
=== LjL is now known as TheGhostOfLjL
Azelphurwoo :)01:13
ali1234i don't see how that is possible01:21
ali1234unless they paid a massive amount of money to every patent holder01:21
* Azelphur shrugs01:21
penguin42ali1234: $6.5M total I think01:23
ali1234yeah that's not nearly enough01:23
ali1234so you don't have to pay a royalty if you use cisco's binary01:23
penguin42ali1234: the patents for this type of thing go through clearing orgs for the patents in question and I think there was some upper bound01:23
ali1234but you still can't make your own01:24
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flow_connect irc.quakenet02:18
knightwisemorning everyone07:11
MartijnVdShi knightwise07:11
knightwiseMartijn , i have a quick question07:11
knightwisewondering if you can help me07:11
MartijnVdSI'll try ;)07:11
knightwiseI installed LMDE on my system and have just inserted a brand new usb disk07:11
knightwiseformatted it to ext407:11
knightwiseand now when I try to write something to it it says read only ?07:11
MartijnVdSext4 drives tend to be owned by root07:12
MartijnVdSyou can chown the mount point (After mounting) or set the default user using tune2fs07:12
knightwiseah thats it07:12
knightwiseso if I mount it in a folder in my home drive it will be ok ?07:12
MartijnVdSno, the mount will change the permissions/ownership of the mount point usually07:13
knightwiseor would it be better to just format it ext3 ?07:13
MartijnVdSthat'll have the same issue :)07:13
knightwiseok , so i'll just mount it in a folder.07:13
MartijnVdSknightwise: just mount it, then chown the mount point to the correct user07:14
MartijnVdSthat will be persistent across mounts07:15
knightwiseso i'm punching in chown knightwise (and then whats my group ?07:16
MartijnVdSwhatever you want07:16
knightwisecan i leave it blank ?07:17
MartijnVdScheck your ~ if you don't have a clue07:17
knightwisesorry what ?07:17
MartijnVdSls -ld ~ (your home dir)07:18
MartijnVdSshould give you an idea of which group to choose07:18
knightwisemy home dir is /home/knightwie07:18
MartijnVdSit's also "~" ;)07:19
knightwisei did the chmod , now when I do an ls-alh it says knightwise in the first column , but root in  the second07:19
knightwiseso the second column is the group07:19
knightwisegot it07:20
knightwiselets see if it works07:20
knightwiseBINGO !ç :-)07:20
knightwiseTHanx MartijnVdS :)07:20
knightwisethats odd07:22
knightwisewhen I create a file from the command line, no problemù07:22
knightwisewhen I try to copy over a file from a different disk it says "read only"07:22
MartijnVdSknightwise: how do you copy it?07:24
MartijnVdSto get the "read only"07:24
knightwisefrom one finder window to the other07:24
knightwisesorry , nautilus07:24
knightwisesome of the files are on a second usb disk , others on an sftp server07:25
dvrrhiiiiiii  good morning everyone07:25
MartijnVdSknightwise: weird, maybe it cached the read-onlyness from earlier?07:26
knightwisenot sure ,07:26
knightwiseI even did a chmod -R 777 on the folder to be sure07:26
knightwisedoing a reformat at starting over to be sure07:29
knightwisetrying this again.07:29
MartijnVdSknightwise: that should not be necessary07:40
MartijnVdSknightwise: is there anything about read-only-ness in the kernel log?07:40
knightwiseerm how do i see that ?07:42
MartijnVdSknightwise: dmesg, or check /var/log/kern.log :)07:42
knightwiseOct 31 07:57:25 stargazer kernel: [  990.550874] EXT4-fs (sdf1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)07:43
MartijnVdSsounds good07:43
knightwisein the kern log there doesnt seem to be an issue07:43
MartijnVdSand you can write to it as root, right?07:43
knightwisesays it "mounted the filesystem" a07:43
MartijnVdSand you can chown knightwise:knightwise the mountpoint?07:43
knightwisewrite cache enabled07:43
MartijnVdSthen it's not mounted read-only :)07:44
knightwiseand when i create file using the command line it works07:44
knightwisebut when i copy over a file from a different disk .. it doesnt07:44
MartijnVdSknightwise: if you've done: mount /dev/whatever /home/knightwise/some_dir; chown knightwise:knightwise some_dir", it should Just Work07:44
MartijnVdSif it doesn't, mount it in /mnt/scratch_disk (or whatever name you want, create the dir first)07:45
MartijnVdSthen "mkdir /mnt/scratch_disk/knightwise_stuff"07:45
MartijnVdSchown knightwise:knightwise /mnt/scratch_disk/knightwise_stuff07:45
MartijnVdSthen ln -s /mnt/scratch_disk/knightwise_stuff ~/mounted_disk07:45
MartijnVdSit'll be in a subdir, but it'll work :)07:45
knightwiseok , i started from scratch07:49
knightwisethe disk is now mounted in /media07:49
knightwise(as linux does so by default)07:50
MartijnVdSthat's the automounter07:50
knightwiseowner group = Root07:50
knightwisei'm gonna change the label of the disk for a sec07:50
MartijnVdSdid you re-format? because that's expected in that case07:50
knightwiseshe is mounted in /media08:00
knightwisemkdir /media/BAY2/media08:01
knightwiseok ,08:01
knightwisei better do this in a command line window08:02
knightwisenot in irc :^) *dumb*08:02
gordonjcpknightwise: yeah, that helps08:03
knightwisei did a chmod of the bay2 disk in /media/b08:03
knightwiseand i'm now the owner and stiff08:03
gordonjcpknightwise: good job you didn't do "sudo" and put your password in here08:03
knightwisebut still .. read only :)-08:03
knightwisegordonjcp: that would have been very stupid08:04
