
sergiusensev, not sure of the actual load these days, but the calxeda's that came in sure made it a lot less dramatic for the ex-PS stuff; I do want to say that we use to have a dput per merge into PPAs (binary version of trunk) and were told to stop doing that because we were overloading the system; again this is prior to calxeda00:40
sergiusensif resource wise is ok, all that would need to be devised is a way to pull out the test results; not that it would be difficult00:42
Mirvinfinity: rmadison reports new mir is in, didrocks suggested to ask you to kick off a new image build?01:03
Mirvcyphermox: FYI ^01:04
didrocksogra_: we can kick an new image (in case infinity can't get it before you are online). The Mir fix is in01:06
Laneyogra_: infinity: is there any more to that than running the line from crontab?01:06
Laney(I could do it)01:06
infinityLaney: Should be just that.  Sorry, was in transit between hotels.01:14
infinityLaney: You already doing it, or should I?01:14
didrocksinfinity: ok, Laney volonteered :)01:15
plarsev: We could look at the images on system-image and cdimage for better numbers, but it's generall 1-2 builds/day. We didn't have one today though01:21
plarsin case anyone was waiting around for it, image showed up and tests have started on it - the image ci shouldn't truncate .crash files anymore too03:18
plarsasac, ogra_, rsalveti: gallery passes again \o/03:39
rsalvetiplars: :D03:58
ogra_plars, yay08:09
jibelcyphermox, your latest upload of autopilot 1.3 breaks system upgrade if python-autopilot-strace is installed bug 124662008:25
ubot5bug 1246620 in ust (Ubuntu) "upgrade failed: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblttng-ust-tracepoint.so.0.0.0', which is also in package liblttng-ust0:amd64 2.1.1-6" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124662008:25
sil2100jibel: got the same issue yesterday when upgrading my desktop08:30
sil2100cyphermox: ^08:30
sil2100fginther: hello, poke me back when you're around :)08:43
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: psivaa | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: -
plarspsivaa, ogra_: did you see that ubuntu-ui-toolkit tests are all failing now?10:07
psivaaplars: uitoolkit passed in image 9 iirc10:08
ogra_no, i noticed that maguro had not run gallery when i looked last10:08
ogra_(but thats a while ago)10:09
psivaai re-ran gallery and it passed10:09
plarspsivaa, ogra_: *sigh* sorry, nevermind me... I've been up since 3am de-flooding my house10:09
* psivaa checks the time in texas 10:09
plarspsivaa: it's 5am now10:10
ogra_plars, urgh !10:10
plarspsivaa: I saw you restarted unity8 on mako, thanks - it looks promising from what I saw on maguro10:10
psivaaplars: yea, just reran a few jobs. the passrates are actually good with 910:11
t1mpwould it be a good idea not to accept a new image if it doesn't pass UITK (trunk) autopilot tests?10:11
plarspsivaa: I saw, awesome10:11
plarsogra_: psivaa reran that one already on maguro10:11
plarsogra_: it was good10:11
t1mpand with "accept a new image" I mean make it the new default image for CI10:11
psivaaplars: btw good luck with de-flooding and  having a bit of sleep :)10:11
plarsok, I'm going to go at least lay down for a bit, I think sleep is out of the question at this point10:12
ogra_oh man10:14
ogra_good luck10:14
ogra_psivaa, do we know why unit8 fails on mako ? smells like not unlocked or some such10:14
psivaaogra_: not really, we have a better passrate on maguro. unfortunately i dont have a mako to locally test10:15
psivaalooking through the logs to see anything obvious10:16
psivaaogra_: we have unity8 crash there10:20
ogra_we do on maguro as well though10:21
ogra_two even10:21
psivaayea, lauch_unity is failing, tried looking at the network camera and can't see any movements. that may be pointing that the screen is locked10:29
popeyogra_: no new build yet?11:16
ogra_hmm ? we have #911:17
ogra_was built at 3am UTC11:17
ogra_(and still didnt pass the unity8 test on mako)11:17
psivaauntiy8 on mako was tried again after re-flashing, still dint pass.11:26
popeyoh, sorry, i thought #9 was the old broken one, not the new broken one ㋛11:40
davmor2popey: No 8 was the old broken one :)11:41
davmor2popey: at least apps stay open long enough to do things now :)11:41
ogra_right, 9 looks pretty good ... except that unity8 thing :/11:50
popeyogra_: would you recommend upgrading my test phone to #9 or is it unusable?11:58
ogra_popey, looks fine on maguro is all i can say11:58
ogra_i wont upgrade my mako now that it replaces my android phone :)11:59
=== cjohnston changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cjohnston | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: -
