
=== MangaKaDenza is now known as Denza252
FlyingFoXi seem to have put some widgets from my task bar into my desktop and can't remove them from there. Any ideas where the config files are, that describe my kde4 desktop background?00:09
eagles0513875anyone in here using sound konverter? as I am now noticing some really strange issues with it00:15
FlyingFoXeagles0513875: I have used it a bit00:29
l0goshi, i am looking for a good web admin software like plex but free anyone know one?00:34
enerociao a tutti00:35
eneroqualcuno può aiutarmi a configurare ati radeon mobility hd4650 su kubuntu 13.1000:36
eneroqualcunno parla italiano?00:39
enerosomeone help me!00:40
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)00:40
enerook grazie00:40
enerothank you00:40
rosco_yI have been using 13.10 since it was released, and everything works fine.  I just installed kbounce, and it's terribly slow--does anyone know why?00:43
enerothe fans run wildly on hp dv6 netbook00:48
itaylor57my fans are controlled  by bios so i dont have a problem00:49
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enerokms is not configurable and drive the radeon also setting the mode 1 consumes too00:53
eneroany suggestions00:54
eneroconfigure the kernel00:56
eneroor what00:56
enerofrom kernel 3.8 onwards, the ati card is not supported by proprietary drivers and then what to do to change distro00:58
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[Ethos]What is a good program I can install on Kubuntu02:02
Roey[Ethos]:  Yakuake02:10
Roey[Ethos]:  and Firefox with a few key, key plugins02:10
RoeyNoScript, Request Policy, Flashblock, Adblock Plus, BetterPrivacy, TabMix Plus, Multiple Tab Handler (so that you can close multiple selected tabs at once), Close Button, HTTPS-Everywhere, Keyconfig (and map Panorama to alt+3).  Map KDE Present Windows to alt+2.02:13
hellslingerso I reversed the order that my two screens are connected to my video card (Nvidia w/proprietary drivers) and KDE seems to be computing the DPI differently, the fonts are rendering differently. The two screens are slightly different sizes vertically. GTK based desktops don't have this problem. Any ideas why this is happening?02:36
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MangaKaDenzalittle help please?05:16
MangaKaDenzahow do I restart the audio related stuff in kubuntu05:16
MangaKaDenzaroot privz05:16
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lordievaderGood morning.07:38
Cliff123Hello, I just installed the proprietary NVidia Driver on my Notebook (Kubuntu 13.10) and now my graphics card is running on full power all the time07:45
Cliff123and the fan is running on full power07:45
eagles0513875_hey guys i have my laptop with the track pad not working i cant switch it on or off and it seems like its always off or disabled for some reason any ideas would be greatly appreciated07:46
lordievaderCliff123: Isn't there some powermanagement setting in the Nvidia setting manager?07:46
eagles0513875_lordievader: hate to chime in late whats the issue hes having07:46
Cliff123there is, but I can't controll anything. I just see that it is running on full power07:47
Cliff123well, I can set the preferred mode from auto to adaptive. But that doesn't help07:47
lordievadereagles0513875_: 08:45 < Cliff123> Hello, I just installed the proprietary NVidia Driver on my Notebook (Kubuntu 13.10) and now my graphics card is running on full power all  the time07:47
lordievadereagles0513875_: 08:45 < Cliff123> and the fan is running on full power07:48
lordievaderAh well that is all I know about nVidia, perhaps eagles0513875_ knows more.07:48
lordievadereagles0513875_: Do you happen to have the same problem as this: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=11225707:48
eagles0513875_will try fn f7 but the odd thign in the system settings input devices it shows like the right mouse button is disabled07:51
lordievadereagles0513875_: Was more aiming for: ~/.kde/share/config/ktouchpadenablerrc07:51
eagles0513875_lordievader: that doesnt even work i dont have th ktouchpadenablerrc config07:55
eagles0513875_lordievader: im stuck :(07:58
lordievadereagles0513875_: You could make the file: http://raftaman.net/?p=154408:00
