
ahoneybunhello all03:18
ScottKI may be able to make it anyway.04:16
ScottKSched change.04:16
lordievaderGood morning.07:38
jussiahoneybun: you can now go ask in #ubuntu-irc for an ubuntu cloak ;=) (if you want one)07:58
Quintasanshadeslayer: zing08:02
Quintasanjussi: \o08:02
jussiQuintasan: heya08:02
soeegood morning08:18
shadeslayerQuintasan: morning08:23
QuintasanAh, there you are08:24
Quintasanshadeslayer: Where are you collaborating with detrout?08:24
shadeslayerQuintasan: packaging and stuff for ktp?08:24
QuintasanI'm sick, laying in bed. Thought I could be more productive.08:24
QuintasanI still have no freaking idea how to use gbp08:25
shadeslayertoday is not going to be a productive day, too many things to do apart from work :/08:25
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1246214] kde-window-manager (4:4.11.2-0ubuntu1): missing dependency @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1246214 (by aanno)08:30
Quintasanholy shit how is this supposed to wrok08:33
Quintasanshadeslayer: Can you into git-buildpackage?08:34
* valorie passes some hot tea to Quintasan08:43
valoriefeel better soon08:43
Riddelllmorning friends08:45
valorieoooo, Riddelll is wagging an extra L today08:46
valoriedang, I need to go to bed.....08:46
Quintasan\o Riddelll08:47
valoriethis day was too short!08:47
lordievaderWhoo, is today special that it deserves an extra 'l'?08:47
shadeslayerQuintasan: not really :S08:48
QuintasanI must be doing something wrong08:49
Quintasantrying to do git-import-orig08:49
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
Quintasanit fails to work and whines about conflicts08:49
Riddelljust means I got disconnected from freenode at some point :)08:49
apacheloggerRiddell: I attend whenever the rest of the world has time :P09:02
Riddellapachelogger: very good of you, 2000UTC tonight it is09:08
valorieoh my, I don't think I'll be around09:09
valorieoh well, I'll listen to the recording if I'm not09:10
valoriehaven't had a chance to test mumble this release yet anyway09:10
valorieniters all09:10
apacheloggershortterm ftw :P09:11
apacheloggernow everyone will have a not working mumble setup09:11
apacheloggerno clue what to do with bug 123215609:28
ubottubug 1232156 in oxygen-gtk3 (Ubuntu) "oxygen-gtk3 does not work out of box on kubuntu 13.10 beta2" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123215609:28
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1198509] kscreenlocker_greet does not focus w/ 2 monitors @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1198509 (by Brad Huntting)09:31
apacheloggerRiddell: please send a mail to the list about mumble 09:34
apacheloggerQuintasan: eh is not a bug status09:34
yofelapachelogger: he and me already sent mails ^^09:49
apacheloggerwhere? :O09:49
yofel-devel o.O?09:50
apacheloggersince yesterday evening I got some 200 mails :O09:51
apacheloggerdidn't see the meeting mail because it was on the third page09:51
Quintasanshadeslayer: so, where is sauce for ktp 0.7.0 packaging?09:54
shadeslayerQuintasan: not in bzr09:54
Riddellapachelogger: saying what?09:55
apacheloggerRiddell: nevermind, I just didn't see the mail xD09:55
Quintasanshadeslayer: So we have 0.7.0 in Ubuntu and 0.6.2 in Debian?09:55
shadeslayerQuintasan: and 0.7.0 in git experimental09:55
shadeslayerin debian09:55
Quintasanholy shit09:59
QuintasanI don't know how this works09:59
Quintasanshadeslayer: I don't see 0.7.0 anywhere in the packaging branch on alioth10:01
QuintasanThat's 0.6.8010:02
shadeslayerdetrout is updating it10:02
Quintasanlooks like I have to wait for her to show up10:03
QuintasanI'm not really good with this gbp mumbojumbo10:03
shadeslayerI hear apachelogger is good at it10:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: git buildpackage10:08
apacheloggernot really, read the manual10:11
QuintasanNo, this is getting retarded10:13
shadeslayerrunninh debuild on firefox is always fun10:13
QuintasanI'm trying to import new upstream version into the repository using git-import-orig and it whines and throws merge conflicts at me10:14
apacheloggerQuintasan: you have to import into the upstream branch :P10:14