* popey updates12:01
popeyogra_: next time you use update manager and see new apps, before you install them can you please see if you can reproduce bug 124589012:01
ubot5bug 1245890 in Unity 8 "Pinning to launcher followed by upgrade, breaks pinned app link" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124589012:01
ogra_popey, cant confirm, this works for me12:02
* ogra_ usually adds his new apps in the stroe to the launcher ... they all still work fine12:02
sergiusenspopey, that's a dup12:20
* ogra_ shakes his fist at google 12:22
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sil2100fginther: hello! Re-ping ;)13:17
sil2100fginther: did you see my annoying PM?13:17
fginthersil2100, sorry, just saw it13:19
fginthersil2100, one moment13:19
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boikohi guys, I need a new release of lp:history-service, how should I proceed?13:39
cjohnstonboiko: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/13:41
sil2100boiko: hi!13:42
boikocjohnston: hi, so, I have seen those instructions, but there is no link to the Landing Asks sheet13:44
boikosil2100: hi!13:44
sil2100boiko: as it's history-service we're talking about, I would proceed by adding it to the Landing Asks13:44
sil2100boiko: let me give it to you, but you should actually ask your manager to do that13:44
ogra_yeah, unlikely you can edit it13:44
sil2100boiko: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdGNWb0tTVmJLVzFZd0doV3dVOGpWemc#gid=113:44
cjohnstonwhat sil2100 said13:45
ogra_after all it is still the same process we use since twoo months though13:45
sil2100boiko: we can then follow up and get it released in the nearest time - since didrocks is on a sprint I guess it might take till next week to get it released? Depends if the guys in Oakland pick it up or not13:46
boikosil2100: oh right, thanks, I am just asking directly cause everybody is at the sprint13:46
ogra_popey, did you try #9 on mako yet ?13:46
sil2100boiko: I would try releasing it myself, but I would first need management permission, and they're at the sprint as well...13:47
* ogra_ wonders if unity8 is fine in real life ... compared to the failing tests 13:47
sil2100boiko: what issues does it fix?13:47
sil2100ogra_: I can upgrade my device if needed13:47
ogra_sil2100, why do you need management approval ? if the AP tests pass and you cant see a regression in a manual smoke test it shouldnt be blocked on this13:48
boikosil2100: well, the one bit I need released is the pkgconfig support, but there has been other changes there as well (things that were pending from the last cycle)13:48
sil2100ogra_: I didn't know if that's ok right now - but if you say that, then I guess!13:48
ogra_well, we shouldnt block on them not being here ... as long as the landing appears safe13:49
* sergiusens thinks that when managers go on sprint they should get some peer+1 assigned13:49
ogra_(test twice if you feel thats safer :) )13:49
sil2100In my case even testing thrice won't help13:49
sil2100Anyway, thanks, then I'll look into it and try getting it released13:50
ogra_well, if it doesnt pass, indeed, keep it til next week13:50
ogra_but things that pass safely shouldnt be blocked by missing managers13:50
boikosil2100: I can ask my manager if that makes you more comfortable, that's fine, the landing is not urgent13:53
popeyogra_: yeah, it's been fine here14:06
ogra_thought so14:06
evplars: excellent news on no longer truncating crash files14:28
evon the frequency of builds, I was referring more to how often we're running dpkg-buildpackage within the CI infrastructure14:28
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
cyphermoxjibel: well, it's not a breakage in autopilot.15:56
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cyphermoxjibel: that said, it's on my list, I'll fix it shortly15:59
cyphermoxsil2100: ^15:59
sil2100cyphermox: thanks!15:59
=== doanac changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: doanac | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: -
ogra_doanac, hey ...16:04
doanacogra_: what's up?16:04
ogra_doanac, it looks like we have issues with unlocking the screen on mako with the unity8 tests ...16:04
ogra_psivaa ran them multiple times on image #9 ... he checked with the webcam and apparently the screen doesnt show anything ... popey tested #9 manually and unity8 behaves fine16:05
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
doanacogra_: i don't think we run unlock_screen for unity8. we just kill the shell before running.16:06
doanacchecking now16:06
