
cfhowlettleif_, morning in China, midnight in the states.  How about: Greetings!03:41
leif_those time zones03:42
cfhowlettleif_, what'd you need help with03:42
leif_nothing atm03:42
leif_maybe there is a oftopic for xbuntu03:42
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:42
leif_ok sorry03:43
leif_still new at this03:43
cfhowlettno worries.03:43
KleedracHey guys - I'm doing the 13.10 upgrade but it's spent the last hour on libots0 - is this an issue?05:00
vrkalakI did it .. upgraded to 13.1005:04
Kleedracvrkalak: I take it yours didn't hang on libots?05:05
vrkalakit fairly simple really05:05
vrkalakand no errors05:06
vrkalakxubuntu 13.04 to 13.1005:06
cfhowlettKleedrac, clean install is always an option ... the better option IMO05:06
Kleedraccfhowlett: I hate doing that because it takes me a while to get everything set up the way I like it and this is one of my daily-use machines05:07
cfhowlettKleedrac, put /home in a separate partition.  point to /home on the new install.  done;.05:07
cfhowlettKleedrac, but I do understanc05:08
Kleedraccfhowlett: /home is its own partition actually but wouldn't I still have to install/configure dropbox, btsync, oo.o, etc etc etc?05:08
cfhowlettKleedrac, sorry, afk.  user settings will be retained in /home so configurations, etc. should carry over.  if there's an app upgrade though, reconfigure05:23
Kleedraccfhowlett: I kinda figured - sadly I'm more of a windoze user as my daily driver (games man) but for school I figured it was a good idea to stretch my linux muscles :)05:24
KleedracTorrenting the 13.10 iso as we speak05:24
cfhowlettKleedrac, your upgrade is still stuck?  abnormal behavior05:25
KleedracYeah libots0 is still being unpacked (or so the ubuntu overlords would have us believe)05:26
cfhowlettKleedrac, I think not.  could be a mirror issue.  get your torrent, md5sum check and install that puppy05:26
KleedracSounds like a plan05:27
silv3r_m00nhi there, i am trying xubuntu 13.10, when i open youtube it says you need additional plugin to play videos, but when i close the popup, the videos start playing, howcome ? dont i need to install the flashplugin-nonfree package ?09:27
well_laid_lawnmy guess would be html509:28
well_laid_lawnI don't know why the popup pops up09:28
silv3r_m00nwell_laid_lawn: oh yes, its html509:44
=== map is now known as Guest27680
xubuntu793somebody on?10:31
xubuntu793i got a short question10:31
knome!somebody | xubuntu79310:32
ubottuxubuntu793: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.10:32
ObrienDavewe have a bunch of short answers LOL10:32
xubuntu793I try to run a ".run" file. Now i try to type in "./name.run"  but the terminal ist just doing a new prompt. what could be the problem?10:33
xubuntu793Thank you for your support10:33
xubuntu793is it possible to get any output why it is doing nothing?10:34
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:37
ObrienDavecool, a self help group ;)10:38
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/10:39
xubuntu793I try to run a ".run" file. Now i try to type in "./name.run"  but the terminal ist just doing a new prompt. what could be the problem?10:42
koegsanalyze the .run file!10:42
xubuntu793how can i do this?10:43
xubuntu793open the code?10:43
koegsfirst you can try "file yourrunfile.run" and it will show which type the file is10:43
koegsif it is a shell-script or something like that, you can open it with a text editor10:44
xubuntu793ok ill give u the output10:44
xubuntu793ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, stripped10:45
xubuntu793running 64bit OS10:45
koegswhere did you get that file?10:47
xubuntu297qualche italiano che mi può aiutare??10:49
xubuntu601qualche amico italiano che mi può aiutare????11:09
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:09
gdosHello. No issues, so far, with Xubuntu 13.04 other than my fonts are not rendering correctly (i.e. some fonts are not displaying at all, especially when using xfce-terminal); This is quite annoying. I've already cleared out my local user cache and settings as well as reset the font cache but still not displaying correctly.11:58
gdosHELP! No issues, so far, with Xubuntu 13.04 other than my fonts are not rendering correctly (i.e. some fonts are not displaying at all, especially when using xfce-terminal); This is quite annoying. I've already cleared out my local user cache and settings as well as reset the font cache but still not displaying correctly.12:35
