
littlegirlahoneybun: I ran OurProject through urlvoid to test it on various malware checking and blacklist checking sites and it comes up clean. Here's the report: http://www.urlvoid.com/scan/ourproject.org/00:01
* littlegirl is off to feed and will be back later. (:00:01
shadeslayerhmm, so all was discussed was documentation?00:03
ahoneybunshadeslayer, not by choice just was not much developers Riddell said00:08
shadeslayeroh ok00:08
ahoneybunI believe he said that00:09
shadeslayer-> only available from 8 AM UTC to 5 PM UTC <- I'd like to keep a sane work schedule :P00:09
* ahoneybun wonders how to get his @kubuntu.org email alias00:10
shadeslayerahoneybun: its lpusername@kubuntu.org00:11
shadeslayerwhich points to your address on Launchpad00:11
shadeslayer( the primary email address on launchpad )00:11
ahoneybunI tried that00:11
ahoneybunnope does not work00:14
ahoneybunnow it worked00:23
=== Pici is now known as TalkingMuffin
rohani am not able to connect to WPA2-TLS in kubuntu 13.10. is that a known bug? 03:16
apacheloggerrohan: no07:49
lordievaderGood morning.07:56
apacheloggerW: Failed to fetch http://at.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/saucy/Release.gpg  Cannot initiate the connection to at.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (2a00:1860:1:2::101). - connect (101: Network is unreachable) [IP: 2a00:1860:1:2::101 80]08:43
apacheloggernow why it try to use ipv608:43
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shadeslayersigh, someone is still building kopete git for 12.10 -.-10:15
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:19
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah was a lot of docs chat10:44
Riddellshadeslayer: the main topic we didn't cover was merges10:44
Riddellshadeslayer: also I'd like to chat about logind and systemd and whatnot10:44
shadeslayerRiddell: there was a discussion about plasma startup in #plasma minutes ago10:45
shadeslayeryou might want to read up10:45
Riddellhmm I wasn't on channel10:45
shadeslayerRiddell: mostly it seems like KDE is going to go the systemd way10:50
shadeslayerbut maybe we can generate upstart files by parsing systemd files / whatever10:50
shadeslayerbut even then, certain features might not be available, might be fiddly10:50
* shadeslayer is not well versed on init systems currently to comment on this10:51
shadeslayerso if someone who is better at this wants to bring it up, now is the time10:52
shadeslayerelse, it's going to be systemd 10:52
tester56hi, does anyone know the upstream location of "kde-gtk-config" package?10:53
shadeslayersee the package description10:53
Riddellshadeslayer: I presume we can live with systemd since gnome uses it and ubuntu/unity adapts what they have, but it would scare me10:54
shadeslayerRiddell: As far as I can see systemd is going to be a second class citizen on Ubuntu10:55
Riddellis that a good way to think of it?  isn't it more that they nick bits and reimplement bits as needed?10:55
Riddellovidiu-florin: yo, ping me when you want me to set up the account10:56
shadeslayersounds about right10:56
QuintasanIt's not even a second class citizen/10:56
shadeslayerso, not even second class citizen10:56
Quintasansystemd package in Ubuntu is so crippled it's not systemd10:56
shadeslayerI believe frankenstien is the word for it ;)10:56
QuintasanNamely - it doesn't even have the systemd binary10:56
shadeslayerI am quite lost as to what we're going to do for PW2 btw10:57
tester56Riddell, shadesplayer thx, stupid question, but where can i report bugs?10:59
Riddelltester56: bugs.kde.org11:03
tester56btw: where is the kubuntu artwork launchpad page? I would have a suggestion for the default air plasma theme: when logging out there is a moon shown, which makes no sense to me, the kubuntu logo would make more sense. I have patched that on my install11:03
Riddelltester56: we don't generally change upstream artwork11:04
Riddelltester56: that image used to be a konqi the dragon but I was overruled back in the day in favour of the moon11:04
tester56you do change stuff, for example you change the kde-logo in kickoff to a kubuntu one11:05
QuintasanUh I don't think we do that tester5611:06
tester56(KDEDESKTOP -> Kubuntu) 11:06
QuintasanI'm using the classic menu11:06
tester56okay if you say you wont change that, it's okay ... was just a suggestion ... but it would only be an effort of 1 minute11:08
Riddellkubotu: newpackage kte-collaborative 0.211:08
Riddelltester56: upstream request that we change that11:08
RiddellScottK: bug 1246433 for your SRU eyes11:09
ubottubug 1246433 in kdeconnect-kde (Ubuntu Saucy) "SRU 0.4 to saucy" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124643311:09
tester56Riddell: I am afraid I don't know what you mean by that11:10
Riddelltester56: KDE devs request that we change the logo in the kickoff menu but would prefer us not to change artwork elsewhere, since we like the KDE artwork we don't feel there's any need to change it elsewhere11:11
soeegood morning11:11
tester56Riddell, okay, thanks for pointing out11:12
* Riddell posts to list suggesting not to do a mass merge11:20
