
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
CreativeEmbassyI have a brand new setup. I have two servers, maas is set up on one, and it's set to handle dhcp and dns. I'm now trying to boot a second machine with PXE turned on.00:18
CreativeEmbassyOn the second machine, I'm just getting a TFTP timeout. Know what could be causing that?00:19
bigjoolsCreativeEmbassy: I've seen a few reports of tftp timeouts lately00:20
bigjoolsthis is 13.10 maas?00:20
CreativeEmbassybigjools: yeah. assumed the machine with MAAS would have already taken care of setting up TFTP, opening the port in the firewall, and whatever else.00:20
bigjoolsit does not set firewalls00:20
bigjoolsso check that00:20
CreativeEmbassyalright, I'll look that up00:20
bigjoolsbut it will start a tftp server00:20
bigjoolsdo you have maas managing dhcp?00:21
CreativeEmbassyYeah. And DNS.00:22
CreativeEmbassyI just turned off DHCP on the main router to make sure it wasn't interfering.00:22
bigjoolsif it's on the same network it will interfere00:23
CreativeEmbassydo you know what file is requested over tftp? pxelinux.0?00:31
CreativeEmbassyI want to try it on localhost first to make sure I can access it here, before I try to reboot the node and let it go again00:31
CreativeEmbassynm, looks like it is that file00:32
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CreativeEmbassynot having luck. opened up ports 67, 68, 69. now the node isn't even able to talk to the controller via DHCP00:49
CreativeEmbassyit's late, and I need to head home. I'll be in here again tomorrow :)00:49
CreativeEmbassythanks for your help00:49
=== jam3 is now known as jam
NCommandermorning all06:50
NCommanderanyone around who can answer 20 questions on MAAS epermial images?06:50
bigjoolsNCommander: hit me06:51
bigjoolsassuming you mean ephemeral images06:51
NCommanderbigjools, yeah, sorry, its early06:52
NCommanderbigjools, I'm looking at enabling MAAS for a new ARM subarchitecture, but MAAS's internals have changed a *lot* since the last time I looked06:53
NCommanderAs best I can tell, instead of just preseeding an installer, it does some voodoo with iSCSI, and then I got lost06:53
NCommander(I'm also having a lot of trouble getting a dev environment setup; issues with image importation)06:53
bigjoolsnone of this stuff has changed really06:53
NCommanderWell, how exactly are the ephemeral images used (I've not gotten to the point where I can actually get my cluster to run)06:54
bigjoolsso to enable a new subarch you need to get it in simplestreams and then edit the maas-import-pxe-files filter.  I think that's it.06:54
bigjoolsso they are obviously imported and stored on the cluster controller06:55
bigjoolswhen booting a node, maas supplies the kernel command line with the iscsi target of the image, depending on what its architecture us06:55
bigjoolsso it all depends on the arch/subarch getting set right on the node definition06:55
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== mgz is now known as mgzh
=== allenap_ is now known as allenap
gnuoyHi, I have maas 1.4+bzr1693+dfsg-0ubuntu2~ctools0  installed but I don't see a /etc/maas/preseeds directory (as mentioned in stokachu's article http://astokes.org/automatically-configuring-vlans-maas/ ). Do I need a different version ? or has the location moved ?10:31
bigjoolsit ought to be there10:32
bigjoolsI am EOD now but perhaps allenap can help10:33
gnuoythanks, I'll wait for him to pop in10:34
gnuoyI upgraded from 1.2 if that's relevant10:36
gnuoymorning mgz, is allenap hiding behind the fish tank ?10:48
mgzhe's right beside me10:48
mgzunlike certain less reliable fellows10:49
gnuoyI seem to have an additional issue that juju is claiming my maas environment is not bootstrapped (I have recently added the cloud archive and cloud tools archive)10:51
gnuoymaas-cli maas files list  shows a number of files including provider-state10:51
gnuoybut retrieving it seems to be failing10:52
gnuoyAttributeError: 'HttpResponse' object has no attribute '_is_string'10:52
mgzgnuoy: I am berating allenap about maas-cli now10:53
gnuoythanks :)10:53
allenapmgz: http://blog.allenap.me/2013/06/workaround-for-uploading-files-to-maas.html10:54
mgzgnuoy: can you re-run the command with --debug (stick it near the end)11:00
gnuoymgz http://paste.ubuntu.com/6335114/11:01
mgzgnuoy: can you look at the log on the server side for the full traceback?11:02
gnuoymgz http://paste.ubuntu.com/6335119/11:03
mgzthat looks like a masking error in the handling of an earlier exception11:03
gnuoymgz, I have that message repeated every 5 minutes in the maas.log but nothing else that I can see11:04
mgzgnuoy: my best guess is your maas install is slightly hosed, you probably need a version bump to one or other python package11:05
gnuoymgz, ok, let me look into that11:06
gnuoymgz, ah, I had some packages that had been kept back11:07
gnuoymgz, allenap, all fixed, thanks. I have a preseeds dir now and juju status is working again11:09
NCommanderbigjools, I'm at an absolute loss at how boot images are reported; I canmanually call tftpboot, and get a valid dict[] with images, but looking at web(app)s logs, I can never see the controller reporting it has images, thus the maas error messages aren't cleared12:09
NCommanderI can see in the log that its attempted to report12:10
