
Kilosmorning all05:35
mazalMore oom05:36
Kiloshi mazal 05:36
Kilosek volg julle werk met thunderbird05:37
Kilosmaar ek gebruik weer evolution05:37
mazalUbuntu is 'n gemors van laasweek af05:37
mazalThunderbird , Unity dash en Ubuntu One stukkend05:38
mazalRaak baie geirriteerd met dit05:38
Kiloswat het gebeur me t dash05:38
Kilosmyne werk goed nog na upgrades05:38
Kilosop 12.0405:39
mazalDash wys nie recent nie en kan ook nie meer search nie05:40
Kiloso ek het daai recen afgesit sodat ek net goed sien wat ek gebruik05:40
Kilosek gebruik selle goed die meeste van die tyd so dit spaar n tikery05:41
mazalAlles het gekom na laasweek se kernel update05:41
Kilosen recovery na n oue help nie?05:42
mazalNou sukkel ek maar so aan en hoop dat volgende updates gaan reg maak. Het nie tyd vir 'n re-install nie05:42
mazalEn een van my favourite linux tools , parted magic , is nou skielik ook nie meer free nie05:42
mazalMoet ook nou gekoop word :(05:43
mazalSo die Ubuntu / Linux wereld krap my weer goed die laaste tyd05:43
Kiloshet jy nie n cd met dit op nie05:43
mazalJa ek het nog die ou een05:44
mazalMaar nou kan mens nie meer updated een kry nie05:44
Kilosdan gebruik die oue man05:44
mazalEn die ander een , Redo , lyk my het gaan stilstaan. Die laaste update was einde 2012 :(05:44
mazalEn remastersys gebeur daar ook niks meer verder nie en het ook gaan stilstaan05:44
Kilosja wel wat kan ons doen05:45
mazalMens kannie so sukkel nie05:45
Kilosek wil nog kyk na relinux05:45
mazalEk kannie onthou wanneer laas was Ubuntu problem free nie05:46
mazalNuutste versions is vol bollie en LTS ook05:46
Kilosmaar dink my dvdskrywer het gekalf nou05:46
Kilosai! man my 12.04 werk goed op unity en kde05:46
mazalLaaste ruk het dit my weer herhinner aan die gesegde " Linux is only free if your time means nothing "05:47
mazalIs die waarheid , mens moet so baie tyd spandeer aan problem solving en re-installs dat mens nie by iets anders kan uitkom nie05:48
mazalOf jy moet maar aansukkel en hoop updates fix wat hulle gebreek het dalk05:48
Kilosis ubuntuone stukkend op jou pc ?06:06
Kilosek sal kyk of dit nog hier werk op die 1ste06:07
mazalEk het hom reggekry met gesukkel06:08
mazalMoes hom remove , sekere folder in ~ delete en oor install06:08
mazalEn toe wipe hy al die docs wat ek daardie dag aan gewerk het en vervang met oues wat op die server was06:09
bduk1More almal06:16
Kiloslo bduk1 06:16
bduk1Hoe gaan dit daaikant Kilos 06:18
Kilosgoed dankie en daar06:18
bduk1Kla nie darem bietjie reen gehad en die veld word groen beeste en skape word bietjie vet06:19
Kilosja dit moet net aan hou elke week06:20
Kiloshi Vince-0 space 06:38
spaceHello Kilos, my friend.06:39
Kilosyou well?06:40
spaceWho always greets me despite I do nothing for the channel and I am not South African.06:40
bduk1If you use linux youre part of the family doesn't matter where you live06:41
Symmetriawheee our new gaming server we're taking live on the network has arrived and is being shipped to its hosting location now06:45
Symmetrialo all btw :)06:46
Kiloshi Symmetria 06:46
Symmetriaheh, putting down a insanely sized gaming server to host a gaming server for low latency gaming in east and southern africa06:47
Symmetriagonna be awesome06:47
Kiloswhere is this server gonna be situated Symmetria ?06:48
Vince-0Battlefield 4?06:50
Symmetriakilos, uganda, but the latency back to za is only 50 odd ms 06:51
Symmetriavince should be on there yes06:51
Kilosah sounds good for gamers. is this where you gonna stick a mirror on?06:51
Symmetriawe've pulled a direct gigE circuit between south africa and mombassa, and from mombassa -> nairobi -> kampala we have 10G circuits, so it doesn't have to go beyond africa 06:51