RiddellI see https://merges.ubuntu.com/ isn't even updated anyway11:20
debfxMoM looks only at unstable, not experimental11:37
Riddellright but it's useful for all our non-KDE SC packages11:37
debfxwhat isn't up-to-date in MoM?11:40
Riddellaah, I clicked the wrong link11:41
RiddellI clicked the manual merges link11:42
Riddellapachelogger: cor neon5 has 3 PPAs?  how often does the kf5 one build?11:57
shadeslayerRiddell: daily11:57
shadeslayerwell, whenever LP detects changes in bzr11:58
Riddellshadeslayer: what's the difference with kf5-daily?11:58
shadeslayerpackages are copied from kf5 to kf5-daily whenever all packages build in kf511:58
shadeslayerthen someone smoke tests them and moves them to weekly11:58
shadeslayeryou can even move them by adding PROMOTE to the PPA description11:59
shadeslayerautomation ftw11:59
apacheloggerRiddell: read the descriptions :P12:03
* shadeslayer rages against kuiserverjobtracker12:07
shadeslayerno apol as well12:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw what does muon use for authorization?12:15
shadeslayerthe password dialog that pops up and what not12:15
shadeslayerI think I screwed my system somehow because I can't run qapt-batch --update12:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: polkit12:16
Riddellkubotu: newversion kdevelop 4.5.212:17
shadeslayerutterly broken my system is]12:19
=== palasso_ is now known as palasso
apacheloggerthat's news right there12:24
* shadeslayer has to reinstall12:32
shadeslayerkubotu: newversion cmake12:37
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help newversion'12:37
shadeslayerkubotu: newversion cmake 2.8.1212:38
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^ could you do the needful? I have no upload rights for cmake12:38
Riddellshadeslayer: the needful?12:38
shadeslayergrab new cmake from https://launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/kf5 , check if everything is good, and upload to trusty?12:39
Riddellshadeslayer: onto it12:40
shadeslayerthx :)12:40
tester56does anyone know a general solution for the following problem: If you have an application and you want to find out the location of an icon in the toolbar, how would you do that? 13:23
tester56(kde applications)13:23
Riddelltester56: i.e. you look at a GUI and go "that's a nice icon, I wonder what the file is that stores it"?13:24
tester56for example13:24
Riddellyou'd need to look through the source to find the name of the icon13:24
Riddellthen it might be a file local to the application or it might be from the oxygen-icon-theme13:25
tester56but the image has to exist somewhere in the file system13:25
tester56yeah but i don't know if the icon is part of oxygen or if it is an application specific one13:25
RiddellI guess you could also use strace and grep to see what icon files it opens13:25
Riddellalthough it might be cached13:25
tester56how do icon theme creators handle that situation?13:26
tester56afk -> lunch13:26
Riddellwith difficulty13:27
Riddellthere's a freedesktop icon theme spec which lists many icons you need13:27
Riddellbut you also just need to see what's in oxygen-icons and copy them13:27
shadeslayerRiddell: tester56 there's also kiconfinder13:34
tester56shadesplayer: and how does that work?13:46
BluesKajtester56. kiconfinder nameofplasmoid13:48
tester56yeah, but that is not what i am looking for 13:48
tester56Riddell: how would the strace method work?13:49
Riddellstrace konsole 2>&1  | grep usr/share/icon13:50
Riddellmight do it, but they might also be cached13:50
tester56okay, lets do it with a simple example: kmenuedit: there is a new submenu icon ... let's find out the location of that icon13:52
tester56strace kmenuedit 2>&1  | grep usr/share/icon reveals nothing13:53
Riddell/usr/share/kde4/apps/kmenuedit/icons/hicolor/22x22/actions/menu_new.png ?13:54
Riddellkmenuedit is from kde-workspace (apt-cache showsrc kmenuedit)13:54
Riddellapt-get source kde-workspace  to get the code13:55
Riddellcd kde-workspace-4.11.1/kmenuedit13:55
Riddellgrep "New Submenu" *13:55
Riddellah it's in kmenuedit.cpp13:55
Riddellless kmenuedit.cpp13:55
RiddellI see "New Submenu" is a KAction which a couple lines above has     action->setIcon(KIcon("menu_new"));13:56
Riddelllocate menu_new13:56
Riddellcomes up with /usr/share/kde4/apps/kmenuedit/icons/hicolor/22x22/actions/menu_new.png13:56
Riddellvoila :)13:56
Riddellwhich is local to kmenuedit and in the pixmaps directory as hi22-action-menu_new.png13:57
tester56Riddell: nice, thank you very much!14:00
tester56that should always work, given the source of the application14:00
mikhasRiddell, o/14:04
mikhasthanks for everything in E., I appreciate your help/introduction very much14:05
Riddellmikhas: hope you liked it, how did the innovation day go?14:06
mikhaslots of information to process14:06
mikhasthey are very friendly towards people with no medical background, that was nice14:06
Riddellwill you free the NHS?14:06
mikhasyes, of course. I got inspired by william wallace when I visited the monument in Stirling14:07
Riddellexcellent :)14:07
