[14:13] are there any settings for the notification area? I would like to be able to have it clear the notification after a certain amount of time. === SonikkuAmerica is now known as S-USA|Werehog [17:18] DavidBrooke: i know what you mean... i have a lot of notifications that build up and are a pain to clear [17:33] DavidBrooke, the answer is no [17:38] DavidBrooke, there's an argument for turning off notification area plugins that are filling up the area with messages you don't care about though [18:30] Does anyone know how to prevent unfocused windows from dimming in GNOME? [18:45] is bug reporting on gnome3 launchpad restricted to members? [18:46] some of these questions sound a bit like 'can i somehow stop gnome from being gnome?' [18:47] if gnome can't do what its users want..maybe that's a good thing [18:52] it can't be all things to all people, and it's also by no means a finished product [18:52] and i don't believe it will ever be as customizable as gnome 2 was [18:53] except for minor things, I personally like it (recently switched from Unity) [19:15] hello [19:16] gedit plugins dashboard does not work ? gedit and gedit plugin versions http://paste.railsbox.eu/show/759/ [19:17] ricotz, ^^ [20:01] Hi everyone, I have an HP Desktop Quad 2.2 Ghz with 1GB ram running Lubuntu right now and I would like to install Ubuntu Gnome 13.10. What's your suggestions? Will it work smoothly? [20:02] hard to say. it'd definitely be heavier than lubuntu... [20:02] what sort of GPU do you have [20:02] GPU? [20:02] graphics card [20:02] (graphics processing unit) [20:02] a alright thanks [20:03] I dont know :P I have to go upstairs and see. [20:04] it's hard to say. GNOME can be a little heavy on resources. You say a quad proc, that sounds more than enough, 1GB is mehhhh [20:04] The problem is that Lubuntu 13.10 showed to me some mirror bugs that I don't know how to fix. Graphics on letters while reading, are messing up a bit, and I have to hover them with my mouse sometimes to see the text correctly. [20:04] but if the GPU is a workhorse I'm sure it would do fine [20:04] yeah [20:04] I don't know - I don't use Ubuntu GNOME on my main machine. What I do use it on is an i5 with a nice Intel GPU and it runs decent. [20:04] it's also on an SSD and 8GB of RAM... [20:04] so it SHOULD run half decent... [20:05] hmmm [20:05] I was waiting for ubuntu gnome, because I dont like unity. [20:05] :P [20:05] I'll see man, thanks! (Thinking now) [20:06] in my experience Gnome has ran a little better than Unity [20:06] not by an epic landslide, but noticeably better [20:06] but NOT like Lubuntu though [20:06] LXDE is crazy stupid light [20:06] yeap [20:06] I got bored of lubuntu. [20:06] yeah Lubuntu is admittedly a little poor on features :( [20:06] I run it on a laptop at home but that laptop is also terible so I expect very little out of it [20:07] my laptop is 6 years old, i can't format it again :P it gets stucked when I press any button while formatting. [20:09] i'll see, i just dont want to change os all the time, i already did 3-4 formats to decide which os to have. but am addicted to ubuntu, especially now with gnome. [20:09] had winblows 7 for a bit, then winblows xp, then ubuntu, then lubuntu, now ubuntu gnome :P i will see [20:10] yeah, that's why I try to mess around with VMs whenever possible. [20:10] although having root and home on different partitions helps too [20:10] I can blast a new OS over USB 3.0/SSD in a matter of 3-4 minutes, share out the same home directory, back in business [20:10] heheh [20:11] I'll buy a new laptop this year, so my main pc would be my laptop. desktop would be only for me, cuz my family doesnt know nada! [20:12] roasted, thank you very much [20:12] am gonna give it a try [20:12] no problem [20:12] good luck :D [20:12] even with 1gb ram [20:12] :P [20:12] there's other options out there, by the way [20:13] ones that are Ubuntu based yet not part of the 'official' Ubuntu brand [20:13] running through USB and see [20:13] Zorin, elementary OS (personally using this now). Just keep your options open. [20:13] i love ubuntu gnome ;p planning to buy more ram one day soon [20:13] there's a distro and desktop environment for everybody :D [20:13] lubuntos: http://downloadmoreram.com/ :) just for lulz [20:13] yeah, I like Gnome a lot too. Solid DE. It has it's times where I find myself elevating to a homicidal rage, but it's far less of an issue than what I experience on KDE or Unity. :P [20:14] heheheh [20:14] IRC the best help in the world. [20:14] I missed when I was 14 :P anyway [20:14] sometimes it's slow, but most times it's nice. :D [20:15] i'll give it a try :P have a nice day/night roasted :P here is 22:15 - Cyprus [20:16] SonikkuAmerica :P [20:16] lol [20:17] lubuntos: :) [20:18] good night guys! :P [20:18] see you around [20:18] =] [20:45] can i add proxy username and password from system settings ? [20:50] hello