gdosHELP! No issues, so far, with Xubuntu 13.04 other than my fonts are not rendering correctly (i.e. some fonts are not displaying at all, especially when using xfce-terminal); This is quite annoying. I've already cleared out my local user cache and settings as well as reset the font cache but still not displaying correctly.12:57
xubuntu172hey everybody,i've got a problem. after restart the live cd i use actually changed it's language from german to, i think bangladesh i read anzwhere in the settings and now i dont know how to turn it back, is there any way how to_13:04
knomexubuntu172, save your work and boot the live cd again; you are able to pick the language from the login13:05
xubuntu172doestn work, with anz language i choose it just come  this crap..13:05
xubuntu172any other ideas?13:12
koegswhere did you download the image for the live-cd?13:13
xubuntu172on xubuntu.org13:15
gdos HELP! No issues, so far, with Xubuntu 13.04 other than my fonts are not rendering correctly (i.e. some fonts are not displaying at all, especially when using xfce-terminal); This is quite annoying. I've already cleared out my local user cache and settings as well as reset the font cache but still not displaying correctly. Only monospace font is used.13:36
=== ph00 is now known as phoo
knomegdos, you've said that every 30 minutes now and no answer; what about searching in other places, like forums?13:41
gdosyep. even googled it. found similar answers though no real solution.13:42
gdosknome: or at least a solution that works.13:42
bgardnergdos: Got a screenshot for us?13:46
gdosbgardnet: yea where do i paste it?13:46
bgardner!paste | gdos13:47
ubottugdos: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:47
gdosbgardner: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-10292013-074738am.php13:48
bgardnergdos: Hm, and what font does your terminal *think* it's using?13:49
gdosbgardner: all of my apps/settings can't seem to get out of monospace.13:50
gdosi went so far as to 'reset' my xfce settings (by removing .local .cache and .config directories)13:50
bgardnergdos: Not sure what you mean by that.  The displayed font in your screenshot is clearly not a monospace font.13:51
gdoshold on i'll take a screenshot of the settings and also of the font list.13:51
gdosbgardner: terminal preferences - http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-10292013-075303am.php13:53
gdosbgardner: font list - http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-10292013-075408am.php (as you can see i choose for this demonstration 'courier new ' which should obviously be different than the default monospace which as it appears, is not)13:55
gdosok i just tried installing nvidia drivers 304 and still same issue.14:02
bgardnergdos: Never seen anything like that before, hang on a moment while I do some research.14:02
bgardnergdos: Any interesting font-related messages in /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?14:03
gdosi can't even copy / paste that to look at it so hold on while i look.14:04
gdosbgardner: here is the log from /var/log/Xorg.0.log  -  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6324105/14:07
gdosit looks like my font paths are in-correct?14:08
bgardnergdos: No, I checked yours against mine and you actually have more than I do.14:09
asd__123123123how to install fonts on xubuntu 11.10. They are .otf14:12
asd__123123123sorry 13.10 is version14:12
gdosbgardner: whenever i try and copy paste something (or move around and hover or links), the fonts shift.14:13
bgardnergdos: My apologies, but I'm not finding anything - fonts aren't really my specialty, though - perhaps someone else can weigh in with a suggestion.14:15
gdosit only seems to happen with certain apps (like xchat) so i'm thinking since its not obviously a driver issue, could it be a QT (what xfce uses) issue or some other font rendering issue (for example does not happen with webpages but installed apps).14:18
bgardnergdos: Try a webpage that you know shows a monospace font - like your pastebin link above.  Does it also show monospace correctly?14:21
gdosmonospace is the only font that xserver seems to let me use and even then it displays oddly as I've stated.14:22
bgardnergdos: But not errors in your Xorg.0.log.  Hm.14:22
gdoswould it be a QT issue? currently QT5 is installed. would I break anything if I reverted to QT4 ?14:23
bgardnergdos: What Xubuntu version are you running?14:24
bgardnergdos: I don't know the answer to your QT question, but I would be very leery of doing such a downgrade if I were you.14:26
bgardnergdos: My own plan would be to dig deeper for font-related messages first.14:27
bgardnergdos: Admittedly, not sure yet where to look that we haven't already...14:27
