde.org/p4ulnvgqu13:04
jack-no real klubuntu or so?13:04
ikoniajack-: you can try any desktop from any other ubuntu iso13:04
gdosminimec: what goes after grep? monospace font isn't displaying anything.13:05
jack-with a working inet connection, sure thing13:05
gdosminimec: 00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation C51 [GeForce 6150 LE] (rev a2)13:05
minimecgdos: vga with big letters13:05
ikoniajack-: right, so then they are all the same in that they only install 1 desktop per iso13:05
jack-but without? tough luck13:05
ikoniajack-: so they will all limit you to the desktop they come with13:05
excognacikonia: http://pastebin.kde.org/peufz3vbc13:05
gdosi'm thinking my font issues might be related to the video drivers somehow?13:05
cerexcognac: mmmm .... can you please run it as root with sudo?13:06
ikoniaexcognac: ok, so the identifier is just rubbish13:06
ikoniacer: what ?13:06
minimecgdos: Ok I see that this is a quiet old nvidia card. If there is a restricted driver for that card, it would be an old legacy driver. Otherwise the card would use the opensource 'nouveau' driver.13:06
excognaccer: http://pastebin.kde.org/p2rc2mue8 as root13:07
cerexcognac: mmmm .... can you please run it as root with sudo (sudo lspci -vv -s 00:02.0)?13:07
excognaccer: ^13:07
minimecgdos: I found this... http://askubuntu.com/questions/230762/how-do-i-install-the-nvidia-driver-for-my-nvidia-geforce-6150-le-on-ubuntu-12-04 pinting to this http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/12/install-nvidia-driver-31309-beta-in.html13:08
cerexcognac: sorry .... did not see it ..... mmmm .... was that complete? it did not show the kernl module line ....13:08
excognacikonia: so is there anyway to replace the identifier with a later version then?13:08
gdosminimec: i'm given the options of using drivers 179, 304, and 310.13:08
excognaccer: i pasted everything displayed13:09
cerexcognac: some times the people who assemble somehwta screw up the ID .... I have seen it in the past.13:09
ikoniaexcognac: thats what you just did, but pci-id's are mostly worthless anyone so don't worry about that, check what xorg modules is being loaded for your video card13:09
raubTrying to upgrade a 11.10 machine to 12.04. So I told it to use old-releases.ubuntu.com. Error I am getting when i do apt-getupdate is W: Failed to fetch http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric-backports/Release.gpg  Unable to connect to old-releases.ubuntu.com:http:13:09
minimecgdos: Start with the 'oldest' one --> 179, I had a GE7600 once, but I cannot remember what restricted driver I used.13:09
OerHeksexcognac, sandy bridge new acceleration https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/IntelSNA > see the xorg.conf  attachment > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/IntelSNA?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=xorg.conf13:09
excognacikonia: how do i check xorg modules?13:09
gdosminimec: hope this solves my font issue.13:10
ikoniaxorg log13:10
cerexcognac: but in your case the listing seems correct. Indeed it shows Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3 OR 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller13:10
ActionParsnipraub: if you boot to the 12.04 install CD, you can upgrade that way13:10
cerexcognac: the 4th generation is actually the 440013:10
cerexcognac: so this is correctly recognised. Now, why does it not load the module?13:11
cerexcognac: can you give me your dmesg, please?13:11
excognacikonia: http://pastebin.kde.org/pu4cpcu5613:12
raubActionParsnip: really?13:12
raubI have never thought of that13:12
excognaccer: http://pastebin.kde.org/pl6nz9e1b13:14
cerexcognac: so the CPu is properly recognised13:15
excognaccer, ikonia i'm sure I have ark.intel.com/products/7504313:15
MrQuist_Hey guys, i'm running Ubuntu 13.10 on a Lenovo T530 (with docking station). Whenever i connect a seconds screen over VGA, it works right. When i connect it to HDMI / DVI / DP (digital) - i get artifacts, such as the cursor is "sticking" to its old locations. Kind of like the screen isn't completely redrawn.13:16
MrQuist_With VGA i do not have this problem.13:16
MrQuist_Would anybody know what i can do to help that? I have installed Gnome3.10, but it also happens in Gnome 3.8 (default). I've tried the NVidia drivers, but those crashed my whole environment so i had to uninstall those.13:17
cerexcognac: the module driver is called i91513:17
cerexcognac: could you please do lsmod | grep -i i915?13:18
cerexcognac: (sorry, I am cooking and I come and go from the screen:D ....)13:18
ObrienDavecer... hope you're making enough to share with us ;)13:19
cousteauthe volume in Volume Control can be set to more than 100% (0 dB).  More exactly, it can be turned up to 11 dB.  This was an intentional pun, right?13:19
excognaccer: np, i'm washing dishes:))) it has no oputput13:19
cerexcognac: then that is the problem .... the fact you are washing up ....13:20
MrQuist_Also the softwarecentre crashes every time i open it.13:20
cerexcognac: :D .... I mean the fact you are not loading the correct driver.13:20
excognaccer: got it xD13:20
MrQuist_nevermind then13:20
cerexcognac: could you please do "sudo modprobe -v i915" and let me have the output?13:21
cerObrienDave: yes, virtual shares of course.13:21
excognaccer: http://pastebin.kde.org/pxstmxa9113:22
cerexcognac: mmmm .... that should not really happen!13:23
cercould you do tail dmesg, and let me have the ouput?13:23
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cerexcognac: and also the uname -ram ....13:26
excognaccer: so tail -f dmesg?13:27
excognaccer: uname -ram13:27
excognacLinux mirageoffice 3.2.0-55-generic #85-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 2 12:29:27 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:27
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cerlast things modinfo i2c-core213:28
fatihhi guys, i have a sound problem in games, i installed latest wine version. i'm using kubuntu 13.10 but i cant get sound call of juarez gunslinger, empire total war game on steam. what must i do?13:29
excognaccer: http://pastebin.kde.org/pd7jyecxz13:29
FalconXfatih, can you get sound working in other wine games?13:30
fatihthanks for your reply.  no icant get13:30
hitsujiTMOexcognac: cer: i would have a guess that the GPU module isn't supported by that release considering it's so new. Maybe a later version of the module might be needed?13:30
fatihbut i  can listen youtbe videos.13:30
theForceikonia: its more complicated then that. on production db and webserver are not on the same machine, of courseåA13:30
excognaccer: modinfo i2c-core ERROR: modinfo: could not find module i2c-core13:30
fatihFalconX: i can hear system sounds.13:30
cerhitsujiTMO: this is what I suggested :)13:31
fatihbut i cant hear any voices in games :(13:31
ActionParsnipfairlite: I believe there is an omgubuntu how to on this13:31
ActionParsnipfairlite: you mean the preview videos in flash?13:31
cerexcognac: impossible, the dmesg shows that you have been loading it! could you please do lsmod | grep -i core13:31
cerhitsujiTMO: this is what I suggested :)13:32
fatiheverything on system looks normal but i cant get any voices in games13:32
ValenessSo if I want to delete the ubuntu partition from windows 7. Is there any way to repair the GRUB without a windows 7 repair disc?13:32
ActionParsnipfairlite: do other games work ok, like open source ones?13:32
excognaccer: lsmod | grep -i core soundcore              15091  1 snd13:32
fatihi dont have any opensource game right now.13:33
ActionParsnipfairlite: then install one....13:33
cerexcognac: strange .... anyway, let's go back to my first suggestion. Could you please install the very last version of the module, and we take it from there?13:33
ActionParsnipfatih: ^13:33
fatihany suggestion?13:33
excognacValeness: yes, you need a live cd to delete ubuntu partition and add the diskspace for win13:33
cerexcognac: using the first link I gave you.13:33
ActionParsnipfatih: install a 3D open source game and play it. what sort of reply is "i dont have any" they are in the software centre13:33
ActionParsnipfatih: supertux, tux racer....13:34
FalconXfatih: Where did you get wine?13:34
fatihi get it from winehq.com13:34
raubActionParsnip: So, boot off the server iso and select install ubuntu server?13:34
Valenessexcognac: I know how to delete the ubuntu partition and reclaim the diskspace. But after I delete the partition, will I still be able to boot into windows 7 without a windows repair disc?13:35
raubWhen would it ask me if I want to upgrade?13:35
excognacValeness: you should be able to13:35
ActionParsnipraub: oh you have server install? No desktop?13:35
ActionParsnipraub: the desktop CD suggests an upgrade, try the server CD too, may do the same13:35
excognaccer: there is nothing to download there but it directs me to the link i sen tyou, you mean that?13:35
fatihi'm installing supertuxkart right now. i'll tell when it finishes.13:35
ValenessHmm, I don't think I'll risk it on a should. I'll google some more :D13:36
excognacValeness: make sure you delelet, shrink partitions. in the worst case you use the win7 cd, it messes up grub anyway to make win only boot partition.13:37
rudefirehello, I am having an issue with booting ubuntu13:37
x0ksterhi guys, i have a little problem with my ubuntu 13.10 . The wifi connection after a little while it's connected goes down, and if i want to reconnect i can't because the SSID is no longer visible..if I remove the checkmark to "enable wifi" and then i enable it again..the connection with its SSID becomes visible again...how can i risolve this problem?? thanks13:37
raubActionParsnip: this is a server vm. I can get the desktop iso if needed13:37
ValenessAye, but if the worse case arrives. I don't have a win7 cd. :)13:37
x0ksterP.S: Please sorry for my bad english :(13:37
cerexcognac: yes, if you folow the link it will offer you a graphic installer13:37
ActionParsnipraub: if it is a server OS with no GUI, i would stick with it13:38
ActionParsnipx0kster: what wifi chip?13:38
excognaccer: it's 4 tar.bz2, right?13:38
rudefirei tried to install ubuntu a year or so ago, and i didn't work. after i deleted it, it would still show up in my boot options. I just installed it again, and everything worked perfectly, but the ubuntu boot option just tells me Windows can't start and that I need to start Windows Repair13:38
FalconXfatih: tell me if sound works.13:38
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cerexcognac: it is a very recent driver. Have you tried with backports first?13:39
excognacValeness: label (flag) the win7 partition as boot in partition editor13:39
x0ksterActionParsnip, is a Realtek13:39
ValenessAh, alright excognac13:39
excognaccer: no i haven't tried backports or anything since we are chatting. shall i go fiorst for backports then13:39
fatih<FalconX> : i get sound like crystal from supertuxkart13:40
_nrdbI have a VM with low disk space ... I want to run "apt-get purge linux-image-3.2.0-32-generic"  .... but I can't it keeps asking me to do a "apt-get install" ... how do I fix this?13:40
fatih<FalconX: i've opened a steam game and no sound again :(13:40
rudefirecan anyone help me?13:40
foubarreHi. For some unknown reason, no mail client will connect to my mail server on two ubuntu boxes (13.04 and 13.10) while other machines can. Weirdest, on those machines, i can successfully telnet to port 587 and have the server respond to ehlo... any idea?13:41
cerexcognac: yes, try backports first .... if they do not solve it, then download the last driver.13:41
FalconXfatih: maybe it's wine's fault?13:41
m3kkoh hai13:41
FalconXfatih: have you got wine 1.7.4 or 1.7.5?13:41
m3kkcan someone tell me how i can connect  to linuxmint-chat lol? i cant find that channel.. the one that is autojoined with mint13:41
marco_mesquita_I'm trying to compile the 3.11 kernel (following advice from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile). When I type "AUTOBUILD=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs", I get "utils/helpers/amd.c:7:21: fatal error: pci/pci.h: No such file or directory13:41
marco_mesquita_compilation terminated." . What should I do?13:41
lionrougehi ^_^13:41
fatihFalconX i open wine configuration right now. i opened sound tab.  i clicked sound test. and no sound again.13:42
lionrougetell me please how to enable 3D acceleration with prop. AMD driver13:42
fatih<FalconX: i'm using wine 1.613:42
ActionParsnipx0kster: realtek make a LOT of chips, which do you have13:42
lionrougeprevious versions of Ubuntu offered to install prop. drivers but 13.04 doesn't13:42
cermarco_mesquita_: why do you give it the AUTOBILD?13:42
rudefireI really don't want to spam my issue, can anyone help me?13:42
ActionParsnipx0kster: if you run:   sudo lshw -C network    you will be shown13:42
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: can you pastebin the output of: df -h13:42
RomanceHello, why is the command 'free' shows different output with the system monitor? in 'free' it shows i have used 1.9GB RAM (i have 3GB RAM) but in system monitor it shows i use 600MB of RAM13:42
marco_mesquita_cer: because https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile says so. I just copy-pasted commands13:43
ActionParsnipRomance: use:  free -m   to make things easier (shows it in Mb)13:43
rudefirei tried to install ubuntu a year or so ago, and i didn't work. after i deleted it, it would still show up in my boot options. I just installed it again, and everything worked perfectly, but the ubuntu boot option just tells me Windows can't start and that I need to start Windows Repair13:43
ObrienDave!ask| rudefire13:43
ubotturudefire: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:43
marco_mesquita_cer: should I remove it?13:43
x0ksterActionParsnip,  yes sorry, it's a Realtek RTL 818513:43
FalconXfatih: go to wine config's audio tab and tell me what it says under 'Selected driver' field13:43
ActionParsnipRomance: can you pastebin the output of:  free -m; uname -a; lsb_release -a13:43
ActionParsnipx0kster: ok and what driver module?13:43
Xat`there are some guys to help me about samba serv ?13:43
fatihFalconX: winealsa.drv13:44
hitsujiTMOrudefire: is this an efi install?13:44
x0ksterActionParsnip,  rtl818013:44
marco_mesquita_cer: removing AUTOBUILD has no effect13:44
rudefireI don't really know. I put the install files on a thumb drive, and did the full install13:44
fatihFalconX: i can also see hd-audo generi hdmi , hda intel pch -alc892 analog, out:default13:44
rudefiresame thing with the old install13:44
x0ksterActionParsnip,  configuration: broadcast=yes driver=rtl8180 driverversion=3.11.0-12-generic firmware=N/A ip= latency=64 link=yes maxlatency=64 mingnt=32 multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11bg13:45
FalconXfatih: be sure it is on default13:45
RomanceActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6324017/13:45
rudefireI didn't install it in windows, I booted to the thumb drive13:45
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6324015/13:45
fatihFalconX: it's all default right now. i m clicking sound test but no sound.13:45
fossxplorerAny idea why i can copy from my mouse while into an SSH session in Precise?13:45
x0ksterActionParsnip,  but the connection doesn't have problems like slow connecton or low signal...just goes down every 15-20 minuti13:46
hitsujiTMOrudefire: can you giveme the output of: sudo blkid13:46
ActionParsnipx0kster: sureit's not the ath9k module, look for  "driver="13:46
ActionParsnipRomance: ok so 3Gb RAM and using 533Mb13:46
rudefireI'm not in ubuntu. I'm in Windows.13:47
fatihFalconX: i can hear sooo low sound right now.13:47
ActionParsnipx0kster: when the connection drops, can you ping yout router's internal IP and / or
RomanceActionParsnip, ye that is on system monitor, but free -m showing different result?13:47
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: try: sudo apt-get clean13:47
fatihFalconX: froum test sound button13:47
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, allready tried that13:47
FalconXfatih: low or almost mute?13:47
hispeed76what is a better channel to discuss setting up apache?13:48
ActionParsnipRomance: maybe system monitor is looking at some weird values. I'd always go by the 'free' output13:48
hitsujiTMOrudefire: sudo apt-get -f install13:48
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: : sudo apt-get -f install13:48
LjLhitsujiTMO: #httpd13:48
LjLhispeed76, even13:48
fatihFalconX: low and bad sound. i checked system sound tab and every sound bar is high.13:48
x0ksterActionParsnip,  i think no, because the connection goes down from my pc, not from internet..and the strange thing is that it disappears the SSID13:48
hitsujiTMOrudefire: can you boot the live usb please?13:49
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, can't ... it tries to install yet another kernel there isn't enough memory13:49
cermarco_mesquita_: apologies, I really have to go .... I had problems with that document as well in the past. Can you use the traditional debian way, instead of the debian/rules way? I can vouch it works.13:49
FalconXfatih: is any field's name something like 'Wine loader' ?13:49
rudefireI can't run those commands. my issue is there is an old ubuntu install that isn't actually there anymore. so when I try to use it, it just gives me a bad memory address and tells me to run windows repair13:49
rudefireis there a way to delete things from my boot registry?13:49
marco_mesquita_cer: ok, I'll try the traditional debain way then13:49
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: dpkg --get-selection | grep linux-13:50
fatihFalconX: i get sound from empire total war :) i dont know what happened but sound like crystal13:50
fatihFalconX: i trie another game and still no sound.13:50
excognaccer: ok,  i'm sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates now13:50
fatihFalconX:  should be a game problem?13:50
hitsujiTMOrudefire: can you boot the live cd so you can have the tools to fix the problem please. there's an irc client on it too13:50
rudefirewill do13:51
cerexcognac: did it work? because I really haev to go .... if it does not work with backports, then install the proper driver frojm the links I gave you.13:51
x0ksterActionParsnip,  i think was the power management, but it's off13:51
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, I get "unknown option --get-selection"13:51
excognaccer: jsut tell me how do i check it from commandline if it's fine13:52
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: --get-selections       sorry13:52
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_nrdbhitsujiTMO,  I get a list of about 26 entries13:53
FalconXfatih: what else have you got under wine?13:53
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: can you pastebin them please13:53
fatihFalconX: i have call of juarez gunslinger and empire total war.13:53
cerexcognac: lsmod | grep -i i915 should show you the module has been loaded13:54
foubarreHi. For some unknown reason, no mail client will connect to my mail server on two ubuntu boxes (13.04 and 13.10) while other machines can. Weirdest, on the ubuntu machines, i can successfully telnet to port 587 and have the server respond to ehlo... I am therefore certain that it is not a firewall problem. any idea?13:54
fatihFalconX: sorry i think i understand your question incorrectly. i have only steam13:54
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6324061/13:55
