=== Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo [02:04] hey am trying to download ubuntu for phones [02:04] nice === duflu_ is now known as duflu [03:30] is there like a milestone list or some sort of table that shows what works and does not work yet? [03:32] How would I go about flashing on a nakasi nexus 7 via arch? [03:33] https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images#nakasi [03:34] I mean flashing Ubuntu Touch to it. [03:35] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install [03:37] If I'm not mistaken that guide only works with Ubuntu, as Arch uses different package repositories. [03:47] I have a Nexus 4 running with Ubuntu Touch 14.04 (r5) loaded. I have somehow managed to stop receiving OTA and the phone cannot conect to my PC via USD (ADB). Has anyone else run into this? === Anon is now known as Anony_mouse === Anony_mouse is now known as qwerty === qwerty is now known as qwertyui === Zic is now known as Guest38376 === thangamaniarun is now known as Guest55921 [07:06] i just flashed the newest ubuntu-system on my nexus 7 and now the screen starts flickering when i swipe from the left... any ideas what could be wrong? before that i flashed cdimage-touch a few weeks ago and it worked fine, now i fashed to the newest cdimage-touch and i get the same flickering as with ubuntu-system - is that a known problem? [07:23] hello [07:24] are u there [07:28] after flashing cdimage-touch again with -b the problems seems to be gone... [07:29] no, it isn't [07:57] ah, found the answer at http://askubuntu.com/questions/360341/on-ubuntu-touch-os-grouper-im-having-really-bad-screen-flicker === iahmad is now known as iahmad|afk [09:07] Good morning all; happy Samhain! :-D === fmasi_afk is now known as fmasi [11:03] Morning all [11:04] ogra_: image 9 much better [11:04] * ogra_ only tested calls and sms yet [11:04] still trying to nail down bug 1246630 [11:04] bug 1246630 in ofono (Ubuntu) "can not recieve google SMS on german networks due to UTF8 conversion error" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1246630 [11:05] the fun is ... searching for "rild utf8 sms" on google gets me pittis blog all over the first results page ... [11:05] (promoting umockdev testing :P) [11:07] ogra_: can you do "$ cat /proc/mtd" on all devices that you have? (I have results for emulator & grouper, but not mako/maguro/mantra) === _salem is now known as salem_ [11:08] i doubt they have mtd devices ... but i can check [11:08] (eMMC is the new MTD) [11:08] ogra_: =) if none of them have it, that's good, as I want to change which MTD partitons are mounted in the default init.rc. [11:08] ogra_: just send a text to your own number it's what I do :) [11:09] tests send and receive that way :) [11:09] oh and reply from indicator [11:09] davmor2, i do that from my right hand to the left :) ... but it doent help with the utf8 conversion error i get for google notifications [11:10] (like i do a call from my right ear to the left ;) [11:10] ogra_: yeah I do that on the house phone :D === iahmad_ is now known as iahmad === Guest55921 is now known as thangamaniarun === pandather is now known as _cops_ === _cops_ is now known as pandather === salem_ is now known as _salem === _salem is now known as salem_ === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [13:01] nik90, thanks for your help with the contacts, I got it to work with the one use code from Google, I had spent weeks trying and had no solution online [13:05] RedPandaFox: u r welcome ;) === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch === salem_ is now known as _salem === _salem is now known as salem_ === fmasi is now known as fmasi_afk [13:17] Given that there is a nightly (not stable) build of CM for the Galaxy Nexus 7 (2013) Wifi, called "flo", how foolhardy would it be to undertake an attempt at porting Ubuntu Touch to the Nexus 7 2013 (which has a snapdragon CPU, not an ARM)? I'm interested in all opinions...thanks in advance! [13:17] ARM is an architecture ... snapdragon is a model brand ... [13:18] from the CM site: CPU: 1.5 GHz quad-core Snapdragon S4 Pro Krait 300 [13:18] (teh snapdragon is an ARM ... like a BMW is a car as well as a Volkswagen is ;) ) [13:18] i see [13:18] so then porting should be "easy" :) [13:18] heh [13:18] for some value of easy [13:19] not harder than any other port for sure [13:19] (any other that has AOSP support) [13:19] good to know, thank you very much! [13:20] i was under the impression (from some other sites i've read) that the snapdragon was a different arch [13:20] ah, i see from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snapdragon_(system_on_chip) that it is based on ARMv7 [13:20] nope, its just a breand of the ARM SoCs that qualcomm builds [13:20] *brand === salem_ is now known as _salem [13:22] major thanks for the correction...now if i can't port it, it'll just be my stupidity and not going too far out of bounds on the target arch === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g === Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow === jhodapp|sick is now known as jhodapp [14:26] jjohansen, hey, I'm getting a bunch of these http://paste.ubuntu.com/6335953/ any idea? [14:38] hello :) [14:40] hi [14:42] question: I've had the occasion to switch to a nexus4: does installing ubuntu-touch on it provide the full desktop experience on mhl output now? [14:43] no [14:43] booooo [14:43] thast still a jear out [14:43] *year [14:43] tweaks? [14:43] ? [14:43] working on code tweaks and stability? [14:44] 13.10 was our initial release to get a stable foundation ... [14:44] 14.04 will result in a finished phone product === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk [14:45] 14.10 will get all the convergence love [14:45] hmm, interesting [14:45] (dont forget that ubuntu touch only exists since 6 months) === dandrader_ is now known as dandrader|afk [14:45] (and is a completely new OS developed from scratch) [14:46] noted [14:48] i personally think ... comparing to android 1.0 ... that ubuntu is far better with its first release :) [14:48] (and android took ~2 years to get to a 1.0 state) [14:54] indeed, i've followed android eversince it first appeared in the catacombs of the online realm [14:54] that is a very true statement === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader === Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo === fmasi_afk is now known as fmasi === fmasi is now known as fmasi_afk === alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea === jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|sick [16:02] attente: ping === soul is now known as Guest16442 === alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g === dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch === Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc === b0bben_ is now known as b0bben [16:54] greyback, hello! I was looking into using unity-system-compositor with our existing unity8, and I ran into an interesting issue that unity-mir currently owns com.canonical.Unity.Screen. I believe in a USC world, that would move into USC, rather than the user's shell. Do you know if there are other similar issues in unity-mir? [16:55] mterry: +1 on it being USC. [16:55] mterry: any and all hardware information that Mir can provide really belongs to USC I guess too [16:56] mterry: everything else is session specific: application list & OSK status [16:57] greyback, is there any other hardware stuff that you happen to know if unity-mir does now? [16:58] mterry: nope, just Screen. Is needed for powerd I think [16:58] greyback, yar. OK, cool. Thanks! [16:59] mterry: one question for you: is the lock-screen a session thing, or a system thing? [16:59] greyback, the greeter will eventually run as the lightdm user in its own session [16:59] greyback, so sort of both? [17:00] mterry: :D yay [17:00] ok, I'll not worry about it for now [17:00] greyback, I'm going to move the dbus-screen stuff into USC, and when we're ready to land it, we can coordinate dropping it from unity-mir [17:01] mterry: ack, sounds good to me === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader === Stskeepz is now known as Stskeeps === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha [17:20] bfiller, hi === Vyom is now known as Vyom|afk [17:20] attente: we've got a bunch of the keyboard settings implemented now, wondering if we can add the UI back in to system settings [17:20] bfiller, sure [17:20] which ones are ready? [17:21] attente: auto-caps, language selection and switching, predictive text is in process of working === oSoMoN_ is now known as oSoMoN [17:33] bfiller, great, thanks! === Vyom|afk is now known as Vyom === genii is now known as genii-o-lantern === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [18:13] ogra_, sergiusens, do you know much about adb or know who might? We see a lot of our upstream merger makos and maguros fail to show up under adb after a flash. [18:13] we have to have them physically reset and they're fine again [18:14] fginther, sergiusens has a bunch of pending fixes that should improve this [18:15] ogra_: for some reason it happens with the upstream merger devices alot more than the image testing devices [18:15] sergiusens, can I help get them merged? [18:16] it also hits the magorus much more frequently then the makos [18:18] ogra_, the phablet-tools ones? Those are all merged [18:19] fginther, cjohnston are they flashed the same way? [18:19] fginther, can I get some logs to look at? [18:19] sergiusens, sure [18:20] and are they all connected to the same box? The image tests and the merger ones [18:20] ? [18:20] sergiusens, they are on different hosts [18:20] sergiusens, here's a flash job : [18:21] sergiusens, here's one stuck right now: [18:22] fginther, no need to wait-for-device; when ubuntu-system is flashed there is a 'wait for unity8' in there [18:22] sergiusens, and another: [18:22] fginther, yeah installation taking to long.... can we get syslog and dmesg from the box? === Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha === rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti === claydoh_ is now known as claydoh === dandrader_ is now known as dandrader|afk === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader === mcarifio is now known as carif [19:15] does/will Touch support the nexus 5? [19:17] carif, It will, but it will take some time [19:17] Noskcaj, vg, ty === w00t is now known as Guest90581 [19:28] hello [19:29] can anyone help me with somme advices about an xperia U [19:51] Hi! don't know if this is right place to ask, but I'll try :) Is there somewhere documentation/tutorial on how to create truly convergence app for UT ? or maybe even examples ? I know Karma Machine ( the winner of Ubuntu appshowdown ) have this convergence nicely done but I can not find a source for this app ( it should be open source if I'm not mistaking as any app taking part in ubuntu appshowdown had to be open s [19:51] ource ) Anyone can help ? ;> [19:55] any way to lock the screen on the latest image? [19:55] lock the phone, for security [20:04] salud === peter is now known as Guest71081 [20:20] hello [20:33] ogra_, can you give an update on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch/+bug/1237937 ?? it would be great if you could fix that bug. bug info is complete. [20:33] Ubuntu bug 1237937 in initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch (Ubuntu) "data partition not found, missing device specific name" [Medium,Incomplete] [20:39] stgraber, ping [20:39] hi ! === jhodapp|sick is now known as jhodapp [20:41] there are not many phones Sony .. [21:14] Just getting into Ubuntu Touch. I have it installed on a Nexus 4. Installed core apps but can't find emailclient on device. [21:20] steve-o: there is no email client on the device === pandather is now known as pandadather [21:32] Updated today. Noticing my ubuntu-emailclient-app file is only 82 bytes long. That's some pretty efficient coding. [21:33] popey: Ok...just saw your msg. Thanks. I have read conflicting reports on whether it exists or not. [21:33] we're going to restart work on it this cycle [21:34] Cool...can I toss in some thoughts on design/notifications etc. or is it still too early for that? [21:34] hello gays [21:34] i will ask something [21:37] yeah, bit early [21:42] i come from a blackberry background and back in the day they had the best notifications BY FAR. New BBs don't. [21:42] Would like Ubuntu Touch to pick up BB's slack someday. === AlanChicken is now known as alanbell === alanbell is now known as AlanBell [22:11] szymon_w: hmm I cannot find the source code either for karma machine [22:11] szymon_w: I am going to try to create a sample app with convergence to give it a shot myself [22:12] szymon_w: I would at one point need to do for the clock app anyways [22:16] nik90, I managed to dig this one out: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/+junk/convergence-view mhall119 did it... but it would be cool to have official example code from canonical with short documentation... so every app will use the same code pattern. [22:20] szymon_w: +1 [22:20] szymon_w: Have you looked at the sample code in the sdk documentation in qtcreator? [22:20] * nik90 is looking at it now [22:24] nik90, I couldn’t find anything about converge in sdk documentation, maybe I missing something. [22:25] szymon_w: in qtcreator in the API tab, I see the convergence doc [22:25] szymon_w: it is called layouts [22:25] conditional layout, item layout etc [22:27] nik90, good find :) [22:29] szymon_w: :) [23:04] stgraber, ping [23:38] Can anyone take a look at my code at http://paste.ubuntu.com/6338400/ and help me create a basic converged app? [23:39] It consists of 2 buttons which are presented as a column when in portrait mode (width < 50 units gu) and as a row in landscape mode (width > 50 units gu) [23:39] I have used the Ubuntu Layouts feature [23:39] zsombi ^^ [23:40] szymon_w: ^^ [23:41] I have a issue where when I go landscape mode, the buttons disappear [23:41] :( [23:45] nik90, this is what I got so far: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6338431/ [23:49] szymon_w: hmm you do it quite differently from what I did [23:50] szymon_w: yours works but it seems like you basically create a new object for a particular size (phone or tablet) [23:50] while in the documentation, they create the objects only once and define the positioning and size inside the conditional layouts [23:51] which is what i tried to do and it doesn't work [23:51] I am not sure which one is efficient [23:52] I have a feeling that while your method works, we shouldnt be copying object definition such as Button{} and Page{} in each conditional layout [23:52] that would be too much duplicate code [23:52] nik90, I see what you mean... I tried to do it the way you are doing it and it didn't work for me too, this is why I tried this way and it kind of works. [23:52] szymon_w: I am going to check with the SDK devs, which there was a sample application [23:53] szymon_w: check out the latest bug in UITK [23:53] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1246930 [23:53] Ubuntu bug 1246930 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[layouts] layout change overwrites properties that need not change" [Undecided,New] [23:57] nik90, nice! it works, although when in landscape the buttons get resized too, is it as it should be ? [23:58] szymon_w: basically the current layouts is requiring you to explicitly mention the sizes in both layout conditions [23:58] otherwise the size is too small to be visible [23:58] nik90, k