
ochosiwell i also need to rebuild the greeter00:00
brainwashhowever, you did not notice the flicker anyway, so you won't see any difference00:00
ochosiwell i see *some* screen-corruption00:00
ochosiit's not a clearly grey background00:00
ochosiso i can see whether your patch improves my situation00:01
ochosii assume it works for you?00:01
brainwashuhm, I did not test this patch in particular00:02
ochosiyou mean you didn't test your own patch? :D00:02
brainwashI messed around with the code and created the patch afterwards from scratch00:04
brainwashthe idea is still the same00:04
ochosiwell i'd say it's more useful if *you* test it than if *i* do00:05
brainwashyeah, I guess00:06
brainwashdidn't want to release a diff of my local greeter copy00:07
ochosiand anyway, posting patches that you didnt test yourself is only useful if you can't reproduce a bug00:07
ochosisure, but why not clean it up locally and test it before uploading the patch to lp?00:07
brainwashit's not meant to be a final patch, work in progress00:08
ochosisure, still00:08
brainwashI'll test it, it's nothing complex anyway and the idea should be clear00:09
ochosiagreed to that00:09
brainwashbut still, it will only work if the user actually uses the lightdm gtk greeter00:10
ochosiyeah, but i thought we're trying to resolve this specifically for xubuntu00:10
ochosithen we can see whether other distros pick it up00:10
jjfrv8ochosi, bluesabre, slickymaster, just to nail down this screenshot thing, I thought I would note all the details in a draft on the wiki. http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=playground:sceenshot-stds00:13
jjfrv8Judging by what's been discussed so far, I think the only thing left to decide is whether to use a custom highlight color or not.00:14
ochosijjfrv8: well done!00:14
jjfrv8I was using a darker color than the default to try to make it match the xfce stuff a little closer.00:14
ochosiyeah, i don't have a particular preference here. but if we do use a custom highlight-color, we should note it's hex-color-value so ppl without gtk-theme-config can easily reproduce it00:14
jjfrv8good point00:15
* Unit193 wonders if he should get brainwash to figure out the bug he found with xfwm.00:16
pleia2oh goodie, will brainwash fix all the things?00:18
jjfrv8bluesabre, if you can give us your vote on the draft, then I guess we can proceed. Tell me if I'm off base about the file size thing, too.00:18
* ochosi hopes so00:18
bluesabreI certainly hope that brainwash takes the title "official fixer"00:18
bluesabrejjfrv8: yeah, I wonder if we should have the latest elementary-xfce and greybird for best support?00:20
bluesabreochosi ^00:20
ochosibluesabre: latest as opposed to what? version from S?00:22
brainwashochosi: ok, tested now00:22
ochosibrainwash: so it works?00:22
brainwashit appears to work00:22
bluesabremaybe, I know the icon theme at least has minor fixes like document-open-symbolic, repeat, shuffle00:23
ochosihm true00:23
ochosithen let's use the git-version always00:23
brainwashochosi: well, no compile errors and so on, and no flicker after login00:23
ochosiparole will always be a first-class citizen in elementary-xfce anyways00:23
ochosibrainwash: sounds promising!00:23
ochosibrainwash: i'll give it a shot asap then00:23
brainwashno need to hurry00:24
bluesabreshimmer-project daily ppa? https://launchpad.net/~shimmerproject/+archive/daily00:24
Unit193Anyway, to get it in the devel channel rather than offtopic (since it's now not just a crazy me issue.)  Clicking and holding onto minimize then hitting alt+tab makes xfwm hang.00:25
ochosibluesabre: +100:26
brainwashholding minimize.. why would you do that? :D00:26
bluesabreoh, nice find Unit19300:27
bluesabreand darn it, you froze my xfwm00:27
Unit193brainwash: Actually, I even dragged it to the center of the screen then hit alt+tab the first time. :P  Answer: I don't exactly know, it was late at night and I didn't want to minimize it anymore.00:27
Unit193bluesabre: TTY, killall and it'll respawn fine.00:27
brainwashit does not freeze for me00:27
ochosibrainwash: how does the compile-option for xfwm4 look like exactly?00:28
brainwashochosi: config.h, #define MONITOR_ROOT_PIXMAP 100:31
ochosiok, will see whether it changes anything for me00:32
ochosibrainwash: doesn't seem to work for me. i can in fact see the grey bg now :)00:36
ochosibut it might be due to other components being from git, like xfdesktop etc00:37
ochosianyway, time to go to sleep00:38
ochosinight everyone!00:38
brainwashgood night00:38
jjfrv8night, ochosi 00:38
ochosibrainwash: as soon as i get a chance, i'll re-test this in a cleaner env00:38