cerexcognac: lspci -vv -s 00:02.0 should show you that the module i915 has been "linked" to your graphic card13:55
excognaccer: still doesn't work, so install the tar.bz2 files13:55
FalconXfatih: so you use wine only to install steam games and nothing else?13:55
fatihFalconX: today is moy holiday and i want to make this day for a game holiday but i'm busy with sound issue still 10.0013:55
cerexcognac: try sudo modprobe -v i915 first!13:56
fatihFalconX: i'll install some statistical softwares too but i installed kubuntu today.13:56
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excognaccer: still fatal error13:56
fossxplorerQuite a different way of adding virtual net adapters in Ubuntu vs CentOS13:56
fatihFalconX: i'll install some statistical softwares too but i installed kubuntu today.13:56
ActionParsnipx0kster: is there a bug reported?13:57
ActionParsnipFourDollars: can you ping the servers by name and/or IP?13:57
cerexcognac: then install teh very last module .... and goo luck!!13:57
cerexcognac: talk to you later.13:57
ActionParsnipfossxplorer: I use ifconfig in all linuxes and it works13:57
fossxplorerActionParsnip, for adding virtual ethx as well?13:58
FalconXfatih: try typing pulseaudio in terminal and tell me what it gives?13:58
excognaccer: ty a lot bro''''''''''113:58
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: can you run these commands please: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6324077/13:58
fatihFalconX: E: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.13:58
fatihE: [pulseaudio] main.c: pa_pid_file_create() başarısız oldu.  (create - failed )13:58
cerexcognac: np!!13:58
fatihFalconX: E: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.13:59
fatihE: [pulseaudio] main.c: pa_pid_file_create() başarısız oldu.13:59
x0ksterActionParsnip, i googled "ubuntu wifi down SSID disappears" but i didn't find something helpful, and i didn't reported any bug13:59
FalconXfatih: ok?14:00
FalconXfatih: your problem is really a mystery.14:00
fatihFalconX: daemon already runnign pa_pid flie create() failed14:00
FalconXfatih: it means that sound server is working. So i don't see problem here.14:01
fatihFalconX:  may be there is a problem with this game :(14:01
FalconXfatih: and call of juarez wasn't reported as not working14:02
FalconXfatih: but i wonder how did you get empire total war to work properly14:02
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, it didn't work ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/6324093/14:03
fatihFalconX: i dont know. empire's sound is better than windows right now14:03
fatihFalconX: thank you very much. i got your time. you're amazing.14:03
FalconXfatih: i meant that it was reported to crash while loading a battle14:03
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: whats the output of: uname -r14:03
FalconXfatih: so you're both lucky and unlucky14:04
michele__if there is any rosegarden's user in there can pm me plz?14:04
fatihFalconX: i still have random crash problems but i dont know.14:04
_nrdbHisaoNakai, 3.2.0-53-generic14:05
fatihFalconX: i have to quite right now because my eyes are really tired and i'm too bored :)14:05
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, 3.2.0-53-generic14:05
FalconXfatih: tired, so early?14:05
microshello. every time i boot a linux image on a different machine, I always get the same data from /dev/random.  this of course makes some sense, but how should i set the seed or add entropy in a sane manner?14:05
fatihFalconX: thanks for your help again. i am awake from 07.00 am and i'm trying to solve linux problems as a newbie14:06
michele__try with /dev/urandom14:06
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FalconXfatih: i was there too, so don't worry too much. I had problems with many other things, and still have.14:07
microsbut wont it generate the same set of numbers every time as well?14:07
microsassuming that its a fresh image on the first boot14:07
MrQuistwhy are there no normal drivers for everything for linux14:07
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MrQuisti hate linux because of unsupported crap and weird bugs14:07
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fatihFalconX: :) thanks again. have a nice day. ;)14:07
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: try adding --force-all   flag14:07
MrQuisti hate myself for having to switch back to windows now14:07
marco_mesquita_MrQuist: define normal drivers14:07
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FalconXfatih: you too.14:07
MrQuista working video card driver for lenovo T53014:08
MrQuista working docking station14:08
MrQuistworking digital connected secondary screens14:08
MrQuistworking sound card14:08
MrQuistworking software centre14:08
MrQuista normal GUI14:08
MrQuistnormal workign Java14:09
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, ... run the command "dpkg --force-all --purge linux-headers-3.2.0-32"14:09
MrQuisti hate windows for messing up line endings. no good git support. All cool server stuff works great on linux.14:09
FalconXMrQuist: you got weird problems here.14:09
MrQuistFalconX: i gave up.14:09
beanI'd use a VM for all of the *nix stuff I miss, personally. MrQuist14:10
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: sorry: do -generic first14:10
MrQuistbean, i do use a VM14:10
MrQuistbut i have VM's for developing websites14:10
MrQuistwith a shared mount to the host14:10
marco_mesquita_MrQuist: you should question the manufacturer why not they support linux drivers. That's the real problem14:10
MrQuistwhere my git project is located14:10
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, ... run the command "dpkg --force-all --purge linux-headers-3.2.0-32-generic"14:10
MrQuistmarco_mesquita_: they do kind of. They ship the laptop with Windows or Ubuntu14:10
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: without the --force-all14:10
FalconXMrQuist: those shitty lenovo laptops are somewhat hard to get working on linux. I mean those Optimus ones14:10
beanmeh, my optimus lenovo works fine with ubuntu14:11
marco_mesquita_MrQuist: the one which ships with Ubuntu should have no problems then14:11
MrQuistFalconX: yeah i noticed... tried 12.04, 12.10, 13.10,14:11
beangranted i haven't upgraded to 13.10 yet14:11
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, done ... ok14:11
MrQuistnvidida drivers mess up everything. Gnome3 is buggy. Unity is shit.14:11
FalconXMrQuist: from what i know, you didn't get optimus to work, right?14:11
MrQuistCinnamon is also shit.14:11
MrQuistthe GPU stuff?14:11
FalconXMrQuist: yes14:12
MrQuistDon't know.. I just installed the nvidia-* driver stuff (tried 178 and 301 i believe)14:12
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: and now run: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6324140/14:12
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FalconXMrQuist: You've got dual graphics here. Like mine.14:13
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MrQuistthen wanted to go back to my party working 12.04. Crashes because of nvidia drivers. Tried to delete them. No disc space left to delete them (what the hell). From live CD, extended the FS of the original one. Reboot. Got into GRUB EMERENCY RECOVERY14:13
MrQuistgod,,, once i have a spare month of time i'll try to fix ubuntu on there.14:13
MrQuisttoo bad because if ubuntu works right its lovely...14:14
xll11I changed my screen driver to something else, now when I rebooted the computer, I get plain desktop screen with nothing on it14:14
xll11what to do?14:14
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, done14:14
xll11after I log in, ofc14:14
MrQuistxll11: your name says all14:14
MrQuistalso try to change to another manager (gnome, unity) - if i recall correct you can change it in the login screen14:15
FalconXMrQuist: i changed my display manager twice14:15
MrQuisti did that about 3 times14:15
FalconXMrQuist: and my desktop three times14:15
MrQuistUnity -> Unity 2D -> Gnome -> Cinnamon14:15
FalconXMrQuist: i did almost the same14:16
MrQuistthen somewhere some idiot setting got stuck - flash screen on error bleep. Never got rid of that even tho it was disabled in my Unversial Access settings14:16
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: might as well get rid of all the unnecessary ones: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6324159/14:16
MrQuistso every bleep the screen flashes (lovely)14:16
FalconXMrQuist: Screen flash? that's something new14:16
MrQuistOh, and the digital video output didnt work so i was stuck on VGA on 1920x1200 (also lovely)14:17
xll11MrQuist, why does my name says it all? also there is no options to change anything on the login screen14:17
FalconXMrQuist: i only get minor screen refresh glitch14:17
MrQuistno its noyt, check out access settings for deaf people14:17
MrQuistyou can flash the screen on an error beep14:17
MrQuistmy 13.10 digital video worked. Except for the part that there was no refresh kind of thing, so the cursor left a trail of cursors.14:17
xll11is there a way I can force terminal boot? and from there maybe do a system restore?14:18
FalconXMrQuist: The worst problem with linux i have is14:18
reisioxll11: hrmm?14:18
MrQuistxll11: when you're int he login screen, try CTRL+ALT+F1 / F2 / F314:18
FalconXMrQuist: getting Shift-JIS encoding to work.14:18
MrQuistswitch to a tty14:18
MrQuistFalconX: Then either you're lucky or i am very unlucky14:19
hitsujiTMOxll11: add kernel option: text14:19
ryaoWhere can I find the Ubuntu 11.10 ISO? I am on a system that is having trouble with its NIC, so using Google to find out is somewhat difficult right now.14:19
FalconXMrQuist: i mean at the moment14:19
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reisioryao: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors14:19
ryaoThis systems' motherboard is likely going to be RMAed. I just need to run Ubuntu 11.10 on it so I can tlel the manufacturer that I tried a supported OS.14:19
ryaoreisio: Thanks.14:19
FalconXMrQuist: because whole text in txt file is broken because it's encoded in shift-jis and i can't get to open it.14:20
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hitsujiTMO_nrdb: once thats done, can you pastebin the output of: df -h14:20
MrQuistwelp. Windows is installed. How weird, everything works :D14:20
reisioryao: actually maybe http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/oneiric/ would be better14:20
ryao11.10 does not appear to be on these mirrors. :/14:20
MrQuistFalconX: thats what i mean.. Those issues really only occur on linux.14:20
FalconXMrQuist: no14:20
minimecxll11: <ctrl><alt>F1; login...; 'sudo apt-get purge fglrx' (<-- AMD/ATI), 'sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current' (<-- for nvidia), 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' (reset xorg), 'sudo reboot' ...14:20
MrQuistlever had that kind of crap with windows.14:20
ryaoreisio: Thanks.14:20
FalconXMrQuist: this one occurs also on windows14:20
hitsujiTMO!eol | ryan14:21
ubotturyan: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:21
reisioryao: yeah just noticed, sorry I don't grok Ubuntu retiring protocols :p14:21
FalconXMrQuist: but is easier to fix there14:21
minimecxll11: That's what I would try in your case.14:21
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MrQuistIt does? weird14:22
ryaohitsujiTMO: I think you meant ryao and that does not change the fact that 11,10 is on Supermicro's support list.14:22
xll11minimec did it, lets see whats up now, thanks :)14:22
MrQuisti wish i was a C++ guru14:22
FalconXMrQuist: I wish i was C++ guru too.14:22
ryaoMrQuist: Why?14:22
MrQuisti'd fix all this buggy shit instead of making a "new and better" unity14:22
hitsujiTMOryao: 11.10 is removed from all mirrors as it is EOL14:22
xll11argh, minimec, not working =(14:23
ryaohitsujiTMO: I still need it so that I can tell supermicro that I tried a supported OS and the NICs did not work properly.14:23
marco_mesquita_ladies gentlemen, I think it is time to stop feeding the trolls14:23
minimecxll11: Do you know, which driver you installed?14:23
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, thanks for the help ... I have purged the old kernels.14:23
xll11I'll try upgrade my package since I've been given the option14:23
FalconXMrQuist: only driver issues i've got now are 'bluetooth not working' and 'graphics performance is almost crap'14:24
xll11minimec I changed it to the last propetiray driver of amd/ati (pretty sure it was fglrx)14:24
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: can you run: sudo apt-get -f upgrade                    now?14:24
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: can you run: sudo apt-get -f install                    now?14:24
minimecxll11: Hmmm... try 'sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg-old.conf'14:25
xll11Oh well it's updating the package now ^^14:25
minimecxll11: If it is updating the fglrx package, you did not remove it...14:26
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, the "apt-get -f install" is generating errors ... :-(14:31
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: can you pastebin the errors14:31
hacpwould ubuntu run slow on a external usb hd?14:32
minimechacp: Well it should. I run a full installation on USB Sticks.14:33
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6324260/14:33
=== karlo|afk is now known as karlo
hacpminimec: but hw fast is it?14:33
KotaroDesignHello everyone. I have a slight problem with my Ubuntu Server. I am running on Ubuntu 13.10 (GNU/Linux 3.11.0-12-generic x86_64) and I have previously installed LAMP as well as WordPress and another Web App. All of them function fine, but now I have a problem with installing my mailserver. I installed postfix, not sure if properly though, and now I want to install iRedMail. I went through the configuration with14:33
KotaroDesign"bash iRedMail.sh" and followed the instructions. At the end a Warning popped up and I answered with "Y". Basically I get the following error at the end: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/a5a3fac1f06a43de6b0e14:33
hacpmust be slow I assueme14:33
minimechacp: Well with USB3 it is pretty damn fast... Faster than a crypted internal laptop harddisk.14:34
hacpoh I see14:35
hacpso then you have to get a usb 3.0 hd in order to get the speed benefits right?14:35
JasonSHello all14:35
minimechacp: And you can put /tmp and /swap to RAM to limit write cicles and to speed up the system.14:36
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: are you getting errors with: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:36
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, no that goes fine14:36
JasonSCan some one help me with a problem. I am using 12.04 and my machine freezes in the first few minutes of accessing the desktop14:37
JasonSAnd its the same I believe in 12.1014:37
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, no that is wrong... it says to a apt-get -f install14:37
minimechacp: Yes you need compatible hardware. I can recommend the SAN Disk extreme 64GB stick.14:38
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: ok, lol. looks like the best thing to di is to manually install the new packages14:39
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, ok ... how?14:41
MrQuistJasonS: i had the same crap14:42
MrQuistreinstall 3 times helped for me14:42
MrQuistbut i am not suggesting that as a solution.14:42
JasonSI've tried several installs using different versions of ubuntu14:42
=== No_One is now known as KGB-No_One
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hitsujiTMO_nrdb: are you on 32 or 64bit?14:43
JasonSits 32 bit14:43
MrQuistJasonS: check your CPU / GPU temperatures14:43
minimecJasonS: HAve you once tried to disable all 'powersave' options for the screen and other stuff... Did you tune the kernel parameters?14:44
MrQuist+1 for ubuntu. Tweak / compile your own kernel so that your mouse works :D14:44
JasonSNo I havent tried to disable any powersave and I am using the stock kernals14:45
MrQuistJasonS: did you check the temperatures?14:45
esdeOn a fresh install of server 12.04 64-bit, i ran update, upgrade, then dist-upgrade. Then i installed php5 and it's dependencies, and added the percona source to my sources and installed percona-server-client-5.5 percona-server-server-5.5 and libmysqlclient-dev. Then I see this error http://pastebin.com/PKaKkkr2 when trying to run a script dealing with php and mysql, what can I do to resolve this? I found this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10759334/hea14:46
esdeders-and-client-library-minor-version-mismatch but I'm not sure how to do the steps indicated. Any help would be awesome!14:46
JasonSAlso I did a thorough cleaning of the heatsink and applied new thermal paste. I thought I may have been overheating.14:46
MrQuistJasonS: did you check the temperatures?14:46
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: can you tell me the output of: uname -a14:46
JasonSI dont remeber what the temps where when I checked since I been sitting on this problem a while now14:46
MrQuistso the pc just shuts down after a few minutes?14:47
JasonSI dont believe they were high at all14:47
MrQuistgracefully? or does it freeze? or does it suddenly power off?14:47
JasonSNo it does not shut down. It freezes, I get no response from the mouse or keyboard14:47
MrQuistFunnyLookinHat [~funnylook@ubuntu/member/funnylookinhat] has joined #ubuntu14:47
MrQuistCatKiller [~catkiller@unaffiliated/catkiller] has joined #ubuntu14:47
_nrdbuname -a14:47
SPEEDWAVEmaybe the processor is over-heated14:47
MrQuistWatch out cat in hat14:47
MrQuistJasonS: have you checked the temperatures?14:48
_nrdbhitsujiTMO,  "Linux share 3.2.0-53-generic #81-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 22 21:01:03 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"14:48
JasonSYes I have and as I recall they were not running hot14:48
MrQuistafter you've checked those - try unplugging any external hardware, see if any of that causes the error14:48
FunnyLookinHatYOU RANG?14:49
SPEEDWAVEtry to cmos clear14:49
=== aerophagia is now known as CrazyEddy
jony_easyriderI cannot decide which OS should I instal on an old PC (celeron 2ghz, 512mb RAM): Ubuntu 10.04 or Lubuntu 12.04, please help14:49
minimecJasonS: Did you check the syslog files. There is probably some info in /var/log/syslog14:49
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: can you wget this file: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-image-generic_3.         and then run: sudo dpkg -i linux-image-generic_3.
JasonSHow can I check the log files when it freezes?14:50
minimecJasonS: If the machine is still running, you can login from a different machine with ssh.14:51
MrQuistOr try CTRL+ALT+F2 / F1 / F4 / F3 (switch tty)14:51
minimecJasonS: 'sudo apt-get install ssh' first on the machine that freeses.14:51
JasonSDoesnt an ssh server need to be setup forst?14:51
DJonesjony_easyrider: If its a desktop version you're looking for, forget Ubuntu 10.04, its end of life so no longer supported14:51
minimecJasonS: yas ;)14:51
MrQuistJasonS: how about just pinging it14:51
altayrhello everyone, first time here14:51
matrix_есть русскоговорящие?14:52
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: then can you do the same with the: wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-headers-generic_3.     and then : dpkg -i linux-headers-generic_3.