mikhasthere are some big players in the field who'd happily give the software away as long as they get to keep the data14:07
Riddellthey sound evil14:08
mikhasso free software + free/private data is both needed14:08
mikhasactually they have cookies and dress nicely14:08
Riddellthe worst sort14:08
mikhasif only someone from KDE would work on a private cloud thing or so14:08
Riddellsomeone who kolaborated on an own cloud maybe14:09
mikhasyeah, too bad we wouldn't know of anyone14:09
mikhasRiddell, do you feel motivated to remain involved there?14:11
Riddellmikhas: I'm not especially involved currently, I just helped kirstin her hack event14:15
Riddellbut happy to help any way I can14:15
mikhaswell, critical feedback or "insider" information about local organizations in that area, might be useful14:16
mikhasI currently look at bioquarter and don't know what to make from that14:16
mikhassounds good in general but also very patent friendly14:17
mikhas(is commercialisation a real word even?)14:18
tester56Riddell: thank you very very much14:18
Riddellyes they'll be into commercialisation and monetisation with patents14:20
Riddellwhich may be fine, I don't know anything about the ethics of patents on biotechnology14:20
lordievaderGood afternoon.15:35
Riddellshadeslayer, apachelogger: could you copy cmake from kf5 to weekly and daily PPAs?16:36
Riddell(or add me to the team so I can do it)16:36
ovidiu-florinyofel valorie ScottK shadeslayer jussi could you please respond to my fund request as soon as possible so that (if approved) I can get the cheap price and not loose the reservation.16:36
ovidiu-florinit expires on 2013.11.01 1:00 PM UTC (tommorow)16:37
apacheloggerRiddell: that's not how weekly and daily work16:37
Riddellapachelogger: I know, but it's how I work :)16:38
apacheloggerwhy would you want to copy them?16:38
Riddellapachelogger: because I'm using weekyly and now I want to build git which needs the new cmake only in kf516:38
apacheloggerRiddell: so there's an incentive to make sure all framework branches build tomorrow :P16:39
jussiquick membership meeting for ovidiu-florin :P :P 16:48
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: question, what is your agenda for the munich meetup?17:14
ovidiu-florinI would like to fix some KDE Bugs, work on the Kubuntu Docummentation and (finally) meet some of you guys.17:16
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: ^17:16
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: If you could send a slightly detailed plan for the documentation to the mailing list, I'll vote17:16
ovidiu-florinwe talked about it yesterday on the mumble17:17
shadeslayerah I see, I thought ahoneybun wrote the plan17:17
* shadeslayer looks17:17
ovidiu-florinI'll be translating some of the content we have on the romanian Kubuntu site and adding it to the official wiki17:17
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: ^17:17
ovidiu-florinmostly regarding the Installation of Kubuntu17:18
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: ahoneybun asked littlegirl to write a outline of the meeting17:19
shadeslayerI see17:19
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: should I still send that documentation plan to the mailing list?17:24
shadeslayernot the same document, just outline what you want to do at the sprint17:24
shadeslayerwill help KC decide17:24
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: sent17:33
rohancould someone help with a network manager issue? I am unable to make and save changes to an 802.11 WPA2-enterprise wifi connection. 17:37
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apacheloggersupport is in #kubuntu17:45
rohani'm unable to add WPA2-TLS connections even on the livecd 17:54
rohanand with saucy-proposed upgrades 17:54
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QuintasanScottK: What do your SRU powers can tell about kdeconnect-kde?19:21
Quintasanbdmurray is looking at it since I messed up the Closes syntax19:29
yossarianukhi - can someone confirm that this bug  -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1242417 is now fixed?20:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 1242417 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu Trusty) "UEFI install broken when GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR!=Ubuntu (e.g. Kubuntu/UbuntuStudio)" [Critical,In progress]20:48
yossarianuki.e - if install and enable updates during installation it will now boot UEFO ?20:48
ScottKFor Kubuntu it should be fixed.  Not yet, AFAIK for Ubutu Studio.21:01
genii-o-lanternThe topic got changed... does someone have the polo shirt link offhand?21:15
ScottKjussi: ^^^21:17
jussigenii should be still in the off topic topic21:18
genii-o-lanternAh, OK21:19
genii-o-lanternYes, it is :)21:19
jussion mobile so copying and so on is hard21:20
yossarianukhi - does anyone know how long it takes for the local mirrors to catch up with updates ?21:35
genii-o-lanternjussi: Done.21:44
yofelkubotu: topic restore23:10
kubotuyofel, you don't have 'topic' permissions here23:10
yofelapachelogger: ^23:10

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