
hellangelhello there04:11
cfhowlettsee if anyone else is awake ...04:11
cfhowletthellangel, but post the question04:11
hellangelyea, gonna prepare it first :p04:12
hellangelso yeah, im trying to stream to twitch.tv with avconv - the streaming works pretty well without audio, but i dont seem to get audio to work. http://pastebin.com/sYJXYjSF04:16
hellangelthis video_size parameter is afaik -s which is set, so im not really sure why it's complaining04:16
cfhowletthellangel, grr. chinese firewall is blocking pastebin today.  can't see.04:17
hellangeldamn :p04:17
hellangelhow about fpaste.com?04:17
hellangel* fpaste.org it is04:17
cfhowletthellangel, nah.  my avconv-fu is limited.  ask in this channel and also see what libav.org can send you04:18
hellangelcfhowlett,  http://moestaverne.com/media/stuff/avconv.txt :)04:20
cfhowletthellangel, nicely done!04:20
hellangelhah =)04:21
cfhowlettway over my range of knowledge.  again: libav or come back here regularly.  lots of smart media users on #ubuntustudio!04:21
hellangelill try both, thanks again cfhowlett04:21
cfhowletthellangel, best of luck!04:23
hellangelthank you04:23
MajorWedgieNight everyone07:03
=== ubuntu-studio is now known as quacker
quackeranyone around?07:32
quackernot so much...07:34
hellangelindeed, not so much07:37
quackerlol, just as i hit the log button07:37
quackercould i run something by you?07:37
cfhowlettrun run!07:40
cfhowletthellangel, did you get your avconv sorted?07:40
hellangelcfhowlett, just right now, yes, with the help of the lovely elenril in #libav07:47
cfhowletthellangel, niiiiiice07:50
cfhowlettso what media project can we look forward to?07:50
hellangelnothing really, the ocassional twitch.tv stream for friends basically who wait to join in the next game and stuff like that07:59
cfhowletthellangel, have some fun.  save the raw video, edit it in Openshot.  Add effects, subtitles, etc.  "Boom!  Headshot!"08:01
hellangelcfhowlett, :)08:02
cfhowlettdeese_, greetings11:37
deese_i'm new in this so is easy to use? sorry for my english XD11:38
cfhowlettthis WHAT is easy to use?  and what is your 1st language?11:38
deese_i'm spanish11:39
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:39
deese_ubuntu studio is easy to use?11:40
cfhowlett... US has hundreds/thousands of different programs.  you're asking "Is cooking easy?"  Yes.  Is cooking a 12 course meal easy?  No.11:40
zequencedeese_: What do you want to do with it? Make music? What kind of music?11:47
ray12683Hallo, spricht man hier auch deutsch, oder wo finde ich einen deutschen Channel für meine Fragen?16:27
ray12683Can you help me, where is a German Channel for ubuntu Studio?16:29
quinhodecachenaI have problem with soundcards with last version of ubuntustudio, can you help me?19:47
quinhodecachenai only can hear sound in hdmi port and i need use mic19:51
quinhodecachena_i need help please20:06
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as S-
=== S- is now known as S-USA
=== S-USA is now known as SonikkuAmerica
nixnineHey guys, is there a way to check if my linux system is  functioning properly.  I have come across something about system health checks. Any suggestions?  I had an error pop up at startup mentioning a system program problem.23:10
nixnineam I here?23:25

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