
chris4585what wrst said, not to mention anything openbox is awesome00:07
chris4585hey wrst00:37
wrsthowdy chris458500:48
chris4585hey wrst00:51
chris4585how goes things wrst ?00:51
wrstpretty good you?00:51
chris4585I'm redoing my control center and I'm liking what I've got so far00:57
chris4585but I'm good :D00:57
wrstcontrol center?01:03
Unit193Big secret.01:08
chris4585sorry about that, I'm messing with wires lol01:09
wrsthowdy Unit19301:52
Unit193Howdy again.01:53
wrstI tried Ubuntu touch some more , it has some promise01:53
Unit193...You're saying openbox doesn't work with touch? :(01:54
netritiouswrst: not enough havoc if no ascii art flooding ;-)02:01
wrstha well that is Unit193 's department02:01
netritiousUnit193: d/l iso now02:02
wrsthow are you doing netritious ? and Unit193 has a pretty slick openbox swetup02:02
netritiousdoing fine wrst...you?02:03
wrstdoing well, I am tinkering with this nexus 7 I should have gotten one of these a long time ago02:05
Unit193Yey!  He doesn't hate it. :P02:08
Unit193netritious: Great.02:08
Unit193\o   LET'S   o/02:08
Unit193 |>  DISCO! <|02:08
Unit193< \         / >02:08
Unit193I have a couple small, no color ones, not many. :P02:09
netritiousUnit193: did you follow a tut to make the meta package, or ...you are just ninjaro like that?02:11
Unit193wrst: Annnnd I have a merge proposal in for ubiquity that will make it show up in the Openbox menu, and the maintainer/dev said it looked good.02:12
wrstcool Unit19302:12
Unit193netritious: I had been working on xubuntu-core meta, and got sidetracked by something a couple from my loco were going to do a couple years ago. :P02:12
wrstare you starting an openbox derivative?02:12
Unit193(So, neither?)02:12
Unit193wrst: Nah, at least not long term.02:12
Unit193May go on the netbook though.02:13
wrstwould be great on a netbook02:13
netritiousi've always assumed a meta pkg was just a config file defining some other packages to be installed.02:15
Unit193Depends, I used germinate, for the most part.02:15
netritiousUnit193: that's neat...bookmarked02:18
Unit193netritious: It's not the home, just there for now.  When I uploaded, I deleted several outdated things on there. :P02:18
netritiousUnit193: i meant germinate is neat :-) haven't tried the iso yet.02:20
Unit193Aha, I should read the manpage, or something, of germinate. >_>   That was my other guess.02:21
Unit193chris4585: Keep zapping yourself with the wires?02:33
netritiouschris4585: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131877 <-- my board02:34
netritioushttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113285 <-- cpu02:35
netritioushttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820239223 <-- ram (x4)02:38
netritioushttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130765 <-- gpu02:39
chris4585Unit193, well my ethernet jack lost its tab02:44
chris4585netritious, I'm kind of jelly of your mobo02:45
chris4585I wanted to get a sabertooth at the time, but right now I'm stuck with what I got, also that is pretty respectable, I love amd's fx cpus02:46
netritiousyeah our systems are probably more alike than different02:47
netritiousmy main system drive is Samsung 840 pro but watching revolution ATM...02:48
chris4585lol yes, I have two regular 840s02:54
Unit193netritious: Oh, and I ended up not waiting for trusty to get cryptsetup and backport it myself, pulled from Debian and rebuilt.  Shouldn't matter much as the biggest change is in the package cryptsetup and I'll be using/am using cryptsetup-bin and libcryptsetup4.  Works nicely! (With truecrypt volumes.)02:55
wrstnice place average_guy  :-)11:32
average_guygood morning wrst :)  I do get tired of PuTTY posting my clipboard everytime I right click11:34
wrstcan you change that setting?11:35
wrstthat used to annoy me now I have gotten so that I like it when I use putt11:35
average_guyIt is sooooo good to not be working today.  I have been ready for some time off to nerd-out with my computers.11:41
wrstha ha good deal, what are you doing today? so we can live through you as we slave away :)11:42
average_guyI'm playing with Vsphere on my servers right now11:44
average_guyI have vsphere being from the linux world, but my brother who is an sysadmin for a bank in NC insists vsphere is the way of the future11:48
average_guyI *hate vsphere11:48
wrstI'm not very familiar with vmware stuff, being the hobbyist I am11:55
average_guyI too am simply a hobbiest, but I just like to learn and stay up on how things are changing.11:58
average_guyplus ppl keep giving me commercial grade hardware and I feel obligated to do SOMETHING awesome with it11:59
average_guyso diskless servers/SAN is what I trying for11:59
wrstnice :)12:13
twaynepriceaverage_guy: I use vsphere a lot.14:14
wrstmorning twayneprice14:32
wrstaverage_guy, twayneprice is a pro ;)14:33
twaynepricehow's it going wrst15:52
wrstwell twayneprice how about you?16:28
twaynepricePretty good. Just had lunch.  :)17:04
wrstMe too, it just brightens up the day :)17:12
cyberangerthen you get that 2:30 feeling...17:16
wrstwell with a two year old i had a 3AM feeling... so the 2:30 feeling might just be a straight up nap!17:17
twaynepricewrst: Good idea!  I should pull a Costanza and sleep under my desk.  :)17:21
wrstha ha17:21
cyberangerbonus points if you use a cot you keep at your desk with a noisey hippo like abby sciuto17:43
twaynepricecyberanger: I had to do a search on abby sciuto   :)18:42
cyberangernot an ncis fan, that's ok, I had to search for the seinfeld reference18:43
cyberangerhe's done some good stand up too18:43
twaynepriceWe must be a generation apart.  :)18:44
wrstnexus 5 is released....18:45
* wrst waits to see if he can get it to work18:45
cyberangernot entirely sure if it's a generation apart as much as I've forgotten alot about the show18:46
cyberangersince it's been awhile since it wasn't just reruns18:47
twaynepriceActually I just watched the reruns.  I never watched it while it was on.18:47
twaynepricewrst: Looks like a pretty good phone for $350.18:48
wrstyeah twayneprice, if it will work on ting I'm in18:48
wrstthey are having to negotiate that with sprint so we shall see but seems to be a fairly positive feel it will happen18:48
wrstbut its not going to verizon18:48
wrstI have never filled up a 16GB phone but with no SD card slot I will probably go with the 32GB option18:49
cyberangeroh yeah, scratch previous statement, two missing features18:50
cyberangermicrosd card reader and dual sim slots18:52
wrstyeah sd card missing is a pain, but seems like samsung is one of the few left doing that especially on a higher end phone18:56
cyberangeryeah, sadly19:26
wrstand I like a replaceable battery also, but they say without it they can be thinner19:29
cyberangerthat scratches it off my list, can't verify it's off19:36
wrstcyberanger: from my understanding of how this phone works i could be on cdma and then also use a gsm carrier, so while not dual sim, for me it could work almost that way... maybe19:38
cyberangerif it's built like a world phone20:03
wrstI suspect it is but again certainly not for sure and really won't mater to me really20:05

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