ikoniathe question is, why is the file not there, what package are you missing08:00
lordievaderikonia: I don't have it on this laptop either ;)08:01
ikoniaso why are you suggesting it then ?08:02
eagles0513875_lordievader: trying to make the file and see if it works08:02
ikoniado you know it's even valid for the release you're using08:02
ikoniagood lord....just blind08:02
ikoniawhy are you blindly making files08:02
lordievaderikonia: Because I remember on my other laptop that being a fix for a non working touchpad.08:02
ikoniafind out if that file is valid in your release, then find out what provides it, then find out why you don't have that installed08:02
eagles0513875_i do know that my laptop sees the touch pad but it comes out of the box disabled08:04
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eagles0513875_im at a total loss08:06
ikoniawhy don't you do what I said, rather than just repeating it08:07
eagles0513875_ikonia: thing is i do not know what package i am missing08:08
ikoniaeagles0513875_: yes, so I told you what to do08:08
Cliff123on my desktop I remember changing something in the xorg.conf08:09
Cliff123coolbits something?08:09
Cliff123but on my notebook the /etc/X11/xorg.conf seems to be completely ignored08:09
ikoniaeagles0513875_: keep in mind you may not be missing a package it's a suggestion of a n avenue of investigation to work through08:09
eagles0513875_ikonia: the system already knows that the track pad is there i ran a command which im trying to remember its like its constantly switched off08:10
ikoniaeagles0513875_: you've said that, how does that change what I said08:10
ikoniaeagles0513875_: no-one said it can't see the device, the configuration is the problem08:11
ikonialordievader made a solid suggestion which may / may not be valid, so working it through to find out if that config file is still used in your version, then what package provides it, then why don't t hae it08:11
eagles0513875_ikonia: how would i determine if that is valid for the release i am on or not08:29
ikoniaeagles0513875_: look at what controls the touchpad, look at what release you are using of that software then check the info documentation for it's config files08:30
eagles0513875_http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=112257 nor http://raftaman.net/?p=1544 mention what release they are for. I do know that my device is an elantech touchpad08:34
ikoniaeagles0513875_: research,08:41
eagles0513875_i am i think i potentially might have a lead08:44
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user1good morning08:51
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newbiegood morning08:51
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newbieXXXXXi have a problem updating from 12.10 to 13.10. can anybody help me? i tried apt-get update upgrade dist-upgrade and muon package manager. all does nothing08:52
lordievadernewbieXXXXX: You first need to upgrade to 13.04. You cannot go directly from 12.10 to 13.10.08:53
newbieXXXXXhow can i upgrade to 13.04 so ?08:54
lordievadernewbieXXXXX: Open a terminal and run "sudo do-release-upgrade"08:55
newbieXXXXXthanks very much i will try in a sec08:55
newbieXXXXXworks nice08:56
lordievadernewbieXXXXX: And when you get to 13.04 you do the same.08:56
newbieXXXXXi wasnt workin on kubuntu for some month and i see im a little out of time08:57
valorienewbieXXXXX: a lot of people wait a week or two08:59
valorieand there have already been a few updates, so you aren't 'late'09:00
newbieXXXXXperfect... i have another problem.. my / is too small to dwnl all packages.. is any clue for that like fe. giving more space from /home to / ?09:00
lordievadervalorie: But 12.10 is getting old ;)09:00
newbieXXXXX@up update: apt-get clean got me 0,5GB09:01
newbieXXXXXbut the question is live, cause i wanted to do that earlier but dont have a time to search for that. is that possible?09:02
lordievadernewbieXXXXX: Uhm, yes you could resize /home and give that space to /. To do this you need to boot into a live cd.09:02
newbieXXXXXhave to be livecd $ubuntu ?09:02
newbieXXXXXor all distros? and what later09:02