psivaadoanac: the issue is only on mako, we are though not 100% but fairly well in maguro16:06
ogra_well, there seems to not be anything unusual in the logs apparently16:07
psivaadoanac: lauch_unity is failing16:07
doanaclet me test locally and see what happens16:08
Mirvsil2100: are the cu2d problems because of autopilot or what's all the red about?16:14
Mirvsil2100: there seem to have been also multiple manual uploads I guess (yellow)16:15
doanacogra_: i'm running the test at home and its failing the same way16:15
ogra_i wonder what makes mako special then16:16
sil2100Mirv: autopilot was reddish today as well, so I would say it's fifty-fifty - I was mostly dealing with other things today so I didn't administer cu2d in detail16:17
Mirvsil2100: it's not autopilot tests, the check job looks problematic in general somehow
Mirvlxc problem?16:18
sil2100Mirv: I was using the autopilot jobs directly today, without cu2d, and just saw that there was a loong stroke of red jobs, but didn't have a moment to look into that16:19
sil2100Let me also look at that now16:20
sil2100Mirv: ah, this one - this one I saw happening once, but then next time the machine ran fine16:20
Mirvsil2100: it seems it's nvidia specific16:20
sil2100Yes, let me find my job, one moment16:20
Mirvthen under qa there is also a missing package when looking at the intel side16:21
sil2100Mirv: ok, my mistake, it was happening all the time on nvidia, so it seems to be b0rken16:21
Mirvsil2100: can you look at that still, you have much more skillz in the lxc area? :)16:22
MirvI'm fixing at least qa package list now16:22
sil2100Ok, let me take a look then16:22
Mirvmy main problem is that if it complains about a missing container, I wouldn't know immediately where I should see the containers etc.16:24
sil2100hmm, I might see one of the problems16:26
sil2100The permissions to the containers directory got changed, not sure if jenkins user can access them this way - so it cannot find them16:27
sil2100Let me try fixing that16:27
doanacfginther: the permissions thing ^^^ - weren't you seeing something similar the other day?16:28
sil2100Mirv: let's run some test now maybe?16:29
Mirvcyphermox: synced your autopilot manual upload to the branch to make the prepare job work again16:29
Mirvsil2100: aha.. ok, I'll try16:30
Mirvsil2100: QA running16:32
Mirvsil2100: actually there's another check ongoing, nvidia seems to be running16:32
Mirvlet's wait16:32
sil2100Mirv: keeping my fingers crossed!16:34
* sil2100 wonders if that's the issue16:34
sil2100We'll see soon enough16:34
jibelsil2100, Mirv this is a change in lxc 1.0.0~alpha2-0ubuntu5, you can revert that change by chmod'ing /var/lib/lxc to make it readable by any user.16:36
jibelsil2100, Mirv next upgrade won't touch it16:37
cyphermoxjibel: so I looked at NM again, hard, and I can't figure anythign wrong with dnsmasq... would it be possible to have the autopkgtest run again so I could see what goes on?16:37
sil2100jibel: did that16:38
jibelcyphermox, sure, but it ran again this morning and I had to kill it again. Didn't pitti found the reason?16:38
sil2100jibel: that's what I'm trying to test now :)16:38
Mirvjibel: cool, thans16:39
cyphermoxjibel: oh, you did16:39
sil2100But good, then I diagnosed it correctly, thanks16:39
jibelsil2100, at least that what is written in the changelog :)16:39
cyphermoxjibel: alright then16:39
cyphermoxjibel: I haven't heard back from piiti about it..16:40
cyphermoxjibel: was the environment build from a server image or from minimal?16:40
fgintherdoanac, where? Yes we saw an issue with the workspace dir getting set to 600 causing jenkins to complain of mkdir failures16:41
jibelcyphermox, it's based on a server cloud-image http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/auto-pkg-test.html#executing-the-test is you want to test locally17:01
cyphermoxawesome, that's what I expected.17:02
cyphermoxI'll definitely give it a good look, I think I know what the issue is17:02
sil2100Mirv: did it help?17:04
sil2100I need to disconnect now, but I'll be back in like 3-4 hours17:04
sil2100Mirv: drop me an e-mail if anything ;)17:04
Mirvsil2100: yes it helped17:05
Mirvat least initially it looks so17:05
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
Mirvok soon many of the stacks should be greener/yellower, as I'm rerunning check jobs for a bunch of them17:10
alan_gfginther: I've seen some Mir jobs today with "E: Unable to locate package liblttng-ust0" e.g. https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-android-trusty-i386-build/73/console - can you help?17:10
Mirvbuild failures in some too, though17:10