gordonjcpknightwise: is it mounted read-only?08:04
knightwisegordonjcp: how do i see that08:04
gordonjcptype "mount"08:04
TheOpenSourcerermorning earthlings08:04
knightwise/dev/sdf1 on /media/BAY2 type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_xattr,barrier=1,data=ordered,uhelper=udisks)08:05
knightwiseshould work .. right ?08:05
gordonjcpknightwise: okay, so it's rw, you're the owner of the directory and the directory is rw?08:05
knightwisedrwxr-xr-x  4 knightwise knightwise 4.0K Oct 31 09:05 BAY208:06
MartijnVdSso: yes08:06
MartijnVdShttp://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/A_Quick_Introduction_to_Unix/Permissions :P08:06
knightwiseand when I go in from the command line .. it works08:06
knightwisei can create a file / folder08:06
knightwisebut not from nautilus08:07
knightwiseit only makes sense if its a bug08:07
TheOpenSourcererCool - just got my custom url on G+ https://plus.google.com/+AlanLord08:07
knightwisethis has to be a bug08:13
MartijnVdSI got a note 2 days ago (I guess?) that I could choose one08:13
knightwisei'm gonna try again with ext308:13
MartijnVdSknightwise: ext3 won't fix it08:13
knightwiseMartijnVdS: the note2 is a great phone08:13
knightwisei have one too :)08:13
MartijnVdSknightwise: No I mean, a notification from google that I could make an URL like that for my G+ :)08:14
knightwiseMartijnVdS: but its soo funny . I works in the command line but it doesnt work from the file explorer.08:14
knightwiseaha ! :)08:14
MartijnVdSknightwise: create a subdir owned by you:you, try that08:14
knightwiseman i'm not awake this morning08:14
knightwiseDid that too08:14
MartijnVdSalso, try in a non-root shell :)08:14
MartijnVdSknightwise: can you do ls -lR /media/your_device_name, strip out the filenames you think we should not know, and put it on pastebin?08:15
knightwiseps :is it normal that a format to ext3 takes forever and a format to ext4 is done in a jiffy ?08:16
MartijnVdSext4 only allocates some necessary bits, and writes the rest as needed ("lazy")08:16
MartijnVdSpopey: Latest rumour is that the N5 will be released tomorrow, 15:00 (8am US/Pacific)08:18
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MartijnVdSoh wait08:20
MartijnVdSpopey: *this* afternoon, even08:20
Myrttiwheeee Benedict and Jonny Lee tonight ♥08:33
knightwisehey MartijnVdS08:36
knightwisei tried what you suggested08:36
MartijnVdShey, knightwise  :)08:36
knightwiseand its the same thing08:36
knightwiseso weird08:36
knightwiseworks fine from the command line08:36
knightwisedoesnt work from the finder08:37
knightwisei mean the file explorere08:37
MartijnVdSknightwise: are you sure you're using the correct target in that?08:37
knightwiseholdon , i'll "drill down" in the file manager08:37
knightwisei won't use the "devices" section but navigate to the media section08:38
knightwisesame thing08:38
MartijnVdSso it's mounted in /media08:38
MartijnVdScan you ls -ld /media ?08:38
MartijnVdSls -ld /media/your_device_here08:39
knightwisedrwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Oct 31 09:32 /media/08:39
knightwisedrwxrwxrwx 4 knightwise knightwise 4096 Oct 31 09:33 /media/BAY2/08:39
knightwisei just did a chmod -R 777 to try that out08:39
knightwiseand still the same error when you use the file explorer08:39
MartijnVdSknightwise: that's a bug08:40
knightwisebingo , i thought so08:40
knightwiseI can work around that , i'll just use 12.04 lts instead of LMDE08:40
MartijnVdSknightwise: if you do "mkdir /media/BAY2/whatever", check its ownership (knightwise:knightwise, 0755 (drwxr-xr-x)08:40
MartijnVdSknightwise: can you write in the "whatever" subdir?08:40
knightwisenot from the file explorer08:42
knightwisei can from the command line08:42
Myrttitransmission has a command line version too, btw08:42
MartijnVdSknightwise: can you do "id" from the command line?08:42
Myrttiand a webinterface08:42
knightwiseuid=1000(knightwise) gid=1000(knightwise) groups=1000(knightwise),4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),27(sudo),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),113(lpadmin),120(sambashare)08:42
MartijnVdSknightwise: have you tried killing and restarting the file manager?08:43
MartijnVdSmaybe it cached something wrong08:43
knightwisei'm gonna reboot for a sec08:43
ali1234have you double mounted the mount point or something?08:43
MartijnVdSreboot won't fix it08:44
Myrttihttp://ntlive.nationaltheatre.org.uk/productions/16546-frankenstein ♥ ♥ ♥08:47
knightwiseMartijnVdS: that fixed it !08:48
knightwisea simple reboot08:48
knightwiseseems that the file manager does cache things08:48
MyrttiMartijnVdS: bubububu Jonny Lee and Benedict...08:48
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Samhain! :-D09:06
mungbeanbit of an embarrasing bug in office 36509:31
mungbeani forwarded a meeting invite to somebody with a few sarcastic comments.09:31
mungbeanguess what 0365 did? it created a nwe meeting and invited everybody to it, with those comments09:32
MartijnVdShaha.. OOPS09:32
mungbeanand i couldn't cancel it09:32
mungbeanhappy reformation day!09:36
* SuperMatt reforms as a pile of gloop on the floor09:39
mungbeanMP did not respond, i guess he is not going to the surveillance debate09:53
mungbeando they publish attendance lists ?09:54
mungbeani guess not09:54
JamesTaitmungbean, I'd be surprised if you couldn't at least find out if your MP attended, say via ORG.09:56