apacheloggernot the debian derivate10:14
Quintasanapachelogger: dude, read the manual10:14
Quintasanit apparently does that automatically unless told otherwise10:14
Quintasan              The branch in the Git repository the upstream sources are put onto. Default is upstream.10:15
apacheloggerQuintasan: guess you'll have to merge then :P10:16
apacheloggeror you could simply import it yourself10:16
apacheloggerrm -rf * && tar -xf && git add * && git commit -a10:16
apacheloggerno clue hwy import-orig would not do that anyway and instead wants to merge10:17
apacheloggera bit weird because really you are not going to merge perstine upstreamv1 with prestine upstreamv2 but simply accept v2 as the new thing and discard any merge conflicts that may occur10:18
apacheloggeri.e. what happens when you wipe the working tree and import a new source by means of copy10:18
Quintasanapachelogger: so, I ran git-import-orig --pristine-tar -u 0.7.0 --debian-branch=master --upstream-branch=upstream -v ../ktp-common-internals-0.7.0.tar.bz210:25
Quintasanit tries to merge upstream to master10:26
Quintasanit imported the code into upstream branch just fine, it fails to merge it for some reson though.10:26
Quintasanthis is weird10:27
apacheloggerI don't even need to read the manual to know that this is expected behavior here :P10:33
apacheloggerthere is no reason why that tool would need to know the debian branch to import the prestine tar10:34
apacheloggerso clearly it is using it to then try an automerge of upstream to debian10:34
Riddell"Subject: Your membership in ubuntu-irc-members is about to expire"  do I care?10:54
Riddell"This team is used for votes in the Ubuntu IRC Community. This includes the election of Ubuntu IRC Council Members."10:55
Riddellhmm ok10:55
Riddellhow can I see all the bugs on rekonq in bugs.kde.org ?11:51
Riddellthis form says the words field can't be empty https://bugs.kde.org/query.cgi11:51
apacheloggerRiddell: on the page you linked you just need to select rekonq and click search :P11:52
Riddellon simple search page I get "The Words field cannot be empty. You have to enter at least one word in your search criteria."11:54
apacheloggerRiddell: need advanced11:54
apacheloggersimple search is "Find a specific bug by entering words that describe it. KDE Bugtracking System will search bug descriptions and comments for those words and return a list of matching bugs sorted by relevance."11:55
Riddellhmm, I prefer launchpad11:56
RiddellI don't suppose anyone is able to set this up? http://ec2-50-16-165-6.compute-1.amazonaws.com/owncloud/index.php12:12
RiddellI've spent ages getting that package installable on raring but now it doesn't do anything when you set it up12:12
Riddellthis makes me grumpy12:13
jussiRiddell: tsimpson might be able to, we have owncloud working on ubottu.com thanks to him12:43
RiddellScottK: oh well I give up on bug 1245593 please just review the saucy package12:47
ubottubug 1245593 in owncloud (Ubuntu Raring) "Backport updates to 5.0.12" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124559312:47
tsimpsonI edited config/config.php (and we use sqlite3 DB rather than mysql)12:48
Riddelltsimpson: why did you need to edit config/config.php ?12:50
tsimpsonRiddell: it was the easiest way to set it up12:53
tsimpsonwe had an older install there, so I just copied a couple of config values over and it worked12:54
tsimpsonRiddell: what's failing for you?12:56
tsimpsonafaik you just enter the root users details for mysql and it should auto-configure12:57
Riddelltsimpson: my raring backport package is failing to let me create an admin account12:57
Riddellyes, it'll be a fault in the packaging12:57
* Riddell gets lunch12:57
tsimpsonsomeone... wanted the latest and greatest beta release, so I didn't even bother with the packages12:58
* jussi coughs13:00
* jussi hands tsimpson cupcakes13:00
tsimpsonooh cupcakes!13:01
* shadeslayer increases PPA queue's by 6 hours for 4 builders14:19
shadeslayerJust uploaded FF :>14:19
shadeslayeryes, with KDE patchery14:20
shadeslayerRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/firefox/+packages14:21
Riddellhi littlegirl 14:31