Symmetriakilos thats seperate hardware, still waiting for approvals on that, hopefully week after next will get them06:52
Symmetriawe'll host the mirrors though in kenya, for various reasons (space and power being one of them)06:52
Kilosok and what are the chances of doing a deb-delta on it too?06:52
Kiloswill save ll of us time and like 80% data costs06:53
Symmetriaheh once the hardware arrives for the mirror? thats easy06:53
Symmetriathe box the mirror will go on is *insanely* huge 06:53
Symmetriawith *insane* amounts of disk space06:53
Symmetriaits wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bigger than mirror.ac.za06:53
Symmetria(256gig of ram, dual 6 core cpus, and close to 200 TB of redundant space)06:54
Kilosheres hoping06:54
Symmetrialol, just gotta get the signature for the 60 or 70 thousand dollars 06:55
Kilosi go feed sheep quick06:56
Vince-0Hey Symmetria, do you happen to have access to Harare on fibre? I'm trying to get SIP to Africom there reliably06:57
Symmetriavince *HRM* got an ip for me?07:02
SymmetriaI wanna do some traces and see where it goes 07:03
Symmetriaalso, which ISP do you use in south africa?07:03
Symmetriabecause I gotta see the peering situation 07:03
Symmetria(but we are the de-facto isp in zimbabwe, we have multiple 10G between joburg and harare)07:03
Vince-0liquiid or something? let me get IPs - can I PM you in 5 mins?07:04
Vince-0'cos going over seacom is an issue07:04
Symmetriayeah sure pm whenever07:05
Symmetriaand yeah, Im head of IP strategy for Liquid group globally07:05
Vince-0ooh I see, shoulda made friends ages ago - these SIP carriers are noobs in Zim and in SA07:06
inetprogood mornings07:07
* inetpro looking at new mobile phones again07:08
inetproanyone here tried the S4 mini yet?07:08
Kiloshi inetpro 07:08
inetprohi Kilos07:12
Vince-0inetpro, negative on the s4 mini07:13
Vince-0but an office colleague has one and it does OK07:13
inetproVince-0: thanks07:15
inetproI'm wondering whether it's a good idea to get an LTE phone07:15
Vince-0you'll be lucky to get reliable 3G07:15
inetproand whether it falls back to proper HSDPA/3G if there is no LTE coverage07:16
Vince-0find something with a big battery (I got Moto Razr Maxx)07:16
* inetpro looking for something small for my wife07:16
Symmetrialol I flip back to this channel and I see 2 lines that refer to a big battery, and then looking for something small for a wife....07:27
Symmetriaand in isolation, those 2 lines looked rather dodgy ;p07:27
inetproSymmetria: :-)07:28
Kiloshi magespawn wb07:28
magespawnhey Kilos07:28
inetproobviously more battery is always recommended07:29
magespawngood morning all07:29
inetpromagespawn: good morning07:29
magespawnhow are things this morning?07:30
Kilosbit more lively07:30
mazalHi magespawn 07:31
mazalMorning everyone I haven't greeted yet07:31
* inetpro takes note that the S4 mini has very poor battery life07:55
inetproperhaps I should reconsider and rather get the note 3 phablet for her07:56
Kiloshmm... dont fiddle inside pc when system is running08:03
inetproKilos: what did you break this time?08:12
Kiloshahaha i took out the dvd writet without first shutting down then screen went blank, so had to switch off and on rebooting 12.04 had to fix lotsa orpan inodes08:13
Kilosi wanna try the writer on a not recently upgraded 12.0408:14
Symmetria;p my new monitors should arrive in 15 minutes!08:15
Kilosyou like a kid at christmas time08:16
Kilosoh i havent done the weekly smileys i think08:16
Kilos:) :-) 08:17
Kiloshi Cantide hows it going there?08:37
CantideKilos: it's going well so far :)08:37
Kiloshehe http://www.vodacom.mobi/mobile/main/gift08:37
Cantidehow are things in SA?08:37
Kilosalso good ty08:38
Kilosone smses a friends cell number to 1234 and they get 500 free smses08:38