JamesTaitIn related news: http://goo.gl/VNz11a (Washington Post article on NSA wiretapping Google, Yahoo!)10:00
brobostigongood morning everyone10:53
AlanBellmungbean: http://www.theyworkforyou.com/ voting records mostly, I think you can wander in and out of the chamber without being recorded10:57
AlanBellunless they say anything, that gets recorded too10:58
davmor2Morning all11:04
AlanBellhttps://plus.google.com/+AlanBell TheOpenSourcerer :)11:05
TheOpenSourcererNow all we need is https://plus.google.com/+LibertusSolutions11:06
popeyyou dont need the plus btw11:07
mungbeani thought we had these things ages ago11:07
popeyno, we have things like http://popey.com/+ ages ago11:07
penguin42note they had a comment on the T&C that they might decide to start charging for it in future11:07
AlanBellno it was always long numbers for profile names11:07
penguin42so it's a better-grab-it-now vs they'll probably charge when everyone uses it11:08
AlanBellcan't see how to make it happen for a page11:08
mungbeanwhy would they charge for it? they want g+ to be an indetity service, rahter than social network11:08
penguin42mungbean: It was in the T&C when you confirm it11:08
AlanBellIt wouldn't surprise me if they charged for pages11:08
mungbeanthat would be counter productive11:08
mungbeanthey want identities11:09
AlanBellyeah, for people11:09
AlanBelland they want to make money out of companies11:09
Myrtti_I'm trying to claim +Myrtti11:09
mungbeanah, pages=companies?11:09
bashrchow are they going to get identities?11:09
AlanBellmungbean: yeah11:09
arsenhow do you claim the +Name's ?:o11:09
Myrtti_mungbean: pages can be anything11:09
mungbeang+ offered me MyName11:10
AlanBelland other things, but companies can't be people (in theory)11:10
AlanBellso if you want a corporate presence on G+ then you make a page for it11:10
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arsennever know what to do with G+, i've no real need to use/login/do anything on it when i've got facefail and twatter already :(11:12
arsenthe world needs less social networking, it's hard to keep up!11:12
MartijnVdSLots of Ubuntu people are on there11:12
MartijnVdSand photo people11:12
TheOpenSourcererLike this one: https://plus.google.com/b/117044437831175918422/117044437831175918422/about11:12
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: is that people? :)11:12
AlanBellfacebook has too many family members on it, twitter is too short and restrictive for a proper conversation11:12
mungbeanthey don't really care if you use it for social networks11:12
mungbeanor they would make it better for that11:12
arsenthat's true - i can see there's a gap for special interest/professional social networking, as linkedin is just an AdFest11:13
mungbeanits more of a means for google to collect better quality info about you and to tie it to a real person11:13
mungbeanall google searches, gmail, youtube searches etc ,etc11:14
arseni find myself in the neverending circle of trying to organise my techy life, whether it be getting all my photos onlnie, and keeping junk ones from amateur 'good' photos, to making sure all my files/contacts/emails/images are sycned to all devices11:14
mungbeanarsen: do you have kids?11:15
arsenno xD11:15
mungbeanwhen you do...11:15
arsenyeah i can imagine.11:15
mungbeanyou'll have a pile of bills and letters unopended on the stairs, and a mould  patch on the bathroom wall and a leaking tap11:15
mungbeanand you won't care about you techie life11:16
arsencan't help but think life would be esaier if i'd of just gone for android on my phone, and never bothered with an ipad, and never gotten comfortable with OSX as a sysadmin, and ignored facebook.11:16
popeyi have a fairly clear split on facebook, only family11:16
mungbeani was up between 1-3.30am with teething crying baby11:16
arsenyeah, it'd just be nice if it was all tidy and in the right place. no one company seems to offer the full 360degree solution with everything synced and harmonised :)11:16
bashrcI ignore Facebook anyway11:16
mungbeannone of my facebook friends understand techie stuff11:16
mungbeanso i keep it that way11:17
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arsenmakes sense, i tend to keep techy chat to irc, or maybe twitter.11:19
mungbeani delete any tweets older than 14 days11:20
AlanBellinteresting, why and how do you do that mungbean?11:20
mungbeani'm not a heavy tweeter , but i consider its usefulness only transient11:21
mungbeanmuch like reddit, before i quit i realised for all the stuff on the site, most of it is old news,11:22
AlanBellso do you manually go back through your profile and press delete on things?11:22
mungbeani do it on facebook too, but not so strictly11:22
mungbeani think i have a hatred of yesterdays news11:22
bashrcthat sounds time consuming11:22
arsenheh reddit - i think i've managed to successfully avoid reddit in my entire technical life11:23
mungbean most comments are just fluff and fleeting11:23
popeyyou're the second guy I know who deletes old tweets11:23
popeyit's an exceptionally odd thing to do11:23
mungbeanyou're welcome :D11:23
bashrcit's odd in the sense that they're probably aren't really deleted11:23
mungbeanwho's the other?11:23
arseni started to adopt the "i dont care" policy about censoring my online profile and hiding stupid drunk comments11:24
popeya guy in my local lug who argues with celebs on twitter11:24
popeythen auto deletes his tweets11:24
mungbeani don't do that ;P11:24
