
greg-gweeee, fatals caused by a bad deploy:00:14
rick_h__someone should look into that :p00:15
greg-g:) post-mortem being written00:17
cmaloneyYay post mortems00:19
cmaloneymy favorite mortem00:19
greg-ggoes well with a fully album of post-rock00:20
greg-gfully? full00:20
greg-g(I blame irc over 3ish sometimes 4g)00:21
cmaloneyYeah 3g really fucks with my adjectives too.00:27
greg-galso, saying "site outage" is a great way to not have to chat with random people on the bus home :)00:32
rick_h__you excuse making introvert00:36
greg-gthey then proceed to mistake irssi for "code"00:36
cmaloneyfuck, if IRC isn't code then I'm really slacking00:41
greg-gno shit, right?00:42
rick_h__morning and happy rainy halloween12:08
brouschSpent too much time on the boy's costume for it to rain all day12:12
brouschworked some wood for the shield12:14
cmaloneyGood morning13:01
cmaloneybrousch: That's awesome!13:01
brouschMy wife did a great job13:02
brouschHe has boot-like shoe covers too13:02
jrwrenbrousch: awesome14:00
cmaloneyI have the laziest work-costume possible14:05
cmaloneyJeans and a Casper T-Shirt14:06
jrwrenwell done.14:06
brouschCasper the friendly ghost?14:07
cmaloneyGot one of them from SF14:07
brouschWhy would you go to California for a Casper t-shirt? You must be the biggest fanboy evar14:09
cmaloneyHar har14:10
cmaloneyI don't mean greg-g-ville14:10
jrwrenis it from the Casper movie 1994?14:18
cmaloneyNot sure. It's just a white casper (cartoon-style) on a black shirt.14:19
jcastrogreg-g, I am working on a badass charm bundle for mediawiki14:21
jcastrogreg-g, I'll take the pepsi challenge on ease of deployment vs. anyone outside of you guys14:21
brouschjcastro: Include a wikipedia clone script so anyone can easily deploy their own Wikipedia fork14:24
jcastrothat's pretty easy to modify in the charm14:26
jcastroTOO EASY14:27
jcastroactually, the charm does need a bunch of work to enable that as a config option, etc.14:27
brouschgreg-g will be made redundant when anyone can one click deploy their own wikipedia14:27
jrwrenjcastro: really?14:28
jrwrenbrousch: i don't think greg-g is a sysadmin there.14:28
cmaloneyiirc he manages the devops over there.14:36
rick_h__he's release manager14:36
rick_h__so when the release went bad (yesterday) it's his job to get it fixed up, documented, update the process, etc14:36
greg-gjcastro: wait, we do it easy? :) you should see what happened yesterday. Dependencies are hard, yo :)14:48
greg-gwhat rick_h__ said14:49
=== lmorchard is now known as lmorchard|offlin
rick_h__oh happy day http://r.bmark.us/u/445514a604ea0715:40
greg-gsure, AFTER I take the job with way less traveling....15:41
=== lmorchard|offlin is now known as lmorchard|away
rick_h__greg-g: be happy for the rest of us :P15:48
cmaloneyIt was a stupid rule anyway. I'm glad they're finally doing away with it.16:10
cmaloneyOK, pet peeve #n+1: eBooks with blank pages16:16
greg-g"This page intentionally left blank."16:16
cmaloneyThat's another one16:16
cmaloneyI get the layout things, but c'mon.16:17
rick_h__jrwren: you heading to codemash?16:23
* rick_h__ is debating getting a ticket since there's still some available16:23
greg-grick_h__: I think he is16:24
cmaloneyAre those only available for people who went before?16:31
cmaloneyI've stopped following it because it seemed stacked against me ever going16:31
cmaloneyKind of like Google I/O. ;)16:32
rick_h__cmaloney: I think they had some get lost/open for sale so debating16:35
widoxrick_h__: were you able to secure enough seating for chc long edition last night?16:42
rick_h__widox: yea, worked out, just the 4 of us16:43
cmaloneySurprisingly it wasn't crowded last night16:53
cmaloneybut tables were still at a premium16:53
cmaloneyI think the "get in early" is the best approach16:53
cmaloneymaybe the next few CHCs need to be early-editions?16:53
jrwrenrick_h__: yes, I'm going to codemash. it shall be glorious17:12
jrwrenrick_h__: register for all 4 days, we will do python and ubuntu openspaces the whole conference long.17:13
jrwrenthat is my plan anyway.17:13
jrwreni'll troll you about juj17:13
brouschI thought at codemash you were supposed to go to talks that you don't normally attend17:16
rick_h__it's more "convince the ruby/java folks there's more to life out there" :P17:16
ColonelPanic001anyone using Firefox 25 on linux?17:17
rick_h__nope, 2717:18
ColonelPanic001notice any problems?17:18
ColonelPanic001I find often, clicking a tab or the page closes it17:18
ColonelPanic001since the upgrade, that is17:18
_stink_it's your window manager17:25
jrwrenoriginally it was convincing the .net folks that there is more out there.17:33
cmaloneyColonelPanic001: Only weirdness I've seen is when it can't connect to the internet when checking plugins17:38
cmaloneyother  than that, nothing strange.17:38
brouschjrwren: So did they give up on the .net folks?17:39
ColonelPanic001thanks cmaloney17:39
jrwrenlol, no. its grown so much and industry has changed that .net is no longer the majority at that conf.17:40
jrwreni think i'd say JS is majority17:40
brouschbah, who needs JS?17:42
* rick_h__ looks at editor/browser and raises hand17:44
rick_h__I was pointing out last night, I'm as pro python as anyone, but not afraid of any JS :P https://github.com/CanonicalJS/juju-gui/graphs/contributors17:44
brouschJS might be the one language nearly everyone needs17:47
rick_h__only if you need to be online17:47
rick_h__which some things do not17:47
rick_h__or I guess you love gnome17:47
brouschAre purely offline apps really apps at all? Or are they just protoypes?17:48
brouschWhen it grows up to a real app, it will be online17:48
jrwrenugh... canonicaljs18:05
greg-gheh, and again today:18:35
greg-gawww, rick's gone18:35
greg-gmediawiki fatals/sec is what that is (the red)18:35
cmaloneyDamn, greg-g. what's going on?18:35
greg-gbad testing18:37
greg-g(isn't that what it always is?)18:37
cmaloneyThat's usally where the smoking gun is, yes18:37
cmaloneyBut what's the motive?18:37
cmaloneyAnd where in the house did it happen18:37
cmaloneyand why is Col. Mustard sneaking up behind me?18:38
rick_h_oh hey, wtf happened19:15
rick_h_irc split/crash a roo19:15
brouschpopey is in #kivy inquiring about Kivy on Ubuntu Touch :)19:31
cmaloneyBela Lugosi's Dead19:32
brouschNot for long19:33

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