MrQuisttry that first. Keep a ping open from another machine. If that also stops you'll notice that a very low level system also freezes14:52
MrQuistmatrix_: please use english14:52
jony_easyriderDJones, yes, it's a desktop, but it's very slooow14:52
DJones!ru | matrix_14:52
ubottumatrix_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:52
MrQuist!nl | MrQuist14:52
ubottuMrQuist, please see my private message14:52
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: that last command should with sudo ofc: sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-generic_3.
JasonSand I assume the syslog is a text file correct?14:53
DJonesjony_easyrider: I'd try either Lubuntu or Xubuntu on that spec, personally I normally go with Lubuntu on low spec machines because I prefer the desktop, but may be worth you trying both versions before deciding which suits you best14:53
matrix_I do not speak English14:53
MrQuistLol. Paradox14:53
MrQuistmatrix_ -> /join #ubuntu-ru14:53
MrQuistmatrix_: njet blabla russia14:54
MrQuistmatrix_: мы не говорим России14:54
jony_easyriderDJones, I tried and used for a while already both versions, conclusion: 10.04 is faster, 12.04 is slower but it's up to date14:55
rtcg72ahi, I have a Creative Awe 64 ISA sound card that I would like to use with ubuntu. I followed the advice at one of the ubuntu forum posts and used sudo modprobe snd-sbawe. However, I still got no sound. Did I go wrong somewhere?14:55
matrix_and to whom you say?14:55
jboiican someone help me with this14:56
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, those commands worked :-) ... but the "apt -f install" still failed.14:57
JasonSI am going to check the log file and see what clies it leaves me.14:57
jboiii need to fix my usb mouse to function with x11 , can someone help me with this?14:57
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: can you give me the exact error now14:58
jboiii am desperate , i have been having issues with this all night14:58
CatKillerjboii: What are the symptoms14:59
jboiibroken screen , acer monitor , usb mouse connected to ubuntu , cannot find a solution to get this to work15:00
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6324379/15:00
CatKillerjboii: What are the symptoms? The mouse doesn't power up? It's slow tracking, or it's not tracking but it's powered on?15:01
frewanyone know how I can find out what caused my computer to come out of susepnd?15:01
CatKillerDoes it work on another machine15:01
CatKilleretc etc15:01
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-generic_3. && sudo dpkg -i linux-generic_3.
jboiithe mouse itself will only move in log in screen , in ubuntu it wont move15:01
jboiiyes it works , soon as i log in , its not moving15:02
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: after that can you pastebin the error of: sudo apt-get -f install     if it fails15:03
CatKillerjboii: That's kind of crazy. Anything you might have done that you think may have caused this?15:03
CatKillerDoes it work on a Ubuntu liveCD/USB key?15:03
jboiii ended up with a broken laptop screen yesterday , so i had to buy a monitor15:04
jboiisince than , the mouse itself is having problems moving15:04
jboiiusb mouse15:04
CatKillerjboii: mhhh Can you see the cursor at all?15:04
CatKillerMaybe the new monitor is detected as an extended monitor15:04
CatKillerand your mouse cursor is present on the "other" monitor that's currently broken15:04
jboiiyes , i have to use the laptop as a keyboard and mouse meanwhile tryin to fi this15:04
mapsRusAnyone know if there is a way to dump the terminal cache to a text file?15:04
jboiimonitor is now setup as only function on the onitor15:05
CatKillerjboii: So you can use the laptop trackpad as a mouse15:05
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, that fixed everything15:06
CatKillerjboii: But if you take over with the USB one it won't work15:06
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: seet!15:06
geniijboii: If your laptop has one of those FN key combinations which cycles the monitor setups (eg: LCD no external, both, external only) You could try cycling to the setting which would be external only15:06
CatKillerjboii: That's extremely weird.15:06
jboiino , i havent found an app that will do anything like that15:06
CatKillerjboii: So you can see the cursor on screen, but you can't move it with your usb mouse. However if you touch the trackpad it does move15:06
CatKillerDoes the "click" work?15:07
CatKillerif you position your mouse using the trackpad over an icon and click, it does select that icon?15:07
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, thanks for the help ... where did you get url to download the package?15:07
KotaroDesignAnyone knows what this error means in roundcube: "SMTP Error (451): Failed to add recipient"?15:07
CatKillerJust very odd. If it works using a livecd15:08
CatKillerI'd simply reinstall15:08
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: packages.ubuntu.com15:08
CatKillerI mean if you've already searched all night for a solution15:08
CatKillerit would be way faster to just reinstall15:08
jboiihat about this15:08
jboiican i fix it using a bletooth mouse insted ?15:08
geniijboii: Do you have a file /etc/X11/xorg.conf which contains lines in it about input devices?15:08
hitsujiTMO_nrdb: np, just watch you're free space in future.15:08
jboiii am having issues enabling my bluetooth15:08
CatKillerjboii: Maybe. I don't know what your problem is but obviously the mouse is "seen" by the system as the click works15:09
jboiihow can i easy fix this ?15:09
jboiiyes i have that fie15:09
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, very much so.15:09
geniijboii: Please pastebin that file for inspection15:09
jboiiwhat about fixing usb insted ?15:10
jboiii cant seem to get it to work15:10
jboiiwotn enable15:10
CatKillerwon't enable?15:10
jboiiyes , it wont get started15:11
jboiibluetooth off15:11
_nrdbhitsujiTMO, now to check all the other VMs15:11
jboiiis there a system cleaning app i can run to fix this ?15:11
CatKillerjboii: Yes and it is always running15:11
CatKillerjboii: In a way15:11
jboiilike that will easy solve the problem15:12
CatKillerWhy would anyone make a system cleaning app as opposed to keeping it "clean"15:12
monstanyone know where default dhcp logs are kept?15:12
CatKillerYou have a system that should work. If it doesn't it was broken and Ubuntu doesn't know how/why it's broken15:12
airthas anyone upgraded to 13.10 ubuntu15:12
dsalfranhello all, I just installed ubuntu 13.10 on a HP pavilion g6, is always starting with windows 8 by default. I had 12.04 and boot-repair solved the issue but not now. Can someone look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/6324237/ ?15:12
CatKillerMy suggestion of reinstalling (provided everything works using a livecd) is by far the easiest and fastest15:12
CatKillerSeems overkill15:12
CatKillerbut it only takes minutes15:12
CatKillermaybe an hour15:13
CatKillerjboii: http://askubuntu.com/questions/9135/best-way-to-backup-all-settings-list-of-installed-packages-tweaks-etc15:14
testpil0tjust curious... is there some way to boostrap windows from within ubuntu ?15:15
testpil0ti dont want to fiddle around with some grub-fixing etc..15:15
geniijboii: Perhaps in the incident which broke the creen the usb port also experienced damage. But there is a remote possibility that your input device is specified in your xorg.conf but tied to the old default screen, etc. But impossible to know this without seeing the xorg.conf file. All else is speculation, etc.15:16
intraderAnyone, good morning. I noticed that ubuntu 13.10 while asleep -disables networking and continues to run some processes running that cause the laptop to stay more than warm (psensor temp2 91C); opening the lapto cover finds networking disabled. In  contrast, in ubuntu 12.04 closing the laptop cover  put the laptop asleep bring temperature down15:17
lmatI'm having trouble with Ubuntu 12.04: I'm wanting to turn off the drum startup sound, but can't figure out how.15:17
* BarbaroXXa is afk15:18
lmatlmat: I see instructions that say "Click system > administration > login window > accessibility > sounds > login screen ready" but I don't see any of that.15:18
lmatWhere do I click "System" ? (I use cairo dock, and I think the usual unity thing is not here)15:18
Raianecomo eu desistalo o ubuntu do pc ?15:18
dsalfransomeone knows how to boot directly to ubuntu 13.10 in a dual boot system?15:19
k1l_!away > BarbaroXXa15:19
ubottuBarbaroXXa, please see my private message15:19
minimeclmat: http://askubuntu.com/questions/24946/how-do-i-disable-the-drum-beat-sound-on-the-login-screen15:20
DJones!br | Raiane15:20
ubottuRaiane: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:20
airtlmat try  ubuntu tweek it has a place to turn off  logon sound15:20
intraderAnyone, continuing ... I am closing the lid to see if I can duplicate the behaviour.15:21
Raianealguem me ajuda15:24
=== peter is now known as Guest16568
HTT-BirdW: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com quantal Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>15:25
HTT-Bird^^ where'd the signatures for Quantal go?15:25
dsalfranHTT-Bird: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys sudo apt-key adv --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys15:26
fossxplorerI have to ask why Ubuntu Precise uses a much newer kernel than latest CentOS?15:26
dsalfranHTT-Bird: sorry, bad typing15:26
dsalfranHTT-Bird: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B515:27
HTT-Birdfossxplorer: because the two distros update the kernel on different cycles15:27
=== whoever is now known as Guest28138
HTT-Birddsalfran: WTF? same error15:27
monstanyone know what could cause a route to disappear? the machine wasnt rebooted but lost a custom route15:27
HTT-Birdran your command, then reran aptitude update15:28
fossxplorerHTT-Bird, i see. I have to ask this on #centos15:28
HTT-Birdexact. same. error.15:28
Guest28138hi all, don't remember is i asked but can i upgrade 12.04 to 14.04( in april) ? or must i do all of the incremental upgrades in between ?15:28
=== Mr_Quist is now known as MrQuist
kostkonGuest28138, you can15:28
Ari-YangGuest28138: afaik you should be able to upgrade from LTS to LTS; so yes.15:28
DJonesGuest28138: 14.04 is planned to be a Long term support release, so yes you should be able to got 12.04 to 14.04 without any problem15:28
ceed^Why is it not possible to control the volume fully with volume buttons or notification area volume control in Ubuntu? You can control it up to "100" which is a bit passed half way up, but to get above that you have to open the sound settings.15:29
dsalfranHTT-Bird: what does that mean. Same error? Try deleting /var/lib/apt/lists before doing apt-get update15:29
xll11the installation of the new package is long as hell15:29
Guest28138Ari-Yang: thx, but will not be able to go from x.10 to lts ? correct15:29
Ari-YangGuest28138: I don't think so. Like if you're on 12.10 you'd have to jump from it to 13.04 then 13.1015:30
Ari-Yangbut I'm not sure...15:30
Ari-Yangguys, can one upgrade from 12.10 to 14.04?15:30
cousteauAri-Yang, I think you have to do the 3 upgrades15:30
DJonesAri-Yang: I believe thats the plan,15:30
PiciGuest28138: You can always go from an LTS to an LTS, and from a prior release to the immediate next one.15:30
HTT-Birddsalfran: now aptitude update won't even *try* to pull from quantal's repos15:31
cousteaumaybe it'd be simpler to just reinstall  (assuming separate /home)15:31
Guest28138Ari-Yang: thx, it looks like i will have to do all of the incrementals only because 12.x does not have verry good twinview support compared to 13.0415:31
Ari-YangGuest28138: 13.04 is EOL in 3 months. So you might want to use 13.1015:32
Guest28138is anyone else here using multiple head display15:32
* cousteau is waiting for 14.04 to be released to reinstall ubuntu15:32
Guest28138Ari-Yang: thx15:32
cousteauand never again install a non-LTS15:32
dsalfranHTT-Bird: http://askubuntu.com/questions/198371/apt-encounters-errors-with-bad-gpg-keys15:32
* cousteau uses Ubuntu 10.10 at home15:32
Guest28138Ari-Yang: and while i am here i was having an issue with caffeine, it should temperarly disable xscreensaver , but even with "disable screensaver" checked the screensaver kept comming on15:33
adamkGuest28138: I run two monitors.15:33
HTT-Birddsalfran: ok, *weird*.  aptitude was having issues, apt-get is doing what I want though o.o15:33
Ari-YangGuest28138: dunno about caffeine :|15:34
dsalfranHTT-Bird: then all it's ok15:34
Guest28138adamk: ah, would you agree that 13 has better multihead support then 1215:34
DJonesAri-Yang: For 12.10 only, because 12.10's EOL is a few months after 13.04 goes EOL, in theory you could be using 12.10 without an upgrade path to 13.04, so when I asked a while back, the reply was that the plan was to have an upgrade path from 12.10 to 14.04 for those people (That was an answer I got some months back, possibly the plan could have changed since then)15:34
m_tadeuhi...is there a was to install a local package with dependencies on the command line?15:34
reisiom_tadeu: local?15:34
Guest28138Ari-Yang: caffeine seems to be dead i have tried it on 12.10 and 13.04 and same results15:34
reisiom_tadeu: as in a .deb file you downloaded?15:35
adamkGuest28138: Not really.15:35
m_tadeureisio: yes15:35
reisiom_tadeu: dpkg -i15:35
Guest28138Ari-Yang: do you know of a way to disable and reinable xscreensaver, so i don't have to screw with it while watcing a video15:35
Ari-YangDJones: ah I see.. I hope that is the case, in case I do want to upgrade from 12.10 to 14.04 I can just jump from it to 14.0415:35
m_tadeureisio: that won't install dependencies15:35
Ari-YangGuest28138: not really, mess with the system settings screen options/screen saver etc.15:36
Guest28138adamk: i have noticed that snapping seems to work for me in 13., where it didn't work for me in 12.x other then that, the suppor t is about the s8ame15:36
adamkGuest28138: That's a function of the window manager, not the multihead support.15:36
Guest28138Ari-Yang: xscreensaver seems to not appear in settings so i am looking for a script that i can run to enable/disable15:37
Ari-YangGuest28138: okay, good luck.15:37
Guest28138adamk: thx, i wasn't to sure who handled that15:38
Guest28138Ari-Yang: thx15:38
Guest28138adamk: i would say that 13 the ui at least looks cleaner then 1215:39
deltrahola a todos15:42
reisiodeltra: hola15:43
deltrastoy buscando a arrweb  ?? alguien lo vio ?15:44
Pici!es | deltra15:45
ubottudeltra: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:45
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=== Mr_Quist is now known as MrQuist
MultiplyHow do I get an upstart service out of a confused state? (stop/killed, process XXXX)15:54
MultiplyThe process isn't running, but it's still in that state15:54
ActionParsnipMultiply: can you kill -9 it?15:55
intraderAnyone, continuing experiment about ubuntu 13.10 problem with suspend. It appears that suspend disables wifi and networking just as closing the laptop lid does. Upon wakeup via the ON button, login screen comes up but neworking and wifi are disabled. Forces a reboot as enabling networking does not enable wifi also.15:55
ActionParsnipintrader: if you unload and reload the driver module, does it start working?15:56
intraderActionParsnip, how do I unload and reload the driver?15:57
ActionParsnipintrader: what is the driver module?15:57
ActionParsnipintrader: sudo lshw -C network | grep -i driver      will tell you15:58
intraderActionParsnip, thankyou, but I am not seeking to find what driver module. I am waiting to resolve issue with suspend turning wifi and networking off. Enabling networking does not start the wifi16:00
MultiplyActionParsnip, the process isn't running.16:00
MultiplyDoesn't exist, either. I just want to clear the state of my service16:01
sivhello. anyone want to take a stab at a hdmi sound issue on dom0 / xen ?16:01
xll11how to start the gui mode from terminal?16:02
ActionParsnipintrader: if you find it, then unload it and reload it, it can make the device 'wake up' this will solve your issue right?16:02
ActionParsnipMultiply: sudo service name status     is it running?16:03
cromagis it normal for apt-get update to use 100% disk I/O with 1mb/s ?16:03
cromagi have an apt-get update running for 20 minutes and that is happening16:04
cromagon an SSD disk16:04
cromagi have no idea why16:04
hitsujiTMOcromag: writing a lot of small file can do that16:04
ActionParsnipcromag: maybe its a bug16:04
MultiplyActionParsnip, as I wrote, start/killed or stop/killed is the status. It always report the same PID, regardless of how many times I try to start, or stop the service. Starting or stopping hangs, by the way, until I ctrl+c and try again. The PID never changes. And it's not running either.16:04
cromaghitsujiTMO: that i understand, it's during "reading package list"16:05
intraderActionParsnip, first, how do I cut text from Xchat. Second how do I unload/reload driver. Third, all needs to happen in wakeup/suspend/wakeup automatically on16:05
cromagActionParsnip: how can i debug maybe ?16:05
cromagltrace stuff ?16:05
ActionParsnipintrader: if you tell me the name (I told you how to get the name) I can give you the name16:05
ActionParsnipintrader: I can give you the command to unload and reload it16:05
Guest28138i don't know what is wrong with caffeine but how hard can it be to xscreensaver - exit, or xscreensaver --no-splash16:05
ActionParsnipintrader: you dont seem to want to know the name of the driver, despite the fact that it may in fact resolve your issue16:06
MrSassyPantsHeys. I did an ssh local port forward to my proxy (in a 1gb lan) and speed was ~250kB/s. When I used the proxy directly, speed was higher (7+mB/s, what my isp offers). there was no noticeable cpu usage on ssh / sshd on either side, -C did not make a difference. so why is the ssh tunnel so much slower?16:06
xll11blah, now I get a blackscreen after login16:06
ActionParsnipintrader: your move16:06
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EyePulpyo ho ho16:08
intraderActionParsnip, the driver is PCI16:09
=== ItTakesTwo_ is now known as ItTakesTwo
EyePulphow long has there been a /var/log/upstart/  directory with actual logs sitting in it?  It seems like a somewhat recent change (and a good one at that)16:09
ActionParsnipintrader: wait, your PCI bus is slow16:09
EyePulpand is there a way to get that behavior working on older distros?16:09
intraderActionParsnip, what does that have to do with the suspend/awake issue of disabling wifi wnd networking16:10
hitsujiTMOintrader: because the module is probably whats causing your issue16:10
=== Guest28138 is now known as whoevor