cyphermoxMirv: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/indicator-datetime/13.10.0+13.10.20131023.2-0ubuntu1/+merge/19346017:13
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
cyphermoxjibel: what hoops do I need to go through if I want to delete that offending test?17:37
cyphermoxit's just too broken, not bringing much usefulness17:37
cyphermox(it's running fine on my machine with the auto testing scripts)17:37
cjwatsonalan_g: mir should've been rebuilt against liblttng-ust2 recently, I thought17:41
cjwatsonalan_g: looks that way in trusty anyway.  maybe transient?17:42
cyphermoxcjwatson: what was the issue?17:44
cjwatsoncyphermox: 17:10 <alan_g> fginther: I've seen some Mir jobs today with "E: Unable to locate package liblttng-ust0" e.g. https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-android-trusty-i386-build/73/console - can you help?17:52
fginthercjwatson, thanks for the reping17:52
alan_gcjwatson: Hmm... I guess the https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-android-trusty-i386-build/73/console runs the tools/setup-partial-armhf-chroot.sh script?17:52
cyphermoxah, yeah17:53
alan_gand that script needs to pull liblttng-ust2?17:54
cyphermoxthat should just be happening automatically, python-autopilot-trace depends on it17:55
cjwatsonalan_g: That's beyond my knowledge, but I would've hoped it'd be following mir's dependencies rather than hardcoding a library name17:55
cjwatsoncyphermox: Downloading mir dependency: liblttng-ust017:55
cyphermoxoh, mir17:55
cjwatsonI think it's probably worth retrying to confirm it's gone17:55
cjwatsonWhich it should be ...17:55
alan_gcjwatson: that's an embarrassing script, but no-one has spent the time to fix it properly17:56
cyphermoxyeah, that's hard-coded there17:59
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: plars | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: -
cjwatsonhardcoded> yikes!18:00
fgintheralan_g, cjohnston, cyphermox, so problem solved? setup-partial-armhf-chroot.sh needs to be updated?18:03
cyphermoxyeah. updated with rm if possible ;)18:03
cyphermoxfginther: otherwise I'd like to fix it to get the right stuff from debian/control18:03
fginthercyphermox, I'll leave that to the mir team18:04
alan_gfginther: yeah - I'm at EOD. I've passed the problem to kdub ;)18:04
cyphermoxI'll propose a merge to repair this... I don't know what they use the script for really, but if it can't be dropped then..18:05
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
renato_fginther, could yo help me with this MR: https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/mediaplayer-app/imrove_autopilot_tests/+merge/18458419:00
cjohnstonrenato_: you should probably try the vanguard first19:01
cjohnstonrenato_: it looks like there is a test failure19:05
fgintherrenato_, the armhf node died during the build too19:08
renato_fginther, cjohnston I have approved again19:08
plarsfginther, renato_: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-maguro/2813/console looks like unlock failed also19:09
fgintherplars, the unlock worked on the second attempt19:10
plarsfginther: ah, ok I see19:10
plarsfginther: why is there no rebuild link on this one? do we just need to retry and post results manually if it passes?19:10
Mirvplars: fginther: are you look at this one we'd need to launch a new image build? https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/move-setenv/+merge/193426 (the e-mail thread "Unity 8 AP tests on #9")19:11
fgintherplars, it was triggered by an approved MP, so to rebuild, you need to re-approve the mP19:11
plarsfginther: I have no rights to do that19:12
plarsfginther: do you?19:12
fgintherrenato_, there are a number of test failures, it may fail again19:12
fgintherplars, yes, renato_ already re-approved19:12
renato_fginther, where did you see that19:12
fgintherUNSTABLE: http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty/18519:13
fgintherrenato_, something bad happened here too: FAILURE: http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-maguro/2813/console19:13
renato_fginther, let me see if something change in the code since this mr was created because the first build works nice19:14
fgintherrenato_, the maguro failure looks like a possible crash19:14
fgintherrenato_, ahh, this was on build 8. that had some known issues19:15
fgintherrenato_, let me see if I can find the bug19:15
plarsMirv: it seems to have restarted19:16
plarsMirv: it's running now19:16
fgintherrenato_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/124595819:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1245958 in Mir "Apps crash with image 8" [Critical,Fix committed]19:18