mungbeanthat sounds more like trolling and regret11:24
arsensounds fun.11:25
mungbeani used to sometimes write a big long reddit comment and then delete it 1hr/1day later11:25
mungbeansome people write massive blog posts they never publish11:26
arsensave yourself the hassle and do like me.. put reddit and G+ in the big basket of unwanted internet content.11:26
mungbeanor journals nobody reads11:26
mungbeanif your stuff is public you want a more noble history than "going for a poo now"11:26
mungbeanif you became high profile like ed snowden and the press raked over your stuff, the last tweet you sent was some lame comment11:27
popeypeople dont actually do that though11:27
Myrttiit would be absolutely super if Tinternet would work proper11:27
popeythats the same argument people gave for not using twitter11:27
popey"It's just people talking about their food"11:27
mungbeanand sports11:27
AlanBellthere are various people arguing for a right to be forgotten online11:27
popeywhich maybe true for some, just don't follow those people11:27
bashrcI forgot about the right to be forgotten11:28
AlanBelland people who don't much like the existence of irclogs.ubuntu.com11:28
mungbeaned snowden published a load of "arty" shots on ars technica in 2009 and it got aired in public when the stuff blew up11:28
AlanBellit is interesting when what someone wants to be forgotten is their portion of a conversation11:29
mungbeanAlanBell: maybe non google searchable irclogs would be nicer11:29
AlanBelland less useful11:29
MartijnVdSAlanBell: well, as long as the irclogs site itself has an internal search11:29
MartijnVdSAlanBell: also, how often do you go back to irc logs from '04?11:29
AlanBellme, not often11:29
arsenevery so often, to find the same goddamn forum post link i always lose.11:30
AlanBellbut I do use site:irclogs.ubuntu.com in google searches from time to time11:30
mungbeani haven't changed my irc name lately11:30
popeyme too11:31
popeyi want to go back and find a url that was mentioned somewhere or something11:31
mungbeanthen you know it was on the site, and can use site:blah as MartijnVdS said11:32
mungbeannot everything has to be given to the google11:32
popeybut if google dont index it11:33
popeythen site: blah doesnt work11:33
mungbeanthat was shorthand for internal search11:34
popeyit doesnt though11:34
popeyand thats only one use case11:34
arsen^_^ internet privacy debate.11:36
Myrttioh dear me11:36
Myrttimy browser doesn't load iwfchecker.lightning-bolt.net11:37
* arsen just learnt what iwf is11:45
mungbeanplaese can someone using chrome do a test for me?11:53
mungbeango here and click download https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/details?downloadGroup=DT-ESXI55-EMULEX-BE2ISCSI-462610&productId=35311:55
mungbeanvmware links don't work in chrome , strangely11:55
mgdmasks me to log in11:56
mungbeanthen it works11:56
mungbeandoesn't even respond to my click11:56
mungbeanoh. adblock plus11:56
mgdmI was about to say11:57
mungbeanthat happens so rarely11:58
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MartijnVdSCan anyone explain UK trains to me? :)12:43
mungbeanSnowden has secured employment with a "major" Russian website and will start work on Friday. Neither the particular employer nor Snowden's exact duties have been detailed, other than to say that he'll be performing a "technical support" role.12:44
AzelphurThey run on tracks, somehow never seem to run on time, and if there's a single leaf on the track everybody panics.12:44
mungbeanso hegot a visa?12:44
MartijnVdSAzelphur: sure, but in the Netherlands, you can get one ticket and use it for all operators12:44
mungbeanMartijnVdS: metal wheels on metal rails, lots of slippy. old trains from 60s12:44
MartijnVdSAzelphur: also, 1 operator per line12:44
AzelphurMartijnVdS: you and your sane country12:44
penguin42MartijnVdS: You generally can buy one ticket here as well - although there may be offers from some operators to do cheaper stuff12:45
mungbeanwhere u wnna go to/from?12:45
MartijnVdSmungbean: from Gatwick into London12:45
MartijnVdSand back12:45
mungbeangatwick express12:45
mungbeantheres a special train12:46
MartijnVdS.. that's £10 more expensive than regular tickets12:46
mungbeanand quick12:46
arsenyes, just get a regular ticket12:46
arsengatwick express is fast, but slightly more money. normal train tickets work from gatwick to victoria (or clapham junction)12:46
mungbeanthen u try not to fly to brighton next time and choose a london airport :P12:46
penguin42MartijnVdS: transportdirect.info12:47
MartijnVdSpenguin42: I was looking at nationalrail12:47
penguin42hmm shouldn't be much difference12:47
MartijnVdSWould tickets work at any time during the day, or are they train-dependent (or just route-dependent)12:47
penguin42MartijnVdS: Generally in most places most tickets aren't provider specific, so you don't worry about who is running the train, sometimes you get special offers from one provider which makes theirs cheaper12:48
penguin42MartijnVdS: Generally you get on/off peak tickets but no more12:48
MartijnVdSpenguin42: or more expensive ;)12:48
MyrttiAzelphur: could you please do me a favour12:48
AzelphurMyrtti: sup?12:48
MyrttiAzelphur: could you ping hilla.kapsi.fi12:48
arsentickets / routes can be done on thetrainline.com or nationalrailenquiries12:48
MyrttiI just feel like ripping the head of a TalkTalk customer rep right now12:48