lordievadernewbieXXXXX: I guess you could use any, as long as they understand ext4 (think all distro's do...)09:03
newbieXXXXXand use some partition manager in it right?09:04
newbieXXXXXfe. gparted09:04
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newbieXXXXXi hope it doest damage anything, cause i have dual boot with some microsoft OS, and kubuntu is at farest sectors of second HDD09:05
lordievadernewbieXXXXX: For example, be sure to back things up!09:06
newbieXXXXXyea yea backup, without risk aint no fun :) sadly i have no deviced to do that, but the most important things i have on cloud09:08
valorietrue, 12'10 is surely outdated09:08
valorieanyway, /me toddles off to bed09:09
* jack is STILL running quantal :P09:09
newbieXXXXXok. updating now09:09
newbieXXXXXbtw what is your fvrt txt ed ?09:12
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newbieXXXXXmine gedit09:14
lordievadervalorie: Sleep well.09:15
lordievadernewbieXXXXX: vim :D09:15
newbieXXXXXvalorie: are u a valorie z. ?09:16
newbieXXXXX2late :(09:17
newbieXXXXXanyway thx 4 help09:18
newbieXXXXXbye all09:20
volkanhi everyone11:17
volkanWhen I run Kontact after Kubuntu 13.10 upgrade, I receive an error related to tests and it does not start. This happens also for Korganizer and Kmail.11:17
volkanHow can I fix this?11:17
volkanPlease find the error log here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6326863/11:17
jackPaket kasablanca ist nicht verfügbar, wird aber von einem anderen Paket11:44
jackreferenziert. Das kann heißen, dass das Paket fehlt, dass es abgelöst11:44
jackwurde oder nur aus einer anderen Quelle verfügbar ist.11:44
hateball!de | jack11:46
ubottujack: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!11:46
lordievaderHey nullne11:56
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eagles0513875_ikonia: still no luck12:31
ikoniaeagles0513875_: what do you mean, no luck ?12:31
ikoniano luck with what12:31
eagles0513875_ikonia: no luck with what i found earlier :(12:32
ikoniadid you do what I suggested ?12:33
ikonia(well what lordievader suggested)12:33
eagles0513875_ikonia: about creating the file and adding what was suggested to it. yes i did and still nothing12:35
ikoniaeagles0513875_: no, about finding out if that file was still valid in your distribution12:35
ikoniano point creating a file unless you know it is / is not valid otherwise you get no benifit from creating the file12:36
[Ethos]how do I change the taskbar color in kde412:42
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Guest22907hi my name is Raphael Bim13:22
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meganerdI have an odd problem with Kubuntu 13.10.  Shortly after logging in window elements become unresponsive and the menu bar does not respond to mouse clicks.  The mouse moves but no clicks seem to work.  The keyboard works except that application menus do not respond.  I can get temporary access by running "kwin --replace &".  Funny thing, is that if I do "sudo service kdm stop ; sudo service kdm start", the second time I log in it is16:31
meganerdstable until I either reboot or resume.16:31
meganerdthere does not seem to be anything unusual in either /var/log/syslog or /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:31
meganerdthe laptop worked great under Kubuntu 12.10.  This was a fresh install (not an in place upgrade).16:32
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MangaKaDenzahow do I replace the system default font?17:20
theendusero/ can anyone tell me where akregator settings are located?17:25
WalexMangaKaDenza: which ones?17:27
MangaKaDenzaall of them17:27
WalexMangaKaDenza: that takes several pages of complicated explanations...17:28
MangaKaDenzaaz many as possible :P17:28
WalexMangaKaDenza: also do you mean replacing the font file or just switching in use from an already installed font to another?17:29
WalexMangaKaDenza: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxFonts.html for an introduction17:29
WalexMangaKaDenza: note that *each application* (or desktop environment) has a different set of default fonts.17:30
WalexMangaKaDenza: the KDE default fonts can be changed by using 'System settings' and then 'Common Appearance and Behaviour' and then 'Application appearance' and then 'Fonts'.17:31