bgardnergdos: Have you checked file permissions on /usr/share/fonts and below, just for fun?14:30
gdosbgardner: looking now.14:33
gdosbgardner: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-10292013-083451am.php14:35
gdossame results for all folders & files under /usr/share/fonts14:35
bgardnergdos: Same as mine.  :P14:36
gdosso i'm wondering would it hurt to do a force re-install of xubuntu-desktop ? and how would i do that through the command line ? would that reset most system wide settings back to default ?14:37
bgardnergdos: I don't know, I would guess 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install xubuntu-desktop' and probably not.14:41
gdosbgardner: i found this - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu - wonder if i changed that from 'purge' to '--reinstall install' ?14:42
gdosand removed that last part?14:43
bgardnergdos: Do you have a good backup?14:44
bgardnergdos: One moment, checking something.14:46
gdosjust did a 'test' and it only wants to install NEW: libindicate and libotr - wonder if that is significant?14:46
bgardnergdos: Just found a reference to the "right" way to do this, and it confirms that "sudo apt-get install --reinstall xubuntu-desktop" is correct.14:48
bgardnergdos: If I were you, that would be my next move.14:49
XATRIXHi guys, why i don't see any color output when i do ".... | grep --color=auto grep-some-phrase" ?14:57
bgardnerXATRIX: Which terminal?15:01
thinairDoes it support colors?15:01
gdosbgardner: it seems like none of my settings are being saved. wonder if that is a key? (btw, reinstalling xubuntu-desktop didn't work, neither did rebooting into an older kernel.15:01
bgardnergdos: Like which settings?15:02
XATRIXbgardner: xfce4-terminal15:02
gdosbgardner: xchat for example. even simple apps like leafpad and mousepad.15:02
bgardnergdos: Start checking your permissions on your home directory, and yes, that could be related.15:03
GridCubegdos, rename your .bashrc for a moment and relog15:04
bgardnerXATRIX: Can you show a screenshot?  Do this command: echo test | grep test --color=auto15:04
XATRIXYes, now i see color output15:05
XATRIXWait a bit15:05
XATRIXCan my 'screen' command inside my xfce4-terminal cause troubles ?15:05
XATRIXI work under screen15:05
bgardnerXATRIX: I would suspect so, yes.15:06
bgardnerXATRIX: Probably not a deal breaker, you just have to figure out how to configure it15:06
XATRIXYea , i'm on it15:06
XATRIXBut still have no idea tho15:06
bgardnerXATRIX: Check your screen man page and come back here if you can't find a solution15:07
XATRIXaright , thanks15:07
bgardnergdos: Any luck with either permissions check or using GridCube's suggestion?15:08
gdosbgardner: all permission settings are as i suspected as they should be.15:09
bgardnergdos: Okay, then try what GridCube suggested next.15:09
gdosbgardner: ok. also, i tried pterm and for some reason the fonts are small (as if its reading some other settings), when i had pterm installed on xubuntu 12.10 the fonts were much larger.15:10
gdosbgardner: here is my pastebin of /etc/default/console-settings - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6324444/15:12
bgardnergdos: Well, based on the docs /etc/default/console-settings seems to only apply to genuine consoles (not *term windows under X), which you said work properly, yes?15:17
GridCubegdos, does this happen to the guest user as well?15:17
gdosbgardner: yes that is correct and i just tried 'konsole' (kde terminal emulator) and am able to change fonts fine there and seem to display correctly! HOWEVER, when I *DO* select a font, NOT all fonts are listed. coincidence?15:17
bgardnergdos: I have little experience with KDE, so not sure if that is related or not.  Do please try the guest login suggestion and let us know what you get there.15:19
gdosbut this 'font issue' happens in not just xfce4-terminal but other apps as well (such as xchat); why is konsole the only app that is displaying my fonts correctly?15:19
gdosbgardner: will do.15:19
gdosGridCube: ok just tried guest account. same thing.15:21
gdosand tried 'konsole' there as well. same thing.15:21
gdosfound this - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/tag/pure-xubuntu/15:26
GridCubegdos, konsole uses qt and not gtk15:29
GridCubeso its using a complete different rendering engine15:29
gdosGrigCube: so gtk might be broken?15:29
GridCubeit could be, i have no idea, all i know from seeing your questions in this channel in the last weeks is that you have tinkered with your system so much that anything could be faulty15:32
gdosbut this is from a fresh install of xubuntu :)15:35