MartijnVdSMyrtti: works for me (v6 and v4) from .nl12:49
penguin42MartijnVdS: If you do a search on transportdirect, go to the tickets/costs tab it then shows you the ticket types, and if you click on the type it'll show you the restrictionson that type of ticket12:49
AzelphurMyrtti: 4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3001ms12:49
mungbeanMartijnVdS: how much ££ you getting quoted?12:49
Azelphurrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 65.925/66.200/66.410/0.273 ms12:49
Myrttiso it's just me12:49
MartijnVdSpenguin42: great, thanks!12:49
Myrttimine is blackholed somewhere in TalkTalk cabling then12:49
penguin42MartijnVdS: If you buy in advance they're cheaper, but you can always buy on machines in the stations12:49
Myrttiand TalkTalk want me to login to the account which I don't have a password for or any actual wish to have it.12:50
Myrttibefore they do anything else12:50
MartijnVdSpenguin42: yeah, did that before, but that cost a lot of money :)12:50
penguin42MartijnVdS: OK, some of the in-advance ones are cheaper because they book to a particular time/seat - some are just cheaper because you book in advance12:51
mungbeanwhats the cheapest ticket you seen so far?12:52
penguin42for what?12:52
mungbeansorry question for MartijnVdS12:52
mungbeanfor his journey12:52
MartijnVdSmungbean: 2 singles for £10 each, but I think those are "you have to get on that one specific train" type tickets12:52
mungbeannot a good combination with planes i suppose12:53
MartijnVdSnext one down is £28 for the return fare, which makes the £31 for the easy option (gatwick express) the best/least confusing option12:53
mungbeangoing alone?12:53
MartijnVdSbut on Easyjet12:53
mungbeanwonder how much the buy @ station is for the regular railway12:56
mungbeani.e. buy for particular train, but buy at station12:56
mungbeanlife is confusing12:57
mungbeanalso...for the brave http://www.easybus.co.uk/london-gatwick13:00
MartijnVdSmungbean: took a bus from Luton into London once. Cheap, effective but *shudder*13:00
mungbeantook a bus from london to northern island once13:00
mungbeanand also london to barcelona, pisa, etc13:00
mungbeanwoops, a northern island called northern ireland13:01
MartijnVdS"I went to the Northern Islands" 8-)13:01
MartijnVdS"What, like Orkney?"13:01
mungbeanhad a lady get on at perston with a 2 litre bottle of cider. did not end well13:02
mungbeanturned into rab c nesbit by the time we were in scotland13:02
mungbeanthen a diabetic lady had an episode and we got stuck at a service station13:03
mungbeani can't imagine the sea jounreys to NY by boat in the pre flight days13:03
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MartijnVdSmungbean: I went across the North Sea by boat (and car) in May13:06
MartijnVdSmungbean: the other people were ... interesting13:06
mungbeannorthern chavs?13:07
popeythen he broke his car at my house ☹13:07
MartijnVdSpopey: yeah, that day :)13:09
MartijnVdSmungbean: nah, Rotterdam to Harwich, so mostly people who didn't want to drive to Belgium/France for a shorter boat trip ;)13:10
AzelphurMartijnVdS: take the coach, they are so much nicer :)13:17
Azelphurlast time I was on a coach there was a guy trying to charge his phone off the plugs in the coach, which never actually seem to work13:17
mungbeandesprate times, desperate measures13:18
Azelphurso I charged his phone off my battery, and he made me this https://www.dropbox.com/s/rp7yt493e2ifm2n/2013-10-24%2000.47.40.jpg?m :D13:18
mungbeanhow did you charge it off his one?13:20
MartijnVdSAzelphur is magic13:20
Azelphuryou can just plug things into my coat, and it charges them.13:20
Azelphurmy coat is a wizard.13:20
mungbeandoes it have jelly beans in it?13:20
MartijnVdSAzelphur: .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dUV4VAr9lk13:21
AzelphurI have the 12000mAh one, they are super handy and super cheap13:21
* Azelphur recommends13:21
MartijnVdSAzelphur: do they come with laptop leads as well?13:21
AzelphurMartijnVdS: unfortunately no, USB only. I had one that did laptops, but none of the universal ones will do my laptop13:21
AzelphurMy laptop is too power hungry13:21
mungbeanwould something like this be compatible will new ipods ipads too ? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Plantronics-Backbeat-Stereo-Corded-Headphones/dp/B005UY1JVA/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1383225726&sr=8-2&keywords=plantronics+backbeat+21613:22
MartijnVdS"Here's your train booking confirmation and 3 free MP3s"13:22
mungbeani have these earphones still new in the box but don't have ip*d hence want to sell them13:23
MartijnVdSmungbean: probably13:23
Azelphurmungbean: they got a mic on them? or are they just headphones13:23
mungbeanyeah mic too13:24
AzelphurMartijnVdS: my laptop wants 19V @ 6.3amps, none of the universal chargers can do it, :(13:24
mungbeangot a little inline controller on it13:24
Azelphurmungbean: nice, what color? :)13:24
Azelphurfun, I could take those off your hands :)13:25
Azelphurthe one I have atm everyone says they can't hear me overt he mic, at all13:25
Azelphureven if I swallow the mic, it's annoying13:25
mungbeansure, what u wanna give for them?13:25
* mungbean doesn't take bitcoin13:25
Azelphurnot even a little bit of bitcoin? :(13:26
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