MangaKaDenzaTastes like Segoe17:33
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theenduserno one? pretty please? ;)17:51
lordievaderHey theenduser17:55
FlyingFoXtheenduser: maybe in one of these files: ls .kde/share/config/akonadi*18:02
FlyingFoXups, wrong18:02
lordievadertheenduser, FlyingFoX: Well it is probably there or in ~/.kde/share/apps/18:05
FlyingFoXfind doesnt find any file with akregator in the name in ~/.kde18:06
lordievaderFlyingFoX: Do you have it installed?18:07
FlyingFoXlordievader: :yes18:07
FlyingFoXah, but never executed. so now there it is in ~/.kde/share/apps/akregator18:08
lordievaderFlyingFoX: Ah, same thing here ;)18:08
theenduserFlyingFoX: lordievader thnx ;)18:08
theenduserI always forget about the .kde folder :)18:09
FlyingFoXI have just realized, that I connected my headset to the microfone port and my microfone to the headset port. It still worked yesterday with this setup, but now when I plug it into the correct ports my microfone doesn't work anymore even after a restart. any idea how to fix this?18:11
theenduserargh it still doesn't mark feeds as read18:12
FlyingFoXcrazily enough do I get sound again, but the microfone isn't working any more.18:12
lordievaderFlyingFoX: Have you played around in pavucontrol?18:13
lordievaderFlyingFoX: And it is not muted in alsa mixer?18:13
FlyingFoXthere is only one input device listed18:13
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FlyingFoXlordievader: That might be, but it seems I can't unmute. There is a column saying Front Mic. It is red has no bars and doesn't respond to anything i tried.18:17
lordievaderFlyingFoX: In pavucontrol under the Configuration tab what profile is set for the used soundcard?18:17
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FlyingFoXlordievader: analog stereo duplex18:18
lordievaderFlyingFoX: Hmm, so it ain't that. The microphone is verified to be in working condition?18:19
FlyingFoXstupid me18:20
FlyingFoXeverything working now18:20
lordievaderFlyingFoX: What was the fix?18:21
FlyingFoXapparently I switched it to off hardware site and forgot it.18:21
FlyingFoXty for the help :)18:22
lordievaderFlyingFoX: Hehe, difficult to fix with software ;)18:22
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kriseHi, is ther any way how can i add any internet radio to amarok 2.819:23
kriselike http://www.di.fm/futuresynthpop for example19:23
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anubisis there some active c / cuda channel available?21:52
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mausschubserI cannot WRITE on my external HDD. Can someone help me fix it? thanks22:24
mausschubserI can read22:26
mausschubserit's EXT4 1TB22:26
mausschubserEvery time I try to save something on the drive, it says: access denied, impossible to write on.....22:34
skreech_mausschubser: How did you mount it?22:42
mausschubserskreech_: Hello, it automatically mounts when starting22:43
skreech_mausschubser: Can you pastebin the /etc/fstab file ?22:43
mausschubserskreech_: yes, just a moment22:43
wxl…and maybe the results of mount, mausschubser22:43
skreech_wxl: That would help too but if it's doing it at mount it's probably /etc/fstab (hopefully)22:44
skreech_ It could be udev as well22:44
skreech_Anyone knows if I can unload and reload a video driver from memory without replacing it with somehitng in terim ?22:45
mausschubserskreech_:  it does'nt know  /etc/fstab22:45
wxli honestly have never tried22:45
mausschubserwxl:  just mount?22:45
wxlmausschubser: the mount command, with no other input, will list all your mounts22:45
wxland you have to have an /etc/fstab22:46
wxlfor example, root and proc get mounted from fstab. there's no way you're running without that!22:47
mausschubserthat's mount22:47
wxlline 15 is the drive, right?22:48
mausschubserwxl: right22:48
mausschubserso I m  just pasting  /etc/fstab into a terminal=22:49
wxland what EXACTLY happens when you try to write to it?22:49
mausschubserit says: access denied, no right to write22:49
mausschubserin dolphin22:50
wxlwhat about in terminal?22:50
mausschubserI'm not familiar with that, sorry22:50