NCommanderBut there's no actual POST call made12:10
NCommander[2013-10-31 08:16:42,295: DEBUG/PoolWorker-6] Not reporting boot images: don't have API key yet.12:17
NCommanderThere's the problem12:17
NCommanderbigjools, how does the regional cluster get an API key?12:30
NCommandermgz, allenap, any chance you know the necessary magic to get the regional controller to know its API key?12:55
mgzNCommander: sorry, didn't respond because I didn't understand the question12:56
NCommandermgz, I've got a local setup of lp:maas locally because I'm trying to do platform enablement12:57
NCommandermgz, right now, I'm stuck with "regional controller doesn't see disk images" issue, and looking at the logs when celeryd is running DEBUG, I'm getting complaints that the API key is missing12:57
NCommander[2013-10-31 08:38:59,070: DEBUG/PoolWorker-5] Not reporting boot images: don't have API key yet.12:58
allenapNCommander: You're not going to like this, but I suggest working against the packages.12:59
NCommanderallenap, that's somewhat annoying ...13:00
allenapNCommander: Cluster controllers should be given some tokens in order to talk back to the region controller, but there may be some -fu in the packages.13:00
NCommanderallenap, I need this to land for trusty; working against saucy's code isn't going to help me much13:00
* NCommander already has patches that fix some of the debug scripts13:01
allenapNCommander: It hasn't diverged much yet.13:01
NCommanderallenap, "yet" is a scary word :-)13:01
allenapNCommander: Obviously fixes will have to get into lp:maas, but I suggest doing enablement with packages.13:01
allenapNCommander: And I mean a daily PPA (https://launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/+archive/dailybuilds), rather than those in the distro.13:02
NCommanderallenap, that's exceptionally annoying for doing work, as then I have to hunt down where all the libraries have ended up.13:03
NCommanderThen again, I've already lost 2 days to this nonsense13:03
* NCommander has been playing debug the breaking script :-/13:03
NCommanderallenap, I can probably put my stuff in a series of quilt patches and rebuild the source packages from scratch ...13:04
allenapNCommander: That sounds good to me. We can then absorb those changes upstream once they're working. However, roaksoax is the packaging guy for MAAS, so I'll let him comment.13:06
NCommanderallenap, so the daily PPAs pull from trunk? (want to make sure my stuff is relatively sane)13:08
allenapNCommander: Yep. There's no recipe for trusty yet though.13:09
NCommanderallenap, well, fudge, in about 10 minutes I've gotten farther than I have in 2 days :-/13:22
allenapNCommander: \o/13:23
allenapNCommander: We're going to be charming up MAAS this cycle, and one of my goals is to make sure that it's as easy to deploy from branch as it is from packages. I think that should help this story. Sorry it's not there yet.13:25
NCommanderallenap, its fine, but I'd appreicate it if the dev documentation was a bit more in touch with reality . I'm fairly sure I'll have more questions13:25
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=== Spideyman is now known as Spideyman_afk
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== Nik is now known as Guest97534
Guest97534Hi. Does anyone know anythig about "metadata request failed http://server/MAAS/metadata - internal server error 500" while commisining a node? The nodes fail to tag.16:07
Guest97534These nodes used to tag before16:07
Guest97534But failed after recommisioning16:07
Guest97534  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/handlers/base.py", line 111, in get_response16:11
Guest97534  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/maasserver/api_auth.py", line 55, in is_authenticated16:11
Guest97534    raise OAuthUnauthorized(error)16:11
Guest97534found those in the log. May be related16:12
CreativeEmbassyjust curious, can I add other stuff to maas-dns somewhere, even for computers that aren't being provisioned by MAAS?18:03
NCommandersmoser, ping, so I need to cook an ephemeral image for a new subarch, and I was pointed to you :-)19:37
=== Spideyman is now known as Spideyman_afk
=== Spideyman_afk is now known as Spideyman
stokachuthe filename for the user preseeds can someone give me an example20:42
stokachuincluded arch_subarch_series_nodename20:42
stokachui know what series and nodename should look like20:42
stokachuis the prefix actually required in order to be the first in the lookup list20:43
stokachuso amd64_generic_saucy would be selected before 'generic'20:44
stokachuah nm20:45
stokachuhelps if i read down20:45
rbasakNCommander: I pointed you to smoser to point you at the maas ephemeral image generation script, which I think he has in bzr somewhere. Adding a subarch to a master script is a bit of a dubious proposition right now without coordination on what to do with the subarch field, kernels, etc.20:53
tych0you can specify your own mirrors, though21:07
tych0so you could do a local generation and then use that21:07
NCommanderrbasak, well, I'm trying to figure out what that will need; I think I can just set the arch field to "armhf+slayton" and call it good, but I'm not sure how hard it will be to bend those scripts21:08
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away

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