AzelphurI'll just leave this here http://www.news.com.au/money/money-matters/norwegian-student-kristoffer-koch-buys-27-in-bitcoin-in-2009-now-he-owns-an-apartment/story-e6frfmd9-1226748159679 :P13:26
mungbeanthe headline tells the story13:27
MartijnVdSAzelphur: can I borrow your time machine? I need to get back to '0913:27
Azelphurmungbean: what make/model are they? I'll look em up and give you a sensible price13:27
AzelphurMartijnVdS: I know that feeling man, I had 1000 BTC in 2012...13:27
AzelphurI'm not doing bad atm though, thanks to my ASICs I'm rapidly approaching 120 BTC :)13:27
mungbean95% sure the model is plantronics backbeat 216 in white13:28
Azelphur£16? :)13:29
mungbean16 inc P&P sounds v reasonable13:29
mungbeangood for me13:29
Azelphurmaking me spend dirty fiat money xD13:30
AzelphurI hardly ever spend fiat now13:30
mungbeanyou fold it up into little unicorns instead13:30
Azelphurmungbean: nah, get my groceries, gadgetry, take out etc with bitcoin13:30
Azelphurthere's not a whole lot left I don't buy with BTC13:30
Azelphurmungbean: what's your paypal address?13:31
mungbeansame as my email which i PM'd you13:32
mungbeancool, at work today, so i'll send it out tomorrow :P13:32
MartijnVdSAzelphur: tax?13:32
AzelphurMartijnVdS: didn't know HMRC accepted BTC13:33
MartijnVdSAzelphur: ask them ;)13:33
Myrttiaw man, no Nexus phones on the list http://www.yorkshiretea.co.uk/phone-case/13:33
MyrttiI'd get one immediately13:33
AzelphurMyrtti: haha13:33
MartijnVdSMyrtti: hahaha :)13:33
Myrtti-______- I'm serious.13:34
Azelphurmungbean: excluding rent and bills, I've probably spent £50 this month in fiat xD13:35
MartijnVdSMyrtti: well, with the new nexus being released soon (today?), they might have that under embargo13:35
MartijnVdSAzelphur: You should buy *a* Fiat with btc13:35
Azelphurand this has been an "Expensive" month, went to London13:35
MyrttiMartijnVdS: probably not.13:35
MartijnVdSAzelphur: just to prove you can13:35
AzelphurMartijnVdS: *shrug* would be fairly pointless, I don't drive13:35
AzelphurI have bought quite a wide variety of stuff with BTC, though13:36
MartijnVdSAzelphur: Fiat also makes http://www.fiat-accessories.com/fiat-bikes13:36
Azelphureverything from home baked brownies to SSDs :)13:36
AzelphurMartijnVdS: haha13:36
TheOpenSourcererIf I *really* knew what Bitcoins were I might be able to comment but as I don't I can't.13:48
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: time for an afternoon of light reading13:48
AzelphurTheOpenSourcerer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ7YG6UIl-U13:49
Azelphurno need :)13:49
TheOpenSourcererNope - I'm moving a rather large repo from svn to git right now.13:49
MartijnVdSisn't that automated thoguh?13:49
TheOpenSourcererNot using it afterwards ;-)13:50
mungbeanis thee a transcation fee if you trade/pay in BC?13:54
mungbeanAzelphur: you should write an article for the economist or national newspaper about life in bitcoin land.13:56
Azelphurmungbean: sort of, the transaction fees are competitive, you set how much of a fee you want to pay.13:56
Azelphuryou can set a zero fee, it'll just take forever for your transaction to get processed (days, weeks even)13:57
Azelphurbut a ridiculously low fee (like 1p) will get you processed pretty quickly13:57
mungbeanshame its such a volatile and virtual currency13:57
MartijnVdSit prevents spamming of almost-empty transactions13:57
MartijnVdSexcept by that on-line casino place13:58
AzelphurMartijnVdS: hehe, satoshidice :)13:58
AzelphurI actually owned like 10% of satoshidice for a while13:58
Azelphursold it though (made a nice profit \o/)13:58
AzelphurI dunno about writing articles, I find that a lot of people are currently in the ridicule stage13:59
Azelphur(you know the age old saying, first they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win)14:00
MartijnVdShappens every time it busts14:00
Azelphurwe're coming out of ridicule and into fight14:00
Azelphur(the banks are PISSED)14:00
MartijnVdSwasn't there a big peak/drop earlier this week?14:00
AzelphurMartijnVdS: yea, that was because DPR got arrested14:00
mungbeanwas 1BC = $20 las year?14:03
Azelphursounds about right yea14:03
MartijnVdSmungbean: it's $200ish now14:03
mungbeanhow can it be $200 now14:03
Myrttiwohoo, shop.ubuntu.com seems to be going to the same black hole as hilla.kapsi.fi14:03
Azelphurmungbean: because, it's the future14:04
Azelphurmungbean: lets put it like this. Why do you think I'm sitting on more BTC than I am fiat.14:04
Azelphurno guarantees of course, but you can see where I've placed my bets.14:04
mungbean"Splitting my time between HS2 debate and Oversight of intelligence and security services this afternoon"14:05
dwatkinsDo MPs even read Twitter comments?14:06
mungbeanmy one replied14:06
MartijnVdSdwatkins: why would they?14:06
dwatkinsI was discussing the fact Bayer are sueing the government for the pesticide ban, and my brother pointed out it might be better to write to my MEP/MP about it.14:06
mungbean"Listening to oversight of intelligence services debate, I have found no reason to regret my previous opposition to the Data Comms Bill"14:06
dwatkinsMartijnVdS: I wonder with some of them if they have a secretary to send the tweets out, and they only see a small number of the replies.14:06
MartijnVdSdwatkins: that's common over here, though most of them are "outed" quite quickly and then just stop tweeting14:07
MartijnVdSsome are actually funny 8-)14:07
dwatkinsah ok14:07
mungbeanmy MP doesn't get many tweets14:10