littlegirlRiddell: Hey there. (:14:41
Riddellthose left hand smileys always confuse me, I read them as sad smileys then realise they're left handed14:45
littlegirlOh, sorry, been doing them for years, so it's probably too late to untrain myself. (:14:48
littlegirlOh, so totally cool. (:14:49
* littlegirl steals ☺ from Riddell.14:49
littlegirlI also notice some of the developers doing \o/.14:50
littlegirlI tried to test Mumble yesterday, but nobody was on. ): <--- that's my sad smiley14:51
lordievaderHehe, that one is even more confusing ;)14:55
littlegirlBetter? (:15:03
littlegirlSo, did I do my time conversions correctly? Is the meeting in 4.75 hours? I'm assuming 4pm Eastern time, and we all know that the New York time zone is the most important one on earth, so UTC shouldn't even be used. (:15:16
Riddelleveryone should just use UTC, that would make life so much simpler15:19
littlegirlThat's true, and that would solve it nicely. This conversion thing is awful. ☹15:19
Riddellshadeslayer: ok if I SRU your libnm-qt, plasma-nm and cyphermox's nm update to saucy?15:22
shadeslayerRiddell: what's the decision wrt plasma-nm renaming15:24
Riddellhmm good question15:24
Riddellshadeslayer: what did you do in trusty?15:24
shadeslayerRiddell: I did not rename15:24
shadeslayersince we want the new name in trusty15:24
shadeslayerbut shipped a update file15:24
Riddellmeaning upstream renamed and our package followed?15:24
shadeslayerin kubuntu-desktop-settings15:24
Riddellshadeslayer: hmm, the sru could do the same but having it in kubuntu-desktop-settings would be problematic if you only installed plasma-nm and not kubuntu-desktop-settings for whatever reason15:28
shadeslayeryeah, I'd prefer to ship the update in plasma-nm , but you recommended that we ship it in kubuntu-settings15:29
shadeslayercan be easily changed though15:29
cyphermoxRiddell: what NM update?15:36
Riddellcyphermox: to
cyphermoxif you feel it's good for a SRU, I won't stop you15:38
cyphermoxjust be aware that there is minimal new feature in there15:39
cyphermoxI was hopeing to figure out exactly what commit to SRU once I knew what the problem was again15:39
cyphermoxI also heard was having trouble with dnsmasq, which is what is blocking it in proposed via autopkgtest so far, but I think it's just a broken test environment15:40
ScottKcyphermox: On saucy, tethering via my phone is no longer working.  Any idea if that's NM related or related to the new plasma-nm/15:47
cyphermoxScottK: not without more info... is that wireless (bluetooth?) or wired tethering?15:48
cyphermoxthen I'd like to look at /var/log/syslog...15:48
cyphermoxScottK: can you file a bug I'll look at it now15:49
cyphermoxbrb, running out of battery.15:49
ScottKcyphermox: Bug #1244775 might be relevant.  I'll investigate.15:52
ubottubug 1244775 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu) "huawei E1962 dongle to be plugged twice" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124477515:52
cyphermoxah, no, I don't think it's the same thing15:53
cyphermoxunless your phone needs to be modeswitched, that is15:53
ScottKWould I know?15:57
ScottKIt's a Galaxy S3.15:57
ScottKI'll file another bug then.15:58
ScottKcyphermox: I filed Bug #1246389 16:00
ubottubug 1246389 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu) "Unable to tether via Verizon/Samsung Galaxy S3 since upgrade to Saucy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124638916:00
cyphermoxScottK: so, wired tethering, correct?16:07
ScottKcyphermox: Yes.  Via USB.16:13
ScottKRiddell: owncloud/saucy done.16:23
=== jono is now known as Guest50058
QuintasanUpgrading kdeconnect-kde in trusty16:43
shadeslayerRiddell: did you look at the processor bug thingy in libsolid?16:46
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah it's in -proposed I think16:46
RiddellScottK: bug 1234887  bug 1246367  bug 1246382  for your consideration16:47
ubottubug 1234887 in network-manager (Ubuntu Saucy) "[FFE] Update NetworkManager to" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123488716:47
ubottubug 1246367 in libnm-qt (Ubuntu Saucy) "SRU to saucy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124636716:47
