=== LjL is now known as TheGhostOfLjL === Pici is now known as TalkingMuffin === TheGhostOfLjL is now known as LjL === LjL is now known as TheGhostOfLjL === Zic is now known as Guest38376 === Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti === TheGhostOfLjL is now known as LjL [13:35] any ops about that could possibly help me wrest control of a channel back please [13:36] elfy: can you give more info ? [13:36] channel in question is #ubuntuforums-admins - I'm an admin - and like all of the current FC can't get into the channel - I suspect it's not been used for a long time and I further suspect it was set up by jdong [13:37] jussi: was just doing it :) [13:37] Looks like you need a freenode staffer for that, as they "own" it [13:38] jussi: ok cheers - I'll pop over there to ask then :) [13:38] elfy: it forwards to #ubuntuforums-mods [13:38] elfy: they are here some of them also [13:38] I'd guessed as much [13:38] jussi: oh - Pricey would be I guess :) [13:38] better to wait here or go there? [13:39] waiting here should be fine [13:39] elfy: either, you may get faster there [13:39] Myrtti: you happen to be about by any chance ? [13:39] jussi: no mad hurry - just going to be easier to get that sorted than to try and fiddle with a channel we have been using :) [13:39] AlanBell: thanks [14:04] * Pricey looks in [14:05] hi Pricey - long long time no see [14:06] AlanBell: Do you want me to transfer #ubuntuforums-admins to elfy? [14:06] elfy: Howdy! I always say I'll come back one day... I assume the old guard have all disappeared by now. [14:06] bodhi is still floating about [14:07] and cprofitt - but I've lost touch with most [14:07] Ahh [14:07] bapoumba is still around. [14:08] oh yea - recently returned to the fold :) [14:08] I thought you were talking about BT not mods [14:08] Pricey: other than baps I'm now one of the old guard on forum staff lol [14:08] elfy: I was a mod on ubuntuforums.org a while back... was never in the BT. [14:09] Pricey: thought I remembered you in BT channels [14:09] Sef & s.fox are the only others I recognise... [14:09] and yea I knew you were mod once upon a time [14:09] elfy: Yes I idled. [14:09] aaha === LjL is now known as TheGhostOfLjL [14:10] yep - they're both admins - rarely get sef on irc though [14:14] jussi: fwiw, elfy needs an Ubuntu GC, not a freenode staffer directly ;) [14:28] Pricey: yes please [14:33] elfy: It is all yours. I've merely transferred the channel rather than dropping it so any existing settings will remain. You might want to double check any +I or +e entries that may exist. [14:33] #ubuntuforums-admins requested by AlanBell in [14:33] thanks Pricey :) [14:33] Whoops that's not where my # button is... silly keyboards. [14:34] Cannot join #ubuntuforums-admins (Channel is invite only). [14:34] elfy: Let me know if that last bit doesn't make sense. [14:34] elfy: /msg chanserv help invite [14:34] Pricey: that's not doing much other than tell me help invite [14:35] elfy: Ok we've just dropped the channel so that you can start from scratch. /join it and /msg chanserv register #ubuntuforums-admins [14:36] ok - thanks Pricey [14:37] we'll set up the flags etc the same as -mods [14:37] Pricey: ahh, yes, of course. thanks for the reminder [14:37] thanks all :) [14:37] elfy: glad you got helped :) [14:38] I knew I would :) === genii is now known as genii-o-lantern === Fuchs is now known as Zombiefox === topyli is now known as topyloid === topyloid is now known as topyli === AlanChicken is now known as alanbell === alanbell is now known as AlanBell === TheGhostOfLjL is now known as LjL