Kilosnope i got from my sister08:39
Kiloshi Xethron 08:39
Cantideoh :)08:39
Kilosthey been advertising it on tv as well08:39
Kilosmaybe they feeling the pressure from other isp's08:40
Kiloshi psyatw 09:14
psyatwhi Kilos09:16
Xethron_hi Kilos09:21
psyatwhi Xethron_09:22
Kiloswhen you moving psyatw ?09:22
psyatwKilos, I don´t know yet09:23
psyatwI have to apply09:23
Kiloswell do it man, dont keep us in suspence09:24
Kilosjust now someone else gets the job09:24
psyatwI´ve just come back from Krakow09:24
psyatwwell, I hope not09:25
psyatwI´m going to work on it this week, I also need to update my CV09:25
Kiloslotsa IT peeps looking for work so dont waste time09:26
psyatwyeah, I know09:37
mazaloom Kilos 09:37
Kilosya seun?09:38
mazalListen if my logic is right :09:38
mazalI just made a iso of my 12.04 with broken unity dash ok09:38
mazalWhen I boot that iso in live mode , the unity dash is fine09:38
mazalSo for me , this looks like whatever is wrong is not a program error , otherwise it would have been broken in live model as well ?09:39
Kilosthen its something corrupt on your system09:39
mazalAm I thinking right ?09:39
Kilosimo yes09:40
mazalSo I'm thinking some or other broken config file in ~09:40
mazalCos nothing in ~ is included in the iso09:41
Kilosis that ~ /home/09:41
Kilosi use ~/Desktop/ so the ~ is a shortcut past /home/miles/ hey09:42
mazal~  is /home/mazal09:42
mazalI think something in there broken with unity config files09:43
Kilosso you got something not happy in your own mazal conf09:43
mazalIf my logic makes sense09:43
Kilossounds right to me, but you should ask the clever peeps09:43
mazalThere's mos tons of unity and gtk config files in our home folders09:43
Kilosyou could go with aptitude reinsta09:44
Kilosreinstall some of the unity files09:44
Kilosor ubuntu-desktop09:44
mazalwhat would re-install ubuntu-desktop do ?09:45
mazalsnap !09:45
Kilosit installs the desktop09:45
mazalOr just re-install my iso that works09:45
Kilosaptitude should find and sort the prob09:45
mazalI don't know aptitude well09:46
Kilosyou can do that too yes. i install lots09:46
Kilossudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-desktop09:46
mazalBut would rather find a fix less time consuming09:46
mazalI think I must try that one oom09:46
Kilosor sudo apt-get install ubuntu-dektop --reinstall09:46
mazalGonna give that a try now09:47
Kilosi like aptitude it gives you feedback that i understand and removes whats not needed09:47
Kilosoh my he crashed09:53
Kilosor rebooted hopefully09:53
mazalNog dieselle09:56
Kiloswb mazal 09:56
mazalMaar die ander user id op my pc sin werk ook reg09:56
mazalIs iets in my user se configs , maar wat en hoe kry mens dit reg09:56
Kilosthen its personal09:57
mazalGoogle weet nie , het al getry09:57
Kilosi dunno if sudo dpkg --configure -a kan help nie09:58
Kilostell me again what is wrong with your dash09:59
Kilosonly forgets recently used?10:01
mazalapp lens no recent section at all and all lenses can't search10:04
mazalFor example file lense I can't search my files10:04
Kiloslemme look in synaptic10:05
Kilosopen synaptic and type in lens10:06
Kilosthen right click reinstall them all10:06
Kilosor see what they are called and use aptitude to reinstall10:07
mazalDone , laak eers logout en sien10:09
mazalNope , selle10:11
Kilostheres some conf file you gonna have to rename or delete first then run lots of installs again to reconfigure10:12
mazalGonna try to re-install unity now10:14
Kilossomething in /mazal/10:14
mazalNo difference10:18
Kilosuse the other user10:18
Kilosor make new user with your same nick10:19
Kilosand give it admin rights10:19
Kilossame username and password10:20
mazalThat will cos a lot of issues with configs and permissions10:20