ubottubug 1246382 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu Saucy) "SRU to saucy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124638216:47
shadeslayerah cool16:47
Riddellshadeslayer: bug 124554216:47
ubottubug 1245542 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Saucy) "Solid can not read processor information" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124554216:47
ScottKRiddell: I asked infinity to look at NM.  All look at the others once he decides on that.16:49
RiddellScottK: thanks, althought the other two aren't reliant upon the nm update16:51
ScottKRight, but if we're going to do them, it make sense (kind of) do test them as a set.16:52
shadeslayerRiddell: we need a SRU for kde-connect17:14
Riddellshadeslayer: ok, are you able to verify?17:18
shadeslayeryep, can verify17:18
shadeslayeralso jussi17:18
Riddell"Rejected by Adam Conrad: network-manager does not have an MRE, and this is far too extensive for an SRU"17:18
Riddellcyphermox: oh well there goes that idea17:18
RiddellQuintasan: how's the new version doing?17:19
QuintasanI did not manage to test anything yet as I'm still getting the "This device is using an old version of the protocol"17:19
QuintasanGotta reboot I guess.17:19
RiddellScottK: uh oh, do we not reconcile?17:22
ScottKThat's why I asked him.17:22
ScottKSince we don't need the new one, we're still good.17:22
cyphermoxRiddell: I asked before, could you just let me know what the problem is with plasma and if I can't find the right commit I'll write a patch17:28
Riddellcyphermox: the trouble is I'm not too sure, it's a bunch of small bugs which upstream has some of which might be caused by nm, some by libnm-qt and some by plasma-nm17:32
cyphermoxin that case wouldn't it be better to SRU all those except NM, and then ship NM when the actual NM bug can be properly identified?17:33
Riddellcyphermox: you may well be right17:34
cyphermoxScottK: fixing your bug today might prove challenging, but next week I should be able to acquire a Galaxy S317:35
ScottKcyphermox: Totally cool.  Thanks.17:35
cyphermoxin the meantime, could you attach /var/log/syslog to the bug, maybe there's some clues there17:36
cyphermoxScottK: you seem like someone who potentially would have your own local mirror... do you?17:39
xnoxScottK: Riddell: can strigi be demoted to universe?17:39
ScottKcyphermox: No.17:40
cyphermoxalright. :/17:40
ScottKxnox: Kubuntu has nothing to do with what's in Main.17:40
Riddellxnox: I'm not sure, what's keeping it in main and why do you care?17:40
ScottKHe's trying to demote libav to Universe.17:40
ScottKWhich we do kind of care about since that affects vlc and ffmpegthumbs.17:41
ScottK(given the 'stellar' security record of both ffmpeg and libav)17:41
xnoxScottK: Riddell: right in main kde4libs (build-depends) and libkio5 (depends)17:43
* xnox smells a rabbit hole17:43
QuintasanRiddell: Well, uploading kdeconnect-kde to trusty17:50
RiddellQuintasan: does it fix the problem?17:51
Riddellwin 1417:51
QuintasanRiddell: "old protocol" problem? it does17:51
RiddellQuintasan: what can you do with it?17:51
QuintasanWell, basically you get notifications from your phone17:52
Riddellso text arrives on phone and it pops up on your plasma desktop?17:52
QuintasanIt has nifty functionality like MPRIS support - meaning you can remote control amarok and whatever implements MPRIS17:52
Quintasanalso, if you have anything playing (music, video) and someone calls you it automagically pauses the playback17:53
Quintasanand resumes once you finish the call17:53
Quintasanas for text messages -> 0.3 did send a notification but it was an empty notification17:54
QuintasanNot sure how does it work in 0.417:54
Riddellcontrovertial stuff from agateau, he doesn't object to CLA! http://agateau.com/2013/10/29/my-stance-on-cla/17:55
QuintasanRiddell: Uploaded to trusty18:01
QuintasanDo we want a backport in PPA?18:01
RiddellQuintasan: well an SRU if it's completely broken18:02
QuintasanRiddell: The problem does not come from the kdeconnect-kde itself18:03
QuintasanThe Android application got updated to use the new protocol18:03
ScottKThat's SRUable.18:04