intraderActionParsnip, so how do I unload and reload the driver?16:11
leif_is there a irc for people into sever stuff on ubuntu16:11
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kostkonleif_, #ubuntu-server?16:11
intraderActionParsnip, sorry about the delay in answering above - but I was looking up how to clip text from Xchat window - could not find how to do it.16:12
hitsujiTMOintrader: sudo modprobe -r <module> && sudo modprobe <module>16:13
abradleyI'm having the dickens of a time figuring out how to mount an nfs share in ubudesktop16:13
DirkosI installed a VM with ubuntu 10.2 LTS but how can i get the latest PHP version? since 5.3 is still in the repo16:14
hitsujiTMODirkos: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue16:16
Dirkosah sorry16:16
upverter-is-coolHi everyone! I recently made the mistake of installing the OSX update called Maverick (not to be confused with Ubuntu 10.10) and it has lead me down a path to where I need to wipe my ubuntu installation.16:16
Dirkos12.04 LTS16:16
intraderActionParsnip, I get for first command: 'FATAL: Module PCI not found.'16:16
Dirkoswas confused with something else16:16
upverter-is-coolThat being said, I want to know if Ubuntu 13.04 is still the recommended version for installing on a 13" Macbook Pro Retina (10,2)16:16
Dirkoslike for debian i could always use the dotdeb repo but is there anything for ubuntu?16:16
upverter-is-coolOr should I install 13.10 instead?16:17
hitsujiTMODirkos: is there a specific reason why you need a later version than 5.3?16:17
tim167hello, I have a computer here, which I have to use for a project, but it has an _ancient_ ubuntu 8 on it, what's the best way to upgrade it? (update-manager) proposes upgrade to ubuntu 10, but that seems like its not really much better...)16:17
Dirkos5.3 is end of life already hitsujiTMO and i need some stuff available in 5.4 anyhow16:17
Dirkosso i'd rather upgrade to 5.5.16:17
ActionParsnipintrader: run:  sudo lshw -C network    wait, then read16:17
upverter-is-cool@tim167 start with a usb or CD and upgrade all the way to 13.1016:18
gordonjcptim167: flatten and reinstall16:18
upverter-is-cool@tim167 it is not advised to upgrade over more than 4 updates16:18
hitsujiTMODirkos: you'll have to find a PPA with the later version then. just be careful as there's a few poor PPAs around with bad installs.16:18
gordonjcptim167: ensure that your computer has either 64-bit or PAE support ;-)16:18
DirkoshitsujiTMO: thats why im asking16:19
intraderActionParsnip, my bad, the driver is ath5k. Note the the grep does not find the driver - but I could tell from the console output16:19
tim167upverter-is-cool: ok, thanks for your advice, I guess it would be best to start with a clean install on a new disk... :)16:19
cromagActionParsnip: do you have an idea on how i can debug the apt-get update / iowait ?16:19
gordonjcptim167: new disk is a good idea16:19
whoeverwhat is the quickest way to dev a tray app ? gtk ? or another16:19
whoeveri know stupid question16:19
gordonjcptim167: every so often I just pull the drive and do a fresh install16:19
hitsujiTMODirkos: https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/php5 is one of the more popular ones, but i have not tried it myself16:20
gordonjcpwhoever: depends what desktop you're developing for16:20
tim167gordonjcp: it's actually ubuntustudio i'm running, and the audio drivers are all tweaked just right, so I've never been inclined to 'change a winning team'...16:20
hitsujiTMODirkos: please, note that you may also be forced to update apache2.2 to apache2.416:20
whoevergordonjcp: a tray icon that will maintain 2 states and run a different command on click state16:21
intraderActionParsnip, the modprobe pair disables/enables neworking and wifi16:21
intraderActionParsnip, now I need to have it happen on suspend/resume16:22
hitsujiTMODirkos: also not that 5.3 is not end of life ...16:22
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hitsujiTMODirkos: actually, sorry it is EOL, my bad16:22
whoevergordonjcp: so what would be the best option16:24
whoevergordonjcp: or does gnome already contain a configurable tray icon , and i just have to add it to my tray16:25
EyePulpso I *think* i have an upstart managed service running, but I can't seem to kill it, and there's no longer a /etc/init/ file for it.  How do I kill it, as it just seems to restart under a new PID each time I try?16:26
andryEyePulp, ehm16:27
andryexpect fork needs to be added then16:27
intraderActionParsnip, now I need to have it happen on suspend/resume16:27
andry"expect fork" as new line under description ie16:27
nikhil_anyone here know how to set focus to follow mouse using Linux Mint cinnamon?16:27
genii!mintsupport | nikhil_16:28
ubottunikhil_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:28
andryfunny i had the exact same problem 10 minutes ago :D16:28
EyePulpandry: there's no upstart script for the service - I'm trying to kill it off completely.16:28
hitsujiTMOintrader: http://askubuntu.com/questions/92218/how-to-execute-a-command-after-resume-from-suspend16:28
EyePulpjust trying to untangle which process it controlling it =\16:28
andryoh okay sorry, misread it ..16:28
andrywhich process?16:28
geniiEyePulp: Maybe it still has old sysvinit entry in /etc/init.d/16:28
andryhm sysvinit wouldnt restart it i think16:29
EyePulpgenii: Nope - it was a service I wrote some time ago under /etc/init16:29
andryor try "pstree" to see where it spawns from16:29
EyePulpooh - pstree16:29
ActionParsnipintrader: sudo modprobe -r ath5k; sleep 5; sudo modprobe ath5k      will unload it and reload it, dos it help?16:29
EyePulplemme look up the syntax16:29
* whoever just realized he can't code anything while system is updatiing qt is not installed 16:29
* whoever wants to cry 16:29
gordonjcpwhoever: I don't know, I guess there must be some documentation on writing tray apps for Unity somewhere on the Ubuntu wiki16:31
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intraderActionParsnip, hang on, I am have not red the article16:32
hitsujiTMOwhoever: gordonjcp: docs: https://unity.ubuntu.com/projects/appindicators/16:32
EyePulpandry: So I found the process, which eventually links back to init  Now how do I kill it?16:32
ActionParsnipEyePulp: everything links back to init. It is the mother of all processed and is always PID 116:33
ActionParsnipor is it 016:33
andrysudo killall processname or sudo kill $(pidof processname)16:33
andrybut dont kill init16:33
BAMbandaIf I'm upgrading ubuntu from my terminal, is it dangerous to do other things?16:34
BAMbandasuch as being in irc rightnow?16:34
intraderActionParsnip, Is this not a bug in 13.10?16:34
SPEEDWAVEmy dta 2 hero are invisible anyone here knows how to fix it please...16:34
SPEEDWAVEi mean dota 216:35
BAMbandaIf I'm upgrading ubuntu from my terminal, is it dangerous to do other things?16:35
reisioBAMbanda: other things not to do with package management, nope16:36
intraderActionParsnip, how do I stop Xchat (not let is scroll)16:36
BAMbandareisio, thanks!16:37
vitor_inHi, I'm having problems with ubuntu 12.04 and xrdp.16:38
vitor_inanyone could help?16:39
EyePulpargh - my kill and killall work, but a new process pops up immediately.  It's a resilient sucker16:41
reisioEyePulp: while(true); do kill foo; done16:41
EyePulpany way to figure out what upstart is currently managing in a list?16:41
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Guest78798is there a command that will show me what driver is in use for a usb device?16:41
gpledcan someone work with me to solve a seemingly simple dns/dhcp question?16:42
minimecGuest78798: What if you plugged the device and read out 'dmesg' in a terminal. The las 5-10 lines. There you see what driver is called.16:43
dv-_gpled: don't ask to ask, just state your problem, and if anyone looking knows, they'll tell you16:43
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intraderActionParsnip, should this issue not be reported as a bug?16:44
gpled/var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases shows,,
=== Guest78798 is now known as Rexter
gpledmy system keeps using
gpledwhy is it not using,208 or ?16:46
Rexterminimec I get no info all errors16:47
=== irbrad is now known as Guest68609
Rexterminimec; maybe I'm not going about this the best way. I need to find out what driver package a usb wireless adapter is using.16:49
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intraderActionParsnip, there is a bug reporte with workaround: #1234469: Network does not come up after resuming from suspend.16:50
minimecRexter: Ok. Do you know how paste.ubuntu.com works? paste the output of 'dmesg' you got on that side and give me the link16:51
Rexterminimec; http://pastebin.com/gTqbU0Kq16:54
traubisodahi there16:54
traubisodaif I have a webserver, and I purchased a domain which point to this server, do I have to adjust anything on my server regarding the domain name?16:55
minimecRexter: Ok. This is a wifi module right. Now do the same with 'lsusb' and 'iwconfig'. Paste the result on paste.ubuntu.com again.16:55
traubisodathe server was used before based on IP address16:56
hitsujiTMOgpled: you are displaying leases for 2 different networks. you are on the network would be why you have that ip16:57
beantraubisoda: depends on your apache config.16:59
gpledoption domain-name-servers,,;16:59
gpledthis is for name server.  getting the correct and working ip address.  just using the wrong dns server16:59
operatorplikcara instal cheat engine gimana gan...:D17:00
traubisodabean: it's default, should I place the domain in the config file?17:00
beantraubisoda: I'd try it out and see if it works. I usually throw a "ServerName mydnsname.com" then "ServerAlias www.mydnsname.com" in the virtualhost just to make thigns happy17:01
traubisodabean: virtualhosts had been already made17:02
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Rexterminimec; http://pasebin.com/h0Sj46wz17:03
benzrfhi, I need a new  bootable partition quickly17:03
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benzrfif I put  the installer disk iso into it, will I be able to boot that?17:03
Rexterminimec; oops sorry http://pastebin.com/h0Sj46wz17:04
intraderActionParsnip, sorry, I had to reboot - is the suspend/resume bug resolved?17:05
traubisodamy real problem is, that php mail() runs very slow(aprox. 1 minute), so I 'tcpdump'-ed a mail sending issue, and the first delay was a DNS lookup for localhost.localdomain17:06
minimecRexter: It's ok. I got it. So the wireless seems ok. On the other hand that "Philips (or NXP) Consumer Infrared Transceiver" is probably not so easy to configure... but seems possible. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176517817:07
hitsujiTMOgpled: how do you know it is using the last dns ?17:08
Rexterminimec; It's working fine on Ubuntu 12.04, I know as soon as say this I'll be pointed to #linuxmint-help, but they were pointing me to here.17:09
Rexterminimec, I'm trying to find out what driver this device is using on ubuntu 12.0417:09
hitsujiTMOgpled: is your dns working at all?17:09
n008I get permission error when ei echo http://twitter.com >> /etc/hosts17:09
everaldHi. How do I rebuild a ubuntu kernel with identical config and all? I'll just patch a file.17:10
n008how do I sudo ^17:10
gpleddns is working, it is just using the 3rd entry instead of the fist two17:10
n008sudo echo doen't work17:10
Picin008: echo http://twitter.com | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts17:10
n008Pici: what does tee do?17:10
Rexterminimec, because it worked with no fuss here, but doesn't work at all on Linux Mint 13, which is based on, and compatible with Ubuntu 12.04. I figure if it's just midding a package that I couls install in Linux Mint, if i can find out what Ubuntu is using.17:11
Rexterminimec, follow?17:11
Picin008: it takes things from stdin and puts them into the file.  sudo will not pass IO redirection operators.17:11
minimecRexter: I see ;)17:11
n008Pici: thanks17:11
Rexterminimec, so the question remains, what driver is this device using?17:11
hitsujiTMOn008: why do you want to add such an entry into /etc/hosts?   thats an invalid hosts entry17:11
n008Pici: -a means append ?17:11
Picin008: yep17:12
n008hitsujiTMO: it was done wrong17:12
n008was meeant to be the other way roung17:12
n008to block twitter17:12
minimecRexter: Is lirc installed?17:13
hitsujiTMOgpled: can you pastebin the output of: dig @ google.ie17:13
hitsujiTMOn008: thats still wrong and not going to do what you want17:13
hitsujiTMOn008: you don't specify the protocol for host file ... and that will only block twitter.com not www.twitter.com17:15
minimecRexter: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176517817:15
=== androuser1 is now known as conejita_play_bo
conejita_play_boSeas bienvenido a la mejor radio buena musica cam http://Www.radioefecto.com17:16
conejita_play_boSeas bienvenido a la mejor radio buena musica cam http://Www.radioefecto.com17:16
FloodBot1conejita_play_bo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:16
conejita_play_boSeas bienvenido a la mejor radio buena musica cam http://Www.radioefecto.com17:17
conejita_play_boSeas bienvenido a la mejor radio buena musica cam http://Www.radioefecto.com17:17
FloodBot1conejita_play_bo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:17
MeistarinAnyone able to help me with getting vnc on ubuntu server x64 12.04 _17:17
Rexterminimec, it's the RT5370 that I'm asking about. This device it working.17:17
minimecRexter: https://www.google.com/search?q=RT5370+driver+ubuntu+130.10&ie=UTF-8&sa=Search&channel=fe&client=browser-ubuntu&hl=en#channel=fe&hl=en&q=RT5370+driver+ubuntu17:19
Rexterminimec, actually. I think I found my solution. I need to add a kernel module to /etc/modules, I'm not sure how to do it, but it's going to be a bit more of a Linux Mint question.17:20
minimecRexter: Interresting thing is, that iwconfig sees the device... It's just not17:20
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n008hitsujiTMO: echo twitter.com | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts17:20
n008that works17:20
MeistarinAnyone able to help me with getting vnc on ubuntu server x64 12.04 _17:20
minimecRexter: sudo nano /etc/modules ; add the driver ; <ctrl>X yes.17:21
hitsujiTMOn008: more precisely: echo twitter.com www.twitter.com | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts17:21
yeyemanhow do I make quoted text in thunderbird?17:22
shroomdukefunny, I turn off the touchpad but it always comes back on after restart17:23
Rexterminimec; I did the commands in the terminal, and the device worked. Do I just add the command to the modules?17:23
Rexterminimec; 'As explained in the ubuntuforums (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1902715) the rt2870sta driver is no longer part of the kernel. So the rt2800usb has to be used. This is done via17:24
Rexterecho 'install rt2800usb modprobe --ignore-install rt2800usb ; /bin/echo "148f 5370" > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/rt2800usb/new_id' | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rt2800usb.conf17:24
Rextersudo modprobe -v rt2800usb17:24
RexterTo get the rt2800usb loaded at every startup rt2800usb hast do be added to /etc/modules17:24
RexterFrom then on it works fine."17:24
FloodBot1Rexter: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:24
intraderAnyone, 13.10 transition between window opening are slow as molasses - for example open a new tab on a directory17:25
Rexterminimec, so do i just add "echo 'install rt2800usb modprobe --ignore-install rt2800usb ; /bin/echo "148f 5370" > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/rt2800usb/new_id' | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rt2800usb.conf" to /etc/modules?17:26
minimecRexter: I you have that rt2800usb.conf in /etc/modprobe.d , you can just add the DRIVER to /etc/modules17:26
hitsujiTMOintrader: what graphics chipset are you using?17:26
Rexterminimec, what's the syntax?17:26
minimecRexter: You execute that command. That will create a file.17:26
minimecRexter: Then you add the driver you want to load to /etc/modules17:27
minimecRexter: Just add the name of the driver.17:27
n008hitsujiTMO: cool thanks17:28
Rexterminimec; http://pastebin.com/JfY6ujSK17:29
SPEEDWAVEGuys check my video driver is this a latest driver in ubuntu or i need to update this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6325176/17:29
Rexterminimec; so safe it like that?17:29
DavidBrookeI have a video problem...kernel: [27023.619843] [drm] capturing error event; look for more information in /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_error_state.....wasn't sure if this was the correct forum?17:29
minimecRexter: Exactly.17:29
Rexterminimec; ok, awesome, than you. I'm going down for reboot to try it out.17:30
exaltmy unity top bar is empty, no global menu or sys tray, any ideas on howto fix ?17:31
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GallomimiaDavidBrooke: you should probably mention more about what release you're running17:36
erbal1sthow can i see what .so files a process has loaded?17:38
exalterbal1st: try lsof -p <pid>17:40
erbal1stthanks exalt17:41
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daftykinsLaurenceb: hi17:46
Laurencebis there a texlive-latex-extra on launchpad?17:46
OerHeksLaurenceb, here is > https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+package/texlive-latex-extra >>  http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/texlive-latex-extra17:49
ngochaiHi guys, I'm trying to find a list of allow (or a list of invalid) characters for password, can someone point me a link? I've been googling for about 3 hours17:50
hitsujiTMOngochai: password for what exactly?17:53
ngochaihitsujiTMO, system user password17:53
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OerHeksall typable characters can be used AFAIK > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords#Strong_Passwords17:54
beliveyourdreamhow can i downgrade apache from 2.4 to 2.2 on ubuntu 13.10 ?17:54
ikoniabeliveyourdream: there isn't a 2.2 package17:54
mustmodifyis there something like tail for a file like /proc/loadavg that doesn't add more lines, just changes?17:55
mustmodifyI want to just watch it.17:55
ngochaiOerHeks, hitsujiTMO, I'm wringing a document for our embedded ubuntu system, I need to know the allowed/ invalid character for password17:55
evilytwistedHi, is there a wget command or curl command which i could download the contents of a webpage and its entirety to my computer for a cached copy?17:55
hitsujiTMOngochai: afaik, technically any characters are alllowed ... issues arise with special chars tho, best to keep with standard ascii chars17:56
GimmiLFactorYI need more computer friends. I ubuntu cloud people! :D17:56
