
YaMoonSunSo this is default and I never realized because I wake up at obscene hours? Fair enough. Thanks for the link.00:05
YaMoonSunWhy doesn't xfburn detect/burn .mp3 files?00:25
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:27
YaMoonSunCheers; Much love. Thanks for the support.00:30
YaMoonSunSo I managed to get the .mp3s burned, but the disc isn't being detected by my cd player. Why so?00:50
MozybonzAm I correct by lubuntu 12.04 is still suported for 5 yrs. In the way of kernel & security updates?00:56
ianorlinno lxde updates though00:57
MozybonzK thnx00:57
YaMoonSunHow do you check system info to see what version you're running as well as specs?00:58
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SexyGalCan somebody help me with this printer problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/367867/hp-deskjet-1050a-does-not-print-or-scan-in-lubuntu13:30
SexyGalCan somebody help me with this printer problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/367867/hp-deskjet-1050a-does-not-print-or-scan-in-lubuntu13:33
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bobobobhey guys, I am having trouble getting clipboard integration to work between lubuntu guest and virtualbox.  Has anyone fixed this before?22:17
wxlnever had the issue before bobobob22:18
wxli see #vbox is helping you out, i'd work with that22:18
melodiebobobob I can help perhaps22:18
wxli can reiterate: i've used virtualbox on lubuntu and had no problem with bidirectional clipboard22:19
melodiedo you have vbox-guest-utils installed as well as the extentions?22:19
bobobobk, started to think it might be lubuntu differences in something from ubuntu proper...22:19
melodiebobobob you are used to configuring it, right?22:19
bobobobjust the additions22:19
melodieyou have installed the guest additions?22:19
melodieinside the host you could also add vbox-guest-utils and vbox-guest-x11 for the screen resolution if not done yet22:20
bobobobyou mean the extension pack?22:21
bobobobyep screen resolution is working fine22:25
bobobobhost is mac os x22:26
wxlyeah you're probably best handled by #vbox at that point bobobob22:27
bobobobk fixt22:27
wxli don't see any mention of guest additions for os x22:28
bobobobno...host is os x, guest is lubuntu22:28
bobobobclipboard integration finally working22:28
bobobobdragndrop: no  clipboard yes.  Had to install extension pack for some odd reason...don't recall having to do that before22:30
melodiebobobob before was different then :D22:32
bobobobapparently...LOL!  :D22:32
melodieI think we have an open source version and the extention pack is not free (free for use, not open source)22:33
bobobobsudo auto mounted shared folders work in lubuntu 13.10?22:33
wxleverything should work22:37
wxland if it doesn't, you should probably bug #vbox :)22:37
bobobobwxl: thanks, wasn't sure what I was shooting for...what was available...thanks22:40

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