ScottK(if it's broken due to the protocol update)18:04
Riddelland kdeconnect-kde fixes it,so SRU it18:04
QuintasanScottK: Well, technically it works, you just need older version of the Android application :P18:04
* Quintasan stops whining and files SRU18:04
shadeslayertsimpson: your letter is so freaking long18:11
kubotushadeslayer meant: "tsimpson: your email is so freaking long"18:12
tsimpsonyes, it is18:12
QuintasanRiddell, ScottK: bug #124643318:12
ubottubug 1246433 in kdeconnect-kde (Ubuntu Saucy) "SRU 0.4 to saucy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124643318:12
tsimpsonshadeslayer: I could have stretched it out (even) more, but I wasn't that crule18:13
shadeslayertsimpson: I read the first few paragraphs, but I am losing interest after each word because it's so long, but as someone who has IRC op's, this looks important18:16
tsimpsonshadeslayer: it's something that's been bugging me for years18:18
yofelwhat mail?18:22
RiddellQuintasan: did you upload to saucy-proposed?18:22
Quintasanyofel: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2013-October/001619.html18:22
QuintasanRiddell: No, I'm actually not sure what the version should be18:23
RiddellI've been using ~saucy118:23
Riddellyou could also use ~ubuntu13.10.118:23
QuintasanRiddell: Uploaded18:29
Riddellawooga, thanks Quintasan 18:29
QuintasanSo, waiting for approval18:30
cerhi everybody. Is the kubuntu kernel identical to the stock ubuntu kernle?18:34
ScottKcer: Yes.18:35
cerScottK: thanks.18:35
ScottKapachelogger: Would you please sanity review the kdeconnect-kde SRU waiting for approval: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/155422626/kdeconnect-kde_0.3-0ubuntu1_0.4-0ubuntu1~saucy1.diff.gz - my head swims.18:36
cerScottK: second (and last) question .... is there a way to easuly set up a separate environment into which download the headers pacakges to compile / re compile specific packages? something like pbuilder, but easier to set up, and up to date.18:36
Quintasancer: I'm pretty much sure pbuilder is the thing you want18:37
cerScottK: pbuilder seems to haev gone "out of production" so to speak.18:37
QuintasanThere is also sbuild and cowbuilder.18:38
QuintasanYou can also just create a chroot using debootstrap18:38
* ScottK uses pbuilder with the pbuilder-dist wrapper (ubuntu-dev-tools) and it's super easy/works fine.18:38
ScottKpbuilder-dist $release create/build/etc18:39
cerThanks Quintasan / ScottK.18:39
QuintasanIf I knew how to make sbuild cache the contents I'd use it18:39
cerScottK: would it still keep the dependecies separate from the main system?18:39
cerScottK: is pulling in a few packages the pbuilder-dist .... 18:44
ScottKThey'll just be in the package cache.  They are only installed in the chroot, not the main system.18:44
cerScottK: sorry, I meant installing ubuntu-dev-tools is pulling quite a few packages in ....18:45
cerScottK: including debian-keyring18:46
ScottKSure, there's lots of good stuff in there.18:46
cerScottK: I hope so, it is 47 Mb18:47
cerScottK: there must be enough stuff to run google in it.18:47
ahoneybunhey littlegirl lordievader 18:57
lordievaderHey ahoneybun, how are you today?18:58
ahoneybunlordievader, good just trying to write notes for the trusty meeting later18:59
lordievaderahoneybun: Anything interesting?18:59
QuintasanMeeting is in 2 hours?18:59
Quintasanahoneybun: Grats on membership.18:59
ahoneybun1 to me18:59
ahoneybunQuintasan, thanks :)18:59
ahoneybun4pm in ETC18:59
ahoneybunI think 20:00 UTC?18:59
lordievaderThat's what I read.19:00
QuintasanSo one hour19:00
ahoneybunQuintasan, yea19:00
* Quintasan is UTC+219:00
lordievaderHere it is UTC+1 since a few days.19:00
QuintasanOh, yeah19:00
QuintasanUTC+1 now too19:00
QuintasanI forgot about that19:01
ahoneybunlordievader, about moving to a different wiki, if we do what would it give us and about needing members with tech knowledge for the the docs19:01
ahoneybunlordievader, want me to move the notes to google docs and we can share notes>19:01
lordievaderahoneybun: I'm not really sure what you are asking. Do you mean you want to attract members with web knowledge?19:02