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e_t_mustmodify: watch cat /proc/loadavg17:57
e_t_evilytwisted: try the -m option to wget.17:57
hitsujiTMOngochai: by special chars, ofc i do mean unicode chars17:57
evilytwistedSo like wget -m google.com?17:58
ngochaihitsujiTMO, I wonder why noone ever asks about this, google only show a few related questions17:58
hitsujiTMOngochai: i think it's one of the taken for granted questions17:59
OerHeksngochai, it is worth a question on askubuntu.com17:59
e_t_evilytwisted: it will give you a static HTML copy of the site in question. For more info, try 'man wget'17:59
evilytwistedstatic.. that means it wont change right18:00
evilytwistedjust what i downloaded18:00
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excognachi all. just a little theoretical question why LTS is LTS when it doesnáthave support AT ALL for newer processors18:00
ikoniaexcognac: it does18:01
ikoniaexcognac: that's why there are new updates for it during it's support period18:01
e_t_evilytwisted: yes, it also means that dynamic scripts, like PHP won't by dynamic anymore.18:01
exalt_grrr unity drives me crazy, somthing killed my systray and global menu... i cnt fking firuge it out, its bothering me for two days now18:01
=== Sieb is now known as _Sieb
evilytwistedI never set a saved path  where does it save to automatically?18:02
evilytwistedah nevermind e_t_  i found it :D18:02
exalt_ikonia: i got told you are the ubuntu wizzard that will be able to fix my problem18:02
excognacikonia: if zou remember me from the morning, it challanges me hard just install drivers for graphics, and it is really annoying. I failed to install the intel ones so i added this https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa. now the machine doesn't even boot.18:03
ikoniaexalt_: not sure who told you that, but if you ask the channel, many people can try to help18:05
excognacikonia: or anyone> how do i remove a ppa with a live-cd?18:05
exalt_ikonia: i already did18:05
ikoniaexcognac: I do remember this morning, but I also remember saying adding extenral software was a bad bad idea18:06
excognacikonia: well, i failed with native intel drivers, my fault. end of story?18:06
exalt_ikonia: to be more correct i already asked it 6 times the past two days, both in the dutch and english channel and no one seems to know the answer to my problem18:07
ikoniaexcognac: my initial thought is that your card is not being detected correctly by xorg, and therefore not using the existin intel xorg module18:07
movedxIs anyone running a Radeon HD 7000 series (specifically a 7850) on 13.10?18:07
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ikoniaexcognac: you should normally get "some" output from intel cards from the pre-installed xorg modules with ubuntu, then a bit of tweaking can be requried for some models, however from where you are now it's a bit of a pain to undo18:09
excognacikonia: ok, i'll reinstall it then. start the whole thing again.18:09
excognacikonia: what shall i do right after> install lightdm, as without it i ain't have a graphical interface at all.18:11
ikoniaexcognac: what do you mean ? the ubuntu install comes with a gui18:11
RarrikinsIs there a way to upgrade directly from 12.10 to 13.10?18:11
movedxOr if someone could give me an idea of Radeon driver support in Linux/Ubuntu - is it decent these days?18:11
ikoniaexcognac: why are you installing things for a gui when it comes with a gui18:11
excognacikonia: mine didn't work, only until login screen. then i had a messy thing with stripes.18:12
hitsujiTMORarrikins: no, you must upgrade to 12.04 first18:12
hitsujiTMORarrikins: 13.04 even18:12
ikoniaexcognac: ok, so you need to work with that, installing different desktops isn't the way to fix that18:12
RarrikinshitsujiTMO: OK, thanks.18:13
excognacikonia: fine, i'm ready to do it, not only for myself but for further wisdom for the community. can we talk again tomorrow please? if not please direct me to someone who would be as nice and keen to help as you and cer18:13
ikoniaexcognac: I'm normally around, but there are others in the channel who will and can help, just keep in mind, don't rush in - fix what's there only change software if that is the true solution18:14
excognacikonia: great.thank you very much again. cya tomorrow, i have to leave the office now>(18:15
=== dean is now known as dean|away
maxflaxWhich is the latest kernel version running on 13.10?18:24
auronandace!info linux-generic | maxflax18:24
ubottumaxflax: linux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB18:24
jaug0rd0rHi guys, kindly help me.18:25
jaug0rd0rEverything works fine on my computer expect the terminal....18:25
maxflaxauronandace, Strange that uname -r shows 3.11.0-8-generic on my machine then18:25
bjensen82I have a HP DL120 server with ubuntu 12.04lts. It seams that whenever I do a shutdown now or reboot -P it doesnt change runlevel instead its like it does a cold reboot..am I doing something wrong ?18:25
jaug0rd0rI have tried installing all kinds of terminal but none would load.18:26
jaug0rd0rI can't do anything with the terminal18:26
jaug0rd0rand I am now thinking of re-installing Ubuntu..18:26
jaug0rd0rI changed desktop environment, but no luck...18:26
garciancjaug0rd0r, can you switch by using Ctl+Alt+F2?18:27
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maxflaxSo 3.11.0-8-generic is not the latest?18:28
OerHeksmaxflax, looks like it is not, does update show no new kernel?18:30
jaug0rd0rSorry, my computer rebooted.18:30
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jaug0rd0rAnytime I press clrt-f2, the screen goes to the terminal and I am asked to enter the username and pwd.18:31
garciancare you able to log in?18:32
jaug0rd0rgarcianc, no18:32
jaug0rd0rit always come back to the login...18:32
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wagonboiIs PAM_unix separate from SSH, SSHD?18:32
krixkraxwhy does ubuntu install apache 2.2 instead of 2.4 when I run apt-get install apache2 ?18:32
maxflaxOerHeks, nope, nothing18:32
sinahi there18:32
garciancjaug0rd0r, that sounds like a permission problem18:32
sinai have a question18:33
OerHekskrixkrax, on what ubuntu version ?18:33
garciancdo you have any other users you can log in as?18:33
jaug0rd0rEverything works fine whenever I use a different account..18:33
garciancthen it definitely sounds like permissions18:34
jaug0rd0rWhat do I need to make changes to...18:34
OerHekskrixkrax, apache 2.2 is part of the LTS, enable backports to obtain 2.4.* ?18:35
techlordCan anyone help with a HDMI audio out put not working. I have installed pulse audio and still not shifting to audio out put.18:36
jaug0rd0rgarcianc, do you know what I need to change its permission?18:37
sinai have an old pc. i want to know ubuntu is 13.10 work correctly on my pc?18:37
jaug0rd0rThe terminal flicks when I use yakuake..18:37
auronandacesina: only way to know is to try18:37
jaug0rd0rANd for other terminal app, the app only blinks i.e. comes up for a millisecond and it goes off.18:38
jaug0rd0rKindly advice...18:38
krixkraxOerHeks thanks for the info18:40
garciancjaug0rd0r, let me check18:40
intraderAnyone, I am unable to execute a bash file - what I get is a 'run with Emacs'18:42
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jaug0rd0rgarcianc, thanks.18:45
intraderAnyone, I am unable to execute a bash file from navigator -  what I get is a 'open with Emacs'18:46
garciancjaug0rd0r, I am not really sure about this one. You could try resetting the user.  If you have anything important in the home directory, move it somewhere else. Then sudo userdel <username>. Then sudo useradd <username>18:47
_root_hello guys18:48
jaug0rd0rgarcianc, that's was what I wanted to do.18:48
jexmex_I have been having a hell of a time getting my wireless working, finally got it working with ndiswrapper, but it will not connect to my wpa2 protected network18:48
_root_I want to install freenx on 13.10;;; i did sudo apt-add-repository ppa:freenx-team18:48
jexmex_been googling for hours trying to figure out how to fix it18:48
_root_but i am  getting error18:48
hispeed76sda and sdb are internal disks, sdc/sdd/sde/sdf are /dev/md0 just attached an external terabyte drive and it isn't showing up at /dev/sdg, how can i find the new drive??18:49
Richhhtried again to install (l)ubuntu on a new disc burned on the slowest speed, once again the memory check made the pc reboot during the first run, completed with no errors on the second run, once again the install hangs, last time with I/O errors, this time seems to be hung at '* Stopping Send an event to indicate plymouth is up [ OK ]'18:50
Richhhfrom a new disc*18:51
hispeed76doh, doesn't like the new hub..18:51
Richhhthere were a couple of [ fail ]s like reload cups avahi daemon, or something similar18:52
intraderAnyone, pretty basic, I can't run a bash file from navigator - navigator offers me 'open with GNU Emacs' instead18:53
reisiointrader: navigator?18:54
_6a68hey all - i just installed an ubuntu 12.10 VM, it was working, then I must have hit some magic key combination, because now all I see is the desktop background and no menu bar18:55
_6a68what've i done?18:55
deavHas anyone had any experience with the Lenovo Twist and Ubuntu? I am getting terrible battery life <2 hours compared to Windows 8 4> hours18:55
_6a68I can right-click and create a new folder, so the VM is responsive. i just am kinda baffled by the UI18:55
_6a68this is 12.10 desktop, fresh install, on vmware18:56
compdoc_6a68, sometimes display drivers do that, but only when I install the propritory drivers18:56
_6a68compdoc: hmm, it was actually ok right at first, i saw the menu bar, dropped into terminal, and installed some compiler-related packages18:57
_6a68compdoc: i guess it's not some quirk of the new window manager, then? time to reinstall from the iso?18:57
compdoc_6a68, wouldnt think so. I run 12.04 and 13.10 in VMs18:59
Richhhany ideas?18:59
compdoc_6a68, guess youve rebooted?18:59
Richhhi cant afford to upgrade, and i know its not safe to use xp online, would like to get ubuntu on there19:00
_6a68compdoc: haha, yes. how'd you know?19:00
_6a68compdoc: i tried to give the VM more cores and RAM, it crashed, I reverted, here we are. that's the full story :-\19:00
compdoc_6a68, one core is enough, but two is best unless you need more. how much ram?19:01
_6a68i bumped it from 1 gig to 419:01
_6a68it doesn't immediately crash now (i turned cores from 1 to 4 and back to 1)19:02
compdoc1 to 2 gigs is plenty19:02
_6a68compdoc: haha, not for me. i'm building firefox-related stuff19:02
compdocwhat video type you using in the VM?19:02
_6a68compdoc: i'm not sure, whatever the default is. i can check in the settings panel19:02
_6a68compdoc: thanks for your help, btw. it's really appreciated19:02
compdocsee what video card is emulated19:03
compdocwhat nic emulation you use?19:03
_6a68compdoc: i'm not sure, i'm trying to find the info in preferences19:04
Richhhseems i may have forgot to adjust the windows partition size19:06
_6a68compdoc: i've tried looking in the settings menu but i'm not seeing any display details. do you have any clues on where that info might be?19:07
compdoc_6a68, I use KVM. what are you using?19:07
_6a68compdoc: i'm sorry, i don't quite understand what you're asking19:08
compdocoh, vmware19:08
_6a68compdoc: yes19:08
compdocsorry, dont know vmware19:08
intraderAnyone, pretty basic, I can't run a bash file from navigator - navigator offers me 'open with GNU Emacs' instead19:08
reisiointrader: what distinguishes it as a bash file?19:09
_6a68compdoc: that's ok, i'll try to adjust the display settings if i can find them. thanks for the tip!19:09
intraderreisio, the hash first line19:09
reisiointrader: it's possible your file manager is hoping for a filename extension to make it apparent what to open it with19:10
reisiointrader: but you should be able to hit 'properties' or 'open with' regardless19:10
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crow1170@intrader I'd guess you need to turn on the executable bit; right click>properties>pernmissions>allow executing19:10
deav /join #ubuntu-uk19:11
intraderreisio, crow1170  I have set in the property page executable and it is a+x in chmod19:12
ielohey, i just ran the update but half way through it crashed, it had been like this for half a day so i turned my computer off from the mains (wouldnt shut down) and now i cant go to menu, or shutdown and a bunch of other functionalities are messed up19:13
ielohow can i fix this, is there any way to like run a corrective update?19:13
crow1170@intrader Try removing the first line of the file- it tells your box which terminal to use. Without the line your box will try a default.19:13
xll11Everytime I run my ubuntu and log in - I miss all my toolbars :(19:13
xll11I need to run ccsm and enable the unity plughins19:13
crow1170@intrader Something like !#/bin/bash19:14
intradercrow1170, it wants to open with gedit19:14
intradercrow1170, it has the hash line19:14
crow1170@intrader open with gedit, remove the hashline, ensure that executable bit is high, and try again.19:15
intradercrow1170, I have tried, it still wants to open with gedit19:15
crow1170@intrader alternativelt, you could open up a terminal, navigate to the script, and type './nameOfScript.sh'19:16
bjensen82I have a HP DL120 server with ubuntu 12.04lts. It seams that whenever I do a shutdown now or reboot -P it doesnt change runlevel instead its like it does a cold reboot..is this expected behavior?19:16
intradercrow1170, reisio I am able to execute it from the terminal, however I want to use the navigator19:18
reisiowhat is a navigator?19:19
reisioyou mean the "dash"?19:19
CatKillerhe means the file browser probably19:20
ielohelp please :( my computer is so messed up, i crashed half way through update and rebooted from mains, now im missing functionalities19:20
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crow1170@intrader Sorry man, I've got nothing for you19:20
ieloshould i run an update via terminal, i cant access some programs wont run19:20
intradercromag, reisio thanks anyway - I can't find anything for such a basic thing19:21
_root_pphttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6325791/ any idea how to fix that line 2-619:22
bgardnerielo: What update were you running?19:22
ielobgardner: saucy salamander19:23
bgardnerielo: Coming from Raring?19:24
ielobgardner:  whichever was directly before it, i always update19:24
SuperNoeManhey I have a live cd vm19:24
SuperNoeManthat only has network access19:24
SuperNoeManhow can I get files that come with it off?19:25
garciancintrader, sorry to barge in to your conversation but have you checked the Preferences in your file manager?  Depending on which one you are using, there might be a setting for enabling the execution of text files.19:25
SuperNoeManit's just booting off of an iso in a vm.19:25
ielobgardner: for example i cannot shutdown/restaart but can logout, icons in my taskbar show incorrectly like "network manager not running", applications menu doesnt drop down19:25
intradergarcianc, thanks, but the 'file manager' in ubuntu is navigator - it does not have the option19:27
garciancmine does19:28
bgardnerielo: Have you tried shutdown using terminal commands?  Just want to get a handle on how much is damaged.19:28
ielobgardner: no, i think it would probably work judging by what things are working via terminal, im currently "sudo apt-get update" not sure if that updates the apt list tho instead of the distro19:29
tgm4883the file manager in ubuntu is navigator? I thought it was nautilus? (or am I thinking of something else)19:29
bgardnerielo: Show us what's in your /etc/apt/sources.list (paste.ubuntu.com)19:30
XMLnewbi_It completly infuriates me that this does not have an SD card. (that i can tell?) http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ubuntu-edge19:30
trismtgm4883: it is nautilus19:30
intradergarcianc, thanks, I missed the option - it is under behavior tab - it works. You are a genius19:31
tgm4883trism, that is what I thought, I'm just confused by intrader but I didn't read all the backlog19:31
garciancglad it worked19:31
reisioXMLnewbi_: it doesn't have anything, it doesn't exist19:31
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tgm4883XMLnewbi_, does it matter? It's not being made19:31
ielobgardner: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6325845/19:32
CatKillerXMLnewbi_: The goal was a bit high. And the end result predictible19:32
CatKillerNot wanting to start a flame war but heh...19:32
intradertgm4883, thanks, there is an option in the navigator in the behavior tab as per garcianc19:32
XMLnewbi_didnt even notice that, why is ubuntu blasting it all over there site then. lol19:32
dsalfranHi I'm trying to get dual boot properly working, can some look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/6325807/ ?19:33
tgm4883intrader, right, but you keep calling it navigator, so I'm not sure if you are talking about another program, or if you mean nautilus19:33
bgardnerielo: Not the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ folder, but rather the file /etc/apt/sources.list19:33
ieloahh sory19:33
everaldIs there a way to turn off, or at least cache for a certain duration, the authentication for root actions?19:33
bgardnerCatKiller: True dat19:33
tgm4883XMLnewbi_, where?19:33
everaldAt least in software centre (as I find it too much that it asks again for each and every install)?19:33
dsalfranI ran boot-repair but still I'm getting windows instead of Ubuntu 13.1019:34
CatKillerXMLnewbi_: On the page they suggest that it was "the tech talk of the month" for a while19:34
CatKillerthey say thanks for believing in it19:34
xll11for some reason I can't 'sudo apt-get install picp'19:34
CatKillerbut they don't mean it was successful19:34
maxflaxHow do I force ubuntu to use latest kernel in repository - running 3.11.0-8 but I can see 3.11.0-13 lying around on my drive19:34
ielobgardner: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6325857/19:35
tgm4883XMLnewbi_, yea, I don't see anything about them blasting it on there. There is one story about it. The rest is about Ubuntu phone19:35
XMLnewbi_Our Indiegogo campaign made the Ubuntu Edge the talk of the tech industry. It smashed crowdfunding records from day one and attracted more than 25,000 backers, from enthusiastic individuals to companies as big as Bloomberg. Thank you all for your support!19:35
SuperNoeManI have files inside a live cd that I want out. They're only accessible after boot19:35
SuperNoeManand I'm booting into a vm19:35
SuperNoeManthe vm only has a terminal interface19:35
SuperNoeManhow can I get my files out?19:35
CatKillerXMLnewbi_: That's what I explained19:35