Kilosthen once going and if all is good remove the original user10:20
Kilosnot if you use same username and password10:21
mazalCan't have 2 users with same name10:21
mazalI will have to backup , remove my user , re-create user , put backup back10:22
Kiloshopefully backup dont keep the prob in it10:22
mazalWill only put back folders that is neccesary10:22
Kilosi wish one of the clever guys would give some guidance10:23
mazalWill try that when I have time10:23
Kilosons poep in die donker hier10:23
Kilosif one could just find which conf file is the faulty one you can sommer remove it and copy the one from another user without probs10:24
Kilossjoe if you register your sim with vodacom they want id number or passport number10:26
Kilosi dont trust that10:27
mazalYay got my thunderbird sorted at least10:55
mazalUbuntu one and thunderbird working again , just unity dash problem left10:55
Kiloswhat did you do?11:03
mazalFound out how to disable lighning updates in Thunderbird and installed older version again11:07
Kilosoh mazal you can also use synaptic to lock versions of installed packages11:19
mazalNot for thunderbird add-ons11:19
mazalYou have to do it inside thunderbird add-on manager itself11:20
Kilosyou get the package thats installed and tick on it then go edit i think it was and choose lock version11:20
Kilosany other stuff you dont want upgraded then11:21
mazalCan I tick " Don't upgrade girlfriend 4.0 to Wife 1.0 " ?11:21
Kilosoh no its on package you get lock version11:21
Kilosi locked firefox long ago11:22
mazalI'm still on chrome , don't use firefox anymore11:26
mazalIf you do that "lock version" will it still download the deb files but just not install them ?11:27
Kilosi dunno11:27
Kilosi think so ya11:27
Kilosi saw once something about packages downloaded but no installed11:27
Kiloshmm... no fish it seems12:35
mazalKilos, another one for you12:39
mazalThe "lock version" setting in synaptic12:39
mazalDoes it also lock it for cli apt-get ?12:40
Kilosyes but not aptitude upgrade12:40
Kilosaptitude over rides it12:40
Kilosi just did a remastersys to a stick using startup disk creator12:41
Kilosand it works12:41
mazalI always take it to usb and dvd12:42
Kilosso that overcomes my need to get a dvd writer for a while12:42
mazalIn 13.04 it doesn't work though12:42
Kilosi always did brasero or k3b to dvd12:42
mazal13.04 startup disk creator kept crashing like crazy12:43
Kilosmade one on a stick using unetbootin but this was with startup disk creator12:43
Kilosi didnt even try it because i couldnt get it to work on older buntus12:44
mazalUnetbootin never worked on my remastersys iso's. Some or other bug12:44
Kiloslol wierd thats all i could get to work12:44
mazalJust kept giving boot loader error12:44
mazalI'm gone , have a nice evening12:45
Kiloswhen it asks for password just before loading the boot loadrer you cant make it wait12:45
mazalCheers all12:45
Kilosyou too12:45
mazalLekker aand oom12:45
Kilosjy ook dankie12:46
Squirmmagespawn: hey14:09
Squirmmagespawn: is there anything touristy to do up your way?14:09
Squirmheading to St. Lucia on Friday, staying in Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park, Hluhluwe side14:10
Kilosthere used to be boat tours up the estuary right to the lake in the old days and of course game spotting drives for tourist in the reserve14:21
Kilosbut our game guide retired and became a geek14:22
SquirmKilos: I've booked a tour on the Estuary14:25
magespawnLots Squirm, but I have to run now, I can chat in the morning14:25
Squirmmagespawn: cool.14:26
SquirmI mean, we're in the park. but I can only look at animals for a set amount of time :P Then I may start getting bored14:26
Squirmwell, at least driving around the park and looking FOR animals14:26