ochosi(might not be tomorrow though)00:38
brainwashochosi: make sure  #define MONITOR_ROOT_PIXMAP 1  does not get overwritten00:38
ochosiwell yeah, just now it becomes clear to me that editing config.h is pointless00:39
brainwashit's a generated file :D00:40
ochosisee, i'm too tired for this s***00:40
brainwashUnit193: oh right, I'm using a custom built xfwm4 version, maybe that's the reason I cannot reproduce the freeze00:42
ochosibrainwash: so why not add to the bugreport how to build xfwm4 exactly so that also tired ppl can do it? :]00:46
brainwashread the autotools manual :)00:47
brainwashmaybe that a good opportunity for me to learn how to setup a PPA00:48
Unit193brainwash: Rolling from git right?  So pointless to report as it's already fixored.  Gotcha.01:09
brainwashUnit193: probably, well, go ahead and test it01:10
brainwashUnit193: default xfwm4 shipped by saucy does not freeze either01:19
brainwashI clicked on the minimize button and kept holding it while triggering alt-tab, nothing special happened01:21
Unit193Got 2 people to confirm, 2 people deny. >_<01:24
brainwashthe usual procedure would be to check log files01:28
Unit193brainwash: Yeeep.  dmesg, syslog, xsession-errors, and startxfce said nothing.02:28
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Unit193brainwash: As of late, suspend in Xfce somehow hasn't actually suspended the system, but pm-suspend works and resumes correctly it'd seem.08:02
Unit193Calling it over login1: Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed: Operation already in progress08:04
slickymastergood morning all09:58
knomemorning slickymaster 10:05
slickymasterknome: hi, good morning10:05
brainwashUnit193: right, that's bug 1184262 which nobody is able to fix, not even the mighty pitti (he isn't affected by the issue though)10:34
ubottubug 1184262 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "[logind] stuck in PrepareForSleep, causing network and other services to not resume" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118426210:34
slickymasterochosi, jjfrv8, bluesabre, I've been through yesterday's log and it seems that there are no final conclusions on what theme and icons to use for http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=usage10:42
jjfrv8slickymaster, I think the theme and icons have been decided on. We just need bluesabre to weigh in on the custom highlight color.12:50
jjfrv8slickymaster, and bluesabre wants us to use the PPA that I put in the draft screenshot standardization document: http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=playground:sceenshot-stds12:53
jjfrv8And slickymaster, can you put your usage draft here? http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=playground:slickymaster13:09
jjfrv8instead of on the main wiki page.13:09
jjfrv8We can combine yours and mine later after they are reviewed.13:10
jjfrv8but upload your screenshots to root>wiki>usage-menu-items. That way we won't have to move them later when we move the doc pages.13:13
jjfrv8does that make sense?13:13
brainwashinteresting request bug 124587014:21
ubottubug 1245870 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 13.10 should be upgraded to LTS status" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124587014:21
slickymasterjjfrv8: absolutely. It's clear as water :)14:28
slickymasterjjfrv8, bluesabre, as soon as bluesabre has a decision on the custom highlight color we're good to go14:30
jjfrv8slickymaster, bluesabre, per ochosi's recommendation, I listed the custom highlight color number in the draft standards doc.14:46
slickymasterjjfrv8: you'll have to send me the url to the draft standards doc14:47
jjfrv8slickymaster, http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=playground:sceenshot-stds14:48
slickymasterjjfrv8: oh, I see. Thanks a bunch14:49
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knomebluesabre, you around?21:08
knomeochosi, ?21:15
bluesabreslickymaster, jjfrv8; I'm cool with the highlight color, I'll try to update my screenshots accordingly22:10
bluesabreknome: yes22:10
knomebluesabre, i commented on the bug and then noticed you had noticed the same thing and went over it in #shimmer. so nevermind22:14
bluesabrewhich bug?22:14
Unit193The fun ones, Bug 124535522:14
ubottubug 1245355 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "New pop-up notification panel triggered by xfce4-display-settings blocks view and access" [Wishlist,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124535522:14
bluesabreyeah, I'll try to get an upstream fix on that today or tomorrow22:15
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