bgardnerielo: Your sources.list is pointed at saucy - finish your apt-get update and then do apt-get upgrade and tell us how it replies19:36
XMLnewbi_kinda mixed, not clear, and getting directed to the founder page doesnt clear it up. but meh maybe im just blind sometimes19:36
ielobgardner: ok thanks for your help :)) you should feel good about yourself you helped someone who needed it19:36
CatKillerXMLnewbi_: I guess they wanted people to hear about it without saying: "Our phone project was a complete failure with only half the funds raised, albeit some serious PR from a global tech talk about it" ;)19:36
bgardnerielo: Glad to help out, come on back if you need more assistance19:37
bgardnerSuperNoeMan: Map a USB device through from the host and push your data onto a flash drive that way.19:37
ielobgardner:  :)))) i will forever remember this19:37
intraderAnyone, perhaps a new bug in 13.10. WHen I scroll in the Android SDK Manager, I get multiple red lines what eventually fill the space not allowing me to see the stuff in the manager19:39
wilee-nileedsalfran, Make a thread at the ubuntu forums, have uefi in the header, there is a couple of people there focused in this area, if you get no answers here.19:40
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_root_i did sudo apt-add-repository ppa:freenx-team ;;; what is the opposite command to remove PPA or if i should do it by hand what of which file should be deleted?19:40
wilee-nilee!ppa-purge | _root_19:41
ubottu_root_: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html19:41
intraderAnyone, perhaps a new bug in 13.10. WHen I scroll in the Android SDK Manager, I get multiple red lines what eventually fill the space not allowing me to see the stuff in the manager. Moving the cursor over the red lines, it refreshes and I can see19:41
_root_wilee-nilee, thanks19:42
dsalfranwilee-nilee: Thanks, I'll do that. Right now I'm trying to fix it the hard way, I found something named rEFInd19:42
wilee-nileeintrader, everything else graphic wise works fine?19:43
jexmex_so got my wireless adapter using wl driver (broadcom bcm4321), that does not work, ndiswrapper works with a driver I found, but it will not allow me to connect to my wpa2 secured network19:43
wilee-nilee!bcm | jexmex_19:43
ubottujexmex_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:43
intraderwilee-nilee, yes, except in the Xchat (this app), I see garbled lines once in a while - like now19:43
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jexmex_wilee-nilee, ya I have been doing all those things listed.  gonna try to find another driver to use with ndiswrapper I think19:44
vala_for_lifeanyone who knows a website where i can throw in code and then they will have a look at the code19:45
wilee-nileeintrader, the xchat app is rather basic I would check the graphics in general, not an area I'm real up in, but that would be my area to look.19:45
xll11Where do I put header files if I want the compiler to find them?19:45
lonewulf85Hey all I have a question about compression in Ubuntu 12.0419:45
wilee-nileejexmex_, You doing any reboots after setting stuff up?19:45
genii!ask | lonewulf8519:46
ubottulonewulf85: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:46
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/19:47
lonewulf85My question is how can I compress a 4.4gb mkv file down to about 1.5gb?19:47
_root_ubottu, thanks19:47
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:47
_root_W: GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com saucy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3E5C1192  ????19:48
sruz25what do I need to do, apart from having grub installed on my /dev/sda, to make my pc recognize grub? Live CD recognizes my grub and loads MY grub with MY settings, but my pc on it's own just won't do that...19:48
sruz25 I recently deleted some win recovery environment partition... after that, my grub just stopped loading..19:48
lonewulf85sruz, Where was the recovery partition?19:49
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sruz25on the begining19:50
lonewulf85sruz25, You can try mounting the drive in a live boot disk and running the update grub command I think it is sudo apt-get install grub19:51
sruz25I am now booted into my system, when I start my LiveCD but choose not to load the system on it and let it boot from my HDD, it recognizes my grub, I have installed and loads it...19:53
sruz25but the PC itself just won't load my grub...19:53
delinquentmeanyone in here setup tons of laptops with ubuntu? I'm trying to figure out if theres a semi-powerful ultrabook which wouldn't cause issues with graphics drivers and setup running a 12.04 ubuntu installation19:53
schultzadelinquentme: the only video driver that runs cleanly in linux as there is an open source driver are the intel chipsets.19:54
sruz25I wonder, if it may be doing it, because it's ext2 which my system in ROM can't read...19:55
schultzanvidia and amd/radeon still have proprietary drivers.19:55
wilee-nileesruz25, take a look at the bootrepair at the least you can run just the bootinfo summary for a layout script to be generated to be posted, save the url if you run the app. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair19:55
delinquentmeschultza, Ive got an i7 chipset ... and it craps the bed.19:56
sruz25I'll try that, ty19:56
schultzai7 would be a cpu/processor.19:56
lonewulf85sruz25, ext2 is just the file system type it should not stop you from booting how old is the system?19:56
lonewulf85smaller .mkv compression?19:57
sruz25I bougnt this pc 2years ago19:57
_Bauerguys, my apport-bug does not show me the bug report.. it just disappears after reporting the problem...19:57
schultzadelinquentme: you are looking for the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (or GMA) rather than Radeon or NVidia.19:58
englewoodi am trying to bond my both network cords to one. if i run 'sudo ifenslave bond0 eth0' and the same for eth1 it adds them. how do i ensure this is done while booting?19:59
schultzaor Intel HD Graphics19:59
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tgm4883lonewulf85, I believe mkv is just a container.19:59
lonewulf85sruz25, Then it should not be the ext2 file system.19:59
schultzadelinquentme: if you have a nVidia or Radeon on your computer, your computer is not using the Intel HD Graphics system.19:59
OerHekslonewulf85, mkv is good compressed, recode it with fewer frames per second, but 1.5 gb is very small20:00
lonewulf85tgm4883, I am aware of that can I compress the file and still have it play?20:00
tgm4883lonewulf85, play where?20:00
delinquentmeschultza, oh so this is the thing where I deactivate the nvidia graphics and just use the intel20:01
xll11if I have a file.txt on the Desktop, what's the absolute path to him?20:01
schultzadelinquentme: as for the proprietary drivers, id prefer and recommend radeon as they are currently better on their support for linux drivers. Of course, this is just my opinion.20:01
englewoodthis is my interfaces file. http://pastebin.com/iGCE6J4Y the bond part is basically try and error so far20:01
schultzadelinquentme: I dont think you can just disable the nvidia. If it's installed, it will be active on a laptop.20:02
trism_Bauer: was it a crash bug? unfortunately I think those only go to errors.ubuntu.com now and we don't get actual bug reports that normal people can see (though you could ask in #ubuntu-bugs to confirm)20:02
njinHi guy, i got a laptop that has a black vertical line of about one millimeter in the center exact of the lcd, the colour and writtens are garbled and this behaviour is present from the bios screen. Can be a problem of video card or of the lcd ??20:03
trism_Bauer: though you could also check that page to see if yours is one of the top bugs, some of them link to actual reports20:04
schultzanjin: sounds like hw issue20:04
schultzanjin: have you tried the flashing multicolor video to check to see if it's a stickly LED?20:04
njinyes,is hardware but I want to know if it is a lcd or video card, thanks20:04
m3kkwhat is the shortcut for killing a app?20:05
garciancnjin, you could plug in another monitor and see what that shows20:05
schultzathe flashing video needs to be on the LEDs that are apparently stuck or it will not work.20:05
m3kki mean20:05
msdwnjin: do you have a monitor connection on your laptop check if the line apears on the other monitor maby is the lcd20:05
m3kki want to kill an app running that does not respond and does not close when i try20:05
njinschultza, i've tried with an external monitor, but it is not detected20:05
schultzatheir suggestion is a process of elimination.. mine tries to fix sticky leds20:05
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anudasfor killing aplication, you can use terminal, top, then kill and number of aplication20:07
mydogeis this the appropriate place to ask a question about apt-get?20:07
njinschulta, thanks, the line is all along the screen, not few pixels20:07
schultzanjin: is it a crack in the LED screen? it may need to be replaced. if it's just LEDs.. you need to have at least 3 seperate LEDs having issues.20:07
schultzanjin: did you drop or hit the laptop in anyway?20:07
_Bauertrism: yes it was a crash report... I understand now why, but its wrong not to allow me to track the status of my report.. I have too frequent bug reports, and I want to track why they arent resolved yet20:07
anudasapt-get, symaptic20:07
njinschultza, no nothing...20:07
m3kknevermind i got this20:07
tgm4883anudas, *synaptic20:07
_Bauertrism: by 'bug report' I mean crash reporst.. for me its the same20:07
abradleyI have a strange issue: essentially, autofs deletes a folder at boot20:08
njinis a vertical line from the bottom to the top of the lcd in the exact midddleù20:08
njinthis makes me think to a card issue..20:08
schultzanjin: it sounds like a crack. if your laptop is under warrenty, see if your computer vender can replace the LED of that laptop. The vender of that laptop or best buy (if you got it through them). Otherwise, you may have to purchase a one time hw warrenty to fix this issue.20:09
schultzaLEDs can crack.20:09
mydoge@anudas. I was having issues with the emacs provided by apt-get, so I installed it from source. Now I'm trying to install something that has emacs as a dependency, but my apt-get says that emacs is not installed. How do I get it to recognize the emacs I've installed from source?20:09
trism_Bauer: I agree, it is an irritating change if you don20:09
schultzaThey are meant to be a single plane of LEDs.20:09
trism_Bauer: don't have access to errors.ubuntu.com20:09
ajooxthere are a lot of people here20:09
abradley/mnt/nfs/vol1 exists. reboot (autofs starts). folder is gone. service autofs stop. mkdir /mnt/nfs/vol1 creates folder. service autofs start. folder gets populated (mount goes through correctly). What's causing this?20:09
njinschultza, thanks20:09
kostkonnjin, btw is it a new laptop?20:10
schultzacorrection.. LED screens can crack. Backplane seperation in the circuit board for the LEDs.20:10
schultzakostkon: thats why i was suggesting a warrenty based fix with his computer vendor.20:11
scorpiuswhat companies other than dell come with ubuntu pre-installed?20:11
schultzaand i was informing him that they can still support it, but it may cost money (if he's out of warrenty).20:11
kostkonschultza, yeah20:11
njinkoston, no is an acer with a nvidia integrated card20:11
njinthe strange things is that i can see the images, but them are a sort of unfocused, also seems a really poor definition...with this vertical line..20:14
kostkonnjin, what are you planning to do20:14
schultzabtw.. .a few days ago I was asking for help in fixing my stuck Computer, Trash, and Home icons on the desktop. I fixed that issue. I had nemo installed and I had to configure that through nemo on dconf.20:14
njinkostkon, I'm thinking to change the mobo20:15
schultzanjin: yeah, it's sounding like a crack in the display.20:15
kostkonnjin, hmm20:15
njinI dunno20:15
_Bauertrism: I am looking at errors.ubuntu.com on the last reported package crashed for me, but I still dont know how to locate my report...20:15
wilee-nileenjin, Can you boot any other live cd or install and have a normal screen?20:15
schultzaIt's not the video card, or it will appear on the external monitor.20:16
njinthe external monitors are not detected even if working and the issue is present in the bios screen20:17
_BauerAnother issue I have, is when linux is booting, after a few seconds, keyboard stops working, until I login into password-less account (child account), and then re-login into mine, then keyboard works... I dont know against which package to report this20:17
njinthis is strange, that two external are not detected20:17
schultzanjin: with a laptop, there may be some kind of Fn-F3 through Fn-F5 key combo to get it to work on the external monitor.20:18
schultzaFn = Function key that is between the Super (Windows) key and Alt/Control on the bottom left of the keyboard.20:19
njinschultza, I will remount the mobo and retry then, but i've already tryied the key kombo to activate it..20:19
schultzaah ok20:19
njinschultza and others guys, thanks for the help..20:20
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schultzabut the issue is in bios.. im thinking hw related. and you say it is across the center of the screen. I have not seen a stuck LED group like that across the entire screen in a line in my history of laptop phone support. I personally think it's a crack in the LED screen. If that is the case, the screen needs a replacement.20:21
njinschultza, is perfectly in the middle all along the vericality of the screen, for the rest the images are visible but with low resolution20:22
marzI followed some steps to repair grub, now it redirects me to grub command line when booting up. I'm currently using a Live CD20:23
schultzaI'm thinking LED screen first, njin.20:23
marzhow do I repair it?20:23
baron_zemohow do i disable the 'Fn' keys in ubuntu?  On my laptop if I want to press 'F4' i have to hold 'Fn'  is there a way to disable this in ubuntu?20:23
njindon't seems to me a tipical crack, but i'm not an expert..20:23
scorpiusubuntu pre-loaded laptop suggestions?20:23
njinscultza, sorry, it is not led, it is lcd20:24
schultzaLED screen cracks are wierd, but rare.20:24
schultzaLCD (contains some liquid in the mix)20:24
schultzaLCD cracks are more common.20:24
anudassomeone know how work rsync? it is very good program20:24
schultzaanudas: whats up?20:25
tchHi all :) I've got small problem with chmod: I'm using minidlna and all media are stored in /home/dlna folder (chown dlna:dlna). My user is a member of dlna group but I see files and folders in /home/dlna only when I grant myself rights to execute this folder (+x). Anyone could tell me why right to write and read isn't enought?20:25
marzI tried recovering grub but now I get redirected to the grub prompt when booting up, how do i fix this?20:26
anudaschmod 77720:26
njinschultza, thanks, I want to retry before take a decision. and the weird is that is not the screen craked, the line, perfectly vertical and in the middle, is ~ 3 pixel large20:27
schultzaanudas: I normally do the following to copy directories and do backups. rsync -avz directory user@computer:directory20:27
schultzanjin: I've seen bars too, but never uniformly.20:28
marzI tried recovering grub but now I get redirected to the grub prompt when booting up, how do i fix this?20:28
njinschultza, that the weird imho, is perfect from  the start to the end and in the exact middle...20:28
tkzHi I got a question and I was wondering if someone could help me20:28
anudasschultza, rsync is better then cp and rm20:29
tkzhi, yes I got a question about CTF20:29
tkzI was wondering what is the minimum knowledge that you need to have in order to play CTF ?20:29
schultzaanudas: yes it is. maintains archive and permissions.20:29
OerHekstkz what is CTF?20:30
njinschultza, ok many thanks , best wishes ..20:30
tkzcapture the flag20:30
anudasschultza,  yes, its like remembering20:30
schultzacapture the flag... linux game? tkz, what are you planning to do?20:30
schultzanjin: good luck.20:31
Picitkz: What does that have to do with Ubuntu?20:31
tkzI just was wondering20:31
geniiPici: Probably Warsow20:31
kostkontkz, many games have ctf modes? which one you are referring to20:31
tkzthe linux one20:31
anudasplayonlinux :-)20:31
tkzthe hacking one sorry20:31
tkzthe one that you need to get different kind of information from your oponent website20:32
anudasor scummVM20:32
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tkzand you earn points20:32
schultzaalso keep in mind, that ctf is a game mode for games. Ubuntu is not a game. It is an os. If you are having issues starting a program on ubuntu, do you have some error codes that point to ubuntu?20:32
tkzbut getting information20:32
kostkontkz, you are in the wrong channel then20:32
tkzIm really sorry20:32
tkzmy terminal is not working properly20:33
tkzI just joined the backtrack and now im in linux20:33
tkzplease I beg your pardon20:33
tkzhave a good day20:33
kostkontkz, this channel is only for ubuntu support. you can join #ubuntu-offtopic if you want20:34
tkzoh , perfect thank you20:34
lonewulf85I am having touble with apt-get and ubuntu software updater anyone help20:37
anudasapt-get, synaptic, yum20:38
abradleyfor some reason, this process must be repeated after every boot to get the mount to work (stop autofs, mkdir, start autofs). Somehow, autofs keeps deleteing the vol1 folder: http://i.imgur.com/y0gNBbk.png20:38
_root_how could i install wgetpaste in ubuntu?20:38
wilee-nileelonewulf85: state the problems to the channel for help.20:38
lonewulf85_root_, sudo apt-get install wgetpaste20:38
gschanuelfolks.. wierd problem.. when I run the command "date +%u -d 2013-10-20" is should give me "7" but it give's me "invalid date". The same happens with "date +%u -d 2012-10-21"20:39
_root_lonewulf85,  Unable to locate package wgetpaste20:39
gschanuelwith other dates it works fine.. like "date +%u -d 2013-10-19" and  "date +%u -d 2013-10-21"20:39
wilee-nilee!info wgetpaste20:40
ubottuPackage wgetpaste does not exist in saucy20:40
lonewulf85I run sudo apt-get update and I get an error about it failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release.gpg20:40
gschanuelit happens in Arch and ubuntu 13.1020:40
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wilee-nilee!find wgetpaste20:40
anudassudo apt-get install wget*20:40
ubottuPackage/file wgetpaste does not exist in saucy20:40
_root_is there any possible way to install it in saucy20:41
lonewulf85wilee-nilee, Are you running saucy?20:41
wilee-nileelonewulf85: why?20:42
schultzawget is not available in saucy?20:42