Squirmno fun in that14:27
Kilosya better to watch game on tv14:27
Squirmyou'll see more of it14:27
Kilosthen you can switch channels14:27
Squirmonly things I'd really like to see are leopard and cheetah14:27
Kiloson the estuary there used to be lotsa hippos and crocs to see14:28
Kilosbest to watch cheetah on tv14:28
Kilosthen you see more14:28
Kilosi dunno maybe there are some downloadable vids of cheetah catches and so on14:29
Kilosits almost like on rugby you see much more on tv14:31
Kilosand miss out the boring part of travelling or not being close enough etc14:32
Kilosi used to enjoy walking through the pretoria zoo14:32
Kilosthere the animals battle to hide away14:33
Kiloshi fromsite 14:48
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za14:48
Kiloswhat site you from?14:48
Kilosok bye14:48
Symmetrialol 14:51
Symmetriawanna see something hardcore?14:51
Kilosno thanks14:51
Symmetrialol, I know its booted into windows so don't shoot me14:51
Symmetriabut check this out14:51
Symmetriahttp://www.alstonnetworks.net/temp/computer.jpg 14:51
Symmetria;p thats now my completed setup 14:51
Kiloslooks good14:52
Kiloscan/do you use all of that?14:52
Kilosi can only manage to watch one screen at a time14:53
Kiloshow many eyes you got?14:53
Symmetrialol, you get used to it14:53
Symmetriaonly problem with this setup is the heat it generates 14:53
Symmetrianeed a better aircon in my office14:54
Kiloslekker for winter14:54
Kiloshi Private_User welcome to ubuntu-za15:24
Kiloscrazy nick you have15:24
Private_Useryeah used to used it a long while back15:26
Kilosso how many of you geeks are like sheldon in the big bang theory15:32
Kiloswhat a twit15:33
Private_Userhas anybody here performed a new install using the ubuntu 13.10 ISO?15:40
Kilosquite a few have tried it yes15:41
Kilosyou having probs?15:41
Private_Useryep probs15:42
Private_Usertried so many different suggestions from the forums and askubuntu15:42
Private_Userthat is an issue I have as well15:42
Kiloswell mosy of the guys are on their way home but state your problem and hang till someone gets a chance to answer15:43
Private_Userno worries thanks15:43
Kilosis this your first ubuntu?15:44
Kilosand are you also only using 500m ram?15:45
Kilosubuntu loves lotsa ram15:45
Private_Userall the same for me15:45
Kilosi battled even with old pcs with anything under 640m ram15:45
Kilosnot old pcs old releases15:46
Kilosif you can add 1g or even 2g you will see everything works15:46
Kilosaw sorry but thats what i see15:47
Private_Userwas trying to avoid that15:47
Kiloslemme look at the rest there15:47
Private_Userbut I do have a minimal install of ubuntu 13.04 server on the same machine15:48
Kilosyes server uses min ram15:48
Kilosits the graphics that needs it15:48
Kilosthe gui15:48
Kilosim sure its a ram shortage, but lets see what the guys say when they get home15:49
Private_Useryeah thought as much so you say it will not even be possible to maybe from within the server run the install?15:50
Kilosdont you know anyone close by where you can borrow a gig or two just to test?15:50
Kilosyour server will run fine until you install a graphic user interface15:51
Private_Userhang on I just remember I tried this on a virtual box machine with even less ram, it was extremely slow but worked well the installation part15:52
Kilosim using basically the same setup pc wise but with 1.5g of ram15:52
Private_Useronce logged in I shut it down cause it was extremely slow so thought it might work on the desktop pc15:52
Private_Userok and you have no issues15:53
Kilosim sure its ram15:53
Private_Userthen if there are no other suggestions I will have to see if I could get some memory15:53
Kilosnope running 12.04 unity kde and an old 10.10 install15:53