mungbeani think he replies during boring debates14:10
mungbeanand waiting at train stations14:10
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MartijnVdSmungbean: train stations? not private limos?14:10
SuperMattoh they're frist class trains14:11
SuperMattbut that have to be seen to be of the people and for the people14:11
mungbeanwe don't get first class14:11
SuperMattI'd quite like to see a politician on the bus14:11
mungbeanor actually i travel first class every day because my line doesn't have 1st class but they are old standstead express rolloing stock14:11
SuperMattin theory, my mp shouldn't need any other transport than the very bus I take14:11
mungbeanboris and camerion get the bike14:11
SuperMattbecause it goes past westminster14:11
mungbeanmany used to have crash pads nr westminster14:12
SuperMattindeed, well if Harriet Harmon is one of those, she should be ashamed because I live in her constituency14:12
dwatkinsDoesn't Boris cycle around London (with a limo to carry his briefcase)?14:16
SuperMattI've no idea really14:17
SuperMattI kinda tune him out14:17
brobostigondwatkins: more than likely, yes.14:18
popeyhttp://neo900.org/index#donate 6.3K already14:51
MartijnVdSpopey: the next Ubuntu Phone?14:52
popeyDoesn't look beefy enough14:55
MartijnVdSpopey: Nexus 5 in (possibly) 5 minutes, 4 hours + 5 minutes otherwise (there are 2 rumoured release times)14:55
mgdmthe GTA04 isn't all that beefy14:55
popeyMartijnVdS: gimmie a link when you have it14:58
MartijnVdSpopey: OK, if I can't get it myself ;)14:59
popeyi dont want one ☻15:00
jussipopey: that hdmi thing was a bunch of fail. doesnt seem to work with my TV (some base resolution worked, but fails otherwise)15:02
jussi(ie. the boot screen on the digibox works)15:03
awilkinsWhen Nexus 5 comes out do we all get KitKat magically?  (hahahaha)15:03
jussiI need ot play some more, and it may need the optional power adapter15:03
MartijnVdSawilkins: I want to believe!15:03
penguin42bah, the morph kickstarter doesn't give you a morph (well you can get your own morph character for #1500)15:06
awilkinsNeo900 : sounds nice, I'll have to repossess my N900 from my daughter.15:08
opyatehey guys, can someone please point me to the final word on getting Wifi on Dell XPS 13 LE stable?15:13
popeyopyate: what version of ubuntu?15:13
opyate12.4.3 LTS15:14
opyatepopey: from experience, upgrading to fix one thing breaks 1000 other things15:14
popey sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-raring xserver-xorg-lts-raring libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-raring15:14
opyatepopey: thanks, I'll try that. Have you had similar issues?15:15
popeyno, i know others who have15:15
popeyit lets you run newer kernel on 12.0415:15
opyatepopey: that sounds great, thank you. I'll try now15:16
Myrttiwheeee now it works again15:32
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TheOpenSourcererOoops: http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/10/meet-badbios-the-mysterious-mac-and-pc-malware-that-jumps-airgaps/17:16
gordonjcpTheOpenSourcerer: yeah, *maybe*17:23
awilkinsTheOpenSourcerer, Seriously, that just has to be a Halloween story, right?17:23
gordonjcpit's a good story17:23
gordonjcpI guess it's *possible* to use audio to transmit data between machines without anyone noticing17:23
awilkinsUltrasonic packets delivered over speakers and mike to infect other machines at the BIOS level? Riiiiiight.17:23
awilkinsNot sure that standard laptop mikes can even record ultrasound17:24
gordonjcpawilkins: it didn't say that uninfected machines were affected by audio networking17:24
penguin42that sounds like a ghost story17:24
gordonjcpmight not have to be *that* high17:24
penguin42awilkins: Maaaaybe - but even if they could there's no way they could infect anything that way17:25
AlanBellyou can transmit/receive white noise data17:25
TheOpenSourcererDunno? Apparently the main main has been talking about it for some time now...17:25
AlanBellbut you kinda have to code up the receiving end to listen for it17:26
awilkinspenguin42, I've heard stories of digital radar sets being infected with malware via tailored radar bursts (via buffer overflows, etc)17:26
TheOpenSourcererThey do not say it's infecting over the air. Just already infected machines communicating.17:26
penguin42awilkins: OK, but they're job is to receive stuff from radar and process it - the bios/efi don't listen to audio17:26
TheOpenSourcererUnless it's been infected and told to...17:27
awilkinspenguin42, Yup... although it's being pitched as a way of networking an airgapped machine17:27
penguin42awilkins: Although I guess hmm chance of breaking a running speech processing app?17:27
awilkinsDunno. Well, I'm orf17:28
Myrttidwatkins: http://imgur.com/gallery/J5wG7Ut18:00
gordonjcpAlanBell: if you get your levels just right, you can run fldigi and use PSK31 across a moderately quiet room with just acoustic coupling18:00
gordonjcpAlanBell: although the distinctive purring burble is quite apparent18:00
penguin42gordonjcp: Well the stuff designed to cross the atlantic on audio I guess a noisy room would be a no-brainer18:01
gordonjcppenguin42: aha, no18:02
gordonjcppenguin42: it's extremely susceptible to in-band noise18:02
gordonjcpbecause it's incredibly narrow-band it's generally easy to find a spot where no-one is transmitting and use that18:02
penguin42ah ok18:03