lonewulf85wilee-nilee, Just wondering what its like compared to 12.0420:42
wilee-nilee!info wget20:42
ubottuwget (source: wget): retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.14-2ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 286 kB, installed size 636 kB20:42
wilee-nileewgetpaste is not20:43
schultza!info wgetpaste20:43
ubottuPackage wgetpaste does not exist in saucy20:43
kostkon!info wgetpaste raring20:43
schultzawhat is it?20:43
ubottuPackage wgetpaste does not exist in raring20:43
Atlantic777Hi! I have a laptop with UEFI thingy, some Windows installed (7, 8, whatever) and there was an ubuntu 12.10 installation. I reinstalled the ubuntu, it's 12.04 now, but system doesn't boot.20:44
Atlantic777I'm welcomed with nice black GRUB rescue prompt.20:44
wilee-nileelonewulf85: not really a channel topic without specifics, it is ubuntu with some packages uodated.20:44
Atlantic777When I installed it I've chosen old ext4 partition. There was no separate /boot partition.20:44
OerHeksI removed Firefox completely, now it appears in updates, how is this possible?20:45
schultzawhy not "pastebinit" ?20:45
Atlantic777Installer did mention something about BIOS reserved space, some 1 MB partition which I tryied to choose but it wasn't successfull so I continued without it.20:45
Atlantic777Where to go now? What to do?20:45
lonewulf85wilee-nilee, simple answer thanks lol.20:45
raevolhi all, on saucy, any ideas why unity-panel-ser is periodically using 100% of my cpu?20:46
wilee-nileelonewulf85: you are not even close to using the channel as designed, simple answers for simple minds.20:46
lonewulf85wilee-nilee, I know that thanks.20:47
baron_zemosorry asked this question already but crashed, Can I disable the 'Fn' keys on my laptop in ubuntu?  if I want to press 'F4' i have to hold 'Fn'  at the same time, it's not a big deal but was wondering if i could edit this.20:52
|nv|s|b|eis Getdeb down  ??20:53
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CreativeEmbassycan someone tell me how to install ubuntu server with the netboot files?20:53
CreativeEmbassyI have pxe up and running and everything20:53
CreativeEmbassyall of that is working, and it's booting to the netboot menu20:53
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CreativeEmbassybut I want to make sure I'm installing the ubuntu server, not desktop20:53
FloodBot1CreativeEmbassy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:53
CreativeEmbassyor is there a way to convert ubuntu desktop to server 13.10?20:53
CreativeEmbassySorry FloodBot1!20:54
wilee-nileeCreativeEmbassy: the ubuntu base is basically the server.20:55
wilee-nileeCreativeEmbassy: there is a #ubuntu-server channel20:55
CreativeEmbassyreally? it doesn't install the desktop stuff from scratch? because I'm really just trying to learn how to set up ubuntu server cloud. using docker.io and all that.20:55
CreativeEmbassyI just realized that. I'll ask in there. Thanks. :)20:56
univerzhenter as punctuation . fascinating never looked at it like that20:56
altayrhello every20:57
m3kkas soon as i go in to "restricted drivers" i get a crash of "software-properties-gtk" someone got similar?20:58
altayrfirst time here, just got installed ubuntu20:58
altayri might stick on something here20:58
wilee-nileem3kk: that is a very confusing description.20:59
m3kkwilee-nilee, im sorry what more do you want to know?20:59
m3kkwilee-nilee, software and updates > Drivers > Crash of software-properties-gtk =send crash report?" it worked fine during livesession21:00
wilee-nileem3kk: go into? the other is a terminal command to bring up the software sources gui.21:00
m3kkwilee-nilee, im sorry you lost me21:00
m3kkwilee-nilee, im not running a terminal command im doing this from gui21:01
m3kkaltayr, try #ubuntu-offtopic21:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 1199877 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu Saucy) "unity-panel-service memory leak and 100% CPU usage" [High,In progress]21:01
wilee-nileem3kk: doing what in what gui, this a live cd, or install, or trying to fix a install with a live cd?21:03
m3kkwilee-nilee, this is a freshly install, trying to activate resstricted driver GPU21:03
bl4ckdu5tHow do I switch to KDE desktop from unity21:03
wilee-nileem3kk: you updated?21:04
OerHeksbl4ckdu5t, logout, switch, login21:04
wilee-nileebl4ckdu5t: install it and choose from login21:04
m3kkwilee-nilee, they were showing up in livesession while i tried21:05
m3kkwilee-nilee, yes just recently got an update21:05
anudasapt-get install kde*21:05
m3kkwilee-nilee,  not from 13.04  freshly installed 13.10 if thats what you mean, but i recieved updates right after install21:05
bl4ckdu5twilee-nilee: just apt-get install kde ??21:06
wilee-nileem3kk: graphics are not my area, however more details such as the card and driver would be helpful for other users to help.21:06
m3kkwilee-nilee, radeon 6320 integrated in E45021:07
CorbettHello everyone. first time here. I'd like to switch from Mac Os to linux. but as a professionnal photographer. Where could i get advice ?21:07
fishduckzup, how do I calc?21:07
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:07
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wilee-nileebl4ckdu5t: I have  not used that desktop, I believe there are numerous de possibilties in that set install the one you like.21:08
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bgardnerCorbett: Hello and welcome.  This is the support channel for once you have Ubuntu installed - you might want to head over to #ubuntu-offtopic for your question.21:08
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m3kkusing radeon 6320 my software-properties-gtk crashes while searching for restricted drivers. Fresh 13.10 install .. someone know?21:08
anudasor apt-get install gnom*21:08
intraderwilee-nilee, I am having graphis problems in eclipse ADT also. So it seems that the problem is in the graphics of 13.1021:08
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pseudorandomHi everybody21:09
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dimitrilcIs 13.10 stable?21:09
Corbett@bgardner copy that, thx21:09
bodhi_zazenanudas: consider apt-get install ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop , the *-desktop are more complete21:09
bodhi_zazendimitrilc: stable enough for release, YMMV21:10
pseudorandomI have a problem with dual monitors in ubuntu 12.04. When I enable both my laptop's monitor and the external monitor, one of the monitors displays more or less stable image but the other one (laptop being in this case) is blinking all the time, showing weird stuff. This does not happen when I mirror them21:10
intraderdimitrilc, I have problems with graphic stuff during scrolling, also the Xchat screen repaint as it scrolls up, in eclipse scroling, in eclipse menus, and ...21:10
dimitrilcbodhi_zazen: I currently have intell chipset. I was hoping Xmir would be stable enough21:11
bodhi_zazenpseudorandom: what video card ?21:11
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pseudorandombodhi_zazen: amd radeon hd 7700M21:11
dimitrilcAMD sucks21:11
dimitrilcon linux21:11
m3kkusing radeon 6320 my software-properties-gtk crashes while searching for restricted drivers. Fresh 13.10 install .. someone know?21:12
pseudorandomdimitrilc does it mean i should just give up? sad thing is it works very well with windows21:12
bodhi_zazendimitrilc: Xmir is, IMO, not yet stable, you can try it if you wish - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-October/037695.html21:12
wilee-nileeintrader: I'm not sure of the problem, in general graphics are not an area I have to mess with, however making broad conclusions in a release seem strange.21:13
dimitrilcpseudorandom: I am not sure. I guess if you are sticking with mesa you should be ok. AMD is pushing hard for their drivers after the steamOS thingy.21:13
dimitrilcpseudorandom: but only god knows whether amd will support laptop chipsets.21:14
dimitrilcbodhi_zazen: thanks!!21:14
pseudorandomdimitrilc: that means basically there's no way of fixing that for me right now... :/21:14
dimitrilcpseudorandom: not right now, sorry. You can try 13.10. It has an updated kernel.21:15
pseudorandomdimitrilc oh, 13.10 didn't work for me at all, i had huge problems21:16
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dimitrilcpseudorandom: 13.10 has 3.11 kernel; but the 3.12 kernel has a huge boost (with the proprietary driver)21:17
pseudorandomdimitrilc: maybe I'll try 13.10 with 3.12 kernel then, but now today :) thanks a lot anyway!21:17
dimitrilcpseudorandom: no problem. try google "amd kernel 3.12 linux"21:18
dimitrilcpseudorandom: there is as much as 90% increase in performance21:18
pseudorandomdimitrilc: btw, can i use 3.12 kernel with 12.04?21:18
pseudorandomdimitrilc: sounds possible to me...21:19
dimitrilcpseudorandom: You can, you can also always revert back to the old kernel on GRUB if things did not work out.21:19
pseudorandomdimitrilc: actually i'll try that now... just i have to find a quick way :)21:20
dimitrilcpseudorandom: good luck21:20
bodhi_zazenpseudorandom: yes, either compile it yourself or use the testing repo - http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds21:20
dimitrilcpseudorandom: don't blow it up21:20
bodhi_zazenpseudorandom: both are unsupported of course ;021:20
pseudorandomdimitrilc: we will see :D21:20
pseudorandombodhi zazen: thx :) i think i won't compile, but just try repo21:20
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bodhi_zazencompiling is not too bad =)21:21
bodhi_zazenpseudorandom: http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/kernel21:21
bodhi_zazenuse localmodconfig21:22
shrimpyHey guys, I'm trying to use suckless.org's dwm as my window manager21:23
shrimpyand although I've been able to configure, compile, and install it,21:23
pseudorandombodhi_zazen: thanks for the link :) actually why not, perhaps i will just compile21:23
shrimpyI am having some trouble without some of the gnome-services21:24
pseudorandombut that's too much effort for this time of day, i'll do it tomorrow21:24
shrimpySuch as gnome-settings-daemon and gnome-keyring-daemon21:24
pseudorandomi still have to wake up at 6 and go to work in the morning (to compile kernel for my employer :/)21:24
shrimpyHow can I find out what gnome-services Unity runs at start up so I can run the same ones when dwm starts?21:25
wilee-nileeshrimpy: 3rd party you might contact them or related support.21:25
OhYou_So I'm attempting to install lubuntu on a laptop without a cd drive.  Wubi will let me install lubuntu, but only an old version, anyone know of a way to use 13.10?21:25
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shrimpywilee-nilee, I disagree. I think the services Unity runs at start-up is a very first-party Unity issue.21:26
pseudorandomc u later guys21:26
wilee-nileeOhYou_: wubi is a bad choice in general unless that is the only option.21:26
dimitrilcOhYou_: you have to download the latest version http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/13.10/release/21:26
wilee-nileeshrimpy: it is not a matter of agreement but the  channel norm or technically no 3rd party support.21:27
OhYou_dimitrilc I have, it will not let me put that in wubi21:27
_root_ connecting to freenx server i get   SSH public key authentication failed: Public key file doesn't exist21:28
shrimpywilee-nilee. Unity, the default Ubuntu DE, is not 3rd party.21:28
everaldHello. Skype doesn't play any sound anymore for me; other applications (Clementine) work without any problem.21:29
everaldAny idea?21:29
bodhi_zazenshrimpy: a better question is what services do you want? if you want a list, boot a live CD ?21:29
shrimpyI would like to know what gnome-services Unity runs by default, or how can they can be changed or configured21:29
bodhi_zazendepends on the service =)21:30
shrimpyI would start with gnome-keyring and gnome-settings21:30
shrimpyor even, what controls dbus starting?21:31
bodhi_zazenI think gnome-keyring is seahorse, and if you are not running gnome, why would you run gnome-settings ?21:31
Siecje I have a vm ware running ubuntu and if I have gnome as the desktop envrionment I can copy and paste fills from the host machine into the virtual machine, but not if I have kde running21:32
bodhi_zazenshrimpy: in your window manager start script, config file, run dbus-launch21:32
shrimpyI dont know wh, bodhi_zazen, but it seems like Unity runs gnome-settings-daemon.21:32
shrimpyWhere is that defined for Unity, bodhi_zazen?21:32
bodhi_zazenwhy do you want to run gnome-settings-daemon if you do not know what is does and are not running gnome/unity ?21:33
shrimpyI have some idea of what it does, and I want it to continue to behave the same way when I run other DEs21:34
shrimpyAnd gnome-settings-daemon is just an example. There are other services that I want to use in the same way they work in Unity21:34
veryhappyhi guys, is there any possibility to set up the preamble for wifi in ubuntu or other advanced network settings and also for LAN?21:35
shrimpyIt would be nice if I could find out what is started when I log in using lightDM and select the default, Unity.21:35
bodhi_zazenyou will have to identify what you want to run and look at the documentation for your window manager to configure21:35
shrimpySo it's start from scratch, then? Is there no way to discover what Unity launches? I dont think this is an unreasonable question.21:36
bodhi_zazenshrimpy: this is how I do it for Fluxbox - http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/a-5-minute-guide-to-fluxbox/21:37
bodhi_zazenbut if you want Unity, run unity ;p21:37
shrimpyI want dbus, and the gnome-services that use it to behave the same way as they do in Unity or Gnome-shell. I dont want anything else that Unity offers.21:38
shrimpyActing like Unity is a monolithic all-or-nothing option (when it uses services from another DE) is disingenuous21:39
shrimpyAnyway, I appreciate the example for fluxbox in the link21:40
perois chromium going to get updated in the repo any time soon?21:43
br112anyone here know where the unity ui files are like where you can edit 'icon_size' and stuff?21:43
wilee-nileepero: isn't this a ppa?21:43
SonikkuAmericapero: It's on v30.x21:43
perothe official 'chromium-browser' package is on 29 - no?21:45
MonkeyDust!info chromium-browser21:45
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 29.0.1547.65-0ubuntu2 (saucy), package size 32423 kB, installed size 118627 kB21:45
PeyamI have a problem with my wireless connection. I want to install the drive for my computer. I dont have a cable so I connect with the live usb. I can see drivers in additional drivers with usb stick but not without it . how I install the driver?21:46
shrimpy!info gnome-keyring21:46
ubottugnome-keyring (source: gnome-keyring): GNOME keyring services (daemon and tools). In component main, is optional. Version 3.8.2-0ubuntu3 (saucy), package size 518 kB, installed size 3404 kB21:46
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everaldSkype sometimes works, sometimes stays silent, sometimes plays some persistent loud noise. All while calling the echo service. Ideas?21:51
eph3meralso, I just ran out of disk space on this VPS I have, but only on the main drive, I have like 300G available on a different mount point21:52
eph3meralbut I tried to import our production database and it ate up all the main disk cuz I didn't realize postgres was on the master drive21:52
eph3meralnow I can hardly do anything cuz even tab completion won't work cuz the "disk is full"21:53
DarkelfjuggaloMy aunt wants me to reformat her laptop to Linux, Model: Dell Inspiron B130 http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=2732 ; I am curious what flavor will run best on a laptop this old [i used to have one that I got in 2006]21:53
eph3meralI manually deleted /var/lib/postgres/9.1/main (the supposed data folder)21:53
eph3meralbut now postgres is borked, how can I fully refresh the postgres install back to its default state?21:53
veryhappyDarkelfjuggalo: debian, arch linux or ubuntu, but with a little tweaking it will run very well.21:54
KihokkiHello! I've a problem with my fresh Ubuntu 13.10, I installed gnome-session-fallback and it looks cool, but now I can't switch windows with alt+tab and my main menu is a mess because subcategory "others" contains duplicate app launuchers21:54
hitsujiTMOeph3meral: purge it, then reinstall it21:54
veryhappyDarkelfjuggalo: i'm ready to help you when required.21:55
wilee-nileeDarkelfjuggalo: you will have to do a net install I would try lubuntu, however it is a bit of a cli config os, not really a beginners best.21:55
eph3meralhitsujiTMO: ok, how do I do that? what commands?21:55
eph3meralwell, you can omit the install part, I can figure out how to reinstall21:55
Darkelfjuggaloveryhappy; I know Unbuntu Unity will lag far too much on that old processor, so is there another Desktop Environment that will not have problems in 13.10?21:56
hitsujiTMOeph3meral: sudo apt-get purge postrgresql-contrib && sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib21:56
clienthaxim transfering a 100gb folder from one box to another, the box im moving it from has a few gb of free space, is there a way i can pipe a rar of the folder across ssh etc?21:57
hitsujiTMODarkelfjuggalo: what processor do you have and how much ram?21:57
clienthaxatm im using rsync but its terribly slow21:57
DarkelfjuggaloOhYou ; Lubuntu, isn't designed for beginners really, and my aunt can barely understand ther WinXP that is on it21:57
veryhappyDarkelfjuggalo: xfce, lxde21:57
DarkelfjuggaloAbove I linked to the specs on the model, there have been no changed from the factory specs21:58
Darkelfjuggalohttp://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=2732 <~ Laptop Specs21:58
autooi oi21:58
hitsujiTMODarkelfjuggalo: yeah, i'd definately go with lubuntu over xubuntu with that21:59
Darkelfjuggaloveryhappy ; xfce or lxde are these graphic interfaces like GNOME or KDE?21:59
hedinHi, I have upgraded my computer from 13.04 to 13.10, started steam and installed FORCED, all working just fine with OSS driver... then suddently the screens went black... I ssh'ed to the computer and tryed to stop-start the lightdm service, but got this error: https://dpaste.de/BcQb21:59
veryhappyDarkelfjuggalo: not at all21:59
hedinand I still got black screen21:59
veryhappyDarkelfjuggalo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xfce http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LXDE21:59
OhYou_+1 lxde22:00
veryhappyDarkelfjuggalo: but i honestly doubt that Linux would be easier than XP22:00
MonkeyDustveryhappy  no FUD here, please22:00
veryhappyMonkeyDust: if it's better for the user why leave them do something bad?!22:01