gdosi've ran all the 'hardware tests' i could think of and hardware checks out fine.15:35
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
gdosGridCube: must be a gtk issue (or something not configured correctly in an install script?). i ran all of these listed here - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/tag/pure-xubuntu/ - now my fonts seem to work (so far for the most part still verifying)15:48
bgardnergdos: When you said this was a new install, was it a new install to a blank partition or an in-place upgrade?15:49
gdosbgardner: blank partition. somehow something i did screwed up my apache2 settings so i decided to do a 'fresh' install of Xubuntu 13.0415:50
kRushwhat's the problem with amd prop. drivers and 13.10?16:09
ClaudiuTare there any USB .img images available with the latest version of Xubuntu?16:18
Sysithe .iso one can be used like .img one16:19
ClaudiuTok, thanks!16:19
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy
brauleinchenim trying to upgrade to 13.10 but I cannot pass the !downloading release tool" part, it dowloands the second file (2 of 2) and then nothing17:12
brauleinchen64 bits17:13
GridCubebrauleinchen, have you tried to switch mirrors?17:13
brauleinchenapparently it worked, thanks GridCube17:17
xubuntu329chiedo aiuto ad italiani, ce ne sono?17:20
xubuntu329chiedo aiuto ad italiani, ce ne sono?17:20
xubuntu807hi friend..... i needdd help....17:42
xubuntu807hablo espanol and italian...17:42
xubuntu807my ingles is ok ...17:42
xubuntu807i have 1 problem xubuntu....17:42
xubuntu807wirels problem...17:42
GridCube!details | xubuntu80717:43
ubottuxubuntu807: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:43
GridCubeplease try to write in one sentence17:43
GridCube!it | also xubuntu80717:44
ubottualso xubuntu807: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:44
GridCubebut you are welcome here17:44
xubuntu807:D 1000 tak ...  gracias thanks....17:44
xubuntu807i like linux.... but i have 1 problem ... i have 1 dell inspiron. 1501 ... xubuntu... the problem is wirels.. drivers wireles.. no work..... no have internet in that pc... who can fixie that..... please.. please17:45
xubuntu807??? who???17:49
bazhang!wifi | xubuntu80717:50
ubottuxubuntu807: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:50
teratomabrand new install of xubuntu and a new user.  the sound applet in the top right doesnt work. how can i fix?  http://i.imgur.com/HNiFwMo.png17:53
GridCubeteratoma, very anoying known bug 1208204, see comment 5 for an easy fix, comment 41 to a deeper fix, see bug 1238997 for a long term solution17:56
ubottubug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120820417:56
ubottubug 1238997 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "Add support for GTK3 panel indicators" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123899717:56
GridCubeyes, i have that copied on a text file17:56
jukenHi all, with the PrintScrn button, is there a way to select a region you want to copy to the clipboard?19:10
jukenI know I've had the capability in the past, not necessarily with xubuntu, but it was an option before (looks like the same script/application) as well... perhaps just a different version or perhaps a plugin.19:11
bgardnerjuken: Yes, in Settings->Keyboard change the shortcut for Print from "xfce4-screenshooter -f" to "xfce4-screenshooter -r -m"19:17
jukenbgardner: thanks, will I need to restart my session?19:21
bgardnerjuken: Nope19:21
jukenbgardner: Hmm... If I add in the -r the dialogue no longer comes up19:24
bgardnerjuken: Did you change it to -r -m?19:25
jukenbgardner: ah, I see, that works.19:26
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as S-
=== S- is now known as S-USA
asddoes anybody know what should i do with sound icon on panel?   http://i.imgur.com/g3HaTWV.png22:22
xubuntu990hello xubuntu22:30
=== S-USA is now known as SonikkuAmerica
brauleincheni am now upgrading to 13.10, the upgrade tool is downloading new packets. If i turn off the machine,next time i resume the upgrading, will it start from scratch or will the already downloaded files still be there?22:52
David-Abrauleinchen: i don't know for sure, but i would guess they are saved. (however, if you interrupt the process after it changed sw sources and before completion, you may have a real mess to untangle)22:58
brauleinchenDavid-A, ok22:59
agentgreen420Is there a known bug in xfce4-terminal involving dragging tabs from one window to another? Because sometimes, randomly, it just doesn't seem to work.23:25
=== Punna is now known as Pwnna

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