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dwatkinsMyrtti: haha, has this meme overtaken lolcats?20:01
diddledanI’d tell you a UDP joke, but you may not get it.20:09
diddledanalternatively, I could tell you a joke about TCP, but I’d have to keep repeating it until you got it.20:09
diddledanI like IP jokes; it’s all in the delivery.20:09
MartijnVdSdiddledan: I know someone who talks like an owl.20:11
diddledanI'll bet he's a right hoot20:11
dwatkinsWhat's the secret of a good joke?20:23
BigRedSWhat's the current right way to stop network manager? I can't seem to find an upstart incantation that works21:09
MartijnVdSservice network-manager stop21:10
BigRedSI was afraid of that21:11
BigRedSstop: Unknown job: network-manager21:11
BigRedS/etc/init/network-manager.conf is there, which I think is what upstart wants21:11
MartijnVdSthat works on 13.10 for me21:11
BigRedSyeah, this is 13.1021:12
MartijnVdSyou need to be root, of course21:12
BigRedSyeah, I am21:12
BigRedShm. Might try a reboot, see if that helps...21:14
BigRedSbah :(21:16
BigRedSI did wonder about just booting into single when grub came up :)21:16
BigRedSHm. Solving my actual problem, though, network-manager seems to have stopped renegotiating eth0's connection for me, though21:46
popeyhttps://fixubuntu.com/ hmmm21:52
MartijnVdSpopey: automatix reborn?21:52
BigRedSthere's an ebay scope? Oooh21:53
MartijnVdSI only use the Alt+F2 interface, and the button bar on the side of course21:54
BigRedSoh, I think that's being speculative and future-proof21:54
BigRedSyeah, I haven't yet found anything that the windows key is good for searching for21:54
dwatkinsI don't have a windows key on my keyboard.21:55
BigRedSI do note it's now also got an "are you sure" intermediate required click, too :(21:55
daftykinspopey: btw i saw that dusty computer link :) it looked seriously fake!21:58
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=== alanbell is now known as AlanBell
knightwiseeevenin everyone22:03
BigRedSgoood morning!22:06
knightwisehey BigRedS22:06
BigRedSmorning! How's things?22:07
knightwisedoin fine... just stayed up a little later then usual uploading the latest podcast22:07
* knightwise is NEVER doing large video productions again :)22:07
MartijnVdSknightwise: talk to daubers if you do ;)22:07
knightwiseMartijnVdS: This is slowly turning from a video podcast into making a fracking documentary :)22:08
MartijnVdSknightwise Attenborough22:08
knightwisenah :) its a documentary about belgiums biggest cosplay event.22:09
knightwiseI just uploaded the first half hour .. and still have another half hour to go22:09
knightwise(about 7 interviews with cosplayers I need to edit.22:09
MartijnVdSknightwise: so more of a Jambers thing :P22:10
brobostigonif anyone has a spare £300, a nexus5 please. :D22:10
knightwiseMartijnVdS: :p thats cheap ..22:10
MartijnVdS"Overdag werkt zij gewoon op kantoor, maar 's avonds ontpopt zij zicht tot anime-cosplayster"22:10
knightwiseThe first part we do interviews with game studios like Grin, ubisoft and also some stores22:10
MartijnVdSknightwise: you can imagine the voice ;)22:10
knightwiseMartijnVdS: :p I knew the voice all too well22:10
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: sorry, spent my spare cash on my own N522:11
knightwisewe have some amazing cosplayers we interviewed ,so thats gonna be cool for part 222:11
knightwiseanyone get the N5 yet ?22:11
brobostigonMartijnVdS: ah, enjoy :)22:11
MartijnVdSknightwise: I have a tracking code, will get it before noon tomorrow \o/22:12
knightwisecool :)22:13
knightwiseI have a note3 and a samsung Gear here that I need to try out next week22:13
knightwiselooking forward to playing with that too22:13
knightwiseha :)22:15
knightwisepretty soon the google glassers are gonna be watching us22:15
knightwisehmm.. gave elementary os a try today22:18
knightwisepretty ok if you ask me22:18
BigRedSis that the osx lookalike?22:22
knightwisenot realy22:25
knightwiseits more light system friendly but still has pretty good looks22:25
knightwisedid an interview today for the next Knightwise.com podcast22:25
knightwiseso i decided to try it out first22:26
BigRedSAh yeah, it is the one I was thinking of; someone was telling me part of the point of it was to be osxalike22:38
diddledanI long for os x keybindings on a linux system22:49
diddledan(preferably ubuntu)22:49
diddledani.e. win+c = copy22:49
diddledanand I don't want to faff around implementing it myself! (before you suggest messing with the keymap)22:50
diddledanin os x win/apple/cmd and ctrl are two independant keys so just swapping the keymap around isn't really sufficient22:51
shaunotried that.  gave up.  it's not the keymap that's the problem.  every major toolkit uses windows-style menu accelerators23:02
=== TheGhostOfLjL is now known as LjL
penguin42popey: http://elinux.org/RPi_Screens  suggests in principal the Pi could take displays with MIPI23:43
diddledanpenguin42: MIPI?23:47
penguin42diddledan: It's a standard interface that's apparently on a lot of stuff23:47
diddledanI see23:48
diddledanthat link took me here to this purdy screen: http://www.panelook.com/LQ101R1SX01_SHARP_10.1_LCM_overview_20064.html23:51
diddledanthat's a lotta pixies23:51
penguin42yeh I think that's the one used in the Google Pixels23:57
penguin42the Lenovo Yoga2 and one of the Sammy laptops have a higher res 1123:58

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