Darkelfjuggaloshe does not have a reinstall disc for the XP and she can't get anything to run on the XP that she has becuase the person that gave it to her has too much spyware I cant uninstall22:01
veryhappyDarkelfjuggalo: so that's something i can live with22:02
veryhappyMonkeyDust: i don't want to make any FUD BUT in every case i want to make the user feel BETTER22:02
Darkelfjuggaloshe uses it to search the internet and it is 10 minutes to load the Home Page22:02
veryhappyDarkelfjuggalo: ok22:03
Darkelfjuggaloso she is asking me to find an OS that doesnt use too much Resouces so she can work faster22:04
veryhappyDarkelfjuggalo: got you22:04
OhYou_Darkel If you upgrade the ram, you could run puppy linux, that would be pretty fast22:05
Darkelfjuggalohere are some lightweight linux distributons, are any of these graphic interface? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightweight_Linux_distribution22:05
wilee-nileeDarkelfjuggalo: Any chance of a more updated computer, that one is rather old and could fail like any will do eventually22:06
Darkelfjuggaloit is all she has and she cant afford to buy a new one...this one was given to her22:06
everaldWhat is a device like /dev/video1? v4l2 or something else? Asking because "v4l2-dgb -D" shows what turned up as /dev/video0 (a webcam) but not what created /dev/video1 (a USB video frame grabber).22:07
everald(So is this because the frame grabber isn't actually v4l2? And /dev/video1 is some other subsystem?)22:07
veryhappyDarkelfjuggalo: it's hard to get a new notebook for her easily i think, but Lubuntu should do fine.22:07
riceandbeansis it completely necessary to have an MTA running?22:08
veryhappyriceandbeans: for what distribution?22:08
riceandbeansI usually have one going but I found a system without any installed22:09
veryhappyriceandbeans: the MTA is needed for internal and/or external purpose.22:09
riceandbeanssuprised it was up22:09
veryhappyriceandbeans: it delivers generally message from services22:09
everaldAh, v4l2-ctl --all -d /dev/video1 actually shows it.22:09
riceandbeansveryhappy: I know what an MTA does22:09
riceandbeansI just thought the system would come with one installed22:10
veryhappyoh ok22:10
Codex_err, I'm installing 13.10 and installation jams at setting up cups-client?22:10
riceandbeansand that it somewhat needed it22:10
riceandbeansI found a stray ubuntu system in the cluster that had nothing22:10
riceandbeansI didn't set up it, I can't stand ubuntu22:10
veryhappyriceandbeans: ubuntu generally?22:11
riceandbeansveryhappy: yes, *buntu, I can not stand22:11
riceandbeansveryhappy: I am a debian guy22:11
riceandbeansveryhappy: honestly, you ruined debain22:11
wilee-nileericeandbeans: its all linux ubuntu is a desktop, hardly worth an emotional state.22:11
riceandbeansyou took it and made it commercial and laden with malware and binary blobs and crap22:11
veryhappyriceandbeans: well, that's ubuntu here.22:11
riceandbeanswilee-nilee: the underlying commercial nature of some distributions does show a marked difference22:12
veryhappyriceandbeans: so i might want to point you to #debian22:12
riceandbeanswilee-nilee: aside from drastic changes to filesystem hierarchy, package management, init, kernel poisoning, malware, poor repackaging22:13
wilee-nileericeandbeans: in your mind yes, and some others, however I have to question your base reasoning to be honest, and whether even valid overall.22:13
riceandbeansat heart, all GNU/Linux distros would be the same22:13
OerHeksriceandbeans, what 'malware' ? explain your rant please22:13
LjLyes explain your rant in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want :)22:14
OerHeksLjL +122:14
riceandbeansOerHeks: Shuttleworth is very open about ubuntu installs phoning home with constant tracking built into different parts of the distro, from kernel to parts of X and parts of packaged WMs, providing ads and other unsolicited data to data mining companies22:15
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SmellyTacovaginal discharge22:15
LjL!ops | SmellyTaco22:16
ubottuSmellyTaco: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!22:16
MonkeyDustmalware in ubuntu? how exciting! where did you read about it?22:16
riceandbeansOerHeks: the ubuntu owner himself is open about it, no use trying to deny it like a holocaust denier22:16
garciancDrPhil ?  :-(22:16
Ponch0riceandbeans: prove sources please22:16
wilee-nileedon't enable the trolls22:17
riceandbeansPonch0: really? look up your glorious leader, find any quote by him, read his own words at conferences22:17
hitsujiTMO!ot | riceandbeans if you wish to continue your rant di it in #ubuntu-offtopic22:17
ubotturiceandbeans if you wish to continue your rant di it in #ubuntu-offtopic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:17
Ponch0riceandbeans: ah misinformation22:17
LjLthe privacy discussion can be interesting i'm sure, i'm interested for one, but the right place for it is #ubuntu-offtopic22:17
Ponch0good luck22:17
Sashmo_is there way to create a user that only has the ability to change IP address?22:18
k1llets stick to technical ubuntu support in here.22:18
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asddoes anybody know what should i do with sound icon on panel?   http://i.imgur.com/g3HaTWV.png22:27
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dgirlhi im having trouble with replication on pgpool2... ive 3 servers 1: it has a postgresql db and pgpool on it; 2: it has only postgresql; 3: it has only postgresql; the problem is that when i do an insert through pgpool's port it inserts only on the servers #2 and #3 but not in the localhost server #122:33
Guest62026hi all i have two monitors on 12.04 but the second monitor does not show up in setting-displays, but if i upgrade to 12.10 it will work. so is there a package that i need that i do not have by default with 12.0422:34
veryhappyGuest62026: perhaps your Xorg.conf is set up wrong?22:35
Guest62026veryhappy: is there an easy way to fix that , it was originally set for one monitor22:35
veryhappyGuest62026: first we need to find out where the actual problem is, then we can see if there's an easy fix or not.22:36
Guest62026veryhappy: so what do you want to see first22:37
veryhappyGuest62026: please post the content of xrandr in pastebin22:37
lachesisi want to run a Windows 2008 Server R2 instance on an ubuntu server - libvirt + kvm or virtualbox?22:37
veryhappylachesis: i'd suggest you to use libvirt + kvm because virtualbox is less used for commercial reasons.22:40
lachesisveryhappy, is kvm on par with virtualbox's performance for windows?22:42
lachesisi seem to remember guest additions having some paravirtualization components22:42
lachesisbut it's been a long time22:42
Guest62026veryhappy: you gonna be here in a few hours i gotta head out now22:42
veryhappylachesis: i'd like you to point to another more confirmed person.22:43
veryhappyGuest62026: probably not, unfortunately22:43
Guest62026veryhappy:  well here is what xrandr is can you pm me your thaughts22:44
oisaI have repositories in my software manager that are not in /etc/apt/sources.list. Where can I find them defined?22:44
ShadowStriderCan someone help me with boot repair?22:45
wilee-nileeoisa, /etc/apt/sources.list.d22:45
oisawilee-nilee: thanks22:46
mukti I have a VM running on my laptop with a bridged network adapter. At home, the VM works fine (WPA2 Auth) when the host laptop is connected to my wireless22:46
mukti               AP; however, at my University I cannot obtain an IP address. I assume this is because we use PEAP/MSCHAP for authentication. Is there a way to22:46
mukti               authenticate from the VM? I need to run two VMs on my laptop for a project, and I need to do it from within my University22:46
ShadowStriderI'm using dual boot pc where windows is located in  ssd and linux separate hdd22:47
ShadowStriderThe boot loader asks if I want to install GRUB to all drives22:47
ShadowStriderHow should I proceed?22:47
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veryhappyShadowStrider: install grub to the drive you boot as the first one.22:48
ShadowStriderAnd how do I determine that?22:49
ShadowStriderby sata port or what?22:49
veryhappyShadowStrider: if you have a linux hdd with the boot partition on the same harddisk i'd suggest you to use the linux harddisk for grub.22:49
veryhappyShadowStrider: you should be able to get out which harddrive contains linux with fdisk /dev/sdx22:49
ShadowStriderNo such file or directory22:50
ShadowStriderIt says22:50
ShadowStrider"fdisk: unable to open /dev/sdx: No such file or directory"22:51
ShadowStriderI now which device holds linux22:52
ShadowStriderSo that one22:54
ShadowStriderwhat about other drives22:54
alexwWhat is the default ubuntu bash22:54
alexwI created a new user but am getting "$"22:54
alexwand autocompletion don't work etc22:55
veryhappyShadowStrider: you shall not think of /dev/sdx as the name22:55
HaliteWhat was command to start interactive haskell again?22:55
veryhappyShadowStrider: you shall either use /dev/sda or /dev/sdb , sdx is just a general explanation22:55
ShadowStriderok so /sda holds windows /sdb holds windows files /sdc/ and sdc1 holds this linux installations and /sdd is for windows files22:55
ShadowStriderBoot-repair asks me where I want to install Grub22:56
ShadowStriderShould I choose all of them or only sdc?22:56
muktiI there a way to set up PEAP/MSCHAP authentication through an Ubuntu VM in VirtualBox?22:57
veryhappyShadowStrider: sdc should do22:58
veryhappygrub-install /dev/sdc22:58
ShadowStriderGoing to check that out now23:00
ShadowStriderIf it works23:00
HaliteI forgot the name of the package that offers Haskell in the console. What was it?23:00
trismHalite: ghc is probably what you want, or maybe haskell-platform23:01
Halitek ty23:02
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Ponch0what do I format my usb stick to - to be able to make a bootable installation stick?23:02
silverf0xanyone can help me with crontab? mine cron.daile seems not running23:02
k1lPonch0: just dd the ubuntu.iso onto it.23:05
Ponch0dd, k1l thanks i'll look that up.23:06
wadMost videos I try to watch in Chromium under my 12.10 (64-bit) give a message, "This video is currently unavailable". If I open it in Firefox, it works. What's up? Anyone else see this?23:07
wadI forgot to mention: These are Youtube videos.23:07
dv9700so, question: my laptop that I just installed xubuntu 13.10 on has a lot of buzzing on the headphone ports, is there anyway to fix that?23:10
OhYou_usb sound card23:10
dv9700well besides that23:11
=== DarkG is now known as TonyL
TomAWhat would cause Alsa to record an audio track 146% slower than normal?23:11
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TomAAs in, I'm attempting to record from my mic (which is a usb mic) and the internal sound from the computer, but that internal sound is out of sync by 146% exactly.23:13
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TomAWould anyone know where I can start to finding the solution?23:15
Jordan_UTomA: What app are you using to record?23:17
TomAAudacity, but this problem occurs in every program that I have used to record audio23:17
Jordan_UTomA: Try asking in #alsa.23:18
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ac_slateralright guys this has happened to me 5 times (literally). I'm developing a glib+Qt application and at various times signals get caught that arent supported to. Short story, I get a zombied process (or one unable to be killed with signals). I reboot. When I boot back up, ALL of my GCNOF and DCONF settings are back to default. What gives?23:24
guest-aFsS0yxfrbx v23:25
Jordan_Uac_slater: What version of Ubuntu are you using?23:25
Jordan_Uac_slater: Are you doing a normal reboot or pulling the plug?23:25
ac_slaterJordan_U: just a normal `shutdown -r now`23:26
kostkonac_slater, weird23:26
ac_slaterkostkon: It *is* a VM. At first I thought it was because it was ran from an ESATA device. So I then created a VM on my harddisk and it happened again.23:28
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ac_slaterI even kept my dconf settings and try to do `dconf load / < settings.ui` and it didnt change anything... so there must be an issue23:28
kostkonac_slater, you need to give more info though. e.g. what kind of signals are you responding to and what gets caught accidentally?23:28
ac_slaterkostkon: Basically SIGINT get's caught and the version of GLib I'm using doesnt like that so it zombies (ie - in htop I see a 'z' next to the process), and killing the shell doesnt stop it. So I reboot.23:29
kostkonac_slater, are you doing anything in your callbacks? is that the kind of signals you are talking about or something else?23:29
kostkonac_slater, hmm23:30
ac_slaterkostkon: I want to catch some signals but since I'm working on a team, someone slipped in a handler for SIGINT and it caused the issue23:30
kostkonac_slater, right right23:30
ac_slaterbut that's not the issue really, the issue is what Ubuntu is doing to mess with my stuff23:30
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Guest31177what is command to find if this box has a 32 or 64bit whatever.23:31
ac_slaterGuest31177: `uname -a`23:31
ac_slateror that23:32
Jordan_Uac_slater: It would be interesting to see if after such a reboot, and before logging in, ~/.config/dconf/user is empty or non-existant.23:32
Guest31177thank you ac_slater23:32
ac_slaterJordan_U: it's def not empty and dconf browser shows all of my proper values23:32
ac_slaterGuest31177: `lscpu` is better23:33
ac_slaterJordan_U: dconf-editor I mean23:33
ac_slaterJordan_U: But isnt it gconf that handles panels, wallpapers, etc?23:34
kostkonac_slater, some save in gconf some in dconf23:34
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
sisterFisterI'm trying to install ubuntu from a usb but when it gets up to the part where I select where to install it there is no HD detected. I'm using a sandisk ssd. Did a ctrl + alt + f1, anyone know what to do from here? Maybe mount or format it?23:34
rolandHi. has anyone tried setting up server for diskless booting?23:35
ac_slaterkostkon: Right. I just confirmed that gconf is for some UI stuff, in my case wallpaper, panel icons, etc23:35
whuuhello superstars23:36
Jordan_Uac_slater: gconf is the older configuration store, dconf is the new one. Apps that use gconf just haven't transitioned to dconf yet.23:36
mr-rich-76Hello. Every time I close my laptop, sound stops working. 13.10 - system76 laptop - any ideas?23:37
whuui am trying to reverse a ssh tunnel on from my server to my local website however, i can access from my remote server via ssh tunnel when i am logged in on the remote server (i can access my remote box) but i can seem to forward my calls23:37
Dr_Willismr-rich-76:  can you ssh into the box? sure its not going into suspend/hibernate?23:37
whuugatewayports is set23:37
OhYou_well then23:39
sisterFisterI'm trying to install ubuntu from a usb but when it gets up to the part where I select where to install it there is no HD detected. I'm using a sandisk ssd. Did a ctrl + alt + f1, anyone know what to do from here? Maybe mount or format it?23:39
ac_slaterJordan_U: right. So gconf is showing my values and dconf is showing my values, but I have a default panel, wallpaper, etc. Not REALLY important but it happens all the time and it's terrible23:39
OerHekssisterFister, does that SSD have 4 primairy partitions already?23:40
mr-rich-76Dr_Willis: I close the lid to my laptop - I reopen it later and sound doesnt work. I play around with alsamixer a bit an sometimes it comes back - not sure how.23:40
sisterFisterOerHeks: Don't know. It doesn't show up in the table at all23:40
mheinkehi all23:40
Dr_Willismr-rich-76:  could be suspend is crashing the sound card driver.23:40
nocheHello, I'm having some issues accessing my grub list. I hit shift but it keeps loading the saved default.23:40
OerHekssisterFister, that could be the reason why it does not show up, as it can not have more than 4 primairy partitions23:41
mr-rich-76Dr_Willis: Im sure it is suspending23:41
Biaframr-rich-76: what sound card does it have?23:41
OerHekssisterFister, boot in live mode and see with gparted or fdisk23:41
nocheDoes anyboyd have any ideas what I could do?23:41
ac_slaterJordan_U: and I cant change the background .... this is fishy23:41
sisterFisterOerHeks: i did ctrl alt f1, how do i get back to where i was?23:41
mr-rich-76Dr_Willis: lemme check ...23:41
OerHeksctrl + alt + F723:41
sisterFisternvm got it OerHeks23:41
mr-rich-76Dr_Willis: It worked ok until I upgraded to 13.1023:42
Jordan_UsisterFister: Is there no drive listed, or is the drive listed as being completely unallocated?23:42
sisterFisterJordan_U: there is no drive listed.23:42
BiafraAnyone know how to get sound working on a Ubuntu virtualbox guest?23:42
Jordan_UsisterFister: What is the output of "cat /proc/partitions"?23:43
Jordan_UsisterFister: Please use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com rather than pasting to the channel.23:44
x_roothello guys23:44
x_rooti'm uninstalling a bad isntalation of windows and installing ubuntu 13.1023:44
x_rootbut i have a files directory (sda3 nw)23:45
x_rootcan i just '-' the windows partitions and install ubuntu in the free space? what sould i do then?23:45
ac_slaterJordan_U: ah could it be that using a different version of GLib (other than the one installed) messes up permissions/whatever on some .gconf things ?23:47
vmussahello, everyone, I think I ruined my 3d graphics23:55
vmussaI have a NVIDIA geforce 310m, and I'm trying to find drivers for the 3d to come back to work23:55
vmussaafter I installed bumblebee - which I was not supposed to, since I don't have a optimus technology laptop and I didn't know that - everything got messed up23:56
vmussaI think it installed another driver23:56
vmussaI tried to switch to different drivers (304 and 319) and Unity looks the same strange thing23:57
vmussais there a way to restart everything other than installing ubuntu again?23:57
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nocheGood afternoon. I am having trouble booting to Ubuntu in a dual-boot situation. Is there a way to edit /etc/default/grub without running update-grub?23:58
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:58
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mr-rich-76Dr_Willis: Audio device: Intel Corporation 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)23:58
sisterFisterAnyone have any ideas as to why my SSD isn't detected when I'm trying to install ubuntu 12.04 on it using a USB stick? The Disk Utility only shows the 8gb usb stick and not the SSD23:58
MrSassyPantswhich is the config dir now, /etc/squid or /etc/squid3 ?23:59

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