
level7hi all14:27
level7lately I have a strange issue14:28
level7when I install a new link with 5.5.4 and with a custom rc.poststart I get only one direction (usually the TX does not work)14:28
level7any hint??14:29
cjwatsonI think you're in the wrong channel; this is for installing the Ubuntu operating system14:29
level7ops :P14:29
level7yes sorry wrong tab :D14:29
infinitycjwatson: Ahh, thanks for the d-i bump, I was going to do it this morning when I could babysit it.15:56
cjwatsonYep, am watching it15:58
infinityOnce I drop omap4, we can stop the babysitting madness, cause I can finish the "seed and metapackages should handle it all" stuff I started last cycle.15:58
ogra_sniff ...15:59
ogra_the end of an era15:59
infinityogra_: It'll still boot headless with -generic, so Pandas won't all become bricks.  Just no more 3D desktops. :/15:59
infinityBut, such is life.  It hung on longer than we expected. :P16:00
ogra_and precise is still supported for a while :)16:00
infinityWell, no more 3D desktops is already true, I dropped the X fork and pvr-omap4 driver in saucy.16:00
infinityI just didn't want to swap the kernel a week before release.16:00
ogra_the ac100 breakage shows that we suck at arm desktop now though16:00
ogra_we really need to get something back for desktops in one of the next cycles ...16:01
infinityFind me a supported arm desktop target that has users, and let's build an image for it.16:01
ogra_and something that isnt touch16:01
infinityY'know, other than Pi.16:01
ogra_chromebooks ...16:01
ogra_admittedly most arm desktop users arent using unity ..16:02
ogra_but they use the apps ... and we dont do any QA for them anymore16:02
ogra_(i couldnt care less about the desktop itself ... but knowing the browser, libreoffice or a mail program work would be a good thing i think)16:03
ogra_(especially if we call them supported :) )16:03
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb

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