skreech_mausschubser: the command would be pastebinit /etc/fstab22:50
wxlopen konsole22:50
mausschubserI see22:50
skreech_ It should give you a URL which you paste in here22:50
skreech_wxl: And i think you can drop linux into an embedded mode where it doesn't need an /etc/fstab but you need a very simple setup forthat to work22:51
wxlin konsole you can "touch /media/mausschubser/Linux/foo"22:51
wxlskreech_: oh it's TOTALLY possible, but highly unlikely :)22:52
wxli don't use quassel but if it has an exec command you could even do /exec -o pastebinit /etc/fstab22:52
wxlor something of the sort22:52
mausschubserthere we go22:53
wxldoesn't at all refer to your drive, so that has nothing to do with it22:53
wxlan indeed mount shows uhelper=udisks2, so i take it that implies udev, eh, skreech_ ?22:53
mausschubserwxl:  touch /media/mausschubser/Linux/foo  it says Folder not found22:54
skreech_wxl: So there is a way :)22:55
mausschubserrunning KDE 4.11.222:55
mausschubserif that helps22:55
wxltry ls -al /media/mausschubser22:55
skreech_wxl: Yes that' Udev then22:56
mausschubserwxl: http://goo.gl/hKOUBV22:57
wxlso there's your problem22:57
wxlonly root owns it22:57
skreech_It's a hal rule22:57
mausschubserso, how to change this?22:57
wxlcan't you make device specific udev  rules, skreech_ ?22:58
skreech_Not sure why it would be device specific22:58
wxlwell clearly it is if the nokia's mounting just find (it also uses uhelper=udisks2)22:58
skreech_mausschubser: can you run ls -l /etc/udev/rules.d/ | pastebinit22:59
mausschubserskreech_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6332789/22:59
skreech_wxl: No it's when it mounted. Both are rw but you can see the uid for the Nokia is the first user. It mounted from rules after login.22:59
skreech_Root is mounting the drive at login soit's mounting for root23:00
skreech_What we probably want to do is tell udev if you are automounting a USB block device for root then make it available to everyone else23:00
skreech_mausschubser: ok do you know how to write a file as root?23:01
mausschubserhold on23:01
mausschubserI forgot23:01
skreech_If not just open a text editor and put this inside there23:01
mausschubserin a terminal23:01
skreech_KERNEL=="sd*", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", MODE="0555"23:02
skreech_doesn't have to be in a terminal23:02
skreech_can be gui as well23:02
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skreech_save it as something like 60-usb-read-only.rules23:02
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skreech_note where you saved it23:03
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skreech_wxl: But yes you can make device specific rules23:03
mausschubserskreech_: done23:04
skreech_wait whoops that's the umask23:04
skreech_Change MODE=23:05
skreech_change MODE=0555 to MODE=066623:06
skreech_555 is not writeable. 666 is23:06
skreech_mausschubser: where did you save it ?23:06
mausschubserI see, done23:06
mausschubserin a folder23:07
mausschubserI know where ;-)23:07
skreech_they in konsole type sudo mv /path/to/your/folder/60-usbread-only.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/23:07
skreech_and then sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart23:08
skreech_or it's probably sudo service udev restart now23:08
skreech_sorry I'm old schoool :)23:08
mausschubserno problem, me too23:08
skreech_or you know just reboot ;)23:08
* wxl facepalms23:10
mausschubserlol, why wxl?23:10
wxlthere's that terrible, terrible word again— reboot23:10
mausschubserOk, I did  sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart23:13
mausschubserhow can I test if it works? I think I will re-mount my hdd23:14
skreech_mausschubser: Well if you remountit now it's likely to do it under your user name and get you access23:24
skreech_The reboot was to check if it was mounting it at boot time under root with access for everyone23:24
skreech_but either works ;)23:24
mausschubserskreech_:  sorry, still have to test it23:25
skreech_mausschubser: that's fine23:25
skreech_if you just want to use it now you can just remount with umask =022223:25
skreech_or uid=1000 that would make you owner23:26
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