ahoneybunlordievader, mostly with partition knowledge19:03
ahoneybunfor the installation page19:03
lordievaderahoneybun: What level should that be? Else I could write something.19:04
ovidiu-florinhello world19:04
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: that seems like a good ideea19:05
=== jono is now known as Guest21711
ahoneybunlordievader, well there are many  different ways you could partition your hdd or sdd19:06
ahoneybunand we are trying to take into account all we can19:06
ovidiu-florinwe have something like that on the kubuntu Romania Site19:08
ahoneybunovidiu-florin, you do?19:08
ovidiu-florinit's not published yet because to the screenshots need to be changed19:08
ahoneybunof course19:09
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Perhaps that could be included in the documentation once we workout how we are going to do localization?19:09
ovidiu-florinbut it's public on the author's blog19:09
ovidiu-florinhere: http://tutorialekubuntu.blogspot.ro/2013/10/instalarea-sistemului-de-operare.html19:10
ovidiu-florinit's a little twisted19:10
ovidiu-florinbut it covers that topic19:10
ovidiu-florinthe author did the partitioning from the live cd instead of the installer19:11
ahoneybunlordievader, I shared a link to the on Google+ to you and the others in the Kubuntu Docs team19:11
ahoneybunovidiu-florin, it seems he did the live cd and the installer19:12
ahoneybunother then I can't read it I think it is exactly what we need19:12
ovidiu-florinon the installer he just chose the partitions19:13
ahoneybuncovers resizing, dealing with dual booting19:13
ovidiu-florinit is meant for windows users that want to dualboot19:13
lordievaderahoneybun: Just so you know I wont be attenting the mumble meeting.19:13
ahoneybunlordievader, ok I just wanted to know if you wanted me to bring anything up19:14
lordievaderahoneybun: You need to mention what you want from the people for the partitioning pages, and perhaps have an idea on how to reach those people.19:15
ahoneybunlordievader, I'm just trying to get what ideas and thoughts everyone has to improve what we have19:16
ahoneybunbut you are right19:16
lordievaderahoneybun: I know, but most times it is usefull to have a starting idea that people can discuss. Starting is the most difficult part ;)19:17
ahoneybunlordievader, yep19:18
ovidiu-florinI have a question about the kubuntu wiki: Why is it a syncronised version of the Ubuntu one? I mean if I change something on the Kubuntu wiki, it's reflected in the Ubuntu wiki.19:18
ovidiu-florinan those things are kubuntu specific19:18
yofelovidiu-florin: it is the ubuntu wiki19:18
yofeljust with a different default theme if you use our DNS19:18
ahoneybunovidiu-florin, so you could translate that for us to use once we get permission from the author?19:21
ahoneybunuse the knowledge of it anyway19:22
ovidiu-florinmy opinion is that it coud use some tweeking19:22
ahoneybunovidiu-florin, just to get some ideas19:23
ovidiu-florinsure I'll translate19:27
ovidiu-florinI missed a comma over there 19:28
certhanks a lot ScottK/ Quintasan haev nice evening!19:44
ahoneybunlittlegirl, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cEPmSs2kwR-cKHh1erIOMWwxqXrEOQudxUvHZ7l55yE/edit19:57
=== Guest48686 is now known as skfin
ahoneybunlittlegirl, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cEPmSs2kwR-cKHh1erIOMWwxqXrEOQudxUvHZ7l55yE/edit?usp=sharing19:59
Riddellapachelogger: ping meeting?20:01
Riddelltxwikinger, Quintasan: meeting?20:02
Riddellallee: meeting?20:02
alleeRiddell: yes20:03
Riddellallee: are you coming? (you answered the doodle poll)20:03
Riddellit's on mumble20:03
yofelshadeslayer: still awake?20:04
* shadeslayer will listen in20:04
alleeRiddell: I'm already in mumble as allee ;-)20:04
shadeslayerwe're going out :S20:04
alleefirst time mumble user20:04
apacheloggerjust got home, will be there in a bit20:04
shadeslayercannot attend, though here's what I want to say20:05
shadeslayer* Working on new driver manager20:05
shadeslayer* Hacking on libqapt to tie into plasma to show cache update progress and installation progress20:05
shadeslayer* Working with apol to get muon fixed20:06