Kilosalso if you want to run a virtual box in it you will need maybe 4g ram to work lekker15:54
Private_Userso I am guessing the other alternative is to maybe install a lighter version like lubuntu or something like that15:54
Kiloswhen you get the gray screen do you see a cursor?15:55
Kiloseven then 500m is min15:55
Private_Usernope nothing15:55
Kiloswell lets hear if anyone else has any other suggestions15:56
Kilostumbleweed, am i right?15:57
KilosPrivate_User, what graphics card have you got there?15:57
Private_Userhopefully somebody can give a work around. this PC was just collecting dust so i thought I might as well use it15:58
Private_Userits an onboard card I think15:58
Private_Userhang on let me confirm15:58
Kilosa 3g P4 works well with 2g ram and even faster with a goodish graphics card15:59
Kilosoh also is it a dual core or single core16:00
Kilossome dual cores dont have the bios setup to use the second one so that also slows it down some16:01
Private_Userits onboard16:01
Kilosshould work. lemme just think a bit16:02
Kilosim not sure about 13.10 but onboard i couldnt get more than 2d graphics with 12.0416:03
Kilosthen with a nvidia graphics card in unity came alive16:04
Kilosif you dont have capped data you can try 12.04. its not as crazy as 13.1016:06
Kiloslots of guys here go with the LTS releases16:06
Kilosor even try mint16:08
KilosSquirm, you here?16:08
Private_Userok I think I will try that maybe download that version and see if it works16:09
Private_Userbut will have to do it late after 00:0016:09
Private_Useruse my off peak data16:10
Kilosnight surfer data?16:10
Kiloshehe same here16:10
Private_UserI have this CellC 200giga16:10
Private_Useronce of prepaid for 12 months16:10
Private_User50GB peak16:11
Kilosi use the 8ta 2+116:11
Private_User150GB offpeak16:11
Private_Userbut once off16:11
Kilosya if you can stay up so late thats great16:11
Kilos150g is stacks16:12
Private_Useryep its way better that some of the other packages out there, I dream of the day when broadband is cheap here16:14
Kiloshaha dont we all16:14
Private_Userbtw do you know of a good free open source IRC client I can use?16:20
Kilosxchat its in the ubuntu repos16:24
Kilosand pidgin for other IM's16:24
Kilosyou know about using the command so just type in sudo apt-get install xchat16:25
Private_Userthanks will check them out16:26
KilosPrivate_User, i think this is the link you want for 12.0416:29
Kilossorry storming so power keeps dying16:36
Private_Userthank you16:38
Private_Userwill use this link later16:38
Kilosanytime. you must make this channel your main irc channel16:39
Private_Userwill do gonna install the IRC client now since I am using the browserbut is it 1.6GB?16:41
Kilosand we have community meetings here once a month16:41
Kilosis what that big?16:42
Kilosirc client is tiny16:42
Private_Useroh sorry the ISO image for16:42
Private_Userubuntu 12.0416:42
Kiloswhew maybe  but normally around 750m or so16:43
Kilos733 was my last one16:43
Kilosmaybe theyve grown some16:45
Kilosyou know how to use the terminal hey?16:47
Private_UserI am still learning the commands16:49
Kilosctrl+alt+t opens it16:49
Kilosare you here now from the live iso?16:49
Private_Userfrom the live ISO? are you speaking about at the setup menu?16:52
Private_Userok I have just logged in using the client gonna log off from browser now16:53
Kilosno when you boot from the stick you can choose try ubuntu and then its like a working system16:53
Kiloshi Resu_Etavirp welcome to ubuntu-ZA16:54
Kilosoh is that you?16:54
Resu_Etavirpyep I now closed my browser using the client now16:54
Kilosyou full of crazy nicks16:54
Kiloshow did you find this channel16:55
Kilosyo zerlgi 16:57
zerlgiyo Kilos, tx16:57
Kiloshehe wb16:59
