
=== leomurilloz_ is now known as leomurilloz
=== Trevinho_ is now known as Trevinho
PeterFAIf I source a file that doesn't call any processes in my start script, will that interfere with the PID stuff?16:10
jodhPeterFA: if the sourced script only sets variables, that's fine.16:23
PeterFAjodh: thanks.16:24
PeterFAWhat if I have an if/then bock where the else part (which is the golden path) calls the process, would the if/then and test stuff interfer with getting the right PID?16:25
jodhPeterFA: no since 'if', 'test' and '[' are all shell built-ins (to convince yourself, run "for i in if then else test [; do type $i; done").16:30
PeterFAjodh: thanks. This kind of scripting makes me a bit paranoid.16:31
PeterFAI wish Upstart had some sort of flag that says, "This next line will produce the PID we want. Track that one."16:32
jodhPeterFA: if you are only setting a few variables, you could just use 'env' maybe to avoid the external script? http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#env16:32
PeterFAjodh: I source the script multiple times. I understand that even though a variable is set, it dies with each section, so after process is started, the post-start or stop sections won't be able to use those variables.16:34
PeterFASo, I just rebuild them every time.16:34
jodhPeterFA: also, if the job your are producing is a session job (?) you could use http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#initctl-set-env. That way you could set the variables in the pre-start and have them apply to the entire job such that the main job process (script/exec) won't need to source anything :)16:34
PeterFAjodh: that would be a whole lot simpler, and I do want to make this into a session job. The reason is because I want the processes to have lesser priviledges as to not go all political on the data.16:35
PeterFAOr at least on the rest of the system.16:35
jodhPeterFA: are you using setuid+setgid at the moment then? http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#setuid16:36
PeterFAjodh: no, not yet. I want to though. I guess now's the time for this step.16:37
linguinicd upstart && ./configure --with-local-libnih=../libnih # says unrecognized option: --with-local-libnih16:47
linguiniI'm trying to compile upstart, following http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/CompilingUpstart16:47
linguiniIs --with-local-libnih obsolescent?16:48
PeterFAHow do I figure out what  version of Upstart I'm using? It looks like from yum -list I'm using Upstart 6.2.17:02
jodhPeterFA: 'initctl version' shows you the running version of upstart and 'init --version' will show you the latest *installed* version.17:07
jodhlinguini: no, that option is still there.17:08
PeterFAjodh: awesome, thanks. I'm on
PeterFAOuch, no session init.17:08
jodhlinguini: you should probably be looking at http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#setting-up-an-upstart-development-environment btw.17:08
* PeterFA wails in agony.17:08
jodhPeterFA: oooohhhh...17:09
* PeterFA plots the ultimate destruction of RHEL6.17:09
jodhPeterFA: no setuid/setgid either.17:09
jodhPeterFA: that's part of dpkg so unsure if that'll be available on RHEL either ?!?17:11
* PeterFA collapses and turns ghostly white.17:12
PeterFAI'm going to go get some lunch.17:12
* PeterFA disappears grumbling.17:12
linguinijodh: Thanks; I wonder why my configure doesn't accept the argument...17:16
linguinijodh: Thanks for the link; I'll look at the cookbook settings instead.17:17
jodhlinguini: what version of upstart are you trying to build?17:17
linguinijodh: bzr branch lp:upstart17:18
linguini(ala http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/CompilingUpstart)17:18
jodhlinguini: try running 'autoreconf -fi' then './configure --help|grep with-local-libnih'17:22
linguinijodh: autoreconf -fi # success17:23
linguinijodh: ./configure --help | grep nih # nope17:23
jodhlinguini: have you definitely installed all the pre-reqs ("sudo apt-get build-dep upstart")? What does 'grep with-local-libnih m4/libnih.m4' give?17:25
linguinijodh: No; I haven't.  I'll dry that.17:25
linguinijodh: It's installing 30+ MB of stuff.  Clearly I was missing some build dependencies!17:32
jodhlinguini: :)17:38
linguinijodh: That worked!17:52
jodhlinguini: great.17:52
linguiniGNU auto-* tools are mysterious to me.17:52
linguiniThanks; I'm now unstuck.17:53
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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