shadeslayer( He posted some patches on the bugs I forwarded him, need to test them out )20:06
Riddellallee: oh aye :)20:06
apacheloggergetting a drink real quick20:07
shadeslayeryofel: Riddell http://i.imgur.com/67QGOE6.png > driver manager screenshot 20:07
shadeslayercode in lp:~rohangarg/+junk/driver-manager-kde20:08
shadeslayerfeel free to hack20:08
apacheloggerRiddell: anyone taking notes?20:08
* shadeslayer out20:09
apacheloggerdon't tell anyone but I am not listening right now :P20:26
mamarleyPsst, people!  apachelogger isn't listening right now!20:27
Riddellapachelogger: just making trello cards as needed20:29
* apachelogger falls off chair20:31
apacheloggerkubotu: order coffee20:31
* kubotu slides a cup of steamy hot coffee down the bar to apachelogger.20:31
apacheloggerkubotu: topic learn20:33
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Mumble Call Wed 20:00UTC on mumble yofel-vz.dyndns.org
apacheloggeryofel broke the serva20:36
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Mumble Call Wed 20:00UTC on mumble kyofel.dyndns.org
littlegirlkubotu: order coffee20:36
* kubotu slides a cup of steamy hot coffee down the bar to littlegirl.20:36
littlegirlI had no idea we could do that. (:20:36
* genii makes his own coffee, and slides it down the bar to himself.20:37
* mamarley doesn't drink coffee.20:37
apacheloggerahoneybun: have you tried turning it off and on again? :P20:40
apacheloggerafk real quick20:41
apacheloggerI think kde will choose KDM20:46
yofelwasn't it decided that that's un-portable to wayland?20:48
ovidiu-florinso wayland will come only with KDE5, right?20:49
yofelright, kubuntu >= 14.1020:49
ovidiu-florindang.. I was really hoping for a wayland LTS :D20:50
apacheloggerRiddell: 14.04 should be KDE SC 4.12.4 release20:50
apacheloggerRiddell: final freeze Apr 10, .4 is Apr 120:50
yofelagreed, that might only leave one week after release to fix bugs in .5, but 4.13 will likely be too late20:51
apacheloggeryofel: 4.13 will be june/july20:52
apacheloggerwhy are we talking about the wiki?20:53
apacheloggerRiddell: releases are deadlines21:04
=== txwikinger is now known as txwikinger2
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
littlegirlahoneybun, can you do items 2a and 2b?23:05
littlegirlI can't remember what was said on that. (:23:05
littlegirlLOL, that's one way to deal with them. (:23:09
ahoneybunwell ovidiu-florin  dealt with them both 23:11
littlegirlSo is that Google doc done, or would you like anything else added to it, or changed on it?23:27
ahoneybunlittlegirl, its done I believe23:28
littlegirlI did the stacked layout like that so you could copy and paste it into an email for the mailing list if you want. (:23:28
littlegirlahoneybun: Cool. (:23:28
littlegirlahoneybun: http://wikkii.net/ might be an option for MediaWiki hosting. I haven't checked it out thoroughly, though.23:31
littlegirlahoneybun: I spoke too soon. It's ad-supported. ☹23:31
littlegirlahoneybun: This, however, looks really promising: http://wu.ourproject.org/moin/FrontPage23:41
littlegirlahoneybun: Here23:41
littlegirlahoneybun: Here's the Wikipedia page on OurProject: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ourproject.org23:41
littlegirlIt sounds to me like  a perfect place to host a wiki, and from a quick look at the FAQ, you can supply your own wiki software if you don't like theirs (no idea which kind they use).23:42
ahoneybunlittlegirl, I see23:46
littlegirlahoneybun: I'm not sure if it's legitimate, but it looks like it's been around for a while, and its focus is on freedom and learning, which sounds perfect. Also, even if you don't use it for the wiki, it could be a good place to host any other kind of documents. (:23:46
littlegirlOh, it looks like they use MoinMoin. But the FAQ did say you can use what you like, so if you feel strongly about MediaWiki, they'd let you use it. (:23:48
littlegirlahoneybun: Here's what Norton has to say about it: https://safeweb.norton.com/report/show?url=http%3A%2F%2Fourproject.org%2F23:50
shadeslayeryofel: meeting minutes?23:50
shadeslayeror anyone who attended ^^23:51

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