Kiloswhat happened17:00
Private_Userwas just checking a few settings on this client, very simple and easy to use17:01
Kilosyeah its the best one for me17:01
Private_Userno idea what happened there17:05
Private_Usergot the message: Disconnected (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine).17:05
Kiloswhat host machine?17:06
Private_Userexactly no idea17:07
Private_Userthis is my windows laptop but not for long I wanna built a completely free and open source system hence my reason for wanting to install on the desktop and start testing to ensure I am able to perform all tasks I need to17:11
Kiloshow big is the lappies hdd17:12
Private_Useraround well I have the drive partioned into 2 x 109GB but they both almost full17:13
Kilosso something in windows disconnected you17:13
Private_Userjust a gig left in one and around 7 on the other17:13
Symmetriagawd this desktop setup is awesome when working on tons of things at once17:14
Kilosbit min otherwise you could run ubuntu alongside windows17:14
SymmetriaI dont know how I'll ever go back to one or 2 screens 17:14
Symmetriaonce you go to a setup like this, moving back is horrible17:14
Private_Userso is everybody here ubuntu experts?17:15
Kilosya most are17:17
Kilosonly im a noobie17:17
Kilos\2 of the guys are ubuntu devs and others are programming specialists17:18
Kiloslike python17:18
Private_Usercool stuff17:19
Kiloswe are like a happy family here17:19
=== Resu_Etavirp is now known as Private_User
Private_Usernot sure why I am being disconnected17:26
Kilosyou could get xchat for windows as well17:26
Symmetrialol I wouldnt call myself an expert 17:47
Symmetriabut I know enough to get around 17:48
Kilossuch modesty17:48
Kilosyou good at what you do17:48
Symmetriayeah :) but it aint ubuntu related most of the time 17:48
Symmetriain networking, yes, there Im an expert, and I know it17:49
Symmetriain ubuntu? enough to use it pretty well :) 17:49
Kiloshorses for courses17:49
Symmetriaheh interesting17:54
Symmetriayou know on amazon's webpage, it shows recommended items17:54
SymmetriaI've just found out that they got their scaling properly, so even if you stretch that page super wide, it properly displays the recommended items next to each other no matter the res17:54
Symmetrialol, I stretched it across the entire desktop and the page still scaled properly 17:55
Kilosyou like playing18:03
Symmetriajust seeing what I can do with a desktop this big18:06
Symmetriaits just kinda freaky that amazon as you stretch it wider and wider, more and more recommended items appear as you do ;p its cool18:08
Kilosso guys , we waiting for an answer here about installing 13.10 on a p4 with only 500m ram18:55
Kilosi dont think it will work,18:55
Kiloshere is the link to what happens18:56
Kilosgraphics is a prob but im sure ram is too min18:56
Kilosnight all. sleep tight. see ya morrow19:32
Private_Userbtw guys correction the ram is 512MB (2x256MB)19:37
Private_Userfound on this site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements I met te min requirements therefore I assumed it would work19:39
Private_Userok looking forward to a solution will check again later19:40
Private_Userfor now I am off be back later... much much later ;) cheers19:40
superflyPrivate_User: you should be able to do a text install with 512 megs of RAM... though I thought you should be able to do a GUI install with 51219:43
superflybut if your screen card is the problem, then the text install should allow you to get to a point of installing the right drivers19:43
Symmetriaman I always said dell stinks19:58
Symmetriaanyone awake that would feel like taking on a small coding project for some decent pay?23:01

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