renato_fginther, do you think this will work now?19:22
renato_bfiller, ^ ^19:22
fgintherrenato_, the mako/maguro tests should be more stable19:23
bfillerfginther: looks like the otto test failure is because correct codec not installed? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty/185/testReport/junit/mediaplayer_app.tests.test_player_with_video/TestPlayerWithVideo/test_show_controls_at_end_with_mouse_/19:23
fgintherbfiller, renato_, if that's the cause, then we should be able to resolve it by adding a dependency to the -autopilot package19:25
renato_rsalveti, told me to no do that19:25
bfillerfginther, renato_ : I'll check with rsalveti  - seems we need this, at least for otto19:26
Mirvplars: yeah, I just didn't do something so I'm wondering if you'd understand more of the problems it's seeing.19:27
Mirvplars: I'm not holding my breath that it'd now succeed automatically19:27
plarsMirv: it's not a failure I've personally seen before, did anything change? looks like it passed at one point in the mp19:31
bfillerrenato_: rsalveti said we shouldn't be testing mp4, and you should convert that to ogg or other free format19:33
renato_bfiller, ok I will try that19:34
bfillerrenato_: mp4 works on the device because it's using hardware decoding and doesn't need gstreamer-ugly, but on desktop that won't work without that pacakge. And you are right we don't want to install the -ugly19:34
renato_I am afraid that, the ogg does not work well on device (In the last time that I tried)19:35
renato_this was before the the new gst plugin19:35
rsalvetirenato_: we might indeed have issues with a different format, but we need to use an open format19:37
rsalvetirenato_: can you convert and post the video somewhere so we can test?19:37
rsalvetirenato_: other we might indeed, temporarily, add the av/ffmpeg dependency for the test itself19:37
renato_rsalveti, give me a minute I will transcode the video19:43
renato_rsalveti, https://chinstrap.canonical.com/~renatofilho/videos/19:48
plarsMirv: well, it looks like it was mediumtests-trusty and qmluitests that failed last time, and they are passing now19:48
renato_could you try19:48
plarsMirv: it's not 100% complete yet, but so far so good19:48
plarsMirv: looks like it passed this time https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/move-setenv/+merge/19342620:00
plarsSaviq: ^20:00
Mirvplars: \o/ launching build20:09
renato_fginther, what is this error: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-maguro/2877/console20:14
fgintherrenato_, looks like the device lost adb connection during the test. It's also at the same point in the test as https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-maguro/2813/console20:33
fgintherrenato_, is it possible the test itself is causing the device to reset?20:33
renato_fginther, I do not know, do you want me to try again:20:34
fgintherI'll try another build of just the maguro job20:36
* Mirv testing unity8 with the setenv fix20:54
ogra_Mirv, plars, any reason why we dont just set that in the upstart job ?20:57
plarsogra_: maybe a question for Saviq20:58
Mirvyep, Saviq ^20:59
ogra_seems more appropriate for hacks ... also makes them more visible and saves you from changing the binary if you need to change or drop it20:59
ogra_(not that this is overly important, just noticing it)20:59
* Mirv published unity821:15
Mirvogra_: #10 after that, or do you know what's the plan?21:15
Saviqogra_, well, wherever they are - they shouldn't even be needed21:30
Mirvunity8 now in release pocket21:46
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: - | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: -
ogra_Mirv, i'll trigger a build in the morning22:11
* ogra_ is off for the night22:11
didrocksLaney: infinity: can one of you kick a touch image build?23:14
didrocksthere is an unity8 fix that we are interested in :)23:14
Laneydid the one I did yesterday work?23:14
didrockswe should finally get a better pass rate23:14
didrocksLaney: yeah, perfect! (but unity8 was crashing in the tests :p)23:14
didrocksLaney: I won't blame you though ;)23:14
Laneyok, just wondering, you get no feedback23:14
popeyhow long does it usually take for the build?23:21
didrockspopey: more than an hour23:24
didrocksactually ~40 minutes for the ubuntu part23:25
popeywill have a play in the morning hten23:25
didrocksthen, I heard some 20 minutes for assembling the android one23:25
didrockspopey: yep ;)23:25
didrockspopey: still awake? getting late, isn't it?23:25
popeyyeah, watching politicians argue on telly before bed ☻23:26
greybacksome people count sheep23:28

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